109 Pics Taken Seconds Before Disaster That Will Make You Feel Pain Just By Looking At Them

Sometimes somebody takes a photograph so perfectly timed that it can never be recreated, no matter how hard you try. We have all seen post-tragedy photos of terrible accidents, but there is something particularly ominous and haunting about pre-tragedy photos.

Check out the list below for tragic and also hilarious pictures taken seconds before a disaster took place.

I’m Not Even Sorry

This is a beautiful moment before disaster struck. Dogs have a sweet tooth just like we do. Although they don’t have as many taste buds as humans, they can taste sweetness — and become addicted to sugary foods just as easily. I had my eye on this cupcake as well.

Perfect Timing

We don't know if this girl planned this, but the picture turned out amazing.

It is stunningly beautiful! She looks like a sorceress or something and the whole photo is even aesthetically pleasing. We are sure though that she did not look as happy after that wave struck her.

I Lost My Glasses

Rock climbing can be most enjoyed in the great outdoors — where variables such as weather, rock, and scenery are constantly changing. This guy's glasses fell from his face as he climbed. Better the glasses than the guy, we just hope that he was able to see where he was climbing.

TransAsia Plane Crash

In February 2015, a TransAsia Airways flight, a domestic flight inside Taiwan, crashed into the Keelung River shortly after taking off. There were hundreds of people watching as the plane fell into the river, carrying 58 people inside – 42 of them sadly lost their lives in the crash.

Tsunami Disaster

We all remember that devastating tsunami that hit Southeast Asia back in 2004, which unfortunately took the lives of approximately 200,000 people. Among those who lost their lives in the tsunami was Deborah Garlick, a 31-year-old woman vacationing in Thailand at the time. Her parents, who were able to retrieve their daughter’s belongings, found this picture among her possessions.

Unicycle Bike

This is one very interesting photo and all credit to the photographer. It was taken almost 12 years ago. The boy's dad took the photo and no one believed them until they finally found the picture recently that proves it.

Bicycle Accident

Here is another situation with a bicycle accident. She's falling so artistically! Like: "Here I come to the ground, I'm not afraid!". We're not sure that this wasn’t staged. Maybe, they just put the bike there and she jumped into the air, but if it happened for real that poor girl took a very bad fall.


18-year-old Xenia Ignatyeva wanted to take a selfie that was a bit more extreme than your average one, while climbing onto a bridge that’s 30 feet high. There have been many cases of extreme selfies that resulted in death, and this time was no different. But it wasn’t the fall that ended Xenia’s life, it was during the fall when she tried to grab wires when 1,500 volts went through her body.

How About A Drink?

When dogs get excited, they’ll probably wag their tail. They might also leave behind a small puddle of pee. We’re not sure why this dog felt it was necessary to take a leak in that exact spot. Maybe he was very territorial and the girl was lying in his favorite area, so he decided to mark his space.

The Challenger Explosion

Astronauts know that if they’re lucky enough to be sent into space, their job holds many risks. But the NASA astronauts of The Challenger space shuttle knew it had already landed safely nine times and had little reason to suspect this time would be any different. In 1986 it made its way into space but tragically broke apart within 73 seconds, taking the lives of the five astronauts as well as two payload specialists on board the shuttle.

Apocalypse Wave

Rogue waves are unusually large, unpredictable, and suddenly appearing out of nowhere. These huge waves can be extremely dangerous to ships, even to large ones. This looks like a scene from the apocalypse movie although we are sure that this lady wasn’t feeling like a moviestar at that moment.

My Dog Threw Up

Dog vomiting may happen for several reasons. It could be that your dog ate more than they could handle or ate too fast, or your dog could have eaten too much grass. Maybe this dog just wanna say: "This is what I think about your selfies, waaaaah"


What happened to the Titanic is still one of the most famous tragedies in history. The ship, which was dubbed “unsinkable”, hit an iceberg and began sinking. Everyone knows the famous James Cameron film made about the catastrophic event, but we tend to forget there were real, actual people , 1500 people who lost their lives that day.

Beware Of Ice

This kid, in a rush to get to the playground, took a big fall when he slipped on the frozen path. We just hope that he still got to enjoy the playground after he recovered from the fall.

Bridal Shower

You've planned it all down to the very last detail with matching bridesmaids’ dresses, a stunning bouquet, a gorgeous and yummy cake, and a photographer that's sure to capture images worthy of the greatest Instagram captions. This bride did not plan this though, poor girl had her gown wrecked! Hopefully, they can laugh about it in the future.

Lightning Strike

This photo may have seemed cool to these brothers, Sean and Michael, as they were taking it while camping in the Sequoia National Park in California. What happened next was downright frightening. Moments after this picture was taken, the two brothers were both struck by lightning. What are the odds, right? Luckily enough, they survived the strike and moved on with their lives. But this picture will serve as a constant reminder of what had happened.

Alligator And Fish

Alligators are opportunistic feeders. Their diets include prey species that are abundant and easily accessible. Juvenile alligators eat primarily insects, amphibians, small fish, and other invertebrates. This fish is suicidal, he made it very easy for the Alligator to catch a meal.

Dangerous Selfie

The ball seems to be going straight for her. This is not a selfie. The woman is a sports reporter, and the picture is a still from a clip taken by a news camera. This image appears to have been altered from the original (lower picture quality, the ball nearly hitting her is real). The ball was passing to her right and missed her by millimetres.

A Daredevil Takes A Fall

Pavel Kashin performed amazing stunts. He managed to astound people over and over, but one day he just ran out of luck. He attempted to do a backflip on the roof of a 16-floor-building, and although he did manage to complete the flip and land safely – his balance was lost once he landed.

Co-Pilot's First Combat Mission

Spilling water for luck is a folk custom in Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, and other nearby countries. According to folk belief, spilling water behind the person who goes on a journey, or to do a job, will bring good luck, and is done so that the travel or the job will end happily. This was the co-pilot's first combat mission. And this is how his colleagues wished him luck.

Carey Price

Carey Price is a Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender for the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League (NHL). He keeps a close and big eye on the puck. And a face protector saves the day, still very scary though.

Perfectly Timed Shark

This is an amazing picture but also scary. The Florida Museum of Natural History’s International Shark Attack File investigated 129 alleged shark-human interactions worldwide in 2020. ISAF confirmed 57 unprovoked shark bites on humans and 39 provoked bites. Always wise to take note of the: “Beware Sharks” signs when you go for a swim.

Trying Out The Camera

This picture was taken accidentally, by a budding photographer who only wanted to test out his camera lens in 1970. What he caught was the astounding image of a man named Keith Sapsford, who was, for some reason, hidden inside the wheel well of this plane. When the plane took off from Sydney, Keith went into freefall, falling 200 feet straight to the ground. The photographer probably couldn’t believe the horrifying moment he had caught on camera.

Curiosity Kills The Cat

This little boy was just too curious about the outcome of the experiment and he got showered with coke. The little girl in the back is like... "Boys will be boys...", no matter what age they are.

Band On Fire

In 2003, a horrible fire was started in Rhode Island, at The Station nightclub, while the band Great White was performing. This picture was taken just as the band’s guitarist turned around and noticed the fire, right before the whole club went up in flames. The fire sadly took the lives of about 100 people who were in the club that evening.


Why do people love sledding? Sledding can lift your spirits. Being outside not only helps you to get essential vitamin D from the sun ,but also offers an escape from the demands of living in a digital age. This girl is in the perfect sledding picture, hopefully disaster did not strike right after the picture was taken.

Paul Walker Stepping Into The Car

Everyone was devastated when Fast and Furious actor Paul Walker tragically lost his life in a car crash. The sad irony was that his death had so much to do with his famous franchise. In 2013, he was pictured getting into this 2005 Porsche Carrera GT, for the ride that would take his life.


This girl loves to swing, but we are all aware that there are risks involved when you swing. What happens when the swing breaks? We hope she is not seriously injured. And this is an amazingly timed photo of a swing breaking.

A New Aircraft

It was in the 1940s when these people took part in the demonstration of a brand new aircraft. One of these people was William Becker, who was the mayor of St. Louis at that time. This picture was taken right before the plane took off, and as you can see, the group seems pretty content. Unfortunately, immediately after takeoff, the plane’s right wing broke and it crashed, sadly killing all ten passengers who were on board the aircraft.

Jaguar Attack

Jaguar attacks on humans are rare nowadays. In the past, they were more frequent, at least after the arrival of the Conquistadors in the Americas. The risk to humans would likely increase if the number of capybaras, the jaguar's primary prey, decreased. Looks like the poor jaguar is hurt... look at his paw Might have been a snare!

Jet-Skiing Over Niagara Falls.

Robert Overacker didn’t try to pull this stunt just to show off – he was trying to raise money for an important cause and help homeless people in need. He knew he had to get major attention to the cause if he wanted to raise money, so he thought up something big – jet-skiing over Niagara Falls. He might have succeeded if his parachute hadn’t failed to open, but sadly – Robert fell and lost his life for the cause.

Right Before The Hit

When you are hit in the upper face (by a ball for example) it can fracture the delicate bones around the sinuses, eye sockets, bridge of the nose, or cheekbones. We hope that this girl passed without serious injuries.

No Way To Stop

We know very well how this can hurt. Especially when you have no hips to cushion your fall. Hopefully this was this girl’s first and last fall on roller skates.

Soft Landing

Small children are excellent escape artists when it comes to escaping their caretaker’s watchful eye or protective hand. This little guy at least was rewarded with a soft landing. Hopefully he was also available to escape a well deserved hiding.

Front Row Action

Sitting in the front row of a game is a great way to feel like a part of the action that’s happening on the court. We’re guessing this isn’t the kind of action these fans were looking for when they bought their tickets. These three team-supporters unexpectedly received a mouthful of excitement (and pain) at this match.

Last Known Photo Of Biggie Smalls

Christopher Wallace, the famous rapper known as Biggie Smalls or The Notorious B.I.G., lost his life after a drive-by shooter hit him four times back in 1997. The rapper had said he hired a security detail because he feared for his life, being a celebrity, but unfortunately, they were unable to protect him this time.

Having a Splashing Time

One minute, you’re posing in front of a beautiful body of water. Next, a huge wave comes from nowhere and the collision causes a massive splash of water that covers your entire body. This young woman didn’t see it coming, at all.

Too Close For Comfort

This guy looks so close to the ground we can almost hear his sweat hit the pavement. We wonder if he made it or if this routine ended with his guy banging his head on the ground – we hope for his sake that he landed it. It takes a lot of practice and guts to take your skills to the street, and we admire and salute his courage!

No Time to Dodge

When you’re playing dodgeball, it is probably a good idea not to stand still and pose for the camera midway through the game. That’s what happened to this young woman, who we assume got bored. Maybe it was a double act prank, with the photographer distracting her so that someone else could smack her in the face with the ball. It checks out!

Bye Bye Groceries

Have you ever been walking down the street on the way home from the store and all of a sudden, you realize that all of your groceries are gradually falling out from the bottom?

We’re not sure what’s worse – if this happens on the sidewalk or if it happens while you are walking up the stairs on the way to your apartment. Word of advice for next time: put the bag of groceries into another bag. It usually prevents this sort of thing from happening.

Eagles Attack

This animal paparazzi found out that some eagles don’t want their pictures to be taken. By the looks of this photo this eagle is a very private bird and protective of it’s privacy. We bet this photographer was a bit more cautious after this interaction with an eagle.


This selfie was taken a second before the volcano in the background erupted. This guy got an epic photo, as hot as lava, but this pose could have gone terribly wrong if the timing wasn’t perfect.

Pushed off the platform

Many people, when they find themselves on a crowded train platform that’s full of strangers, worry about getting shoved to the tracks. This picture is that nightmare come true, as Ki-Suk Han was pushed in the NYC subway, onto the train tracks just as a train was approaching. He was unable to pull himself up, and he tragically died as the train made its way to the platform.

Hot Spot

Rugby is indeed a physical and very rough sport played by the really big and tough boys. But these players took physicality to a whole different level. We sincerely hope that no biting was involved here.

Volleyball Magnet

Grandma used to be a boy magnet in her younger years. But now she has become a volleyball magnet. This relaxed and unsuspecting grandma enjoyed watching her grandkids play volleyball very much up until the moment that she was struck in the face by the ball.

Chicken On The Top

It’s not safe to ride on top of a car. But this chicken didn’t heed at all. Where in the world have you ever seen a chicken being attacked by a vicious tiger whilst in transit on the roof of a vehicle? What is this world coming to?

You Had One Job

If you look closely, you can see there is a man desperately trying to save this Porsche – we wonder how that went for him. We can’t imagine what the person in charge of this car thought when he forgot to pull up the emergency brake when they parked (or attempted to park) this car

Falling For You

There is so much going on in this photo we don’t know where to begin. This looks like a situation he is thrilled to be in, his girlfriend, on the other hand, well, that’s a different story.

It’s hard to tell if she is upset because her boyfriend is kissing another woman or because he’s about to drop her. Considering everyone at the party is wearing the same shirt, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that they’re also hooking up with each other.

Malaysian Airplane Crash

In 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was shot down on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The guy in this picture, Gary Slok, and his mother Petra took this picture on their way to what they thought would be a relaxing vacation. But sadly, it ended in tragedy when a missile took down the airplane, taking the lives of everyone who was on the plane.

A Tale Of Love

This guy is still living in the moment where his cat is very much his best friend. Look at the innocence and bliss on his face. The cat though looks like he has other plans. This is a tale of love, trust, and betrayal.

Ebola Outbreak

The Ebola virus has proved to be one of the most lethal, and horrible viruses on the planet. Even some medical professionals fear contracting the virus, but this nurse – Mayinga N’Seka – worked with Ebola patients and tried to keep other people safe from the illness. This picture was taken during the outbreak in 1976, just days before N’Seka contracted the virus herself and passed away from the horrid illness that took 280 people’s lives.

Who Hauls

Being persistent works, sometimes, but other times it gets you into situations like this. By the looks of it, this U-Haul driver thought he could make it through this tunnel without a problem. He almost made it but got stuck at the very end of the tunnel. The most awkward part about this is the fact that there is a huge sign that says no trucks. The truck on the sign looks exactly like the one stuck in the photo, ironic.

Seagulls Are The Worst

We hope you weren't excited about that crepe, because it's gone now. You have to be on the watchout and alert at all times when you are having breakfast with Seagulls circling you. Apparently this one has a craving for crepes.

Don't Mess With Kitty

This cat was being obnoxious so the photographer shoved his camera in her face and took a picture. Famous last words. We wonder who had the last word here though, the photographer or the cat.

Team Player

We call this one, Murphy's law. How on earth did this kid manage to sit directly behind the ONLY sprinkler that’s working on this whole field? Everyone is so focussed on what their instructor is saying, they’re missing the masterpiece that is happening right in front of their eyes.

I Now Pronounce You…

Picture this, you’re showing your coworkers photos of the wedding you attended last weekend. Everyone comments on how beautiful the bride is – when all of a sudden, you realize that the groom looks a little different from what you remember him. This photo couldn’t have been more perfectly timed.

Flight 182

It was the morning of September 1978, and Pacific Southwest Airlines flight 182 was making its way from Sacramento to San Diego. Disaster struck as the plane collided with a private Cessna 172 light plane, causing it to dive into the ground. Whoever took this picture witnessed the catastrophe as the plane crashed.

Brace Yourself

Sometimes you just know what's about to happen and there's just no way to prevent it. But dude, don't put the balloon between your legs like that. Your knees will take too much of the force and that balloon may not pop.

Goat In The Room

That moment the goat rushed headfirst. We imagine that you may have the question, "Why is there a goat in their bedroom?" Well, we don't have the answer. If you're planning on it, make sure the safe search is on!

Yellow Belt

Looking at this photo, it may seem to you like the dog is imitating its owner, but then you realize there is a little surprise to this photo. Yup, it’s exactly what you’re thinking.

We’ll never know why the dog lifted his leg at that exact moment, but what we do know is that this makes for an awkward and equally hilarious photo.

BBQ Disaster

One guy wrote: "A few years ago, my backyard BBQ ended up in disaster. At least Google street-view was there to take photos" Hey Google, tell me how to put out a BBQ fire as fast as possible!

Horrifying Moment On Live Television

Budd Dwyer went on live television, and to everyone’s horror, pulled out a weapon. He wasn’t intending on hurting anyone, except himself. The media workers and journalists present had to witness as Dwyer took his own life on live television. This photo was taken moments before this horrible tragedy occurred, and you can just see how distressed he seemed at that moment.

Mid-Air Struggle Behind The Newly Wed.

Now that is one way to crash a wedding. Just flying through the air professing your undying love for the bride and praying that she'll not be mad you soaked her wedding dress. We are sure that the bride stuck to the groom that stood with both feet on the ground.

The Moth

That kid has no fear of the burning candle. She was attracted to that shining light like a moth to a flame. Luckily the parents were able to prevent her from touching the flame and burning her little fingers.

A Mysterious Case

Dutch tourists Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers look so happy in this selfie they took while hiking in Panama. Unfortunately, they never returned from this hike. They were supposed to go on this hike along with a tour guide but decided to go into the woods by themselves a day early and disappeared.

Watch Your Hair

The coworker set her hair on fire while blowing out the candles on her birthday cake. The well timed photo was taken a split second before anybody realized what was happening.. The person who posted the photo explained that her friend was totally fine in case people were worried!

A Recipe For Disaster.

Mmm, this mango cocktail has a very distinct taste, on a completely unrelated note, does anyone want to order some chips? Never pour harmful liquids in random bottles, the consequences can be disastrous.

The Greatest Showman

Circus performances can be incredibly suspenseful for the crowds, especially when the stakes are high. Perhaps that’s why Karl Wallenda, a circus legend, often opted to perform without a safety net – for mere showmanship. Unfortunately, this time when he walked the wire, he lost his balance and fell 121 feet to the ground. He was 73 when he tragically lost his life, but at least he was doing what he loved.

Hugh Jackman Chucks Snowball At Daughter.

Ah, the only reason why people have children is to occasionally torture the little freeloaders! Good to see most celebrities are just like normal people as well! I'd like to see Gwyneth Paltrow do something like this though, "Is that a Goop snowball? If not, put it the hell down!"

Bai Chay Bridge is Falling Down

Since seeing this photo, we can’t stop singing, “Bai Chay Bridge is falling.” This is a fail if we’ve ever seen one. By the looks of it, this cargo ship was deep at sea when these containers fell to their fate. We hope that whatever was in these containers wasn’t too valuable. We have a feeling that if a sequel to Titanic is ever made, this photo will be the inspiration for it.

Joh-no Hill!

Nothing worse than when someone gets a goofy picture of you when you're trying so hard to look cool. All in black, the tattoos, the beard, the shades, and yet all anyone is looking at is the damn cup about to ruin his day.

The Burning Windmill

The Netherlands is known for its beautiful countryside and its windmills. But when this picture was taken, two engineers who were performing maintenance on the turbine became trapped, when the windmill suddenly caught fire. Their only way out was blocked due to the fire, and they realized it was the end of the road for them. One of the engineers decided to jump off, while the other stayed on the turbine and was killed by the fire.

He Just Gave Up

You know you’re in an awkward situation when you’re the only one walking towards something everyone around you is running away from. We’re not sure how this individual missed the huge wave that’s coming straight at them, but he seems oblivious to what's about to happen. There is no way this ended well.


The way this photo was perfectly timed a second before he hits the water makes for the perfect fail photo. Maybe it’s a bachelor party that got a little too out of hand? There are so many backstories one could give this photo, and we want to know the truth behind it. Is that too much to ask?

A Dangerous Encounter

People sometimes don’t quite grasp just how dangerous wild animals can be. This person encountered a grizzly bear in the forest and wanted to take a few pictures. Alas, within moments of taking this picture, the bear made its way to the person. His phone was found in the woods after the incident, and it had the teeth marks of the bear that attacked him.

Like A Cat On A China Shelf

Look, if you've got a cat, why did you think that putting so much glass in such a confined space, and so high off the ground, would be a good idea? Even the cat has that expression of, "Well, if you'd have thought about this, we wouldn't find ourselves in this mess would we?"

Watch Your Step

Painting the interior walls in the hallway is the easiest way to freshen up your building. But this project can quickly turn into a nightmare if you are not careful. What were these guys thinking, this couldn’t have turned out well.

Poor Situational Awareness

Good Boy. Much like most good dogs, this one probably just shook it off, picked up the evil flying disk, and went back to his human for more. This is what we call being committed to the task at hand.

Princess Diana’s final moments

The entire world wept the day Princess Diana lost her life in a 1997 car crash, aged only 36. This picture was shot that day, before the car crashed in a road tunnel in Paris, taking the lives of Diana, her companion Dodi Fayed, and the driver – leaving her bodyguard as the lone survivor. What a sad day.

The Calm Before The Storm

This photo is taken before the biggest food fight at one American high school. If someone was throwing a bin, odds are there was a kid in it or they were throwing it specifically at someone. However, we love the calm before the storm aesthetic of this picture.

Bracing For Impact

If you get into a water balloon fight, you expect to get wet. But a balloon to the noggin is always going to be a shock. This guy was bracing himself for what he knew was to follow.

Going Extreme

Snowboarder Marco Siffredi wanted to prove he could snowboard down Mount Everest, and he succeeded in doing it. Although he made it to the top, he was already feeling exhausted, and probably suffered from a lack of oxygen. He began to descend the Hornbein Couloir route, but no one has seen him since.

Too Late To Stop

In this situation, all you can do is try to slow your momentum and attempt to protect your most vulnerable body parts. We sincerely hope that this boy succeeded in that.

29 Swept away by Niagara Falls

This couple was taking a lovely picture together while vacationing together in Niagara Falls. However, the girl behind them dressed in red – a Japanese tourist – was also getting her picture taken, leaning over the barrier. When she tried to come back over the railings, she slipped and lost her balance. She fell into the water, sadly losing her life in the process.

Killer Wave Man

This is not the sort of wave that they were hoping to catch. Bit of a rude move from the person driving that car as well, the only time that it is acceptable to do this to someone is if they're riding a bike.

Taken Seconds Before Disaster

This kid’s day is about to go from bad to worse. Those fantastic little yellow booties are gonna do nothing against the wild eyes of those orange ball-starved hounds. Never let a toddler hold the dog's lead!

Disappeared in Yosemite

The feet you see in this picture belong to a hiker, who took this photo of himself with this incredible view while out on a hike in Yosemite. After taking this picture, the hiker went missing – only to be found a month later at the bottom of a cliff. His phone was recovered at the top of the cliff ledge, so it’s believed that the hiker sadly lost his footing and fell off the cliff.


A mechanical bull is a device that replicates the sensation of riding a bucking animal, such as a rodeo bull. Although injuries from mechanical bulls are relatively rare, there are a variety of ways that a person can be injured while riding a mechanical bull. This is a well-photographed moment of a falling girl.

James Dean’s Cursed Car

James Dean was truly one of a kind, as his unique charm won over everyone’s hearts and turned him into a cultural icon. Shortly after taking this picture, 24-year-old Dean tragically lost his life in a head-on car crash while driving this Porsche Spyder, after suffering major injuries that he could not recover from.

Rolling Chairs

Leaning back in a chair can be a risky feat - once you hit a certain point, the only place to go is backward. Besides getting hurt this way, your self esteem also takes a knock whenever this happens to you.

Only Thor Should Swing A Hammer

What we find fascinating about this image is that the victim hasn't yet realized his fate, but the guy that threw it knows a mistake has been made. This one most probably ended very tragically if that hammer actually struck the man.

Last photo Of The Humboldt Broncos

Canadian junior Hockey team, The Humboldt Broncos, were on their way to a game in Saskatchewan when their bus got hit by a semi-trailer truck. The truck driver failed to stop at a flashing stop sign and hit the bus at approximately 62 miles an hour. The crash killed sixteen people and injured thirteen. 14 of the players and coaches in this picture were among the people whose lives ended in this accident.

Why Is This A Common Thing?

If your dog bites someone, you will probably find yourself worried and upset. After a dog bite occurs, your first reaction might be shock or panic. If the dog looks anxious or upset, maybe don't take the photo in order to prevent this from happening.

Last Shot Ever

Aside from being a symbol of the elite, golf has been deemed the most boring sport in the world by many. But, what happens if you get hit in the head with a golf ball? It can cause transient disturbances in the work of the brain or cause your brain not to function normally. Unfortunately, the character he photographed probably experienced that.

Facing A Tiger

This poor 20-year-old man, named Maqsood Khan, apparently jumped into the white tiger den in India’s New Delhi zoo. People watched with anxiety for 15 minutes as the tiger stood before Khan and assessed him, while Khan himself seemed to be praying. Unfortunately, as bystanders began throwing rocks at the tiger in an attempt to distract it away from Khan, it became angry and attacked him. Reports have said he may have been suffering from mental illness, which could explain why he jumped over.


It's hard to tell if the woman has realized yet what was happening to her when this photo was taken. She could be in the middle of talking or she could be opening her mouth in surprise. We hope she enjoyed swimming.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong

This is a disaster just waiting to happen...

Somewhere, Andy Serkis is already writing the script of whatever disaster is inevitably going to happen here. Every time we see this image all we can think is JC saying "What could go wrong".

Ice Luge

Ice luge is a block of ice used in a drinking game in which a shot of vodka, tequila, or other alcoholic drink is poured down the ice into the drinker's mouth. In this picture, one guy helped his friend to use an ice luge to drink at a party. They seem to be having a lot of fun.

Lisa Lopes Before The Crash

Lisa ‘LeftEye’ Lopes was a member of the popular girl-band TLC, who tragically died in a car crash at the young age of only 30. Her career was just beginning, and she had already won four Grammy Awards before she passed.

The Paella Falls

When The Paella Falls, We All Fall! This photo captures so many stages of the human condition. The two at the back representing hubris, the woman on the right experiencing shock, rage, and grief all at once, and the man sat at the table exhibiting the most important emotion, apathy. So long as he's drinking that wine, he doesn't care one bit.

Say Cheese!

His friends may be laughing, but he can't hide the terror in his eyes. Disaster is a certainty if you find yourself between two raging dogs about to attack each other. We hope that this didn’t turn out too bad for the poor guy in the center of the photo.

Uruguayan Flight 571

Uruguayan Flight 571 crashed into the Andes in 1972, and this picture was the last one taken before the plane came crashing down. Although 27 people out of the 45 who were aboard the plane survived the crash, they weren’t rescued until 72 days later and had to survive out in the Andes.

Peter Stetina

Peter Stetina is an American off-road cyclist, who competes in gravel and endurance mountain bike racing as a privateer. He was photographed a few moments before the fall. Apparently he wasn’t such an expert on even terrain.

Save The Beer

This guy caught his sister the exact moment she fell from the swing. We hope she was fine and able to save the beer at all costs, which was the main goal here.

A Risky Line Of Work

David Johnson was a volcanologist studying Mount St. Helens, which erupted in Washington in 1980. The 31-year-old was the first one to report the volcano was erupting (possibly saving many lives). But even though he was 6 miles away from the volcano, he was hit by a lateral blast emerging from the side of the volcano – so he passed away shortly after giving the heads-up.

Mountain Biking

There are two types of mountain bikers—those who have crashed, and those who will. It doesn’t matter how honed your skills are, eventually good judgment and control give way to poor decisions and gravity. This buddy took a mountain biking trip with his family. We hope it passed without serious consequences


Even though frisbee is supposed to be a “non-contact” team sport, many serious accidents can still occur. Common injuries in Ultimate Frisbee are ankle and knee sprains and these occur from collisions when a player is on offense trying to avoid other players and makes sharp-angled cuts to get space between them and their defender. In less than a second, this frisbee will hit this girl right in the face.

Lost Her Footing

Many people take photos of themselves on vacation, but this ABC News reporter lost her life shortly after taking this happy-looking selfie. She was hiking on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, and after posting this photo to her social media, she reportedly lost her footing and fell into the Lumahai River.

Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycles are less stable and less visible than cars and often have high-performance capabilities. When motorcycles crash, their riders lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle, so they're more likely to be injured or killed. This is why you should always wear a helmet and a motorcycle suit.