20 Realistic Ways That Will Make You A Great Girlfriend

Every couple faces some lows and that’s when we ponder about all the “good girlfriend” aspects that would guide us towards a healthier relationship. Yes, ladies, this one’s for you! Men are welcome to have a read too and review if these qualities would make their girlfriend “the one”. Don’t worry, you can sleep over it and then get to a conclusion! So, girls, it’s time to give a fresh start to your relationship with these little steps!

There Needs To Be Some Trust!

We are not denying or ignoring the time when you would have a hard time putting your trust in your partner’s actions, but having confidence in them for a moment that demands it will go a long way! 

When you start pointing fingers and asking questions at every step, things can go bizarre and get messy. You don’t want that, right? So, trust him and let him know that you believe his words and actions. As you start incorporating this in your relationship, you’ll find him attracted to you even more. Of course, you would have crossed a great level of being a good girlfriend!

Let Him Have That “Boys' Time”.

We know you raised your eyebrows even at the thought of this! 

Hold on, it’s not that complicated after all. When he wants to spend a day (or night) out with his friends, don’t be reluctant as he might take your hesitation negatively. Not a good sign!

Make this change when you have such a conversation with him next time. You will notice the changes in the way he talks to you once you stop giving him that “doubtful” look when he heads out for a round of drinks with his friends. No more arguments over that!

Tell Him Those Appreciative Words.

Did he just bring you coffee in the morning while you were snoozing your alarm? It might sound really normal but such gestures are thoughtful. How about letting him know that you loved the coffee that he made you. This appreciation will make him feel valued and isn’t that what everyone wants? 

He puts in efforts to build a good relationship and recognizing those attempts is the trick here. If he makes you feel special in any way, tell him instantly. The more you make him feel appreciated, the stronger your bond would get!

Keep The Friendship Alive.

Two people share a really special connection known as “friendship” before they decide to take it further by committing to each other as partners. Never forget that!

You need to be with him as a friend when he wants it to be that way. Let that pure friendship stay alive even when you are sharing more than that. Spend time with him talking about things that a companion would discuss. Be a friend first and then a girlfriend! 

He will confide in you if you make him believe that you would never stop being a companion to him. These tiny steps will lead you to a happier future together.

Jealousy Is A Drug - Keep It Away!

There will be instances when you would be surrounded by other guys who wish to be with you but you can’t use that to make your boyfriend jealous. It is the last thing he expects from your side. He would love it when you keep him close at such an occasion and let everyone know that you are taken by him. 

You can’t give him any reason to be envious. That is not a desirable factor in a relationship. Keep those sparks of jealousy as far as possible. 

No flirty comments towards other guys as that would disappoint him to a great level. Stay with him and be proud to have him in your life!

The Bedroom Action Needs Attention Too!

As much as you are focusing on your habits and appearance, consider that physical intimacy you share with him as well. You can’t let the excitement sink and let the whole “action” go dull with time. You both need to be equally involved in making it special and exciting.

Do you know what the key here is? Communication! Yes, when sleeping with him, you need to talk about everything that’s happening and what else you expect from each other. When such conversations happen, your relationship takes a fresh turn.

Some Space, Please!!!

Take a deep breath and don’t send that text asking him the same question yet again!

We understand that you are concerned about his day and where he is but let that go for a moment. You’ll be fine. 

You need to understand that he needs some time to himself as well. If you keep talking to him for the most part of the day, he will get annoyed and might end up ignoring you for a long time. We heard you scream “NO” at this point! So, give him the space he wants and you would be showered with more love from his side.

Express Your Fears And Concerns.

No more piling up!

The way he talked to you in the morning before leaving for work bothered you and you spent your entire day with that irritating thought in the back of your head. Relatable, right?

This continues for days and then a heap of troubles is created in your mind. That is as unhealthy as it sounds. You can’t carry that burden with you.

Let it out! Tell him all that made you upset. Discussions are crucial and we assure you, he’ll appreciate you opening up about this stuff.

Self-Confidence Is Appealing!

We know you woke up and stared at yourself in the mirror with a sad look as you ran your fingers through all the scars and marks on your face. That is a part of the morning routine! But it needs to change. 

Embrace your flaws and let them define you. Guys love women who are comfortable with the way they look and are extremely confident. 

Write a note that says “Practice Self-love” and put it where your eyes go all the time (a mirror is a good choice!). Wake up every day to this and no more sad face in the morning!

How Special Is He To You?

We bet the answer to this is “a lot” or “can’t describe”! Why not let him know this with certain gestures? 

Plan dates with him at places he likes to go to and travel with him to his favorite spots. These little actions will make him feel really special. He’ll know that you love him and are willing to put in efforts in this relationship. He will trust your love and respect you as you do such sweet gestures. 

These actions would never let your love fade away. You will grow as a couple from here!

Another Checkbox – His Friends’ Approval!

When you are out clubbing with his peers, don’t be uptight! Your partner would love it if you chat with them and make them comfortable around you. He wants his friends’ approval on you and that’s not at all negative.

When he observes you getting along fine with his buddies, his love for you will only grow. That romance you always wanted in a relationship would become a reality. 

His friends matter to him and so, when they find you a perfect one for him, he trusts them!

Be A Good Listener.

Tell him, “I am all ears” when he came back home in a grumpy mood. Let it be his night as he vents. All you need to do is listen carefully. He needs you to sit by his side and just hear about what he is going through and how he feels about some circumstances. He’ll never speak that out loud but he definitely wants his partner to be a good listener at times. 

We all have bad days and having someone around to share that with is relieving! Men are no different, so, keep checking on him.

Your Independence Is Attractive

Being with him is something you enjoy and love. You cherish every moment together but you can’t be dependent on him for your happiness. He doesn’t like that either! 

Make plans with your group and take a break from each other for a while. When you are not with him, you’ll realize how much his presence matters and this realization will happen in his case too.

Your boyfriend would definitely want to see you as an independent woman who can have a great time by herself and then have an amazing time with him too after a long day.

No Bringing Up History!

No one likes to be attacked with something that they did in the past. Let history stay where it belongs. Don’t allow it to influence the present as it has no value in the current situation!

When you constantly throw something that happened way back in time in his face, it is a major turn-off for him. Don’t pull things out of the attic that was closed a long time ago. Be practical and be aware of what lies ahead. 

We know arguments are inevitable in a relationship but dealing with them in a mature way would pave way for a healthy bond.

His Friends Are Your Friends!

Be a part of his social life by getting along with his friends. Hang out with them and get to know about them. It is really simple!

Make group plans and have a good time with all of his friends. He will respect you for being so understanding and won’t hesitate to share everything with you. There is no room for lies and grudges in a relationship. So, doing such things will strengthen your bond and give way to love and respect. 

We know you expect him to like your friends too. So, why not initiate it?

No Room For Irrationality!

Stop making a mountain out of a molehill! You won’t get anything good out of it. 

Keep your egos aside for a while and think logically. Incorporate this whenever you feel stuck in an argument with him. Mostly, the topic is as tiny as a grain of sand and you tend to make it sound really huge. This is where things would start looking bad. 

Before things get heated up to an uncontrollable level, deal with it rationally. If you calm yourself down he will automatically resist himself from continuing with the argument any further. That’s how it will be resolved.

Your Personality Has Great Power!

If we compare the importance of appearance and personality, personality will grab more points. The way you look might influence certain things but your personality is really powerful when it comes to attracting attention. 

Being a good girlfriend involves having a charming and amiable nature. Your partner will be drawn towards you when you display such warm and lovable traits! Go on, start inculcating these qualities in yourself. You will witness the power of personality as soon as you build a pleasing one!

Speak Smart Words To Guide Him.

What are the chances of him turning to you for a piece of advice on his new project at work? He might discuss it with you but probably won’t expect a solution to his problems related to it. Surprise him!

Listen to the details about the task and mull over the possibilities. Once you have deliberated, ask some questions and present your view on that. Your advice might give him a new way of thinking. Your way of thinking might align with his and that can be a really helpful moment for him. Give this a shot!

Nagging Leads to Dying Romance!

He is not perfect, no one is! This is the first thing you need to get around to.

Whenever you feel frustrated after telling him the same thing a hundred times (we all know that’s an exaggeration!), stop with the poking and nagging. He doesn’t want to be supervised or given orders. You don’t want him to sleep facing away from you, right? So, be polite while telling him your point of view on something.

If you wish to keep that romance alive in your relationship, you need to stay away from complications that arise with the daily nagging. We hope you noted that!

Be A Reflection Of His Strength.

Even if he doesn’t show, you know that he has some goals set in his mind that he wishes to reach in a fixed duration of time. Apart from these goals, he might have a passion (or maybe more) that he wants to follow. All he expects from his girlfriend is to give all the support that he needs as he is on this journey towards his dreams. 

Stand beside him during his struggles and be his strength! Cheer him up when he feels low or feels like giving up. Tell him that you believe in him! Just a few positive words like these will make him trust you and stay with you.