40 Airport Welcome Signs That Will Make You Laugh And Cry At The Same Time

The signs which were initially made to help are now a source of entertainment. How? Well, let’s just say that this article is going to give you an insight into the hilarious and bizarre side of welcome signs at the airport and trust us, you are going to love it. 

He Came To Pick Up The Guy Who Humps With His Sister

Thank god we are not living in the 18th century, an era where everything was turned into a revolution. This note would have turned the airport upside down. However, this man is doing what his sister was supposed to do. 

However, the sister must have thought that he will be giving him a hospitable and loving welcome. She was quite wrong about her brother who turned up at the airport with this welcome note. Awkward silence will definitely be followed by truckloads of laughter.

The Dogs Showed Their Love To Couch

Coming back to the love of dogs after a vacation or a work trip is precious and every dog lover would understand that. Also, the love of a partner is important, okay, we agree, maybe not as important as a dog’s love. This welcome sign which shows the love of both the significant others has news for the lady as well.

The couch which she left complete and was totally fine the last time she saw it, is no more the way it was. The love of her life, the pups have ended up eating it. Don’t think it is a joke, the note itself asks her to take it seriously.

Orphanz Now Come To Airport Looking For New Parents

It is obvious that children can feel left out when parents choose to vacay on their own. These siblings might have been too pissed and they took their frustration out by calling themselves “orphanz” and ended up on airport looking for new parents who wouldn’t leave them alone.

Well, the question is who will be willing to adopt fully grown children and are not even in an orphanage? If the parents see this at arrival the family will have something to laugh on for the rest of their lives and will be telling stories to the next generation by mentioning, the one where parents decided to vacay alone.

Wife Makes Her Debut Visit After Delivery

This isn’t a real airport picture but we had to include it to add an emotional touch to this article. This adorable picture depicts nothing but true love. The army wife was not with her husband when she gave birth to their son so, she visited his base to pay him a visit and introduce the son to him for the first time. 

The post-delivery weight makes her glow more and the baby is just adding to the beauty of the picture and emotions. This picture is making us a crybaby, so let’s just move on with it.

Siblings’ Love-Hate Relationship

You remember that time when you are back to the west coast after a really long time and are finally excited to see your family. After hours of flight and exhausting layovers, you reach your destination and are ecstatic to meet your family until you see your brother holding this note for you. 

This one picture shows nothing but the love-hate relationship between siblings and we can’t relate to anything more than this. Sibling rivalry is the only rivalry we would want to have in our lives.

Illegible Love Of A Baby

Well, we have all heard it’s the thought that counts and this picture is saying that out loud. The writing is absolutely illegible, however, the guest will completely understand the emotion behind the welcome note. 

We all know how emotional we all get when it is time to be reunited at the airport and everyone wants to be part of that moment. That is exactly what this little girl decided to do, even though she didn’t really know what and how to write a welcome note. Adorable enough to melt at the arrival gate?

Potty Jokes Are Always In

Don’t we all know one person who loves to talk about potty? Well, this one is one of those and we are side-splitting over this one. All we can think of is the person this message is for. Imagine having a great conversation with a hot guy who was sitting next to you and ended up exchanging numbers. 

While exiting, both of you walk towards the door and he sees your friends or family holding up this welcome sign for you. Well, don’t blame him for not texting you after all the great conversation. 

Also, if you don’t know what Imodium is, you might not even find it funny.

Including Food In Your Cheesy Pet Names

Don’t we all call our partners with all kinds of silly names? And have you noticed most of these are related to food? Munchkin, Donut, Sugar, Butter Chicken and there are tons that can be used for the same purpose. 

This woman had her boo’s name ready for the welcome and the name suggests how he must have looked. “The Hot Gravy” gives us all kinds of ideas and we can’t miss out on the naughty ones as well. Every couple has their own little secrets and their own little things they can relate to. But let’s just not drag those “Little Things” to a public place like an airport.

Is This How A Breakup Should Be Declared?

This man really put the effort into getting down to the details while his partner was away. Staying away from home and your partner is tough and technology helps you keep in touch but some might just use it for different purpose while they are away. 

This woman had some doubtful acts going on while she was away and her boyfriend waited till she came back to break up in the most savage way possible. Telling her what she was up to just by getting access to her calls and messages and then saying that they should see other people definitely nails the idea of welcome signs.

Weird Fetishes?

This woman nailed welcome signs and the people she is supposed to pick up are going to be nothing but utterly embarrassed. Her sense of humor was definitely on a trip when she was writing this and we are rolling on the floor laughing thinking of friends or family she was there for. 

The people who trusted her for a ride have no choice but to greet her with a hug and hide their faces till they are in the car. A person with humor would laugh at it and might just ask a stranger if that message is for them.

Waiting Since A Lifetime

Haven’t we mentioned the love of father and daughter? This one is the same just with a difference. This little baby girl has waited for a lifetime to meet her dad, let’s not mention the number of days or months she is referring to, as her life. This baby who will turn out to be an army brat in future didn’t see her dad the moment she was born as her dad was on duty.

Now that she is getting to see him, the smile of her face tells how excited she is to meet the Y chromosome of her life.

Report To Wifey For Fun

This is the most sensual welcome for a military husband and it is going to make him excited for the days and nights to come. Ordering your husband who has been away from you that he needs to report for some fun is something that is going to turn him on the moment he sees you. 

We are sure he couldn’t keep his hands off his wife when he saw her and ended up kissing her at the airport and indicating that he is there to report not just for the one body part but every asset of her body and her company.

5th Time Is A Charm

Children can get humorous and it might just make people laugh at how they perceive their parent’s life. These kids just welcomed their father and his new bride, which happens to be the fifth one in their dad’s life. We are clueless about what they want to say by mentioning “Mail Order Bride” but we assume it is related to their father’s swiftness of jumping and humping from one wife to another. 

Well, we will agree with the point that 5th time is a charm and like the kids, we hope this one is the last bride for him.

Gleeballs Is A Surname?

We would want to assume that it is an error and nothing else. If not then all we can think of is the “Gleeballs” clan and their interests. Being in 2019, we all have access to the Urban Dictionary and that explains this word as homosexual activity. An activity that gives pleasure from having balls stroked across ones face is what this has to mean in today’s slang. 

We hope Dan whosoever doesn’t take offense of what has been joined with his name. This might even make people doubt his sexual preferences if he isn’t actually a homosexual.

Death Cab Is Waiting

This man’s welcome sign was surely made to scare the cuties who were about to sit in his cab. Well, one would want to laugh at the sign but will be more scared if the person is serious about the comment he is trying to make. 

Whatever may be the reaction, the person holding the sign made his point and got the reaction he wanted to get, who cares if it was the laughter or being terrified.

Telling The World About Your Sickness

Tough times do come to an end and it is great when your family is there to welcome you wholeheartedly. This woman just welcomed someone who completed his rehab journey and is coming back to daily life. However, it seems harsh on how she is planning to make the person realize what they were up to all this while. 

And specifying that there will be no drugs but hugs, this statement is just adding fuel to the fire. So, be prepared to get awkward eye contact from the people who considered you nice on the flight.

Kids Wait For Their Mother As They Are Out Of Underwear

It’s super cute to find your sons at the arrival gate beaming with a smile. The happy faces make you feel that your life is perfect. However, the real message the sons have for her is in the subtitle. The sons have been missing her for just one reason and are happy to see her as they will have their underwear cleaned up. 

The mother should get a message that she is going to be greeted with an overflowing laundry basket when she reaches home and she has to get back to work as her sons are not having their underwear on at that moment as well.

Acceptance Is The Key

This picture has nothing to do with adjectives like hilarious, chucklesome, or side-splitting. This picture is what every parent should be like and it makes our heart filled with love.

Families have different values and there may be some members who are completely different than others. Living in the same families and the same houses, people have different opinions, issues, and preferences. This father welcomed his son with open arms and even his preference of being gay. And doing this at an airport and letting the whole world know that “IT IS OKAY” to be gay is setting the bar high for other parents.

Cheesy Names Are Out, It’s Time To Pick Silly Names

This picture has the most romantic and unconventional reference taken from the TV series “F.R.I.E.N.D.S”. It definitely seems like an inside joke between the person holding this welcome message and his partner. 

Calling your girlfriend by the version of “Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock” means that he considers his name to be Crap Bag. If he doesn’t remember that, the joke has turned out on the guy himself. Considering that he made their inside joke a welcome note for his girlfriend or wife gives us all the major couple goals.

Harper Meeting Her Dad For The First Time

The tough part about being in the military is that you don’t get to be part of the most important life-changing moments of your significant other. That is what this baby’s father missed as he was not there to hold his wife’s hand while she was being taken to the labor room. He also missed on the first few moments of his baby.

However, baby Harper made sure her father gets to see her in the most adorable avatar for the first time. The sign this baby is carrying with herself explains the situation better than anything else. So, we cannot rule out the possibility of passersby’s crying on seeing this union.

Adult Baby Wants His Parents To Buy Cereal As Soon As They Land

There is no point in life when you don’t need your parents and even for your parents, you will never grow up. However, it is not so great to depend on your parents for cereal deficit even when they are away. And information about the lack of resources just when they land is not what they wanted to know. 

Let’s just avoid talking about the point that he is above 30 and is standing at the most public place in onesies and telling his parents that his sweet tooth is missing his cornflakes.

True Friends Make Fun of You, Not Privately But Publicly

Aren’t we all tired of being nice with our oldest friends and sometimes you just want to say real shit to their face. Because, hey, we know there is no space for being offensive on remarks the other person has for you. 

Traveling to the city your best buddy lives in and then finding her hold this welcome sign gives all the friendship goals. She knows how bad you look and that doesn’t bug her even for a microsecond and her presence on the airport waiting for you expresses the love she has for you.

This Mother Is Lucky, Only Her Kids Would Do It

Would you? This mother is lucky enough to have such humorous kids in her life. There is no chance they are going to leave her upset or sad at any moment ever. Why? Well, if her kids could think of this for their mother, which nobody would ever do then we are sure her old age is safe with these kids. It’s always heartwarming to see your children waiting for you at the airport. However, the banner just needed some proofreading before it was made public.

Looking For Her Sugar Daddy

Well, this one is quite awkward but who cared till the time the couple is enjoying their little inside joke? This woman got a unique idea to make her spouse feel all the laughter once he saw her with this welcome note. 

People might judge her for holding this note at the arrival gate but the couple is loving and respectful of each other and that is all that matters, not what people think of them. The fact that they asked the third person to click a picture for them makes it more embarrassing and they are still happy and cute together.

Laconic Love

Do you remember that time when your partner used to come up to the airport in his PJs to pick you up after a vacation? Isn’t it the most romantic part of a relationship? However, men usually stop doing that after a few years in a relationship. Why? Well, because men are allergic to putting efforts after a significant period of time. 

This girl’s excitement and the guy’s love can’t be summed up in this picture. Watching him stand with a welcome sign is another level of mushy love. What is better than a couple having their inside joke and using it to make your partner laugh at an airport is GOALS!

Love Is Definitely Genderless And Embarrassing

This son who is there at the airport to pick up his father is the kind of children everyone needs in their life. Such supportive children with humor are rare to find. Not that the father really got a sex change operation but making people think that his father is actually a trans-man is actually hilarious.

And if we see this the other way round, the joke is on the guy himself that a sex change operation is something people would laugh about. We wonder how embarrassed or flushed his father would have been.

The Brother Needs To Know

Matt for whom this banner was flashed at the airport was supposing that he is up to date with all the family information. However, he didn’t know the news that was waiting for him at the airport and the two brothers in the picture were at the port to break the pregnancy of Matt’s sister.

Imagine landing after a tiring flight and getting to see this banner at the airport. What better way to update a family member! You might just get rid of tiredness after hearing such great news.

Possessing Selfie Stick Is Non-Negotiable

This woman had issues with her boyfriend possessing a selfie stick and it is no normal selfie stick we are talking about. The girl was referring to sex selfie stick which they had talked about and he still kept it with him. When the lady realized that the guy had secreted it away in the house somewhere, it was nothing less than a shock. 

Hence, she decided to break off things on the basis of the secret selfie stick. We couldn’t wrap our head around the thought that a girl was breaking up just because of a selfie stick until we figured out what kind of selfie stick she was talking about.

Daughter Wait For Their Dads As Well

We keep mentioning how people are excited to see their partners and we somehow miss on the children who can get real impatient when it comes to seeing their parents again. This little girl says exactly what we are trying to say.

Fathers are daughters’ favorite and the love between this duo is incomparable. The look of her face says it out loud how anxious she is to meet the first love of her life and we can’t get over the endearing way she is standing there waiting to get into arms of her daddy!

Last Pickup For You

This one welcome note has a wide context and it may have a different meaning in different scenarios. This can be said when this person is being retired from his services and this is the time he finally returns home. It is also quite valid when a person is tired of picking up their sibling from the airport after their binge vacationing. 

Well, we just hope it is not for someone who was repeatedly coming out of jail on bail and is finally free. Sounds depressing that way!

Kaden Knows How To Be Savage

Let’s not talk about the welcome sign, first, we need to take a look at the bottom of this picture and take a moment to realize that the signature at the end is really of Kaden. Adorable! This boy definitely has waited all his life to get to this moment and meet his dad for the first time. Let’s not mention how much life he has lived already. 

Calling his mother “a lot of work” was a tough move but maybe the mother is cool enough to take that comment supportively and that is why she wrote it from Kaden’s side. That makes this picture even more precious!

Wanted For Christmas

Doesn’t it ring bells in your brain with something familiar? Yes, we are talking about the song “All I Want For Christmas Is You”. Christmas is definitely one of the most important events for families every year. After Halloween and Thanksgiving, you have to come together with your family at the end of the year.

That is why this woman’s family put up this “WANTED” welcome note at the airport just to spend Christmas. She might just get some extra negative attention if someone misses the important information that’s given at the bottom.

Casual Marriage Proposal?

Looking at the outfit, we assume that the proposal is not the one he means. True friends are always there in your hard times and let us tell you that they will always be there to pull your leg. This one friend is setting an example of how friends should not leave a chance to take a dig at friend even when they come to see you. 

“Tom, Will You Marry Me?” This message is gorgeous enough to make your spouse cry when they arrive at the airport. Airport proposals are the best, aren’t they? However, this message is going to definitely leave your friends in a split if you use it this way.

She Might End Up Giving Ride To More Than Two Hot Guys

This woman who seems to be the happiest on the airport is sure that the two guys she is supposed to pick up are the hottest at the airport. Well, this may just turn risky if random hot guys approach her and ask her to drop them.

And why would a girl refuse to drop off hot guys? There can be a situation where she leaves the two guys she was supposed to pick up and drives off with the other two hotter guys she met. Risky Move!

How A Ritual Should Be Celebrated?

What happens when you miss the event of National Margarita Day that you have been celebrating with your partner every year that too due to your delayed flight? You are disheartened? Well, you wouldn’t have to be that if he turns out to be your partner. 

This is what a real relationship looks like, the efforts he has put into keeping the ritual is what people do in love. Buying flowers and chocolates is never going to satiate the needs of a pure relationship and we need a man like him to guide men of today’s generation on how to keep up with a relationship and not just the Kardashians.

Sometimes A Message Should Be Incomplete

“The sense of humor runs in the family” and this picture explains the phrase perfectly. This one would have been okay if the little girl would have held some flowers and not the middle sign. Two of these signs are heartwarming but the middle one has the capability of making the environment a bit awkward for the mother.

Well, this is not particularly a family joke and if it was, it is kind of on the dark side. Hope, the mother took it in the good spirit and there was no fight afterward.

Cute Face Makes You Forget Your Humor

Okay, we should let you know that coming up with a funny welcome note is not always easy, so stop pressurizing your writers to come up with something hilarious every time. This picture is personal to us as this is what content writers feel if they are pressurized. 

The person who ended up coming up with this banner instead of something funny is what most people are like. Nobody is blaming them for being dumb, this is real life and it requires skill to find a hilarious comeback every single time.

Looking For Hot Italian Girl

We know there is not just family and friends who are at the airport to pick up but some drivers do come up to pick up guests. This man must have made people smile on this smooth line. We really hope he was there to pick up a guest and was not trying to pick up girls after their flight.

Because it can work in that situation as well. A random Italian girl who was supposed to be picked up by a driver, looking for a random man holding up her name might fall for this.

Wife Learnt Military Lingo

By this picture, it becomes clear that she is waiting for her military partner as the lingo she has used in the welcome sign says so! She just wanted to prepare her partner at the airport itself to answer her questions once they are back home.

It is thoughtful of her to include his military life in their little world and even though he is away from work at home. This might be her way of telling that he needs to keep work away till the time he is there.

Friends Via World of Warcraft

Have you heard of World of Warcraft? Well, if you haven’t then it might be difficult for you to understand what this man wants to say in coded language. 

Let us tell you that World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online games and people have made strong friendship bonds over the common thread of this game. For the people who are still clueless then let us tell you that the welcome sign is for the person he is friends with through the game and is meeting him for the first time.