40+ Instances Depicting The Hilarious Side Of Online Shopping Will Make You Break Out In Laughter

Shopping at the stores just feels like a task that would rather be skipped especially when we have the privilege of online shopping. However, convenience might carry with it some undesired pieces and online shopping can turn out to be a hilarious story to tell your friends. Here are some online shopping fails that will leave you in splits and make you rethink about those items in your cart!

A Tank Top Trying Too Hard To Be A Dress!

Don’t let the images fool you, do some research before you buy. We wish this was the warning displayed on the online shopping websites as people seem to be a little impatient while buying stuff. Just a look at the images is not enough especially in case of apparel. There are more aspects to a piece of clothing than what it looks like! 

A tank top was all this guy ordered for a workout session and unfortunately, his desire was left hanging somewhere. The tank top hugged him too tight and probably had more in common with a party dress than a tank top. A disastrous shopping is what we describe this as!

Rug Playing New Roles!

Deciding to get a new carpet involves considering many elements before making that final call. Browsing through a website with all varieties of rugs is an easy option than going out to a store for the same. As soon as you find that perfect design for your room, there is no further thinking and your parcel is on the way!

We wish this guy had given a second thought before clicking on the “buy” button instantly. He might have received an actual rug instead of the one pretending to be so. Now all he could do with that is use it as a bookmark.

A Disappointing Xbox Prank...

People love playing pranks and they are fun until our favorite thing is involved in them. For this guy, Xbox One was all he wished for and even saved up for it to make that purchase on eBay. However, what he received was just a picture of the game console. How bad could a prank be!

It was no joke to him as his face tells. He wanted a refund and we assure you, he got one. Apart from the refund, he received the Xbox One console from eBay. It might have started on a bad note but ended in the best way possible!

Wish To Sparkle Not Fulfilled.

When you spot a pretty dress with all the glitters, it takes you into a dream world where you’ll shine in that dress - relatable? We know this happens! The sparkle is enough to get you to add it in your cart and we all know it doesn’t take long to check out of the cart with that dress. 

Imagine waiting eagerly for your perfect prom dress to arrive and when you try it on, this is what happens! An unhappy day. A lot of questions start running through your mind and you feel deceived. Why couldn’t it be the same as the picture, if not exact, then at least wearable? We wish online shopping was as easy as we think it is!

How To Ruin A Surprise 101

Don’t expect online shopping websites to be a part of your surprise planning as they are more capable of ruining it for you. It is your mom’s birthday and you think of ordering some party supplies online and doing every effort on the way to keep it a secret. That’s what this girl did. Her note to the company was easy to understand and yet, here she is!

Could there be a better option to maintain the surprise? We don’t think so. This was the best she could do to hide all the preparations from her mother. The company wasn’t in on this with her and her party supplies showed up like this.

Who To Blame – The Dress Or The Buyer?

You know your best friend’s birthday is just a few days away now and you need a perfect outfit for the party. Online shopping to your rescue! Your schedule doesn’t allow you to go out for a shopping spree and the internet lends you a helping hand at the last moment or does it?

A stunning dress grabs your attention and you already picture yourself entering the party flaunting the dress and taking some great pictures. But we guess your imagination has to take a break as your dreams can be shattered easily when it comes to buying stuff online and this picture explains a lot about that. Not a flattering fit at all!

Kitty Is Done With Online Shopping

Happiness was only a one step away from this kitty as a new toy was on its way. It did arrive but things were a lot different from what the internet had shown. You see that look on its face, a disappointed expression is something we totally relate to. 

What’s up with that toy? We try to guess the purpose of this one and we realized we might not be good at the guessing game. This cat is in some deep thoughts too! We hope it finds some use of this little product as an optimistic approach is never wasted.

What’s The Size Again?

When you see some cool tights online, you decide to buy them for any upcoming occasion that would require you to be dressed that way. Oh, wait! Did you check the size before showing spontaneity in making that purchase? This guy didn’t or maybe he did but that’s how those tights arrived. 

His toes were the only place that could fit in those tights. For whom are those actually made? Some kind of tiny animal! All we can do is keep wondering and be careful of what we order in the next sale.

Canada dreams did not fit right!

This guy ordered a shirt for Canada's National Day celebrations to proudly wear it and get some cool pictures clicked. He didn’t expect to look equally nice as the guy in the picture but knew he would look decent. What we see is definitely not decent.

There are fitting issues with the clothes and this one just took another level. We know crop tops are trending but this not appealing to our eyes. He probably had to just wear a regular shirt to the celebrations after this online shopping failure.

Wrapped In A Dress…

A pretty purple dress, suitable for a summer day out is right in front of your eyes and you can’t resist but buy it. The details look stunning with a slit adding the glamor to it. You are impressed and can’t wait to be “wrapped” in it. The wrap part is taken way too seriously here as the fit is non-existent in the dress that came.

A piece of cloth with two tied ends is what this looks like. The word “dress” is not making sense here and so, we would like to skip using that. Whatever this is, we hope it doesn’t show up at anyone else’s door.

A Depressed Bouquet.

The combination of dog and flowers sounds really cute and it actually looked beautiful in the pictures on the website. However, the flowers were not blooming as they should when the bouquet made its way to the house it was ordered to. The dog was lacking those cute looks which made it look dull and just sad. 

Bouquets are meant to brighten up someone’s day with all the colors and the soothing fragrance of the flowers. This one did not serve its purpose and we hope this never happens again!

Phone Cover Embarrassment Is Real.

People carry their phones with some really weird cases on them and they might be mocked for their choices. It is embarrassing to a certain extent. 

Imagine getting a phone cover customized with you and your friend’s picture on it and this happens! This level of embarrassment cannot be beaten. Who decided that your face needs covering and that too with some sort of a chicken nugget? 

The guy is probably asking for a refund and also an apology for doing this to him. His feelings are justified.

Pour Your Drink Smartly…

There are all kinds of trending stuff available on the internet. These mugs are one of them. They change face when they are filled with some hot drink. Sounds cool, no? Everyone is getting them but the internet had a different take on this. 

The mug did show up and the rest, you can see. Honestly, we are surprised by the smartness displayed here. This is not a random thought, this seems planned. We leave for you to decide if this was a smart move or not. It’s time to order another one!

Don’t Rush Christmas Shopping Or Else…

Christmas means celebration and we all love shopping for it. There are so many things on the list and we can hardly find time to run to stores to buy all that. What’s the most crucial Christmas item? A Christmas tree! People are preferring plastic trees as they can be used for a long time and make for a better option. 

So, if you are planning on buying one online, consider this picture as a warning. Also, if you are late in all this shopping, you will have to deal with this “incomplete” Christmas tree. It is better to start early to avoid such disasters.

Safety Warning: Keep Out Of Reach Of Adults!!!

There is a huge variety online for anything you want from apparels to home décor. Your kitchen needs some essential items too and online shopping websites take care of all those needs.

Now when we say variety in stuff, there is way more than what you can imagine. The kitchen utensils are not just limited to adult use. They are available in all shapes and sizes. Kids need some kitchen sets too for playing around, so, make sure when you are looking for the cooking set, it is not under the kids' category or else, you’ll have “little” meals!

Innovation Gone Terribly Wrong!

Sweatshirts are such a simple piece of clothing. There is not much to experiment with the designing of a sweatshirt and still, this exists! 

For once, we can be slightly impressed by the left image as it is something unique. It is worth a try. But the truth has been revealed in the picture on the right. This is the actual product that the shopping website sent over. We can’t really pick just one wrong thing, the entire design just feels unacceptable.

The sweatshirt you thought would look cute on you proved you wrong and how!

The Cat Is All Set For A Beach Vacation…

When the plans for a beach vacation are made, girls have to buy some new beachwear particularly, some pretty bikini tops to feel comfortable while on a relaxing holiday by the sea. We suggest you look for reviews and read the details before making a buy. You might find this picture as a review when looking for a crochet top.

The size of the top was appropriate for a cat and so, the cat was dressed in it before hitting the beach. We guess it will steal the show there with that cute top on!

Heavy Discount Can Be Shady...

When there was an urgent need for chairs in the office, the company had ordered the chairs in bulk as he was getting a good discount online. He missed one detail while ordering and that was the kind of chairs that were available. 

Assuming things is not an option while spending some money on necessary items. You need to be detail oriented. Good deals and a heavy discount might blind you for a moment but if you do not want to be in such a situation, then be practical. 

Coming to the chairs, they belong to an elementary school and are designed for the little kids and obviously, they do not fit in an office. Someone needs to replace an order now!

Your Choice Doesn’t Matter.

Do you want a pair of sports shoes? Go ahead and pick the ones you like from the website. This girl did the same and the consequences are in front of you. Her choice had no significance and the company sent her a pair of heels instead of those shoes. Choices are poles apart!

We guess those shoes went out of stock and they chose heels as an alternative to them. We are still trying to find the similarity between these two. There is no point of confusion from where we see. We don’t know what happened!

Spelling errors lead to major faults.

Texting is way more convenient for us than calling and explaining things to the other person. As much as we find comfort in exchanging messages, there is a higher chance of misunderstanding through them. There is autocorrect which can make things worse and we guess that’s what happened here.

The description of the cake is written in the text and if the cake looks a little weird to you, read the description again. It is exactly what the woman had mentioned (blind girl on the top). Blonde corrected to “blind”! Autocorrect ruined a beautiful cake. Text a little less and talk some more, people!

Is This World So Confusing?

We studied about countries, states and cities in lower classes and it is not something we can forget that easily. Some detailed part can leave our heads, but the general important information stays in our minds. 

We don’t know who ordered this and if we find that person, we would like to ask some questions. London and Paris are not places that can puzzle anyone. They are different and this T-shirt is just creating confusion that was not even there in the first place. 

Our apologies to the tourists of London and Paris for getting these T-shirts as a souvenir. We can do better!

Twist In The Ring!

For all the cat lovers, these rings make a perfect accessory. Someone thought the same and quickly ordered them. What are the chances of these rings being designed weirdly? Anything can happen to an item when ordered online. 

Those cats don’t look like cats (at all!). The “new quirky” design is making no sense to us. Tilting your heads to the left may form a picture that might slightly resemble a cat but you can’t keep telling people to do that. Sounds bizarre, right! Such twisty rings can only be found on the internet.

Make More Space, Please!!!

If you are making camping plans with your friends, this picture will be helpful. You will need the camping supplies including a tent and you run to online shopping for finding a perfect one that fits in your budget. 

Here’s where the problem begins! You might think you played smart by ordering a child's tent that accommodates two that costs much less than an adult’s tent for one? Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s not how it works. Kids’ tents are not for adults no matter how many children can fit in it. This guy tried it and you can see what he went through. 

Watch A Wooden Board When Bored…

We all love watching TV for some entertainment when there is a monotonous tone to our days. But if you order this source of entertainment online, be ready for some extra boredom on your way. Some frustration too!

The online sellers believe it is better to have a wooden board to stare at rather than have your eyes glued to the television. That’s what our parents think actually! Wait, did our parents send over this? 

The packaging looked so real and beneath that was a disappointment. If this was planned, we need some answers!

Online Wedding Shopping? Not A Good Idea.

Of all the things, why pick a wedding dress online? There are so many stores which take care of everyone’s budget with so many dress designs. It is better to able to try the dress in which you are going to take the vows! It is such a big day and you can’t make sudden decisions especially when it comes to the dress. 

This girl’s face speaks a lot about her feelings. She can’t even think of wearing that dress while walking down the aisle. She knows that she has created a blunder with this part of the shopping and there is an urgent need for amends. We just hope she found the perfect dress for her big day after this mess.

Trends Can Have Many Faces.

When you want to keep up with the trends, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. A thing that looks great on a model in the picture might have a different face in reality. We know we engage in impulse buying when it comes to fashion which needs to change for the better.

This is one of the examples of the consequences of impulse buying. That sweater thing proved to quite the opposite of what it looked like. A piece of cloth with two symmetrical holes is all you get after spending out of the budget. Be attentive!

Chasing The Apple…

Why does the brand of your watch matter so much? Time is important and every working watch would show the same time regardless of how much it costs. Okay, we know iWatch is a big deal and it is a great Apple product but, we don’t understand the concept of making copies. 

This one looks nothing like an iWatch and whoever came up with this “creativity” needs to take that creative mind in a better direction. We wonder who bought this! It must have been a drunk decision and we guess you’ll agree.

Cover Yourself In Wool!

Blankets bring warmth in the cold weather and the new varieties of blankets are attracting many people. Mostly, these new types are easily available on various shopping websites. Chunky wool blankets are one such kind which people were preferring over normal ones. 

When a product’s demand is so high, it can get out of stock leading to such instances happening to people. The company sent the wool and expected the customer to make their own blanket as they ran out of time to complete the process. A terrible fail is all we have left to say about this!

Too Big To Handle

While certain things that are shopped online turn out to be much smaller in size than they should be, others are way too big for regular use. This ladle is one such thing. Who needs this ladle at home? It can’t be used with the normal-sized utensils. 

This belongs in an expert kitchen like in restaurants where the food is prepared in bulk and much larger utensils are used. We guess the internet gets confused a lot with the size and then the buyers have to suffer. Let’s hope this issue gets resolved soon.

Dog Is Better Without That “Little” Coat.

There can be two cases here: The first one being that the dog grew bigger in the time of the arrival of the coat and the second can be that the company sent over the wrong size (which looks plausible to us!).

People were not yet done with the size issue in their clothing that they bought online, so, they decided to shift to their dogs. We guess they would have expected this to happen. Why should the pets be left out of this fun? They deserve much more than us.

Cold Made The Coat Shrink.

When the product claims “one size fits all”, we believe it and don’t really think too hard about making that purchase as we are confident it would fit us. This coat has a similar story. The guy was sure that he would carry the coat really well and we can see how that went. 

The fit is weird in so many ways. There is no shape and it is more like a jacket than a coat. We guess winters were a little too harsh on it and so, it shrank. The cold weather showed no mercy and this happened.

Not Your Regular iPad...

If you wish to go “unconventional” with technology, you can turn to online shopping to help you with that. Order an iPad and you will receive a new version for a really low price. Low price is the key word here. 

You think the iPad is on heavy discount and you are fortunate to grab that deal. The reality is something else as you can see. You get a “toy” version which is not even worth the little money you spent. Good deals can be dubious and tend to mislead you at times.

What Makes A Skirt Unique?

The answer to this question is… size. There are all kinds of sizes available online in case of skirts and they usually fit in every waist size. However, in this particular case, it was upper leg fit instead of the waist! Probably a new trend that we haven’t heard about. 

This girl needs two of these to have some symmetry in her dressing. Or maybe needs to ask for a refund!

These online shopping websites never cease to amaze us with their unrealistic approach towards sizes. This might be getting out of hand now.

A Mat? A Carpet? Let’s Decide.

To brighten up the living area, a purple color rug is enough. It is great to have one at your place to make things look pretty. We appreciate this choice. A couple wanted to enhance their home with this carpet and found a perfect match online. 

They made space to put it in the living room and to utter disappointment, a small floor mat was sent to them in the same color. It was really small in size and let alone enhancing, it was not worth putting anywhere in the house.

Let The Other Half Welcome The Light

A standard sized window curtain was all this guy demanded. His wishes were incompletely fulfilled. You know it is even worse than when wishes are neglected completely. This curtain is blocking the light in the upper half while the lower part of the window is left uncovered. 

We guess there was some confusion regarding the size of the window which led to the guy receiving something described as a “curtain”. Now he needs to find a place to put it where they have some actual use. Good luck doing that!

Taking those words too literally...

You can expect this to come your way when you order the Fifty Shades of Grey book. This is a really creative way to prank someone. Considering literal meanings is a smart move and we are impressed by this one. 

Fifty shades of grey might be a good read but this is definitely a better way to understand the color. Now, the person who paid for the book will have to go to a bookstore and pick the book to be at peace.

Don’t deny, this made you laugh too!

A “Poisonous” Belt Move

The company selling these belts failed miserably at bringing a snake belt to life. No doubt, the design is cool but there it didn’t come out as it should have. The image on the website is deceptive as we can tell. There is no resemblance to a snake on the belt that someone ordered. 

The snake could have been given a better structure and shape. This “thing” is new to us. Begin with a guessing game to decide what it actually looks like! Definitely not an animal, there is more to an animal than two eyes. Let your minds wander!

Mask Game: Not So Strong

How adorable are cartoon masks for kids! We had a similar perception of them and then we encountered this. Winnie the Pooh is the most loved character and kids are desperate to be like him. Masks are one way to fulfill their wish and we think it will go smoothly, but what do we know!

The adorable mask that a mom ordered for her daughter is more horrifying than cute. It is not meant for kids unless there is some scary themed party. Winnie the Pooh is nowhere to be found except on the packaging of the mask.

TV Stand Needs A Matching TV Now

We bet there was a clear mention at the website about the product and its dimensions. The person who ordered was in a hurry for a TV stand and didn’t bother reading the product description. This is why it is crucial to remain calm while shopping online.

If this TV stand is available in this size, we think the company must be selling televisions that complement this stand. It is time to order that next! This stand would have a purpose then or else give it to little kids to play with.

A Baby Face Mask?

We don’t think this is even appropriate for a baby’s face. Who decided to make a face mask this tiny? For good skin, girls like to try some good face masks and order it after reading the reviews which are actually helpful. In this case, we are not too sure about the reviews part or maybe she was the first one to place an order. 

Her forehead was the only place that could fit in that mask. She needs five more of these to get her skin to glow. Five would be enough, right?

A Dream Dress Remains A Dream

When she looked at the dress online, this girl knew it would be her dream come true to wear that dress. She put it in her cart and when she couldn’t resist, she placed the order. The dress arrived in those pretty colors but it wasn’t a dream dress after all. 

It might look lovely on a little girl is what we conclude from this picture. Her dream shattered in a moment and now she needs another round of shopping to heal these wounds. We know it sounds dramatic but this is how much dress matters!

A Conversation Through A Pillow

Pillows are for comfortable sleeping and there is also more to them than just that. This is some next level of innovation for a pillow. This picture is just scaring us and we don’t understand the concept behind this. Is it actually meant to freak people out?

A conversation through the window is normal but this version is not casual. This needs explanation and we are hoping we get that from the person who designed this. We are not ordering any pillows online from now on.

When Legs Can’t Breathe…

There are many such pieces of clothing that make one feel sexy and latex leggings are one of them. There are conditions when it comes to looking sexy and if you go slightly wrong with your choice of those leggings, get ready to experience discomfort as your legs would not get any air and embarrassment if you wear them in front of “people”. 

Look what came for this girl when she ordered a pair of latex leggings! This is far from what those leggings should be like. Can you picture trash bags here? 

We think they tried to make a cheaper version of the leggings and failed!

Kitty Ready For School!

Children get really excited when they get new stuff for school. This woman knew this and placed an order on eBay for a backpack for her grandson. However, her cat was the one who benefitted from this online purchase. You can see how that happened!

That backpack can’t fit any books and we wonder what else it can be used for! 

This woman found it perfect for the kitty and we think it looks cute, but the cat has not been admitted to the school yet. So, turns out it will carry it around the house and the little kid will have to find another one that accommodates his books.