40+ Relatable Airport Photos That Will Make You Laugh Hard

Anyone who has been to an airport will say that it is an interesting place where strangeness resides. From nervous first-timers to confident travelers making their way through the security check, there are all kinds of people at the airport. When travelers from all over the world are gathering at the airport, it is obvious to witness some oddities. A few lucky travelers get to see the wackiest of situations and if they are quick, they can capture it in their camera as a proof of airport absurdity. These people did just that when they saw some of the most awkward yet hilarious occurrences at the airport.

Never Lose Your Luggage Again

Many of us have experienced a panic attack at the airport while waiting for our bags because they all look the same. Black or navy with wheels and a zipper, they are so similar that one needs to get up close to be sure if they have the right one. This man found a brilliant solution to this everyday problem. He somehow found someone to make him custom luggage with his own face on it. That is probably the smartest thing we’ve seen in a while.

Seating Or Bedding?

Who hasn’t imagined a comfortable bed in the middle of the airport for some snooze time before the connecting flight? Let’s face it, sleeping on the hard benches at the airport is a torture to the back. And sitting on the chairs for long hours is equally tiring but what can we do? This woman has the answer! She found the perfect way to utilize the seating space at the airport and converted it into a mini bed. While occupying 5 chairs at a busy airport would be selfish, we still love her idea!

No Jokes At Security Check

There aren’t exactly any rules about how you can dress while boarding a plane and that makes complete sense. Like people should be able to party the night before, wake up groggy eyed and dress up in whatever clothing they can get hold of. But we don’t think they should forget to wear clothes to the airport like this gentleman. He is standing at the security check under a sign that warns passengers against joking about weapons. Is that why he decided to play a joke with his clothes because that is not prohibited?

Skipping Security Scan For Babies

Security at the airport is getting tighter by the day. Luckily, babies are a threat to only those who want to sleep during the flight! That’s probably why this woman decided to use airport’s scanner trays to hold up her baby while she prepped for the security check! When you are a mom you always have fewer hands than you need and multitasking isn’t a choice, it is a need. Using your situation to your advantage is a super mom move and we are here for it!

Don’t Ham-Mock Me

What do you do when you have a layover that turned from an hour to 6 hours? You’d want to catch some sleep but doing that at the airport means severe back pain, so we end up sitting and slouching at best. But that’s not this person! They wanted to take a nap and they needed comfort. It is interesting to see that this person had a hammock with them that they simply hung up in the middle of an airport and none of the staff said anything!

Security For Dinosaur

As long as your face is visible and you have removed your shoes and belts, you are good to go through airport security. This explains why this man dressed in a dinosaur onesie was not stopped and sent back! In his defense, he lost a bet and had to go through security check dressed like a dinosaur. The best part is that TSA said that he looked cute in that outfit! Bet or not, we all need a little excuse to wear onesies on the flight for maximum comfort!

Sleeping On The Carousel

There is nobody, we repeat, nobody in the world who likes to wait for their luggage at the airport. But more often than not, we can’t help but stand in a line waiting for it to arrive. This little girl probably had all of her patience sucked out of her during the flight because she was so done with it! She literally fell asleep on the luggage carousel instead of waiting for the bags, like the rest of the travelers. The good thing is that when she wakes up she’ll probably have her baggage with her!

Living His Best Life

Someone spotted this guy at the airport on the morning walkway and decided to capture this moment. They sure got a real gem with this photo because that man is sitting on a chair and eating McDonald’s while catching Pokémon! We love how he is sitting on the “standing” side, at least he is giving enough space to people who want to walk past him! Also, he has his drink on the handrail which makes this photo 10 times better. Nobody has ever been so comfortable collecting Pokémon at an airport!

Perfectly Aligned Embarrassment

They shouldn’t use pictures like these that can perfectly align with someone’s body and create a funny sighting! This man was just waiting for a loved one or perhaps just waiting for his flight to be announced. He had no idea he was being captured in an embarrassing situation! We have to admit that this is funny! It looks like this man wants to say- “I am suited by day and a stripper by night”!

Hugging It Out

Airports regularly see the most meaningful hugs, kisses and goodbyes. People make the most touching promises before catching a flight. Happy tears and cheerful smiles wait when your flight lands back home. But how often do we see complete strangers hug it out at an airport? Someone caught these two toddlers embrace each other at the airport. They look adorable as such but once you realize that they had never met before, this photo becomes extra special. Life would be simpler if adults could simply hug someone and becomes best friends!

Covered In News

Airports are notorious for being too chilly and when you are trying to take a nap, the temperature becomes yet another factor adding to your discomfort. Obviously airports are not ideal for catching up on sleep but if someone wants to hit the snooze button, it shouldn’t be so inconvenient. This man took things in his own hand and used the newspaper in the best way possible. He will surely be feeling comfortable and out of sight until someone tries to read the headlines on him!

Kid-Napped Suitcase

Long flights can be hard even for adults and they can be extremely annoying for kids. Top it up with a few hours of waiting at the airport and your kids are ready to fall asleep even while standing! This girl was also tired with all this flying and waiting but instead of carrying her in their arms, her parents found this perfect solution. She’s literally taking a nap on their luggage and being wheeled out of the airport! That’s one parenting hack we’d be using for sure!

Packed For Protection

It isn’t every day we see a woman trying to get through luggage check-in by packing herself in a transparent suitcase. We love her flexibility and contorting skills but surely the airport staff could see through her devious plan! Jokes aside, this woman is actually spreading a message against human trafficking by showing people how it feels to be transported from one place to another like a piece of luggage. The label on the bag says “Stop Human Trafficking” in German. You go, girl!

Asking For Trouble

It is general knowledge that airports take their security check very seriously. You can’t even carry a pair of tweezers with you on the plane even though nobody can hijack a plane with those! But they know better than to leave room for any error. This woman clicked at an airport is asking for trouble with her carry-on bag screaming that it contains weapons and drugs. Even if TSA knows that this is 99% a joke, they would take it very seriously. Could this be an elaborate plan for not having to board the flight?

Airport Love Restricted

Airports have seen more hugs and kisses that their CCTV cameras can handle. People sometimes forget that their loved ones have a flight to catch and they can’t have half hour hugs at the airport! Someone clicked this picture at an airport of a sign that said, “No kisses above 3 mins”! It seems like people at this airport were indulging in some “heated love” even after their flight was announced. We understand that travelers need to understand the flight schedule but 3 minutes is too less for our goodbyes!

A Boot Polishing Break

Airports around the world have small spots setup for the convenience of passengers. Whether it is a food court or phone charging station, airports are doing their best to keep travelers comfortable. Continuing this list, there is a shoe shining counter at Heathrow airport that has taken convenience to the next level. This picture of two ladies shining the shoes of these armored guys was clicked by a traveler who happened to be at the airport. Things are a little extra it seems in the Queen’s land. We wonder if their full armors were polished!

A Symbiotic Relationship

What does one do while waiting at the airport for their flight? Some people catch some sleep while others begin a movie marathon. But it can quickly get uncomfortable if you are sleeping without a pillow or hunched over your iPad for hours. These problems will disappear from our life if only we could follow the lead of this couple! The woman is lending her man her lap to take a nap on while he doesn’t mind if she uses his head as a table for propping her iPad. That’s a perfect couple in ‘symbiosis’!

Kids On A Leash

Airports are adventure parks for kids. There is so much to see and touch that kids want to wander all around. But with the space being so large and constantly crowded, it is easy to lose a child in there. Parents know the struggle of keeping their kids from running away when everything around them is new. This mom knew her kids well enough to come prepared with a leash. We bet she got a lot of side-eyes for keeping her kids on the leash but that’s definitely better than losing them in a giant airport!

Searchers Of Loopholes

If you don’t weigh your luggage and carry-on bag before leaving for the airport, you may have to go through the agony of either leaving behind your favorite sweatshirt or paying for the extra weight. But who knew there was a loophole in this system? These two guys had no plans of parting with their cash or clothes at the airport. So instead, they simply pulled out the extra clothes and layered them on their body. That is a genius trick as long as airlines don’t pick up on it!

Inside The Box

At a first glance it may seem like these people are homeless. But after taking a closer look you’ll realize they are at the airport! But why would someone be sleeping in a box at the airport? The answer is simple. Their flight was probably delayed and unlike the rest of us, these people didn’t want to be sitting up all night. Instead, they set up some boxes like a tent and got the darkness they needed to sleep when the rest of the airport was so brightly lit. Bonus- you could put your purse in there too!

Arms Full Of Stickers

If you are a parent, you know better than to sleep in front of your kids leaving them unattended. Kids get up to all kinds of antics when their parents are asleep but when they are stuck at an airport with nothing but a pack of stickers, disaster is just waiting to happen. Like this dad learnt his lesson the hard way. He fell asleep at the airport leaving his kids with the perfect opportunity to cover him in stickers. It solidifies our theory- when you are a parent your life gets colorful!

458 Days Of Lost Luggage

This couple was spotted at the luggage carousel of an airport with a strange sign that read- “We’ve waited 458 days for this moment”. If our luggage had been lost for over a year we’d have forgotten about it but they are happy to be reunited with a bag that might have expired chocolates in it! Of course that’s a joke! We get it that this man was deployed and met his partner after so many days. But the placement of the sign made it funny and gave wings to our imagination!

Sushi On Suitcase

People are tired of picking up the wrong suitcase at the airport, taking it home and then trying to figure out how to exchange it! Some travelers have moved on from that drama and have found a way to make sure their luggage is not mixed up. These suitcases with protective wrapping in a sushi print were spotted on the conveyor belt at an airport. It was easy to identify the bags, they looked cute and made everyone hungry for a platter of sushi. What’s not to love?

Rocking The Airport

Someone spotted a man sitting in a rocking chair at the luggage carousel and did the first thing that came to their mind- capture the moment! We would have done the same, after asking him how in the world he managed to get a rocking chair inside an airport. We don’t know how that happened or how long he sat there, it is a mystery that we’d want someone to unfold for us. But our guess is that the muted tones and tribal flourish of the carpet provoked him to contemplate!

Resting Between Flights

Ever wondered where flight crew rests between flights? Apparently they are so dedicated to their job that they never leave the office! But then another question arises- Where do they sleep between flights? This picture captured at an airport revealed that sometimes the crew has to sleep on the floor when they have some time between flights. We can only imagine the discomfort they may be having. We’ll take this as an excuse for snapping off at an annoying traveler because let’s face it, serving drinks with a backache isn’t easy!

Baggage Piling Up

Is that some woman’s luggage after she caught wind that her boyfriend will be proposing her during their vacation? No poor man is paying for that much extra baggage! This is in fact, a decorative sculpture at the Sacramento airport. The person who put those suitcases together might have felt like he was playing airport Tetris! Traveling will be less boring for people catching a flight from this airport, thanks to this towering suitcase sculpture. First timers would probably be fooled into thinking that a suitcase avalanche is approaching!

Fearless Festive Strangers

How often do we see people dressed in strange matching outfits at the airport? Well, a lot because it is the airport and weirdness just lives here! But at least it isn’t common to see people wearing full suits with Christmas print on them. One man decided to catch a flight wearing this bright suit just to get some laughs from his family when he reached. But at the airport he found another man, dressed just like him and of course, they had to take a picture together. Airports have never felt so festive before!

Little Watermelon Heads

Fashion is such a dynamic thing that it changes in the blink of an eye. That’s why most of us can’t keep up with the changing trends. But the younger generation isn’t like that, they find out what’s “in” and then get “in” it! Whether or not we can follow the latest trends, we still try to find the logic behind it. But when these two kids were spotted at the airport wearing watermelons on their heads instead of hats, someone might have gone bonkers. We don’t understand this either but perhaps it’s cool, literally!

Surfing For Luggage

After an already long flight, nobody likes to wait for their luggage to arrive. But most of us just use our intuition to pick the right bag from the carousel where hundreds of similar looking ones are sliding in one after the other. Not this lady though! She wants to have a little fun before she gets her luggage. She decided that it would be a good idea to surf on the luggage carousel in ninja style. Perhaps she’d be better off doing this at the oversized baggage counter where her chances of falling face flat were less!

White Board Display

We are so used to relying on technology in our daily life that we feel lost if for some reason technology slips out of our hands. Something like that happened back in 2018 at Gatwick airport when a technical issue left the passengers and staff in a state of confusion. The flight information was being displayed incorrectly on digital screens due to an issue with the airport’s IT provider. The creative staff came up with a brilliant idea of writing down flight timings on a white board. Going old school is not that bad!

Making A Statement

Celebrities are spotted at the airport very frequently and people sometimes get lucky enough to take a picture with them. Just like this boy who met a Victoria’s Secret model at the airport and got clicked with her wearing the funniest t-shirt. With that being said, this t-shirt has received mixed reactions from people who saw this photo. Some think this is hilarious with the situation, while others believe it is inappropriate keeping in mind his age. But at least he got click with a beautiful model!

Scanned Or Stuck?

Is that guy trying to repair the luggage scanner? Or is that the airport’s new way to scan their passengers before they can board? Perhaps the luggage is stuck in there and this guy is just helping to get it out! We aren’t sure about any of this! There are too many unanswered questions about this picture. Seems like you had to be there to know the full story behind this strange photo but at least, someone clicked it and dropped it on the internet for everyone to guess what’s happening here!

Naughty Santa At Airport

As kids we all heard from our parents that Santa Claus maintained a list of kids who were nice and also a list of naughty kids. But once, Santa Claus himself ended up on the naughty list after being flagged down by airport security. We wonder why Mr. Claus chose to catch a flight instead of riding his good old sledge. Were the reindeers being naughty too? Anyway, we hope the security staff let go Santa in time to deliver Christmas presents to kids on the nice list!

Fight Before The Flight

Have you ever wondered what pilots do while waiting for their flight? We’ve all assumed that they are resting in some five star lounges before the sweet air hostess calls out to them and helps them into the cockpit. That’s not the case! One person shared a picture of his friend who happens to be a pilot, indulging in a water gun fight on the runway! That picture may shake your faith in pilots but looks can be deceiving. But we aren’t saying that you shouldn’t remember god when you are being flown by him!

Making America Great

Anyone who wasn’t happy to be flying that day changed their mind when they saw this dressed up dog! One look at this goldie and your day is sure to brighten up. Perhaps our love for dogs is overflowing here but this picture is sheer joy. We hope this stylish doggo and its owner weren’t flying in anything below pooch class. Those red sunnies, red bandana and the cap with America’s flag on it, everything says just one thing- If there is anyone who will make America great again, it is this dog!

Stick It Out

Someone literally brought a stick with them to the airport and then proceeded to get it tagged. Looks like this person was hell bent on having their stick on the flight. But we are confused with this photo and one question keeps coming back to us- why a stick? Are there going to be no sticks where this person is traveling to? Or is it their dog’s favorite stick? We’d be happy to cooperate with them if the latter is true because every dog deserves to be happy!

Staycation At Airport

Flights get delayed all the time and sometimes passengers are forced to check-in into hotels for the night. Other times, they simply sit through the night and hurt their back before a 7 hour journey to their destination where they will finally get a bed to sleep in. But someone did not want to wait that long for their vacation to begin. This adventure seeker had brought a tent with him and pitched it right in the middle of the airport to catch some sleep and perhaps to know what an airport staycation felt like!

Starting With Vodka

This picture of a woman holding a bottle of vodka at an airport was posted on Reddit. They explained how she was stopped from taking her bottle of Smirnoff on the flight but instead of just giving it up, she started drinking from it while still in the security check line! It doesn’t end here. She then proceeded to offer swigs from her bottle to other passengers! The interesting thing is that it was still only 7:30 in the morning and of course, TSA was not amused by her stunt!

Waiting For Vader’s Arrival

It may be hard to believe but sometimes even Darth Vader has to fly commercial. The good thing is that his crew is waiting for him at the airport. We are sure Vader would approve of them coming in full gear but we don’t know if the security was on board with this idea. Standing in plastic costumes in the middle of a busy airport can give anyone anxiety, even if you are waiting for Darth Vader. Perhaps he should hop on the Star Destroyer for the return journey. We wonder if he signed autographs in the flight!

Wheelchair To Get Through

Airports are such large spaces that it can be extremely tiring for elderly people to get from one point to another. A kind young man realized that and asked his grandpa to use the wheelchair to get around the airport. The old man did follow his advice but in an unexpected way! Instead of sitting in the wheelchair and moving it around to get across, he decided to put his entire luggage on the wheelchair and then pushed it like a trolley! The wheelchair is certainly helpful here so we can’t blame him!

Perfect Match Found

It is so common to be sending a mail or working on a script in the middle of a bustling airport that it may feel strange if you aren’t using technology to stay busy while waiting. Then why did someone click this picture of a girl working on her laptop? That’s because the sticker on her laptop looks exactly like the man sitting beside her. For all we know she is using the man’s laptop but the idea of this being a coincidence is exciting!

Photogenic Phone Charging

While waiting at the airport for their flight, passengers flock towards a charging port like it’s an oasis in the middle of a desert. But what happens when the charging cable is short and doesn’t reach the bench? One would stand for as long as possible and then give up the slot to the next in line. Not this person! It doesn’t matter if his cable is short, he can balance the phone on his head until it is fully charged. He is a genius but we hope he doesn’t heat up his head in the process!

A Blind Pilot

How is everyone going past this man without so much as giving a second glance? That is blind man finding his way around the airport and it would have been fine if he wasn’t wearing the pilot’s uniform! There are so many questions with this photo! If the pilot is blind then how does he fly a plane? Perhaps some pilots are blind and the ‘auto-pilot’ feature was invented for them! Or could that be a blind passenger having fun at the airport by dressing up as a pilot?

If Airports Had An Anthem

Some mischievous kid probably got hold of the gate display and unleashed their sense of humor! This person was quick to recall this well-known line from the Beastie Boys song, "Fight for Your Right" and turned it into a display! Some people experience a thrill from getting on the PA system at the airport and creating such hysterical havoc on the passengers. The person who clicked this photo probably giggled through their entire flight thinking about this!

Emergency Situations Not Allowed

It is a scary situation when the emergency phone is out of order. The authorities would generally put up a sign of regret over the phone with some details about an alternate plan of action. But who would have expected to see this sign? Somebody wanted to have fun at a time when people could be freaking out. We love their humor but this is still frightening. Let’s hope the person who clicked this photo wasn’t in an emergency situation!

Alternate Career For Snape

It is hard for Harry Potter fans to imagine their favorite characters outside of Hogwarts. But haven’t we all wondered what would they be doing if they weren’t wizards? We don’t know about the rest but Snape would be working for American Airlines! Somebody saw a man at the airport who looked like Professor Snape and clicked this epic photo. Now after looking at him do the passengers ever wonder if they’ll be flying on a broomstick?

Delayed Flight Dilemma

Flights get delayed all the time. Sometimes there is some technical fault while other times Mother Nature is spoiling our travel plans! It is annoying to pass time at the airport but have you ever wondered how the workers get through hours of delay? One passenger clicked this photo while waiting for their flight at the airport. This is a prime example of how some people want to see the good in every situation. So what if the snow has delayed a flight, we can make large faces on it!

The Airport Elf

How many of us have fantasized about our loved ones doing something over-the-top at the airport while coming to fetch us? It is the epitome of hilarity and we’ve all wanted to experience it. One person did live their fantasy when their dad dressed up as Buddy the Elf to pick them up from the airport! This man is not only dressed the part but is also channeling the vibe. This photo makes us want this even more!

A Cookie Smuggler

One passenger clicked this photo at the Orlando airport and shared it on social media for the entertainment of many. This hilarious picture was clicked when a passenger was caught while trying to smuggle out 50 boxes of cookies! The employee checking it seems to be having fun because even though these were just some cookies, the passenger was being treated like a drug lord! We wonder how many of those ‘confiscated’ cookie packets were eaten that day by airport staff!

Danger In Carry-On

One person couldn’t control themselves upon finding another passenger’s carry-on and clicked a picture of it for proof. This person was shocked how the airport security could let someone in with a pair of deer antlers in their carry-on and we are wondering the same! Airport security has become stricter with time. When nail clippers are not allowed on the flight, how can they let this potential weapon in? Someone should have watched Hannibal to know the full extent of use of deer antlers!