40+ Unbelievable Guinness World Records

The Guinness Book of World Records was first published in 1995 and since then it is being published every year. The name of the book was changed to the Guinness World Records in 1999. The book contains all the references to the difficult human achievements and extraordinary natural things in the world.

Guinness World Records is the best-selling copyrighted book across the world. Every year, some weird achievements are added to the book. Below is the list of the facts listed in the Guinness World Records which are so inexplicable that it is difficult to believe that they could exist.

Stretchiest Skin

Garry Turner suffers from a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The medical condition is known to affect the connective tissues and results in the loosening of the skin and hypermobile joints of the concerned person. The condition has helped Turner to get listed in Guinness World Records for having the Stretchiest skin. He has been the happy owner of this record since 1999.

Turner could stretch the skin on his stomach up to 6.25 inches without experiencing any pain. His rare medical condition has not only helped him to be a part of the book but also helped him to get employed. The British performer had been a part of The Circus of Horrors in 2005. He is currently a sideshow performer and is doing good for himself.

Most Body Piercings

Some people are born with a special ability or physical characteristic that just cannot be replicated by anybody else, meaning that some records cannot be broken. However, other times, it's a matter of finding someone ready to put themselves through a great deal of agony. One such person is Elaine Davidson who has adorned herself with several piercings.

Elaine Davidson was born in Brazil. She has record-breaking 462 body piercings on her whole body. It takes a lot of courage and enthusiasm to decorate the body with piercings. She has 192 piercings on her face and 214 in her genital region. The other 56 piercings are distributed on other body parts.

Most Big Mac Burgers Eaten in a Lifetime

McDonald’s junkies are spread all around the world. However, none of them compare to Wisconsin's Donald Gorske. The 67-year-old "Big Mac aficionado" holds the record for consuming the Biggest Macs—a staggering 28,788—over the course of his lifetime.

Gorske consumes roughly 14 of the biggest mac burgers each week. He has estimated that 90–95 percent of his overall intake of solid food is made up of Big Macs. Interestingly, despite eating so much junk food every day in his life, Gorske is quite healthy. He claims to have a cholesterol level of 140. He only weighs 185 pounds and stands 6'2".

Largest Rubber Band Ball

One just has to be creative in order to do something different. It's remarkable how much use a person, who has no natural talent or tolerance to endure pain, can get out of something so basic and seemingly meaningless as a rubber band. Joel Waul has made himself a part of the Guinness World Records with his unique idea.

Joel Waul set the record by creating a 9,032-pound monster rubber band ball in 2008, which earned him a place in the Guinness World Records. He has constructed his 6-foot-7-inch ball out of 700,000 rubber bands of various widths. He has even given his creation a name, “Megatron.”

Longest Plank Held

Anyone who has ever tried doing plank knows that it is not as simple as it seems. Many gym-goers and yoga practitioners are aware of the plank posture. Simply assume the push-up position, but instead of resting on your hands, rest on your forearms.

Holding a plank looks easy. However, it is difficult since the abs can soon become fatigued. Even the highly trained ones can’t hold a plank for more than five minutes. Except for Mao Weidong. Mao is a Chinese citizen who in 2016 held a plank for eight hours and one minute. This is the longest plank held ever recorded in history to date.

Heaviest Onion

Humans are always up to making something big. Given that people all across the world have managed to make gigantic-sized products, ranging from doughnuts to Doritos, you won't be surprised to hear that food has its own category in the Guinness World Records. One of the UK-citizen was enlisted in Guinness World Records for growing the heaviest onion in the world.

With an onion that weighed 18 pounds, 11.84 ounces, Tony Glover of North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom set a world record in 2014. Although he has managed to grow the heaviest onion, we are sure that he couldn’t cut that object. Can you picture the tears he would shed?

Heaviest Object Sword Swallowed

Sword swallowing is an act when a sword is passed through the mouth, down the esophagus, and into the stomach by a sword swallower. Terrifying, isn’t it? Despite the name, the deed may allegedly be carried out with other things as well. Dewalt jackhammer could be one of the things that can be swallowed.

In 2007, Thomas Blackthorne’s swallowed an 83-pound, 12-ounce jackhammer while holding it in place for more than three seconds. He was recognized for setting a world record for swallowing the heaviest sword in the process.

Longest Fingernails

Growing fingernails is the easiest task that most people can’t do. Most of them choose to bite nails in case they are too lazy to use a nail cutter or they are bored or stressed out. Growing fingernails can be dangerous for one’s health. However, this didn’t concern Lee Redmond.

Lee Redmond neither had the habit of biting nails nor she was terrified of the health issues that growing nails would bring. She has grown her nails as long as 28 feet and four inches over 30 years. She has been growing her nails since 1979 and is not ready to stop yet. This is indeed a world record. 

Largest Collection of Guinness Memorabilia

As one might anticipate, the largest memorabilia collection has its own category in the Guinness World Records. People will gather and store a wide variety of things, and their stockpiles can get rather large. One can turn their interest in collecting things into world records.

For instance, UK resident Louis Georgiou owns 2,111 items of Transformers memorabilia. The greatest collection of Guinness World Records memorabilia, however, holds a record in the Guinness World Records. There are 2,164 different items that Martyn Tovey of Radstock has. He, like Louis Georgiou, is also a UK citizen.

Heaviest Weight Lifted by a Human Beard

There is a tonne of information in Guinness World Records on the massive lifts that men, women, and kids have accomplished of various objects. However, Antanas Kontrimas of Lithuania holds the record for the largest weight ever carried by a human beard. It is the sole record connected with beard lifting in the world.

In 2013, Mr. Kontrimas used his beard to lift a weight of 63.80 kg. The weight of a human can also be supported by his beard. Undoubtedly, his hair fibers are quite sturdy. This would indeed come in handy in case of an emergency.

Loudest Burp

The human body is capable of amazing feats. Such skills are generally displayed in sporting events like the Olympics after years of diligent practice. Some people spend their whole lives honing their skills in preparation for a single dive, gymnastic routine, lift, or, in the case of Mr. Paul Hunn, a single burp.

It is extremely difficult to imagine that someone could make a record of the loudest burp. In 2009, Hunn let loose a burp that was 109.9 decibels loud. This may be the strangest thing but in comparison, Hunn's burp is louder than a sizable orchestra.

Longest Moustache

Nowadays, it's fashionable to sport a stylish mustache or an epic beard. Males adore their beards and love styling them. After all, among regular males, "beard" symbolizes being exceptional.

Therefore, Ram Singh Chauhan from Jaipur, India went against the grain and allowed his mustache to grow for more than 37 years. He chose to grow a beard in the times some men strangely prefer to go clean-shaven. The outcome was a 14-foot mustache that earned him a world record in 2010. His record is still valid today.

Fastest Time to Eat a Bowl of Pasta

In the twenty-first century, we all know someone who, when they eat, resembles an animal in a state of madness rather than another human. But as it happens, they might be able to make a living as a competitive eater. Competitive eaters at the highest levels can easily earn $500,000 a year from sponsorships and winnings. Eating food to make a living. Indeed, it might be a dream of many.

Michelle Lesco, a fast eater who competes, set a world record by devouring a dish of pasta. She ate a bowl of pasta which contained 100 grams of pasta with sauce in just 26.69 seconds. Nonetheless, she could be called Usain Bolt of the eating contest because of her speed.

Most Consecutive Pinky Pull-Ups

During this period of quarantine lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 epidemic, many people all across the world have been forced to turn to home workouts. While many of them were not able to follow a strict workout routine at home, some of them have obtained some spectacular results. However, they would still need to work hard to match Tazio Gavioli's abilities.

With 36 repetitions, the Italian currently holds the world record for consecutive pinky pull-ups. One might do one-arm pull-ups and while we congratulate them for it, they still have a way to go before they wow us as Tazio had set up the bars pretty high.

Largest Ping Pong Paddle

Does your office have a weekly ping pong tournament? Are you sick of always losing the game? Well, we have a permanent solution for you. If you want a surefire way to triumph in every game you play going forward, just take inspiration from a man named Rise Brands and construct a huge paddle.

Rise Brands built a paddle that is 11 feet, 7.8 inches tall, and six feet, 7.8 inches broad in Columbus, Ohio in 2017. Although that is undoubtedly not the standard size and will never be admitted in a proper competition, the paddle, surely, has helped him in earning a name in the Guinness World Records. It is pretty cool too.

Most Toothpicks in a Beard

As we have seen, beards are used for multiple purposes by men. They are much more than just fashionable facial accents that enhance all men's appearances. They have some utilitarian functions as well. Beards can be used as a nest for rescued birds or a convenient container for items like tooth pictures.

3,500 toothpicks were able to fit into Joel Strasser's beard in 2018. He completed it in three hours and thirteen minutes. His efforts earned him a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. Nonetheless, we can say that his effort was worth everything in the end.

Most Tattooed Man

Many people have several tattoos. Some people even go so far as to cover their arms, legs, and/or back with permanent ink, creating a tattoo "sleeve." Although they have numerous tattoos, they cannot be compared to Gregory Paul McLaren, popularly known as Lucky Diamond Rich.

Gregory is from New Zealand. He has spent more than 1,000 hours having tattoo artists alter his body. Each and every inch of his body is inked. In addition to getting his body inked, he had his earlobes stretched and his teeth covered in silver veneers. Undoubtedly, he is going beyond every limit to give himself a unique look.

Farthest Arrow Shot Using Feet

Archery, like any other art, is an art that one has to master over time. Shooting an arrow takes a lot of strength and practice. Even with our hands, most of us would have trouble shooting it to a fair distance. However, some people are simply more skilled at archery than the typical person.

Brittany Walsh excels in acrobatic archery. She is the one and only hand-balancing artist in the world. She even holds the acrobatic archery Guinness World Record. In 2018, Walsh launched an arrow with her feet alone. The arrow traveled a remarkable distance of 40 feet, 4.64 inches. Shooting an arrow that far is difficult using hands. However, it was not a big deal for Brittany as she did it using her feet.

Largest Hula Hoop Spun by a Female

Hula hoop spinning is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some are born with the skill and some can never do it. To become an expert hula hooper, though, sometimes all it takes is a lot of practice, like with any other thing in the world. However, some performers are just not satisfied with attaining the basic levels.

Getti Kehayova went through a lot more than normal practice sessions to spin a hula hoop with a circumference of 17 feet,25 inches. In reality, Kehayova spun the hoop while wearing a protective vest. She even almost broke a couple of ribs in the process. Although her ribs were strong enough to not break in the process, she did break a record by successfully spinning the enormous hoop at least three times.

Largest Humanoid Vehicle

A vehicle having a body designed to imitate the human body is called a humanoid vehicle. In essence, picture a Transformer in its "natural" state. Inspired by the movies, numerous people have succeeded in building humanoid cars over the years. However, none of them are as large or as stunning as Sakakibara Kikai's humanoid vehicle from Japan.

The imposing vehicle made by Sakakibara is 28 feet tall and almost seven tons in weight. He named his creation, “Mononofu”. The name of the vehicle means "Samurai Warrior”. It was created over the course of six years.

Man Covered by Most Bees

Many of the records in the Guinness World Records are completely insane. People go to certain lengths to set a world record and it says something about the person or people who set them. One of the Chinese citizens went beyond limits when he voluntarily let a beehive rest on him for a period of time. It was indeed a mad thing to do. He could’ve died.

Gao Bingguo, a Chinese beekeeper covered himself in about 1.1 million swarming bees in 2015. He was weighing a whopping 109 kg (240 pounds) breaking the previous Guinness World Record. More than 2000 bee stings strung him in the process. His body temperature reached above 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit). It was a matter of sheer luck that he was able to recover from the bee strings and high body temperature.

Longest Kiss

Public display of affection, or PDA, is not for everyone. Neither every couple likes it nor it is accepted as a good deed by society. It is highly condemned especially if a couple is kissing for a very, very long time. For a world record attempt, the judgment can be excused, though.

The current world record, set by Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat of Thailand, stands at an absolutely ridiculous 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. It would take a lot of determination for someone to decide if they want to break their record. Therefore, if you're hoping to smash it, you're going to need some major stamina.

Most People in a Large Car

Anybody who has ever gone on a road trip with a large family or group of friends knows how cramped it can get. A road trip with a large family can be fun in some aspects but sitting together in a vehicle can be a nightmare. Especially if you're driving a small vehicle.

The 41 individuals who fit into a Toyota Rav 4 at the Toyota Centre Krasnoyarsk Zapad (Russia) in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, set a record for fitting in a large car and were able to travel a certain distance. We can safely say that none of them were likely to be claustrophobic. Otherwise, it would’ve been very unlikely for them to be able to establish this strange but still outstanding world record.

Largest Hairy Family

Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis is a very rare skin condition marked by the overgrowth of hair on the body. It could affect both males and females. It leads to modest and asymmetric hair overgrowth in females and hair overgrowth on 98 percent of the male bodies, only excluding palms and soles.

One such family, suffering from Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis has set up the world records for being the largest hairy family. Four people in a family of 19 in Mexico, spanning five generations, all have the condition: Victor Gomez, Gabriel Ramos Gomez, Luisa Lilia De Lira Aceves, and Jesus Manuel Fajardo Aceves. It is not a surprise as the disease is genetic.

First Person to Break the Sound Barrier in Freefall

Many courageous people have Guinness World Records. However, none of them compare to Felix Baumgartner. He is the first and only person to date to break the sound barrier while falling freely.

To demonstrate his superiority, the Austrian skydiver, on October 14, 2012, traveled to the stratosphere on a helium balloon. Felix then descended to Earth while donning a unique outfit. In the process, he also broke the world record for the longest skydive. He covered a distance of almost 24 miles, with a high speed of about 843.6 mph, or Mach 1.25. He truly is a legend.

Tallest Living Human

Among different types and sizes of people around the world, it must feel good to be able to claim to be the tallest person ever to have lived. Sultan Kösen, who is 8 feet 2.82 inches tall, can proudly entitle himself to be the tallest person in the world to be alive to date.

According to Guinness World Records, he is one of just 10 people who have climbed 8 feet or higher and the seventh tallest man in history. Kösen's acromegaly, which is brought on by a tumor that affects his pituitary gland, is the source of his growth. He has to walk on crutches because of his health issue.

Shortest Living Mobile Human

Colombian Edward Nino Hernandez has a height of 72.10 cm, or about 2 feet and 4 inches. As he is short in size, he weighs less as well. His weight is only about 22lbs. Mr. Hernandez has hypothyroidism, a condition that has hindered his growth.

Although he was always made fun of, Edward never thought of giving up ever in his life. He has always believed that he could win the world with his smile. He even believed that he is no less than any person and can achieve everything that he would want. Everything is conceivable. Height and size are irrelevant. Edward indeed is a small person with a rather large-sized heart. The kind of positive attitude that he has is missing in many people these days.

Longest Time Breath Held Voluntarily

All of us have tried to hold our breath in water sometimes. During childhood, it was a kind of competition that we used to do while swimming in the pools. Everyone used to take turns holding their breath underwater while attempting to beat the previous record. For most people, it was difficult to complete even a minute.

Then there is Aleix Segura Vendrell, a professional freediver who was able to set a record of holding his breath for the longest time. The Spaniard was able to hold his breath for an amazing 24 minutes, 3.45 seconds. Of course, he did it voluntarily. We all can agree that it is quite difficult to break his record.

Most Fingers and Toes on a Living Person

A person having more than 10 fingers and toes is indeed a rare thing to spot. It may seem like something one would only see in a science fiction film. However, Polydactylism is a highly uncommon but very real aberration in humans. Although certain cases of Polydactyly may be caused by a genetic flaw or underlying hereditary illness, the condition is random, occurring without a clear cause.

One of such people suffering from Polydactylism is Devendra Suthar from India. He has 14 fingers and 14 toes. Nonetheless, it is the highest number of toes and fingers that anyone has in the world until now. Other than growing extra numbers of fingers and toes, the disease doesn’t have any other effects on a person’s body.   

Most Roof Tiles Broken in One Minute by a Woman

It is just amazing to watch videos or live performances of martial arts experts and pupils smashing bricks and other heavy things with just their fists. They make the task look so easy that anyone could do it. However, only one of the martial artists was able to set a record by breaking the largest number of tiles. By shattering tons of roof tiles in a single minute, Lisa Dennis of the UK decided to step things up. To be precise, she broke a total of 923 tiles.

Unfortunately, two tiles from the stack Dennis hit during the one-minute time frame were intact after her whole effort. Luckily, it didn’t stop her from becoming the only person to ever break 923 tiles in a minute. She is an inspiration for many girls out there.

Largest Pizza

Pizza is consistently ranked as the most popular food in the world. There are some good reasons for it as well. The crust and the cheese make it a portion of delicious food. Anyone who disagrees with this statement is insane.

Of course, some people are more passionate about pizza than others, and it appears that Dovilio Nardi, Andrea Mannocchi, Marco Nardi, Matteo Nardi, and Matteo Giannottare are the most passionate about it. Together, they made a pizza with a total surface area of 1,261.65 sq. m or 13,580.28 sq. ft. They even gave named the pizza "Ottavia". The name for the pizza is a word of Roman origins that means "eighth son."

Tallest Sandcastle

We typically turn to building sandcastles when spending time at the beach with family and friends. There is no hidden truth in the fact that most of us are normally unable to build a perfect sandcastle. But then again, we are not trained artists like the ones who have set up a world record by making the biggest sandcastle.

A team of 12 sculptors and 8 technicians worked eight hours a day for three and a half weeks to construct a 57 ft 11 tall sandcastle. The sandcastle was built at Skulptura Projects GmbH. It was finished in June 2019. 11,000 tons of sand combined with just water was used to build the whole project.

Farthest Tightrope Walk in One Minute

Since tightrope walks frequently take place at considerable heights and occasionally the performer chooses not to wear a safety harness, they can be unnerving for spectators. Walking on tightropes is indeed a terrifying thing to do. The performers practice a lot before executing it in public.

Russian Oxana Seroshtan wisely decided to walk a tightrope at a safe height in her quest to break a world record while wearing heels. She chose to walk 24 feet and 7.2 inches in high heels. She was all set to break the previous records and was successful in setting a new record in Guinness World Records.

Longest Duration Balancing on Four Fingers

Bruce Lee was a phenomenal martial artist who was capable of some amazing feats, such as a two-finger push-up. With Wang Weibao's track record, we wager Lee would have been impressed. Weibao is also a martial artist.

In 2008, a Chinese guy was able to entirely lift himself off the ground using just two fingers on each hand. Additionally, he held that position for an astounding 19.23 seconds. We can agree unanimously that putting the weight of the whole body on just four fragile fingers is not an easy thing to do. It is just outstanding that Weibao's record has been in place since 2008. We need some great martial artists who would succeed in breaking his record in the future.

Most Human Targets Hit with Plungers in One Minute

Throwing plungers at people would undoubtedly take home the prize if there was a category for the oddest record. However, it can be an indication of Gerhard Doni's originality in coming up with the record attempt. Otherwise, no one would’ve thought to hit humans with plungers to set a world record in the first place.

In 2010, the German broke his own record by one plunger by throwing 15 rubber-cup plungers at people in a minute. He was not only able to throw the plungers at humans but also able to successfully stick them on their bodies. It is safe to consider him as the sole owner of the odd record to date.

Most Ice-cream Scoops Balanced on a Cone

It would be heaven for all the ice-cream lovers if ice cream dealers permitted them to put as many scoops as they wanted for a set price on a cone. Nonetheless, in this case, Dimitri Panciera would be the happiest person alive because of his ability to fit so many scoops on a single cone.

By packing 125 ice cream scoops onto a single cone in 2018, the Italian broke his own record. Today, he was able to set 125 scoops of ice cream, who knows what tomorrow would bring out of him. Undoubtedly, people are interested in knowing how he did it. Dimitri, share with us your secrets already!

Loudest Snoring

It is a nightmare to sleep with someone who has even a little bit of a snoring problem. Likewise, it is just embarrassing to hear a snoring complaint from someone. It could be you or maybe your companion who snores so loudly that it seems to shake the entire home. However, we are sure that none of you would be able to set the record for loudest snoring like the couple in Sweden.

If you ever thought about spending life with a person with snoring problems, please keep Kre Walkert’s partner and Walkert herself in your thoughts. The Swedish patient, who has apnea, on May 24, 1993, at the Rebro Regional Hospital in Sweden, registered peak levels of snoring. They were snoring at a recorded range of 93 dBA while sleeping. According to studies, snoring is caused by variations in throat shape and lung capacity.

Heaviest Person to Complete a Marathon

Guinness World Records contains a lot of strange records. However, it also includes some amazing and motivational ones. One such motivational record-setter is Charles Bungert.

With a weight of 193.96 kg, the American became the heaviest person to ever finish a marathon in 2013. He weighs around 427 lb 9 oz at the time of the marathon. Bungert completed the LA marathon in 8 hours 23 minutes and 40 seconds. Kelly Gneiting, a 400-pound sumo wrestler who finished the 2011 event in nine hours, 48 minutes, and 52 seconds, held the previous record that Bungert broke.

Longest Human Tunnel Traveled Through by a Skateboarding Dog

Animals are included in Guinness World Records just like humans. If the animals would do something extraordinary after years of practice, the Guinness World Record would give them the same value as humans. For instance, Otto, an English Bulldog, rode his skateboard through the legs of 30 people, forming a human tunnel, in his native Lima, Peru, in 2015.

Otto accomplished this feat by skating through the longest human tunnel ever made. He is the only skateboarding dog who was able to perform such a task. Otto passed without being guided or touched through the legs of each individual. All by his own. He indeed deserved a place in the book.

Fastest Time to Wrap a Person with Wrapping Paper

Bulky gift wrapping for Christmas or a birthday can be an extremely tedious task. It could turn out to be challenging to execute it right. When you really care about the gift, it might be all too easy for sloppy wrapping to give the impression that you don't. While the truth could be your lack of ability to wrap a gift.

After all, all of us don’t have Coby Cotton, Cory Cotton, and Cody Jones' abilities. They are the ones who established the record for wrapping a person with the wrapping paper in the shortest amount of time. The boys made a team of two to execute the task in one minute and 58.9 seconds.

Most Walnuts Smashed with Nunchucks in One Minute

This upcoming world record attempt is a little bizarre. A Pakistani martial arts pupil by the name of Mujtaba Hassan Mughal broke the previously set record and cracked the most walnuts in a single minute.

Samuel Sprague from the United States previously held the record for the most walnuts smashed with a nunchaku in a minute, which was broken by Mughal. Sprague broke 62 nuts, while Mughal crushed a stunning 118. That's impressive, isn’t it?

World’s Tallest LEGO Tower

You wouldn't believe it, but LEGO parts are useful for things other than tearing off your foot's sole. After all, it was invented for building blocks only. The tower was constructed in front of St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest with LEGO only. It is 114 feet, 11 inches tall, making it essentially every child's fantasy.

The edifice, which is made of thousands of LEGO bricks, is topped with a Rubik's cube. It was built with the assistance of the mayor of Budapest, primary school students, and official Danish builders. The science behind making the tallest LEGO tower was cracked by the Danish builders. If it was not for them, it would’ve been very difficult for the primary school students to make the tallest tower all by themselves.

Most Riders on a Surfboard

A Guinness World Record was broken in 2015 in Huntington Beach, California when 66 surfers rode a wave together on a single 42-foot surfboard. Nonetheless, it was a watchable scene and admired by many.

More than 5,000 onlookers cheered them on as they rode the giant surfboard for 12 seconds on a wave near the renowned Huntington Beach Pier. According to reports, 47 surfers in Queensland, Australia, set the previous record back in 2005. While the previous record was broken after a decade, we can’t wait to witness someone breaking the newly set record.

Most Balls Caught by a Dog in One Minute

Let’s include a dog that can catch balls into the mix since we've already seen one skateboarding. A cute beagle named Purin broke her own prior record from 2014 by successfully catching the most balls with a dog's front paws in one minute in 2015. It was quite a scene to witness as people were just overwhelmed by Purin’s cuteness.

Apart from catching balls, the beagle from Tokyo can also skateboard, walk on two legs, and has many other outstanding skills claims. All of her skills are mentioned in the Guinness World Records. Purin, for sure, is an extraordinary dog and is filled with talents.

The Loudest Purr

It is our sheer responsibility to feature records established by cats also along with including dogs in the list. You certainly didn't believe that we would do that, did you? Merlin the cat received a Guinness World Record in 2015 for having the loudest purr. Well, she must’ve enjoyed her time at the optimum level.

Domestic cats typically put off 25 dB of noise, but Merlin's peaks at 67.8 dB. The sound of her purr is loud enough for a shower or even two people conversing. Owner Tracy Westwood claims that she adopted the four-legged furry creature from a rescue. Nonetheless, she is one miracle cat.

Longest Coin Spin

Spinning a coin might qualify you for the Guinness World Records as well. Pretty unbelievable, right? However, it must take some time to master a skill like that. After all, spinning coins requires a certain kind of expertise, doesn't it? One has to figure out a few laws of physics in order to crack the secret behind spinning a coin for a long period of time.

Japanese coin-spinner Keita Hashimoto has set the record of spinning a coin for 25.71 seconds. It can’t be something that was done all of a sudden in one day. He must have, undoubtedly, put in a lot of effort to beat the previously set record. After all, practice makes a man perfect.

World’s Largest Ice-cream Scoop

All ice cream enthusiasts, don't miss out on this. If this was not recorded anywhere, everyone might think that we're lying. Nevertheless, we have discovered the biggest ice cream scoop in the world. The size of the scoop was enough for it to inevitably be made into the Guinness World Records. The scoop was so big that it could satisfy tons of ice cream lovers in one go.

This massive treat, which weighs just over 3,000 pounds, was developed in 2014 in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. The American dairy firm named Kemps LLC took the initiative to scoop out the massive treat of ice cream. The strawberry-flavored treat stood five feet six inches tall and included about 733 ice cream containers.

Highest Pogo Stick Jump

Pogo sticks are indeed a fun thing that can be used to play even after being an adult. One can just take a stick and have fun just by just jumping around. However, none of us would’ve thought about making a world record out of it unless it is Biff Hutchinson.


A pogo professional by the name of Biff Hutchinson made it into the Guinness World Records 2018 Edition. Biff, who is from Idaho, owns the record for the highest pogo stick leap at 11 and a half feet, which is double the height of the typical person. Isn’t it astonishing? `         

Fastest Typing Time with the Nose

Although we don't really understand why somebody would even think to type with their nose, one man is excelling in the field. Nonetheless, if it gets you into the Guinness World Records, who are we to judge? Vinod Kumar Chaudhary from India's New Delhi was featured in the book for his extraordinary skill of typing fluently with his nose.

With a time of 46.30 seconds, this guy set a new record for the quickest typing speed using the nose in 2014. According to Vinod, typing is his profession and he just loves typing. To keep things fresh in his life, he always tries something new. Experimenting with different things has led him to develop the skills that helped him in getting featured in the Guinness World Records.

Fastest Tortoise

As the saying goes, "slow and steady wins the race.” Bertie the tortoise is just one of the tortoises who is enough to keep up with that sentiment. Bertie ran an 18-foot course in 19.59 seconds at a remarkable speed of 0.92 feet per second at his home in Adventure Valley, a family adventure park in the UK.

With this small accomplishment, Bertie broke the previous record for the fastest tortoise in the world, which had stood since 1977. He now stands as the most rapid tortoise in the world. Who knows, he could make break his own record soon and make an even difficult record for other tortoises to break.

Fastest Time to Find and Alphabetize the Letters in a Can of Alphabet Soup

The alphabet soup is in the good looks of both children as well as adults. Children get to look at something familiar while they are eating their breakfast and adults just like to play around once in a while. The letters of soup are made from pasta dough. They expand just like pasta after getting cooked in the soup.

Nevertheless, one of the adults just thought about organizing the letters in his soup bowl. Cody Jones, in 2018, thought about finding all the 26 alphabets and organizing them in the correct order. It took him 3 minutes and 21 seconds to organize them perfectly. As nobody ever thought of doing this or couldn’t do it in less than 3 minutes, Cody still holds the record for “Fastest Time to Find and Alphabetize the Letters in a Can of Alphabet Soup”.

Fastest Time to Carve One Pumpkin

Every Halloween, amazing examples of pumpkin carving from skilled individuals throughout the globe are presented. Given the complexity of some of the designs, one can only guess that they took some time to complete. The people compete over whose pumpkin carving is the best. However, they don’t even think about competing in respect of speed as carving a pumpkin need precision.

One among many creative people in the world holds a Guinness World Record for speed carving a pumpkin. In 2013, Stephen Clarke achieved a world record by carving a whole face, including the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, into a pumpkin in under 16.47 seconds. Breaking the record would definitely be hard for people all over the world.

Fastest Time to Complete a Triathlon Blindfolded

Most people don’t know the fact that triathlons are very challenging. The 2.4-mile swim (3.9K), 112-mile bike ride (180.2K), and 26.2-mile run make up the IRONMAN triathlon lengths. That's challenging enough to accomplish in the conventional sense, but one of the competitors decided to complete the challenge by being blindfolded.

British athlete Haseeb Ahmad, who is legally blind, finished an IRONMAN in 11 hours, 3 minutes, and 31 seconds. As he could see in real life but wanted to complete the challenge like a blind person, he wore blacked-out swimming goggles. He was guided by a guide named Duncan Shea-Simonds. It was indeed a challenging task and he completed it like a hero.

Longest Flatulence

Yes, according to Guinness World Records, there is a record for just about anything, including the longest butt burp in recorded human history. The book doesn’t discriminate among the kinds of achievements. If you have done something out of the conventional way, you could easily be included in the book. Other individuals find it embarrassing to pass gas, while others find it humorous, and some people even take joy in it.

With a gas pass lasting two minutes and 42 seconds, Bernard Clemmens of London now holds the record of passing the maximum flatulence. Unknown if a gas mask was required for the Guinness evaluator to wear while timing the attempt, but it is a real record that was once featured in the book.

Most Guinness World Records

Undoubtedly, achieving a Guinness World Record is something to be proud of. But what if you broke so many records that you made a record for featuring the most in the book. Well, it may seem impossible to hold such a record, but a man was able to set it.

More than 600 records have been set by Ashrita Furman, who presently owns more than 200. Other 400 records have been broken by other individuals. These titles include a wide range of topics and a variety of skills, such as underwater juggling, distance sack racing, and the biggest pencil in the world. While it is difficult for one person to hold two kinds of records, this man has over 600 records registered in his name. This is indeed something for which he should be applauded.