5-Year-Old Girl Goes Missing On First Day Of School, School Shuts Downs Immediately

The Vanishing Moment

Laura Timothy's 5-year-old daughter, Maisie, was her pride and joy. That morning, as she dropped Maisie off for her first day of school, she saw the sparkle of excitement in her little girl's eyes.

But just five hours later, Laura's phone rang with a chilling message—Maisie was missing. What should’ve been a day of celebration turned into a desperate race against time, and Laura’s world spiraled into panic.

A Special Day

It was a special day. Laura's five-year-old daughter, Maisie, was finally going to school. That morning, Laura woke up earlier than usual and prepared Maisie's favorite breakfast.

"Are you excited for your first day of school?" Laura asked, smiling proudly at her young daughter as she dug into her plate of eggs and waffles. Maisie nodded frantically.

Her First Day

"Mommy's going to drop you off this morning and pick you up after school, but once I come home from work, we can get some ice cream," Maisie's father, Zach, said.

All in all, the two loving parents thought it would be a perfect day. It was sunny out, and Maisie had spent the entire summer talking about how excited she was for her first day.

Going To School

It was just before 8 a.m. that Laura and Maisie left the house and hopped in the car. Laura was emotional. It felt like the last five years of her life had passed in the blink of an eye.

That morning, they listened to Maisie's favorite music as they drove to school. But before long, they reached the massive building.

Dropping Her Off

Although she was emotional, she couldn't wait to spend some much-needed alone time for the first time in years. But soon, that day would take a turn for the worse.

Although she was emotional, she couldn't wait to spend some much-needed alone time for the first time in years. But soon, that day would take a turn for the worse.

Alone Time

That morning, Laura cleaned the house and even got the opportunity to read a book while enjoying a cup of coffee, but it wasn't until five hours after she dropped her daughter off at school that she received the call.

Laura frowned down at her phone, confused that the school would call at that hour. She wasn't supposed to pick Maisie up for a few more hours.

The Call

Laura assumed Maisie had forgotten something important and quickly answered the phone with a smile on her face. "Hello, this is Laura Timothy," she said. But she didn't expect what she heard next.

"Mrs. Timothy, this is Maisie's school. Something's happened. You need to come to the school right now." She instantly knew something was terribly wrong.

She Knew What She Wanted

Laura Timothy always knew what she wanted out of life. As a young girl, she grew up with two loving parents who gave her and her siblings everything they ever needed.

Her father worked hard to support their family, and her mother was a stay-at-home mom who was always there for her family. She hoped to someday live a life just like her parents.

Her Dream

When she met her husband, Zach, straight out of high school, she told him all about her dream to become a stay-at-home mom, and to her surprise, he fully supported her dream.

Over the years, Zach worked hard as a lawyer to care for Laura, who was the love of his life. Just two years after the pair got married, they began trying for their first child. 

Good News

It took a few months, but when Laura started to get worried, she finally received the good news from her doctor. Finally, her dream was becoming a reality. 

She was pregnant with their first child. When Laura told Zach the good news, he was overjoyed. He had always been a family man and couldn't wait to become a father.

A Baby Girl

The day Laura and Zach found out they were having a little girl, they painted the nursery pink and built her a crib. Their lives were slowly falling into place, and they couldn't be happier.

The night Laura gave birth to little Maisie was the happiest night of her life. As she lay in her hospital bed, holding the tiny baby, she made her a promise. "I am going to protect you, no matter what."

The First Months

The first few months with a newborn baby were tough. Laura and Zach barely got any sleep, but they were still happy as can be. Maisie was everything they had ever wanted.

But soon, a few months turned into a year, and one year turned into five. Before they knew it, their little baby had turned into a little girl.

She Grew Up Fast

But one summer, Laura and Zach began looking at the different schools close to their neighborhood. Maisie had just turned five, and she was finally ready for Pre-K.

She was beyond excited at the thought of finally going to school once the summer ended. But no one could have guessed what would've happened during her first day of school.

It Was Time

That summer passed in the blink of an eye, and before Laura knew it, she was standing in the kitchen, preparing Maisie's favorite breakfast on her first day of school.

That morning, Maisie looked adorable in a pink dress with her blonde hair in pigtails. No one could have guessed how that day would end. 

Going To School

It was just before 8 a.m. when Laura and Maisie left the house and drove to school. Laura was emotional. It felt like the last five years of her life had passed in the blink of an eye.

She greeted Maisie with tears of joy in her eyes before heading home, where she would finally spend some time by herself - something she hadn't done in years.

The Time Passed

The first few hours without Maisie passed quickly. Laura spent her time cleaning the house and reading a book. But everything fell apart when the school called.

It was just five hours after Laura had dropped her daughter off at school that she received the call that would change her life. "Mrs. Timothy, this is Maisie's school. Something's happened. You need to come to the school right now," the woman said on the other side of the line.

Bad News

As soon as those words left the woman's mouth, Laura's face went pale. She sat frozen on the couch for what felt like hours, her heart racing in her chest.

"Is everything okay? Is Maisie okay?" she asked with panic as panic flooded her system. What on earth was going on?


She could hear the panic in the woman's voice when she responded. "Maisie has gone missing. We have no idea where she is," the woman said.

That was when Laura's vision went blurry with tears. She hung up the phone, and without thinking, she rushed for the front door, her heart racing in her chest.

The Panic Set In

That day, as Laura rushed to her daughter's school, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Her palms were sweaty, and her skin was covered in goosebumps.

That morning, when she dropped Maisie off at school, she thought the school would keep her safe, but she was wrong. 

She Bolted

As soon as she stopped in front of the school, she bolted for the front gate. She was hoping it was all just a prank or some kind of sick joke. 

How could Maisie have disappeared from school? Laura's head was spinning with thousands of questions, but she was not ready for what she was about to go through. 

Where Is She?

As soon as she rushed into the school's office, she was surprised to see the principal surrounded by concerned teachers. 

As soon as he laid eyes on Laura, he could see the fear behind her eyes. "Where is my daughter?" Laura cried, "Was no one watching her? How could she have gone missing?"


The principal's eyes were filled with sympathy as he approached Laura. "Mrs. Timothy, I share my deepest apologies. According to her teachers, Maisie never made it back to class after lunch," he said.

Laura glanced at Maisie's teacher, who had been crying ever since she realized that Maisie was gone.

She Was Gone

"I looked everywhere. I checked the cafeteria, but she wasn't there. I checked the playground, and there was no one. I don't know where she could have gone," Mrs. Bateman, Maisie's teacher, said. 

Laura couldn't believe what was happening. How could a five-year-old girl just disappear from her school?

She Could Hardly Speak

Laura could hardly speak as tears poured down her cheeks. Everyone stared at her as her body shook with shock and horror. But then, the principal spoke once again. 

"Mrs. Timothy, we have informed the police, and they are on their way to help us find your daughter," he said. But that wasn't enough.

The Police

Laura shook her head, "I am not waiting for the police to get here before I find my daughter. I expected your school to keep her safe," she said and turned on her heels.

She rushed out of the principal's office and down the hall, yelling her daughter's name in a desperate attempt to find her. 

Searching For Maisie

While the principal spoke to the police, Laura and a few of the teachers decided to walk to every single classroom in an attempt to find the little girl.

Laura went from class to class, trying to find Maisie, but she was having no luck. No one had seen the girl for over an hour at that point.

Searching For Her

A missing person report was filed, the police and community members began searching in the area around the school, desperate to find Maisie as soon as possible.

When Zach heard the news, he raced straight to the school to help his wife find their little girl. They were beside themselves with worry as they searched the school grounds. 

An Hour Passed

Before they knew it, an hour had passed since they started looking for their daughter, and Laura had no idea where to look next. 

They had searched every single classroom, the school's gym, and each parking lot, but there was nothing. They couldn't even find Maisie's school bag. 


With each passing minute, Laura was feeling more and more anxious. Terrible thoughts had crossed her mind. What if someone had taken Maisie?

For the first time in an hour, Laura took a break to cry into her husband's shoulder. "What if we can't find her before dark?" she cried.


Zach pulled his wife into a tight hug, knowing that he had to be strong for Laura despite wanting to break down with her. "We are going to find her," he said quietly.

"We have so many people out there searching for her. We just need to keep looking. We will find her," he said, hoping that what he was saying was true.

A Tough Day

That day was the toughest day of their lives. Laura couldn't stop crying, and Zach had a tight knot in his stomach that just wouldn't go away. Their daughter had seemingly vanished into thin air.

But at that very moment, Laura had an idea. She had checked every classroom and even the play areas outside, but there was one place she hadn't checked.

The Kitchen

Laura quickly turned on her heels and headed to the two large doors that led into the cafeteria. Although the teachers had checked there before, no one had mentioned the kitchen. 

Zach quickly followed after his wife as she rushed into the cafeteria, calling out for Maisie, but there was no response.

Looking For Her

"She has to be in here somewhere. We need to find her," Laura said before walking toward the kitchen. She pushed the heavy door open, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Maisie?" she called, but there was no response. The kitchen seemed empty until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. 

The Old Woman

Laura spun around, noticing an old woman wearing an apron and a hairnet. She seemed confused upon noticing Laura in the kitchen. 

"Have you seen a little girl in here? She's wearing a pink dress. Her hair is blonde," Laura said, her hands trembling with nerves. The old woman nodded her head.

She Was There

"You mean Maisie? Yeah, she's here," she said, stepping to the side and revealing Maisie behind her, who was also wearing an apron and a hairnet.

Laura let out a gasp as she rushed to her daughter's side, lifting her into her arms as she cried, holding the little girl she thought she would never see again. 

High Spirits

Maisie seemed in high spirits as she waved a whisk around. "Look, Mommy. We were making cookies for tomorrow's lunch!" Maisie told her mother.

Laura was beyond baffled as she turned to the older woman, who didn't seem to understand what was going on.

She Needed Answers

"Sweetie, have you been here the whole time? You were supposed to be in class. No one could find you anywhere," Laura said, her voice still laced with urgency.

The old woman seemed confused until she glanced at the clock on the wall behind her. That was when she realized what had happened.

She Lost Track Of Time

"Oh my goodness, I didn't realize how late it was. Lunchtime ended hours ago!" the old woman said. But Laura still wanted an explanation.

"What's going on here? Why wasn't Maisie in class? Why is she in the kitchen?" she asked, angry at the entire situation. That was when the lunch lady finally explained what happened.

An Apology

"I am so sorry, ma'am. Maisie came wandering into the kitchen during lunchtime while I was baking the cookies for tomorrow's lunch," the woman began explaining.

"She asked if she could help, and I just couldn't say no. I completely lost track of time once we started," she revealed.


Laura couldn't believe that the woman's negligence had led to so much pain and confusion. She was about to say something when Maisie walked up to her.

"Look, Mommy, I made this one," Maisie said, holding out a horribly misshaped cookie for her mother to take. She instantly softened up.

She Was Safe

Laura took the cookie from her daughter's grasp and hugged her tightly as relief washed over her. All along, her daughter had been safe.

Suddenly, the circumstances didn't matter all that much. She was just happy to have Maisie back, knowing that she was safe.

Good News

Laura took her daughter and approached the principal, telling him the good news. He was very apologetic.

"I am so sorry, Mrs. Timothy. Linda, the lunch lady, is very old and often makes mistakes. I hope that you can accept my sincere apology."

She Was Relieved

But that didn't matter. Laura was just relieved that her daughter was safe. "Don't worry about it. I will be back tomorrow morning to drop Maisie off," she said.

That afternoon, Laura and Zach took their daughter out for ice cream, where they had a serious talk with the little girl.

A Life Lesson

Maisie promised her parents that she would never do something like that again and said that she was sorry. In the end, they used it as an important life lesson for Maisie.

That evening, she told her parents all about the friends she had made in class and how excited she was to go back the following day.

A Happy Ending

After the incident, Maisie excelled at school and began baking regularly with her mother. 

Laura was grateful that she had raised an intelligent and sweet young girl and promised to be by her side no matter what. In the end, their happy family carried on as usual.