55 Clever Uses For Toothbrushes At Home

Dentists recommend you replace your toothbrush every 3 months, however, that doesn’t mean you need to throw away your used toothbrushes. In fact, toothbrushes can be used for several other things apart from your teeth! Here are some useful tips on how to get the most life out of your old toothbrushes in everyday activities.

1. Brush Your Eyebrows

Toothbrushes work wonders on unkempt eyebrows. All you have to do is brush the scattered hairs in place.

2. Remove Gum From Clothing

Getting gum stuck on an article of clothing is irritating, but toothbrushes are the perfect brush to scrape away gum or other residue from your clothes.

3. Exfoliate Your Lips

Toothbrushes can scrape away the dead skin on your lips and restore the natural color of your lips. Simply apply some lip balm and start scrubbing your lips with a toothbrush in a circular motion.

4. Clean Your Keyboard

A toothbrush can easily clean the surface of your keyboard. It can brush between keys and get rid of gunk and crumbs.

5. Clean Your Hairbrush

You can also use a toothbrush to clean your hairbrush. Simply dab your toothbrush between your hairbrush bristles and stray hairs will get caught in your toothbrush bristles as you lift your toothbrush out of the hairbrush.

6. Declump Mascara

Excess mascara can be wiped off within seconds with a toothbrush, but make sure the toothbrush is clean otherwise you might irritate your eyes.

7. Clean Your Vents

Toothbrushes can squeeze into the smallest crevices like air conditioning vents. In fact, oftentimes toothbrushes get rid of dust better than industrial-grade dusters.

8. Apply Hair Dye Or Highlights

It’s hard to evenly apply hair dye or highlights to your hair, but toothbrushes make it a much less daunting task. Simply dip a toothbrush in the hair color and brush it on your strands.

9. Get Rid Of Blackheads

Toothbrushes are a great tool to add to your skincare routine. In fact, you can apply toothpaste on your nose, scrub it off with a toothbrush, and say goodbye to blackheads.

10. Clean Carpet Stains

There are some carpet stains that don’t go away with water. In cases like that, use a toothbrush to loosen the stain and gradually it will disappear.

11. Clean Tile Grout

Tile grout cleaners retail for over $25, but a toothbrush can serve the same purpose without denting your wallet.

12. Clean Your Stovetop

Napkins can’t always clean up messes on the stove. Move your toothbrush in a circular motion on any stovetop stain and it will rub right off.

13. Clean Your Toilet

You can get creative with your toothbrush and turn it into a toilet wand. Light a lighter about 1 and a half inches below the bristles. Once the toothbrush becomes soft, bend it 90 degrees.

14. Remove Splinters

Sometimes the act of removing splinters is more painful than the splinters themselves. Luckily, toothbrushes make the process fairly painless. Dab your toothbrush in a mixture of water and baking soda and gently rub the brush over the splinter until it comes out.

15. Clean Jewelry

It is very easy to get gunk stuck in the crevices of your jewelry, but also difficult to remove it. However, toothbrush bristles can easily get your favorite pieces of jewelry looking brand new.

16. Make A Bracelet

Toothbrushes can help you make a fashion statement. Place your brush in a pot of boiling water and bend it until it forms a circle. Wait until it cools before wearing it.

17. Create Nail Art

With some artistic talent, you can paint a cool design on your nails with a toothbrush.

18. Clean Under Nails

Dirt always makes its way under your fingernails. Use toothbrush bristles to remove the dirt within seconds.

19. Add Texture To Hairstyles

Add some flair to your braids and other hairstyles by brushing in the opposite direction of them with a toothbrush. Your hair will instantly have texture and a roughed up look.

20. Clean Your Sink

Clean your sink drain with a toothbrush to avoid clogs and other buildup.

21. Clean Your Appliances

Toasters, microwaves, and most other home appliances can be cleaned with a toothbrush.

22. Restore Velcro

Velcro tends to wear out over time as thread, hair, and lint can get trapped in it. You can reverse the damage by using a toothbrush to remove all the buildup.

23. Clean Your Child’s Toys

Children toys are the prime breeding ground for bacteria and other germs. Make sure to clean them with Dawn, warm water, and a toothbrush regularly to prevent your little ones from getting sick.

24. Polish Cabinet Pulls

Most people neglect cleaning the dirtiest part of their house and no it’s not the toilet–it’s cabinet pulls. Cabinet pulls attract a lot of germs as people touch them numerous times in the day. Dedicate at least one day of the month to clean them with a toothbrush.

25. Fixing Your iPhone Charging Port

If your iPhone doesn’t charge properly, the number one culprit is lint buildup inside the charging port. Simply use a toothbrush to clean out the port.

26. Make Your Toothbrush Brand New

Sometimes you want to stick to cleaning teeth with your toothbrushes and that’s okay. All you have to do is place your frayed toothbrush in hot water for 15 minutes and it’ll look as good as new.

27. Brush Your Little Pets

Toothbrushes are perfect for brushing tiny pets like hamsters. Make sure you clean your brush before you do this.

28. Clean Your Faucet

Faucets must be cleaned regularly to avoid mold and stains. Dip your toothbrush in some white vinegar and your faucet area will sparkle.

29. Clean Up Your Cuticles

Not only are toothbrushes great for cleaning underneath your nails, but they can also be used to clean your cuticles.

30. Clean Your Vegetables

Make your vegetables extra clean by scrubbing them with a toothbrush before cooking them.

31. Clean Your Cutting Board

Many cutting boards have surfaces that attract bacteria and other food particles. Use water, baking soda, and a toothbrush to leave your cutting board sparkling!

32. Remove Crayon Marks From The Wall

Have your toddlers left your walls a mess? Don’t worry, with some shaving cream and an old toothbrush you can leave your walls looking like they were just freshly painted.

33. Clean Your Garbage Disposal

Use a toothbrush to clean the food that gets stuck on the flaps of the garbage disposal. Make sure to rinse with cold water after you’re done!

34. Detail Your Car

A toothbrush is a great tool to clean out all the hard to reach places in your car. Pro-tip: if your headlights are dirty you can use your toothbrush and some toothpaste to make them look brand new again.

35. Clean Your Waffle Iron

Use your toothbrush to help dislodge stuck bits of waffle. It also helps if the waffle iron is already a little warm.

36. Remove Stains From Your Laundry

Before throwing your stained clothes in the wash, make sure to apply baking soda on the stain and scrub with a toothbrush. This will ensure that the stain is completely removed.

37. Use As A Paintbrush

Add a toothbrush to your arts and crafts equipment as it a great tool to add textures to clay, paint, and play-doh.

38. Clean Your Bike Chain

Take two toothbrushes and have the bristles face each other. Then tape the handles of the two brushes together. Put your bike chain in between the two brushes and spin the pedals so the whole chain can be cleaned.

39. Remove Dirt From Your Shoes

Do you have a pair of nice white shoes that just can’t seem to stay clean? Put a little bit of toothpaste on a toothbrush and use a little elbow grease to get rid of all the nasty dirt.

40. Clean Your Keurig

The area where the coffee pod is located is small and extremely hard to reach with conventional brushes. Use a toothbrush to prevent mold from building up and to ensure that your coffee is always delicious.

41. Spread Glue

Hate the feeling of dry glue between your fingers when doing projects? Next time use a toothbrush! A toothbrush is a great tool that easily spreads glue while also keeping your fingers clean.

42. Clean Your Refrigerator

Fridges often have a lot of bacteria and food particles that build up over time. Use a toothbrush to clean those hard to reach nooks and crannies.

43. Scrub Baseboards

Baseboards can be tricky to clean, but luckily we have a tip that can help you. Dip your toothbrush in soapy water and scrub away at the dirt and dust to leave your baseboards looking brand new.

44. Deep Clean Your Fish Tank

Fish tanks often have algae and slime buildup on the walls. In order to remedy this, simply take a toothbrush and wipe off the yucky substances.

45. Clean Corn On The Cob

Before cooking your corn on the cob, use a toothbrush to remove any strands of silk that are still on the corn. This will help prevent the silk from getting stuck in your teeth.

46. Clean Your Screen Door/Window

Screen doors and windows are often a breeding ground for dust. Make sure to clean them every few months using a toothbrush to get rid of any unwanted grime.

47. De-Pulp Your Juicer

While making juice is often a healthy way to start of the day, cleaning your juicer afterwards is often very tedious. Soaking your juicer in hot water and then using a toothbrush to get rid of the particles and pulp is a way to ensure that all the bacteria is removed.

48. Clean Your Hair Straightener

Over time your hair straightener can become quite dirty due to hair, dust, and other particles. In order to clean it, dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and wipe down the straightener. Then use the toothbrush for the stuff that is really stuck!

49. Manage Your Babyhair

If baby hairs are messing up your hairstyle you can spray a little bit of hairspray on the bristles of your toothbrush and brush those baby hairs out of the way.

50. Clean Your Can Opener

The gears on your can opener often stop moving when food particles are stuck in between them. In order to get them moving again, use a toothbrush to get rid of those unwanted particles!

51. Rejuvenate Your Wrought Iron

Wrought iron is a beautiful and durable material, however, its rough surface attracts a lot of dust and dirt. Using some dish soap and a toothbrush can help get rid of the dust and dirt and leave your wrought iron looking brand new.

52. Get Rid Of Nail Polish Stains

In order to get nail polish residue off your fingernails, you can dip your toothbrush in a mixture of baking soda, water, and lemon juice and scrub away the old nail polish.

53. Clean Your Blinds

People often neglect cleaning their blinds and run the risk of letting their allergies go wild. If there’s an allergic flare in your house, remove the blinds and submerge them in soapy water in the bathtub. Then scrub them clean with a toothbrush.

54. Clean Your Watch Head

Dip your toothbrush in soapy water and scrub your watch head. Once your done with the head, you can scrub the back side and watch band as well.

55. Clean Your Grater

Although graters are an extremely convenient tool, they are often difficult to clean as small food particles tend to get stuck in them. An easy fix is the use of the toothbrush which can easily fit in the small holes of the grater.