An Incredible Thing Happens When You Pour Half A Liter Of Coke In The Toilet

We can’t deny that Coca-Cola is our favorite drink whenever we pick something up to eat. From chips to burgers and pizza, we love to keep Coca-Cola as an add-on to gulp our meals down. Even though coke is a staple drink for food suppliers as well as consumers but many people don’t know that the drink is 134 years old and was not actually invented as the drink as we know it today. So, let’s dive in and know how coke came into being.

How Did Coca-Cola Come Into Being?

Coca-Cola’s history dates back to 1886 when a pharmacist, John Pemberton invented it as a derivative of the alcoholic beverage Vin Mariani. He named the cola Pemberton’s French Wine Coca. Later, when alcohol was banned in the state of Atlanta in 1886, where John Pemberton lived, he replaced the wine with sugar syrup and called it Coca-Cola. Back then, you had to dilute it with water and the beverage was sold in jugs. Afterward, the sugar syrup was mixed with carbonated water and this is how the soda, as we know it today, came into being. The story of how it came into existence was fun but what about its versatile existence in today’s world? It’s no more just a cola to drink, there’s more to it!

A Cure For The Pests In Your Garden

Did you know that Coca-Cola is an effective pest control method for your garden? So, when you need to get rid of slugs and snails, pour a small bowl of Coca-Cola and place it near your garden or flowerbeds. The smell of the drink will attract the bugs and its acidity will kill them. So the next time you see someone pouring cola into their garden instead of water, call them crafty not crazy!

Defrost Your Windshield In A Minute

One of the biggest problems we face during winters is the frosted windshield of our cars. Sometimes, it leads to us getting late for work or other appointments as well. But you need not worry about it anymore as a coke can rescue you in such a situation. Next time, when you encounter such a problem on a chilly morning, just liberally pour coke across the windshield and wait for a minute. After a minute, watch the ice turn to slush for easy removal.

Restore The Utensils’ Shine

We all agree that many times while cooking, we lose track of cooking time and end up burning our utensils. And removing the burnt stains from utensils is quite a cumbersome task. Well, we didn’t realize it but the solution to this situation lies in our kitchen itself. Pour a can of coke into the pan with burnt-on mess and simmer and witness the mess come off with just a wipe. This remedy is not effective only on burnt pans but also in other utensils that have the scale and build-up in them.

Dust The Rust Off

Sometimes, we encounter many things in our home that have rust on them because we rarely use them. Even worse, there are times when there are rusty spots on our car, and getting it fixed from the market may take a toll on our pocket. Fortunately, there is a cheaper option available to you as you can use coke to clean the rust off an item. Simply, dip crumbled tinfoil in Coca-Cola and then give the item a scrub and watch the rust come off easily. You can use coke to loosen up a rusty bolt as well. Just unscrew the bolt half a turn and pour on Coca-Cola. Let it settle, and then give the metal a wipe. The bolt and screws will come off in no time.

Clean Stains From Your Clothes

Quite often we end up staining our clothes with grease and oil and we all know how stubborn these grease stains are. And removing those stains with detergent and water is a task next to impossible. Alternatively, people use stain removers to clean the stains but the stain removers are expensive and sometimes not very efficient. So, put those stain removers aside and use coke on the stains instead. Simply, pour a can of coke into the wash with water and detergent just like you usually do and run it through a normal cycle. Once done, let the clothes dry and enjoy wearing stain-free, clean clothes.

Get Rid Of The Skunk Smell

Nobody can deny that the smell of skunk just grosses us out and not at all pleasant to our nose. We all want to get rid of that smell if we ever get that on our clothes or our body. But we have got you covered with this little tip. Just wash your clothes in water with detergent and a can of coke and the cauldron will break down the odor and make it less nauseating. And in case you or your pet gets skunked, you can pour coke on yourself or your pet from head to toe and wait a few minutes before rinsing it off. Using coke will remove the smell of skunk from your body and a hot water bath afterward will leave you feeling refreshed as well.

First-Aid Treatment For Jellyfish Stings

Did you know that while treating a jellyfish sting you need to neutralize its effect with something acidic? Normally, people treat the sting with vinegar and sometimes urine as well. Now, vinegar might be unavailable to you many times and urine may gross you out. So, in such a case, coke comes to your rescue. Coke is mildly acidic in nature, so it can neutralize the effect of the sting on the skin and relieve the person of the pain without grossing him out.

Remove Gum From Your Hair

We have all heard of a kid who would go and give trouble to the people around him and the most common of those pranks is to stick gum on someone’s head. You do not need to be dreaded if you ever encounter such a situation as you need not say bye to those beautiful strands and go all bald because of the gum. Save your hair from a disaster with coke. Dip the gum in a bowl of coke and let it sit for a few minutes. The coke will break down the gum and allow you to wipe it off smoothly.

Pour The Coke Down Your Toilet Seat

Is your toilet stinking and the commode all messed up? It is time to experiment with Coca-Cola’s cleaning capacity on it. Just pour half a liter of coke in the toilet and simply flush it off after a few minutes. You will be amazed to see that it leaves your toilet seat looking sparkling white. It is pretty crazy that it works like wonders in cleaning the toilet without even using a brush or a scrub.