Change In Behavior
Why wouldn’t her son talk? Katie’s concern for her child got worse with every moment that passed. She tried getting him to speak, but he wouldn’t. What was wrong?

Little Jessie looked down at his feet. Katie knew that she had to figure out what was going on once and for all. Her intuition told her that her mother-in-law was involved..
Katie and Derek Pearson had been married for a year and couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately for them, they had no idea what Derek’s mother had in mind.

She arranged a meeting with the couple and asked them a very personal question. She was disappointed that Katie wasn’t pregnant yet. Katie tried to be polite, but it was really none of her business.
Not Ready Yet
Derek knew his mother could be a bit much sometimes. He spoke for the both of them, explaining that they didn’t want to rush into anything. They had enough to worry about without this pressure.

They needed to establish themselves a little more before having a child. Katie smiled as Derek finished explaining everything. Unfortunately, Caroline wasn’t done yet. She desperately wanted a grandchild.
Getting Old
That’s when Caroline retorted. She explained that she was already getting into her twilight years and that she wouldn’t be around forever. She felt like she had some kind of right to be a grandmother.

Caroline had put the ball in their court, but they wouldn’t let her manipulate them. They would hold steadfast and have their child on their terms, no matter how hard the mother-in-law tried.
Focusing On Katie
Derek explained that it was a very big decision to have a child. They had to make sure that they were ready. He told her they could talk about it at a later date.

That’s when Caroline focused her manipulation on Katie. “Just remember that women aren’t spring chickens forever,” Caroline said coldly. Katie felt offended, even if she hid it.
One Last Jab
This was the final straw for Derek. He gestured for he and katie to get up. They made up an excuse to go home. But as they tried heading for the door, Caroline felt like she had to get one last bit of unheeded advice in.

“And when you conceive, make sure it’s the natural way. I don’t want my baby to be born artificially in a lab,” She jabbed as they got to the door.
Maybe There Was A Hint Of Truth
On the drive home, Katie kept thinking about what Caroline said. Derek noticed her deep in thought and tried reassuring her. “She’s just like this, alright? Please don’t listen to a word she says.”
The couple knew that they would have a baby on their terms and at the right time. But Caroline’s harsh words would still ring in her mind. Maybe there was truth to it.

She’s Right
“Although I was annoyed with your mother, something that she said got me thinking. She’s right. We aren’t getting any younger, and the longer we wait, the lesser chance for us to possibly conceive naturally. So I think we should go for it,” she said.

Derek was taken aback by the sudden turn of events.
Her Mind Was Made Up
“Are you sure? What about your job? And I thought we were going to try to save a little more money?” Derek asked. But it seemed like Katie’s mind was already made up.

They hugged each other. They knew that if they tried now, their lives were going to change in the blink of an eye. They just had to be ready for it.
And just like that, four months later, Katie was pregnant. The Pearsons were over the moon and began planning everything for the baby’s eventual arrival.
But no one was happier than Derek’s mother, Caroline. She was beside herself with excitement and even gave credit to herself for telling them to speed up the baby-making process.

Very Helpful
But in the end, she was very helpful with the pregnancy, so much so that she moved in and helped them around the house and cooked meals for them.

Katie and Derek were very grateful for Caroline’s help, and it was like she was a godsend in their time of need. But things would take a turn for the strange when the baby finally arrived.
Katie gave birth to a healthy baby boy they named Jessie. He was the apple of their eyes, and everyone immediately fell in love with the little boy.

And as four years passed by in a flash, when Katie was ready to return to work full time, it was Caroline who stepped in to take care of Jessie while they were at work.
Charismatic Little Boy
Jessie was a charismatic little boy who could wrap anyone around his little finger with his cute charms. He had an infectious laugh, and he loved his Grandma Caroline.

But over time, things would take a worrying turn in the Pearson household. Katie and Derek would notice something very worrying about their son.
Not Talking
He became withdrawn and distant, and eventually, he wasn’t talking to any of them anymore. Katie and Derek couldn’t understand what had become of their usually happy son.

One evening, they decided to bring it up with Caroline. But she didn’t think anything was wrong with Jessie. “No, I don’t see it. He’s his usual self with me. He talks to me, so I don’t see a problem,” she replied confidently.
Months Later
But as weeks turned to months, Jessie was showing no signs of talking to his parents. They tried everything, and he just wasn’t saying anything.

That night, as they lay in bed, they spoke about their concerns. “I think something is wrong with him, Derek. We need to take him to a doctor,” Katie suggested.
Wasting Your Time
Derek agreed, and the next morning, they got Jessie ready to go to the doctor. But not before Caroline protested. “Where do you think you’re taking him? Didn’t I say that there’s nothing wrong with my precious boy? You’ll be wasting your time and money. You’ll see.”

Katie just rolled her eyes. She knew that something wasn’t right, and all that mattered was their son.
All Clear
But after seeing the doctor, they were left more confused than ever. “There’s nothing physically wrong with him, but it could be psychological. He could be dealing with something. Only time will tell. We have to try to be patient with him,” the doctor suggested.

Katie couldn’t imagine what it could be that their son was dealing with.
I Told You So
When they got home, Caroline wasted no time with her unwanted comments. “I told you there was nothing wrong with him. But no, you don’t listen to me,” she replied sarcastically.

Katie took her son to his room and tried to talk to him again, but there was no luck. He looked at her like he wanted to say something, but every time he tried, Caroline interrupted him.
Please Leave
“I think it’s time for Jessie’s nap now. You’ve exhausted him by taking him to the doctor. Could you please leave the room while I put him to rest?” Caroline said.

Katie was taken aback by Caroline’s tone of voice. But she noticed something very troubling. Every time her son got the urge to speak to her, Caroline walked in. Something was up..
A Plan
She didn’t tell Derek just yet. She wanted to make sure first. She had a plan up her sleeve. She didn’t like the way Caroline had been talking to her lately. She had been very dismissive of her concerns regarding their son, and that put up a lot of red flags for her.

It was time to see what exactly was going on while they weren’t home. She set up a hidden camera.
The Hidden Camera
That morning, she left the house knowing that the camera would be recording whatever was going on in the house, and she wanted to hear if her son was talking to Caroline as she claimed.

That afternoon, she raced home. She couldn't wait to hear what the hidden camera had recorded. Her heart was beating very fast. She didn’t know what she was about to uncover.
As soon as Katie pulled up in front of the house, she let out a shaky breath. She wondered how her husband would react if he knew what she had been getting up to. Would he be angry that she had recorded his mother?

She walked up to the front door hesitantly, then pushed the door open slowly. But she had no idea what she was about to walk into.
As soon as Katie pushed the door open, she heard two voices, but then, she was surprised to hear the house go completely silent. She slowly walked into the foyer and called out for Caroline.

But there was no answer. When she walked into the living room, she was surprised to find her mother-in-law on the couch, alone. “Where is Jessie?” She questioned. Something about the situation seemed very suspicious.
It Didn’t Feel Right
“He’s gone to the bathroom,” Caroline said casually. She didn’t notice Katie’s suspicious gaze as she rose from the couch and made her way toward the kitchen. “I’m making tea, would you like some?”

All Katie could do was shake her head. Something about the situation didn’t feel right. She wanted to check on her son. As soon as her mother-in-law headed into the kitchen, Katie turned to the hallway.
He Didn’t Answer
As she walked along the long, narrow hall, she could hear the sound of soft sobs echoing from the bathroom. She knocked on the door, but when Jessie didn’t answer, she pushed it open.

The little boy was sat in the corner of the room with his face in his hands. He was crying quietly to himself. His big eyes peeked from between his fingers, and when he noticed his mother, he turned his back on her. What on earth was going on?
Katie was heartbroken to see her son in this state. She wished someone could just tell her what on earth was going on. This wasn’t normal and it wasn’t healthy. Something was happening to her son, and she didn’t know how to help him.

She glanced behind herself and down the hall. She could see Caroline watching from the kitchen. Why was she staring?
Katie felt anything but comfortable as her mother-in-law’s eyes trailed after her every movement. She felt like she was constantly being watched and observed, especially when she was around her son.

She felt like Caroline was trying to interfere with her relationship with her son, but when she had previously mentioned this to her husband, he got upset. “She’s just protective of him,” Derek would say, but Katie wasn’t sure if that was the truth.
She Noticed Everything
Katie wasn’t blind to Caroline’s presence and persistence. Every single time she was with her son, Caroline would be right there, watching her.

At first, she didn’t pay too much attention to it. She didn’t think Caroline had any ulterior motives. However, she noticed that the change in her son began after she started taking care of him.
But not only would she watch them, she would interfere with everything she said. If Katie said that the boy could have a bowl of ice cream, Caroline would say that he couldn’t.

It was like she was trying to take Katie’s role as Jessie’s mother away from her. What was the older woman saying or doing to him when she was away at work?
Becoming A Grandma
Caroline had begged her son and daughter-in-law for a grandchild, but now, it seemed that she despised Katie. But every time the concerned woman would speak to her husband about the issue, he would bottle up.

The truth was that he didn’t like his wife’s accusations. Derek didn’t see what Katie saw. His mother never acted the same around him. She was sweet and kind when Derek was around.
Not Hiding Anything
Caroline wasn’t even hiding the fact that she was staring from the kitchen. Katie felt small under her gaze and decided to step into the bathroom and close the door behind her.

She wanted a second alone with her son, which she barely got these days. Caroline was always around, and when she wasn’t, Jessie would refuse to acknowledge his mother.
Everything He Needed
She had put everything into giving her son the love and attention he needed. She couldn’t help but wonder why the sudden change had occurred.

Had Caroline been saying something about her when she wasn’t around? For a second, she thought back to the little hidden camera. She prayed that it would give her some answers. She had no idea what she was in for.
Are You Okay?
Once the door was shut behind her, she walked toward the little boy and sat beside him on the floor, “Hey champ, are you okay?” She asked in a gentle voice, but he refused to look at her.

She stared at the back of his head, worry welling in her chest. Jessie was her first child, and she didn’t quite know what to expect at this age.
Growing Up
She couldn’t understand what was going on. Was this all a part of growing up? Was he struggling to cope since she had gone back to work? She had heard of children struggling with attachment issues.

She hoped it was temporary and that in just a few weeks, he would be back to his usual self. It pained her to see him like this. No child deserves to be depressed at such a young age. She didn’t even know it was possible.
Looking For A Reason
She thought back to the doctor’s visit. She felt like she had made a mistake by not taking him to a psychologist. Caroline said that he didn’t need it.

Had she made a mistake by believing her? She tried to think of every reasonable explanation. What had happened to her son in the last few months?
She wondered if the little boy felt like he had been abandoned by his parents. Katie tried to speak to him, but as usual, he flat-out ignored her. What had gotten into her little boy? Why was he acting this way all of a sudden?

She felt like she was failing at being a mother. Something wasn’t going right and she felt powerless to fix it.
She had tears in her eyes as she stared at the back of his head. She wished she could hold him and tell him that everything would be okay, but she knew he wouldn’t allow that. What was she supposed to do?

She placed a gentle hand on his back and began rubbing soothing circles over his shirt. His shoulders were tense under her hand.
Comforting Him
“Hey, it’s okay,” She spoke quietly as he sniffled before her. “Everything is going to be okay, I promise. I’m sorry you’re not feeling happy right now,” She almost broke down but remained calm for her son.

She could feel his shoulders begin to relax as she continued to comfort him. This was the most they had interacted in weeks. Her heart swelled. She wanted nothing more than to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.
Fix It
“Mommy and Daddy are going to fix this. We will take you to someone who can’t make you feel better, okay?” She said, and he nodded. Mentally, her son was in a horrible space.

She was determined to get him out of it. She was going to help him if it was the last thing she ever did. “Tell Mommy what’s going on, and I can fix it,” She almost begged.
Opening Up
She watched with wide eyes as the little boy began turning around. Was he finally going to tell her what was bothering him so much? But just as he was about to speak, there was an interruption.

First, she heard the door crack open, then she heard movement behind her. When she turned to the door, Caroline was standing in the doorway.

Listening In
When Katie turned to face Caroline, the older woman was staring daggers into her soul. Had she heard their conversation? Katie swallowed loudly.

Her son had turned back to the wall and was refusing to acknowledge her once again. She was angered by this. Once again, her mother-in-law was interfering. This conversation had nothing to do with her.
Her Decision
“The boy doesn’t need to see anyone, he is just fine.” She spat, looking down at Katie with angry eyes. Who did she think she was? This was not her decision to make.

Katie wanted to confront her, but something was holding her back. What if she was reading too much into things? What if everything was fine? She didn’t want to accuse Caroline of anything she wasn’t certain bout.
“Jessie is tired, you should give him some time to himself,” Caroline muttered. Katie was caught off guard by this. She slowly rose from the bathroom floor, blinking back tears.

She couldn’t understand why she felt so self-conscious and horrible in front of her own family members. She slowly slipped out of the bathroom while Caroline joined the boy’s side. Something didn’t feel right.
She left the bathroom in tears, confused by what was going on. She was concerned about her son and suspicious of her mother-in-law. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

She downed it, desperate to wash down the bitter taste in her mouth. But just then, she remembered her initial plan. She remembered the hidden camera and her plans to discover the truth. She had to get to the bottom of this.
She looked around and made sure Caroline wasn’t looking, then she quickly retrieved the camera from where she had hidden it and went to the bedroom. She snatched her laptop from her bedside table and booted it up.

Her hands were clammy and shaking as she plugged the device into her laptop. She wondered what she was about to find.
Press Play
She took a deep breath before pressing play, now, all she had to do was listen. Her eyebrows knitted together.

What she heard left her reeling with shock. Tears started falling down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her mother-in-law’s voice was loud and clear. How could she do this? Her stomach dropped.
The Footage
Before Katie knew it, she found herself in tears once again. She could hear her son’s sobs through the recording. All along, this was what Caroline had been doing to her son. She felt beyond betrayed.

She reached for her phone and called Derek to come home immediately. There was something he needed to hear.
She felt the urge to rush outside and tell her mother-in-law to leave, but she couldn’t face her. She had never felt this terrible in her life, and she needed a moment to herself.

Suddenly, it all made sense. This was what was wrong with her son all along. It was all thanks to Derek’s mother. She knew that it would take him a while to get home, so she decided to stay in the room for a while longer.
Cleaning Herself Up
She cried for a good fifteen minutes, and by the end of it, her head was pounding. She listened to the audio again and again, praying that she was imagining it all, but she wasn’t. This was reality.

Eventually, she mustered up the strength to rinse her face in the bathroom. Her eyes were swollen and red. But she had to meet her husband in the living room. She had to discuss this with the entire family.
Leaving The Room
She took a deep breath before leaving her bedroom with the laptop. Her mother-in-law was nowhere to be seen. Jessie’s bedroom door was shut, and she assumed that Caroline was in there with him.

She sat down on the couch and waited. Tears continued to stream down her face. She had no idea that she had been leaving her son alone with a monster. She was now suffering the consequences of this decision.
Rushing Home
Meanwhile, Derek was rushing to get home. His wife was in a state when she called him, and he knew that it was a serious situation. He asked for details, but she could barely speak through her sobs.

He drove through multiple orange lights on his way, but eventually, he made it home in record time. He too was shaken up. What if something had happened? Was his wife and son okay?
Coming Home
Derek rushed through the front door to find Katie with tears streaming down her face. He was relieved to see that she was alright. But he knew that something terrible was coming when she placed the laptop beside her on the couch.

“Please tell your mother to come to the living room. There’s something that both of you need to hear,” Katie said.
The Recording
Derek immediately made his way to his son’s bedroom and asked his mother to follow him. She tried to stay with Jessie, but he dragged her out of the room.

After much protestation from Caroline, Katie finally pressed play on the device. “Stop calling her mommy! I’m your mommy now. I don’t want to hear you calling her that anymore, do you hear me?”
Derek's Shock
As the recording played, Derek's eyes widened in shock. He listened to the voice on the recording, realizing that it was his mother's voice, and she was instructing their son not to call Katie "mommy" anymore.

Caroline's face turned pale as she listened to her own voice on the recording. She tried to explain herself, but Katie and Derek were not in the mood for excuses.
Derek turned to his mother, anger evident in his eyes. "Mom, what's going on here? Why are you trying to alienate our son from his own mother?"

Caroline stammered, attempting to come up with an explanation, but she couldn't find one that would justify her actions. "I...I just thought it would be better if he was closer to me, you know, as his grandmother."
Broken Trust
Katie felt a mix of anger and betrayal. "Caroline, you've not only taken away our son's voice but also tried to break the bond between us as a family. We trusted you to take care of him."

Caroline realized the severity of her actions and how much she had hurt her own family. She began to sob, apologizing for her behavior and promising to make amends.
Seeking Help
After a heated confrontation, Katie and Derek decided that they needed to seek professional help for Jessie. They couldn't allow their son to be emotionally manipulated any further. Caroline was deeply regretful of her actions and offered her full support for the decision.

With the guidance of a child psychologist, Jessie slowly started to regain his speech and rebuild his bond with his parents. It was a long and challenging journey, but they were determined to help their son overcome the trauma he had experienced.
Rebuilding Trust
Caroline, feeling immense guilt for her actions, worked hard to rebuild her relationship with her son and daughter-in-law. She attended therapy sessions with them and apologized sincerely for her behavior.

Over time, with therapy and open communication, the Pearson family began to heal. Jessie's smile returned, and he started speaking again, albeit slowly. The family learned to forgive but not forget, and they worked together to ensure that such a painful episode never happened again.
New Beginnings
The Pearsons decided that it was time for a fresh start. They put the past behind them, moved into a new house, and focused on nurturing Jessie's growth in a loving and secure environment.
All that mattered was Jessie and his well-being. They needed to focus on getting him to his former cheerful self after the damage that Caroline inflicted upon him.
A Second Chance
Caroline, grateful for a second chance, became an active and loving grandmother, ensuring that she never overstepped her boundaries again. The family grew stronger through adversity, appreciating the importance of trust, communication, and love in their lives.