Boyfriend Demands Woman Shower Twice Daily, She Meets Mom And Realizes Why

Time for a Shower

Linda felt her world shatter when her boyfriend suggested she take a shower. Confused, she couldn’t comprehend his concern—she showered twice a day, just like most people.

Yet, something was causing an unpleasant odor, and she was at a loss for how to address it. Would her boyfriend grasp what she was going through?


Linda and her boyfriend of five months, Chris, didn’t hit it off right away. They met at a mutual friend’s birthday party, and Linda thought that Chris was a little obnoxious.

But as they kept bumping into each other over time, Linda slowly warmed up to Chris and saw that he was actually a very nice guy.

First Date

It was then that Chris asked Linda out, and they went on their first date. And much to Linda’s surprise, Chris was the perfect gentleman.

From there, they became official, and Linda couldn’t have asked for a more attentive and sweet boyfriend. Chris was everything she had dreamed of until he started noticing something about her.

Do You Smell That?

A few months into their relationship, Linda noticed that Chris kept smelling the air every time they were together. At times, she became really annoyed because he wouldn’t stop doing it.

And then he would keep asking her, “Do you smell that?” But Linda usually couldn’t smell anything. “It smells really musty.” Linda didn’t know what Chris was talking about.

The Concern Grows

As weeks passed, Chris's concern about the mysterious smell became more apparent. And Linda could see that he was starting to think that it was her. He started dropping subtle hints about hygiene and cleanliness, suggesting that Linda should shower more often. 

Linda couldn't comprehend what was wrong since she was meticulous about her personal care.

Strange Odor

One day, Chris finally mustered up the courage to address the issue directly. "Linda, I don't know how to say this, but I've noticed a strange odor when we're together. 

I think that it might be coming from you and that you should shower more often, maybe twice a day, until we figure this out," he said cautiously.


Stunned and hurt, Linda's emotions spiraled into a mix of confusion and embarrassment. She couldn't fathom why Chris was suddenly fixated on her hygiene when she had always taken care of herself. 

She felt humiliated and self-conscious, wondering if there was a serious underlying health problem causing the smell. She just couldn’t see that there was anything wrong.

The Self-Doubt

The next few days were agonizing for Linda. She couldn't stop thinking about Chris's remarks and started doubting herself. Her self-esteem took a severe hit, and she began obsessively seeking answers about possible medical conditions that could cause the perceived odor.

Feeling overwhelmed, Linda decided to confide in her best friend, Sarah. Tearfully, she shared the whole situation with Sarah, hoping for some support and understanding. 

A Second Opinion

To her relief, Sarah reassured her that she hadn't noticed any unusual smell and reminded her of all the times they had laughed and enjoyed each other's company without any such concerns.

In search of more validation, Linda decided to visit her doctor to discuss her concerns. The doctor carefully examined her and found no underlying health issues that could explain the smell. Linda's anxiety started to ease, knowing that she wasn't facing a serious medical problem.

Renewed Confidence

With a sense of renewed confidence, Linda confronted Chris about the doctor's visit and the clean bill of health. However, Chris remained firm in his stance, insisting that he still noticed the smell.

After everything, he was still smelling something. Linda was beginning to think that he was the problem. There was nothing wrong with her, after all.

A Suspicious Encounter

One day, Linda received an invitation from Chris to have dinner at his place with his mother. Linda felt both thrilled and nervous about meeting his mother for the first time, hoping it would strengthen their bond. 

But at the back of her mind, she worried about the smell issue and how it might affect the encounter.

Most Expensive Perfume

As the evening approached, Linda prepared herself meticulously, showering twice before heading to Chris's house. 

She sprayed herself with deodorant and her most expensive perfume, hoping it would mask any possible odor. But deep down, she knew that no perfume could conceal a scent that didn't exist. So she held her head up high, knowing that she would be okay.

The Dreaded Meeting

When Linda arrived at Chris's place, she was warmly welcomed by his mother, Elizabeth. Linda couldn't help but notice that Elizabeth kept sniffing the air occasionally throughout the evening. 

Panic crept back into Linda's mind, fearing that Chris might have already discussed the issue with his mother. But would Chris really do something like that?


Despite her best efforts to be present and enjoy the evening, Linda found herself distracted and self-conscious. She felt like everyone in the room was scrutinizing her every move and sniffing for the nonexistent smell.

With all the extra worry, Linda began sweating, and this made her really worried. And if she was dripping with sweat, surely there was an odor emitting from her.

An Unexpected Ally

To Linda's surprise, an unexpected ally emerged in the form of Chris' younger sister, Emma. Emma, a vivacious and outspoken teenager, noticed her brother and mother's odd behavior and decided to investigate what was going on.

Emma approached Linda privately during a moment when the others were busy in conversation. "Hey, don't worry about them. They can be a bit judgmental sometimes," Emma whispered with a knowing smile.

Hushed Tones

But as the night went on, Linda couldn’t help but notice how Chris’ mom, Elizabeth had pulled him aside and started talking to him in a hushed tone.

They then looked at her directly and turned away. Linda then began to feel uneasy again. What were they discussing, and why were they looking at her? Linda wished the ground would just swallow her whole.

Not The Truth

When Chris came to sit next to her at the table again, Linda asked him if everything was okay. He sniffed the air once more and said that everything was fine.

But Linda wasn’t convinced. She knew that it wasn’t the truth and that they were discussing her behind her back. She felt so humiliated.


Emma could see the distressed look on her face. She knew that Linda felt nervous about meeting all of them, and she wanted her to feel at ease.

She knew how difficult it was to meet the in-laws for the first time. But she noticed that Linda was very uneasy and something was bothering her.

Chris's Plan

Linda’s cheeks were aching with embarrassment. She slowly and subtly brought her nose down to her armpit and sniffed, but all she could smell was her perfume. 

Everyone around her said that she smelled fine, but what if they were lying to protect her feelings? She felt like she was going to be sick, but she had no idea that this was all part of Chris’s plan. 

Sweaty Situation

She could feel the drops of sweat pouring down her back and chest. She was already in a stressful situation, and being accused of “stinking” only made it worse. 

Her head felt dizzy as she glanced out at the table of people around her. Were they all thinking about it? She wanted to disappear. She needed a moment to herself.

Watching Her

Before she knew it, she rose from her seat. All eyes were on her now, and she watched as her boyfriend and his mother pulled strange faces. 

Standing up, the smell had spread through the air. But as she glanced at everyone else around the table, they all seemed fine, like they couldn’t smell anything. Perhaps they were all just being polite.

To The Bathroom

“I will be right back. I just have to powder my nose,” she said in a shaky voice. Emma, the teenage girl, watched with worried eyes as Linda left the room in a hurry.

As she walked along the long hallway leading to the guest bathroom, she began unbuttoning her jacket. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She had never experienced anything like this before.

Hygiene Issues

She had never had a hygiene issue before, and experiencing it as an adult was overwhelming and embarrassing. She liked Chris so much, and she wanted to be perfect for him.

Tears burned behind her eyes as she pushed the bathroom door open. His mother could smell it, which meant that she was the issue. Everyone else was too polite to tell her. She had no idea what her new boyfriend was doing to her.

A Horrible Situation

The second she stepped foot into the bathroom, she locked the door behind herself. Tears freely ran down her face as she tossed her coat on the floor beside her. 

She was wet with sweat. She couldn’t smell anything on herself, but that didn’t mean that there wasn’t a smell. She looked around the small bathroom until her eyes landed on a useful object.

A Sponge Bath

She grabbed the tiny hand towel from beside the sink. She wet a small portion of it and grabbed the hand soap. Linda then pumped a bunch of the soap onto the wet towel and rubbed the material together.

She stared down at the soapy mess in her hands. Never did she think she would find herself taking a sponge bath at a dinner party. She was beyond embarrassed.

An Unconscious Habit

Tears streamed down her face once more. This whole situation had left her thinking about everything. Her own boyfriend had clearly conspired with his mother, and now she was left humiliated in front of a bunch of people.

She lifted her arms up to smell them again. It had become an unconscious habit by now.

Trying To Be Quick

She tried to finish up as quickly as possible so that no one would come and knock on the door to check on her. She had really hoped to stop crying by now, but the tears kept coming.

Now, she had to go back to the dinner table with red puffy eyes as well. “Something else for these people to talk about,” she said to herself.

The Bathroom Cabinet

She frantically opened the bathroom cabinet, hoping to find some deodorant or some perfume. In her haste, she had forgotten to pack those essential items in her bag.

She could have kicked herself for forgetting something so crucial. She rummaged through the cabinet but came up short. “Nothing but pills and Pepto Bismol,” she mumbled. 


Linda felt defeated, standing in that bathroom with a makeshift sponge bath and no means to freshen up. Her anxiety was reaching its peak, and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing. 

She was not only embarrassed but also beginning to feel betrayed by Chris. She wondered how someone she cared about could put her through such a humiliating experience.

Fixing The Problem

But it was no use just standing in the bathroom and staring at herself in the mirror. If there was a problem, she was going to fix it.

“After this sponge bath, there would be no reason to smell anything anymore,” she said to herself. She was trying her best to convince herself and hoped that it was true.

No Difference

She winced when she placed the ice-cold towel against her skin. Reluctantly, she began washing under her sweaty armpits and around her neck to her chest.

The cool, soapy water was refreshing against her burning skin, but she knew it wouldn’t make a difference. She had been showering multiple times a day, and he still accused her of smelling bad. 

Ruining Her Makeup

For just a moment, she allowed the tears to run down her face. She knew that her makeup was ruined, but that didn’t matter. She just needed a moment to let it all out. 

She wanted to go home and never show her face again. Chris was such an amazing guy, and she couldn’t believe how badly she had embarrassed herself before him. It was a terrible night. 

Calm Down

But after a few minutes, she opened the faucet once again and rinsed the soap from the tiny towel. She looked at herself in the mirror. 

Her forehead was wet with sweat, and dark streaks of makeup painted her cheeks. If she left the bathroom in this state, it would be obvious that she had been crying. She couldn’t embarrass herself further. 

Cold Water

She placed her hands under the stream of water and began rinsing her face. Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment, but the cold water seemed to help calm her down.

Before long, the tears stopped streaming. She washed the streaks of makeup from her face and used the dry end of the towel to dry herself. She then raised an arm and sniffed at her armpit. She couldn’t smell anything. 

Done The Trick

Tossing the towel in a nearby laundry basket, she hoped that her quick sponge bath had done the trick. Hopefully, she would catch any more glances or whispers between Chris and his mother.

Her eyes were still a little puffy, but she thought she could disguise her tears as issued with allergies. 

Walking Back

She took short, slow steps toward the dining room. She didn’t want to face his family. For a moment, she considered heading for the front door and slipping out while no one was watching.

But Linda wasn’t that kind of woman. She knew that his family had put a lot of effort into this dinner. Stinky or not, they didn’t deserve to get stood up. 


When she walked back into the dining room, everything seemed normal. No one seemed to notice her sudden lack of makeup and red, puffy eyes except for Emma.

The teenage girl stared at her with sympathetic eyes. She had no idea what was going on, but she could tell that Linda was a nervous wreck. 

A Difference

Linda took a seat beside Chris, hoping that her little trip to the bathroom made somewhat of a difference. But as she sat down next to him, she noticed it. 

He subtly raised his hand to his face and cupped his palm over his nose, then he shot his mother a look. The old woman chuckled to herself and glanced at Linda. Her trip to the bathroom had made no difference. 

All In Vain

Linda's heart sank as she realized that her efforts in the bathroom had been in vain. Chris and his mother were still convinced that she emitted an unpleasant odor. 

She felt utterly defeated, unable to understand what was causing this apparent issue that only they seemed to detect. This was becoming too much for her to bear.


As dinner continued, Linda tried her best to maintain her composure, but the tension in the room was palpable. The evening was becoming a nightmare, and she was now determined to get to the bottom of this mysterious ordeal.

It seemed like it was just Chris and his mother who had the problem with her, and no one else present was acting the way they were.


When dessert arrived, Linda excused herself once more, but this time, she decided to confront Chris. She found him in the hallway and pulled him aside, her frustration and tears threatening to spill over.

"Chris, I don't know what's going on here, but I've done everything I can to make sure I'm clean and odor-free," Linda whispered, her voice trembling. "If you have an issue, please tell me the truth so we can resolve it together."

Not Willing

But it seemed like Chris didn’t want to say anything. He wasn’t willing to resolve the issue with her there and then, and it broke Linda’s heart.

“I don’t know what to say,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. He then left her standing there. Linda felt her heart sink, and she had to hold her tears back.

Back To The Festivities

Linda took a deep breath. She made her way back to the dinner table, where the festivities were continuing as normal. She just couldn’t get over the fact that Chris didn’t want to talk to her.

He seemed annoyed at her for some reason. Was he annoyed because she had indeed brought the stench to his mother’s house? Linda could only guess at this point.

Conspiring Against Her

Emma noticed the look on her face and took her hand under the table. She could feel how sweaty it was. “Are you okay? You seem very uneasy about something,” Emma said.

But Linda didn’t say anything just yet. She was too busy looking at Chris and his mother and the way they were staring at each other. She felt like they were conspiring against her or something

A Strange Situation

Feeling relieved to have someone on her side, Linda confided in Emma about the strange situation with Chris and the mysterious smell that no one else seemed to notice. Emma's eyes widened as she listened carefully, and then she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Linda, it's not you. It's them!" Emma revealed. Linda didn’t understand what Emma was saying to her.

A Revelation

"Chris and Mom have always been a little eccentric, and they like to think they have super-sensitive senses. Sometimes, they make up stuff that doesn't even exist."

The revelation shook Linda to her core. It made her question not only her relationship with Chris but also his credibility as a partner. She couldn't fathom how he could be so fixated on a non-existent smell and make her feel so inadequate.

A Shifting Perspective

As the evening progressed, Linda's once-affectionate feelings towards Chris morphed into resentment. She realized that this demand to shower twice daily was not about her hygiene but about Chris's own insecurities and controlling tendencies.

How dare he do that to her and rope his mother in as well? Linda had never seen anything like this before in her life.


Determined to stand up for herself, Linda decided to confront Chris about the truth. She asked him about Emma's revelation, hoping to hear an honest explanation. Chris hesitated at first, but eventually, he admitted that he and his mother had a peculiar habit of imagining scents that weren't there.

Linda was hurt and angry, feeling betrayed by the person she thought was her caring and supportive boyfriend. She expressed her disappointment in his behavior and demanded an apology for the emotional distress he had caused her.

A Fractured Relationship

The tension in the air was unbearable as Chris struggled to find the words to apologize. Linda's patience was wearing thin, and her eyes welled up with tears once more. 

She couldn't believe that Chris had put her through such an ordeal, making her question her own self-worth and hygiene. What’s more, he was trying to excuse his actions.

I Deserve Better

With a heavy heart, Linda decided that she deserved better than to be with someone who would willingly manipulate her like this. 

She got up from her chair, her voice trembling with a newfound strength. "I deserve honesty and respect in a relationship, Chris, and you've shown me neither. I don’t think I can do this with you anymore."

Just Like That?

However, Chris was not letting her have the last word. “So what? You’re breaking up with me? Just like that?” he asked.

Linda couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy. He was displaying complete narcissistic behavior, and she couldn’t take any more of it. It was time to move on from these childish games. He wasn’t worth it anymore.

Moving Forward

At that moment, Linda realized that she couldn't continue a relationship based on manipulation and deceit. She nodded firmly and replied, "Yes, Chris. It's not just about the smell. It's about trust and respect. I deserve better, and I'm choosing to move forward without you."

She walked away from the dinner table, leaving Chris and his mother stunned.

The Jig Was Up

Chris couldn’t believe his ears. He didn’t think that Linda would end the relationship. To him, he hadn’t done anything too serious to warrant a breakup.

Even though Chris tried to talk to her, she was having none of it. The jig was up, and it was time for her to move on with her life without Chris.

The Breakup

Chris' response to Linda's confrontation was not what she expected. He became defensive and refused to acknowledge his mistake. Instead, he doubled down on his claims, insisting that there must be a smell and that she was being insensitive by not recognizing it.

Realizing that Chris was unwilling to change or empathize with her feelings, Linda made the difficult decision to end the relationship. She couldn't be with someone who refused to respect her boundaries and emotions.

Heartbreak and Healing

The breakup left Linda heartbroken and shattered. She had invested so much of herself in the relationship and had genuinely believed that Chris was her "perfect" partner.

The emotional rollercoaster took a toll on her mental well-being, and she found herself seeking therapy to heal from the traumatic experience. Linda needed to heal from the trauma that she was going through and everything that he did to her.

The Support of Loved Ones

During this trying time, Linda leaned heavily on her support system, consisting of her friends, family, and her newfound ally, Emma. They helped her rebuild her self-esteem and reminded her of her worth. Linda also learned to trust her instincts and recognize red flags in relationships.

She wasn’t going to get involved with someone who did this to her ever again.

A New Beginning

As the days turned into weeks, Linda gradually found her footing again. The pain of the breakup didn't vanish entirely, but she started to focus on self-discovery and personal growth. Linda channeled her emotions into creative endeavors, finding solace in painting and writing.

She also decided to pursue new hobbies and interests she had put on hold during her relationship with Chris. Linda joined a local hiking group, enrolled in dance classes, and even started attending meditation sessions to find inner peace.

Finding Closure

Linda knew that closure was essential for her healing journey. She reached out to Chris one last time to express her feelings and seek understanding. This time, she was calm, collected, and prepared to assert herself. Chris didn't handle the conversation well, once again dismissing her feelings, but Linda was resolute in her decision to move forward.

With this final conversation, she found the closure she needed and closed the chapter on their relationship.

A Bright Future

As time went on, Linda began to see the silver lining in her breakup. She realized that the experience taught her valuable lessons about self-worth, boundaries, and the importance of surrounding herself with supportive and loving people.

Linda started focusing on her career aspirations, working hard to achieve her professional goals. She even took a solo trip to a place she had always dreamt of visiting, embracing the freedom of being alone and discovering the beauty of self-reliance.

A True Friendship

Throughout the healing process, Emma remained a steadfast friend by Linda's side. Their bond grew stronger, and they became inseparable. Emma's genuine and caring nature helped Linda rebuild her trust in others, knowing that not everyone was like Chris.

Together, they laughed, cried, and created cherished memories, cherishing their unique friendship that blossomed from adversity.