Dates from hell: Nightmare dates you'll never wish for!

1. The quickest pants dropper

After finishing dinner and a movie, we found ourselves at the doorstep. It was at that moment that he suggested "having some fun." I immediately declined, saying no. He quickly apologized for crossing a line, and I graciously reassured him by saying, "Hey, I completely understand, and it's okay!"

However, this is where things took an unexpected turn. My response of "okay" seemed to be misinterpreted by him as a green light, and suddenly, his pants dropped to the floor. I stood there, a mixture of shock and disbelief, and clarified that "okay" did not mean "let's go." Awkwardness filled the air as he hastily pulled his pants back up.

Unsplash, Redd F

2. Hey! Wrong girl mister

I was the new member of our group of girlfriends, excited for a night out on the town. We ended up at a bar by the lake, enjoying margaritas and enjoying the atmosphere. And then, a charming man approached us. We instantly connected, dancing, laughing, and having a great time. As the night came to an end, he asked me to stay with his offer of a safe ride home. However, our designated driver was pressing that we leave despite the exchange of numbers and promises of a future date.

The next morning, I received a text from him, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach; thinking that it could be a start to something special since he was sweet and charming. Texting me the next day surely meant something, right? We made plans for dinner, and he offered to pick me up.

His text said, "So, pick you up at the same address?" I was confused and replied, "Same address? What do you mean?" He quickly replied, "The house I dropped you off at." I was completely puzzled now and texted back, "You didn't drop me off." His response shocked me, "Stop lying. We made love in your driveway."

Wait, what? ", we definitely did not," I replied, confusingly typing my message. He insisted, "Yes, we did!" It suddenly hit me, and I had to break the news to him, "I'm really confused. And I think you are too...but I'm not the girl you went home with last night."

Just like that, the potential romance died out before it even had a chance to start. But hey, a big shoutout to our designated driver—she not only made sure of our safety but also unknowingly saved me from a disaster.


3. That’s disgusting

I was once on a date and had ordered a mouthwatering, delicious lemon meringue pie when I decided to offer the guy I was on a date with a bite. Initially, he declined politely, but then maybe after looking at me enjoy the pie thoroughly, he changed his mind. An intriguing spark appeared in his eyes, and I could make out that even though he had refused earlier, he still wanted it. But what he did next blew my mind. To my surprise, he boldly plunged his fingers deep into my pie, took a bite, and eagerly licked them clean. Without hesitation, he went in for another round. I couldn’t understand how he could be so ogre about it. Not only did I leave afterward, but I blocked him too. Disgust is an understatement for how I felt. 


4. Don’t tell me what to do

During my late twenties, I had an experience that made me question the whole dating scene. It happened in a conversation that lasted barely ten minutes and one drink, but it changed my entire view of the dating world. I was out on a date and a first date, too, and out of nowhere, he asked me if I wanted kids and if I did, he warned me not to wait too long because of biology. I was completely shocked, holding my drink, while he remained unfazed and added, "Don't be mad; it's just biology."

Now, let's fast forward to another memorable encounter. This time, it was a morning coffee meet-up in a peaceful coffee shop filled with early risers. Whenever I answered his questions, he would respond with an overly enthusiastic "Nice!!! High five!!!!" The sound of his echoing excitement in the calm atmosphere became too overwhelming for me after the fourth or fifth high-five. It wasn’t that he was loud; it was the fact that he was so loud he made sure the entire coffee house was quiet. I couldn’t do anything else than firmly express my dislike for any more high-fiving or screeching, as it was too much for me before I had my caffeine fix.


5. Mr. Mysterious left me alone

A few months had passed since I started seeing Mr. Mysterious, someone who had a talent for keeping our relationship a secret. We didn't have any labels and never displayed affection in public until one evening when he decided to change things. We ended up at a restaurant, sitting at the bar, which felt like progress. However, everything changed when his friends arrived.

Without even giving them a chance to see us together, he quickly left his seat and joined his buddies as if he was drawn to them by a magnetic force. I sat there, sipping my drink, while he texted me from across the room, telling me not to come over. So, I remained alone in a crowded bar, surrounded by chatter, enjoying my drink and eating my meal by myself until his friends said their goodbyes.


6. Not my type

Once upon a not-so-great weekend, an old friend from college decided to pay me a visit. She was incredibly intelligent and intriguing, and we had both been interested in each other during our college years. After reconnecting on Facebook and realizing we were both single, she asked if I wanted to date her. Without hesitation, I happily said yes.

The entire weekend felt like a one-woman show of self-centeredness. She repeatedly recycled old jokes and presented them as stories from her life. She boasted about her rebellious behavior, such as mocking police officers in 2009 or smuggling Cuban treats.

Then, there was the incident at the bar. She had a major conflict with the bouncer because she forgot her ID, even though my place was just a block away. We spent time with some of my closest friends, but as soon as we said goodbye, she went on to bitch about them.

My brother stopped by, and after a pleasant conversation with her, he left. However, she spent the rest of the evening raving about how attractive he was. At that point, I was simply waiting for her to leave. My initial interest had completely faded, and the idea of her in my head was completely flipped.

When she finally departed, I received a text from her criticizing my behavior. She claimed that I had failed all her tests. I had laughed at her jokes, not defended her against the bouncer, shown no interest in her "passions" (which seemed to involve confrontations with bouncers and police officers), and simply sat there while she openly admired my brother. As if that wasn't enough, she also confessed that she didn't find me attractive.

I chose not to respond. Instead, I went to bed and had a night of sleep that I was so deeply craving.

Months later, at 4 AM, she texted me again, criticizing me again about how I didn’t defend her and how she didn’t find me attractive. That's when I decided to express my true feelings; I gave her a piece of my mind and blocked her on Facebook. But she wasn't finished. She created multiple duplicate accounts and bombarded me with threats and long essay-like messages. Eventually, she grew tired and stopped, but let me tell you, I didn't just avoid a bullet—I managed to dodge an entire army.

7. Repay him late? I don’t think so

During my first year of college, I encountered an unexpected situation when my computer science TA, who initially seemed like an ordinary person, asked me out on a date. I decided to give it a chance and agreed to go to a random restaurant in the city with him. However, things started to change when he took it upon himself to order for me, disregarding my preferences or choices. Although I brushed it off, thinking that maybe he was familiar with the menu.

As the evening went on, it became apparent that this guy was completely absorbed in his own world. He monopolized the conversation, constantly reminding me to "pay attention" as if I were attending one of his lectures. Then, the topic of discussion abruptly shifted to his ex-fiancé, leading him to embark on a rant about how he was done with "entitled white women" and now exclusively interested in "black queens." I got really awkward, and I felt a wave of nausea wash over me.

The climax of the night? When the bill arrived, he suggested that he would cover it, later saying that I would "repay him later" with a not-so-subtle wink. I was speechless, desperately looking for an escape plan. Pretending that I needed to use the restroom, I made my swift exit through a nearby side door.

8. Talking to a wall would be easier

I was once on a date with this girl, and interestingly enough, holding a conversation with her was the same as cuddling a brick wall. Each question I asked was met with a single worded response or, if I was lucky, a complete sentence. There were no questions in return and no fuel to keep the conversation going.

However, during one of her trips to the bathroom, the elderly lady at the adjacent table leaned in close, speaking in a hushed and secretive tone. "I must say, I truly admire your patience. She is an absolute nightmare!" she whispered. At that moment, I realized I wasn't alone in my struggle to communicate with her and decided to end the date.


9. Try again? Drunken idiot

On a night out with a coworker, I took a chance and went with a mysterious man from the office. Little did I know, he turned out to be the king of making other people uncomfortable, and as a cherry on top, he was already heavily intoxicated by the time I arrived. And the most memorable part of the evening, you ask? He became that obnoxious guy who drunkenly heckles the cover band that was just trying to perform.

The lead singer, probably fed up with his behavior, decided to challenge him. "If you can tell me this girl's name," he said, pointing at me, "I'll give you 10 dollars from my own pocket." And wouldn't you believe it, my date's mind went completely blank, leaving us in the spotlight of complete embarrassment.

But here's the hilariously ironic part. The next morning, he had the audacity to text me, saying, "You can try again," as if the disastrous drunken night was somehow my fault. As if!


10. The accident

In the wild web days of 2003, I decided to take a risk and arrange a dinner date with someone I had met online. As the eager early bird, I anxiously waited for her arrival. 

Unfortunately, when she pulled up, things quickly took a turn for the worse. In a state of panic, she mistakenly pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake, resulting in her car hopping on the curb and colliding with a light pole. The pole gracefully fell onto a parked van, causing quite the scene. 

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. However, her face turned a shade of red that surpassed even the neon sign of the diner. Perhaps overwhelmed by the embarrassment, she promptly disappeared into thin air, and I never heard from her again.


11.  The girl at the dentist’s office

Once, when I was at my dentist’s office, I managed to get a girl's number just before my wisdom teeth extraction. After the procedure, I was under the influence of dental drugs, so I asked her to be my emergency ride home. 

Although the details are hazy, she came to my rescue like a knight in shining armor. She took care of my trip to the pharmacy and made sure I was settled in my apartment before I passed out. 

It was definitely a memorable first date, but it turned out to be our last. I can't blame her for not being charmed by my drugged state. 

To this day, I still wonder why the dentist's office trusted a dazed patient to provide a reliable contact. Maybe they couldn't reach my usual contacts, but I never bothered to find out. Some mysteries are best left unsolved.


12. The weird Subway date

Allow me to share an experience that turned into a book of lessons on what not to do during a date. We connected online, and he quickly suggested going out for dinner, which seemed like a normal traditional choice. He picked me up, and during the drive, he casually asked where I would like to eat. Without much preference, I replied that anything would be fine. Surprisingly, he headed straight to the Subway. Yes, Subway. The strange part was that he wasn't even hungry himself, yet he insisted I grab a bite. So there I was, purchasing my sandwich while he waited outside, looking like a guard on a smoke break.

At this point, I had lost all interest in him, yet I wanted to see what would be next. He drove us to a dark and deserted canyon, parking next to what appeared to be the ghostly remains of a tennis court. With an air of cheerfulness, he suggested, "Alright, now you can eat." So there I sat, illuminated only by the faint glow of the car's interior light, devouring my sub with the enthusiasm of a child forcing down broccoli, all while he observed as if it were prime-time entertainment.

Finally, he dropped me off at my front door, and I was relieved to be home. It took me days to fully process the strangeness of that particular 'date.' Just when I believed the saga had concluded, he unexpectedly showed up at 2 a.m. with a bag of extremely stale donuts and the idea of "making love" without any protection. That turned out to be the last straw; I cleared everything out to him firmly after.


13. The uninvited friend

I had shifted to a new town and had gone out on a date with a guy, which turned out to be fine, so I agreed to go on a second date as the guy seemed decent enough, although there weren't any sparks between us. Unexpectedly, he wanted to bring his friend along, who had just arrived in town. Since I am always open to making new friends, I agreed to it without hesitation.

They came to pick me up, and we went to a dance club. However, this so-called "buddy" turned out to be a complete disaster. He criticized everything from my home decor to my driving skills, clearly not happy with my presence as it interfered with his plans for the evening.

At the club, he behaved like a nightmare on the dance floor, bothering uninterested girls and throwing tantrums when rejected. Meanwhile, my date had disappeared, probably playing the role of wingman for his friend.

After enduring an hour of this, I had reached my limit. I found my date and gave him an ultimatum: either leave with me or find his own way back to his car. He reluctantly chose the former, with a face that resembled a child who had dropped his ice cream.

Upon returning to my place, my date suddenly became charming, apologizing for his disappearing act and promising that his friend would behave. Against my better judgment, I allowed them to come inside. This turned out to be a big mistake. It didn't take long for me to realize that my date, having failed at the club, was now attempting to pawn me off onto his friend. 

The next day, he had the audacity to text me, calling me a "baby" and accusing me of stealing his phone charger as if the night hadn't been chaotic enough.


14. My toilets exciting life

Allow me to recount a rare experience I had with dating apps. The scenario involved a double date at my place. The evening took a turn for the worse when one of my dates used my bathroom and left quite an impression. To put it bluntly, the toilet became clogged, there was an abundance of toilet paper, and my other date was left utterly mortified. To make matters worse, my friend discovered the aftermath and departed, red-faced and without a word, as if his life depended on it.

Adding insult to injury, he even left his jacket behind during his quick exit. Too embarrassed to face me again, he sent a friend the following day to retrieve it, effectively marking the end of our double date. I think it’s safe to say that my toilet had experienced more excitement than my love life.


15. The date with the dogs

Once, when I was at a networking event, a charming man caught my attention. He proposed the idea of having Chinese food and watching a movie together, but there was a catch—I had to meet his four dogs beforehand. He made it clear that if I didn't show any affection towards his dogs, there would be no love for me either. Being a dog lover myself, I was up for the challenge.

I went to his house, which turned out to be a mobile home with a yard that gave off the vibe of being a territory for small dogs. However, I couldn't have been more mistaken. Inside the house, four large and energetic dogs ruled the place, and the smell? It was like a thousand times the scent of wet dogs.

As for the promised dinner and movie, it turned out to be a vintage VHS night in his living room. Unfortunately, things took an uncomfortable turn as I found myself trying to avoid his “moves” while the dogs treated us like their personal trampoline.

When I couldn’t take it any longer, I left without saying a word and with complete disgust and confusion. My clothes went straight into the washing machine, and my car carried the scent of dogs for days as a less-than-pleasant reminder of the whole experience.


16. Unexpected Licks and Unwanted Promises

I encountered a man at a local coffee shop who seemed pleasant, so we decided to meet up again for coffee. Eventually, we decided to have dinner at a bar. However, things took a strange turn.

We're at the bar, and I'm trying to get the bartender's attention for another drink when suddenly he starts acting like a dog. He licks my face from chin to temple as if it's some sort of joke. I was shocked to the core; he then playfully poked me, trying to calm me down.

But it didn’t stop there. He leaned in and whispered, "I'll just poke your sleeping body later."... That was my signal to end the date right then and there.

I walked him to his car, with a bouncer watching until I was safely inside. A few days later, he messaged me, concerned that I hadn't been in touch. He even mentioned that he stopped by my parents' house to check on me, a place I had never mentioned or given him the address of.

I made it clear to him that if he tried anything else, I would involve the police. Thankfully, I never heard from the man who pretended to be a dog again.


17. Tapas, Tequila, and 'Terminator

Once, I went on a dinner date with a guy who insisted on going to a tapas restaurant. However, before we even settled down, he started consuming drinks as if there was a reward waiting for him at the bottom of each glass. Within fifteen minutes, he had already downed three cocktails. When the waiter approached us with the menu, my date abruptly declined any interest in having dinner. It became clear that dinner was not going to happen.

As the evening progressed, he continued to blabber on about his fashion choices, completely oblivious to my disappearing interest. In search of an exit plan, I excused myself to the restroom, but the attentive wait staff intercepted me. They had been observing the disastrous date unfolding and were prepared to help me escape.

Their plan was to cover for me by informing him that I had left while I found solace in the kitchen watching "Alien vs. Predator." After an anxious ten-minute wait, they gave me the signal that he had finally departed.

And what did I do? I celebrated my newfound freedom by devouring a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's.


18. Identity Crisis Over Dinner

I had a conversation with a girl who had a strong preference for accountants, and fortunately, I happened to be studying accounting. She was extremely excited about this and was ready to move on from her artsy relationships.

We arranged a date, and it turned out that she came from a family of successful financiers in Singapore. I thought it was a great opportunity to discuss market rivalries, such as those between Hong Kong and Singapore. However, she surprised me with a question about India's industrial scene. I had to confess that I had no knowledge about it since I had never been there.

This is when things took an unexpected turn. She couldn't understand why I hadn't visited "my homeland." I explained that I am fully American, with Mexican roots, and not Indian. The look on her face was as if I had just announced that I was a ghost.

She accused me of joking, so I showed her my ID with a clearly Spanish last name. At that moment, the date went downhill. She insisted that I take her home, convinced that I was pretending to be someone else.

The car ride back was like being trapped in an elevator with someone who had just seen a ghost. We endured twenty minutes of complete and awkward silence.

I dropped her off, and that was the end of it. She disappeared from my life faster than you could say "identity misunderstanding.”

19. Too intense for my taste

During my younger years, when I was more reserved and understanding, I met a seemingly pleasant man at a cafe. We arranged to go on a date, but he began it in an unusual manner by bringing his dog to the restaurant. To my surprise, we were not allowed to enter. I thought to myself, "Perhaps he believed they would welcome his dog."

He mentioned that his place was nearby and proposed that we drop off his canine companion before having dinner. I contemplated waiting outside, but he insisted on being a gracious host and convinced me to enter his apartment. Thus, I found myself awkwardly standing in the living room of someone I hardly knew, reminding him about our dinner plans until he finally caught on.

As for the dinner itself, his opinions were both peculiar and offensive. He held a grudge against cats and criticized me for wanting to rescue animals. Numerous warning signs appeared, alerting me to potential issues.

After dinner, he insisted on taking a walk, which he claimed I had agreed to. Caught off guard, I reluctantly went along, only to end up back at his apartment for a second round. This time, he attempted to get close, placing his arm around me and bombarding me with personal questions. Feeling uncomfortable, I made it clear that I was not interested in cuddling or engaging in a Q&A session.

It took some effort, but I eventually convinced him to take that walk, which was essentially my escape route. I quickly made my way to the first train I could find, any train, in order to flee from the situation.

While it may not sound like a terrifying experience, I can assure you that the tears I shed during the train ride home were genuine. That particular date left me feeling far from safe.


20. A whiny drunk child

Ten years ago, I agreed to go on a bar date with a colleague who gave off a laid-back vibe. I thought, why not? Although I wasn't much of a bar-going king of a person, he turned out to be an expert drinker.

As time went on, he got significantly drunk and started slurring his words. It was clear that he was in no condition to drive, and since there were no Ubers available, I was stuck without a ride home as well. His solution? He suggested we stumble three blocks to his place.

I couldn't just put him in a taxi, and since his roommate was also a coworker, I decided to accompany him home and catch a ride back with the roommate. The route we took home conveniently passed by the police station.

Once we arrived there, he began a passionate rant against the police while also making a scene by constantly vomiting on the sidewalk. Then, like a whiny child, he dropped down to the ground and claimed that he couldn't go any further.

I left him there in his moment of sidewalk drama, went to get his roommate, and when we returned, he was still wallowing in regret. We picked him up, and during the entire car ride to my place, he cried and muttered apologies from the backseat.

My roommate wasn't surprised by his behavior, as apparently, this wasn’t the first time he had done something of this sort. Needless to say, there was no second date, and the atmosphere at the office became a bit tense after that night.


21. I do not need saving

At the age of 19, I found myself sitting on a bus stop bench when an incredibly attractive woman sat down beside me. We started talking, and the conversation was going so well that I mustered up the courage to ask her out for coffee. To my surprise, she said yes and even added, "It's a date." I was so happy that I boarded the bus floating on cloud nine.

The day of our coffee date arrived, and I entered the coffee shop only to find her sitting there with another guy by her side. I wasn't too concerned, thinking that maybe he was there as a safety precaution in case I turned out to be some creepy person from the internet. I sat down across from her, ready for some light-hearted conversation to get to know each other better. However, she immediately cut to the chase.

"So, what are your thoughts on Jesus?" she asked, sliding a pamphlet toward me as if she were a covert agent passing classified information.

I sat there, blinking in confusion, initially thinking it was some sort of quirky icebreaker. But soon enough, I realized she was dead serious. "I thought this was a date?" I managed to ask, my voice a mixture of confusion and heartbreak.

Her response was like a punch to the gut: "I didn't think you would show up if it wasn't."

Before the tears could start streaming down my face, I left the coffee shop, leaving her, her pamphlet, and her wingman to find someone else to save.


22. The kid and the dad

I had been chatting with a guy, and we decided to upgrade our interaction to a dinner date. He was very polite and offered to pick me up after work. However, when he sent me a text saying, "WE'RE on the way," I was confused about who "we" referred to.

It turns out that he is a single dad, and for that particular evening, he had his four-year-old child with him because his sister canceled on him. I was not expecting this, but I decided to go along with it.

He had plans to freshen up after work, so we went to his place. He went to take a shower... and I didn't hear from him for a solid four hours. Meanwhile, I was in the living room getting to know his child, who unexpectedly hit me in the face twice.

After setting some rules, the child and I actually got along well. It was surprising. By the time my date woke up, we had become good friends and ended up having pizza instead of the fancy dinner I had initially imagined.

I could have left while he was still asleep, but I didn't feel comfortable leaving a child alone. So, after our spontaneous pizza party, I took an Uber back home, turning my planned date into an unexpected playdate.


23. Myspace Misfire

During the Myspace era, a guy messaged me, showing an interest in meeting me. However, I was not comfortable letting a random guy into my car, so I suggested meeting at the mall instead. When I arrived at the mall, he was nowhere to be found. Finally, he showed up and asked if I had been waiting long. I didn't want to cause any problems, so I casually replied with a "nope." Surprisingly, he called me a liar.

I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe he had a quirky sense of humor. Despite my efforts to be more open-minded, he continued to insult me throughout our time at the mall. Every comment I made was met with him calling me "stupid" or "an idiot." For instance, when I guessed Target's closing time, I was wrong, and he made sure to point it out.

At that point, I had had enough. I said goodbye, ended the date, and later received a message from him on Myspace claiming he was "too spicy" for me. I promptly blocked him, and that marked the end of our Myspace melodrama.


24.  A little too much baggage 

I once matched with a girl on a dating app. Out of nowhere, she surprised me with a random quiz about my life goals, college GPA, and moral compass. Surprisingly, I passed the quiz with flying colors.

Before I knew it, I brought my dogs to her campus for a leisurely walk. Things took an unexpected turn, and we ended up getting a bit adventurous in my van. However, things took an even more dramatic twist when she started crying and confided in me about her brother's violent behavior and her mom's knife-wielding skills.

We were both just 19 years old, experiencing our very first date. I truly hope she has found peace since then. She was a kind person, but the drama she brought was not what I was looking for as a teenager searching for a simple date.


25. Found my wife however 

Allow me to transport you back to my time in Korea when I was fully dedicated to improving my Korean skills. I decided to post an advertisement online, hoping to exchange my knowledge of English for some solid Korean conversation. The responses poured in, and I found myself going from one coffee shop to another, searching for the perfect language exchange partner.

Then, I met this girl who suggested meeting at a café. She was incredibly shy and awkward. Eye contact was practically non-existent, and our Korean practice was minimal. Whenever I tried to speak Korean, she would respond in English. I suggested that we have a conversation exclusively in Korean, but she didn't seem interested and left the idea hanging.

It felt like trying to tune into a radio station that was nothing but static. Eventually, I gave up and called it a day. She accompanied me as I left, and out of nowhere, she suddenly wanted to grab a beer. I skillfully avoided that invitation and tried to make my exit. That's when she asked me, "When can we meet again?" It finally dawned on me – she thought we were on a date, a date that was so bad that I didn't even realize it was a date.

But you know what they say: every cloud has a silver lining. That very advertisement led me to my now-wife. We started off oblivious to the fact that we were on a date. Fast forward to today, and here we are, from not-dates to soulmates.


26. The center of conspiracies 

It's my first attempt at online dating, and I'm excited to meet this woman at a cozy café. I arrive, filled with anticipation for fifteen minutes, when suddenly my phone buzzes. She's running late and locked out of her place. "No problem," I assure her, being understanding and relaxed.

However, as time passes, I find myself sitting alone, sipping my coffee an hour past our scheduled time. Just as I'm about to ask a barista for a refill out of sympathy, she finally arrives. I'm about to wave at her when, to my surprise, she answers a phone call and starts shouting at me for playing hide and seek.

As it turns out, she matches her profile accurately, except for the absence of full-body pictures. She's wearing the typical "I can't even" outfit of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. However, I'm less concerned about her fashion choices because she's about to unload her life's troubles on me as if I were the season finale of a soap opera.

"Do you want to hear about my day?" she asks. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but I'm more of a dog person, so I respond, "Go ahead." And boy, does she go on. She tells me about losing her job due to a conspiracy, being scammed out of her credit card information, recently ending an abusive relationship, and her sister leaving the family to pursue dreams in the Big Apple.

To top it all off, she claims to have been expelled from school due to some crazy assassination plot that revolves around her. "People are always conspiring against me," she declares. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in my seat, feeling like a deer caught in the most uncomfortable headlights, attempting to engage in small talk that is as smooth as sandpaper.

An hour later, I'm still there, contemplating whether this is the norm for online dates or if I've just stumbled upon an extraordinary situation.


27. Give me a heads up at least

Imagine being 15 years old, filled with excitement and nervousness, getting ready for your very first date on Valentine's Day. This guy and I had been texting nonstop for three weeks, and despite attending different schools, we managed to meet up a few times.

On the big day, I arrived half an hour early, with my heart racing and my mind filled with endless possibilities. However, as time passed, the minutes turned into an hour, and I started to worry. Desperate for any sign of him, I sent him a couple of texts. Two hours went by, and he was nowhere to be found. I even tried calling him, but he was completely unreachable. Disappointed and with tears in my eyes, I reluctantly made my way back home, feeling like the spark of romance had abruptly faded away.

Later that night, he called me and explained that his friend had unexpectedly dragged him into an urgent project, causing him to miss our date. I mean, I understand that unexpected things can happen, right? But what really bothered me was the complete lack of communication. A simple text or heads-up would have been just enough. Instead, I was left alone and stood up without any explanation. In an instant, my excitement for dating transformed into a warning sign, urging me to be more cautious in the future.


28. Slip, Slide, and Awkward Rides 

Once, when I was on a date, I found myself in a charming and crowded hotspot where my date and I were forced to share a booth with another couple due to the lack of space. To my surprise, my date started flirting with the other guy sitting across from us, completely oblivious to our presence. His date and I exchanged confused glances, unable to believe what was happening right before our eyes.

After deciding to flee from this disastrous situation, the universe decided to add another twist to the story – it began snowing heavily, creating a winter wonderland outside. Unfortunately, my date slipped and fell. And suddenly, I found myself in a knight-in-shining-armor role, assisting her in navigating the snowy streets back to her place.

Out of nowhere, she spotted an SUV slowly making its way through the snow and immediately rushed towards it, desperately knocking on the window for a ride. The driver quickly sped away, leaving us stranded. With her safety in mind, I offered to call a cab since my car did not show up. However, her emotions were all over the place – one moment, she was screaming at me to leave, and the next, she was begging me to stay.

In order to ensure her well-being, I quickly jotted down my phone number and advised her to contact me if she required medical attention. Finally, I managed to escape from the rollercoaster of her unpredictable mood swings.

A few weeks later, I happened to run into my date while enjoying some beers with my roommate. To my surprise, she was there, proudly displaying a cast that served as a trophy for her broken leg while loudly complaining about her injury. I offered her my best wishes for a speedy recovery, and my roommate and I swiftly made our exit. And in case you are curious, no, I did not end up with the girl from the other couple either.


29. The touring date 

Allow me to recount a particular incident when I had arranged to meet a girl from a different city. She came along with her brother, who she assured me would soon leave as he had a busy day ahead. Well, that was the initial plan

As it turned out, they were unfamiliar with my city and needed someone to show them around. I didn't mind, as being a tour guide is something I enjoy. However, her brother was not exactly fond of me. So, I kept my composure and stayed focused, but he stuck to us like glue.

Moving ahead to the climax of our walking tour, she leaned in for a kiss – and let me tell you, it was quite messy. At that moment, her brother inflated like a balloon in a Thanksgiving Day parade and shouted, "HEY, GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER, YOU CREEPY FREAK!" I was disrespected and berated, so I made my exit and left them there.

We hung out a few more times, but let's just say it didn't turn into a fairy tale. And that day was certainly memorable.


30. Plot Twists and Ice Cream Scoops 

Once, after a successful first date, I found myself on a second date with a seemingly perfect guy until things took an unexpected turn. Out of nowhere, he started sharing his writing with me. As a fellow writer, I was intrigued at first, but then he delved into a story about women in the slave trade. It was an intense and heavy topic, to say the least.

But that's not all. He proceeded to share another story, the details of which I can't quite remember, but it was another dark and unsettling tale about women suffering. I couldn't help but question why he was so drawn to such grim themes. His response? "Just for fun." That statement set off all my alarm bells, and just like that, our story came to an abrupt end with no possibility of a follow-up.

Now, let's fast forward to a different scenario. I'm on a casual ice cream date with another guy, enjoying our conversation as we enjoy our cones. However, before I know it, the conversation takes a nosedive into his mental health struggles. It goes on for hours, and while I sympathize with his need to share, a first date is hardly the appropriate time to unload such emotional baggage. He was grappling with inner demons that no amount of sprinkles or syrup could sweeten.

What's even more surprising is that both of these men identified themselves as "writers." Since then, I made the decision to steer clear of dating fellow writers. It's simply too much of a dramatic twist for my liking.


31. Mama's boy

I'm at a charming Italian restaurant with a guy I recently met. As we're looking through the menu, his phone suddenly rings. He answers and engages in a casual conversation but then unexpectedly drops a bombshell: "Mom, I know; I ordered the cheapest item on the menu. Mom! I'm here with my girlfriend. I'll let you know the total bill later."

Pause. Let's go back a moment. Firstly, this was our first date, and I definitely wasn't his girlfriend. Secondly, his mom seemed to be extremely concerned about his finances, to the point where she would call during our meal to scold him about his pasta choices.

Yet, I decided to give it one more chance, just to confirm if he truly was as peculiar as he appeared. Spoiler alert: he was. And that was the end of our dining experience together.


32. Lunch with a Side of Judgment 

This one time, I found myself sitting across from a girl I had recently met. We were on a date at our favorite lunch spot and engaged in a pleasant conversation. Out of the blue, she asked me which church I attended. I casually disclosed that I am an atheist, which surprisingly triggered a strong reaction from her. She proceeded to go on a rant about how my life lacked meaning without God or Heaven and that it was as if I did not even exist.

Given that I was a frequent customer at that restaurant, I handled the situation in the same manner as any regular customer would. I gathered my plate, located a new spot where I could peacefully have my meal, and informed the waitress that we would be splitting the bill.


33. Hydration Overload on Date Number One

Let me take you back to my high school days when my dating skills were less than impressive. It was my very first date, and I was incredibly nervous.

I thought I could impress her with dinner at what I believed to be a fancy restaurant. Whenever there was a pause in our conversation, which happened quite frequently, I would take a large gulp of water. I did this to prevent any awkward silences. By the end of the meal, I had consumed about seven glasses of water. It was definitely a rookie mistake.

And guess what we did next? We decided to watch a movie. We found seats in the back row, right in the middle - prime viewing location, right? The theater was buzzing with excitement, and the movie had everyone captivated. Unfortunately, I was not. I desperately needed to use the restroom. I must have awkwardly shuffled past that entire row of people at least five times just to get to the bathroom.

The guy sitting next to me couldn't decide whether he was annoyed or amused. I could hear his stifled laughter each time I squeezed past. Needless to say, my date didn't sign up for a second outing. I can't help but wonder what she was thinking as she watched me perform my clumsy "excuse me" routine repeatedly.


34. The formula one crazy

Allow me to share an experience I had when I found myself at the house of a guy who had an obsession with Formula One. It seemed impossible for me to get a word in edgewise as he passionately talked about the complete history of F1, discussing drivers, engines, and even changes in design. He went as far as displaying model cars to highlight various components, turning the evening into an unexpected lecture.

I found myself trapped in the most one-sided date of my life, so frustrated that I even began grooming his cat out of sheer desperation. It felt like I was being held captive in a personal museum dedicated to racing enthusiasts.

I was so desperate to find a way out that I resorted to desperate measures, too. I arranged for my co-worker to call me at 8 PM, precisely during a snowstorm and when I was an hour away from home. On the other end of the line, my co-worker spun a tale about an urgent crisis in the emergency room that only I, as the "boss," could handle. To add a touch of authenticity, we even staged a small argument over the phone.

Thankfully, my plan worked flawlessly. I made a swift exit, blocked Mr. F1 from my life, and never looked back. It truly was an incredible escape!


35. Rich yet cheap 

Let me tell you about his particularly peculiar date that I went on. Initially, I wasn't really infatuated with the guy, but he looked sweet and had a kind aura, so I figured it was worth a shot. However, this turned out to be a grave error in judgment. Throughout the entire date, he boasted about his wealth, essentially transforming into a walking advertisement for his bank account.

As we sat down to share a pizza, I cautiously nibbled on a single slice while he inhumanly devoured six. Then, when the bill arrived, this supposedly wealthy individual suddenly became an advocate for equality, suggesting that we split it evenly "because that's how things are nowadays." Ironic, isn’t it?

To add insult to injury, when he dropped me off, he leaned in for a kiss, and oh my god, his breath smelled awful, worse than rotting garbage in a garbage can. I could have sworn he had had some roadkill prior to our date in order to have had such a bad breath.

I blocked him and left that disastrous date in the past.


36. Deeply heartbroken 

I went on a date with a guy I had a long-standing crush on. At that moment, I was filled with happiness and excitement, believing that this was the moment I had been waiting for. We were simply enjoying ourselves, eating some food, and then the conversation turned to a mutual friend of ours. She is a wonderful person, studying at a nearby university, and we both agreed on that.

However, unexpectedly, he suddenly took out his phone and called her, inviting her to join us for dinner. In an instant, I felt a wave of rejection hit me like a truck. It felt as if time had stopped because, at that very moment, I felt like the most unattractive and unwanted girl in the entire world.

37. An escape for survival 

I once had an encounter with a guy I met on Plenty of Fish, and we agreed to meet at O'Charleys for our first in-person meeting. The dinner turned out to be quite interesting. He was extremely difficult with the waiter, which should have been a sign for me to leave. However, instead of bailing, I made the decision to get into his car after the meal. Little did I know, we were headed towards a suspicious warehouse area, and he had a weird look on his face as if he had plans for an intimate car session.

But it got stranger. Instead of ending up at a romantic spot, he drove into an elderly assisted living complex, talking non-stop about his friend who was considering moving in. He gave me a complete tour of the place. Then, he discovered a garden, most likely maintained by the residents, and started eating the vegetables as if it were his own personal buffet.

At that moment, I began to suspect that he had done this kind of thing before. Right there, in the midst of his vegetable stealing operation, I investigated his phone number like a detective. And what did I uncover? The guy had recently gotten married and had a long history of domestic violence, documented more extensively than a CVS receipt. I managed to escape from the situation and survived to be able to share this story.


38. Lunch Date Turned Soul-Saving Session 

I was dressed up for a special occasion - my first date with another girl. I was feeling nervous but excited, making sure I looked my best because I don't usually dress up. We chose a cozy lunch spot where I thought we would have a nice time sharing stories and having a few laughs. 

However, as soon as we sat down, she surprised me by pulling out a Bible and starting to preach about the sins of homosexuality. It was quite unexpected, especially since I was all dressed up. She seemed determined to "save my soul." Quite a surprising twist, don't you think?


39. Swipe Right for a Free Meal? Think Again! 

 Picture this: I am at the restaurant, perfectly punctual, while she arrives fashionably late. For the next fifteen minutes, all I see is the top of her head as she remains fixated on her phone. She responds to everything with one-word answers like "Yep" and "Totally."

The waiter approaches us, and suddenly, she becomes interested in ordering. Without taking her eyes off her screen, she asks if we should start with two or three appetizers. She even asks about dessert. Meanwhile, I am content with my beer, casually looking through the menu.

As soon as the waiter leaves, she goes back to her digital world, continuing with her one-word responses. Then she goes all out and orders an extravagant meal – three appetizers, a shot, and another margarita. Keep in mind she has barely settled in.

After enduring this, I excuse myself by pretending to go to the bathroom. Instead, I seek out the waiter, cover the cost of my beer, and leave him a tip, informing him that her meal is covered. I quietly leave, hoping to disrupt her little plan of having a free dinner through Tinder. If I ruined her day? Well, I can't deny feeling a bit satisfied. It was evident that she was looking for a free meal, and that's not how I operate.


40. His new wife? What? 

One time, I was on a date with a guy, and he asked me to come to his house. I entered the room and noticed that the guy was already engaged in a long phone conversation, enthusiastically discussing his "new wife" - which apparently referred to me. We had barely even said “hi” to each other when I found myself instantly promoted to the status of his spouse in his family chat. I decided to stay for a couple of drinks, trying to be polite since I was new in town. I thought, why not give this guy a chance?

He seemed very excited and insisted on showing me his new place, talking about it as if it were a grand real estate exhibition. Being the polite person I am and still unfamiliar with the city, I agreed to accompany him. It turned out to be a big mistake.

As soon as we entered his place, he aggressively approached me, making advances and even using his tongue. I went from feeling calm to sheer panic in an instant. Fortunately, I managed to push him away, rush to the door, and escape, heading straight to the safety of the train station.

Can you believe it? Despite my clear rejection, he had the audacity to continue calling me as if he expected a second date. Well, there was no chance of that happening.


41. Dating by the Book... Literally 7 

I went on a Tinder date a while ago, and this girl walks in. We had just sat down at our table when she took out a clipboard. Not just any clipboard, though; this one had a complete checklist.

She starts right away, asking me questions like, "Do you want children?" "How many?" "What are your political views and why?" She grilled me about my major's starting salary statistics and even asked if I would be okay with being the primary caregiver if she were making a lot of money.

There were probably around 30 questions, and after the intense interrogation, she casually put the clipboard away and acted like nothing happened. When I asked her about the quiz-like approach, she explained that it was her way of determining if we were on the same page in life.

I played along and finished the date, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of being interviewed with a clipboard.


42. The background check debacle

Allow me to transport you back to when I was 18 years old. At that time, my plan was quite simple: invite a girl and a few friends to the drive-in movie theater to accompany me. Unfortunately, her father was strongly opposed to this idea. Instead, he insisted that I come to their house for a movie night. We randomly selected a film from their collection, and I felt relieved that it was appropriate for all ages.

Interestingly, her father was a firefighter and had a close friend who worked in law enforcement. After that, I found myself undergoing a background check as if I were applying for a highly confidential government position. Meanwhile, I sat there enduring the classic "What are your intentions with my daughter?" interrogation.

Fortunately, my background check came back clean. However, the atmosphere for the rest of the evening was undeniably awkward. We sat on the couch, maintaining a significant distance from each other, all while being monitored by an impressive display of firearms mounted on the wall. I suspected that her father was eavesdropping in the adjacent room, his ear pressed against the wall.

Once the movie concluded, I went through the customary routine of greeting everyone with a polite "good night" and departed. As for a second date? Well, that seemed highly unlikely. 


43. Clogged toilets and dates 

It's the year 2000, AOL is the dominant force in online dating, and I find myself newly single and completely inexperienced in the world of romance. I met a guy online, we hit it off and decided to go out for dinner. The dinner went well, and he invited me back to his place. Now, I may be new to dating, but I think, why not give it a shot?

We arrive at his place, and it's alright, but his living room gives off a strong vibe of a bachelor pad mixed with a yard sale. We're sitting on the floor, and there's this lamp that's emitting a pink glow. It turns out it's a family heirloom from his family's funeral home business. Yes, the pink light is used to make the deceased look more alive.

I excuse myself to use the bathroom. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse, and I find myself staring at a clogged toilet with no plunger in sight. Panic sets in. I consider all my options, even contemplating starting a new life in a foreign country.

But no, I do the only thing my embarrassed self can think of. I return, continue chatting for a little while longer, say my goodbyes, and leave without mentioning the disaster I've left behind. He calls later, probably before discovering the mess, to make sure I made it safely to the highway. Little did he know what was there waiting for him in his restroom.

Needless to say, that was the end of our interaction. The memory still makes me cringe. Clogged toilets and potential love interests? Definitely not a great combination.


44. The 45-degree date 

Let me take you on a little journey. I met this guy online who was from a small town not far from my mid-sized city. Despite my reservations about the quiet town and its conservative views, I agreed to visit him.

Now, this date was something else. This guy had a strong fascination with conspiracy theories. And I don't mean just the usual mysteries, but he believed in the most extreme theories, like the Illuminati controlling all celebrities. But here's the strange part – throughout the entire date, he kept turning away from me. He positioned himself at a 45-degree angle, so all I could see was his side profile.

We were having dinner, and he was shifting in his chair, making sure I was only in his peripheral vision at best. I tried to casually shift myself to face him, but every time I did, he would swiftly swivel away another 45 degrees, like we were in some bizarre, slow-motion chase scene.

And that, obviously, was my last date with the 45-degree guy. Weird right?


45. Not here for the negativity  

Allow me to share an experience I had when I went on a date with a girl I had met online. She was incredibly attractive, and we had a great connection through our texts, so I was quite excited. We decided to go to a cozy little bar, and she suggested playing a game where we make up stories about the other people there. I was excited about it since it reminded me of the game I often play with my friends on the train.

However, things took a turn for the worse. What was supposed to be a fun game turned into a session of harsh criticism. Instead of simply inventing stories, she started tearing apart these strangers. For example, there was a guy at the bar, probably just relaxing or waiting for a friend, but she described him as a lonely loser who was utterly miserable.

This completely ruined the mood. It felt like she was burdening these people with her negative outlook. After that, I couldn't imagine going on a second date. The bitterness left by the first one made it impossible to consider.
