Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

Every dog lover wishes to own a dog and share their home with them but no one can deny the little troubles that come with getting a dog home. One of the troubles includes finding the dog’s hair almost everywhere in the house. The problem further aggravates if someone in your family or some guest at your home is allergic to dog hair. But you can not give up on your love for them because of their hair. In such a scenario, you can consider buying a dog that doesn’t shed hair at all or those who shed less hair. Here we bring to you some of the adorable dog breeds that do not shed hair.


Schnauzers is a high-spirited farm dog from Germany that comes in three sizes, miniature, standard, and, giant. A standard sized dog of this breed weighs between 35 to 40 pounds and is larger than miniature but smaller than giants. All three sizes in this breed share several traits that include a wiry, tight-fitting coat of pure black or “pepper and salt”; a robust, square-built frame; and an elongated head furnished with arched eyebrows and bristly whiskers, framing eyes gleaming with keen intelligence.

These sociable companions do not shed hair because of their distinctive two-layer coat. However, Schnauzers require regular grooming but do not miss to trim their mustache too.


Poodles can be best described as an elegant, proud, and clever breed. They are regarded as highly trainable and affectionate dogs. They have distinctive curls that do not allow them to shed but they need regular clipping in order to keep their hair from being out of control. Poodles come in three sizes from smallest to largest which are the toy, the miniature, and the standard. The standard poodles are considered one of the oldest breeds. They are so non-shed that if they are bred with other dogs, this dog will also be hypoallergenic.

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terrier, popularly known as Scottie, have distinctive furnishings at the beard, legs, and lower body. Scottie has wiry coats, which implies that they are less prone to shedding than other dog breeds. They are very stubborn, determined, and very loyal dogs with bright eyes, erect ears and tail, and keen alertness. However, their coats need to be trimmed around twice a year.

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffon are toy dogs that are intelligent, alert, sturdy, and short body. They are a popular breed of dogs because their appearance resembles pugs. The long-haired Brussels are sensitive dogs that are prone to heat stroke if kept in backyard. By temperament, they are rather outgoing and active who will want to go everywhere. Briefly, they are a low-shed pet you would love to keep in family because of their highly sociable personality.


Whippet are large dogs that have unique nature, friendly personality, and stylish look. This dog breed is known for being obedient, intelligent and fast. Their short silky coat doesn’t let them shed much and require very little grooming. They need occasional wipe down to keep them smelling good and to remove any stubborn dirt.


This dog breed is known for their long, corded coat that resembles dreadlocks. These dogs are energetic and lively that have mop-like appearance and hail from Hungary. Puli are mischievous and affectionate dogs. Puli are highly energetic dogs that need a lot of vigorous exercise and playtime. They shed quiet rarely but their grooming needs maintenance because of their curls which need to be cut short often.


Saluki are elegant, royal dogs of Egypt that has very short coat with a longer, feathered coat around the ears and tail. They are as fast as wind and skinny like a super model. Even though Salukis are easy to groom but they can be challenging to train and cannot be trusted without leash. These dogs are best kept in backyards where they have space to roam. This dog breed has a reputation for being independent and aloof but if given the right love and care, they can bond well with their owner. Like the whippet, their coat also needs a little wiping down.


Goldendoodle are mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle. They are cheerful and active dogs that best match with families with young children. This breed is not truly a breed of its own but a cross breed of Poodle and Golden Retriever. These dogs have inherited the best traits from their parent breeds and are affectionate, intelligent and low shedding. It is an ideal dog for someone who is in need of a service dog but their coats need regular clipping.

Scottish Deerhound

The original purpose of the Scottish Deerhound was to hunt and bring down the roe deer, a magnificent beast twice or more the dog’s size. But they are now considered gentle giants that have long, wiry coats that rarely shed. 

They need to be brushed weekly to ensure that they do not have any matting of their coat. These obedient and affectionate companions love long walks.


Komondor is another Hungarian dog and native sibling of Puli. It is covered in lavish white cords from head to tail. Also known as Hungarian sheepdogs, these dogs were bred to guard over livestock. 

Average big Komondar male is 27.5 inches high and weighs over 100 pounds with heavy bones, a deep chest, and lots of muscle. They do not eat much for their size but need high-quality dog food which is appropriate to their age. 

These are protective, intelligent dogs that make excellent companions and guard dogs. Their white thick coat makes elegant dreadlocks but they need to be untangled to stop them from getting too matted.

Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier hail from County Kerry, Ireland. They were initially bred to hunt small game and birds, kill rodents, and herd sheep and cattle. Their coats range from a light blue-gray to a dark, deep-gray, or slate color. 

The average size of the Irish breed stands at 17 and 20 inches and weighs between 35 and 40 pounds when fully grown. These dogs are highly energetic and athletic dogs that need lots of exercise. Even though they don’t shed, yet they need weekly grooming to keep their coats soft and mat-free.

Spanish Water Dog

Although this dog resembles water dogs, Poodles, or the Logotto Romagnolo in appearance, still it is a different breed. This dog breed is naturally curly and wooly head to toe, and when grown out will often form tight, tapered cords. It is believed that farmers developed this breed in Spain as an all-around pet and working companion for herding, hunting, and water work. Their coat requires very little maintenance and no-brushing just an annual clip-up.

Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless)

The Xoloitzcuintli comes in two varieties- hairless and coated and three sizes- toy, miniature, and standard. The hairless variety has tough, smooth, close-fitting skin while the coated variety is covered by a short, flat coat. Both the varieties come in dark colors. Xolos might look fragile by appearance but they are athletic dogs who respond well to gentle training.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Dandie Dinmont Terrier is physically characterized by a large head covered with profuse, silky white hair; long, hanging ears tipped with feathering and coming almost to a point; big, round eyes full of brightness and expression; and a long, low torso and short legs. Their body coat comes in two colors- pepper (bluish-black to silvery gray) and mustard (reddish-brown to pale fawn). Dandies are intelligent dogs that weigh no more than 24 pounds. These are alert and intelligent watchdogs with a big baritone bark. This dog breed is affectionate, independent, and strong-willed but calmer than some other Terrier breeds.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is a playful and lively toy breed that comes in two varieties- hairless and coated. While the coated variety is covered by a soft, silky coat, the hairless variety has smooth, soft skin and tufts of hair on the head, ankles, and tail. Both the varieties are characterized by fine-toned elegance and graceful movement. They stand between 11 and 13 inches high and have no ‘doggy’ odor. These dogs are sometimes referred to as Dr. Seuss dogs because they closely resemble pet illustrations from the books.


Bolognese is best suited for anyone who loves fluffy furballs but wants to avoid shedding. These squarely built dogs reach a height of 10 to 12 inches. Bolos are an old breed, known by royals and noblemen in Roman times and were given as precious gifts between the rich and powerful.

Although Bolognese loves people, they tend to shy away from strangers. They are family dogs who cannot spend extended periods of time alone.

Welsh Terrier

Welsh Terrier is characterized by a sturdy, compact, and rugged body with a tight-fitting black-and-tan coat and a rectangular head featuring folded ears and a jaunty beard. An average Welsh Terrier stands about 15 inches at the shoulder.  

The Welsh have a strong hunting instinct because of which hunters chose these dogs for hunting foxes, otters, and badgers in the remote areas of Northern Wales. Welsh is an excellent choice for anyone who is looking for an active and independent lap dog that does not leave heaps of hair around the house.


Lowchen is a small dog with a body coat that is traditionally kept in a ‘lion clip’ in which most of the hindquarters and tail are clipped down close to the skin. These playful dogs have the pizzazz and visual appeal of a long-haired breed but do not come with all the constant shedding issues.

These sturdy and elegant dogs do well on high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with a veterinarian’s supervision and approval.

Sealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terrier stands less than 11 inches at the shoulder and weighs around 24 pounds but they are not big enough to be considered medium sized-dogs yet they stand among the strongest and substantial of small dogs.  

Despite their sweet and expressive appearance, they make excellent watchdogs because they bark with the ferocity of a big dog. Breeders developed the breed with crosses between Corgis, Dandie Dinmonts terriers, West Highland terriers, Bull terriers, and others.


The Affenpinscher is described by many names including, “monkey dogs” and “ape terriers.” In French, they are known as diablotin moustachu which translates to mustached little devil. Affenpinscher has a cute-monkey face with a scaled-down Wookie. 

They are fearlessly confident and exhibit a serious attitude when focused on a task and are best suited for a family that is looking for a sturdy, loyal, and affectionate pet.