Facts That Will Answer All Your Questions About The Amish

While we are glued to our laptop or phone screens and busy scrolling through social media, the Amish community is steering clear of this technology and leading a simple life with a focus on their strong religious beliefs. Migrated in the 18th century from Europe, the community’s traditions and beliefs have always mystified outsiders. Many rumors and stigmas surround the Amish but their actual life is relatively unknown to the rest of us. If you are curious about this community then these facts about them will take you by surprise.

Consumption Of Electricity

The Amish have preserved their culture for centuries and would never indulge in anything that defies those cultural beliefs. Using electricity is not a restriction in this community but how they incorporate that power in their routines has some boundaries. The acceptable forms of electricity that they can use include batteries to power the lights on their buggies and a few machines and tools to assist them during their fieldwork such as tractors. They shun the “non-essential” products of modern technology. They don’t follow any ancient way of living but just a simple one that strikes a perfect balance between healthy and advanced.

The Bearded Look

There are many surprising aspects of the Amish community that have made their way into the present from the 18th century. While most of the traditions have no hidden reason behind them, one old practice done by the Amish men has a significant and unexpected reason behind it. Keeping a bearded look is common for all Amish men for various religious reasons but shaving their mustaches is a strict tradition they follow. This is because the Amish are pacifists and they connected the stashes with appearances of a military person that officers and soldiers carry. So, the men of the community considered it as their responsibility to oppose that look and shaved their mustaches.

Communication With Outsiders

For the Amish, everyone who doesn’t belong to their community is referred to as “English” regardless of that person’s ethnicity or race. There’s an interesting explanation for this reference. During the early days of the Amish moving to the States, the English settlers were the first ones to interact with them and of course, these people spoke the English language. However, the Amish didn’t call them Americans since they belonged to America as well and the identities could be perplexing. So, they just termed them as “English”. Even though the Amish have a good hold over the English language and communicate with the outsiders in the same, they converse in Pennsylvania Dutch (not “Dutch” from the Netherlands) among their community.

Unconventional Faceless Dolls

Markets around us offer a cornucopia of toys for the children’s play but for the Amish, these objects for a kid’s entertainment take on a different face or rather no face! They have homemade toys designed according to Amish ideology for the children to play with. The dolls that are exclusive to the Amish community have no faces. To a few, this seems weird and eerie but the people from this society have a strong reason for giving faceless dolls to the toddlers. They don’t want anyone to be filled with conceit and be self-absorbed. A doll with facial features can be judged as being pretty or “unattractive” and that’s nowhere close to the message that the Amish wish to spread with their beliefs. Ponder over this thought and you’ll realize the momentous depth.

Schooling For Amish Children

Things have been changing slightly inside the community and the education system is one such aspect that has witnessed alterations over the past few decades. Before the 1950s, the Amish families sent their kids to public schools to make them learn better and flourish. The children studied English, Mathematics, and a few other subjects of students’ interest up to 8th grade. With constant advancements in technology and blending with education, the Amish did not find the American education system didn’t align with their interests. That’s when the parents canceled the children’s admissions to public schools and began imparting knowledge to them at home or sent them to Amish schools.

Fit As A Fiddle

The healthy lifestyle of the Amish community has been an inspiration for their non-Amish neighbors. They stay fit and active by following a proper routine and staying away from distracting technology. They have barely changed their medical processes since the 18th century and that has contributed in a positive way to their health. The Amish don’t fall sick often and it is all a result of their nourishing way of living. They don’t indulge in drinking alcohol or smoking. Moreover, their work involves a lot of physical activity and is extremely strenuous. This keeps them active and in fine fettle. They consume food grown in their organic fields and savor that!

Music From The Past

The latest music being created in the country doesn’t reach the Amish community as they don’t allow it. They don’t possess radios and iPods that are the major source of connecting to modern music. These “plain people” refrain from creating new tunes or music. But there’s one place in the Amish region that still has a musical sound to it – Church. The Amish sing certain old melodies in church and those songs are a part of the High German church songbook called Ausbunch which is the oldest Protestant church hymnal. The ancient tunes have made their way inside the community via oral tradition and are being passed down to every generation.

Witnessing The Outside World

The Amish way of living can be quite challenging for a few and when kids enter adolescence, they wish to explore the world outside of the Amish boundaries. Teenagers are intrigued to know more about the “English” people and their way of life. The cities and towns that are located near the Amish places attract them and their parents let this curiosity flow by allowing them to step outside. This tenet is termed as “Rumspringa” which means “jumping/hopping around” when translated from the Pennsylvania Dutch. Amish teens on turning 16 are given a chance to head out into the city instead of being baptized and becoming an official part of the congregation. The Amish parents let them come to a conclusion about this community and if they could fit in there conveniently.

Duration Of Rumspringa

The Amish have not fixed any duration for the Rumspringa as it depends on the 16-year-old who is sent for the exploration. A few adolescents spend a week in the States and come back home to their families to follow the Amish traditions for the rest of their lives. However, there are some Amish teenagers who wish to travel for long and take this journey outside of the United States. They pack their bags and travel across the world to witness the places that are far different than what their community reflects. This isn’t considered immoral as parents want their children to make their choice and not regret it later. If they return, the parents know it’s a true decision and they won’t have trouble adjusting to the demanding environment of their society.

Welcome Back To The Simple World

While the outside world is fascinating for the Amish teens, there is still a good probability that they will return to their families to live a plain life by shunning the engaging technology. They come back, are baptized, and are ready to spend their days working hard, eating organic, and keeping a healthy distance from the modern world that’s pacing quite fast. “Rumspringers” may take the step to be outside the Amish world for a few years. They are aware of the fact that the community would welcome them back without any judgments or questions. It’s a safe entrance!

Amish Baptism

Baptizing in the Amish society carries a lot of significance and so, it’s never done in a rush. Every individual has the right to contemplate the baptizing before agreeing to have it done. This is not done to babies or toddlers as they can’t commit to something so drastic that would affect their future. Young adults are constantly updated about the subject and the influence of baptism on their lives before they are baptized finally. The education regarding this matter goes on for months and the adults are sent the message loud and clear that baptism is not a compulsion. They should be prepared completely to take this vow and not hurry into this.

Shopping Limits

The Amish have always preferred the concept of being self-sustaining and use their own skills and talent to create the essentials within their community. These people never ask for assistance from the outside world for any task or to fulfill their daily needs. Whether it’s about constructing their homes and barns or spend exhausting hours in the fields to grow organic vegetables, they accomplish it all independently. This community runs on self-reliance and their efforts reveal how much they believe in this. Once a while, Amish families may have to carry some shopping bags when things they need can’t be made at home. So, a dry goods store is located in Amish towns for people to buy books, candles, and other additional stuff.

Responsibilities Of A Woman

For the Amish, women are the ones who will take care of their homes and play the important role of being housewives. There are a few restrictions for them when the jobs are considered as they can’t be bishops or preachers. According to Amish traditions, women always need a man who will protect them. One event where a woman is allowed to come forward and perform a significant responsibility is during the baptizing of a member. The bishop baptizes the boys, his wife has to carry out the baptizing rituals for the girls. Apart from this, some females from the Amish towns become saleswomen and keep their quilts and handmade goods at stores and market them to tourists and fellow members.

Not Surrendering To Arranged Marriages

The Amish people don’t conform to the arranged marriage system and the members of this community can choose their life partners according to their will. But there’s a twist in every tale and this is palpably true for the Amish community and their way of living. The people might be allowed to pick their soulmates but the entire process till the big day is complex and attached to strict rules. There are conservative thoughts that still exist around this community. Dating is approved when the ritual in their books are given regard at every phase. For Amish men, popping the question comes with a handful of conditions. They can propose to their partner who should be a baptized member of the Amish church. That’s not all – the men can only marry their soulmate if the elders and the church leaders approve of that relationship.

Homespun Weddings

When we speak of weddings, our minds picture elaborate halls and decorations, extravagant arrangements, sparkly dresses, and a lavish cake. The Amish like to keep their weddings no-frills. They have several customs that have been respected for centuries and the couples need to adhere to them. The rings are not exchanged in the Amish weddings and the bride dresses in the simplest way with just a blue dress and a bare face. Jewelry is not a part of their attire on the big day. The groom attends the ceremony in a black traditional outfit that is usually worn every day.

Post-Wedding Rituals

The non-Amish couples would usually book flight tickets to a dreamy honeymoon location after their wedding but that’s not what’s written in the Amish book of traditions and customs. The newly-wed couples have no vacation on their list as the rituals take them on some different plans for their new life. According to the non-Amish traditions, the couple has to spend the night at the bride's parents' house and lend a helping hand to the elders in the household chores including cleaning. The community believes that this is a way of expressing gratitude to the parents for supporting them all these years and raising them right.

A Tour For Newlyweds

The first night after the wedding at the bride’s parent’s home is an obligation for the couple but the “honeymoon” doesn’t end with that one ritual. After that night, the newly-wed couple has a long tour planned to the houses of all the relatives. They have to meet and spend time with all of them. After this phase, the husband and wife move to their parents’ house and stay there until they have built their own home to shift to. The families help in the construction process and once it’s over, the couple lives together in their abode.

True Unity In The Community

Since the Amish repel the idea of self-absorption, they tend to keep themselves involved in the community and the matters revolving around the members. They are dedicated to helping their Amish neighbors and prioritizing their demands. Staying humble and spreading kindness through such considerate gestures is a reflection of the Gelassenheit values inculcated in them since childhood. If one member calls for help at any time, the entire community will gather and come to that person’s rescue. One of the examples of their unity is the barns that they build in just one night without utilizing any modern technology and tools. A barn is raised with the combined efforts of all the community members.

Amish Linguistics

During the beginning of the 18th century, several Amish members entered America, and communities settled in one place in the country. Switzerland is the place of origin of the Amish movement but eventually, the United States became their place to land and call home. With all the facts in consideration, it can be said that Amish belong to America and so, they have a good grasp over the English language. They communicate with the non- Amish people in English. However, they speak Pennsylvania Dutch which is a special form of German among themselves. The important affairs and events organized in the Amish regions are strictly in Pennsylvania Dutch. The sermons are delivered in classic German as their Bibles are written in this language. So, Amish people are capable of conversing in 3 languages.

The Religious Blueprint of Amish

The Amish have two sets of rules that they need to abide by in the community. One set of principles is stated in the Bible, similar to the Christians while the other is a code of conduct that defines the essence of this community. “Ordnung” is one unwritten concept that’s followed profoundly by the people in that society. "Ordnung" is the German word which when translated to English refers to order, discipline, rule, arrangement, organization, or system. This set of rules form a crucial part of the Amish community and the various practices and patterns that we hear about the Amish lifestyle have a strong connection with this “Amish blueprint”.

Lesson For The Negligent

The Ordnung is sacred to the Amish and they can never disobey anything that this set of rules dictates. They are stern regarding these beliefs and so, they also have punishment in case of any violation. These rules have described disciplinary actions to be taken against any person who fails to adhere to the rules laid out for the entire community. The grievous punishment for any sort of negligence of the Ordnung is referred to as “Meidung”. That’s basically “time-out” when we translate it. According to this, the ones who transgress the set of Amish rules are kept away from the community. The duration of this punishment can vary from a few days to several months. This process is the way to remind the community of the rules that are sacrosanct and can’t be just violated. They promote discipline within society.

The Amish Attire

The “Ordnung” even dictates the dress code of the Amish people. They have to dress simply and follow all the orders related to the clothes explained in that set of rules. The dress code is almost similar to a uniform that the outside world has to wear for certain special jobs as per the demand of the work. The Amish community has to obey those clothing regulations that declare the attire they are allowed to wear. They are firm believers of equality and want to spread the right message through their way of living. So, the dress code is a part of that message. Men have to wear white shirts and black pants that reflect simplicity and all Amish women are clothed in similar dresses. They shun jewelry, makeup, and other accessories that their non-Amish neighbors love to adorn.

A Different Health Aspect

Since the Amish people follow a healthy lifestyle and engage in an adequate amount of physical activities, they are able to keep many chronic illnesses including asthma, cancer, etc. at a distance from them. Their eating habits and choices keep them fit and they don’t fall sick too often. However, there are still certain disorders that are prevalent among the Amish. Since the communities are close-knit and the Amish people don’t socialize with the outside world, inbreeding happens a lot in their towns. When it’s time for an Amish member to get married, they have to choose from within, and usually, the partners turn out to be their cousins or second cousins. This leads to genetic and metabolic disorders - Dwarfism, Angelman syndrome. These health issues are pervasive in the Amish towns.

Studying The DNA

The segregated Amish communities have realized the impact of staying away from the rest of the world and how inbreeding can cause health troubles for the Amish people. So, they have turned to DNA testing for help and guidance to find out the extent of the issue, and this way, the geneticists can conclude more about the genetic drift. DNA testing gives the Amish people clarity regarding their family ties and the possible risks that the couples may have to encounter after the marriage. These “plain people” may have turned their backs on modern technology but advanced science and health procedures seem to keep them enlightened about the dangers and health issues that they might face in the future to their closed-off nature.

Bonding Over A Meal

Music, dance, and similar art forms don’t please the Amish people as they lead a life of simplicity and don’t want to meddle with their rules and book of norms by indulging in any such activity. However, food keeps them connected and communal meals organized by them tend to bring the community together for a good time. Whenever these meals are scheduled, every community member has to step in with a dish. They sit together and share the food brought by every person. This is their one source of entertainment and expressing themselves. Communal meals among the Amish can be compared to the festive celebrations that we have when the season commences.

Churches In Amish Towns

The Amish lead highly religious lives and dedicate their time worshipping their beliefs and staying true to their religion. One might expect their churches to be special and “extraordinary” considering their reverence for religion but they surprise us yet again. The churches present in the Amish towns are very simple.    In light of their spartan lifestyle, the church service is kept ordinary devoid of decorations including candles, music, and altars. They want to convey that a physical church is not the only source of learning the bible or even teaching the lessons. A church can be anywhere - outside in the open under the sky or in your homes. Religion is important to them but they believe that its existence is everywhere!

Amish Philosophy

The Amish condemn self-glorification and conceit. So, their pure philosophy takes them forward on this simple living path. They don’t judge outsiders for their beliefs and don’t expect anyone from the outer world to accept their church. They will welcome anyone inside their town without any interrogation and all they expect is that anyone who visits them respects their beliefs and doesn’t interrupt their community affairs and tenets. They will treat you warmly and listen to your thoughts as long as they don’t contain any vicious aroma.

Expanding The Family

The Amish families are usually quite large and it doesn’t have anything to do with their religious principles. They need more people in their family to assist in farm work and while building barns. The more children in a family, the more will be the hands in the field and barn. The kids can even help to deal with the livestock. So, birth control is not something that the Amish people prefer. They don’t use all those processes and medications as they always want more children. Turns out, birth control is not restricted officially in their community, they just make a choice to not use them. On average, one married couple has 5 to 7 kids. Girls and boys – all lend a helping hand during the fieldwork.


The Amish have a non-resistance belief that’s also written in the Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount wherein Jesus imparted knowledge to his disciples about this and instructed them to “Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39) For the Amish, this teaching is indispensable and they are averse to violence and anyone who displays the signs of this attitude. They are pacifists and want a peaceful environment around them. They make every effort to abstain from military services, police forces, and those involved in politics.

Modern Medicines

The Amish community doesn’t stay in touch with the recent technological advancements and medical developments that are constantly happening in the world lying outside of the Amish communities. One won’t find cellphones and electric gadgets for entertainment at their places. In spite of this style of living, they don’t refrain from picking modern medicine when it comes to delivering the best cure for any health trouble. They have commendable information regarding the natural medications and home remedies for various diseases but when the situation demands an advanced treatment, they won’t mind heading to specialized doctors and consult them. They will visit the hospitals in case of emergency or when they know that natural medicines won’t relieve them of the pain and discomfort.

One Major Rule

The Amish have one rule that they value over anything else and that rule in their philosophy is: “Be ye not conformed to this world”, Romans 12:2. This forms the base for the Amish community and their lifestyle. The conditions they are settled in are austere and this is the reason they are different from the rest of the world that’s speeding presently. Their rituals and practices are distinct and hold them together as one united community. They have an option to leave the society and its rules during “Rumspringa”. A few find it attractive and decide to stay outside while others can’t survive the pace of that advanced world and return to their farming community.

Amish Around The United States

Amish started departing from Europe in the 1700s and took their first steps into the New World. Their first stop was Pennsylvania and they began settling in this region. Now, they have their communities in 28 states around the country and the population of the Amish in the States is more than 330,000. The Amish have even formed communities in Canada and with the emergence of new ones, they have been attempting to move to Latin America but it’s been futile as of now. The Amish communities are spreading fast and they are settling at more places with time.

Two Almost Identical Communities

People who are not well aware of the Amish communities are likely to confuse them with the Mennonites which is another set of communities. Mennonites have also originated from the same Anabaptist faith from which the Amish come. This is why the outsiders are bemused when they have to distinguish between the two communities. Both Mennonites and Amish stand firm on their belief of baptizing the adults and not the kids as it is a big life-changing decision for an individual. The one difference between these two communities is that the Mennonites don’t shun modern technology, instead, stay updated with it. Moreover, they might don modern pieces of clothing despite their inclination towards simple dressing. Mennonites have an easy-going way of life as compared to the Amish.

Bequeathing The Earnings

The youngest son in an Amish family becomes heir to the family property including the farm and the house. The reason for this bequeathing is that when the parents retire, their older children are already well-settled with their own families and the youngest son who is yet to move ahead in his life inherits the property of his parents. The daughters don’t fall heir to this property because the Amish women are supposed to move to their husband’s home where they will have farms of their own while the men have the responsibility to earn for the family and give them the place to live.

Sleeping In One Bed

When a person of the Amish community finds a suitable partner, they inform their parents. The Amish parents would ask their child to stay the night with that partner. But this concept carries a different meaning for this community. The couple may sleep in one bed but there should be an appropriate distance between the two of them. In addition to this rule, both of them have to be dressed properly. They might be spending the night together but the rules accompany them too. They can hold hands or sit in each other’s laps but that’s all. They have created boundaries and the Amish members have vowed to follow every tradition and belief.

Capturing In The Camera

Cameras are not a part of the Amish communities as they don’t find this technology a necessity. Capturing the moments is not something they want to do and so, whatever photographs we find of the Amish people on the internet are mostly clicked by the people visiting their towns and observing their lifestyle. Some Amish people would allow you to click them but one has to take permission before capturing them in the cameras as a few of them might object and disapprove. Tourism is one of the sources of income for this community. They exhibit their handmade goods and sell them and earn an impressive amount through this.

Incorporating Telecommunication

Since modern technology is frowned upon in this community, they want to maintain a safe distance from those luxuries. But they have now realized that a phone is an essential device as it can come to one’s rescue during any sort of emergency. So, they have permitted a phone in the community but it won’t enter a house. The phone is allotted a place in the shack or the barn or any other place far from the house but easily accessible when the communication becomes urgent. With this technique, the phone would not interfere with their daily lives and be available for their use whenever they need it.

Learning Never Stops

For the Amish children, the schooling is up to 8th grade but that doesn’t mean their education and learning stops after that age. The older members of the community give farming lessons to young boys and also, teach them carpentry and impart trading knowledge to them. For girls, the learning continues in the fields of sewing, handicrafts, and cooking. The handmade products made by the women of the Amish community are incredible and their skills are unmatched. The final goods are sold to the outsiders and they are impressed by what they look at and buy. The quality is exceptional and so, their skills are channeled in the right way.

The Power Of Church

The Amish don’t like to merge the church and the state and keep those affairs apart. For them, the word of God has the highest significance. The rules of the government come second for this community. So, the social benefits and the funds from the public are all rejected by them. This can be another reason for the Amish not stepping into the military. The one and the only authority that they consider pure and unbiased is the church. If there’s any crime reported in the area where the Amish stay, they resolve the matter within that region and the church presents the verdict and the punishment (if any). The state authorities are not approached and the Amish people keep their matters away from that unnecessary limelight.

Dress That Goes To The Grave

Since modern clothing is not allowed in the Amish community, the Amish women tailor their outfits by sewing the pieces of clothing. They even stitch their own wedding dresses that are blue. However, at some places, the brides can pick the color that they wish to wear on their big day. The same wedding dress is then worn by the ladies every Sunday when they attend the church services. But there are more places that this dress visits apart from the church. According to one of the Amish traditions, the Amish women are buried in that same attire. So, wedding dress becomes the last outfit that they wear. That’s a unique and eccentric concept! The Amish stun us with such traditions.

The Medical Expenses

In case of emergencies, the Amish people turn to professional medical treatments and rely on them. The medical expenses can cost a fortune taking into account that the Amish people never apply for medical insurance. So, they have to clear the bills after the medical procedure. The entire community stands ready to help when one member experiences this financial strain. They make arrangements to gather the amount that the person has to pay. They don’t let one member stress about the medical expenses. Some organizations extend their helping hand when Amish people are dealing with medical bills but thus community is all about being self-reliant and take care of those expenses themselves.

Mode Of Conveyance

When you spot horse-drawn buggies on the country roads, you should know that the Amish are traveling as they prefer this mode of transportation over the lavish cars. They are not given the green light to drive a car but if they need to travel somewhere far, someone can take them on their wheels. Since they have a valid explanation for every rule they follow, not driving cars is also justified by them. They feel that being a car owner could entice them towards worldly things and provide them with a smooth ride to the outside areas that are not meant for their culture. In addition to that, they realized that an automobile can drive a wedge between the community members and so, they sit in their buggies and head out on the roads for the journey.

Outsiders Are Welcome

There have been a few instances where outsiders have embraced the Amish way of life and converted. The people from the outside world have absorbed the faith and their beliefs to completely become a part of this community. There’s an entire process for this conversion but it’s not a harsh one like one would think. If someone from a non-Amish place wishes to adopt the Amish religion and live in a simple way, the initial step is to join an Amish family for a while and involve in their daily routine to learn the lifestyle. They have to add German and Pennsylvania Dutch to their linguistic skills and become accustomed to all that their rules dictate. After being in the Amish town for long enough, these people are offered the choice to be baptized. If they do, they can start their own life in that area and get married.

A Chosen Retirement

While some people tend to sink in the feeling of loneliness after their retirement due to the lack of routine or excitement in their lives, the Amish don’t let this happen to anyone in their community. Retirement can be a huge decision for the elders as they have to step into the next phase that can be challenging and can feel the air of despondency. For Amish, retirement doesn’t have a fixed age and the members can take the decision after contemplating all the aspects revolving around this including the family requirements, health, and other personal factors. It varies for every individual and can be anywhere between 50 to 70 years. After the retirement, the person lives with their family or in the Grossdaadi Haus (grandfather house) that is located very close to their home.

Traditional Furnishing

The skills that the Amish possess for building things and handicrafts are highly appreciated all around the country. Since they don’t use electricity to speed-up their processes or ease them, the final products turn out to be truly artistic and unique. All the efforts and labor they put in this is a form of worship for the Amish people. They work hard on the intricate details of the products and spare no effort to create an impeccable design. The traditional woodwork and cookery are included in their tasks that they perform skillfully. These designs are passed on through generations and those are even popular among the people not belonging to that community. The non-Amish splurge on the Amish-built stuff and are impressed by it.

Amish Goods Made Available Online

Most of the Amish earnings are sourced from the woodwork and the handicrafts designed by them. Their creations garner a lot of attention and buyers. During the early days when the non-Amish discovered the Amish products and found them high quality, they traveled many miles to reach the Amish town to place their order and then come back after a few days when the order was complete. But the scenarios have changed now. Although Amish steer clear of technology and the internet, there are a few merchants who act as a connection between the Amish sellers and the buyers from the outside world. These merchants have arranged online stores where the people can select according to their preferences and the goods will reach them conveniently.

Special Bank For The Community

The Amish population has been increasing and the communities are settling at various places around the United States. This calls for more services that help the Amish people in leading a smooth life. The Bank of Bird in Hand is one such initiative that was founded by a group of local Amish and non-Amish investors. This first modern Amish bank has taken the responsibility to help the Amish with their special requirements including financial planning in accordance with their needs. They have even constructed a drive-through window that enables the Amish people who arrive in horse-drawn buggies. They try to add a little comfort in the lives of the “plain people” without intervening with their code of conduct.

A Date Set-Up

Dates are not uncommon in the Amish community as they also need a chance to meet new people belonging to the same faith and take things further from there. An outsider may think that there’s a restriction for the couples when it comes to going on dates and spending some quality time together but that’s just our perception. They are not forcing arranged marriages on anyone in the community as adults are free to choose their partners and fall in love. But there’s a twist in this love tale. There’s an event called “Sing” wherein the young Amish people gather around long tables with girls sitting on one side and the boys on the other. They sing tunes and hymns that are trendy and cheerful. They chat and hang out during the event and once it’s over, some new couples may emerge and love blossoms.

Exclusive Amish Meals

Since entertainment in the Amish communities is limited with no live concerts or clubbing in their list of thrilling activities, food becomes their favorite thing. They love to savor their traditional dishes and yes, they are plenty and delectable. The Amish culture considers food as the reflection of their community and all that they believe in. Their platters are always full of mouth-watering food served on every occasion including weddings, small family gatherings, Sings, or an evening get-together. These scrumptious meals have been in the Amish community since the very beginning and they have successfully made their way into the present. It’s time for a quick look at the famous dishes of the Amish and you’ll be craving all of it after knowing their food closely.

Serving Healthy Soup

One dish that we all turn to when there are leftovers and veggies in our kitchen is the soup. Soups are healthy and are relished by one and all. Amish and Mennonites consider this dish as a way to utilize the eatables that are taking up extra space in the kitchen and turn them into something highly nutritious and appetizing. These two communities can be unarguably called the soup experts. The Pennsylvania Dutch never let any tiny edible piece go to waste and so, they can prepare broths effortlessly. The results are purely delicious. The cooking liquid of almost every meal including beef stocks, fish, vegetables, poultry, and meat is stored for further use. There has been a written mention of the expertise of the Amish in Sauerkraut Yankees: Pennsylvania Dutch Foods & Foodways. “The Pennsylvania Dutch developed soup making to such a high art that complete cookbooks could be written about their soups alone; there was an appropriate soup for every day of the year, including a variety of hot and cold fruit soups,” William Woys Weaver wrote.

Birch Beer

There are quite a lot of beers available for us in the States to revel in from cream soda to root beer. However, for the Amish people, there’s one drink that satisfies their taste buds and it is birch beer. They are slightly partial towards this drink and prefer it over any other beverage that’s on the menu. This special thirst quencher is derived from the bark of birch trees. The sap is drawn out from these trees and the beer is produced. The birch beers can be non-alcoholic too. The one that’s made alcoholic has been brewed since the existence of this community that dates back to the 17th century. The traditional birch beer has stayed all this while and now, there are new versions of this drink that have even taken over the neighboring regions.

It’s A Whoo-Pie!

While you are devouring Oreos in undisclosed quantities, the Amish have created Whoopie Pies that are similar to the Oreo flavor and maybe even better! This dessert has been passed down from the ancestors of the Amish community and still carries the same charm. Whoopie Pies have impressed many palates with their smooth texture and delicious taste even the ones from the surrounding towns and cities. There are no complications to the recipe of this toothsome pie. Two round pieces of chocolate cake are connected with enough white frosting or cream that adds to the tempting view of the Whoopie Pies. It’s hard to resist such a sweet pie even when the main course has filled our stomachs.

The Celebrated Shoofly Pie

When we talk about traditional food of the Pennsylvania Dutch, Shoofly Pie has to make a grand entry. It has to be on the menu when there’s an Amish celebration. The ingredients that go into this scrumptious pie are molasses, eggs, sugar, flour, and water. The recipe is smooth and anyone can become a Shoofly Pie expert with the right technique while baking. The Amish have been making this for a long time now and it has taken a central spot in their kitchen. The aroma of the pie spreads in the Amish homes quickly and they can’t wait to savor the dessert. The restaurants have added this favorite pie to their carte du jour.

Schnitz un knepp On Your Platter

One fruit that has become the apple of everyone’s eyes in the Amish community is the pome fruit itself. Apples are included in various dishes that have emerged in the community since they first settled and announced their existence. Apples can take various forms when used while preparing some delectable meals. If you are still stuck on apple pies and strudels that are not unique anymore, Schnitz un knepp will blow your mind. It’s a special dish that has pork shoulder or ham. Dried apples and dumplings uplift these ingredients when they all are cooked together.    The Amish people love to indulge in this piquant dish and the families refrain from revealing the recipes of the Schnitz un knepp that they cook in their kitchens. When in an Amish town, make sure you grab a bite of this famous dish and your trip would be complete!

How It All Began

With the emergence of Anabaptists in Zurich in the 16th century, the ones who believed in the rules, traditions, and tenets put forward by the followers of Anabaptism, a religious movement formed communities, and hence, the Amish emanated from those beliefs. All the Anabaptists wanted to make the members aware of the weight of this choice and how it should only be decided when one has reached the conscious stage of life and can make independent resolutions. So, they dissuaded the parents from baptizing their babies and toddlers who don’t have the knowledge about the whole process of administering to the Church. The Anabaptists were given a hard time by the religious authorities regarding this approach. The Amish and other related communities we know now are the progenies of these Swiss Anabaptists.

Memories Of Loved Ones

One won’t find photographs or frames kept around the house of an Amish family as cameras are that part of the technology that the community eschews. They don’t want to promote self-obsession by clicking pictures and keeping them – not even to hold onto the memories of those who have departed this life. They push aside anything that gives rise to “Hochmut” which means pride, haughtiness, or arrogance but they hold in high esteem the significance of “Demut” which translates into humility and “Gelassenheit” – serenity, composure, and calmness. No cameras, no paintings in the Amish homes tells us that when a near and dear one dies, their family treasures everything about them etched on their memory.

Not The Only Anabaptists

For the ones peeking in from the outside, the Amish community might sound like the oldest groups of people following Anabaptism. But if we dig deeper, there’s another story that comes up into the light. The Amish are an appendage of the widespread Mennonite movement that takes place on a larger scale. The “plain people” in question here gave themselves the name “Amish” after they settled in the U.S.A. Turns out, the groups who believe in the same culture and live with similar traditions and rules are plenty. You can be wrong while judging a person on a buggy to be an Amish as they can belong to another community that has dedicated their lives to such a simple lifestyle.

Mennonites And Amish – The Distinguishing Factors

With various similarities between the Mennonites and the Amish communities, it becomes tough to differentiate between the two. Both the Anabaptist groups rebuff modern technology, live together in closed-off areas, communicate in Pennsylvania Dutch and don simple clothes. So, when it comes to throwing light on the facets that define them in different ways, it’s a tedious task. The tenets and rules of every community vary slightly. The old order Mennonites are not too stern about staying away from technology and may use a few modern tools as per their convenience. Many of these members can be seen driving cars and utilizing electric appliances for easing a few chores around the fields and houses. Some young members of the Mennonites take admission in the colleges and complete their studies. Having said that, there are still a few Mennonite groups that might take a spot above the Amish considering the rigidity around their culture and traditions. You may even run into an Amish person who drives a car and doesn’t succumb to the austerity of the Amish customs.