Feast Your Eyes on These Amazing Vintage Photos

The glory of vintage photos! They will surely bring you waaaay back in time...back to a time when people wore funny hats, rode in horse-drawn carriages, and were only able to communicate through the art of interpretive dance, to a time where if we went now we’d be more than thankful of all the inventions that we have in the present time.They say a picture's worth a thousand words, and these photos are certainly no exception. After seeing them, you'll be entirely convinced that it's impossible to put a price tag on nostalgia.

Ladies strutting- London, 1930s

There is no questioning that these fabulous ladies were dressed to the nines and ready to party! It looks like they had been dropped off at their destination, and were captured strutting their stuff along the last 100 yards to their party. Haven’t we all had days where we just need to dance the night out with our girls. The final outcome of this picture is a cover that many modern-day musicians would swoon over. The feel and aesthetic of the picture are like a peek into what partying was in the 1930’s. The classic scene from Reservoir Dogs of the crew sauntering their way down the street in slow motion? Well, these lovely ladies were the OG Reservoir Dogs, in all their glory!

Man riding Harley- 1955

If you wanted to be cool in the 1950s ( or even now ) you had to have the perfect combination of a leather jacket, greased up hair, and a motorbike! Think of it as the ultimate trifecta for being cool. But if you really wanted to be the coolest of them all, you needed a Harley Davidson, just like the guy in this vintage photo. He looks so much like Danny Zuko from the movie Grease that you'd be forgiven for thinking he was the real deal. The only thing that separates them is that Danny Zuko never rode a Harley in the movie! We’d be lying if we say that we aren’t fans of a Harley either.

Holding hats in the wind- Philadelphia, 1947

Oh boy! What a sight it must have been to behold as these hustling men marched down the street, all desperately trying to hang onto their hats! What a coincidental moment to capture in a frame. The poor guys looked like a bunch of scared chickens, their hands flapping around like wings, trying to hold on for dear life! But, alas, the wind was simply too powerful for them, and they were all forced to resort to the age-old 'hat-on-head' tactic! Truly, it was a sight that only a master photographer could have captured - and what a great image it is!

Date night, 1950s

When it comes to dating, things have certainly taken an interesting turn. We have apps like tinder and bumble etc to find us the perfect match. In this day and age, it's almost expected that you'll dress down in casuals and still take your date to some fancy-schmancy place. But back in the '50s, it was a whole different story! You'd pull out all the stops, donning your finest outfit before heading out to a classic American diner. This photo of a couple from that era is honestly too cute for words! The man is holding a milkshake for his date and she looks positively delighted. How sweet!

But, alas, all good things must come to an end. Nowadays, it seems like dating is just not the same. We guess the 1950s really was the golden era of romance.

T-birds-New York, 1950s

It seemed like every young guy who wanted to get in with the 'cool kids' was trying to look like Danny Zuko from Grease - or maybe it was Danny Zuko who was trying to look like everyone else, who knows?! Whatever the case, it was a style that was all the rage in the 1950s. And the great thing about old-school snaps like these is that you can imagine what this gang of guys were getting up to on that day - are they still around to tell us what happened after the photo was taken? I'm sure they've had some wild adventures over the years!

Fashion models-1960s

Oh boy, it's such a tragedy that these incredible models had to grow up in an era when color photos were scarce! We just can't help but wonder what sort of hues were adorning these dresses. We can only take a guess that the second model from the left must have been wearing white, and the one all the way to the right was in a delightful jet black. We can only imagine what the other two were sporting, but it certainly looks like these four knew how to work their angles for the camera! 

We have Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner in our era on all the top fashion magazine covers, all glowing in color. One can’t help but imagine what it would have been like if these models also had that privilege.

College Professor- 1930

For all the teachers out there, this image must really bring home the struggles of the teaching profession! Not only do you have to tirelessly strive to educate the next generation, but when the school day's done, you still have to go home and grade papers, plan for the next day, and then do it all over again. Imagine having a job that can impact young minds forever. It’s a huge responsibility that our teachers take upon themselves. 

So we really have to admire this professor's ability to take a break and put his feet up, lighting up his pipe and taking a much-deserved rest. It's these moments that make teaching a rewarding profession!

Mexican Border, 1950

Ahoy Amigos! If you haven't already guessed, this photo was taken in a land of sombreros, tacos, and tequila - Mexico! The scene is a riot of color and the signs say things like 'Adios Amigos' and 'Come back again' - so it's safe to say we're at the border. The 1950s were a wild time, complete with vibrant colors and flashy signs, so it's no wonder this place looks so lively. So, let's raise a glass of agave-based goodness and toast our friends south of the border - salud!

Human Resume- 1930s

Ah, the good old days. When the only way to get a job was to literally wear your resume on your sleeve - or, in this case, on your chest! Back in the 1930s, when the world was in the grips of the Great Depression, some desperate job seekers took the novel approach of wearing their resumes on their bodies. Like the poor guy in this vintage photo, who obviously thought that if he couldn't get an interview, he might at least get a few double-takes. 

How times have changed! Nowadays, if you want to apply for a job, all you have to do is send an email to the company or even apply through your LinkedIn account. Ah, progress - who needs a human billboard when you have the internet?

Father sitting with son- 1937

Oh, the wonders of time! It's quite apparent that the people of 1937 were truly ahead of their time, in terms of aging! It's no wonder that many historians have made the observation that 30-year-olds back then looked like they were twice their age. Take this man, for example; by today's standards, he looks like he's at least 60, but we'd guess that he was actually a whole decade younger when this photo was taken. It's almost as if he was so wise and experienced that he aged in double-time! He looks old enough to be this boy's great-grandfather, maybe even his great-great-grandfather!

Skateboarding to work, 1982

One of the more recent photos on this list of vintage photos, this guy is living proof that you can still stay true to yourself even if you work for a corporate company. Apparently, skateboarding started back in the 1940s, but it took a few decades before it really caught on and became popular among the masses. 

By the time this photo was taken, skateboarding culture had already well and truly established itself in society. We can just imagine this guy's boss giving him a stern talking to, only to find a pair of skate shoes peeking out from his briefcase! Isn’t it amazing that we all have certain parts of ourselves that we are not ready to go of, just like this skateboarder who, we are sure has a steady corporate job but doesn’t want to let his inner spark die.

Midwest businessman- 1939

It's certainly not one of the biggest cities in the United States, but that didn't stop the people of Omaha, Nebraska from living the luxurious life of the upper crust in the 1930s. Take this man, for instance, who was obviously an important figure thanks to his impressive, fashion-forward clothes. 

If the Mad Hatter himself had seen this guy, he would have been red with envy. It seems that the further back in time you go, the more one's clothing is a tell-tale sign of their wealth and social status – and this man was no exception!

Times Square- 1902

Boy, things have certainly shifted! Nowadays, Times Square in New York City is the epicenter of all things money and commerce. Tourists flock to this American hotspot in droves and the number of neon signs and billboards is enough to make your eyes pop out of your head! And what’s the most amusing of all is the crowd, there are people everywhere.

But if we go back in time to 1904, we'll find that the scene looks drastically different. Other than the One Times Square building, which is still standing in the middle of the picture, you'd be hard-pressed to find any similarity between then and now! I guess it just goes to show that time really does fly! 

Ice skater in a suit- 1937

In the 1930s and 40s, it wasn't uncommon to witness a peculiar sight; men in their most formal attire, laced up in ice skates, eagerly searching for the nearest skating rink. How times have changed! 

Nowadays, you'll find people gliding across the ice wearing all sorts of casual attire, from jeans to tracksuit bottoms. It's not only the fashion that has changed, but the mentality too. If you're feeling the urge to go ice skating after a hard day at the office, don't hesitate; jump right in!

Red square, Moscow- 1978

For centuries, Moscow's Red Square has been the hub of Russian life, culture, and politics. It's got it all: from the famous St. Basil's Cathedral to the Kremlin to the President's house, Red Square has seen some of the most monumental moments in Russia's history! 

Even today, it's one of the most popular places in Russia, with millions of tourists from all over the world flocking there each year. Back then, it was especially exciting, with the Soviet flag proudly waving above all the hustle and bustle. Talk about a sight to behold!

Stylish Man- 1940s

In the 1940s, when the world was in the throes of an all-encompassing war and life was an uncertain game of chance, that didn't stop some people from rising with the sun and strutting their stuff down the street like they owned it! 

Despite all the turmoil and chaos, the citizens of America still had the freedom to do as they pleased, and this man was the perfect example of that. Decked out in his finest threads, he was without a doubt the most dapper dude on Main Street that day! He was living proof that no matter how tough things got, the spirit of freedom would prevail!

Beauty pageant- 1920

Who would have thought it? Believe it or not, beauty pageants have been around for centuries, but only recently have they become the fabulously glitzy, glamorous event we know them as today! It's something of an amusing coincidence that the very first 

Miss America pageant took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey, just one year after this photo was taken! It's truly amazing how quickly the beauty pageant scene has grown and blossomed over the last couple of centuries - from a modest medieval tradition to a dazzling display of beauty and grace.

Burger King- 1970s

It's almost unbelievable to fathom that the iconic Burger King restaurant chain was only twenty years old when this amazing photograph was taken in the 1970s! While their logo may not have changed drastically, it's easy to tell the era this snap originates from, simply by taking a peek at the wild and wacky, disco-style color scheme of the diner's exterior and the iconic yellow taxi. Talk about a blast from the past! It's incredible that some things, such as Burger King, remain timeless and never go out of fashion. Long may it reign!

Harlem- 1970s

In the 1970s, Harlem was a hot mess! After the government splurged millions of money on a ten-year plan to try and make the area better, it was clear that it was money down the drain, with no visible signs of any kind of progress. 

It was a time when poverty, substance abuse, crime and poor education ran rampant, making it one of the most deprived areas in Manhattan. But, thankfully, things have been looking up since then, and while it's still far from perfect, it's definitely a lot better than it used to be!

Rock N’ Roll

When Rock N' Roll music initially blasted into existence, parents reacted with outrage at this novel auditory experience. They were sure it was a gateway to misbehavior and mayhem, which is absolutely laughable in hindsight. If you take a look at photographs of these youngsters jammin' out in the style of the era, it's a sight to behold. 

Just take a peek at this little dude's expressions. It's hard to believe that he's barely a teenager, yet he's clearly having the night of his life. He must have snuck out of the house to join his ragamuffin pals at the dance!

Elvis mania

Ah, yes, Elvis Presley: the King of Rock 'n' Roll. It was long before the Beatles came to the United States and started the British Invasion, but Elvis was already causing a stir with his dynamic dance moves, devilishly handsome looks, and addictive tones. 

Photographs of one of his concerts show a young female fan completely losing her marbles in the presence of the King, and it's no surprise that parents were concerned at the influence these songs were having on their kids. People were truly terrified of the stir that Elvis caused with his devoted admirers, but eventually, Elvis fandom became more socially acceptable.

Slappin’ Da Banj’

They say that time traveling to a different era is like visiting a foreign country and honestly, they're not wrong. Just take a look at this old photo from the 1920s below - it's a sight that would definitely look alien to us nowadays! But, there's one thing that has remained constant over the years - music! We would probably be just as charmed by this little kid's jaunty tune as his adorable pooch is. Just look at him, strumming and tapping away like a true maestro, carefree and content! Even the dog was looking like he was having the time of his life.

Mini master flash

This adorable little rascal is the epitome of '80s black culture! For those of you too young to remember, the item pictured below might be a bit of a mystery. In the golden age of the '80s, people didn't just download music; they hit the "Record" button on their double-tape deck when their favorite song came on the radio! How quaint, right? Well, it turns out that the '80s style is making a major comeback, so this guy is still looking as fly today as he did back in the day!

With spotify, apple music, wynk, etc we should consider ourselves lucky that listening to our favorite tunes is just a click away.

Keeping cool in the summer- New York City, 1943

Oh boy, it's been a long time since 1943, but one thing we can always count on in New York City is the scorching heatwaves in the middle of the summer! Even back in '43, New Yorkers had to get creative with how to beat the heat. Now we have the comfort of AC’S and coolers but back then water was the only medium to stay cool. Just look at these two friends, for instance! It looks like they've found the perfect solution - drenching each other in buckets of ice cold water. Talk about a refreshing way to stay cool!

Inspecting women’s swimsuits- 1920s

You might be looking at this vintage photo and scratching your head in confusion, thinking, “What in the world is going on here?” We'd be right there with ya, because god, we had the same reaction! This just goes to show how much things have changed over the last century. And how far we have come. This man was literally measuring women's swimsuits to see if they were too short - can you believe it? Nowadays, it's unimaginable that this would be a regular thing in any part of the world, but back in the twenties, it was totally commonplace. Who knew?! 

We are thankful that women now are hustling, pushing back all boundaries and conquering every aspect of life.

Friends having a picnic- 1900s

Ah, picnics! An activity beloved by people since the beginning of time. Just take a look at this retro image of two stylish ladies and their adorable son enjoying a meal in the park. It almost looks like it could have been taken yesterday, or was a shot from a movie of the previous times but don't be fooled! 

This photo was actually taken over a hundred years ago - which is enough to make your head spin! From the fancy dresses to the charming teapot, it looks like it could have come straight from a different century. Truly remarkable!

Tehran- 1960s

This wacky throwback of a photo really drives home the point that - hey, times change! Not that long ago, in the swinging sixties, Tehran was the place to be - just like any other major city in the West. It was so modern, so metropolitan - and the people were livin' their best lives in all kinds of secular living. 

They had the freedom to dress however they wanted, the freedom to express themselves however they saw fit. And then, BOOM - the Iranian Revolution happened. Now, Tehran looks a little different, and it's not quite as free as it once was. Ah, the power of change!

Punk rocker- 1970s

If there was ever a subculture that completely revolutionized the way that rock n’ roll was viewed, it has to be the punk genre. This style injected a whole new level of sassiness into what was already thought of as a type of music that really shook things up. Groups like The Sex Pistols, The Clash, and the Ramones were the innovators of the punk scene and heavily impacted how people dressed, the way they spoke, and even their ideas. This dude was a total punk rocker, if you know what I mean.

Road to Woodstock- 1969

Without a doubt, the most popular music festival of all time, Woodstock, happened during the blistering summer of '69, from August 15th to August 17th, and some of the biggest names in rock n' roll, including Santana, Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, The Who, and Jimi Hendrix, made an appearance. 

Fans rushed to the Catskills like they were on some kind of musical journey, and some tried to escape the massive crowds by taking naps on top of their cars - though this didn't work out too well for them, since they were still surrounded by people but anything for music right?

Ladies dipping their toes- 1944

This photo takes us back to a time when a gaggle of gals could have a grand old time while still reconnecting with their inner tyke. The thing that really pops out at us in this photo is the amazing, vibrant swimsuits! They look so snazzy! Who would have thought that a day on the beach could be so darn fashionable?

We think that fashion houses now should definitely take some inspiration from these girls now as their style would be a hit in today’s world.

Lady with knitted top- 1960s

What is so captivating about this retro picture is the way the lady's knitted top appears to be a step ahead of its time. The tie and collar combination is pretty neat, but the knitting gives it a certain 8-bit video game-like quality that you'd expect to see in the 80s! 

Not only does the bright orange and black contrast make a statement, but the lady's mascara is also a delightful addition in its own right. It's like a blast from the past! And the best of all what is even more amusing is the fact that we can see how much of our clothing now is similar to this and sort of like a nostalgic yet colorful setback.

Getting some shade- France, 1955

Remember that catchy ditty, "Everybody Loves the Sunshine" by the talented Roy Ayers? Well, we here at the Sun-Loving Society think it should be changed to "99% of People Love the Sunshine," because let's be real - not everyone's a fan of the bright ball of light in the sky. 

Take for example, this french girl back in 1955 who decided to have a little sunbathing session with a tall glass of lemonade in hand. We here at the Sun-Loving Society think she made a smart decision by sitting under the yellow shade to protect her fair skin from the sun's powerful rays. It's a lovely yellow theme if you think about it - the shade, the lemonade and her golden blonde hair!

Hitchhiker with flowers- Oklahoma, 1973

We can only guess that this delightful damsel was trying her luck at hitchhiking while toting a bundle of beautiful blooms. But, then again, it's possible that she was merely standing on the side of the road on Valentine's Day and peddling pink petals to desperate dudes who had forgotten to buy a bouquet on time. It's true that the lovely girl with the floral shirt was an impressive sight, but nothing could compare to the awesomeness of the amazing girl herself!

Couples sunbathing- 1940s

Oh boy, it looks like these two couples' plans for a romantic double date day out were foiled by the sudden appearance of a fifth wheel! From the looks of this vintage photo taken back in the 1940s, it appears that despite the surprise guest, this group of friends was still able to have a good time at the nature reserve. 

And what a beautiful day it must have been - they had just finished taking a refreshing dip in the sparkling lake and were now basking in the glorious summer sun, perched atop some jagged rocks. Well, if nothing else, at least they could all get a great tan!

New York city subway- 1970s

This guy is a total package of coolness and exhaustion, with an added bonus of being covered in some pretty impressive graffiti artwork and with that we can say that he has truly embodied the true essence of New York City living - The Subway. 

For more than a century, this iconic form of transportation has been a large part of life here, and its cultural significance is so great that it has been featured in plenty of films and music videos. Talk about making a mark on the world! Apart from the iconic subway the cool yet exhausted guy is a great peek into what it is like to live in the city of dreams, New York. Where you have to hustle and juggle for your dreams by also keeping your realities in check.

New shoes

This world-famous and iconic photo, taken outside of the Am Himmel orphanage in Vienna, Austria, by the renowned Gerald Waller, was soon after immortalized in the December 30, 1946 edition of Life magazine. In it, a six-year-old boy by the name of Hans Werfel is captured in a state of bliss; and what was the cause of such joy? 

A brand spankin' new pair of shoes - donated by the Junior Red Cross of the United States! Can you imagine what it must have been like for a child growing up in the wake of World War II in Austria, with its shortages and its terrible economy, to get a gift like that? Yeah, it's enough to make you smile too!

Brooklyn Bridge- 1883

Ah, the iconic image of the Brooklyn Bridge! It's the stuff of legends! The construction of this grandiose landmark commenced way back in 1869 and it took a whopping fourteen years to finish the job. But it was all worth it in the end, when the bridge opened to a crowd of thousands of onlookers, with President Chester A. Arthur and New York Governor Grover Cleveland cutting the ribbon with a pair of golden scissors. And this image? Well, it was one of the first ever taken after the bridge was in full swing! Talk about history!

Pumpin’ Gas- 1960s

Ahoy there, petrolheads! Nowadays, when we all get out of our cars to pump our own gas, it's a far cry from the days of the 60s. Back in the 1960s, there was always a helpful gas attendant around to lend a helping hand - and they weren't just there to fill your tank! Oh no, no, no! They were there to deliver a quality service experience - they'd wash your windows, check your tire pressure, top up your oil... all the necessities for a road trip to remember! 

There are still some gas stations that offer this full-service experience in more rural areas of the US and abroad, but they're a rare find. So, if you ever find yourself passing through one of these havens, do yourself a favor and fill up! You won't regret it.

Halloween- the 1940s

Ah, in the good old days of Halloween, when children were actually allowed to be scared! Instead of donning the costumes of their favorite superheroes or cartoon characters, they were expected to dress in something truly horrifying - like a clown! Yikes! 

Yes, it was even traditional to take a picture to commemorate the frightful look they chose for All Hallows Eve. So much scarier than the typical Halloween costumes of today! Can you imagine the terror that children back then must have felt when they saw a clown approaching them in the night? No wonder Halloween used to be such a scary holiday!

Living behind the wall- East Germany 1980s

Gosh, wasn't it only yesterday that Germany was cruelly divided by a wall, like a cut of cake? On the West side of the wall, life was a party - there was a thriving economy and citizens were able to express their freedom in democratic bliss. 

Meanwhile, on the other side, the East Germany was like a replica of Russia - small cramped apartments with a gazillion relatives living in one space, and children who were frustrated beyond belief. And then, in 1990, an unexpected miracle occurred and the wall was demolished! It was truly a groundbreaking moment for East Germany, with their world being changed for the better, forever and ever! 

Vintage easy rider- 1912

Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach had no idea that their invention of the first motorcycle would end up becoming such an iconic symbol of rebellion and individuality! Who could have imagined that, over a hundred years later, families would be posing for photos on these two-or-three-wheeled machines? 

Just look at that Australian family in their 1912 Henderson - now that's a picture that will go down in history! From the moment the first motorcycle was made in 1885, people have been using them to stand out and express their individuality. And it's no wonder - with the roar of the engine and the wind in your hair, nothing else quite compares.

We need a revolution- Czechoslovakia 1968

For decades, the country formerly known as Czechoslovakia had been living in a state of stifling oppression, with the shackles of the Iron Curtain firmly in place. But the people felt like they were being bound up tighter and tighter, and the situation was becoming unbearable. Then, in 1968, Alexander Dubcek came along and granted the Czechs and Slovakians a much-needed respite from the strict regulations. 

He lifted travel restrictions, gave Slovakia autonomy, and opened the door to a whole range of other freedoms. Unfortunately, the USSR wasn't so keen on this idea and quickly dispatched troops to ensure that Dubcek's reforms would never see the light of day. In the blink of an eye, the oppressive rules were back in place and the people were once again forced to endure the oppressive rule of the Iron Curtain.

Schooltime- Greece 1960s

Imagine cramming into a tiny, cramped classroom in 1960's Greece with uncomfortable furniture and a bunch of kids all stuffed in there together. It was almost like being back in school today! Except, these brave and determined youngsters weren't just learning how to read and write; they had so much more to accomplish in the few hours they were given. 

They worked hard and made sure that they didn't waste a single moment of their precious education. It's no wonder why these students from so long ago still inspire us to this day!

Have I got a deal for you- 1920s

It was the Roaring Twenties and these savvy car salesmen had gathered 'round to haggle and jostle over a brand spankin' new set of wheels. It seemed like this magnificent motorcar was going for an absolute steal at a mere $100 - a price that wouldn't even get you a used tire in the modern day. 

But back in the day, that was a month's salary for some, so it was no wonder these dashing dealers were so eager to get their hands on this luxurious ride. After all, having a car was a symbol of social status and wealth, and the one who got to take this beauty home would undoubtedly be the envy of all their friends.

Dresden train station- 1982

Back in the 1980s, when the Berlin Wall was still standing tall and the GDR had a firm grip on Dresden, Germany, the city was still a hotbed of travel activity - especially for those brave individuals who were determined to cross the Iron Curtain. And this train station was one of the main centers of inter-country transportation. 

On this particular evening, however, the station was far from being a solemn and stoic place - it was transformed into a lively dance floor filled with music, laughter, and joyous spinning couples. At the center of the festivities were a group of soldiers from an engineering division, who seemed to be having the time of their lives!

Let’s get the party started- Texas 1940s

In the 1940s, when the troops were finally getting out of the war, there was a lot to cheer about - freedom from war and the excitement of the season! Nothing says 'celebration' quite like a good old-fashioned jig! And these brave soldiers from the Engineering Division had the time of their lives dancing the night away with the big band and a bevy of lovely ladies. They were having such a blast that the floorboards must have been shaking in joy!

Boy selling lemonade- 1973

This ambitious young boy had a plan to make some serious cheddar on this scorching summer day by selling his homemade lemonade to the friendly people in his 'hood. We can't be sure if he whipped the drink up all by himself, but we can definitely wager he created the snazzy advertisement to go along with his stand. 

With a star-spangled banner proudly waving in the background, this picture captures the spirit of the American Dream: take the resources you have and use them to reach your very highest heights!

Girls just want to have fun- 1980s

Ah, the glorious 80s! A time of neon colors and even brighter hairstyles. Whether you were into punk, preppy, or just plain outrageous, the 80s gave you the opportunity to express yourself in whatever way you wanted. 

We can almost hear the classic Cyndi Lauper hit, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" blaring in the background as these young ladies posed for a group shot. And when you think of the word "vintage" you can't help but think of the iconic fashion and styles of the 80s!

Sitting on a caddy- 1975

Until this very moment, Cadillacs remain a clear sign of prosperity and sophistication. It appears as if this person not only had a flashy vehicle, but also the swanky wardrobe to match it. We are firm believers that if you can pay for it, then why not get it? 

One thing is certain - the custodian of this caddy kept their coveted possession in pristine condition and was so proud of it that they just had to take a picture of themselves perched atop the hood.

Friends posing on the beach- 1950s

If you don't appreciate the beauty of the beach, then there's something seriously wrong with you! Sure, sand can be a nuisance, but come on! It's one of the most amazing experiences life has to offer! It's the perfect place to bring your favorite people - your friends, family, and even a special someone. 

These cheerful chums decided to capture their moment of bliss in a group photo, with the stunning horizon in the background. So if you haven't been to the beach in a while, then drop everything right now and go! Trust me, it'll be worth it.

Sitting on mercedes benz- 1970s

This stylish lady is the OG of the timeless "sit on the hood of your car" pose. We can all agree that her car looks just as fabulous as she does! It's a classic Mercedes-Benz with an undeniable vintage charm. 

We just hope she doesn't get so distracted by the car's good looks that she forgets to put on her shoes before she takes it for a spin! After all, it's not only fashionable, it's also safe!

Kids with balloons- Disneyland, 1961

It looks like this endearing duo of siblings had a dream to come true, and it looks like that dream has been granted! Don't be fooled though, these two aren't trying out for the seven dwarfs, even if Snow White and her posse would be delighted to have them. 

Everyone who has ever watched a Disney film needs to take a journey to the magical world of Disneyland at least once in their lifetime. If you somehow managed to not go as a youngster, make it a point to take your own offspring!