Foods You Will Never Eat After Knowing Their Gross Preparation

We are in awe of the delicious food that is being produced in each corner of this world. The mouthwatering, appetizing food can take just a few minutes to turn your foodgasmic experience into a stomach-turning experience. The credit goes to the hidden ingredients and methods people follow to make these irresistible delicacies. 

How many of these are you aware of?

Baked Food

We all love our bread and all the baked food present in this world. The puffs, the donuts, the cakes; all of these are close to our heart. However, one ingredient of the baked products is L-cysteine and it is derived from human hair. Gross enough?

Well, after getting this detail, we aren’t sure if we can ever eat baked food without cringing.

Jelly Beans

Shiny shells and soft gooey insides, jelly beans are basically, the go-to candy for all the kids. The best part about these beans is that they are available in kinds of flavors, some gross and some delicious. 

Getting over its flavor, have you ever thought about its shiny surface? One ingredient that not many people know about is Shellac. People do use it on their nails but are not aware of its derivation. It is a secretion of a lac bug and it is used to give the shiny look to the beans.

Subway Sandwiches

People have been going to Subway for health reasons, the ads have given us a preview of how health is important to them. However, have they ever revealed the ingredients of their sauces and sides? 

So, if you are going to Subway for lunch, you better order a dry sandwich without the sauces. Don’t waste your time choosing the sauces.

Ranch Dressing

One of the most famous dressings used in anything and everything. However, did you ever look into what it is made up of? You don’t need us to tell you that the Ranch dressing comes in white color. The color to your favorite dressing comes from Titanium dioxide and this is the same ingredient that is used in sunscreens. Yes, the one that saves you from burning.

Worcestershire Sauces

This food item is something not all people love but if they do, the love is unconditional. People have been using it to drizzle on their food; some prepare their food with it and some even prepare their drinks with it.

Lovers can’t do without this one and that is partially because they don’t know the process of this creation. 

So, to give you an insight, it is made up of pickled onion and garlic. These two ingredients are soaked in vinegar for two whole years and then they are kept in rotten anchovies to bring the final product.


The perfect looking, delicious, colorful skittles are a part of our basic candies. We can’t make through a day without them and it is mainly because of the colors it has to offer. Our life is colorless and basically, this is the only source of filling in color. 

But if you have been thinking that the colors of this candy come from natural sources then we are sorry in advance. We won’t deny that the color is not natural but the source of these colors is bugs. They crush the bugs and bring out the color they want.

Bright Colored Oranges

When you are craving some oranges, you’d like to get some bright colored oranges, isn’t it? Unfortunately, the color you are looking for doesn’t come naturally. In fact, people should avoid getting bright orange oranges because they are made to look that way with the help of a dye called Citrus Red 2. 

The United States has banned it completely as it is carcinogenic. This dye is now used just for the coloring of oranges.

Raspberry Yogurt

For the people who like to eat yogurt, there is a high probability that you have ticked off the raspberry yogurt off your list. It gives you two options and they offer one with the fruits bits and another one with smooth yogurt. 

However, here we’d like to mention that the raspberries used in the production of this yogurt are dyed with the pigment of carmine. And this pigment is practically derived from cochineal bugs.

Shredded Cheese

You can take a lock of cheese and shred it at home. But some people are looking for more convenience and opt to buy a pack of shredded cheese. It is a hell lot cheaper than the block cheese. However, why would they charge less for something that took more effort?

Well, there’s a reason for it. It isn’t cheese. It is in fact, ground-up wood chips that are stuffed into the packets.


The beverage we all love while we binge on a match. People bond over this drink but if they knew how this drink is made, they’d probably choose a different drink to bond over. 

This drink has an ingredient called isinglass. In case, you don’t know what this ingredient is, it is found in the bladder of a fish. Breweries are now trying to throw this ingredient out but it would be better to look for some vegan options if you are one.


Your dinner is fine only if it is accompanied by wine. This sophisticated beverage has some bizarre ingredients in it. Have you ever turned it over to see? The list of bizarre ingredients is long.

Bone marrow, fish oil, isinglass, chitin to name a few. However, the most bizarre part is that some of the wine companies even use blood in their wines. We think these companies are feeding the vampires through their product.


Chicken is an all-time favorite food. We love the snacks made out of it and the main course as well. However, if you are shoving all the chicken in your plate just because of the health benefits then we are here to bring you back to reality. 

London Metropolitan University did some research and found out that due to the large demand for chicken, the quality of chicken has decreased drastically. The proteins are way less and it is thicker than it used to be.

McDonald's Chicken Nuggets

One of the most famous food chains, McDonald's makes one of the best chicken nuggets in the world. It is one food item that is their pride. But would you be interested in getting these nuggets if you knew that they are synthesized from synthetic material?

You will be shocked to know that only 50% of the chicken nuggets are natural and the rest of them are pumped with artificial material and one of these synthetic materials is dimethylpolysiloxane. FYI, it is used in breast implants as well.

Chewing Gum

Every grocery store, most handbags and pockets have at least one of these. And people are chewing this on a regular basis. Unfortunately, people are not aware of the ingredient that is used in producing this gum. 

Have you ever thought of the ingredient that makes chewing gum chewy? Lanolin, a derivative of the skin gland of sheep is the answer to this question. And if companies are ditching this gross ingredient then they are opting for a synthetic rubber to make their chewing gum.

McDonald’s Fish-O-Filet

Another thing on their menu that makes people drool is their Filet-O-Fish. How many of you have thought of the type of fish that is used in making this food item? Rather than using a usual cod or plaice, McDonald's chooses to make their Filet-O-Fish with blue grenadier fish. 

This fish is not found everywhere and one place known for this fish is the coast of New Zealand. Fishing of this particular breed is considered unsustainable but McDonald's won’t listen.

Taco Bell Tacos

The name suggests what this food joint is famous for and people are hogging this food item. However, not the whole meat they use is 100% meaty. People have filled cases against this food joint and in one particular lawsuit, it was said that the tacos are made out of 35% meat and the rest matter is different ingredients.


People can’t do without this aphrodisiac for many reasons. Across the globe, millions of people consume chocolates on an everyday basis. How many of you knew that you are not having something healthy but insects and rodent hair?

There are some weird rules in the production of chocolate and somehow it is okay if the chocolate is made up of 60 insect fragments and 1 rodent hair per 100 grams. Anything beyond that is unacceptable.


Opening a box of Twinkies gives us inexplicable happiness. This fluffy cake is delicious and we can’t keep our hands off of a box of this cake. It is okay for you to think that this cake is made up of something creamy or milk. Because, why not? The appearance is such.

The creamy inside is actually Crisco. It is an ingredient that is used in vegetable shortening. It is used to bind the cakes and pastries. So, these people have been tricking us into eating chemicals.

Potato Chips

When you don’t have anything, potato chips save your life when you don’t have something to munch on.

There are some brands that offer natural and organic potato chips. However, not all companies believe in giving you natural food items. In fact, the biggest names in the industry are making their chips with the most horrible ingredient such as sodium bisulfate. 

This particular is used in toilet cleaners and in potato chips to keep them a fresh look even after months of packaging.

Canned Mushrooms

We know most people don’t like to use canned mushrooms but some of us are still consuming them. Because, hey, canned food is easier than buying fresh vegetables. But in case of canned mushrooms, you gotta look out for maggots. When you open up the lid, you might notice a few. 

According to the FDA, only 30 maggots are allowed per can. Crossing all levels of grossness.