The Bathroom
James stood motionless. He wondered what his wife was doing in the bathroom. Suddenly, he felt sick to his stomach, totally unaware of what his wife was doing in the bathroom. He had a bad feeling.

He quietly pressed his ear against the bathroom door and was surprised to hear a faint giggle inside. What was she doing? Taking a deep breath, James barged into the bathroom with his heart beating in his throat. He had no idea what he had just walked in on.
A Lucky Man
James Aston had the perfect life. He enjoyed his work, lived in a gorgeous city-center apartment, and had a beautiful and loyal wife named Holly.

There was no doubt that James lived the life most men dream of. He was grateful for his perfect wife, but little did he know that she had been living a complete and utter lie.
The Love Of His Life
In 2005, James met Holly for the first time and felt butterflies in his stomach right away. Her smiles and laughter melted his heart like warm butter on hot toast.

James was clearly in love. Five years had passed, and they were still madly in love. James thought nothing could go wrong in his life, but he would soon discover that he was wrong.
Something Special
James and Holly were nearing their fifth anniversary, and James had planned to make this one their most memorable yet. Holly meant a lot to him, and he wanted to let her know that.

As James planned and prepared his anniversary gift, he had no idea that it would all end in disaster.
Something Changed
Over the past few weeks, Holly had begun acting strange. She always seemed to be in a terrible mood and spent most of her time staring at her phone. James was starting to wonder if she was hiding something.

James dismissed it as nothing serious. Suddenly, strange things started happening, and the young man was forced to act. What would he find during his inquisition?
A Ritual
It became Holly's ritual to take a bath at 7:30 p.m. every night. But she spent ages in the bathroom every time she had one.

James couldn't figure out why she was spending hours in the bathroom. But when he finally discovered the truth, his entire world came crashing down around him. How could he possibly miss something so big?
Is Everything Okay?
He knew his wife was hiding something. One night, he decided to knock on the door and ask if everything was okay. "I'm fine," she said through the door.

But he had a strange gut feeling that something sinister was happening behind the bathroom door. He didn’t know it at the time, but James was so right.
James started to wonder if the spark he had with his wife had fizzled out. After all, the two had spent half a decade together, but they were still in love with each other, right?

But why was she spending hours and hours in the bathroom? And why was she acting so strange and irritable? James was determined to find out the truth, but he wasn’t prepared for it. No way.
Running Her A Bath
It was a Friday night, and James massaged his wife’s back before offering to run her a bath. Her face lit up as soon as James offered, and he went into the bathroom.

As he watched the water fill up the tub, James knew that in thirty minutes, he’d finally find out what his wife had been up to. But he was never expecting the truth.
Uneasy Feeling
James ran his wife’s bath, and he watched her as she walked into the bathroom before slamming the door shut, leaving him outside. James didn’t know why, but an uneasy feeling hit the pit of his stomach.

Whatever his wife had been doing, spending hours and hours in the bathroom, was about to be revealed.
His Plan
James had planned to race into the bathroom, claiming there was an emergency. From there, he’d get to see exactly what his wife had been getting up to.

But after what he’d found in the bathroom, it dawned on James that his wife wasn’t the woman he thought she was. Her secret was so big that it would send him crashing to his knees.
Listening Out
James quietly crept over to the bathroom door, and he could hear the swish sounds from the water as his wife, presumably, moved about in the tub.

He rested his ear on the bathroom door, and he could hear a faint giggle from inside the bathroom. With his heartbeat in his throat, James took a deep breath before barging into the bathroom, ultimately uncovering his wife’s secret.
Barging In
James barged into the bathroom, nearly bringing the door down with him. He could see his wife in the tub, surrounded by bubbles. “What’s going on?” she asked, panic washing over her flustered face.

But just as James was about to respond, he saw something that stopped him in his tracks. As soon as he saw it, he felt a cold shiver run up his spine.
James just stood there, frozen in his tracks as he tried to find the words that matched his thoughts. For the second time in his life, he was utterly speechless.

The only other time he felt so lost was the day she stepped into the chapel and said her wedding vows. But what had she done to leave him feeling the way he did?
What Holly had done was unthinkable. James had thought of every possible scenario, but he never thought she would do something like this.

How could she? How could she go behind his back and do something so dramatic? Didn’t she think of the consequences of her actions? Didn’t she think about how this would affect him?
Tears stung his eyes as he watched the situation that was unfolding in front of him. James was left dumbfounded. He thought his eyes were deceiving him.

For a moment there, it was all he wanted to believe. He wanted it to be something he could wake up from because if it were real, it would crush him.
What Had She Done?
James simply couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He couldn’t believe that his beloved wife, the woman of his dreams, could do such a thing.

But what was it that Holly did? What had she been hiding from the man who had dedicated his life to her? And how would it affect the future he had planned for them?
How Could She Keep This Secret?
James still didn’t know what he was going to say or do about the situation he found himself in. All he could think about was how she did it.

How on earth did she do this all behind his back? How did she manage to keep this secret? It wasn’t like she could just sneak it into the house. He would’ve seen something.
How Could He Not See It?
He didn’t understand how any of this happened. He didn’t know how it was possible for him to miss something so huge.

James was a very observant person, and he usually picked up on everything. That’s how he noticed that the baths were getting longer. Yet, he missed the most crucial event in his entire existence.
He Could Barely Breathe
At that point, James could barely breathe. His thoughts had his heart racing against the walls of his chest. And in return, his breaths started coming out in little pants.

His lungs were constricted, and it was getting worse by the minute. Would he make it out of this unscathed? Or was this whole situation just too much for him to bear?
It Was Too Much
The whole situation was just too much for James to handle. From the moment he started getting suspicious to all the events that led to this, it had really taken its toll.

His mind was tired, and he simply didn’t have the strength to continue anymore. Somewhere deep down, he was happy it had finally come to an end. But could he deal with the end result?
How Could This Be Happening?
He just couldn’t understand why this was happening. Or how things had gone this far. When it came to Holly, he always tried his best.

He tried to be understanding and supportive when she had a rough day. He tried to comfort her in her times of need. But this… It was just too much.
What Did He See?
But what was it that James saw that had him in such a state? What had Holly done to deserve this kind of reaction? And how would it affect them in the future?

James would need to get a better look in order to answer those questions. Because he still wasn’t sure if what he had seen was real or not.
A Surprise
With the way Holly was sitting, her body was concealing something or someone. But her time had run out. She had just been caught in the act, and James had no idea how he would react when he saw it.

There was movement in the water, and James felt his heart beating in his throat. Holly wasn’t alone in that tub, and James wasn’t sure he wanted to know what caused the movement. But then a head popped up, and he saw the reason behind all the secrecy.
What Was It?
James looked down at the little critter, unsure of what he should think or feel. A rollercoaster of emotions played through his chest, and he needed a moment to comprehend what he was seeing.

James sank down next to the bath and looked into the big blue eyes that were staring back at him in wonder. He was on the verge of tears. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this.
He Was Very Wrong
During the last few weeks, every single scenario but this one passed through his mind. He thought Holly had stopped loving him and fallen into the arms of another. He even suspected that she might be planning on leaving him.

The fact that she was having a hard time at work also crossed his mind. But he never thought that she would be trying to make one of his biggest wishes come true.
Such A Relief
Holly giggled again, drawing James from his thoughts. She lifted the little kitten up and nuzzled its nose with her own.

It was good to see her like that. So relaxed and comfortable around his favorite animal in the world. But James was still a little stunned by it all and wanted some answers regarding her behavior.
A Gift
“What are you doing with a cat?” James asked when he finally managed to find his voice. “It’s a nice surprise, isn’t it?” Holly smiled. “This, my dear, is my anniversary gift to you.”

James couldn’t believe his ears. Holly always knew he wanted a cat, but she loved dogs and preferred having one as their first pet. Yet there she was, holding a tiny kitten she had gotten him as a gift. His heart swelled with joy. But what was with all the secrecy?
So Many Questions
How on earth did she manage to pull this off? How did she manage to go look at kittens without his knowledge? And how did she manage to bring it into the house without him noticing?

Those were only some of the questions that James wanted answers to. But would he get any of the answers he sought? Or was this a way for Holly to worm herself out of the situation?
James was torn. He wanted to experience the joys of having the kitten he had always wanted, but at the same time, he wanted answers to the questions that had been plaguing him.

What should he do? Should he forget about the questions for now and focus on the kitten? Or should he put the kitten aside and focus on the questions?
First Touch
That was when Holly did something that made his mind up for him. She handed him the kitten, and his thoughts instantly melted away. How could he possibly put the little cutie aside?

Grabbing a towel from the rack, James gently started drying the little critter, and even he could see the sparkle in his eyes. But this day was not over yet.
Love At First Sight
For James, it was love at first sight. He always thought he’d have a hard time picking the kitten he wanted if the time came.

But now that the sweet little thing was in his arms, he realized that it wouldn’t be hard at all. This kitten was exactly what he would’ve chosen if he had to do it himself.
Couldn’t Hold Back
James’ tears finally broke free and started rolling down his cheeks as he realized that Holly still was the perfect woman for him.

She had given him everything he had ever wanted and more. And she did it in such a way that he would’ve and did expect everything else. But he couldn’t let go of his questions.
So Many Questions
Even though James was delighted by how things unfolded, he still had a lot of questions. Why was Holly so moody? Why was she spending so much time in the bathroom? And why did she seem so concerned when he came to check on her?

It couldn’t all have something to do with the kitten because he was sure he had never seen it before. So what was the cause of all that?
Time To Explain
Seeing how concerned and confused James was about everything, Holly felt it was time for her to explain her actions. She got out of the tub so that they could talk.

Once they took a seat in the living room, Holly apologized for the way she had been acting over the last few weeks. She explained that it did, in fact, have everything to do with the kitten and their anniversary.
The Reason
Holly started planning weeks ago, and she had absolutely no idea what she could do to show James how much he meant to her. It was so frustrating as she had already gotten him so much over the last few years.

But this anniversary was a special one. It had been five whole years, and she wanted to get something that could match the expectations she had for the next five years.
Her Side Of The Plans
Holly was well aware that James had already started his planning. But since he always did more than she ever could imagine, she wanted to turn the tables.

However, since she didn’t know what to expect, she didn’t know how to outdo it. She was so frustrated she wanted to pull her hair out. But then she saw something on social media that gave her the perfect idea.
Add Another Family Member
While scrolling through her feed, Holly saw one of her friends had posted pictures of the new dog they had just adopted. In that instant, a lightbulb went off in Holly’s head.

She had unknowingly planned this out years ago when she told James that she wanted them to get a dog as their first pet. He never would’ve thought that she had changed her mind. It was perfect.
A Tough Journey
Holly had made her mind up that instant, and she started getting to work. She knew she would face certain challenges, but there were also some that she didn’t take into consideration.

Her main goal at that point was to get some time alone, so she could look up all the shelters and to bring the kitten into the house without James realizing what she had up her sleeve.
Problems Began
That was when all of their problems began. Holly expected a rocky road, but she never thought things would be as tough as they actually were.

She thought she’d be able to do all this while she was at work, but it didn’t work out the way she had hoped. And that was when things took a turn for the worst.
Trying Her Best
She was trying her best to remain calm and hang on to the hope that everything would be fine. But once she started facing obstacles, the stress started getting the better of her.

The stress was mounting by the hour. It was gnawing at her every minute of every day. And eventually, she just crumbled beneath the pressure.
The Facade
When Holly went out with her best friend one day, the facade she had put on fell from her face. She spent hours crying as a feeling of hopelessness overwhelmed her.

But when she got home that night, her facade was back up, and she tried to act as normal as possible. Unfortunately, her attempts were unsuccessful.
So Much Stress
Holly was living in a world composed of stressed, and it turned her into a different person. That was the person James saw. That was the person he was suspicious of.

But it wasn’t the real Holly, and she hated what she had become. But she couldn’t back down. She had to hope that he didn’t pick up on the changes.
Could She Pull It Off?
But then he started getting suspicious, and he started asking questions. He tried to interrupt her baths, and she knew he was trying to uncover her secret.

That was when she started wondering if she would actually be able to pull this off. That was when she considered giving up. But why would she do such a thing?
Needing Alone Time
Since Holly and James only had a small apartment, the only place she could hide out in was their bathroom. But she was well aware of the fact that people usually only spent a few minutes in there at once, so she had to come up with an excuse because she needed more time than that.

There were a lot of shelters in their neighborhood, and looking at what each of them had to offer would take hours, not minutes.
The Perfect Cover
That was how Holly came up with the idea of taking extra long baths. She was going to spend a lot of time in there, so she might as well enjoy it.

So over the next few days, she would run a nice relaxing bath and scroll through the selections the local shelters had available. About a week later, she found the perfect little kitten, and that was when her next line of challenges began.
Harder Than Expected
Holly found a moment alone and called the shelter. She told them that she was interested in one of the kittens they had found on the side of the road and had put up for adoption.

But to Holly’s great astonishment, she was told that all of those kittens had already been adopted. She then realized there were more problems than she thought there would be, as sites weren’t updated regularly.
Getting Worried
Holly wasn’t expecting that at all, and before long, her search turned out to be one giant headache-causing mess. She called shelter after shelter and heard the same thing. Holly would have to come up with another plan and fast.

Before long, her baths became a necessary part of her daily routine as she needed the relief they offered more than ever. But because of that, another problem arose. James was starting to get suspicious and would often come knocking on the door.
No Excuses
Every time he did, Holly found herself jumping up in a panic. She had no idea what to say to him, and she didn’t want to reveal her plan this early on, even though she knew his support would do wonders.

So each time he knocked and asked if she was okay, she’d just say that she was fine. But the truth was that she was more nervous than ever before. Their anniversary was approaching, and she still hadn’t found the special kitten that would make his day.
Her Last Hope
But one night, as Holly was angrily scrolling through her feed, a new post popped up. It was posted mere seconds before, and Holly hoped they would have something to save her plan.

If they didn’t, everything would be ruined. So in a moment of desperation, Holly clicked on the post and started scrolling through the shelter’s page. As she was there, they published something brand new, and it was just what she was looking for.
The Perfect Match
There was a picture of a tiny kitten that the shelter claimed was found in a bag near a dumpster. The little kitty was so cute that Holly could barely take her eyes off it, but she had no time to lose.

She sent the shelter a message stating that she would be there first thing in the morning, and they informed her that they would reserve it for her. With a sigh of relief, Holly got out of the bath and anxiously waited for the morning to come.
The Next Morning
It was Saturday morning, so Holly had to come up with some excuse as to why she was leaving the house so early and why James couldn’t come with her.

Luckily, he didn’t seem to have too many questions, so she got out of the house relatively quickly. She drove to the shelter and was delighted to find that they had indeed kept their word. The kitten was there, and he was hers now.
Meant To Be
As soon as Holly picked up the kitten, she could tell that their meeting was meant to be. The kitten meowed and nuzzled her hand before snuggling up in her arms and purring.

Yeah, it was the perfect gift for James. There was no doubt about it. Holly signed the paperwork and prepared for her next challenges, getting it into the house and surprising James.
Smuggling In The Kitten
But Holly was prepared for those challenges. She had been thinking of the perfect way for weeks. So as soon as she pulled up in the driveway, she put the tiny kitten into her oversized purse and headed into the house, hoping it wouldn’t make a sound.

Luckily, James had also offered to run her a bath while she was on her way back so her grand reveal could take place without a hitch. The time had come, and so far, everything was going well.
Plan In Motion
Holly rushed into the bathroom, but this time she didn’t lock the door behind her. She knew James was on edge about the whole situation, and it was only a matter of time before he burst in.

She slipped into the bath with the kitten, who was having a lot of fun with the bubbles, and waited for James to come rushing through the door.
Grand Reveal
Before long, James did exactly what Holly thought he would do. He burst into the bathroom, and with her great acting skills, she had him exactly where she wanted him.

James looked at her, his face as white as a sheet, and just then, the kitten moved. The moment James saw it, she knew that the little kitten was the perfect gift. Holly had never seen James acting the way he did, and that was what made the moment the most precious one they had ever shared.
But Holly knew it wasn’t over yet. She still had to put James’ mind at ease, and she was glad to get the stress she faced over the last few weeks off her chest.

Keeping something so nerve-inducing from her boyfriend wasn’t easy. But seeing the joy in his eyes made it all worth it.
Best Day Of His Life
After Holly told James the whole story, he burst out laughing and admitted he had the worst of thoughts. The past few weeks had been just as hard on him as they were on Holly.

But now that he knew what was really going on, he couldn’t be happier. He gave Holly a tight hug, and she told him that the big surprise wasn’t over yet. They still had a lot of work to do.
Going Out As A Family
With excitement in his eyes, James asked Holly what she meant, and she told him they had to go on a shopping trip. The kitten needed a lot of things, and she hoped they could get them as a family.

James was delighted with the offer and decided to make a whole day out of it. He knew how much Holly adored shopping, so he let her buy whatever she wanted, including a few new dresses. But Holly wasn’t out of the woods yet.
Over the next few weeks, James was beaming with joy. He kept telling people that his wife had not only gotten him the perfect gift but also did it in such a way that it ended up being an incredible story.

However, while he did that, James was scheming. He wanted to get back at Holly. To make her feel what he felt during that time. And he knew exactly how to do it.