Habits Of Healthy Couples That Make Them Lead A Happy Life

People assume that every couple is having the best time in the world and they are legit couple goals. The blame is on social media! Why can’t people realize that the grass is always greener on social media? 

Happy and healthy couples have some habits they follow. Those habits make them unique and healthy not the pictures on your timeline.

Complimenting Each Other

It is amazing how people forget what they used to do while they wanted to impress someone. Complimenting them was one of those things. However, it is a habit a happy couple follows even when they turn 50. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you have been together.

What matters the most is that you still care about the feelings of the next person. After being together with you, they still make an effort to look good for you or cook great food for you, and that takes a lot of efforts. People stop putting energy in a relationship once they have it all because then it is take for granted by careless unhappy people.

Appreciating Little Things

The big gestures fade away once you enter a mature stage of a relationship. It is all about the little things after that. Sharing the last bite of the dessert, the ironing of your shirt, one love note in your tiffin, it is all about it. Appreciating these efforts is something not all people can do.

It takes a second for you to say “thank you” but it can make their day. Those two words are going to make them smile all day long. When you see a person smiling looking at their laptop screen, know that they have received a “thank you” text or a kiss today.

Public Display Of Affection

We are not talking about sliding your tongue down their throat but a tad bit of holding hands and rubbing their arm with your fingers won’t hurt your surroundings. Affection is an essential part of a relationship and adding a subtle tinge of it in public makes your partner happy and that’s the key to a healthy relationship. 

There are unique ways to show that you care for the person that is with you. Public Display of Affection is also a way to show that you are willing to be vulnerable in front of them and that makes your bond stronger and builds the foundation of trust.

Keeping A Check On Each Other

“Did you get home? Text me when you reach!” 

"Should I drop you?”

“What is wrong? You don’t seem fine!”

Such texts melt our hearts and it can melt yours too, only if you are at the receiving end. We don’t mean being clingy 24/7 but dropping a text that reminds them of you is a pleasant thing to do. Sharing memes and relatable stuff on the web is in trend these days. So, why not start with it and then give words to our feelings at a later stage?

Sharing Interests

Having common ground in interests is something you don’t find everywhere. Most couples don’t have common interests but if two people decide to invest their time together in one activity you can expect them to be happy. 

While they are in such common activity, they end up talking about it, laugh about it and other stuff. They tend to feel that they are safe with each other. Healthy couples know how to build a strong foundation and then create a mansion over it, which is more like home for them. Their safe place!

Cultivating Trust

When you are in for long haul, you know that trust is important, more important than love. You don’t just expect someone to trust you. Your actions build it block by block, step by step. You have to be there for someone and make them believe that you will always be there. 

There is no magic potion that makes it all perfect and goody-good. It takes effort, time, and honesty to reach where you have a flourished relationship. Hence, healthy people cultivate trust to build an empire of a relationship.

Giving Without Expectations

Expectations become real when you enter a relationship. Those expectations can make your relationship toxic at some point of time. Only a giver can make a relationship healthy and a giver never expects. Expecting just because you are giving is a definition of a business, not a relationship. 

So, are you in a relationship or a business alliance? Figure that out and put your effort to make someone happy not because you want them to put equal effort for you. Also, it is not a one-way road, the effort has to be two way or you may reach the dead-end real soon.

Potential Is Not Paramount

It is not about the potential of a human being. It is all about what they are right now. If you think of the future and the improvements you will see in the future, it is going to lead you to dissatisfaction. And a dissatisfied person can never give positive input in a relationship.

Don’t ever think of the potential of a person if you want to have a healthy life and relationships. That leads you to nowhere. Situations in life may not be according to you and the same applies to the potential. You never know which turn you are going to take at what point of life.

Fixing Things By Finding Common Ground

Connections are not about competition. It is about making things work even when you can’t agree on one point. Individuals are different and so are their opinions. Hence, it is natural if you can’t agree on a subject. 

But people who know how to build a relationship find common ground in their relationship and make things work, no matter what. Getting over arguments and finding a way out is how they work. It is about teamwork, so focus on how to step forward without pushing the other one down.

Intimacy Is A Way To Deepen The Connection

Most people choose sex as a tool to fill the void in their relationship and let us tell you, you are on the wrong path. Penetrating your package can be a way to fill the void in her sausage wallet but it is not a way to fill a void in your relationship.

Deep penetration is for deep connections. You have to create intimacy to create magic in your relationship. The spark has to exist for two people to connect on a physical, emotional, and mental level. Healthy bonds don’t stay together just because they are stuck with each other. It is because they want to hold on to each other even when the times are tough.

It’s About Focusing On Good Parts

Who doesn’t have flaws? Every human being, every relationship is flawed. So, if we keep focusing on the imperfections and leave the relationship midway, we are never going to find anyone on the face of the earth. When we are in a relationship, fights do happen. 

You don’t always have a gala time with your better half. It is never a smooth road, happily ever after is a myth. However, if you try to focus on the positive things in a relationship you might just get close to complete happiness.

Avoiding Generalized Pattern

People do make mistakes but generalizing them is not the right way. “You always” and “You never” are the worst starting of a sentence. Whenever you hear this phrase know that the adjacent part is not going to sound good.

Creating pattern out of mistakes of your partner is a horrible thing to do. People who are happy together won't involve themselves in such acts. They ignore the mistakes and just warn them to not repeat it the next time. If they do, you can expect them to be dead.

They Grow Together

Relationships don’t just grow out of the blue. They grow when you do. People have to develop habits and grow along with each other, that is when relationships reach the so-called “relationship goals”. 

Perfection exists in movies and not in real life. Also, blaming your partner for the lack of growth isn’t the best excuse. Your personal growth is as significant at the growth of the relationship. Hence, focus on it as well. All of it is connected and you cannot do it alone, teamwork is the key.

They Apologize

We don’t mean that you need to keep repeating “sorry”. Mean your apology every time you do it. The passive aggression is a wrong move when you have to convey about something that upsets you. Be honest and clear about things that disturb you, so that the person knows what is that bothers you. 

Give them a chance to apologize and once they do it, learn to forgive and move on with things. Holding on to grudges is not going to solve anything for you. You make mistakes too and none of them are intentional.

Zero Outside Influence

When couples start talking about their relationship with other people, they create an opinion about the bond. Like everyone else, we listen to what they have to say about us. However, it depends on us if we want to get influenced by their comments or not.

You don’t need us to tell you that strong bonds have zero influence of the outside world on their relationship. It’s not about the things they have to say. Even if the people are saying good things about your connection, only you two know the reality. So, don’t get all excited and keep working on the part you are lagging behind.

Being A Keen Listener

Okay, this is no rocket science. Listening is one quality you need to have in life, not because it is about relationships but also because it makes you understand things better. When we talk about relationships, listening helps you bond better. It makes things clear in your head and you can understand the next person.

Happy couples listen to each other before coming to any conclusion. Also, when you listen to their issues keep your judgmental instincts aside and listen to them like a psychologist would do.

In short, you have to be their personal psychologist following the non-judgmental and confidentiality norms.

Cheering For Each Other

In each endeavor of life, you need someone to cheer for you and your partner is that constant person. Your person is the one who fills you with confidence and who believes in your talent. No matter what the result is, the two people in a healthy relationship will always be cheering for each other. 

Victories and defeats come and go but your cheering person sticks by the entire thick and thin. If you have that one person in your life, know that the reason behind the happy relationship is that person.

Make Time To Snuggle

We don’t mean that you have to stick to that person and be all clingy. No, that is not what we have to say. However, we have to tell you that stealing a moment to snuggle and spoon each other is going to take you a long way. We know how people can hate it because they love their personal space but the innocent touch is blissful.

The hold of the person without the adulterated intention is what we need in life to be calm and soothing. Also, after a passionate session, we all need that kind of peace.

Talk About Hardships

Hardships are a constant and integral part of life. It is no fairytale without any issues. We all face them and can’t avoid them ever. So, you shouldn’t even avoid talking about it. Healthy couples do that all the time. Talking about hardships you face in life doesn’t hamper your growth. In fact, it makes you realize where your relationship needs some hammering.

Only you two have the idea of what is hampering the relationship and talk would sort it all. Sounds tough but this is the easiest thing to do in a relationship. TALK!

Maintain Boundaries

Everyone has boundaries and it is the responsibility of the other person to respect it. There is a thin line between ‘me’ and ‘we’ and that difference defines the boundaries you need to keep. It all includes the time you guys spend together and the time that you want to spend apart. 

It is not just about the emotional boundaries that matter, your physical boundaries are no different. Hence, the physical touch and intimacy need to happen only when you are open to it. It is not based on the convenience of one person and that is what you need to follow in a healthy relationship.