Here Is How You Can Make Hand Sanitizer At Home With Just 2 Ingredients

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic has hit nations across the globe, hand sanitizers have become a vital part of our day-to-day life. As much as it is essential for our survival, its shortage in the market has left no alternative for us but to make it at home ourselves. Fortunately, homemade sanitizers are not any less effective than sanitizers available in the market and they are pocket friendly too. We have come up with this DIY hand sanitizer trick that you can make with just two ingredients at home in a few simple steps.

Grab All The Essentials Needed

You would need some essential items to make hand sanitizer at home which includes an empty and clean soap dispenser or pump bottle, a mixing bowl or liquid measuring cup with a spout for easy pouring, a funnel or a folded paper plate, and a spoon to stir. First things first, sanitize all these supplies that you would use to make your handmade sanitizer. You can do this by running them through the dishwasher or you can boil them for 5 minutes in a utensil if your supplies are heat-proof.

2 Ingredients You Would Need

Making hand sanitizer at home is very easy and economical as it just takes 2 ingredients to do so. All it takes is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and aloe vera gel. Even though the CDC recommends hand sanitizers that have 60% alcohol but it is advised that you should choose rubbing alcohol that has at least 90% alcohol. The reason for it is that aloe vera gel will water down your solution and drop its alcohol concentration.

Why Add Aloe Vera Gel?

Alcohol kills germs and viruses but it is harsh on your skin and dries it out. Dried skin has tiny cracks that captivate viruses and bacteria that defeats the sole purpose of using a sanitizer. And this is when aloe vera gel comes to your rescue as it is a natural humectant which implies that it will lock in the oils that protect your skin from the dehydrating effects of the alcohol. Alternatively, you can use other humectants like hand lotion or glycerin as well.

Add Some Fragrance

The smell of homemade sanitizer can be more intense than that of the sanitizers available in the market, this is the reason why it is advised that you add some fragrance to it. You can add a few drops of essential oils like thyme, tea tree, and clove oil that have natural antimicrobial properties. You can also add chamomile or lavender oil that can help soothe your skin and your mood.

Be Cautious

If you are not able to find rubbing alcohol in the market, you can stick to washing your hands with soap and water for some time. You should not raid your bar for an alternative to rubbing alcohol as not every alcohol is alike. Vodka and whiskey are only 40% alcohol which does not make to the cut of 60% as recommended by the CDC. And don’t even consider using any other type of alcohol as methanol and butanol are toxic. If you use them, you are going to harm yourself in the process.

The Shelf Life Of The Homemade Sanitizer

If you store the sanitizer carefully in a cool, dry place, it can last up to 12 months. But be careful and do not leave it in the car as it can freeze and make a mess when it defrosts. Moreover, extreme temperatures might make it less effective. Also, keep it away from fire or gas stove or near open flames as alcohol is extremely flammable.

Don’t Skip Your Phone

There is no point in cleaning your hands if you are going to touch your dirty phone afterward. We take our phones with us everywhere we go and we don’t realize that they are potential disease carriers and need to be cleaned as well. Use alcohol wipes or tissue dipped in your homemade sanitizer to keep your phone clean and hygienic to use.

The Reason Why Everyone Is Fond Of Hand Sanitizer

There is a reason behind people’s obsession and love for hand sanitizers, and it is rather simple to comprehend. Hand sanitizer fights off germs and viruses when you are out and do not have access to soap and water. Also, sanitizers are compact and portable which makes it easy for you to carry them in your pockets or bags when you are traveling or attending a social event.

Are Hand Sanitizers A Substitute For Washing Hands?

Though sanitizers rescue you in the times when water and soap are not available to you, still it is not a substitute for washing hands. Washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water is the best way to get optimum hygiene. Moreover, sanitizers won’t work to clean oily, greasy, or dirty hands, it can just help you get rid of germs and viruses. So, you must wash your hands with water whenever you get a chance to do so.

How To Make The Hand Sanitizer At Home?

Gather all the essentials mentioned above. Take a bowl and mix 2/3rd cups of alcohol and 1/3rd cups of aloe vera gel in it. Optionally you can add essential oil to it to make it fragrant. Stir the solution well with a sanitized spoon. Then, use a funnel or folded paper to pour the solution into a clean and empty pump dispenser.