An Unexpected Phone Call
It was an ordinary day when Miles McCarthy got a phone call he never expected. A hiker who lived in Florida had found something he needed to tell him. It was in connection with Miles’ mother.

The hiker knew that there was something about the tree that didn’t look right. He used his intuition and crept closer to the weathered tree. But he had no idea what he would uncover.
The Dark Trail
He followed the hiker deeper into the woods, where he promised that everything would be explained. It was a cold and wet day, but that didn’t stop them from trudging on.

Miles didn’t know what to expect as they got closer and closer to the fateful tree the hiker named Tim had found. What would be waiting there would change his life forever.
A Fateful Call
Miles McCarthy had only just broken out of his teenage years and into adulthood when he felt like he didn’t have much of a place in life.

The last two years of his life were the hardest they had ever been. Despite trying, no amount of therapy could fully cure the way he was feeling. Still, he managed to make huge milestones. That was until a fateful call.
A Tragedy
Miles was never the extroverted type. He had no siblings, so he was always the center of attention in his parents’ life. As a young boy, he just wanted the love of his parents and an adventure or two.

Miles thought that he had the perfect life. Unfortunately, he had no idea that just as his teenage years ended, a tragedy would change his life forever.
A Good Life
Miles loved his hometown. Florida offered him a lot to do in life. The beaches and forests were escapades he often delighted in.

He loved his high school, too. He was a straight-A student and excelled in sports, too. He thought that nothing could put a damper in his stride.
The Hospital
Just as Miles turned from teenager to adult, things would change forever. Not long after Miles turned eighteen, his mother had an unexpected heart attack. They rushed her to the hospital, praying for a miracle.

After hours of waiting, finally, a doctor came out. He explained that his mother suffered from diabetes, which was undiagnosed until now. He assured Miles that everything would be okay, but no one had any idea what would happen next.
A New Side To Her
Miles’ life was changed in an instant. His mother’s behavior changed dramatically after that fateful day. He just wanted his best friend back.

She was far less sociable than she used to be. She’d lock herself in her room and only come out to feed herself. She’d still make sure to kiss him goodnight, but something had changed, and not for the better.
A New Dynamic
His dad tried everything he could to thaw her back to her old self. But it seemed the doctor's diagnosis had utterly changed who she was.

In turn, Miles' dad became obsessive over her situation, leaving Miles to fend for himself despite being just a teenager. It wasn't long before he felt alone in a house full of people.
A Deeper Gash
Miles thought his family could work through whatever was going on. They'd always had their problems, but none of those issues had split them as much as this did.

Then, all of a sudden, his dad reported his mom missing. Miles could remember him calling that evening, explaining that no one had seen her in three days. But the terrible end wasn't here yet.
How Can You Be So Heartless?
What followed was a two-year search that amounted to nothing. Each of those months was grueling for Miles, who couldn't understand why a person would harm a sick woman.

The authorities claimed his mom was last seen riding her bike in the local forest, which she loved doing. They promised to give the case their all. But their promises would soon fall short.
Scouring The Forest
The county authorities could not make any significant steps in finding Miles' mom. Her trail had gone cold somewhere in the labyrinthine forest.

They sent out several search parties equipped with K9 units and helicopters. They even accepted civilian volunteers to lend a hand. But their search would amount to nothing.
Cold As Ice
The authorities deemed the case a cold one. No one could understand how a middle-aged woman could lose her way in a region of the forest she was familiar with. Nothing about the case made sense.

The authorities urged Miles and his dad to continue their lives, promising they would open the case if something came up.
Moving On
For two years, nothing happened. Miles and his dad changed states, looking to start fresh. Although heartbreaking, they put their house on the market and moved on.

Miles underwent several therapy sessions to cope with everything. Eventually, he was able to focus on his life again. But while in sophomore year, he received a call that would change his life forever.
Meet Tim
The caller, a twenty-four-year-old hiker named Tim, had been frequenting the region of the forest where Miles' mom's trail went cold.

After losing his own mom to the same forest five years earlier, he couldn't stomach the thought of another teenager going through what he did. Miles wouldn't believe what he had in store for him.
What He Found
The information Tim gave Miles sounded odd at first. While trekking through the forest, the hiker stumbled upon a tree that seemed normal at first.
He was deep in the growth, deeper than he'd ever been before, and didn't think he'd find something like it in such a location. Looking at the tree, it was clear it held the key to finding Miles’ mom.

Going Home
Tim studied the tree up close, gasping when it affirmed his theories. He took a few photos of it and rushed home, ready to break this case wide open.

The first place he went to was to the local station to report the matter. But the officers didn't think much of his findings. After all, how would a tree species crack a case that had been on ice for two years?
Go North
Seeing that he would need more immediate help here, Tim drove to the old McCarthy house. He knew they'd moved but needed to figure out where. One of their neighbors could help him contact them.

He was able to talk to their immediate neighbor, a wonderful eighty-year-old woman who told him the McCarthys had relocated north. Although she didn't know where exactly, she theorized that they were in New York or Pennsylvania. Tim was distraught.
Across State Lines
Tim had thought the McCarthys shifted towns or counties. When he heard they moved across multiple state lines, the hope he once had came shriveling down.

He went back home to assess everything. If he was right, the tree would help put everything to rest. What followed next would demand a lot of time and resources. Was any of it worth it?
A Special Tree
Tim wanted to save Miles from what he'd gone through. He'd hoped to give him a better chance at life owing to the closure he'd find inside that forest.

What he’d found in the forest was mind-blowing. The tree in question wasn’t indigenous to the region, which meant someone had planted it there. Tim hoped this person was Miles’ mom or at least someone who could lead them to her.
Let The Search Begin
Tim took to social media, searching for every Miles McCarthy he could. As he didn't know Miles personally, he found local teens in his town who knew him and cross-matched the photos for a possible match.

It took a little while for him to track Miles on Facebook. After hours of thinking it through, he shot the twenty-year-old a message. Would Miles respond?
Was It True?
Miles stared at his phone, perplexed by the message from Tim. The words on the screen sent shivers down his spine, reigniting the flame of hope that had long been extinguished.

Tim explained the mysterious tree and its potential connection to his mother's disappearance. But what if it was just another hoax? Miles and his father had been dealing with a lot of hoax calls over the years.
A Reward
People were cruel, and all they really were after was the reward money. After Miles and his father put out a reward of $20,000 in connection with any information regarding their mother’s disappearance, the calls came flooding in.

In the beginning, both Miles and his father were grateful and overwhelmed by the outpouring of support they received from people all over the country.
Cruel People
Some people gave out genuine tips and leads that the police actually investigated. However, over time, they came to realize that it was the same people over and over that were trying to take them for a ride.

All in a bid to get their hands on the reward money. At one point, they even thought that they had a strong lead, but it all came to nothing.
Trust Issues
After everything that had happened to them, Miles found it hard to trust anyone. People were so heartless that they preyed on missing people’s family members.

Was Tim one of them? Why was he contacting him so out of the blue? Was Tim also after the reward money? Miles wouldn’t be surprised if he was.
As Miles read Tim's message, a whirlwind of emotions swept through him – doubt, skepticism, but above all, a spark of hope. Maybe Tim was onto something.

Could this be the breakthrough he had been waiting for? The mention of a tree planted intentionally in the forest opened up new possibilities, and he felt a surge of determination.
The Message
Tim paced about as he waited for Miles to open the message. He knew what he was doing was dangerous, opening old wounds like this. But he was already in too deep and would do anything to help Miles not undergo what he did.

He watched with bated breath as Miles opened the message. But no reply came. With frustration welling within, he decided to do the unexpected.
He's Tired Of It
Tim hit the call button on the Messenger tab, and Miles picked up. The first thing the twenty-year-old did was call Tim out for making fun of his situation.

He shared that different people sent him monthly messages mocking him about his mom. But Tim assured him he wasn't in that category. In fact, he'd found something that might breathe life into the cold case.
The Feelings Return
Miles' heart thumped within him. Those age-long bitter feelings that therapy had helped him fight flooded his veins with a vengeance.

There was fear, pain, anxiety, helplessness, and crippling desperation that the truth would come out. When Tim asked him if he was willing to fly down to Florida to search out the forest with him, Miles didn't hesitate.
Into The Forest
With their camping and trekking gear in tow, the two slogged the muddy forest trail for hours in the pounding Florida rain. Miles had never been this determined to find something in his life.

He didn't even tell his dad the truth about his Florida trip. He only told him he was visiting some old high school friends he hadn't seen since their move two years prior. His lies were about to land him in serious trouble.
The Missing 411 Cases
As they traversed into the forest, Miles couldn’t help but think about all the online stories he had read about the missing 411. It gave him chills just to think about it.

He had long suspected that his mother had become just another missing 411 statistic. All those people had gone missing while hiking in various national parks across the country, and none of them ever returned.
No Doubt
Over the last few months, Miles had managed to convince himself that his mother’s disappearance was a missing 411 case. He couldn’t prove it, but all the signs were.

She had gone into the forest and never came out. There was no trace of her, just like all the other missing people. Miles had no doubt in his mind.
An Obsession
Miles had spent most of his nights reading up about the cases and even managed to contact some of the victims’ family members. They, too, were convinced that his mother was part of the missing 411.

It drove Miles nuts, and he kept his new obsession hidden from his father. His father was not one who believed in any conspiracy theories or anything pertaining to the paranormal.
A Dark Place
Miles joined various forums and Facebook groups just so that he could get as much information as he could about these perplexing missing persons cases.

However, at the end of it all, it plunged Miles into a dark place because he knew that most of the missing 411 cases were never solved and the people were never ever found.
He Still Had Hope
It broke his heart because he still had an inkling of hope in his heart. Somehow, he felt like his mother was still alive. It was like he could still feel her presence with him.

Maybe this new clue that Tim had found would prove just that. Perhaps they were onto something, and somehow, it would lead them to find out the truth about what happened to his mother.
Going Deeper
Miles and Tim cut through the thick forest, going up and down the hilly terrain. Miles explained how the police had scoured this area all those months past and asked Tim why he was so confident that a tree would lead them to the truth.

Tim only smiled and said, "You'll see for yourself." Miles believed him because he seemed confident and well-versed in the area. He had no clue what awaited him at the end of the dark trail.
Into The Valley
The path turned down a steep slope, leading Miles and Tim into the forest's valley, a seemingly endless green leafy basin. The sun was hanging low in the sky now, dark orange and hidden behind dissipating storm clouds.

On their walk, Tim shared how the forest had claimed his mom, saying he understood precisely what Miles was going through. But was his mom's case ever solved?
The Whole Truth
With a sad smile, he explained that it took the authorities five years to finally close the case. They found Tim's mom's body within the untamed growth. It was even more painful that the body was about six months old despite Tim's mom having been lost for five years.

The authorities theorized that she must've survived for four and half years, searching for a way home, but passed away due to hunger, thirst, or the elements. But like Miles’ mom's case, nothing seemed to make sense.
Peas In A Pod
Listening to Tim's story made Miles realize he wasn't alone. But he was also crushed by the revelation. Tim's mom didn't make it back home. Miles, of all people, understood how painful that was.

Wiping away a tear, he hastened his pace. All he needed now was some peace of mind. The only way he'd achieve that was by reaching this mysterious tree Miles wanted him to see.
I Can't Stop Now
The two men cut through countless trees into the heart of the valley. The sun had fully set now, and they had to use their flashlights to traverse the terrain.

Tim suggested they find elevated ground compared to their surroundings to pitch their camp. But Miles' anxiety and need to get to the truth wouldn't allow him to rest for ten minutes. He was so close to the truth he could almost taste it.
The Clearing
"We continue," he said enthusiastically, walking on even as Tim warned against trekking at night. "The forest is dangerous at nighttime," he said, but Miles didn't seem to care.

Seeing this as a losing battle, Tim continued with the trek. It was only a short time before they came to a clearing. He placed a hand on Miles' shoulder, stopping him.
The Tree
"We're here," Tim said and flashed his light at the center of the clearing. Before them, there gleamed the wet leaves of the tree in question. It was younger than the growth around, tamer.

One look at it and Miles knew precisely what Tim had meant by "You'll see for yourself." He ate back a cry, his stomach heating. Only one thing could explain what he was looking at.
Who Planted It?
"This tree isn't indigenous to this place," Miles croaked, and Tim exclaimed a loud "Yes!" He stepped closer and added, "Someone planted it, and recently, too." He pointed around the circular clearing. "All of this, someone cleared all of this."

"It must've been my mom," Miles wanted to say, remembering his mother was a botanist with an undying love for plant life. But his words turned to ice on his tongue when a figure materialized from the darkness. "Mom?" he stammered.
A Needed Reunion
The woman emerged from the forest's darkness, locking eyes with Miles. Her hair was a matted mess in loose braids, and her clothes were a bit dated. But she wasn't covered in dirt or scratches.

She seemed in control in a situation where many would have lost their minds a long while ago. "Miles?" she called, and Miles' heart almost burst in his chest.
More Questions
He tore forward, hugging the woman tightly. It was his mom, and he couldn't believe he'd found her.

But when one door closes, another opens. Finding his mom alive could only mean one of two things. She'd either run away from home, not wanting anything to do with Miles and his dad, or had truly been lost and couldn't find a way home.
Cross That Bridge When You Get To It
Miles knew he needed to get to the root of the matter. But after two years without his mom, he figured he could let the questions rest for a night.

He felt alive now that he'd found his mom. All those months of pure torture could burn in hell now. He had no idea that his world was about to turn upside down.
A Dangerous Place
"It's dangerous out here," Miles' mom said, beckoning Tim closer. "I saw your flashlights and thought you were lost hikers. People rarely come this deep into the forest for a good reason. It's easy to lose your way, fall into some pit, or worse, end up as some animal's dinner."

Tim swallowed a lump of air, making the woman chuckle. "But it's okay now. We are safe." Taking Miles' hand, she asked if they wanted to go to her place.
Her Home
Miles and Tim followed Mrs. McCarthy through the dark, twisted trees. The ground was still covered in mud. The sound of swaying trees, bird and cricket chirps, and frog croaks blanketed the whole area.

The woman led them to another clearing. It was well-lit, with a log cabin in its middle. The place seemed cozy enough, with a garden toward one side and a hide rack on the other. But that wasn't all.
More Questions Arise
There was a bench beside the garden, seemingly for studying, a fireplace that Miles' mom had covered with black plastic paper, and a single lantern lighting the whole place. This place didn't look like a shelter for someone trying to survive after getting lost in a forest. It was the home of someone trying to keep a low profile.

"Shoes," Mrs. McCarthy pointed before motioning Miles into the cabin. He didn't know what he'd expected to find, but his mouth fell open.
A Nice Place
The interior was warm and welcoming. A thick rag carpeted the floor, two chairs and a table marked the dining area, an entire couch, a fireplace, and a coffee table marked the living room, and a kitchen stood in the farthest corner of the cabin.

Two rooms were hidden behind two separate doors. "Welcome home," Miles' mom said, walking to the kitchen. All this should have answered the questions racing in Miles' head, but they only added more mystery to an already weird situation.
Home Away From Home
"Nice place, Mom," he said, fighting the urge to follow her into the kitchen as he usually did when younger. "Thank you," his mom replied from across the cabin.

"It belonged to a friend of mine. D'you like it?"
"I do. It's warm and dry – everything you'd want in a cabin, in my humble opinion. A home away from home." His mom turned around at that.
The Big Question
"Why did you leave us," Miles asked, the relief he'd felt earlier suddenly warped into pain. "We thought you were dead, Mom." Tears tinged his eyes, and seeing this, Tim excused himself, stepping outside.

Miles' mom, who had been emptying a can of meatloaf into a saucepan, placed everything she was doing aside and leaned against the kitchen counter.
You Couldn't Take Us?
She folded her hands above her chest, her smile and the enthusiasm in her eyes fading away. "I had to," she said in a low tone as if reminding herself.

"I would've died if I stayed, Miles. I needed to get away."
"And you couldn't take us?" Miles barked with quivering lips. "We spent months searching, mourning. Why?"
Telling Him The Truth
His mom walked toward him, sitting him on one of the dining chairs. "You're a grown man now. And you have no idea how happy I am to see you. But I'll level with you.

Your dad and I had a falling out when you were young." She ran a hand along a scar on her arm. "We might've seemed like a happy couple, but we weren't. I would have died if I stayed," she said, but Miles wasn't hearing it.
Eighteen Months Of Happiness
"Lies," he whimpered. "You two were happy. I know because I was there. I remember it all, Mom."

"You only remember the things we want you to remember. A happy childhood," she said.
"Happy?" Miles scoffed. "Tell that to the therapist I've been seeing for eighteen months!"
"Don't use that tone with me, young man," his mom snarled, and he found himself sinking into himself.
Pain And Disappointments
"Not everything is bright and beautiful," Miles' mom said. "The real world is full of pain and disappointments. I wanted to protect you from that. I didn't want a son who grew up hating his father. Or mother."

She reached for Miles’ hand and said, "Some days I wished I could tell you everything, let you in on what I was planning. I spent weeks thinking about bringing you along. But I couldn't do that to you. Not when you had your entire life in front of you." She sat down as well. "As I said, you're grown now. So, I'll level with you. If you want, I can tell you everything."
Miles sat in stunned silence, absorbing the bombshell of revelations. The cabin, once a haven of warmth, now felt like a cocoon of tension. He looked into his mother's eyes, conflicted emotions swirling within him.

The years of uncertainty, the therapy sessions, the relentless search—all seemingly unraveling in this small, intimate space. How could she do this to them?
Tell Me Everything
He took a deep breath, steadying himself before responding. "Tell me everything," Miles said, his voice a mixture of desperation and determination. His mother nodded, her gaze intense as if preparing to recount a tale buried deep within her soul.

As Mrs. McCarthy began to speak, the cabin echoed with a narrative of marital struggles, personal conflicts, and the weight of secrets that led her to seek solace in the heart of the forest. She spoke of the fractures in her relationship with Miles' father, the decisions made in the name of love, and the desire to shield Miles from the harsh realities of their unraveling family.
Family Drama
Tim, standing just outside the cabin, listened intently, realizing that he had stumbled upon a family drama that surpassed the mystery he initially sought to unravel. The truth, it seemed, was far more intricate and painful than the cold case he had envisioned.

As the night unfolded, Miles grappled with a spectrum of emotions—anger, betrayal, and a flicker of understanding. The cabin, once a symbol of warmth, now held the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future. Yet, amid the turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged—a chance for healing, forgiveness, and the possibility of rebuilding what was lost.
Unraveling The Truth
The forest, once a place of enigma and shadows, now bore witness to a family's unraveling truth. The journey that started with a call from a hiker had brought Miles to the precipice of a revelation that would reshape the narrative of his life.

As the night deepened, the three figures in the cabin navigated the complexities of their shared history. The echoes of untold stories reverberated through the trees, intertwining with the sounds of the forest, creating a tapestry of emotions and revelations.
A Mystery Solved
And so, in the heart of the woods, a family faced the darkness, seeking a path toward healing and understanding.

The tale of Miles McCarthy's search for his missing mother had taken an unexpected turn, unveiling layers of complexity that transcended the boundaries of a conventional mystery. In the quiet of the forest, where secrets whispered among the leaves, a new chapter began—one that would redefine the meaning of family, resilience, and the enduring power of truth.