Hilarious Selfie Fails Of People Who Forgot To Check The Background

Taking selfies and posting them on social media for a confidence boost is every person’s life now. But it isn’t as easy as it looks. You take a couple of pictures, screen through all the minor details and delete the unfortunate ones before you post ‘the one’. Pictures that make us look anything less than our best selves wither away in the photo gallery and never meet the public eye. But what if you look so good in a picture that you post it without checking the background and end up embarrassing yourself on the internet? Here’s a collection of the worst selfies ever that’ll remind you to check the background before clicking a picture!

A Blasting Background

This mother daughter duo went sightseeing and clicked some cute photos in front this beautiful scenery. But there’s more to this picture than one would notice at a first glance. On the left we can see some people trying to stuff a baby inside a cannon, or at least that’s what it looks like! But for our own sanity, we’d like to believe that they are trying to get the baby out of it but in this world of social media dependency, who’s to say they didn’t shove their baby in there for more likes?

The Background Dump

This was supposed to be an adorable picture of a dad with his baby but with their pet photobombing them, the end result is hilarious. Had the dog wanted to be a part of the photo, we’d still be okay but all the poor thing wanted to do was take a dump! It could have chosen another spot though, the baby’s head isn’t the best place to relieve yourself. The man seems oblivious to the interesting backdrop on his picture. We are happy he didn’t see it in time to change anything because this was one epic photo fail!

Truth Behind The Traffic

If you are stuck in traffic with nothing to do, clicking a selfie seems justified, especially if you are feeling cute. That’s what we thought this girl was doing but there’s a catch. She posted this picture blaming the traffic for being bored but a closer look at her aviators tells the whole story. This woman was never stuck, the reflective surface of her sunglasses reveal an empty road ahead of her. Young women are coming up with strange lies for some likes on social media!

The Uninvited Spider

Two girls were lying in bed and taking pictures, nothing wrong with that. But a spider couldn’t bear their happiness and jumped in the scene to destroy it. What a sadist! Did these girls destroy his home by cleaning out the room? The girl taking the picture is unfazed by the spider and her friend’s expression of dread and horror. Perhaps this is her pet spider or she’s just too brave. Chances of the latter being true are slim because NOBODY is brave in front of a spider!

Don’t Butt In

She just wanted to take a cute picture with her friend to show the internet world she’s living her best life. But out of nowhere he dog decides to photobomb her. Now we’ve all seen pets spoiling our good pictures but this is crazy. While the girls are flashing big smiles, the dog on the other hand decided to have his butt take all the attention away from the ladies. She may have clicked the picture without realizing the background but how did she not notice it before posting this hilarious photo online?

Grandpa Is Confused

The guy here might be just clicking a selfie but the end result should have the caption “generation gap captured in mirror selfie”! This photo makes it abundantly clear that grandparents think selfies are stupid and we can’t blame them. The old man is so confused with this boy’s posing and clicking a hundred pictures while his dinner gets cold outside. The expressions on his face are of utter disbelief and instead of saying something, he just wants to wash his hands and get back to his table.

Partial Dressing For Selfies

In the process of getting dressed, this man stole a moment to click a picture of himself. He looks really good in the black jacket so we can understand his urge to snap a picture immediately. But he should have taken the time to put on some pants! He didn’t intend for his bottom half to feature in the picture but the glass window behind him reflected the unfortunate nakedness of his butt. He was too excited about his torso looking great that he posted the picture online and never noticed what was being revealed behind him!

Shaming For Not Sharing

It is a hot summer day and all one wants is an ice cream. But the woman in the front is too busy clicking a picture of herself with her cone that she didn’t notice her dog in the back. The longing in that pupper’s eyes is making our hearts melt faster than the ice cream! You know you’ve got a heart of stone when you completely miss that sad face of your dog! Maybe we are jumping to conclusions. Who’s to say the puppy didn’t get a whole cone to enjoy after this picture was snapped?

Clicking With Mom

Looks like this guy spent all his time shaping his body in the gym and didn’t get a chance to make any friends. His mom seems to be his only companion since she’s taking pictures of him as he perfects the gym poses. She might even spot him on the bench for all we know! Or perhaps he’s just a good son and this is a bonding activity for the duo. Even then, your mom accidentally photobomb a picture like this isn’t for the internet to see!

When Dogs Need Attention

A quick selfie before heading out to a fun night out, totally normal especially when your outfit looks so awesome. But someone seems to be unhappy about her going out tonight! She is so busy with her cute selfie that she didn’t notice her dog in the background throwing a tantrum. How can you leave that good boy alone at home and head out with your friends? At least give him a cuddle, a couple of treats and a promise to come back soon!

Double Mirror, Double Trouble

With all these photos we’ve been emphasizing how checking the background is important before snapping a picture. But what if the issue is in the foreground with an unfortunately placed mirror? This girl decided to take a quick mirror selfie to show off her outfit but ended up putting the interiors of her nostrils on display! Perhaps she wanted to tell her followers how clean she keeps it up there. We truly wish her mom had interrupted her selfie session and sent her to school sooner, that would have saved from this embarrassment!

Confusion Mode On

Generation gap has always been a thing but the gap seems to widen as the next generation’s “normal” is silly and reckless for their parents. A prime example is this picture. This teen is taking the e-girl aesthetic a notch up with her bathroom selfie. The bent pose and the tongue stuck out like that will make for a great picture on social media. But does her mother agree? No! How do we know that? She is photobombing this picture and he expressions are speaking volumes!

The Missing Boyfriend

Why are people pretending that their intentional selfies are candid pictures clicked by their significant others? It may get them more likes on social media but there is the risk of getting caught and this girl knows that feeling too well! She scattered some chips on herself and tried to pose all cute and candid for her selfie. We might have believed her had she not tried to pull off this stunt in front of a giant mirror! Poor girl totally forgot that her hand holding the tab to take a selfie is very visible in the reflection behind her.

Prime Selfie Location

Technology is best friends with toilets these days. People are always updating their social media while doing their business on the toilet seat. So it only makes sense that a lot of mirror selfies from the bathroom were taken right before or after doing a number two or even while doing it. At least that’s what happened in this woman’s case! She really didn’t have to save some time like this and even if she did, she could have at least checked the background mirror before posting it!

Close The Door

That definitely is a cute picture, so we can’t blame the girls for posting this online knowing that the baby brother is captured in an awkward position. But in her defense, who wants to leave a chance to embarrass their siblings on social media? While the girls are breaking the internet with their cool picture, the guy is breaking the toilet in the background. But the real question is whether he is closing the door to cover himself or opening it to photobomb them!

Unsuited Photographer

That black suit is giving us life! We are assuming this guy is dressed up for a fancy party and decided to get a couple of shots before heading out of the house. We’d do the same but we’d also check the background before posting the picture online! Nobody wants to dress up for staying at home all day long. So it’s fine that the photographer wasn’t in his best outfit but perhaps he should have seen that his lounge wear was visible in the mirror behind the suited guy. At least his face isn’t in the frame!

Fake Capture

Do you know what the worst kind of selfie is? It is the attention seeking one! This girl here is the perfect example of this extremely sad selfie. She wants to project to her followers how she has a loving boyfriend who likes to capture her coming out of the shower. We would have been swooning over this guy had he existed but she gave it out herself by posting this picture that tells the selfie tale in the mirror behind her!

Copy Cat Dad

Now that’s a dad who would elevate your selfie game! He seems like a fun person to take pictures with. We bet the girl does not agree and she didn’t even find this photo funny but she’ll come around! As a parent it is important to have some fun at your kid’s expenses or else you’ll go crazy. This dad definitely agrees. Also we can totally see where this girl got her dramatic flair from. The whole imitating your daughter’s pose while also photobombing her is just fire!

Themed Party Selfie

This person dressed up for a Kesha themed birthday party which is awesome. We are a fan of his commitment to the theme through his on point attire. This would have been a great picture if only he had noticed the background. The kid in the back seat looks traumatized with the getup. We can’t blame her, there is a lot going on with the hair and makeup. She’ll learn to love this look and the inspiration behind it. But for now, this is an epic picture with or without the background fail!

Posing In The Stables

We would be less perplexed by this photo if it was a clear case of photobombing. But it doesn’t look like it at all. The likely explanation to this weird picture is a bad choice of camera angle. This guy probably got off from his horseback riding class and wanted to show off how he spent his weekend. It could have been a delightful photo had he stayed in the stable and got the equestrian’s face instead of its behind. But this picture says what it is supposed to say, right? Almost!

Future Peeking From The Background

If you blur the background, this is a normal picture of a man in a yellow polo. But just like the other photos on this list, the detail is in the background. In this case, it’s the man on the left wearing the exact same clothes! The man even captioned this picture on Reddit as, “I took a selfie and saw myself 20 years in the future. (I'm wearing khakis too)”. That’s some time traveling right there, it can’t get better than that!

Thirst Trap Trauma

Getting pictures clicked in the bathroom wearing that outfit with fishnets and boots is the perfect recipe for a thirst trap. With the mirror in the background, this woman’s followers got a view of all her assets. But they also saw her young daughter clicking this picture! If this isn’t childhood trauma, we don’t know what is! Having to see your mom dressed provocatively for social media while clicking her pictures is just wrong on so many levels. We can almost hear this photo say, “Make mommy look hot if you want a father.”

Revelation Of The Reflection

Attention seekers will do anything for likes on their pictures. This guy was probably convinced that a simple selfie won’t get the same reaction as a sneaked picture taken by a girlfriend. But he didn’t have a girlfriend. Now what? Fake it till you make it! He clicked a selfie in this weird pose and tried to pass it off as his ‘girlfriend’s doing but alas, he forgot to check his background. Mirrors and reflective surfaces can reveal your secrets kid! We wonder how he explained himself to his friends when they obviously saw through his lies.

Watch Your Back

This girl must be thrilled to show off her new shades to her friends on social media. That would explain why she paid no attention to the background details in this picture. While she was cheerfully smiling for the camera, the man behind her was also smiling but at the curve of her behind! We hope her friends were also focused on the weird sunglasses and didn’t really see the man but we caught him red-handed. He sure has some explaining to do now that this picture is on blast!

The Third Wheel

Being the third wheel and having to hang out with couples who are constantly mushing over each other is hard. While they are clicking pictures of themselves snuggling with each other, you are made to stand awkwardly on one side. But this person had had enough of being sidelined in pictures. Their plan to clap back at the couple by oddly positioning themselves between them in the selfie is brilliant but creepy at the same time. But we bet all third wheels are loving this sneaky revenge!

Company In The Bathroom

Depending on what you think is the explanation behind this photo, it can be funny or straight up creepy. If you haven’t already noticed, there is a face peeking behind the shower curtain! We want to believe that she walked in on her brother taking a shower and starting taking mirror selfies with no concern for his privacy. The other explanation is that a stranger was hiding behind the curtain but this one gives us the chills. She should have checked the background, not for a perfect picture but a safer one!

Busted By A Selfie

Dancing on the floor at a party is a fun time that we often pair with taking cute pictures. These two girls were doing just that but accidentally caught a creep red handed. Yes, that really is a guy in the background snapping a photo under a girl’s dress! This is one picture we are relieved made it to the internet with the crazy background still visible. We hope he was confronted and publicly shamed right after the girls took this picture.

Cooking Up Claustrophobia

Three happy ladies having their moment and freezing it from the best angle in their camera! The top angle does capture their pretty faces and assets in a way that flatters them. But they should have checked the picture twice before posting it. A small kid is wedged between their tall frames while looking up at the camera, asking for help! If this kid develops claustrophobia, we know who to blame. BTW, we hope this photobombing didn’t end any woman’s chances of gaining more followers online!

Twist On Turf Burn

If you play soccer and get hurt, it is a badge of honor and must be put on display. This guy did just that with a close-up shot of his turf burn. While we want to focus on his pain, our eyes can’t help but wander off to the embarrassing background. In the gap between his forearm and face, someone’s behind is making an appearance. We don’t want to imagine what that person is doing butt naked in the room but they surely didn’t want to be captured like this!

The Accidental Selfie

Showing off your muscles in a close-up picture can definitely get you many likes on social media. But is it the same when your photographer accidentally photo-bombs you? This guy was posing for the camera in a solo picture but the woman clicking it didn’t notice that her reflection in the mirror was visible. It is unclear if she was okay with this accidental ‘selfie’ moment in that outfit but this photo made it to the internet so who knows?

Sleepover Selfie Disaster

What do girls do on a sleepover? This question has bugged every guy at least once but now the answer is out for the world to see. They take racy photos together in the bathroom without checking the background! These four girls were so busy in jutting their behind out for this picture that they didn’t notice when mum stopped by the door. Whether she grounded these girls for a week or joined them in their photoshoot is unknown but this exact moment made for a brilliant photo fail!

When The Feet Click

It is cute when our significant others want to capture our candid moments. Even though these pictures aren’t always flattering, this guy got such a cute photo out of it that he posted it online. The caption went, “I hate it when my girlfriend takes pictures of me sleeping”. We’d go all mushy at this photo had we not noticed the reflection in the mirror behind him! This guy was so hungry for likes that he clicked a selfie with his feet to pretend it was his girlfriend. Lonely plus thirsty for comments equals epic selfies!

Selfie Within A Selfie

Who doesn’t want to take pictures on a hike? When you are one with the nature and immersed in its beauty, you want to capture that moment to look back at it later. This guy tried doing just that but ended with a fail! He went mountain climbing with his wife and dog and decided to take a picture with the latter. The wife wasn’t going to feel left out and snapped a selfie while being in the man’s background. The dog doesn’t seem happy about this photobombing!

He Who Must Not Be Named

These are just two girls enjoying their day at the park and taking pictures for memories. Their smiles are brighter than the day and we bet that’s what their social media followers said. But if you take your eyes off these pretty girls for a moment your inner wizard will scream! There in the background is Voldemort, alive and in person! Someone needs to send the muggles into hiding and get the wizard army ready. This is a war against “You Know Who”!

Let Them Drown

This girl is posing in front of the bathroom mirror, all smiles and poses. Nothing is wrong with a pretty bathroom selfie, right? Wrong! You don’t need a microscope to see the disaster occurring in the background. Some kid seems to be drowning in the bathtub while this girl is busy with her photoshoot. Let’s all sign a petition to ban taking selfies when you are in charge of a kid! At least that is our take away from this epic fail of a picture.

A Planned Accident

There seem to be a lot more disasters with bathroom mirror selfies than wins. That’s partly because people want to multi task and snap pictures while doing number two. That’s not this girl but she still managed to post this hilarious picture online. While the girl has her makeup on and looks pretty good, minus her nails, she captured the wrong angle. The mirror behind her reflects what we believe to be her brother in less than decent clothing! Did she purposely capture the picture to embarrass her brother? No judging, we’d have done the same!

The Photobombing Cat

Cats are mean and you can’t convince us otherwise! Look at this smartly dressed man, taking a mirror selfie to impress his followers online. What had he done to deserve this betrayal from his own cat? The feline decided to take a drink from the toilet at the exact moment this guy was taking a selfie. Who would call it coincidental? Everything about this picture was intentional, his phone matching his suit, the blue accents and the cat royally destroying it all!

Bathroom Multitasking Fiasco

Understanding that a bathroom’s lighting will do wonders for your selfie game is awesome. People all over the world are gravitating towards bathroom selfies and it has become a trend now. But you are walking a tight rope here. This man for example, clicked a bathroom selfie after being smitten by the perfect lighting. But alas, he forgot to check the background. He could have waited a few minutes, done his business and then clicked a picture. But instead he tried to multitask and ended up with this embarrassment!

Bomb The Bowl

Snapping a picture in a public washroom is an everyday thing for this generation. So why has this girl made it to this list when all she did was take a mirror selfie while looking cute? This girl totally forgot about the other girl in the background and posted this picture without cropping it! Going by the posture, it is safe to say things weren’t going well for that unknown girl’s stomach. But one question remains- why did she not close the stall’s door?

Included From The Shower

After a big win the team gathers for a selfie moment and no player wants to miss that. But this one guy decided to head straight to the shower instead of joining in the celebrations. He missed the selfie, almost! While the team members hoisted the selfie stick for a wide angle, they accidentally (or purposely?) caught the showering player from beyond the glass door! It’s good to be included in celebrations but probably not while one is in the buff!

Caught In The Act

Looks like this guy fell asleep and his girlfriend snapped a quick picture of his innocent face. It is such a cute story and we would have bought it if it wasn’t for that giant mirror in the background! This guy probably just forgot that the mirror behind him was showing the truth about his ‘sleeping’ photo. There was nobody in the room to take pictures of him but what makes his life sad is the fact that he had to pretend he has a girlfriend. And also that he didn’t check this before posting!

Showing Off The Smell

Those pink shorts are fire and so is her body. She probably works out a lot and deserves to show off her toned body in mirror selfies. But she probably shut off her senses while clicking this photo! Once you look closely at this picture, there’s some dog poo in the background! Instead of cleaning it up, she is standing in front of the mirror and posing for selfies. How is she so relaxed inside a room that smells so horrible? Some people will go to extreme lengths for a selfie!

Posing Is A Priority

Parenting is hard and sometimes it is essential to make time for self care between juggling all the mom duties. But they don’t always have the time for it and have to get creative. This woman thought that taking a few selfies in her LBD would boost her self confidence and give her the energy to continue being a mom to her kid. But right then the kid felt thirsty and decided to get a drink of water from the bathroom faucet! She had to make a choice and the LBD won, no judgment.

Shooting The Perfect Shot

At a first glance it might look like this guy is holding a professional camera but when you look behind, there is the reflection stands the truth! The man is holding a gun behind his phone! This picture is raising just too many questions that need to be answered. Did he think there was a risk of him pulling the trigger instead of clicking the phone in this confusing pose? Is this his cry for help? What happened after he took this picture? We guess we’ll never know!

Reflecting On An Amazon Review

This photo posted on Amazon is plain epic. Firstly, what exactly is the review about? Did someone actually buy guns off of Amazon and then proceeded to write a review about them? The sheer number of guns propped up on the table is enough to scare a whole city! The person who took this picture used a tripod stand to get a professional image. How do we know that? His reflection is visible in the window glass and yes, he is only wearing a pair of shorts!

A Messed Up Selfie

Alyssa from Louisiana shared a photo of her all dressed up ready to head out for a dinner. She wrote in her caption, “Going to dinner because I needed an excuse to wear this”. The girl looked gorgeous in the photo and before she knew it, her post was retweeted over 3300 times but not for her outfit! Her beautiful black dress was overshadowed by her background which was a chaotic mess. From makeup to clothes to cushions, her whole world was sprawled on the floor and amid that mess was a mouse!

A Poo-Fect Picture

This woman just wanted a picture of herself being one with nature. Is there something wrong with it? Of course not! When leaves are sitting on your eyes as you lay down on the cold earth, there’s a beautiful feeling. This woman might have felt that but it was short lived! After she posted this picture online, someone asked if anyone else could also spot poo near the woman. It was a mortifying realization for the woman because she had already made this photo into her profile picture!

Posing With A Camel

When you are visiting a zoo or a wildlife sanctuary, there is always that urge to take pictures with the animals there. After all, there is no better way of remembering a time well spent with animals than a photo with them! This woman probably got attached to a camel and wanted to take a selfie with the gentle animal. But she had no idea that the camel would strike a rather strange pose with her face inside its mouth! Perhaps that was its way of showing love!

Channeling Barbie’s Energy

We have all spent our childhood obsessing over Barbie and Ken’s extravagant lifestyle. We had our eyes focused on their outfits and vacations but over time we forgot about them. This woman also left behind her love for Barbie while growing up but years later, she had a chance to live it all again. This is a picture of a woman with a Ken doll! It looks like Ken has taken this shot which makes the photo more interesting. It has left us confused- is that a life sized doll or a person in a Ken doll costume?

A Super Selfie

You will find numerous selfies of Superman or rather, people dressed up in the Superman costume. The internet is also full of selfies of people posing in front of a Superman poster. But have you ever seen a Superman poster taking a selfie? One person thought of this bizarre idea and brought it to life by hiding behind a poster and taking a photo of the poster with their hand stretched beyond. They must have spent hours perfecting the angle with this one but we are happy they got the result!