Hilarious Texts That Kids Sent To Their Parents Accidentally

As we dive deeper into this world of texting and emoticons, there is a whole new level of awkward conversations ahead of us to explore. We say things over texts that we would never utter while actually talking in person. But sometimes, we push ourselves into a dark cave of embarrassment. Well, that mostly happens when our parents are involved in this texting game. Imagine texting a friend about your date night and discovering that you just sent those graphic details to your mom! She didn’t ask for that but look, the date night story was all over her phone. Also, your dad didn’t want to hear about your downhill love life. There’s more – here are the insane stories of people texting their parents accidentally!

Spilling The Sneaky Secrets

When parents ground their kids to teach them a lesson, they never expect them to disobey those rules. However, can those curious humans stay at home when their friends are out partying or having a sleepover? That’s what seems to have happened with this girl who snuck out and then texted her mom about it. She just wanted to have a little fun by breaking all the rules but turns out, she revealed her entire plan to her mom unknowingly!

Family That Laughs Together…

This dad has impressed us with his wit by responding to his kid’s disastrous text that was never meant for him. This conversation is purely hilarious and we can tell that this kid is not in trouble at all despite sending a weird text to the wrong person. Apart from a witty instant reply, he even went ahead and shared the chat with the mom. At the end of the day, this family had a good laugh over a texting blunder.

Mom, Oh, Mom!

As we read those texts sent by the kid, we are clearly imagining all that happened during that “amazing night” but this mom is just so gullible to fathom the reality of that back exercise. Also, our hearts are warmed after reading the mother’s response. She cares so much about her kid and just wanted to make sure that they are fine. We wonder what she thought happened that night and why she received these texts. It might have been slightly bewildering for her. Now, the kid has to triple-check always before texting about the night shenanigans.

Off By One Letter of the Alphabet

Whatever this girl sent to her dad is definitely not a pleasing picture for any parent. She just experienced the most awkward moment of her life with this texting mishap and it’s hard to go back from such humiliating moments. We can only let our thoughts run in all sorts of directions with the kind of image or GIF this girl sent to her dad that she wanted to share with Dan. We hope she made some changes in the names for a much more visible differentiation between dad and Dan. Take notes, people!

They Know It All

Parents can feel a little clueless over the texts when there’s a lot of slang involved but they can read between the lines even when their kids talk gibberish. Kids may assume that their parents don’t understand a lot of things that go on in their lives but they are just so wrong about this. We have heard stories of people coming out to their parents and families and how it’s been somewhat an unpredictable experience but this conversation proves how parents are aware of everything their children do and are a pro at the pretending game.

Oops, Wrong Valentine!

There are all sorts of Valentine’s Day cards, wishes, and memes that are shared on the internet when the big day of love arrives. People share them with their partners to express their “plans” for celebrating the day with them but if you are distracted for even a second, that risqué meme can land in your parents’ chat. This is what happened with this kid who sent a desperate wish for Valentine’s Day to their “Head Chief” aka their father and had to explain the entire situation.

Flattering Words Reach An Incorrect Address

This person was just innocently sending a cute text to their date who apparently looked irresistibly ravishing but it didn’t turn out well. It was sent to “Mom’s Cell” and then, the conversation took another turn in the chatbox. The mom seems inquisitive and wanted to know the person who looked stunning and received this flattering comment from her kid. The kid was left with just one thing to say “That was uncomfortable” and tried to erase the memory of this goof.

And It Went Like This…

This looks like one of the most mortifying experiences for a person. While we all are in favor of sharing the biggest moments of our lives with our parents, there’s one thing that we could just never talk to them about, no matter how chill they are – the deep details about our relationships. This girl was clearly super excited about some plans with her boyfriend that night and wanted to text her friend Dani about it but the nightmare came true and she wrote those words to her dad. Her dad sounds quite upset and we wish we could know what happened later!

Lies All Around

We all know that “stranger” is in this story. We bet parents aren’t fooled by such lame excuses. They may not show but they know all that your mind is brewing after midnight. This is such an embarrassing text to send to your dad and we can’t help but laugh out loud at the messages that followed. One is bound to feel lonely in the apartment at night with no one to cuddle with but if you are ever texting your S.O. late at night, keep your eyes open as it won’t take long for a disaster to occur.

Dad Knows His Emoticons

While you are sending those mushy texts to your love, make sure you send a warm love-filled message to your parents too or karma will chase you this way. This girl never knew she would end up in this mess when she texted her S.O. “I love you baby” with heart and teddy emoticons. Her dad surely had a commendable sense of humor in that particular situation and we are just impressed by the use of his emoticons. That man is setting standards for all the fathers who are sending bland dull texts. Use that emoji option, people!

Business Meeting Announcement

If we start counting the number of instances where our parents embarrassed us publicly, we would be out of time – they are just too many. It seems like our folks love to see our post-humiliation reactions. This story proves it right! This guy’s dad decided to read the weirdest text he received from his son aloud during a business meeting. So, the next time you are texting a friend something juicy, have a look at the recipient’s name. It would save you from a mortifying experience.

It’s All Too Perplexing

This conversation is giving rise to so many questions and it’s disappointing that we’ll receive no answers since the story may have already ended (on a terrible note, maybe?). At first, we could tell that the person is having an affair and his wife is totally in dark about this. He thought that his mistress was texting him but he discovered a little later that the recipient was his mom. Maybe he was goofing around with his mom about the whole marriage thing or this debacle actually happened and he just had a horrifying realization.

Mom Changes Her Stand

There are two lessons to take home from this chat. Firstly, you should always check your text recipient’s name before clicking that send button specifically when you are writing about battering someone. Secondly, always tell the truth to your mom when stuck at such a place as she might rescue you and stand beside you. This daughter was infuriated by Maddie’s false accusations and had to tell her friend about what she would do on Monday. Unfortunately, her mom received that angry text but it all ended with a perfect twist!

Saved By A Whisker

There are times when you are distracted and type a random text to your mom but then, your mind forces you to focus on that conversation and you’ll be glad for that push from your brain. This guy knows how crucial that is as he was almost going to send an inappropriate text but he realized it just in time. Slipping in a poor joke when things seem to go downhill while texting your parents works very well. Here is a perfect and hysterical example of this. We are going to use that joke really soon!

Dad’s Sarcastic Remark

Now, this is anyone’s worst nightmare. We might not accept but we have been in such embarrassing situations where we send a text to a person we are speaking ill of in that message. Oh, that’s troublesome! Loren sounded quite upset with her dad about how he is not allowing her to go out with her friends. She decided to inform her friend about it with some groaning about her dad and look who she texted instead. Bless you, Loren – that’s what his dad meant we guess!

Seeking Help Accidentally

When our hearts break, we look for a peaceful embrace or someone to take revenge from the person who made us feel miserable and alone. From pouring our hearts out to our friends to drunk texting our exes, we try everything that calms us down. But we rarely share our heartbreaking stories with our parents as that is a little awkward. This person texted their dad accidentally revealing something about Jim and how he cheated. The person immediately texted their dad that it was a mistaken message but this dad was indirectly asking for his “weapons” to give Jim a lesson of a lifetime.

Rap Lyrics Game With Mom

We underestimate our parents when we assume that they are not plugged into the latest trends and can never learn the lyrics of the raps and popular songs that are taking over the present generation. Our folks know those hit songs and can play the silly rap game with you and this mom has shown that side by winning at the rap lyrics. This kid might be in shock after hearing those crazy lines from mom. We are in awe of all the mothers out there who don’t forget to keep up with the trends and never boast.

Baby Wants To Cuddle

When you are missing your S.O. a little too much and are craving cuddles, you must communicate your feelings but to the right person. If your mom receives this message of a wish to cuddle, she will instantly welcome you to have a mom-child time just like the good old childhood days. This kid experienced that moment of awkwardness while expressing those romantic feelings. But as adults, we realize how wholesome that message is as one tight hug with our mom is all we need when dark days strike.

A GIF Blunder

Just imagine this – you are in a mood for some romance and decide to send a GIF explaining your feelings to your S.O. but it lands in your chat with your dad. Sid has seen this movie and as a warning, he accepted this mortifying situation on the internet so that no one ever repeats such a mistake. Salty “Beach” isn’t something you would call your dad and so, this person was in shock after looking at what they sent and where. The message that followed was filled with embarrassment.

Rage Pouring Through Texts

This kid just wanted to share their feelings with a friend about their dad and his behavior but they landed themselves in even more trouble after sending that message. The kid poured out that rage in their dad’s chat window and it looks like a thunderstorm is going to hit this home. This dad is definitely planning some severe punishment for their kid and this time, he would not be “unnecessarily rude” but have a genuine reason for that impertinence.

You Can Never Escape Mom

This particular conversation between a son and his mom has left us in awe and we are glad that mothers are discussing the right things with their kids and have their savage mode on constantly if anything goes downhill. This mom spared a few minutes from her busy routine to text back her son who accidentally sent a message to his mother that was meant for his girlfriend. This amazing mom had a brilliant response to that strange text and garnished the reply with an important lesson.

Oops, Mom’s Home!

No kid is comfortable sharing the mushy details of their relationship with their parents and there are many valid reasons for it that need no mention. But the humiliation begins when you message your mom something private instead of your S.O. This kid asked Justice (probably their bae!) a simple yet personal question with a word that you can never call your parents and covered up the mess with some laughing crying emoticons.

Incomplete Information Alert

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of spreading complete information without missing any point. Half-baked information has only led to disasters and the other person might jump to conclusions that are totally spurious and can put you in a tough spot just like Michael here. He didn’t finish the text and pressed “send” and his mom immediately appeared to reply with a heartwarming speech for the “coming out” announcement. However, her son had to clarify the information that was miscommunicated through an incomplete message. We love how his mom began the final text with a “LOL”, it’s not commonly used among parents.

No Offense, Honey...

Apart from all the languages around the globe, there’s one that connects people over the internet and it’s called “slang”. The words are shorter than ever, the vowels are missing and there are a plethora of abbreviations that are not everybody’s cup of tea. So, we can never blame our parents for using a search engine to understand what their kids just texted them in that texting language. This dad was quick to seek some help from the internet after his foster kid texted him something with “hun” in it. But the search results carried bad news and finally, the kid and to explain it in plain language.

Wait, WHAT?

While some people find themselves in trouble for texting their parents a directly wrong thing, others never imagine facing an awkward moment with the folks for a message that is all about tomato sauce. This girl thought that she informed Matt about the tomato sauce that she bought from the store like he wanted but the message was delivered to the wrong address. Her dad assumed that his daughter was pregnant due to some slang issues yet again. But he was so wrong and it turned out to be a cringe-worthy conversation.

The Big Revelation

Before you click “send” on the personal picture you just took in the shower for your bae, make sure you are sending it to the right recipient who would actually appreciate it. This kid drowned in the pool of humiliation after sending such a photo to their dad and receiving those infuriated replies. The dad was furious and quite sure that his kid was not doing what they are supposed to do at school. It’s going to be a silent but stormy Thanksgiving that year. Also, texting after midnight should come with a disclaimer!

Leaving This Planet ASAP

For once, we can clean up the mess we create by sending wrong things to our parents via texts and bury that memory deep down the earth but it’s hard to forget the texting debacle that you experience with your S.O’s parents. It can’t be erased ever and will haunt you for life. This girl is here to tell the story and shared it with the world to reduce the level of embarrassment she was carrying with her (maybe!). But all’s well that ends well as her boyfriend’s mother was very considerate and ended the awkward moment with a beautiful message for her. It’s sweet, right?

In The Heat Of The Moment

When we are too thrilled for an “activity”, we may lose focus and call for trouble ourselves. The excitement can sometimes make us walk on a dodgy path without even realizing that we are on it. That’s what happened with the kid when it was time for Plan B after a great night with their S.O. But they accidentally texted about it to mom and she scheduled “the talk” right there and then on the texts. It’s going to be a long day for this one as we all have been in that spot.

Announcing An Obsession

This kid texted their “Papadukes” something insane and it looks like their dad knew where that message was supposed to go. From Easter plans to worshipping the feet, things escalated quite quickly in this chat. While the kid added a lot of “hahaha” in the following text after dad replied to that crazy one, it didn’t distract “Papadukes” from the real topic. Our dads would never let go of that one mistake we made in high school and so, this is a huge one to dismiss. Be prepared to be on the receiving end of taunts during family dinners, kid!

Chilling On A Tree

So, this kid was in a different zone and it can a risky deal to have your phone by your side in such a situation as the chances of sending the right text to the right person are extremely low. That’s what happened with this kid who typed a dangerous message and sent it to their mom. A few minutes later when the kid climbed down the “tree”, they realized the mortifying thing they just did and gave the most hilarious explanation to their mom. Now, it’s hard to tell if that “Ok love you” was real or this mother was on her way to her kid’s location to give them a mouthful.

A Cheese-Stealer In The Chat Box

This person was in immense guilt for stealing cheese from Dan’s kitchen while being drunk and apologized to their dad instead of Dan. Was it the cheese effect or the booze that made them do it? We can tell that there were tears involved and it was a rough night. They were texting after 2 a.m. and we bet their father was already in a deep sleep to notice any of this but it would be an unpredictable journey when he wakes up the next morning. But will Dan find out about the stolen cheese ever?

Casual Checking Up

The booze transported this kid in a magical kingdom as a leader and they could not help but flaunt their new position in the texts. But one such boastful message was delivered to their parent and they replied “Good Lord” as nothing else seemed appropriate at that time. No lecture would guide the poor little kid home during that moment. But the parent didn’t forget the blunder and explained to them there are other alternatives to having fun and alcohol isn’t the only option. When there was no response, they had to send a worried text asking if their kid was still alive. Well, the reply says it all!

Asking The Right Questions

This kid must be watching some lame series with unnatural events and had the urge to ask this random question to their mom at 1:44 a.m. Maybe there was some alcohol involved too before typing this query and sending it to mom. They could have used the internet browser to know the truth behind the belly button lint (WHAT?). The mom was puzzled when she woke up to this in the morning. She wasn’t expecting their grown-up kid to have such questions for her. She must be wishing she raised them all well to have an understanding of little things!

Call The “Real Parents”

There is a wide variety of parent-child relationships that exist and some are more strained than others while some have magnificent family relations. Parents are mostly aware of how their kids feel about them but sometimes kids take it to another level and send a wrong message that reveals their dislike for their family. This kid would be avoiding all family dinners after this fiasco as nothing could save you from such an expression of feelings. This parent is definitely a true savage personality as they took a second to mention all the bills that the “real parents” could pay.

Take That Back, Kid!

After drunk texting their exes, these millennials are now sending moronic messages to their parents. This one is not even funny anymore as they typed one thing after another without even thinking for a second. From “not a birthday wish” to the topic of retirement, this kid lost track of what the purpose was. We applaud this dad who had a simple response to the whole imbecile conversation and told his kid to stop with this drinking. Even if this kid apologized the next morning, it won’t mean a thing after all those pea-brained remarks on old age.

Take Dad’s Advice

This conversation is proof that dads will always have our back, no matter what even when we are planning painful revenge against people we are not fond of. Katie wanted to use a rusty fork to punch someone in the eye and her dad received that angry text. He showed his support by explaining to her how to stay safe while executing such a plan. He definitely had a fair share of such revengeful moments in his childhood and so, offered really helpful advice.

Funniest Creation By Mom

Before telling your mom that she lacks a sense of humor in all ways, make sure you are aware of our savage side or this is what will be thrown at you. This kid had no clue that their mother is capable of making frosty comments until they received this text. So, never ever call your mom “not funny” as she brought you into this world and that can be her biggest weapon to make you speechless. What do you reply to this?

Drunk On Fantasy

When this person’s dad texted him to be at home immediately, the conversation took an insane turn. This is why drunk texting should be banned as parents catch us in a lie in no time. Turns out, the son had the audacity to lie to his dad when he asked him if he was drunk. “what makes you think that” is the dumbest question one could ask after mentioning their plans to go to Narnia. The conversation didn’t end there – the son continued to dive deeper into the fantasy land and explain more about his imaginary home.

Drunk Confusion

Caro had a little too many that day and it didn’t go well as certain texts reached the wrong person. Their mom wasn’t amused by the whole texting situation that rose in that moment. One question led to another and it led to some chaos where neither of the parties could fathom the other person’s words. Booze effect, right? The mom is not dealing with Caro’s illogical message and she could sense that something’s wrong. Well, moms know best.

How To Be Savage 101

When this kid expressed their true feelings, their mom had instant hilarious replies ready. Were those messages even meant for mom or was it just another texting disaster? Either way, this mom serves sizzling savageness through texts. If you are ever missing your mom and want to share your feelings, just ensure that you do it in person instead of sending random texts. You might receive a hug instead of cold replies!