In the world of cinema, there’s a lot going behind the scenes and in front of the camera lens that the crew might skip but the audience has a keen eye and they can spot the tiniest diversion even if it’s after the 4th watch. The movies are made for the people and the cast and crew might be burning the midnight oil to score perfection in every scene but the bloopers have a habit of creeping in. Even the blockbuster movies could not escape the bloopers that caught the attention of the public. No one can turn a blind eye to them once you have discovered these gaffes in the most popular movies of all time. From Titanic to Deadpool, here’s the list of all the hit films that have been the victim of these awkward bloopers.
Django Unchained
Quentin Tarantino has never disappointed his fans with the masterpieces he creates through his spectacular filming and directing. Django Unchained was one of those remarkable films of 2012 he paid tribute to the “blaxploitation” subgenre of the exploitation film. This movie was about a slave who is on a revenge mission to rescue his wife. Jamie Foxx starred in the movie and his attire was all trendy completed with a pair of dark sunglasses and a cowboy hat. But that’s where the movie blooper came to light as those sunglasses were not a fashion statement in the 1850s and so, they were not easily available.

Panic Room
This thriller movie, Panic Room that was released in 2002 had Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart in the leading role and the movie had quite a few scenes inside a safe room. In one particular daunting scene, Foster was stuck and she comes up with an idea to light propane on fire that would help divert the invaders. So, Foster and Stewart used a fire blanket to wrap themselves and set the gas on fire. The scientific facts didn’t align here as they showed that the gas rose up but in reality, propane is heavier than air and it would have sunk. That’s quite conflicting!

The Aviator
The 2004 film, The Aviator had Leonardo DiCaprio as the star as he portrayed the role of an unconventional billionaire tycoon, a brilliant aviator, and movie producer, Howard Hughes. Leonardo did justice to this unique character who suffered from an obsessive-compulsive disorder that put his career at risk. The film landed 11 Oscar nominations and won 5 of them. But we guess someone skipped this major gaffe in the movie where Howard asked his assistant to serve him with exactly 10 chocolate chip cookies. The twist here is that the movie was set in 1928 and those delicious cookies came into this world after around one decade.

The movie, Braveheart was set in the 13th century that shows a Scottish rebel, William Wallace who goes for a war against King Edward I of England. Since it depicted those ancient times, the outfits should have been in accordance with that period. However, the movie showed the English soldiers wearing similar uniforms but that’s far from reality as during that time, the warriors picked anything random to wear. In addition to this blunder, the Scottish warrior, William Wallace had a kilt on and the facts state that the kilt only came into existence after 400 years.

Saving Private Ryan
With its name among the top war movies of Hollywood, Saving Private Ryan sounds like an impeccable collection of realistic shots from that era. Moreover, the movie had the biggest stars of the industry playing important roles including Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel. Who would suspect that this movie would have an embarrassing and quite noticeable blooper too? During one shot, Captain Miller was injured and he had to relax and he chose to rest his back against a Ural M-63 motorcycle. He took shelter near that bike before he could step into the battleground again. The problem here is that this motorcycle wasn’t launched then. It was produced 18 years after World War II ended.

Back To The Future
A science-fiction film has a lot many expectations to fulfill and the 1985 movie “Back To The Future” was no exception. It depicted time travel in an unconventional time machine and various time-related aspects. However, they may have skipped a timely fact-check on one item shown in the movie. A scene where Marty takes over the stage with this Gibson ES-345 guitar and plays 'Jonny B. Goode’ led to a major blooper as that guitar model was releases in 1958 and the movie was set in 1955.

Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings is a movie trilogy based on a novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien and it has received immense appreciation and great acclaim. The movie series was nominated for a total of 30 Academy Awards and they took home 17 of them. But then again, this hit movie trilogy made a blunder too in a scene. While we all know that Gandalf relied on his primary weapon, Glamdring, the sword, he had another thing on his wrist that grabbed the attention of the viewers but it didn’t make any sense with the storyline. It’s a wristwatch that wasn’t concealed by the editors and made an appearance during a battle scene.

The period action film, 300, that became a huge box office hit was based on a comic series created by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley in 1998. The movie narrated the series of events when King Leonidas led 300 Spartans for a battle against Xerxes I who had way more soldiers on his side. Apparently, Xerxes was in possession of powerful weapons but those armaments even included bombs, and the war was shown in 480 B.C. and the explosive powder wasn’t invented until 1000 years later. The moviemakers needed to pay a little attention to the war weapons!

Independence Day
The movie depicts the alien attack all over the world as those extraterrestrial creatures ruin important landmarks including the White House and the Empire State Building. There’s a plasma laser involved that leads to fire all over the building leading to incendiary destruction. The New Yorkers know their popular skyscraper really well and when this movie revealed the location of the Empire State Building, they could tell that there has been a miscalculation as it is actually situated in 34th Street and 5th Avenue but the film took a wrong turn there.

American Sniper
Bradley Cooper absorbs every character with perfection and that can be seen on-screen in his every movie. “American Sniper” is just another of his hits where he plays the role of a brilliant Navy SEAL sharpshooter, Chris Kyle. In American Sniper, Bradley Cooper was holding a baby in one scene and the viewers immediately observed the baby was lifeless. It is quite a task to bring a real baby on set and so, they had to carry on the scene with a doll. They could have edited the shot more closely to hide the doll's face to avoid this blooper. Apart from this, the movie was definitely a crowd-puller!

Rumble In The Bronx
Jackie Chan takes up the role of a policeman, Keung from Hong Kong who visits The Big Apple to attend his uncle’s wedding and assist him with his grocery store. But things turn insane when a gang shoplifts various goods from that market and Keung decides to fight them. Jackie Chan performs phenomenal martial arts throughout the film. Chan performed the tough stunts all by himself and during the filming of one such stunt, his leg broke and so, he had to shoot the rest of the film wearing a massive sock to conceal the cast that held his broken bone in place. It was visible in a few scenes.

The engrossing psychological thriller movie, “Gothika” had a lot of twists and turns with Halle Berry and Robert Downey Jr. in the lead roles of psychiatrists. But one day, Dr. Miranda Grey played by Halle Berry finds herself being a patient at the asylum she once worked at as a doctor. But one incident turned everything upside down. Downey Jr. and Halle had a fight scene and that didn’t go well as Halle had a terrible injury that led to a pause of 3 months in production. Turns out, Robert was a little too intense during that scene and grabbed her arm firmly. He apologized and said, “it was an accident, I’m sorry if she’s still upset.”

The Lion King
One of the most-loved Disney animated movies is “The Lion King” which stirred an ocean full of emotions in the audience. While many were enthralled by the plot of the movie, some couldn’t help but notice a weird error that animators missed during the final editing session. The eye color of Nala, best friend of Simba wasn’t constant throughout the movie as in some scenes, it appeared blue while in others, it was green. This blooper might not be instantly visible but if you are someone with an eye for detail, you can notice it after a few scenes.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The super hit movie series “Harry Potter” changed the movie industry in unimaginable ways with every part being impactful and box office success. One might not expect any bloopers from such a magnificent series but one was caught in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, the part that made $879 million. In this part, a scene created a major blunder where a group of Hogwarts students is surrounding Draco Malfoy and there’s a cameraman on his knee a little far away on the left. That’s quite embarrassing for a movie this huge.

The movie “Troy” took a lot of us back in time and into the universe of Greek mythology. This historical war movie starred Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, and Brad Pitt. That makes for a shining cast! But that wasn’t the only glowing feature of this film as it made $500 million. But one thing that shadowed this spectacular movie was an awkward appearance. During one scene with Brad Pitt under the focus of the camera, one can easily spot an airplane in the sky. As far as history goes, there were no airplanes in Greek times. This is why a final edit requires an army with keen eyes.

The Matrix
While the filming of a movie involves a lot of challenges, one of the biggest struggles arrives when the cameramen have to shoot along a reflective surface. They have to be careful and attentive to avoid the camera’s reflection on the screen. However, sometimes being enough cautious is not sufficient as proved by this scene in the movie, “The Matrix”. This blooper isn’t an easy one to spot as the crew did everything in their potential to hide the camera. On a closer look, one can see a camera placed inside a leather bag with a small amount of green paint over it to match it with Lawrence Fishburn’s tie.

Pirates of the Caribbean
When we imagine a pirate, we think about Jack Sparrow and his classic attire with a bandana on his head and a three-cornered hat. Also, those signature braided hair with powerful accessories has impressed quite a few of us. However, one thing that you may have missed while enchanted by Jack’s looks is the brand tag hanging from his bandana. The blooper revealed the Adidas tag in one of the shots of the “Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl”. Johnny Depp was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the movie that earned $654 million at the box office.

Spy Kids
It’s the mirror mistake again! The spy adventure comedy movie, “Spy Kids” told a tale of two kids who found out that their parents were secret agents and living a double life all this while until they were captured by a dangerous guy. The kids involved in the espionage to rescue their parents. The plot engrossed the viewers who even noticed this blooper. When Ingrid Cortez, a character played by Carla Gugino was sitting in front of her vanity mirror during one scene, one can easily see a cameraman in the mirror placed on the right side. Mirrors are tricky objects to shoot with!

When the movie “Deadpool” was released in 2016, people rushed to the cinemas to watch the heroic and intriguing film, and soon, its sequel was announced that came out in 2018. But even the 2016 blockbuster Deadpool suffered an attack of tiny bloopers. The film encountered a continuity error in one specific scene that showed Deadpool covered with trash stuck inside a dumpster with no swords feeling dispirited. But when they cut to the shot where he finds his way out of that dumpster and is rising from the trash, he has his swords. Where did they come from? That’s the question for the film crew!

The Jungle Book
This may or may not take you by surprise but the fact is that filming of “The Jungle Book” that came out in 2016 was not entirely done in the wild as dealing with real animals can be a huge challenge for the production. So, there was a lot of computer animation and CGI involved to bring everything to life in the movie and give it a realistic touch. But at one point, they lost focus, and hence, an embarrassing gaffe arose. The CGI-generated rain in one scene seems totally artificial as the water droplets don’t touch Mowgli and the other animals present in that area during the rain sequence.

Star Wars
Apart from Jar Jar Binks in the movie “Star Wars” who was lampooned by the viewers for various reasons, another group of characters that encountered ridicule was the gang of Stormtroopers – the elite shock troops. They were always missing targets while firing their blasters and it became an amusing moment on-screen. Another moment involving the Stormtroopers led to a hysterical blooper where one Stormtrooper hit his head into the upper doorframe as they were on a mission to find Luke who could not escape the trash compactor. Even the producers figured out this goof when the movie came out.

When making a historical film, the cast and crew have to ensure that every aspect is in accordance with the time they are depicting through the movie. The 2000 drama film, “Gladiator” had scenes of Ancient Rome filmed considering all that occurred during that period. But looks like, they skipped one important detail. The chariots shown in the film are driven by horses but to make them powerful, the makers decided to use stainless steel gas canisters and hide them at the base of the chariot. Unfortunately, the canister was in full view in one scene when a chariot flips over. According to the facts, such canisters only came into existence during in 19th century.

The Princess and the Frog
While working on the attire and appearance of a cartoon character, the animator has the freedom to try, test, and play with various accessories and outfits. They can finalize the final look based on all those trials and experiments and then, the character wears the same outfit throughout the movie. That’s how animated films work. But in the animated musical fantasy movie, “The Princess and the Frog”, Tiana seems to be confused about her earrings. In the beginning, the audience notices Tiana wearing raindrop earrings in gold that suddenly vanish in the next few shots. The animator may have forgotten about that beautiful accessory on the princess!

Fast and the Furious 7
“Fast and Furious” is one of the most popular movie series and won a lot of acclaim for the plot and direction of the series. In Fast and Furious 7, Brian, a character played by Paul Walker in this brilliant movie series happens to be very close to a house that explodes and there’s a giant fireball in the air and a loud explosion sound. One can tell there’s a blunder right there. When the explosion occurred, it should technically have an impact on the neighboring houses and their windows due to the shockwave but that never happened as the windows were in perfect condition during that destructive scene.

Rain Man
This can’t be called a blooper but one scene in “Rain Man” was improvised by Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise who were brothers in the film. That particular shot had a story behind it that was revealed by the stars later. They admitted that the scene was the result of Hoffman’s real farting inside the phone booth. “Uh oh fart, uh oh fart,” Raymond Babbit, played by Hoffman uttered. To this, Charlie, portrayed by Tom Cruise replied, “How can you stand that?” Raymond then said, “I don’t mind it.” This is how the “best scene” was captured. Magnificent and hilarious improvisation, right?

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
According to the novels of Harry Potter, Harry and his mother, Lily have the same eye color that is green but when the books were adapted as movies, Harry was shown with blue eyes. The fans of the books had a hard time absorbing this change as they were expecting to witness the exact screen version of the novel. The real issue arose in “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows” in which Harry’s mom, Lily appeared as a young girl in a flashback scene and the color of her eyes was brown. That’s some major mix-up and only ardent fans of Harry Potter novels know the blunder that this created.

Dirty Dancing
Who hasn’t indulged in the drama of “Dirty dancing”? This story of forbidden love depicted at a stunning location of the Catskill mountains left the audience in awe with the marvelous performances of the stars. Well, the one iconic dialog from the movie, “nobody puts baby in a corner!” struck a chord with everyone. Even though the movie was a blockbuster and made $200 million at the box office, it still had one noticeable goof. During the car scene where Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey are in the car together, it seems as if the car is moving but the gears tell a different story as they are in “park” mode.

Dallas Buyers Club
Matthew McConaughey gave a brilliant performance as he portrayed the role of a person diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, Ron Woodroof at the time when there wasn’t much information about this ailment and the research was still in progress. Woodroof begins smuggling banned medicines to help himself and others suffering from the same condition. While the plot was quite enthralling, a car fanatic couldn’t help but notice the huge red Lamborghini Aventador poster on the wall in Woodroof’s office. Turns out, this car model was only launched after 2011 and the movie was set in 1985.

Lord Of The Rings – The Hobbit
Orlando Bloom who played the character of Legolas in the “Lord of the Rings” impressed the audience with his portrayal but the fans noticed a huge gaffe related to Legolas in the Lord Of The Rings – The Hobbit. While creating a movie series, the makers have to ensure that every character has constant features in their appearance in every part of the film series. In the “Lord of the Rings” movies, the color of Legolas's eyes was brown but in “The Hobbit” series, his eye color was striking blue. The camera lens could not hide the eye lens color change! We guess some magical spells led to this blooper.

Pulp Fiction
The movie, “Pulp Fiction” was engrossing in remarkable ways with the stars being truly convincing in their roles. There’s a scene in the movie involving the hitmen portrayed by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson that gave rise to an awkward movie blooper. When these two characters entered an apartment furiously, Jackson takes charge and screams in a taunting tone, “Say ‘what’ again!” The residents looked frightened and after a short impasse, a strange roommate appears and points a handgun at the duo. He starts shooting and the bullets end up creating holes in the wall behind the hitmen. The goof here is that the bullet holes were already present on the wall even before the guy shot.

Cast Away
The interesting fact about “Cast Away” is that the filming of this movie happened in two different phases. In the first phase, Hanks who plays the role of Chuck Noland is shown in a regular setup trying to achieve a work-life balance. After filming that part, the production took a break. Hanks lost weight and grew a dense long beard to be in character for the next phase where he was stranded on an island. Noland has FedEx paper cardboard boxes with him on that island that floated in the ocean and landed on the shore. The contents were all dry. That’s mysterious!

The beautiful heartbreaking love tale of Jack and Rose told in “Titanic” stole many hearts and the movie earned many accolades becoming the highest-grossing for a long time. But even the greatest movies of all time make certain mistakes that turn into embarrassing bloopers. One such moment happened in Titanic where Jack narrated a little story to Kate about his childhood. Jack told her that he went to Lake Wissota with his father and did ice fishing. The problem here is that he recalled this in 1912 and that specific lake was man-made and came into existence in 1917 after the completion of a dam.

The Book of Eli
Denzel Washington plays Eli who sets forth on a journey with a mission to protect and deliver a book safely which is actually the last copy of the Bible in the world. The movie represents a post-apocalyptic world where Eli has a big responsibility to fulfill. The important thing to note here is that the Bible he is carrying is written in braille. One would never know that something’s not right in the movie and there’s a gaffe until an expert mentions it. Apparently, when the Bible is written in braille, it would be completed in plenty of books and not fit into just one. Eli is traveling with just one in that era and that’s quite futuristic.

The Dark Knight
While Christopher Nolan had always focused on every tiny detail in his movies including the tying of the shoes during the 1940s in “Dunkirk”, a World War II epic, there is rarely any chance of an error in his movies. However, someone caught a mistake in “The Dark Knight”, a second Batman film and it turned into a blooper. “The Gotham Times” published a news headline with a spelling error as they wrote, “Hiest” instead of “Heist”. This gaffe might not be visible instantly but someone who has watched the film multiple times can easily tell that the newspaper didn’t undergo a spell check before it was published.

The ones who possess the knowledge of history or have etymology as one of their subjects of interest would know this mistake in the movie “Gladiator”. In the film, Russell Crowe had a nickname “The Spaniard” and according to the chronology of historical events, this particular moniker would only have come to light after the precursor word created by the French, “espaignart”. Turns out, this word was established after almost 1000 years of the movie’s period. It is not a blooper that would catch everyone’s eye but is a result of a major flaw in fact-checking before finalizing the script.

“Spider-man” has been declared as one of the most successful superhero movies of all time and the first one of the entire series was released in 2002 in which Tobey Maguire took the role of the Spider-Man. In this first part, Peter Parker was trying to figure out these special powers that he was blessed with. It didn’t take long for one scene during that learning phase of Spider-Man to become a blooper. Parker kept releasing webs all around his room while gaining control over that power. While he was engaged in this, he broke a lamp with the web shot. But, that lamp managed to magically reappear in its original condition a few minutes later.

Forrest Gump
The 1994 film, “Forrest Gump” has made us all feel a rush of emotions as we watched Tom Hanks playing the character brilliantly. This movie too fell victim to a few bloopers and one of them was quite noticeable. When Forrest and Lieutenant Dan were on the right track with their shrimping boat business, Lieutenant Dan came up with a plan to make a fitting investment with those profits and puts that money in “some kind of fruit company”. Forrest didn’t fathom that it was actually a computer company. But the company “Apple” wasn’t founded until 1976 and that movie scene was set in 1974-1975. Too early for “Apple” to grow!

Pretty Woman
If there’s one rom-com that is etched in our minds and hearts, it is “Pretty Woman”. This movie changed our perspective on love and took us on a thrilling ride. Richard Gere and Julia Roberts share a strange but miraculous relationship despite belonging to two different worlds. Focusing on the goof in this movie, let’s go back to a scene where Julia Roberts’ character is relishing a croissant for breakfast. Suddenly, that delicious half-eaten croissant is replaced by a pancake leading to a continuity gaffe. Regardless, the movie impressed the audience in phenomenal ways!