Horrifying Mother-in-law stories that will wreck your nerves

The connection between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is one of the most typically tense. Don't get us wrong: some of them are outstanding. However, the character Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond did not just appear out of nowhere. It originates from somewhere real, and that somewhere is the world of the nightmare mother-in-law.

People from all around the world have taken to the internet to share their most vexing experiences about mothers-in-law who just don't get it. We just hope you are not someone who can relate…

Cutting the daughter-in-law out of the picture

Background: My mother-in-law and I have always had disagreements. She's divorced, single, and lives alone; she recently relocated across state to be closer to my husband and our 8-month-old baby.

Now for the story. We had lunch with my mother-in-law, husband, and daughter yesterday. Lunch was fine, the food was delicious, and we got along just well. I even gave her a parting hug. I assumed everything was fine.

When I arrive home, I discover she put a picture of herself, my husband, and my daughter on social media, along with a statement about what a lovely meal she had with just the two of them. During lunch, I went to the restroom, where she swiftly snapped a photo of the three of them. (I understand wanting some shots without me, and I would have taken the picture if she had asked.)

I had no idea about the photo until I saw it on social media. And it bothered me that she went out of her way to make it appear as if I wasn't there. I didn't mind the photo; it was the sneakiness of shooting it while I was in the restroom and then not tagging me in the lunch post as if I wasn't there that bothered me.

So this is where I decided to get back at her. When I saw the post, I asked to be tagged in her "check in" to the restaurant where we were eating and wrote, "Lunch was amazing! I'm so thrilled the four of us were able to get together!" She did, perhaps, address me in a passive-aggressive manner, but I believe it appears to everyone else that I just had lunch with my family.

She was so enraged after I "attacked" her on social media that she deleted her entire profile.

Only criminals or girls are allowed to wear earrings

My 10-year-old kid recently expressed a desire for an earring. He'd been saying it since he was six, but this year he became more insistent. So I figured if he's not going to let this go, I should take him to a piercer and have it performed sterilely and properly. He only wanted one ear pierced, it looks fine, he's happy, and that's all that matters to my husband and me.

And MIL went insane about that tiny piece of jewellery. He went to see her alone yesterday, and when she discovered the earring, she began yelling and scolding him. MIL initially assumed he did it himself because no parent would allow their son to do it, and she didn't believe I took him to the location. "What would your mother say about this?" she wondered. "Nothing, she took me to the piercer," he explained. "You're lying!" said MIL. "Don't tell your grandmother anything!"

She sought to humiliate him for wearing the earring. "But you're a boy," she said. Everyone at school will tease you since you now resemble a girl. Are you a man or a woman? So you shouldn't be wearing girly jewellery!"  

MIL then insisted that he take it out. "OK then, I'm going after my belt," she said when he refused. You haven't been paddled in a long time!"

MIL ran him around the house, but he was too fast for her to reach. He dashed out the door, grabbed his bike, and cycled straight home.

He told us everything and stated that he no longer wishes to see his grandmother because she is behaving this way. I called her. She was still searching for him and wanted to know where he was. I told her that he's already at home and won't be returning anytime soon because she's making a big deal out of nothing. She also has no right to hit him.

Allowing him to wear an earring, she responded, is "making him into a criminal and a girlie kid." Umm, okay?

I couldn't even follow her train of thoughts. How can an earring turn you into a criminal? What makes you look like a girl?

Narrow minded mother-in-law has a problem with open relationships

My mother in law is a witch. I don't mean that metaphorically. She considers herself a witch and "curses" people. Just a strange individual.

My husband and I have an open marriage. What we do is strictly between us and nobody else's business. This is critical. WE BOTH have other companions.

MiL relocated in November of last year without informing us. We got the call from her after she'd settled into her new home around thirty minutes away. Her proximity and lack of a life provided her the opportunity to spy on us, and she saw many of our "guests" over time. She assumed they were all mine and could never have been my husband's.

So she comes to my husband and tells him she thinks I'm cheating on him at Christmas. He chuckles at her and tells her that it isn't like that. His answer, I believe, went in one ear and out the other.

She then created a Facebook profile with images of her friend's son. She contacted me as this guy. Basically, we talked for a bit before proposing to hook up. My hubby thinks he's a cute guy. So I organised a meeting at Starbucks.

Imagine my shock when my husband and I arrived and found MiL waiting for us with printouts of all our messages. She shows us her proof, accuses me of cheating on my husband, and only stops when the staff asks her to leave. We all became very loud as the argument progressed to the sidewalk. Finally, my husband and I drove away, leaving her yelling, because she's plain foolish.

That happened a week ago. She called today to tell us she's going to cast a hex on me to ensure that I leave her baby alone and stop wrecking his life.

Mother-in-law wants to have a look at my birth certificate for what?

My husband and I went to my mother-in-house law's on Saturday to celebrate my sister-in-law's 50th birthday. We began discussing the time of birth while we're there. I question my MIL about the time of birth of my husband. She stated that she will look into the birth certificate. She walks away and returns with a little lock safe. She takes out her birth certificate, as well as those of her BIL and SIL. Remember that SIL is BIL's wife, not their sibling.

My husband's mother inquires about the whereabouts of his birth certificate. He claims I have it. "Because it's with all of our essential family documentation," I say when she wonders why I have it.

MIL: “But it should be here, with the other family documents.”

Me: “Well, having it at our house means [husband] doesn’t have to drive three hours here and back to get it, in case he needs it.”

MIL: “Why would he need it?”

Me: “Because it’s his birth certificate?”

MIL: “No, it needs to be here with the important family documents. So does yours, Christine.”

Me: “Oh, that’s okay. I’d rather have it with me in case I need it… To get a passport or my social security card.”

MIL: “Well, I guess you can bring it after you get those things.”

So SIL shifted the subject, and the rest of our visit went off without a hitch.

My husband, on the other hand, received a text today from his mother inquiring when we were leaving on our trip. She asked him why I needed a passport since we weren't going on a trip. My husband stated that I had only used that as an example.

"Christine, [husband] said you didn't need your birth certificate right now," she texted. Please bring it with you the next time you visit. Bring [husband's] as well. Thank you very much."

"I thought a lot about what you said Saturday, and I think you're right," I replied. So I'm taking my birth certificate and my husband's to my mother's house to be maintained in her vital family files."

MIL has not responded yet, and our birth certificates will remain in our possession.

Husband cheated on me and my mother-in-law says its my fault

I am a 40-year-old mother of three boys. Twins aged 8 and 4 years old. I discovered my husband was having an affair a few weeks ago. I just found out because he passed me a disease. This is useful information.

So, in the last two weeks, I've only seen my husband once, when he questioned how he could be sure I hadn't given him the virus. I told him to leave, and he did so. He has abandoned me and our sons completely. This week has been difficult!

I went to a food bank and in hope I'll be able to feed my sons until my benefits arrive next Tuesday. I hope to god I have enough gas to keep the house warm till then. My only options are my sister (who was a train wreck) and my mother-in-law.

She has called him every day since I told him to leave. I'm guessing he'll stay with her, but I haven't asked. I initially assumed she was being encouraging, but I was mistaken. She's been threatening me to take him back, which I've been dismissing, but she outdid herself last night.

She told me that I was being selfish since guys have different needs than women, and that I should just let him come home. After all, he wasn't going out drinking every night!

I had gone insane. I questioned her where on earth drinking was worse than cheating and spreading the disease to your wife. I also questioned her what kind of dad fled when faced and didn't bother checking in on his children or ensuring they had adequate food or heat. She advised me to be a better wife. I warned her she should just go and die in a fire.

I pray to God that I am parenting my sons better than she did hers, and that I never become the type of mother who makes excuses and blames others for her son's shortcomings.

Creating a scene at my wedding rehearsal

On Saturday, one of my close friends will be getting married. Her rehearsal took place last night because the site was reserved for a separate wedding later. So we're all at the site, getting ready to practise, when the best man calls the groom and informs him that he's facing car issues. They still have around 30 minutes until the rehearsal begins, so the groom goes to fetch him up. His parents arrived while he was out.

I'd heard some rumours about this woman being a witch. But I generally kept my nose to the ground. I'm attempting to live my best life while avoiding negativity.

To be kind, the bride walks over to her MIL and says, all smiles, "Hi [first name]! Thank you very much for coming."

"I would like you call me Mrs. [last name]," the Groom's mother says.

"And I'd rather you weren't about to be my mother-in-law," the bride replies calmly, "but it looks like neither of us is getting what we want today."

Until the groom returned, the MIL whined about it to anyone who would listen. When he returned, she clung to him, complaining about how rude the bride had been. "Mom, I've told you before: she won't start fights, but she has my blessing to end them," Groom replied as he delicately pried her fingers off.

Is that a baby?

This happened a few years ago. My mother-in-law has a particularly severe case of baby rabies. She adores the infants. She wants all the babies, especially the girls, but any baby will do in a pinch.

So when she came over to see me, she nearly lost her mind when she saw me sitting on the couch, cradling a blanket-wrapped bundle (what little there was). She let out an exhilarating gasp and pounced, bending over my lap, lips pursed in anticipation of that delicious, sweet baby-cheek as she yanked the blanket aside.

Only to stumble backwards, creating the sound of someone choking a goat.

We don't have a baby, you see. MIL is aware of this, and has been told countless times that SO and I are childless - she simply refuses to believe it. We do, however, have pets. One of them enjoys playing. His favourite activity, other from eating, is what we call the Sloppy Burrito. He jumps into my lap, I wrap him in his favourite blanket, and he rolls around in it until he falls out from sensory overload (or rolls off my lap).

When MIL peeled back the blanket, she discovered an adorable chunky cat rather than an adorable chubby baby. Not even his gorgeous fat face.

MIL almost kissed the buttocks of my cat.

Telling my twins apart is easier for me than you

A month ago, I gave birth to twins. They are not identical, yet they appear to be. I'm the only one who can tell them apart right now because I'm with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

MIL is paying them a visit for the first time since their birth. She has been here for nearly a week. I'm putting up with her.

I was putting the twins in their swings today when MIL leans over and begins to study them as if they were Area 51 aliens. "This is Twin A," she continues, pointing to Twin B.

"No, that's Twin B," I say.

“Impossible, that’s Twin A. She’s got (insert random trait Twin B has that Twin A doesn’t).”

"You're thinking of Twin B, who you're staring at."

"You're mistaken, Twin B possesses (insert trait neither twin has because this woman has no idea what she's talking about)."

"I believe I know who my children are, MIL."

"I swear to you, this is Twin A."

Ok, MIL. If you insist. Then my child approaches, pointing to Twin A, and shouts their name. I assure her she is correct. MIL sighs and rolls her eyes.

This will be a fascinating topic over the next few decades.

Why didn't I inform her that it wasn't a baby? she insisted. What makes her assume it's a baby? SO responded. She assumed we were looking after my best friend's new kid. So, why didn't I intervene? Why was she trying to kiss a stranger's baby without first asking? Who just kisses random babies?

She merely muttered something about not being able to control herself and excused herself to the restroom.

My MIL is so controlling, she wants to change her will.

My mother-in-law wants us to have children, but we refuse. My husband eventually told her about his vasectomy, which silenced her for a while.

MIL informed us all yesterday that she had acquired a burial site for herself and FIL, that she had pre-planned a funeral, and that she wanted to begin working on their long-term medical requirements and power of authority documents. Everything is wonderful! Then she begins telling us about her estate. FIL attempts to divert the matter, but we have to discuss it as a family.

MIL then gets a smug smile on her face and goes on about how their estate would be divided, which effectively offers my husband absolutely nothing because we "don't have children, and the money is to support their family line."

Her expression when my spouse and I both nod in approval... It was invaluable. I'm very sure she expected us to fight back, cry and create a scene, or beg her for money.

She has money control over two of her children but not over us, which drives her insane. She wrote an email to my husband last night "apologising" for her decision and offering him a "way of communication" about it without including me. She was attempting to get him to beg her for money or change his decision.

So he emailed me and said, "Mom, we both want you to enjoy your money and have a happy and secure retirement." This is your money; do whatever you want with it, and we will never judge you for it."

Her other children are already squabbling over their skeletons, but not us. I'm making fun of decent manners.

Just another Secret Hitler

My mother-in-law is an expert manipulator and liar. When we were alone, she would say horrible things to me, and when I called her out on it, she'd twist my words or outright lie to the point where no one would ever believe me. That was so irritating for years that I only spent time with her because it was the only way I could see my wife's siblings, whom I adored.

My wife, MIL, FIL, and some of her siblings and other relatives were over there this weekend, and BIL brought over the game Secret Hitler. For those who are unfamiliar, it is a social deception game in which players are divided into two teams: Liberals and Fascists. Hitler is one of the fascists. Except for the fact that the fascists know each other, this knowledge is buried. So it's basically a game in which liberals strive to figure out who the fascists are while the fascists try to foment chaos and bring Hitler to power.

In this particular game, we were taking turns and debating about who was who until MIL began to turn the tables on me. I was a liberal in this game, therefore it was clear from the way she was playing that she was a fascist out to get me.

MIL eventually made an atypical mistake during one of her lies to the table and flubbed a minor detail a few rounds later. I seized the opportunity and was able to demonstrate to the entire table that she was a fascist. The table agreed, and I was able to eliminate a player using the game's "assassinate" concept.

So, in my triumphant moment, I stood up, pointed a finger gun at MIL, and screamed, "You are literally Hitler," and "eliminated" her. If Hitler dies, the liberals win the game. We won because MIL was Hitler. MIL sprang up, tossed her cards on the table, and walked up to her room, where she sulked for the remainder of the night after being exposed as a liar in front of her family.

So incredibly satisfying.

MIL secretly opens a credit card in sons name illegaly.

In September, my sister-in-law married. Everything was probably between $15,000 and $20,000. We were aware that my SIL and new husband had received major financial assistance for the wedding. This occurred after my mother-in-law informed us that they would not be paying for our wedding (3 years ago.

My SIL husband did inform my husband a few days later that my MIL had paid for practically the entire wedding. When my spouse told me this, I was taken aback but thought, oh well, that's life.

But then, yesterday, my spouse receives a letter from a collecting agency in the mail. It doesn't seem right because they claim he owing $8,000 on a credit card he's never seen before. When he called, the firm stated they'd cut him a deal and he'd only have to pay $5,000. He hung up since he suspected it was a fraud.

He then called the actual credit card company and discovered that the card was real, in his name, but had not been paid in several months. The address on the account was his parents' house 400 miles away, where he hadn't lived in at least 6 years.

He called his mother yesterday, and she denied any knowledge of it. When he replied he'd just have to report it as theft to the police, his mother's tone completely changed, urging him he shouldn't go to the police and should just take the $5,000 bargain. She said something to the effect of "there's a strong likelihood I opened the account and probably had a secret shopping habit." He informed her he was going to contact the cops.

At that time, she eventually admitted to using his credit card in January, "but solely to pay for the wedding." She wanted her daughter to have the wedding of her dreams, but she knew they couldn't afford it. My MIL couldn't afford it all, so they took out a credit card in my husband's name to make the dream wedding a reality. She then instructed my husband to just pay the amount so my BIL wouldn't be upset and not to contact the cops.

My spouse hung up the phone without saying anything and told me everything. He then contacted the police.

A gift comes with no strings attached.

I'm engaged and planning to marry my girlfriend (we're both ladies) next September. We want something simple, we have 11 guests, and we want to wear things we currently own. We have a mutual best friend who is assisting us with designing unique rings, and we want a brief ceremony where we just sign the certificate and then go out to our favourite restaurant.

My parents transferred $15,000 to me, and her parents did the same for her. We did not request this.

We both phoned our parents and told them we didn't need the money, but they said it was a "wedding gift," so we thanked them.

MIL inquired about our clothing, and we informed her that I would be wearing a dress and my fiancee would be wearing a suit. She's spent two weeks convincing her fiancee to wear a dress so she can appear "beautiful" during the wedding.

Meanwhile, my parents have been pestering both of us about our guest list. We stated modest and intimate from the beginning, but they've handed me expanded guest lists with cousins/uncles/aunts I've never met. When we tried to emphasise the "little and intimate" aspect, they dismissed us.

We had lunch with both sets of parents earlier. They said that there had been a misunderstanding and that the money from her parents was actually a "dress budget" for both of us, meant to be spent solely on gowns, whilst the money from my parents was for "the guest list," which was meant to cover venue and food for a larger guest list.

We both stepped away from the table to speak. We spoke about it and decided that the money wasn't worth it, so we opened our banking apps and sent the funds back. We then returned to the table, sat down, and told them what we'd done.

They said we were acting like children, and we stated we didn't want to be told what to do. My mother and future mother-in-law both burst into tears, and both fathers were irritated. They indicated the money was intended for us, and we responded we wouldn't accept anything from them with strings attached.

We stated that we had previously settled on all wedding details, including our clothing and guest list. We stated that it was final and that we would not be accepting recommendations, to which they responded that we were being unjust by not allowing them a say. We then thanked them for the meal, left without saying anything else.

Mother-in-law can’t take it anymore over granddaughter’s imaginary friend.

My five-year-old daughter has an imaginary lover. She calls him on her fake phone. She asked me to make popcorn for the two of them. I suppose it's young love.

She was raving over her beau at the in-laws yesterday, saying he is "berry sweet."

When I asked her about her lover, she said, "Well...black." he's He also has short green hair."

My mother-in-law appeared to have been slapped across the face. "What do you mean he's black?" she exclaimed.

"With short green hair!" my daughter said.

MIL got out about my daughter's fictional boyfriend's race. True story. I've been giggling about that ever since. MIL's head would burst if her hypothetical boyfriend was also an atheist and/or leftist.

Update: His name is Moa, and he like his pound cake cooked in butter and topped with whipped cream. Surprisingly, she seems to enjoy it. Soulmates.

My sister died, and my MIL cant be happier!

Since my husband and I married and want to start a family, we've been having difficulty conceiving. After seeing numerous physicians, we discovered that we both had fertility concerns and that having children together is quite unlikely.

My sister and her husband were killed in an automobile accident around six months ago. Their car crashed with a truck driving in the opposite lane, killing both of them instantaneously. They left behind three children for my husband and myself to raise. They are 11 years old, 7 years old, and 1 year old.

And my mother-in-law believes this is the best thing that could have occurred to me and my husband. When she found out that the children would be living with us, she exclaimed, "It's so amazing, it's so great!" It's amazing how life always seems to fix everything!"

Excuse me, MIL, what's the big deal? That three tiny children have lost both parents? As though my sister had died so that I may have her children. My MIL's enthusiasm for the scenario makes my blood boil.

"You couldn't have children, and then God gave you some!" she said. You should be happy as well! That is outstanding! You may now raise them; having a house full of children is the nicest thing that can happen to a person."

I'd rather be childless my entire life and have my nephews and niece live with their biological parents than have children in this manner since their parents died.

Then she said something that almost made me hit her across the face. "You should also tell them to call you'mom.'" You're their mother now, and they need to realise that. Particularly the youngest."

It's as though she doesn't care about the children's sentiments and believes it doesn't matter who they live with. I'm sure they'd rather live with their parents than with us hundreds of times. They are still in grief. Show some courtesy!

My husband is also upset with her. Perhaps she believes she will soon have grandchildren. No, it does not. First and foremost, because she is no one to them, and secondly, because her priorities are all jumbled.

Mother-in-law almost kills because apparently “allergies don’t exist”

My three-year-old daughter is allergic to various foods. The worst foods include peanuts and eggs. She is also unable to consume dairy or bananas.

My mother-in-law is completely infatuated with my daughter. I try to be understanding because this is our only child and MIL's only grandchild. I've urged them to get together. But I've never actually left them alone. I'm not sure why, but something didn't feel right. She offered to babysit but declined when we said no.

My MIL has always questioned my daughter's allergies. She's claimed that her princess of a grandchild couldn't possibly be ill. She's never "tried" it to see if it's true... until today.

My mother-in-law came over to play dress-up with my kid. I had a terrible headache, so I asked her to keep my daughter for an hour so I could rest. She concurred. MIL screams that there's something wrong with the baby 20 minutes later, and I wake up. I dash into my daughter's room, where she is gasping for air and her lips are turning blue. I yell at my mother-in-law to call 911 and use an Epipen on my daughter.

My daughter could take a deep breath, and I noticed she smelled like a banana. The paramedics arrive (we live about a mile from a fire station), start an IV, and give our daughter breathing medication. I inform one of the paramedics that my mother-in-law fed my daughter something. He discovered a piece of a biscuit on the floor. He confronts MIL, who admits she gave my daughter a peanut butter banana cookie and had no idea it would harm her.

I call my spouse and take my daughter to the hospital. He met us there after they admitted her for observation. MIL called him, wailing about how she was just trying to prove to us that there was nothing wrong with our daughter. We're just overly paranoid and have strange ideas about her health.

She told my husband she'd been manufacturing allergen-laced cookies for over a year. She bakes a large quantity and freezes it. She keeps one in her purse every time she sees her daughter, just in case she can slip it to her.

This is beyond my comprehension. Daughter is wondering when MIL will come to see her. She wishes to show gramma her lovely bracelet.

I'm absolutely devastated right now. I had no idea MIL would do something like this. But don't worry: we're going to file a police report.

My husband is a hero

This week, my mother-in-law is visiting to look at retirement communities near us. She arrived in the afternoon and we met her at the airport. Her first inquiry when greeted by her son, daughter-in-law, and only grandchild?

"How come you didn't hire a sitter?"

We tell her there was no need because we thought she'd like to meet Daughter (and Daughter has never been with anyone other than her parents or close family friends, so why would we hire a sitter?). MIL says we're "spoiling that girl" and that "this is how she'll turn out like (Me)."

I make a blink. "I'm hoping so. "I'm her mom." MIL makes a noise and then turns to face me.

She was aware that I was expecting. We informed her. But I don't think she fully understood until she saw me. I am a petite lady. I simply am. And Husband is a large guy who has big children. As a result, it is self-evident. MIL requires additional vaccination. "Well, she won't be spoiled with that one." "Do you not believe in birth control?"

I'm at a loss for words. I turn to face Husband. This is the type of circumstance we've talked about. In depth. But he's already on top of it. He has a piece of paper in his hand and is scribbling down an address. This is her hotel. He hands it to her and sets her luggage down. She looks at him as if she's insane. Asks what he's up to.

"That's the address of the hotel." For the taxi."

She claims she felt we were going to take her (we were going to get a cab with her, do the dinner obligation, and then I was going to avoid her as much as possible for the week- which with how she is and the plans, would be easy). "You made it apparent you didn't want to be with (Me) your grandchild," the husband responds. You will not be disrespectful to or about my wife. "You will not be disrespectful to me about my children."

She looks at him with her mouth open. "I'm going home with my family," he continues. Near the hotel, there is an excellent restaurant at (cross streets). Get some food. We'll see you tomorrow to look at the locations. Have a nice night."

She doesn't have time to respond. He wraps his arm around me and helps me and the stroller out.

This man is fantastic.

Thaksgiving ruining MIL

My husband and I decided to go over to his parents' place early tonight to assist dinner. That is, my MIL and I are washing and drying produce, cutting things up, and generally doing all of the prep so that when we do the cooking later, it is more efficient.

I apparently chopped the potatoes incorrectly, and she urged me to leave her [bleeping] house if I didn't know how to help.

My hubby is with me. I'd already bought a bunch of food on sale because she never allows us to take leftovers, so we're going home and I'll just create a whole Thanksgiving on my own and have leftovers for weeeeeeks.

She's a jerk.

Mother-in-law doesn’t want me to have a baby girl

My mother-in-law has gone even further off the tracks since I became pregnant.

MIL's newest preoccupation, after behaving terribly to everyone and blaming my "female pregnant hormones" when I respectfully stood up to her over the holiday, is making sure we don't find out the gender of our unborn baby. Since if we don't, we'll "ruin everything," because "the first child, especially, has to be a surprise."

Nonetheless, it's "surely a boy" because "this family's genes make boys" (except for my husband's sister and my two nieces...). But, in essence, she has been berating us every time we speak with her to ensure that we do not learn the gender of our kid before it is born.

She also notified everyone of her extended family and acquaintances that I was pregnant between 8 and 10 weeks, despite my pleadings to keep it just between immediate family. She sent me a list of the top ten baby names from the local newspaper yesterday to make sure we don't consider any of them.

Spoiler alert: science says we CAN determine the baby's gender, and despite DH's alleged "boy genes," we're expecting a healthy little girl! Guess who isn't privy to this information?!

MIL just decided to cancel my doctor’s appointment

So I had my annual gynaecologist appointment set. I prefer a male gynaecologist since I am not comfortable having another female examine my private areas. He's a fantastic doctor, and my traditional MIL doesn't get it. All she worries about is that he's a man who must be a pervert to pick such a vocation.

She attempted to elevate me with her female gynaecologist. I was unequivocal: no way. I understand that most ladies prefer female gynaecologists, but that is not the case with me.

When I arrived at the clinic this morning, I discovered that I was not booked. I was taken aback and began questioning the desk clerk, assuring them that I had contacted and planned my appointment months before. They informed me that I had cancelled my appointment the day before.

What? I thought. Why would I cancel my annual visit with a gynaecologist? My doctor has a lot of patients, so I called and planned my appointment in August, and now I can't see him and will have to wait another 2-3 months because I'm not scheduled.

It turned out that it was my mother-in-law who called, pretending to be me, and cancelled my appointment. When I approached her, she exclaimed, "See how clever I am! You have no right to go to that vulgar, nasty dude. We, as women, need to see female doctors unless we're shameless [expletives] whose primary reason for going isn't medical."

Thank you, MIL; you've done me a "wonderful" favour. I had some significant issues I needed to discuss with my doctor. I'll try to call him, as I have his personal phone number, and see if he can find time for me. If not, I'll have to wait until at least December.

My daughter is vegetarian, so my MIL made her cry

Is it excessive of me to refuse to let my MIL to feed my children after this?

My 9-year-old daughter became a vegetarian approximately 8 months ago and, for her age, takes it very seriously. For some strange reason, my MIL is enraged about it and despises the fact that my husband and I tolerate it.

We had dinner with my husband's parents on Friday night, and she prepared spaghetti. The rest of us got meat sauce, but when she handed my daughter her bowl, she remarked kindly, "and a special veggie sauce just for you." Halfway through her dish, daughter became concerned and questioned MIL if there was no meat in the sauce. MIL maintained that there were none.

I examined her dish and saw that there was steak in her sauce. My daughter instantly started crying.

While my husband approached his mother, I took her into the living room to calm her down. She initially claimed it was an accident, but once he proved he didn't believe her for a second, she revealed it was deliberate. She claimed she believed that by reminding her of how good meat was, she would "give up that vegetarian bullshit." People will believe she has something WRONG with her."

At that point, I insisted on our departure. I was considering throwing the spagetti in the bitch's face, but I knew it would traumatise the kids. We obviously stated to daughter in the car that there was nothing wrong with her and that grandma was completely wrong. But she seemed to have arrived at that conclusion on her own.

Woman gave birth and got slapped

So, around a year ago, my wife and I discovered she was expecting twins. We were all very excited, as were our parents.

The pregnancy wasn't easy; my wife experienced such severe morning sickness that we weren't sure she'd be able to carry the baby to term. She's a trooper, though, and she made it through. She gave birth to a healthy boy and girl after 20 hours of labour and an emergency C section.

Until this time, my mother had been completely supportive of the pregnancy and was looking forward to the arrival of her second and third grandchildren. Her demeanour, however, completely altered when she saw our babies.

To put things in perspective, I am a light-skinned black man, and my wife is a very fair white woman. When our children were delivered, they did not appear black (but rather... pink? like the majority of newborns?). My mother concluded that these could not be my children and that my wife had cheated on me. She approached my wife, who was feeding our child, and slapped her across the face in front of me, my in-laws, my father, and a nurse.

Everything became chaotic. Security arrived and emptied the room so that CPS and police could conduct an investigation. That meant that my wife, who had endured a traumatic pregnancy and birth, would be left alone just hours later without me or her parents until an investigation could be performed. It was quite upsetting for her and continues to effect her to this day.

My mother hasn't been permitted to see my children since then, but she still calls and leaves messages that alternate between apologising and yelling obscenities. My in-laws have come over several times to help with the babies and have told my mother several times to screw off. My wife does not want to see her again, and neither do I.

Making MIL spend her money on things she doesn’t need

There is a board that is hung on our wall by my spouse and me. It's a list of everything we want and need, the cost, how much we saved for it, and when we should be able to have it. It features a new fridge, dishwasher, and a beautiful knife set.

My father and his wife pay us semi-regular visits. Stepmom always looks at my board, comments on it, and expresses her grief that we can't afford the items. Within a week or so, she will purchase one of the items on my board — for herself. What bothers me more than her purchasing these items is her rubbing it in my face. It's extremely irritating and childish.

Anyway. I was browsing the Christmas section of a small retailer shortly after Thanksgiving. I was looking for board ideas when I came upon a massive, unattractive, and extremely expensive outdoor Christmas decorations package. This sparked an idea in me. It was clearly not stepmom's style. But why not give it a shot?

When I returned home, I moved the set to the top of my priority list. I was hoping that this trap would entice stepmom.

My father and stepmother came to visit a few days later. She examines my board and inquires about the set. I go on and on about it, touting it as the method to make my Christmas wishes come true. I applied it liberally.

On Monday, at the request of my stepmother, we will pay a visit to my father. She, indeed, purchased and installed the full set. It's tacky and outlandish. It irritates me. It's absolutely amusing. She immediately begins to explain why she "fell in love with it" and how she "had to have it." She continues her gushing by informing me that I have excellent taste.

"Oh, I don't like the set at all." I just scribbled it on the board and stated I wanted to mess with [husband]. He despises over-the-top stuff like this. But I'm glad you enjoy it."

Her smile would have gone right off her face if she had fallen any harder. She remained silent for the remainder of her visit. She developed a headache and went to bed early, which was convenient.

She now refuses to communicate with me, not even through texts or phone conversations. The most wonderful Christmas ever.

Making it look like I’m cheating

I'm bisexual, and I'm madly in love with my guy fiance. My MIL, who has known about the bi issue since before we met, is convinced I'll cheat on him with a woman, despite the fact that we've been together for three years and I haven't even looked at another person during that time.

I met his cousin, a straight woman with a partner, about a month ago, and you know how you meet someone and instantly know you'll be friends? That was the case.

We've seen each other twice since our first meeting, once with fiance present and once when we went shopping and drank coffee without him. She photographed the two of us sitting on opposite sides of a Starbucks table, uploaded it on the book of faces, and tagged me.

My fiance then shows me a message from his mum tonight. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you have a right to know." [My name] has been unfaithful to you and has betrayed you in the worst way possible. I'm available if you need me." Then she gave me a picture of me and my cousin.

She attempted to convince my fiance that I was cheating on him with his straight, devoted female cousin. He responded with three crying laughing emojis and the fact that the woman was his cousin.

Instead of gracefully walking out with what little dignity she had left, she doubled down, stating, "I didn't want to have to do this but here," and then sending him a photo of me with an older blonde woman she had never met. This lady was... drum roll please... my half-sister.

My fiance thinks this is the funniest thing ever, and I must agree. It's not the first time she's done anything like this, but it's surely the most amusing. Fiance claims the jury is still out on whether he will invite her to the wedding because, as previously said, this isn't the first time she's done anything like this. ​

Grabbing a random pregnant woman

I'm pregnant and in Starbucks (I get a small coffee twice a week) when a woman touches me on the shoulder. Understand that because I'm originally from the South, I can be a touch too friendly.

So I turn and am met with "OH MY GOD, HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?" extremely loudly This lady is probably in her fifties.

Me: Um… Around 30 weeks...

Strange Lady (WL): You're SO LARGE hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Are you certain it isn't twins? My daughter-in-law is also expecting, which is hilarious! She's much bigger than you, hahahaha. But she eats poorly, so I believe she is overweight as well LOL! I'm sure if I lived closer to them, I could get her to eat better. ISN'T IT THE BEST TO BE PREGNANT?

Ha ha, I said, strainedly smiling. Pregnancy is a lot of fun. Ha.

When WL reaches out and touches my stomach, I instinctively smack her hand down. This is my second child. The first time someone touched me, I couldn't stand it.


Please do not touch me. I'm not familiar with you.

WL summons the supervisor and reports that I hit her.

Supervisor: I noticed. You touched her without her consent. Your hand was smacked by her.


I'm just standing there, starting to feel nauseous because my anxiousness is out of control. I can tell because my eyes are starting to water and I'm getting hot that I'm blushing.

To cut a long story short, the supervisor orders her to leave, and I receive coffee and a free cake pop because they could tell I was about to cry. But there's Jesus. Do not touch. People. That lady's daughter-in-law.

My sweet grandbaby

So, last night, my husband was talking to his mother about our soon-to-be-born child because he was so enthusiastic over an ultrasound picture I showed him. The youngster is clearly flipping the bird in the photo. He informs her about it, and her response is something along the lines of "she's going to be a trouble maker like you already."

We do not yet know the gender. But she is adamant that I am having a girl. She's a mush with limbs, but she's bent on a girl. Whatever. So he starts talking about how as the kid grows older, he wants it to learn how to drive since that's what he does. Guys. My mother-in-law went insane.

"I'm not going to have MY granddaughter be a little butch!" She'll be wearing pink, bows, and gowns! None of that sloppy mechanic work will do. "She's going to be GIRLY!" Uh no. NO.

"Okay, point one: it's my kid, and my mom didn't raise me 'girly,' so I'm not putting that on my kid if it's a girl," I remarked. And two, my grandfather taught my mother how to maintain her car so she wouldn't have to rely on others. That's what we're going to do for our child, boy or girl. Also, if it's a girl, I'm not going to raise some pink prissy girly-girl."

She obviously wasn't hearing anything because she says, "Listen here, miss preggo, MY grandbaby..."

My husband interrupted her. This is where you'll fall in love with him. "Ma," he says to her. Please pause for a moment. Is this your child?" "No, but..." says MIL. “No. That's correct. It isn't. It is our child. We're going to raise our child the way we want. Not in the way you want it."

I adore him.

MIL wants to name my baby

I'm now expecting. My mother-in-law just got off the phone with my fiance. My mother-in-law was attempting to persuade my partner to name our child Elizabeth after her mother. Which I despise, as does he.

He let her down softly because he believes that the more firm you are with her, the more hostile she becomes. I've only met them a few times because they reside out of state. So she called again, but I'm 22 weeks pregnant and not in the mood to BS people.

"You know how much it would mean to me if you named my grandchild Elizabeth," she added.

"Didn't he just tell you no?" I asked. Isn't that exactly what he said? (She tried to interrupt, but I cut her off) Did you think that calling me with your sickly sweet voice would make me cave? Because I can promise you that everything you're doing is tapping on my last nerve."

"Well, I feel I should have some input in the name of my grandchild!" she explained.

Side-Note This woman has intimidated her other daughters-in-law into naming their children after names she has chosen.

"Your feelings are unimportant; you are not the parent," I said.

"I'm the grandmother!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, the parent of one of the parents," I replied. 'Grand,' once removed, understand your role. You may visit, coo over, and spend time with our child as we, her parents, consider appropriate. But please don't assume it's your job to raise our daughter; it isn't. So, no, you have no say in what we name her. It's just between me and her father."

"Is there anything else you want to say?" I asked. That's a no, and I'll just say goodnight. I then hung up the phone.

I apologise for being rude, but with everything I'm going through, I just don't have the patience. I'm fine; I said what I meant, and I honestly meant it.

Ruining my wedding dress

My future mother-in-law is furious because my fiance and I are having a vacation wedding. She is continuously complaining about the cost of her airfare, the magnitude of the wedding, the guests who will be unable to attend... you get the picture. I try to restrict her involvement in my wedding preparations, but she complains about being left out.

She arrived yesterday. She was whining (as usual) and telling me I was growing fat. I need to cut back on calories so that I can "fit into my dress."

This beautiful talk was cut short when my boyfriend asked me to assist him in putting together a bed in the spare guest room, so I left Future MIL to her own devices. I went into the master bedroom to take a toilet break about 40 minutes into assembly... and what do I find but future MIL struggling to yank my dress over her head. BUT IT WAS DAMNED STUCK. "Wtf?" I exclaimed, and she immediately began stammering, "Oh my God! Oh my goodness! OH GOD!"

My main concern at the time was her shredding the sheer backing of my dress, so I ran over to assist her. It was all for nought because she managed to scrape her way through the back of the dress, destroying the sheer material. She ripped the dress's side zipper and left a muddy footprint on the train.

As soon as I got her out of the dress (and I note with disgust that she was wearing no panties), I asked her what in the world she was thinking. She said that she was merely checking to see whether the dress would fit me, because if it fit her, it would definitely fit me. If it didn't fit her, I knew I had some work to do.

What transpired has deeply troubled my future fiance. There was also a bunch of dried flowers on the bed that had not previously been there. I believe she was attempting to behave as the bride... which is completely inappropriate for a variety of reasons.

She hasn't volunteered to pay for any of the dress's repairs. I won't know how much it will cost until I get to the seamstress tomorrow. Meanwhile, instead of an apology, she's lecturing me on spending so much money on a wedding gown, and how the difficulty she had getting into it was clearly a warning that I should choose something less dramatic and expensive.

It's everything I can do not to tell her to pound sand.

MIL stole my chemo

For the second time in my life, I'm battling cancer. I was 14 when I was initially diagnosed, and I fought it and triumphed. I had been living a pleasant and serene existence until lately, when surprise! I'm 30 years old and I've been diagnosed with cancer again. Fortunately, it is treatable, but we must act quickly.

I had surgery and am currently through chemotherapy. The physicians settled on oral chemotherapy that I could administer at home. I try to help as much as I can, but my wife has been wonderful; she doesn't mind that I don't help around the house as much as I used to.

MIL paid us a visit the other day (she knows about my diagnosis). My wife was doing things around the home as I was reading on the couch. MIL approached me and said, "Look at that! You're lying on that couch like you're on the beach! Aren't you embarrassed to be a grown man lying down in the middle of the day while your poor wife works as a slave?"

"I just had chemo, I have a headache, I'm queasy, and I don't feel good," I explained.

"You can't cure yourself with those chemicals!" she exclaimed. "Only natural products!"

My chemo was scheduled for the following day. However, when I entered the bathroom and unlocked the cupboard, there was no sign of my chemo bottles. I asked my wife if she had moved them, and she responded no. My wife then remembered that MIL had asked to use the restroom shortly before leaving the day before. Given her comments about the toxicity of chemo, she may easily have taken the bottles with her.

My wife transformed into a dragon. She was literally spitting fire as she dressed and stormed out the door to MIL's house; I'd never seen her so enraged. She returned about a half-hour later and told me she had demanded my medication from MIL, and MIL admitted she had taken my chemo and thrown it away.

Obviously, it's gone; we can't search through every garbage can in the city, but the fact that she did it astounded me. My wife and MIL had see how frail he's become?" she said. It's the medicines, not the cancer, that's killing him! I got rid of them, I saved your husband, and you're thanking me by insulting me? "You should go get him some herbal teas!"

I told my oncologist everything, and he prescribed me more medication. We now keep them behind locked doors.

She wont take them in even if the house burns down

The last few months have been challenging. We lost the house in a freak accident near the end of last year. Almost everything we owned was destroyed. It's just been a very stressful moment for my four-person family.

We were on our way to a school concert when we got the call from a neighbour, and when we returned, the house was on fire. The fire crew did everything they could to preserve what they could, but the damage was extensive. We ended up selling the house and moving because the repairs amounted to virtually reconstructing it.

My MiL has never liked me despite the fact that I have been married for ten years. I always assumed that even if she didn't like me, she'd come to my aid if I needed it since I was the mother of her two grandsons and the wife of her son, and I made them happy. I was mistaken.

We needed a temporary somewhere to remain the night after the accident, at least until we could get our breath and regain our bearings. My spouse recommended we spend the night with his mother. It was late and made the most sense to both of us. We took the car over to the residence. My boys were half-asleep in the backseat, and we left them in the car while we went to explain the situation to MiL.

She was initially sympathetic, saying she had no problem with my husband and sons staying, but that I would have to make alternative arrangements. My husband had had enough of her and began yelling that she was being unreasonable, but she refused to budge. In her words, I wasn't actual family, and she'd never blessed our marriage to begin with, so I wasn't her responsibility.

We drove away and spent the night in our car before finding a motel the next day. She continued phoning and encouraging us to stay again, and she graciously agreed to let me stay in the garage for a few days. Again, we declined her offer, and my husband informed her she was being very disrespectful. In reaction, my MiL became enraged and said that we were spitting on her charity. She then offered to keep the boys so they wouldn't have to stay in a motel while we reorganised our lives.

We declined her offer once more. We didn't hear from her for a few days until we discovered she had been gossiping about me to others. She claimed that my grudges were driving the family apart in this time of need. She'd opened her home to us in an instant, and I'd turned her down, forcing my husband and sons to live in a cheap motel because I didn't like her.

My spouse corrected the record, but MiL did not relent. She filed an official complaint with the fire brigade, alleging that I purposely caused the accident in order to ruin the property and force the current scenario. She claimed that I was greedy for money and had plans on her house, and that this was all part of my scheme to steal her house from beneath her.

I was taken in for questioning, which I understand given the gravity of the claims, but I was exonerated of all charges after the inquiry determined it was an accident.

The bright spot in all of this has been that this is the straw that broke the camel's back for my husband. After these instances, we decided we didn't want her in our lives longer, and we cut ties with her just before moving to our new place. She has been attempting to obtain our address from family members, but has had no success thus far. My husband made it clear that anyone else in the family who provided her our address or contact information would be cut off.

She doesn't deserve to be there while we're at our best if she can't support us when we're at our worst.

MIL wore a white dress on the wedding day!

This is a story about my friend's mother-in-law and her wedding. Guys, buckle up because I did THE THING that got me blacklisted from all of her family occasions.

A university friend of mine was getting married. They'd been together since their junior year of college, through her two years in the Peace Corps, and now her return to this continent. In all, 6 years. She had attended numerous family gatherings and always returned with a bizarre narrative about how she believes her MIL secretly despises her. But, being a calm and gentle person, she brushed those ideas aside.

Point 1: She is a vegetarian and a Jew, although her spouse is not. She was invited to Christmas dinner and went, figuring she'd just eat sides and bring a vegetarian casserole. MIL, despite knowing her for THREE YEARS and being reminded by husband a few weeks prior not to forget friend doesn't eat meat... continued to add meat in EVERY dish. Friend drank water and ate her dish the entire night, while MIL complained to everyone about how nasty her friend was for not eating her cuisine.

Anyway, let's get back to the story. A handful of my buddies and I were invited to the wedding. This was not going to be a modest occasion because my friend has a large family. Neither of them is especially religious, but a friend suggested that they marry under a hoopa. (Think arbour, but with four poles, a white cloth, and plenty of flowers.) Husband claimed he didn't care and urged her to rent one for the wedding.

MIL discovered the "beautiful canopy" was actually a hoopa while I was at the bridal shower. She nearly passed out in front of a crowd, but managed to keep her cool and laugh fiercely that "if the Jews were represented, so would the Catholics." Guys, I heard a record shriek in my brain... they're not Catholic.

So, after much arguing, yelling, sobbing, and threatening to withdraw money (which is ironic given she donated nothing), MIL lost. Nothing could shake the boot from its position. Yes, hoopa; no, catholic priest.

My buddy texted me the night before the wedding saying she is having second thoughts. I tell her that it's probably just nerves because she's getting married, which is a big deal! Oh, how I was wrong.

We all arrive, have our hair and makeup done. Slip into our bridesmaid dresses and wait for the bride to finish up her hair. She mentions that she hadn't seen MIL all day and that she had missed her hair and makeup appointment. We all side-eyed each other, sipped our drinks, and prayed the weird feeling would pass.

Guess who appears 30 minutes later as we assist the bride in putting on her gown. You win a cookie if you guessed MIL! She was flushed from coming up the stairs in full hair and makeup... and a white dress. Snow white, not ivory or cream. It was obviously a bridal gown. Floor-length satin gown with a charming heart beaded top, a train, and off white lace on the bottom. This has been a long con she has staged, and the dress was even fitted to her.

The bride burst into sobs, and aunts and friends escorted the bride's mother away. We tried to calm the bride, fixed up her cosmetics, and I promised her that the outfit would never be photographed. She nodded and looked me in the eyes. The game had begun.

The wedding party was only served white wine and champagne by the venue. But I grabbed my bag and dashed down to the reception area, where I was able to run down an attendant near the bar and bribe him with a cool $20 to give me a bottle of red early. I ripped the baby open, poured it into a Solo cup, and stalked outside. I went over to where everyone was getting ready to shoot photos after a few swigs from the bottle for bravery.

I obtained my friend's approval with one final hard stare. I took out my phone, held it in front of my face as if reading a text message, and walked right into MIL. I sprang back and gasped as I dumped the full cup of red wine down the front of her dress.

Her expression was homicidal. She screamed, yelled, threatened, and threatened to sue me. People had to restrain her because she wanted to fight me. She eventually stopped yelling and began sobbing, slumped to the ground, and threw a tantrum on the floor. Everyone moved back and just let her do her thing before walking away to take shots. It seemed weird, as if everyone had reached their breaking point and nodded out from around her. To our surprise, the 12-year-old flower girl pulled out her phone and took a few shots.

This is already getting long, but MIL went home and changed (just 20 minutes from the venue) into a gorgeous dark green too small and low cut dress. As a result, she missed all of the photos. The wedding was lovely, but I got death stares from everyone when she informed me I attacked her with champagne. What does it matter? I partied and danced with my buddies. Bride thanked me in private and took me to the spa three months later for a day of pampering. But I'm now "that wicked woman" to MIL, and I'm proud of it.