Hotel Fails That Are So Bad That They Are Funny

Hotels play an important part in our lives. We don’t have to look for acquaintances anymore or ask for favors from friends and families for arranging accommodation, if we decide to visit some place. Hotels will take care of everything, be it room, luxury, entertainment, leisure, food or anything that can be imagined. But sometimes, hotels implement half-baked ideas, not thought enough, which turn out to be so bad that they are hilarious. The people who stayed in these hotels definitely had a memorable experience.

Choosing TP Over Pride

This is a tricky situation and we hope that person noticed the distance between the toilet seat and toilet paper before he sat down to do his business. But what if he didn’t? One option is the slouchy walk of shame to grab that toilet paper roll. Second option is the towel underneath. He may have to wrap it in plastic and throw it in a dustbin far, far away from your hotel, where no hotel staff can dig it out and embarrass him!

The Invisible Exit

This part of the hotel may scare many people. It is a clear signal that you can’t leave the place at your own will, if you have entered here once! And there is not one, but two exit signs pointing towards an empty concrete corner. Well, some fanatics may think it is a portal to some other dimension, but it is just a silly mistake. It can prove to be really fatal if there is a fire situation and people are looking for a door to exit the building.

Imprisoned In A Glass Cage

This unfortunate guy got stuck in the shower at his hotel. His girlfriend called for help, and it took the repairman three hours to free him from the glass cell. Thankfully, he saved himself of some embarrassment by not forgetting to take a towel inside. Had the towel not been there, would the repairman still help him come out of the glass cage? Maybe he is thinking this too while the photograph was taken.

A Pool Of Grass And Dirt

Guests would have been looking forward to spending some time in the pool to enjoy chilled drinks for a nice sunny afternoon. But sadly the pool is full of grass and dirt, so no chance of diving or swimming. Looks like a well planned relaxing day got slapped by dirt and grass. How many stars should one rate this hotel? The answer is the number invented in India. You are right, ‘ZERO!’ Just for the disappointment caused by that stupid pool!

Salt-Pepper Shakers

A good restaurant will have salt and pepper shakers at every table. It is something so small but it is absolutely necessary for the convenience of the guests. But one hotel just made the ‘super convenient’ shakers a pain to use! The lobby manager must fire someone just for that! Or, he should fire himself for not training the rookie staff properly. This is absolutely wrong! But who knows, if the restaurant manager was trying to make some stupid statement. Guess we will never find out!

Embarrassing Accident Waiting To Happen

Some places are built without considering all the use cases. For example, in this hotel in Honolulu, bathroom door opens right into the balcony overlooking a lawn with a sitting area. And the bathroom is the sole way to go out in the balcony. Imagine, you need to get some fresh air immediately and someone is using the washroom. You either die of suffocation in the room or let go of your pride to barge into someone doing their business!

Hell-Sink Hotel

This may not look like much but it is a very bad design. Someone forgot to consider measurements before buying taps for the bathroom sinks! Just imagine washing your hands full of dirt on this sink. The whole area would turn into a dirty mess the housekeeping staff will hate you. Next time you check into such a hotel with this stupid bathroom sink, Google some sink hacks. Any guesses what was the name of this hotel? Helsinki! Suits them!

A See-Through Bathroom

As beautiful and neat as it might look like, but how many would be comfortable using this bathroom when they have company in the room? On second thought, it seems like specifically designed for the couples who can’t stand not laying their eyes on their partner even in their most private moments. But do such couples actually exist? Wonder who would have suggested this revolutionary design? Is this meant to bring couples together, or to embarrass them in front of each other?

The Bed-Sheet Hero Comes To Rescue

When you are paying for a nice hotel room, you except every lining and sheet in the hotel room would be mint-fresh. But there’s a good chance you could be sleeping in hotel rooms that reuse bedsheets without washing! This guest arrived in the nice hotel room, and found a note on the bed sheet from previous guest, saying, “If you’re reading this note, they didn’t change the sheets!” Now that better be a prank by the hotel itself!

A Murder Scene

Some designs are bad and some are out right nerve-chilling. For example, this curtain design looks like the designer was inspired by the movie ‘Saw’ or some similar kind of blood-shed movie. This man in the picture is pretending to have blood spurting out of his jugular by using the curtain design at a creepy angle. His wife must have had a mini heart attack just witnessing this.

DIY Breakfast

When one orders breakfast in bed, the expectation about quality and taste might be according to the budget of the hotel. But in this case, it looks like the hotel is not charging a single penny for room service. This looks like a fix-it-yourself breakfast. Imagine one ordered a mutton dish for dinner. We just hope they don’t bring in a living goat along with everything else and hand over an instruction manual for slaughter and cook-it-yourself recipe book!

The Blocked Room

This hotel room in San Francisco doesn’t appear to be normal. The entry door is blocked with a railing. But at a closer look, one would notice a hinge which actually enables reaching the door. But why normal access is not granted to this room? Well, hotels are full of mysteries. This might just be a case of a bad design too, but being a Hollywood buff, it definitely appeals as a secret penthouse or a cursed murder room.

Hot Shower Problem

After a tiring day, when one comes back to their hotel room, they need a hot shower and a nicely made bed. But guess this hotel is just giving an illusion of having hot water in the bathroom. How would a guest turn the knob to ‘hot’ water setting? Is this to save money spent on electricity to heat the water? Believe it or not, this hotel owner’s dad must have fixed it himself, saving money from both, plumber and electricity!

Lost In Translation

This seems like a simple mistranslation from this Chinese hotel. We understand the intent of the hotel behind this. They want to tell the people to be careful but they seem to have used Google translate and confused English travelers. But things might have been other way around too. Perhaps all the guests of this hotel love to slip carelessly and the hotel management felt bad about this. They now want their guests to slip carefully, and some grace while one falls would be cherry on top.

What Is ‘Tulation?’

Someone must have requested the hotel management to write this ‘Congratulations’ message on the bed using rose petals. Whatever the occasion, it would have been a sweet gesture, had it been done right. They managed to turn the towel into a pretty swan but they didn’t know how to spell ‘congratulations’. Or it is possible that the guest about to visit is actually named ‘Tulation’. The chances of that happening are one in a million but we aren’t saying it is not possible!

The Hilton Public Library

It is a common thought that everything put out there by the hotel is for us to use. Everything in the room is complimentary, so why can’t you pick one of these books and flip some pages while you sip on coffee? These books have been declared as a piece of decoration and we wonder why! Well, the reason for this sign to exist is because there was a string of people taking books home, like this is a public library! Books are expensive, man.

Color Contrasts Done Right

Imagine coming back to the hotel room after having a few drinks at a party. What otherwise seems like a bearable contrast fail, after few drinks at night, finding one’s room becomes a challenge. There will be two scenarios in this case. Either call someone from hotel staff for help and make a fool out of yourself, or sleep in the hallway if you choose not to disturb other guests by knocking at their doors and asking what room number they are in.

False Advertising

These days, everyone promotes their hotels online and they never hesitate to use trick photography and photoshop to make something appear as something it is not. It has become pretty easy to lie and get lied to on internet. One can be easily fooled into believing that this budget hotel offers a nice infinity pool. Who wouldn’t want that for their hotel stay without spending too much? But the real disappointment is when one finds out that this looks more like a jail tank than a swimming pool!

Beautiful And Personalized Message

Hotels love to make your stay as memorable and personal as possible. They may even go as far as leaving little notes, upgrading the suites and even sending champagne and flowers if there is a special occasion. But this hotel used a template for a painting with a message and forgot to write anything in it. Perhaps they are giving an opportunity to people to write their own text in the painting. Or they didn’t bother enough for customers who are shelling out big bucks to stay here!

Art Imitates Life

Hotels often struggle to keep up with trending art and design for their decor. Abstract art is one tricky thing because even though it is trendy, one needs a designer’s mind to know what to do with it. In this case, the hotel chose to put this abstract painting on the wall behind the toilet seat. But it looks like the inspiration came from inside the toilet seat only, when someone didn’t flush after doing a messy business. Perhaps it is a subtle message to patrons that their un-flushed business will be turned into a painting!

Such Irony

If a hotel wants to ignite some curiosity in its customers they can simply put this ashtray in the rooms. If you find this ‘No Smoking’ sign on an ashtray put in a room, even if you don’t smoke, you will still be intrigued. Having an ashtray in a hotel room is a sign that smoking is allowed. But when someone lights up a cigarette and finds this ashtray, will they put the ashes in it? The hotel should have asked them to bring their own ashtrays instead!

Transparency For Romance

Let’s clear one thing, this can’t be a couple’s room because there are twin beds. But even if a couple stays in this room, they won’t be jazzed about the transparency here! How can someone use the toilet when they know the other person is lying on their bed and looking at them? How would you like to wake up two feet away from a person doing their business on the toilet seat, while you can clearly see them struggle with their bowel movements early in the morning?

Curtains On A False Window

When you check the photos of this hotel room, these beautiful curtains may mislead you to believe that there would be a beautiful balcony or a big window behind them. But clearly, that is not the case. The purpose of installing curtains is still not clear, though the investigation is ongoing! What can one do but laugh it off when they know they have been duped by the hotel, making them believe that there is a giant window in the room. You can still draw the curtains and take pictures for Instagram!

A Complicated Sink Setup

Some hotels love to make their bathrooms lavish while others make them complicated to use. It takes you through a good amount of practice before you learn what each faucet or lever does! But this sink has gone to extra lengths to create confusion. There are three faucets on the sink. One might think that one is for hot and another is for cold. But what is the golden tap for? Does this secretly spill liquid gold? Let’s not even get started on the shower knobs and faucets randomly installed on the sink wall!

A Catch In The Sign

The person who posted this photo said that their kids were very disappointed that the pool was closed. Also, it did not help when they read what the notice actually said. If one reads the sign carefully, one would notice that instead of apologizing for the inconvenience caused by a closed pool, it says incontinence. We understand that it is a spelling error and they wanted to say inconvenience but who knows, they might have wanted to say that the pool won’t be continued anymore for use!

Another Failed Pool

This pool is as ‘not-a-pool’ just like any floor in the world which is not a pool. We understand that this sentence doesn’t make any sense, but nor did the pool! We just hope that because of the closed pool, the rooms of this hotel came at a discounted price but that still won’t sum up for the disappointment faced by many. Now, who would like to do a nose dive into the concrete filled pool?

Show-Off Cabinets

Sometimes, it is important to build things in symmetry. Sometimes just to make it look symmetric, one tends to overlook its purpose. This probably looks like an Air BnB and this looks like a cabinet space under the sink or the stove. When they did not have any storage shelf or box to cover, they decided to still cover it with a small door, even though it is completely useless. But somehow, it maintains an orderly symmetric design, and you may get disappointed to find there is nothing behind that cabinet.

What Kind Of World Is On This Map?

Yes, a wall map with world times is a great idea. It is a cool thing to see and it somehow says a lot about the type of guests that stay here. But how about an accurate world map at the first place? Whoever made this map has no idea of the dimensions or positions of countries and continents. It looks more like from a fiction movie where world looks like one shown in this map. This is either a very bad representation of Pangea, or someone has a wrong idea about how big China is.

All-In-One Hotel Room

This room seems to be designed specifically for those who have bathroom urgencies. Why waste time in wearing your slippers to walk into the bathroom and closing the door behind to do your business? This hotel brought the bathroom to the bedroom, literally! There is no chance that many would prefer this kind of arrangement since it looks more like a VIP jail cell. Is there any upgrade available for this room, like, toilet seat clubbed in the bed only, so that one doesn’t even has to get up?

Platinum Class Parking

This ticket is from 1996 and the cost of the parking ticket looks like the person either bought the entire parking lot, or parked a giant spaceship there. Whatever the case, it just doesn’t look right! It would take several years for the guest to pay for the space they parked their car into. We need to know for how long the vehicle was parked in that hotel spot. One could have easily left their old car right where it was parked, and buy a brand new luxury car if they have that kind of money!

Questioning The Legal Implications

This sign board was designed for people who can read as well as for those who can read Braille. Nice thought to start with, directing people to avoid using elevators. But, does it completely fulfill its purpose? One can’t help but notice, that the entire sign board is covered with transparent glass. How do they think, the people who can’t see would be able to read Braille without feeling it? We are not sure if this is legal. Not having the sign in Braille would have been a better move than this!

Cornered In The Gym

This poor guy, who loves to work out, saw the online pictures of the gym, advertised by the hotel he booked. His decision to book this hotel was influenced by the photos of the spacious gym, which turned out to be a sham! The gym looked bigger in the pictures because of the smartly placed mirrors. One can clearly figure out how much equipment would be available at this bathroom-sized gym and how frustrating it would it for a fitness freak!

Printed In Braille

This hotel had the room number written both in numerals and in Braille but got it printed on a piece of paper. How would a blind person know if there is any text in Braille? If the hotel is trying to save on cost on the room number plates, it is a blunder they are creating. A hotel must be equipped enough to serve anyone, even those who are differently abled. How can blind person be expected to know that there is a room number written in Braille, printed on a normal paper?

One Extra O For Coco

Would you fill your cereal bowl from a dispenser that reads ‘Coco Poops’? We are pretty sure nobody wants to taste that but even if they do, this is definitely not as per the hygiene code for hotels! Some typos are hilarious and some just make people repellant from trying whatever is inside the badly labeled dispenser, even though it may be really delicious. We hope they correct it before someone gets confused and reports it to the health inspector!

Out Of Coverage Area

Why would someone be so evil to install a toilet roll holder that far away from the point where it finds its use? Would you pick it up before hand and keep squeezing onto the roll like a stress ball while you do your business or would you put it on the wet floor of the bathroom for the mean time? If you don’t like any of these options then you’ll need to have really long arms to pick up the roll. Make a choice and make it quick!

Personal Lifts

Most of the elevators support a minimum of 4 to 6 people at least, and they start beeping if the weight limit exceeds. But this special one does not have a weight-limit warning. Is it even needed? This elevator seems to be designed for people who like their privacy. Not more than two people can use this at a time, that too, not comfortably. And if a claustrophobic person enters the lift, the hotel needs to make sure they are ready with an emergency ambulance service!

A Pile Of Shredded Suggestions

One person found this customer suggestion box in a hotel office and shared the picture online. While most businesses have some form of suggestion or feedback channel, a good old box is one of the top picks. But do hotels actually read through them? At least this hotel doesn’t because they have a paper shredder to take in suggestions! We guess the employees were tired of reading these notes and printed ‘customer suggestion box’ on a paper shredder to deal with it!

Sarcastic Sitting Area

Most hotels have a sitting area or a lounge where people can wait while they are being checked-in. But have you ever seen a more secret sitting area that no customer can actually reach? This hotel came up with the perfect place for a secret rendezvous for its special customers. Perhaps there is an invisible staircase that leads up to the chairs. Or perhaps this was just a huge design flaw that the hotel is trying to cover up. We’d like to believe the story about a magical ladder though!

The Hottest Hotel In Town

How many times does it happen that hotels send flyers claiming to the ‘hottest hotel in town’? More often than not it is false advertising to attract customers. But not this hotel because it is the hottest hotel, literally! The letters H-O-T were caught on fire in this hotel’s sign. It can’t get hotter than that, can it? We aren’t sure if they sent out such flyers but if they did, the customers weren’t disappointed. Plus if you look closer, the soot is making a heart!

A Coded Lift

Most hotels have elevators and we don’t think twice before using them. They are one of those things that we take for granted while staying at a hotel. But that would change if you stayed at this hotel in Dublin! Someone clicked a picture of a note inside the hotel’s lift and shared it on Reddit. It reads, “For the 2nd floor, please press the number 6. Sorry for the inconvenience”. Whoever was in-charge of the lift probably missed out on their math classes in school!

A Staircase To Nowhere

This person was staying at a hotel when they found these stairs leading up to…nowhere! We are glad they clicked a picture of it and left evidence for the rest of us to figure out this mystery. Were these stairs built for the customers to just take photos on? With social media influencers increasing in number by the minute, this could be a valid reason! On the other hand, the stairs may have been leading to a treasure and someone shut it with a wall. We’ll let you ponder now.

A Pointless Cinema Room

Not all hotels offer a cinema room for their customers but if some hotel has the facility, we automatically expect something grand. The ones staying at this hotel were also delighted when the staff mentioned a cinema room but the reality was hilarious! While the red chairs resemble a real movie theatre, the screen strips the room off its title. That is a normal sized TV screen! Perhaps they could have sold the lamps to make more space and money for a bigger screen. For now we’ll call for front row seats!

The Killer Stairs

We don’t need to make staircases anymore terrifying than they already are. But this hotel owner had a vision about the stairs, regardless of how many people it will send to the hospital! We love that they thought about carpeting the stairs because that will soften the blow if someone does fall. But what they forgot was that in this case, the carpet itself will cause people to fall. What is even going on with the stripped design? Can anyone figure out where one step ends and then next begins?

Window With A View

So many tourists struggle with booking a hotel room with a window. Many hotels charge extra for it and some people happily pay. But when this person went to Hanoi and asked to get a room with a window, he was not expecting this! He wasn’t lied to since there is a window, but there is a brick wall right outside of it! In the hotel’s defense, he never stated that he wanted a window with a view! Let’s hope he can at least open the window for some fresh air.

A Cart-Keeping Job

Anyone who has ever stayed at a hotel knows about the carts housekeeping staff wheels around when they are cleaning your room. Nobody gives it a second glance but this person did and even clicked a picture of it during their hotel stay. They weren’t fascinated by housekeeping! They realized that this hotel’s staff was actually using a shopping cart from Marshall’s to keep their cleaning supplies! Could they have borrowed the cart or stolen it? We guess we’ll never know!

Venting It In

Most hotels have some sort of ventilation in their showers since they are notorious for turning too humid too quickly. No hotel wants their customers to feel suffocating when they are trying to relax with a soothing shower. But not this hotel! A customer was wondering why the shower vent wasn’t working but then they realized the problem. There was no actual vent! The hotel had tried to fool the customers with this dummy vent over the tiled wall. Somebody thought vents were decorative instead of functional!

A Door With Two Jobs

This hotel was trying to be frugal with their furnishings and came up with the ultimate door design. Assuming this photo isn’t of a special (defected) room, they saved one door in every room! The design is simple yet genius. By having the closet adjacent to the bathroom and keeping the size consistent of the door frames, they got away by using only a simple door to close both the bathroom and the closet. Every great design has a flaw and with this door, one of the two will remain open!

Showcasing The Real Star

An open showcase in the wall with a light on the top to highlight anything put on the shelf is the perfect place to keep valuable décor. People use such showcases in their homes to generally highlight some antique piece or a special heirloom. But what would such a shelf do inside a bathroom? This hotel installed this awesome showcase in the bathroom to highlight the real star- toilet paper! Doesn’t it look like it has been blessed by the angels? Considering this thing will save you from an awkward situation, it really deserves the limelight!

A Temperature Checking Door

Wouldn’t it be great to have a door that tells you the outside temperature without your need to step out? It may sound like a technology we’ll see in 2050, one hotel in Minnesota has already achieved it and using it for the convenience of its customers! One person found the emergency exit of their hotel in Minnesota. We hope they were not in a need to use it because this door was extremely frozen! Perhaps a furious Elsa was standing in the street!

In Love With One Painting

Making the rooms look personal, classy and comfortable is a prime concern for hotels. So, most hotels hire a designer or decorator to do the interior of the rooms. But what happens when the hotel is trying to save this extra expense and the owner takes on this responsibility? All the rooms end up with the favorite paintings of the owners! In this case, the room had multiple of the same painting. Did the owner’s wife made this painting? That would explain why he HAD to put it everywhere!