His Worst Fears
Kenny Johnson wasn't fooled by the overwhelming and intense smell. Immediately, he understood what it meant. His worst fears had come to life. He stared at the man who had betrayed him, his blood boiling.

His heart raced as he made his way home. His wife had been lying to him for seven years, and he'd had enough.
A Surprise
Kenny thought it would be a nice surprise for his wife. She always said she wanted a car, just like their neighbors. He'd finally gotten her what she had always wanted.

It was supposed to be a special day. He did everything that morning for the woman he loved most. He had no idea that she had been deceiving him all along.
On A Mission
A wide smile spread across Kenny's face as he walked through his office. His colleagues admired him as he walked by. The man was on a mission, and he couldn't wait to get home and see the look on his wife's face.

Kenny was eager to share his little surprise with his wife that afternoon, and he couldn't wait to see her reaction.
He Couldn't Wait
The night before, he spoke with his neighbor, Tom, and together they figured it out. Kenny was supposed to fetch the vehicle from his neighbor at 2 p.m.

Every few minutes, Kenny diverted his gaze to the large wall clock in his office, excited about what was to come. He'd gotten his wife the perfect present for their eleventh anniversary.
He Planned It All Out
Suddenly, the time had come. Before leaving work earlier than usual, he waved to his colleagues. He had told them all about his plans for the evening. First, he would fetch the car he had bought from his neighbor.

Then he would surprise his wife with it when he got home, and then he would tell her to get into the car, and they would go to the theater.
According To Plan
“It’s the perfect plan,” Kenny said as he stepped into his Ford. It seemed as if the drive home would never end. He was so excited. He knew his wife would be overjoyed when she stepped out of their front door.

The neighbor was waiting for him in the driveway when he pulled up to his house. Everything was going according to plan.
The Smell
He quickly stepped out of the vehicle. “Tom, good to see you,” he said, extending his hand out to the man he considered a good friend. They went over the last few details before Tom handed over the keys.

With a smile on his face, Kenny took them and unlocked the door. When he opened it, the smell of betrayal hit him like a ton of bricks.
Kenny And Grace Johnson
The day Kenny Johnson met his wife, Grace, was the luckiest day of his life. They met through mutual friends at a bar in downtown Minneapolis, and for Kenny, it was love at first sight.

At first, she didn’t seem too keen on dating the slightly older man. She had only just finished her degree, and Kenny had been working for a few years. But eventually, he managed to persuade her to give him her number.
A Marvelous Time
Their first date was amazing. Kenny wanted to impress her and took her to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. They had a marvelous time drinking wine and telling stories about their childhoods.

Kenny already knew that Grace was perfect for him, but that night, he realized that he wanted to marry her someday.
The Perfect Life
Before they knew it, they were a whole year into their relationship. Life with Grace was everything Kenny had wished it would be. It was comfortable and warm, and there was no one else he would rather have by his side.

As the years passed, their relationship only grew stronger, and eventually, they got married and moved to the suburbs.
They Fit In
They fit right into their neighborhood. They soon became a part of a supportive community with some of the most amazing neighbors, but one man in particular stood out.

Tom McCree was loved by everyone in the neighborhood. He was a hardworking plumber, and everyone on his street relied on him whenever there was a plumbing issue. Kenny thought of him as a great friend.
Great Friends
Over the years, Kenny, Grace, Tom, and his wife, Marli, became great friends. They often threw dinner parties at each other’s homes or enjoyed barbecues in their backyards.

Kenny considered Tom a close friend, and he was glad that Grace got along with Marli. They got on so well that Grace would often go over to the McCree household while Kenny was at work. He never thought anything of it, until one fateful day.
A Special Morning
The day started well for Kenny. That morning, he awoke earlier than usual and prepared a pot of coffee for himself and Grace. Usually, he would leave her to sleep in while he got himself a coffee on the way to work.

But this was a special day. It had been eleven years since Kenny and Grace had tied the knot, and he wanted to go all out for their anniversary.
Perfect As Ever
That morning, they sat on their bed and enjoyed the coffee he had made. Grace looked beautiful as ever as she sat before him in her pajamas.

Her hair was wild with sleep, and her eyes were large and puffy. There was no trace of makeup on her pale skin. In Kenny’s eyes, it was perfect. He had no idea that this would be his last morning in her company.
A Busy Morning
Before he knew it, it was time to leave for work. He had a busy day of planning ahead. He had arranged a nice surprise for his wife. She had mentioned wanting a car just like Tom’s, and he was going to give her what she wanted.

That day was supposed to be special. Everything he did that morning, he did for the woman he had loved for over a decade. He had no idea what she had planned for her day.
A Man On A Mission
Kenny had a wide grin on his face as he walked through his office. His colleagues admired him as he walked past. He was a man on a mission, and he couldn’t wait for what was to come.

Kenny had a little surprise for his wife that afternoon, and he couldn’t wait to see her face when he gave it to her. Being a businessman, he had bought her many expensive gifts before, but none were ever quite this expensive. But the special day was not going to end as Kenny had planned. His wife was keeping something from him.
Kenny was so excited, however, he wasn’t aware of what was going on under his own roof. All he could think about was the surprise he had planned.

He knew that Grace would be very grateful for the gift, and he only wanted to make her happy. She meant so much to him. But what was Grace up to behind Kenny’s back?
A Message
He counted down the hours at work and couldn’t wait for the time when he was going to show his wife how much he loved her.

It was then that he received a very unexpected text message. It read: “Be careful. Don’t spend too much money on her. Things are not what they seem.” Kenny was confused.
Unknown Number
He didn’t recognize the number, but the message made him very worried. Who sent the text, and what did they mean? Was the person referring to him and his wife?

He knew he had nothing to worry about when it came to his Grace. Or did he? He tried to think of a reasonable explanation, but it didn’t make sense. What was going on?
Distant And Withdrawn
But as he thought about it, something came to mind. Grace had been very distant and withdrawn over the last weeks, but he didn’t think anything of it. That’s why he thought that she would appreciate his gift so much more.

He wasn’t very good at opening up about emotional stuff, but he wondered if there was indeed something that he had to worry about.
Consuming His Mind
It consumed his mind, and he found himself not being able to concentrate on work at all. Suddenly, his excitement had vanished and was replaced by worry. He couldn’t stop thinking about his wife and the strange text.

He racked his brain, trying to figure out who would have sent it, but no one came to mind. He had to do something, so he decided to call the number.
A Phone Call
His eyebrows were firmly tucked together as he placed the phone against his ear. It rang obnoxiously as his thoughts wandered.

What did they mean that things weren’t as they seemed? Who was this person, and what did they want from him? At first, Kenny thought it had to be some kind of prank. But he was very wrong. His entire world was about to come crumbling down around him.
No Answer
The phone rang for nearly a minute, but sadly, there was no answer. Kenny was stumped. He had so much planned for that night, but now, he felt like he’d made a mistake.

He thought back to that morning. Everything seemed so perfect. Grace was happy; she could barely wait for their plans for that night. Had he missed something? Suddenly, he questioned if everything was as perfect as it seemed. Little did he know that another text was on its way.
Losing His Mind
Kenny felt like he was losing his mind just sitting there. He tried to get back to his work, but it was useless. His mind was consumed by a simple text. The second his phone pinged again, he grabbed it from his desk.

“Check her emails,” The message read. Kenny raised a suspicious eyebrow. Whoever was sending him these texts knew that he had access to her email on his computer. But just then, he thought of something.
A Thought
His frown quickly turned into a grin. Now that the sender had given him that bit of information, he was certain that his wife was responsible for the strange texts.

He assumed she had arranged something special for their anniversary, and this was her unique way of surprising him. He wondered what he would find when he opened her emails. But Kenny was very, very wrong.
With eager fingers, he opened gmail on his computer and signed into her account. As the screen loaded, he couldn’t wait to see the results.

He dreamed of finding a receipt for a hotel room or tickets to the next football game, but it was all for nothing. As the results finally flashed across the screen, his eyebrows knitted together.
Nothing Unusual
Kenny didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. It was all newsletters from her favorite magazines and the occasional spa promotion code. Nothing seemed too unusual, but then, he spotted a familiar name in her most recent mail.

It appeared that Grace had a few emails from Tom, their neighbor. He couldn't resist, so he clicked on them.
Invading Her Privacy
At first, he couldn’t spot anything out of the ordinary. It was all fairly normal stuff. Being the standup guy that he was, Tom would send Grace emails after every dinner party, thanking her for her delicious meals and great company.

But as Kenny was reading through their emails, he noticed something rather unusual.
Missing Emails
Certain emails seemed to be missing. He noticed that there were gaps in their communications. It almost seemed like his wife had been deleting some of their emails. Kenny thought this was strange.

But he didn’t want to read too much into things. He knew Tom well. He knew how much he cared about his own wife. Besides, they were great friends. Tom would never do anything to hurt him, right?
It Wasn’t Right
Kenny didn’t feel right about going through his wife’s private emails with their neighbor. They weren’t the kind of couple to go through each other’s personal things; he knew that his wife would feel uncomfortable if she saw what he was up to.

He decided to close the emails with Tom and scanned his eyes over her emails one last time. Nothing seemed suspicious to him. If only he had kept looking.
Looking For An Explanation
He clicked on the bright red “x” in the top right corner of his screen and leaned back in his seat. He still had no reasonable explanation for the strange texts. He was back to wondering if his wife had really sent them.

With a huff, he decided to type a response to the mystery person. They were trying to ruin his special day, and he wouldn’t have it.
Mystery Texter
Kenny wondered if it was all just a prank that someone had set up. It was a big day, and Kenny felt like the mystery texter was trying to ruin it. He wouldn’t let them.

“Who is this? Please stop texting me. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” He responded to the texter. He waited for a response, but it never came.
Whoever it was seemed to get the message. Kenny rolled his eyes and slipped his phone back into his pocket. When he checked the time, he noticed how fast the time had passed.

He still couldn’t wait to get home, but now, an unfamiliar feeling of dread twisted in his stomach. He didn’t know what was going on, and it was getting to him. Why would someone target him and his wife like that?
Calling Grace
Kenny was stumped on the matter. He couldn’t figure out who had texted him, and he didn’t know what the messages meant.

He also felt a tinge of uneasiness. Was someone watching his wife? He decided to call Grace to hear what she was doing for the day. He just wanted to ensure that she was alright, but soon, he would regret the call.
She Answered
He deleted the strange messages from his phone before dialing her number. He hoped that once they had spoken, he would have some answers and that everything would be cleared up.

Kenny never liked being left out of the loop. Her phone rang for what felt like an eternity, but eventually, he heard her beautiful voice answer the phone.
Sounded Off
When she answered, Kenny noticed that she sounded off. She sounded like she wasn’t expecting his call, and it sounded like she was very busy with something.

“Hey, hun, what’s up?” She asked half-heartedly. Kenny could hear that she was in the middle of something. It sounded like she was walking around as she spoke to him.
Her Voice
Just hearing her soothing voice over the phone already made his day a bit brighter. The last hour had put him in a sour mood, but speaking to the love of his life was helping.

“Whatcha doing? I thought I’d just call you to see how you were doing today,” Kenny said. But he was greeted with a very lackluster-sounding wife.
Why Are You Calling?
“Oh, I’m not doing much, just here. Why are you calling? Are you checking up on me or something?” Grace asked. Kenny was taken aback by that question.

He didn’t expect it, and he wondered why she would say that to him, her own husband, and, on top of that, on their anniversary. At that point, Kenny started to wonder if she really was hiding something from him.
A Bad Day
Kenny’s day had taken a miserable turn, and he couldn’t stand it. He was suspicious and grumpy when this was supposed to be a good day. He took a deep breath and tried to get his jumbled emotions under control.

Was he reading too much into her tone? Maybe she was having a tough day, too. He just hoped that everything would be fine by that evening.
Someone In The Background
He decided to respond. “Well, it’s our anniversary, and I’m excited, aren’t you?” he asked. It was then he heard something strange in the background of the call.

“Gracie?” the voice said. He could hear Grace shushing the person in the background. As far as Kenny knew, Gracie didn’t mention that she had a guest over.
Is Someone There?
“Is someone there with you today, honey?” he asked. But there was just silence on the other end. Was Grace still on the line? Then, she finally spoke up.

“Um, yeah, it’s just Dave, the mailman. The door is open, and he’s calling me to come get the mail. I gotta go. See you later,” Grace said and hung up the phone.
No Reason To Doubt
The voice sounded familiar to him, but Kenny knew there was no reason to doubt his wife. But something just felt weird to him. In the end, he decided to just let it go.

It was almost time to leave work, and he couldn’t wait to get the car from Tom. In just under 30 minutes, he was going to see the smile on his wife’s face.
In Love
He had spoken to Tom the night before, and together, they figured it all out. Kenny was to clock out early and fetch the vehicle at 2 p.m. sharp. Grace had no idea that he would be coming home early.

For that entire morning, Kenny struggled to divert his gaze from the tiny clock on his desk. He was doing this for Grace. He knew that if she could, she would do the same for him. There was no doubt in his mind that she loved him as much as he loved her.
It Was Time
Before he knew it, 13:30 p.m. had rolled around. He greeted his colleagues as he stepped out of work. They all knew about his plans for the evening. First, he was going to fetch the car he had bought from his neighbor.

Then, he was going to surprise his wife with it when he got home, and then, he would tell her to get into the car, and they would go to her favorite place: the theater.
Heading Home
“It’s the perfect plan,” Kenny mumbled to himself as he got into his Ford. The drive home seemed to last a lifetime. He was just so excited. He couldn’t wait to see her face when she stepped out of their front door.

He couldn’t keep it in. When he pitched up at his neighbor’s house, he was glad to see him in the driveway, waiting.
His Friend
He pulled over and quickly stepped out of his vehicle, “Tom, good to see you,” he said, extending his hand to the man he called his friend. They went over the last few things before Tom handed over the keys.

“You give your wife a great, big kiss from me,” Tom said, knowing that Kenny had no way of knowing that he meant it literally.
“Thanks, man,” Kenny grinned. He was grateful for his friend’s help. It all happened just in time. Kenny wanted the car, and Tom had to sell it.

Kenny took the keys with a smile on his face and unlocked the door. His mind was clouded by his plans for that evening. He had no idea what he was about to walk into. He proceeded to open the door, and just then, the smell hit him.
Too Familiar
The smell was familiar, too familiar. He glanced into the car. The look of confusion was obvious on his face. Tom was staring at him, a knowing look on his face.

He slowly stepped into the car. It smelled just like his wife. He was beyond confused as he turned to face his neighbor. “I’ve always respected you, Kenny. Which is why I’ve decided to come clean,” he sighed, “Your wife is expecting me at your house in fifteen minutes.”
The Shocking Revelation
Kenny felt his heart sink as Tom's words echoed in his ears. The world around him seemed to blur as the weight of the revelation bore down on him. His mind raced, trying to process the implications of what he had just heard.

"Expecting you?" Kenny stammered, struggling to find his voice. "What are you talking about?"
Tom's expression turned grave, and he leaned in closer as if sharing a dark secret. "Your wife and I have been seeing each other, Kenny. "

Kenny's knees went weak, and he staggered backward, clutching the car door for support. He felt like the ground had been ripped out from beneath him. The man he had considered a friend, the man he had trusted, had betrayed him in the worst possible way.
A Painful Truth
Kenny's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions – shock, anger, and an overwhelming sense of betrayal. He had always believed in the strength of his marriage, never once doubting the love he and Grace shared. Now, it all seemed like a cruel illusion.

Tom's voice broke through the haze of Kenny's thoughts. "I never meant for it to get this far, Kenny. It just... happened."
I Thought We Were Friends
Kenny's anger flared, and he clenched his fists. "You betrayed me, Tom. You've torn my world apart. How could you do this to me? I thought we were friends?"

Tom hung his head, unable to meet Kenny's gaze. "I know, and I'm truly sorry. I just thought you deserved to know the truth before things go any further."
No Fool
The smell was overwhelming and intense, and Kenny Johnson was no fool. He knew what it meant. His worst fear had come to life. He glanced at the man who had betrayed him in the worst way possible.

His heart was in his throat as he opened his mouth, “How long has this been going on?” he asked in a shaky voice.
Seven Years
“Seven years, I believe,” he said honestly. It had been going on since they had moved to the neighborhood. Kenny’s heart shattered in his chest.

He started the engine and stared at the wheel. Was he supposed to thank the man for telling the truth? How could he face the woman who had been lying to him for seven years?
Everything Changed
He pulled out of the driveway, his mind clouded by confusion and regret. Just a few minutes ago, he was so happy. Everything was going so well. They were going to celebrate their love.

But now, it was all broken. The love of his life had been cheating on him. Within just a minute, he pulled into their driveway. How could he ever face her again?
Passenger Seat
With tears in his eyes, he watched the front door swing open. Grace had a wide grin on her face. With blackout windows, she had no way of knowing who was sitting in the passenger seat.

She rushed out into the driveway, excited to meet her secret lover with a kiss. Kenny’s heart was in pieces as he watched her from inside the car. She looked completely different now. The truth had changed his perspective.
A Shift
She walked up to the driver’s side of the car and grabbed ahold of the door handle. She was about to get the surprise of her life. She yanked the door open, and her expression shifted.

She went from grinning to looking like she had just seen a ghost. She was not expecting to see her husband in her lover’s car. “Hey honey, what are you doing in Tom’s car?” She tried to act casual.
He Knew The Truth
But from the look on Kenny’s face, she knew she was done for. It was obvious from the moisture in his eyes and the shaking of his hands that he knew the truth. Grace was a cheater, and her lover had told him the truth.

Right there, in the driveway, he told Grace the full story. He mentioned his plans for that evening and his meeting with Tom.
She was beside herself with anger. She couldn’t believe that her lover had told her husband the truth. But as Kenny walked into the house and started packing his bag, the tears began to fall.

Grace was a sobbing mess as she begged her husband not to leave. But it was over for him. This was the one thing he couldn’t forgive.
Hard Lessons
That night, Kenny left his wife. Tom tried to call him a few times, but he refused to answer. He stayed over at his sister’s place, and in the morning, he contacted a divorce lawyer. He was done with this life.

He never returned to that neighborhood. He never saw Tom again, and he only ever spoke to Grace to settle the divorce. Eventually, he learned to move on. It taught him some hard lessons, but by the end, he was okay.