Husky Returns From The Woods Only To Do Something Extraordinary

If there’s anyone who can uplift our mood when it’s been a rough day, it is our beloved pet at home. Instead of ranting on a call with a best friend, sitting next to your furry friend, caressing them, and not uttering a word might actually be extremely relieving. Their ability to understand the emotions is amazing and their presence can be therapeutic to a great extent. The animal instincts are unmatched and it’s unbelievable that they can sense good or bad from a distance while humans fail to recognize it from even up close. Their gestures are a way of communicating various happenings around and undoubtedly, they have sensed and conveyed the unimaginable to their owners and this ability of animals has always left the people awestruck! This woman’s experience was no different when she took her husky for a regular stroll in the woods. Her dog unusually drew her attention and when she found out the reason, she was dumbfounded.

A Furry Friend Forever

Whitney Braley was thrilled for a new friend setting foot in her life. She could not be more elated just by the thought of having a furry friend right by her side always. 

She did proper research about the various dog breeds and finally, chose a husky to bring home. Braley had many dreams for this canine and had planned all that she would teach the adorable dog. She knew that the husky would be active and will have a sharp mind to grasp the tricks during the training period. While the husky was just a new little friend for her, she had no idea that this canine was there to do something incredible!

Welcoming Little Banner

After much contemplation and research, Braley found her pet pup. The husky was just a tiny puppy when she brought her home. Braley had a cute name for her adorable sidekick – “Banner”. Banner and Braley shared a beautiful bond and it was an instant connection. They did not force anything at all. Banner showed love to her owner and they were best buddies already! Braley was glad that she brought Banner home as she knew that this amazing canine would fill a very important place in her life.

Her Knight In Shining Armor

Banner was a smart and loving dog who was quick while learning all that Whitney taught her. This canine was adopted for a special reason as Braley needed someone to help her with the disability. “She alerts to PTSD episodes, anxiety attacks, migraines, guidework, momentum pull, medication retrieval, self harm interruption and a few more,” Whitney explained. Banner has been trained to deal with any issue revolving around these problems that need immediate attention. She helps her tackle the critical condition and save her from further risks. This canine buddy was always there for Whitney whenever she had her low times and was trained brilliantly to cope with the hardest situations.

Savior For Many

After regular training by Whitney, Banner became a really helpful dog for all those who needed someone to bring them closer to light just when they start approaching darkness. Whitney had no trouble managing her health when she had her furry friend around. Banner’s training combined with her affection gave this woman an uplifting environment. Whitney was not the only when who was attended to by Banner with love. She even helped many others through distressing times by identifying an oncoming episode. She was a savior and everyone agreed. Banner’s sense of helping people and smelling the troubles would turn out to be life-changing for her and Whitney.

A Shared Loving Home

Whitney had her doors open for all the animals who needed love and care after being abandoned or lost. She was making sure that all the animals that come her way are treated and given all that they require to grow up in a healthy environment. When she welcomed Banner, she had a few doubts about her behavior with other rescue animals she had. But all those doubts vanished when she saw her husky being friendly with other animals. Banner was always ready to lend a helping hand to any of her new friends. She was never envious of them when Whitney gave her attention to another rescued animal. It was heartwarming to watch Banner being a “good boy”!

Mother To A Kitten

Since Whitney had always been an ardent animal lover, she was continuously saving the lives of many such beings. She rescued various pets and when she adopted Banner, she was on board with her owner to rescue more animals. They made a perfect team. Banner was very gentle towards all those animals and adored them as warmly as she could. Banner had spent quite a few months with Whitney when they brought a kitten home. It was Whitney’s first kitten that she would foster. She found it in a trench and she could never walk away from an animal in need. Moreover, it was a little one away from its mother. Banner made her way into this scene and showered the little kitty with motherly love as it needed quite a lot of TLC to feel comfortable. This husky has just started to steal your hearts!

Ambling For Fresh Air

This sublime team of Whitney and her pet husky was on a mission to spread happiness and on their way, they were always keeping an eye out for each other.    Banner was aware of Whitney’s health condition and so, she was always alert even when taking care of other rescue animals. Whitney was grateful for her and she left no stone unturned to keep her partner in crime happy and healthy. Since Banner belonged to a breed that is always full of energy and required regular physical exercise, Whitney would take her for a stroll in the woods. They would take long walks in that forest and came back home feeling rejuvenated.

Free In The Woods

Going for a walk in the forest with her best buddy was the most amazing part of Banner’s routine. Whitney posed no restriction on her adorable husky when they went for the stroll. Banner moved freely without a leash and her owner trusted her enough to let her go, breathe fresh air, and be on her own for a while. This husky was really smart and she had proved it time and again. She was no stranger to the fact that her owner needed her around for her well-being and so, she came back to her after wandering amid the greenery and checked on her always.

The Usual Routine

This walk became a part of their routine and they had been doing it since Banner was a little pup. She was now familiar with the route and the time for which they were out in the woods. Whitney headed over to that forest following the same road and after they reached the woods, she set Banner free. The husky would run and play around cheerfully for all that time. It was a refreshing thing to do for both of them and their day seemed incomplete without a walk in the woods. This was a usual but wonderful moment to live every day.

Something Strange

On this particular day, when the team was out in the woods for their daily walk, something felt different. Usually, Banner would come back to Whitney after tasting freedom and taking the air. She returned but Whitney could sense something weird when she came close to her. Whitney was acquainted with Banner’s every mood and way of behaving and this time, it wasn’t a normal one as she could tell. Banner never reacted this way after the walk, instead, she was always happy after her stroll. She was confused and was curious to know what was going on inside her pooch’s head that day.

Day To Be Stubborn

The changed behavior was visible and could not be ignored. It was puzzling as Banner had never behaved this way. She was a disciplined dog and respected her owner. However, nothing seemed like Banner that day and that situation was giving Whitney a hard time. She felt at sea as her husky wasn’t obeying her orders and was adamant about staying there despite the time. She wasn’t willing to move and Whitney tried every trick in the book to make her go home but all in vain. Why did Banner want to stay in the woods and was so stiff-necked about it?

What’s That Attitude?

Everyone has mood swings and there are days when one feels out of one’s element and it turns out to reflect through the attitude. It happens with humans and animals too! That day, Banner was like a little kid who does not want to leave the amusement park even after being on all the rides and having a fun-filled day. Whitney was clueless about her husky’s strange behavior and it was a matter of concern for her. She realized that Banner was not insisting on staying for fun as while acting stubborn and sticking at one place, she started pulling her dress and that was a sign for something else. Was it a warning for a symptom that’s arriving or was Banner trying to shift her attention towards something else?

No Upcoming Symptom

Nothing seemed usual anymore! Banner was not herself at that moment and Whitney was starting to worry as she had never seen her adorable pooch behave this way. She made sure that all her vitals are fine and then, she moved on to notice all that her husky was doing and what it could mean if she wasn’t warning her about any upcoming symptoms. Whitney took a deep breath and calmed herself down to understand the situation but she was unable to determine the reason for her changed behavior. What was she trying to tell her owner?

Decipher The Code Language

It was evident that Banner was worked up and demanded all the attention. Although Whitney understood every gesture and reaction of her pet, this particular one was new to her but she was now sure that it was something serious. The husky was communicating some incident to her but Whitney was finding it difficult to piece it all together. After some time of this weird behavior and tugging on her dress, Banner pulled her owner and started to take her somewhere. Whitney realized that she was taking her exactly in the direction from where she returned after being free for a while. There might be something amid those trees that was troubling her dog.

Back Into The Woods

Whitney had no choice but to follow Banner and see where she would take her. On this cold and dry day, the team was headed towards another round of their stroll but it was definitely unpredictable this time. With every step inside the forest, Banner acted normally and gave up on her firm attitude that she showed a few minutes ago. The mystery was growing for Whitney and she had many questions in the back of her mind that would be answered soon. Banner was peaceful and traced her way back to the place where it all began.

More Than Just Trees

The curiosity was piquing with every step ahead and Banner was calmer now as they were approaching her “mysterious” place. Whitney just wanted her and Banner to be safe and return home after looking at what Banner was so desperate to unveil. She trusted her canine but still needed reassurance that they were safe. She was attentive to the surroundings as they were heading deep inside the forest. However, apart from the huge trees and the sounds of the birds, she could not spot anything out of ordinary. But the truth was buried and needed an eye for detail to be revealed.

Concealed From The World

She was keeping a close look at Banner and also, had her focus on the surroundings to catch what was causing all this tension for her canine. Finally, she stumbled upon a familiar-looking object but she wasn’t very close to it to infer what it exactly was. Moreover, whatever that mysterious thing was, it was concealed and camouflaged in the wild. She walked near to that object and found that it was a box or something in the form of a box. Why was Banner so upset about that simple thing? She was constantly putting her paws towards it and checked if Whitney was noticing her doing that. This had taken a turn now as a box that looked so simple might be hiding away some secrets.

Mystery Of A Cardboard Box

Although the box looked just like any other cardboard package, it had created quite a lot of enigma. Whitney and Banner stood there near the box and observed it carefully. This clever canine had found a mysterious element in the woods and now that she was successful in bringing her owner there, she was waiting for her to open it. Whitney could not hear any sound or notice any movement from inside the box. She was scared to open it but the answers only lied inside it and so, she had no other option. She carefully opened the box and she was taken aback by the view!

Fur Everywhere

As soon as she opened that seal of the box, she was appalled and could not think for a moment. It was nothing close to what she expected and that’s when she realized the reason for the sudden change in Banner’s behavior after her lone short trip into the woods. She could see some clusters of fur inside it as she looked at it initially. She thought that it was a skunk that was captured in the box. Turns out, she was wrong but not entirely. There was an animal but just not those mammals with stinky sprays. On further inspection, she found that the box did not have just one animal, there were many furry creatures stuck in there.

Box Full Of Kittens

The rescue team was looking at a box with quite a few tiny kittens inside it. It was tough to watch those little ones confined in a sealed cardboard box without food or water. If it hadn’t been for Banner, she would have never discovered these kittens in dire need of help. “I don’t even know how Banner knew they were in there,” she shared. Since Whitney had been fostering animals for a long time and now, Banner was her partner too, there were no second thoughts about rescuing the kittens.

A Ruthless Act

Those tiny felines were shut in the box without a hint of mercy. Whoever came up with this idea of abandoning the kittens did not give another thought to the action and its consequences. “Someone must have just put them into a cardboard box, closed the lid tight and left them there to die. They probably thought that no one would ever discover them,” Whitney expressed. The kittens were so scared that they did not even move or make a sound when she opened the box. “The kittens were freezing and weren’t meowing or anything,” she added. “It makes me sick that anyone could do that to these tiny innocent animals. It’s so cruel and heartless.” It broke her heart to see them stuck in there with no way to escape. They deserved to survive and receive freedom from that confinement.

Uncaging Them

It was hard to believe that someone left one-day-old kittens in this state all alone. Whitney could not see their mother anywhere around and for baby kittens to be without a mom can be really traumatic. It is dangerous for their health and they might fall sick if not given proper care. Banner stood right there with Whitney and observed the kittens but after a few minutes of analyzing, Banner reflected motherly instincts and picked on of those little cats with her mouth delicately and caressed it. All that experience with the previous foster animals came in handy during this sensitive moment. This smart husky had been trained perfectly and her motherly nature made her the most adorable and loving pooch. She was prepared to save all of them and Whitney had a plan of action.

Giving Them A Home

There were seven kittens and Banner was on her way to save them all. With Whitney’s support, this husky became a mother to these baby kittens. “I think they were pretty close to death. They only looked around a day old,” Whitney revealed. “She is a true hero. If she didn’t find the kittens, they would have all died.” While someone got rid of these kittens, this rescue team considered them their own and took them home after a long day in the forest. They had a lot to do to ensure that the cats survive and have a healthy growth.

Cozy Home For Seven New Members

She had always known that Banner is a smart and caring canine. So, when she behaved weirdly in the forest, she could sense something fishy. “She raced into the woods and began circling this cardboard box. I had no idea what would be in there. But when I opened it up, Banner dived straight in and pulled out this tiny white kitten,” she recalled. That day, the team arrived home with seven more members. They had those little felines with them and Whitney looked for warm blankets and other things that can make the kittens feel less chilly. Whitney and Banner did not sleep unless they were sure that the cats are comfortable and cozy. “She won’t leave their side. You can see her watching them all the time and counting them to make sure they’re all still there,” Whitney spoke about Banner’s loving nature.

Out Of The Box And Thriving

The kittens were finally able to move and have a warm environment to grow. They survived and this incredible team deserves all the credit. Whitney can’t stop singing the praises for her partner in everything, Banner! “She lays down with them, cuddles with them and takes naps with them. She is like their adopted mum and she sees them as her babies,” Whitney shared. “She is a really maternal and loving dog. I've never met another dog like Banner.” The kittens needed a mother and Banner had all that it needed to be one. She gave them all the love. Meanwhile, Whitney found a female adult cat who was capable of feeding those seven kitties.

The Best Mom Award Goes To…

The kittens received every little thing they needed to thrive in a new environment along with loads of unconditional love from Whitney and Banner. The kittens were given the medical attention as this amazing fosterer was a true animal lover and was expert in all things related to them. Whitney was all set to take full care and responsibility of these little kittens for a few more months till they are grown up and ready for the outside world. Banner was the best mom and they made a beautiful family together. “The kittens are really lucky. If she didn't find them, there is no way they would have made it. It makes me feel sick to think someone just left them out to die like that.”

Hero Who Needs No Cape

Whitney wanted the world to be plugged into this incident as it was really special for her and Banner. Also, she believed that her one post about the abandoned kittens that they stumbled upon would give people an insight into the world where animals are not treated so well. She shared the whole story on Facebook and updated the people with the condition of those babies and how they are growing up. Her post reached a lot of people and they were proud of her and Banner for being a true rescue team. People were curious about this heroic act and the one behind all of it.

An Important Message

After Whitney posted the entire experience with the seven kittens on Facebook, it went viral and many news websites picked up the story and interviewed her about her canine. She took this golden opportunity to bring an important message to light about animals and the violence against them. She revealed that they are taking care of the kittens and that she is glad that Banner found that box in the woods. “But I'm so happy that now because of Banner, these kittens will go on to live their lives with loving families. It warms my heart,” she shared.

Social Media Fame

Banner has her own Facebook and Instagram accounts that are flooded with love from all around the world. She is hailed a hero after this incredible episode of saving seven baby kittens and being a mother to them. She has over 30,000 followers on her Instagram account and all her posts receive hundreds of likes with loving comments. Whitney shared her journey through pictures and gives people a sneak peek into their foster home for animals.

Looking For Loving Homes

All the seven rescued kittens are doing well and are healthy despite the traumatic experience they had in the forest. Whitney and her sidekick, Banner are the ones who deserve all the appreciation for keeping them safe and raising them in a compassionate environment. “Now I will find the kittens appropriate homes, that will love them forever. Our local shelter kills in three days, so it’s best if I do it myself. That’s the reason I always end up fostering babies. I don’t want them to die,” she revealed. The goodbyes are never easy but the team made sure that wherever the kittens go, they are treated in the best way and are showered with affection always.

Best Fosterers

The social media fame has only motivated them even more towards fostering animals and giving them the life they deserve. After their story went viral, they were titled as the best team of fosterers! They deserve it. Whitney brought in Banner to help her with her health issues but that canine was doing more than that. People were eager to know about service animals and how helpful they are in such health conditions. So, Whitney Braley took the task of spreading awareness and educating the ones suffering from such health issues about the miraculous powers of these service dogs. They travel around and guide the public about the importance of having one “Banner” around to deal with the symptoms and breathe in happiness!