“When your toddler can open the door themselves in the middle of the night congratulations, you live in a haunted house now.”
A Little Late To Realize…
Finally, someone tweeted this! This sums up life with kids and there is more truth to this than you can imagine. This is probably the most hilarious tweet about parenting that we have read in a while.
Now, this couple is all set to break the news to their little ones about not wanting to have children. They might be a few years late for this decision but who are we to complain about this! All we wish to know is the reaction of their kids.

The Shower Dilemma
While we are struggling to decide if we should take a shower or not this morning, there are parents around the world who are frustrated by their kids opposing the idea of a bath initially but then spending hours inside the washroom. Relatable, right?
Parents are not allowed to complain when they are sailing in the same boat as their children.

Baby For Lunch?
The fact is that kids won’t stop asking questions and the parents would never stop taking advantage of the situation and answer according to their convenience.
That’s exactly what happened here when the kid was curious about the pregnant belly of the woman in the storybook. The response of the parent to that little one’s query is brilliant.

Just Casual Instructions
Public restrooms are an entertaining place with all the screaming and such instructions being given to the kids by their mothers. For parents, this is very normal but for people like us who are far from parenthood at this stage find it weird (but hilarious!).
Siblings will fight and the washroom is a good opportunity for them to take all the pending acts of revenge. All we can suggest is to take them separately!

Always A Kid At Heart!
The one perk of having kids is that you get many occasions to bring out the kid hidden inside you. We can do anything crazy with the little ones without the fear of being judged. How fun does that sound!
Here is one dad sharing the “childish” moment he had with his five-year-old. Let’s give stickers to all the working appliances at our home that are fulfilling our demands.

The Lemon Love
Here’s a fact – Kids are unpredictable!
One day, your little one would cry out loud in the store for a toy that you don’t want to take home and the very next day, they would find happiness in a spoon that’s not really meant to play with.
We are sure that parents all around the world are able to relate this. It’s stuffed animal versus lemon now.

A “Cheesy” Tactic
What is the craziest thing you have done to get something you want? Okay, compare it with what this 9-year-old did to fulfill her cheese craving when at school.
This is what you call “best out of waste” and we are declaring her the winner. Who can ever know that the lip balm she is carrying is filled with cheese? It’s a smart way and we might take some inspiration.

Kids Can Be Savage!
It is the hardest to impress kids with your cooking. They will not like anything healthy that you prepare for them. But if you ever try to question the “toy food” offered to you by them, such savage replies would come your way.
So, make sure your macaroni and cheese don’t taste like plastic or else they’ll serve you with plastic and you would have to relish it!

Talk About Tantrums
The preferences of children change every minute (or every second!) and parents need a lot of patience to deal with the constant changes whether it’s food or toys.
Here is a perfect example of that. This mom just made two peanut butter sandwiches only to realize that her kid is no longer interested in eating them. What a waste! Give us those sandwiches, please!

Demanding Till The End
Do you think that’s an exaggeration? We think you are deprived of the “love” offered by kids in the form of their demands if that’s what you think.
This is just an example of the extent to which kids will go to have gaming time on their parents’ phones. It is hard to leave the world in peace if you have toddlers who are constantly in search of your phones and addicted to games.

Challenges Around Dressing Up!
Try and have an argument with your children about the way they want to dress up. This is what the outcome would sound like in that case. It might take some time to become habitual to be on the losing end but eventually, you’ll be amused!
Here, the teacher needs to deal with that little girl who refused to put on pants before heading to school. The mom is done!

Listen Carefully…
As you become a parent, you become very attentive to every sound your baby makes. That will be really helpful in the future when they grow up and create various noises while playing alone in their room. You won’t have to climb upstairs every time there is a sound from their room. Be alert and you’ll just know what’s going on!
So, this tweet makes a lot of sense. We just wonder what the other 50% of parenting is comprised of!

What’s Worse… Poop Or Sand?
This is the story of every household with kids. Dad is constantly running behind the toddler to clean him up but the little one is so comfortable even with poop in the pants. He can roam around with it all day without whining for even a second.
We can expect parents to be annoyed at this, right? Handling all these tantrums is too much!

In Search Of Peace
When you have kids, you can’t have proper conversations with your spouse. There would be a few sounds in the background that will be extremely distracting leading you to forget all that you were supposed to talk about.
Do you think that finding a peaceful corner at home is easy? No, kids will find that corner and ruin it for you.

The Real Definition
Are you looking for the most accurate definition of parenthood? Here is the real way of describing that part of life. Your attempts at satisfying everyone and bringing a smile on their faces are all futile. Parents have to face screaming and tantrums despite putting efforts to make them happy.
But with time, this doesn’t disappoint anymore as you get habitual of all those outbursts!

Welcome To A Spooky Home!!!
You are so eager for your kids to grow up and learn how to walk and talk. But once they start with both of those things, it doesn’t go well for the parents.
The worst of all is when the toddler has attained the “skill” of opening doors. Things can get ghostly and you can spot eerie events happening around the house.

Here’s Your Alarm
Are you still setting 10 alarms on your phone to wake you up in the morning? The parents have moved quite forward in this matter as they wake up to their toddlers giving them great news just like this one mentioned in the tweet.
Coffee is no longer the drink that helps in opening the eyes, in fact, such statements by kids fill you with great energy to take a spontaneous action!

Pizza For Every Meal, Please!
After reading this tweet, we are forced to believe that parenthood comes with some perks too! When your toddler wants pizza, you get one too. Is there anything better than that? We wonder what’s wrong with pizza for breakfast!
This 9-year-old is adamant about the meal as we can infer from the response given to, “It’s breakfast time”. Okay, it’s pizza time now.

Battle For Music
“Alexa, fill me up with some confidence!”
Yes, that’s what we can ask for after reading this tweet. Children have the most amusing way of getting their orders heard. This is just one of those ways to turn off the “yucky” music played by mom and switch to “baby shark”. Where do you get this amount of courage? Sign us up for the course too!

Uses Of Nail-Paint!
Little girls are always attracted to makeup and they will find a way to the cupboard and pick up some cosmetics. Moms need to be alert and identify the smell that every product emits. Nail polish is the main one here! Instead of the nails, it might land on the various pieces of furniture.
Moms need to rush and snatch that nail paint bottle from their hands to avoid the “disaster”.