Instacart Shopper Uncovers Mystery Behind Strange Smell At Elderly Man's Home

An Unnerving Stop

Alana had been an Instacart Shopper for months, effortlessly handling her deliveries. But today, something felt different as she approached Mr. Benjamin's quiet house. The crisp air held a strange tension, making her pause. 

She rang the doorbell, hoping it was just her imagination. But as the moments dragged on and her unease grew, she knew this wasn’t a typical stop. Alana’s instincts were about to face a challenge she couldn’t have anticipated.

The Strange Smell

The moment Alana stepped into Mr. Benjamin’s home, she was hit by a musty, off-putting odor that seemed to linger in the air. It wasn’t overwhelming, but it was enough to make her wrinkle her nose. She had delivered groceries to many homes before, but this was different.

Something about the smell was unfamiliar, hinting at something that didn’t quite fit. Alana tried to shake off the discomfort, focusing on completing her task, but the smell was hard to ignore as she moved towards the kitchen.

An Odd Atmosphere

“Just leave the bags on the counter,” Mr. Benjamin said, his voice oddly calm but with an undercurrent of tension that made Alana’s ears prick up. His hand trembled slightly as he gestured towards the kitchen. Alana couldn’t help but notice the forced cheerfulness in his tone.

The atmosphere in the room felt thick and uncomfortable, almost as if the house itself was holding its breath, waiting for something. Despite his instructions, Alana hesitated, sensing a discomfort she couldn’t quite place, wondering what was really going on.

Unsettling Vibes

Alana took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She began unloading the groceries onto the kitchen counter, but the odd feeling persisted, creeping up her spine and making her second-guess whether she should be there alone. The air seemed heavy, almost oppressive, making it difficult for her to focus on the task at hand.

Her instincts were on high alert, signaling that there was more to the situation than met the eye. She glanced around, taking in the disheveled state of the kitchen, which contrasted sharply with Mr. Benjamin’s usually immaculate home, further heightening her sense of unease.

A Polite Inquiry

Concerned for Mr. Benjamin’s well-being, Alana decided to speak up. “Is everything okay, sir?” she asked. She hoped her casual tone would mask her growing unease. Mr. Benjamin’s smile was thin and forced, and his eyes seemed to dart around the room nervously.

“Oh, it’s just old age catching up with me,” he replied, trying to sound nonchalant. But Alana wasn’t convinced by his answer. The combination of his uneasy demeanor and the persistent smell made her question whether everything was really fine.

The Vague Response

Mr. Benjamin’s answer seemed evasive, as if he was trying to brush off her concern with a wave of his hand. “It’s nothing,” he added quickly, his eyes avoiding direct contact. His voice lacked its usual confidence, and his hands continued to tremble slightly, betraying the calm facade he was trying to maintain.

Alana’s concern deepened. She had met Mr. Benjamin before and knew he wasn’t one to shy away from conversation. This sudden change in behavior felt out of character and set off alarm bells in her mind.

Lingering Doubts

Alana continued to unpack groceries, but she had a feeling that something was terribly wrong. The smell was faint but persistent, clinging to the air like an unwelcome guest refusing to leave. Mr. Benjamin’s increasingly unsettling demeanor added to her growing unease.

She had seen enough to know his response wasn’t just about age or minor ailments. Something else was at play here. Alana’s instincts told her there was more going on beneath the surface, and she felt compelled to uncover what it was, even as she tried to remain polite and professional.

A Closer Look

Alana’s curiosity got the better of her as she took a closer look around the kitchen, her eyes scanning for any clues that might explain the odd atmosphere. The room, usually spotless, was dusty and cluttered.

Unopened mail was scattered on the counter, and the once-pristine surfaces were covered in a layer of grime. The state of disarray was unusual—Mr. Benjamin usually took great pride in maintaining a tidy home. It seemed like he had neglected his house for some time, which only added to Alana’s growing concern.

The Unusual Request

Just as Alana was about to leave, Mr. Benjamin made a request that caught her off guard. “Could you help me with one more thing?” he asked, his tone suddenly shifting to one of casual urgency. It was as if the matter had just occurred to him.

Alana was taken aback by the sudden change in topic and the odd timing of the request. It was unusual for a delivery to involve additional tasks, especially personal ones. Her curiosity was in overdrive, feeling both apprehension and concern as she reluctantly agreed to assist.

A Small Favor

Hands trembling, Mr. Benjamin handed Alana a small, carefully wrapped package. “Could you take this to my neighbor’s house?” he asked, his voice wavering with a hint of anxiety. Alana accepted the package, noting its lightness and the meticulous wrapping, which suggested that whatever was inside was important to him.

The task seemed straightforward, but she couldn’t help but wonder why Mr. Benjamin couldn’t just deliver it himself. Something in his manner made the request seem like more than a simple errand.

An Unexpected Task

As Alana walked to the neighbor’s house, her mind raced with questions. The request seemed oddly timed, and the package itself only added to her curiosity. She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to this errand than met the eye, something that Mr. Benjamin wasn’t telling her.

Something about the task seemed significant, despite its apparent simplicity. Alana tried to push her doubts aside, focusing on delivering the package, but her mind continued to churn with possibilities.

The Package

The package was wrapped in plain brown paper, with no markings or labels to indicate its contents or the sender. It was unusually light, almost as if it were empty, which struck Alana as odd.

Her gut told her that the contents might not be as simple as they seemed, and her curiosity only grew as she approached the neighbor’s house. Alana wondered why Mr. Benjamin had been so insistent on her delivering it and what might be inside that required such careful handling.

The Neighbor’s House

When Alana arrived at the neighbor’s house, she was greeted by a wary but polite face. Mrs. Jenkins, an older woman with kind yet cautious eyes, looked at Alana and the package with suspicion. “What is it?” she asked, her voice carrying a note of concern that was hard to miss.

Alana explained that it was from Mr. Benjamin, keeping her tone light and casual. Mrs. Jenkins accepted the package but seemed uneasy, her gaze lingering on Alana as if weighing the situation and wondering if there was more to the delivery than met the eye.

A Chilly Reception

Mrs. Jenkins hesitantly took the package from Alana. “Thank you,” she said politely, yet her eyes narrowed slightly as she inspected the wrapping. Alana sensed something unsaid, a hidden concern that Mrs. Jenkins wasn’t willing to share with a stranger.

The atmosphere between them felt tense, almost as if an unspoken question hung in the air. The tension convinced Alana even further that there was something more to this package than she had been led to believe, something that both she and Mrs. Jenkins were trying to figure out.

Her Cryptic Comment

As Mrs. Jenkins accepted the package, she said something that sent a chill down Alana’s spine. “Mr. Benjamin’s been acting… different lately.” Her voice was low and full of concern. Alana nervously chewed her lip as she processed the information. 

What could be causing Mr. Benjamin’s strange behavior? The neighbor’s comment only added to Alana’s growing list of questions. She felt a deep sense of unease, wondering if she had inadvertently stepped into something far more complicated than a simple grocery delivery.

Puzzling Behavior

Alana was now more intrigued than ever, her mind racing with possibilities. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong with Mr. Benjamin. “How so?” she asked, trying to sound casual but unable to hide her concern.

Mrs. Jenkins hesitated, her eyes flickering with an emotion Alana couldn’t quite place—fear, worry, or something else entirely? The pause before she answered only heightened Alana’s anxiety, as if the older woman was weighing whether to confide in her or keep the information to herself.

A Vague Explanation

Mrs. Jenkins finally spoke, her voice quiet. “He’s been… distant,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “Keeps to himself more than usual, and his house… it doesn’t feel the same anymore.” Alana listened intently, trying to piece together what Mrs. Jenkins was hinting at.

Her vague explanation only made things more confusing. It was clear that Mrs. Jenkins was worried, but she seemed hesitant to say too much, as if she wasn’t entirely sure what was going on or how to explain it.

Growing Concern

Alana couldn’t ignore the gnawing feeling in her gut that something was seriously amiss. As Mrs. Jenkins spoke, Alana’s concern for Mr. Benjamin deepened. The combination of his odd behavior, the strange smell in his house, and now his neighbor’s cryptic comments all pointed to a problem that seemed far more complex than she had initially thought.

The more she learned, the more she felt that something had to be done, but she wasn’t sure what. She resolved to dig deeper, determined to get to the bottom of whatever was troubling Mr. Benjamin.

A Silent Agreement

There was an unspoken understanding forming between Alana and Mrs. Jenkins as they exchanged a glance. Both women knew something was off, but neither was sure what to do about it. It felt like they were on the brink of discovering something that they weren’t quite ready to face.

Mrs. Jenkins seemed to sense Alana’s unease and nodded slightly as if to say, “Keep an eye on him.” Alana left the house with a heavy heart, determined to find out what was really going on with Mr. Benjamin, no matter what it took.

Returning To Mr. Benjamin

Alana walked back to Mr. Benjamin’s house, Mrs. Jenkins’s words echoing in her head. The house seemed even more foreboding now, its charming exterior overshadowed by the mystery within. As she entered, the smell greeted her again, faint but persistent, making her stomach churn.

Mr. Benjamin was waiting in the kitchen, his demeanor as uneasy as before. “Did you deliver it?” he asked, his voice flat and devoid of its usual warmth. Alana nodded, trying to hide the concern in her eyes—but it was clear that Mr. Benjamin noticed her discomfort.

An Awkward Conversation

The air in the kitchen was thick with tension as Alana and Mr. Benjamin stood facing each other. “Is everything alright?” she asked again, trying to sound casual, but her voice betrayed her worry. Mr. Benjamin hesitated before answering, his eyes darting around the room as he searched for the right words.

“I’m just… tired,” he finally said, but Alana could tell that there was more to it than that. His voice lacked conviction, and the way he avoided eye contact only added to her concern. Alana felt an overwhelming urge to help him, yet she had no idea how.

The Unseen Presence

Mr. Benjamin looked away, his face showing a mix of shame and terror. “There’s something… there,” he said, his voice faltering as if the words were being pulled out of him against his will. “I can’t see it, but I feel it. It’s why the house smells so strange.”

Alana was unsettled by his description, her mind racing to understand what he was trying to tell her. The idea of an unseen presence only added to the growing sense of dread that had been building throughout her visit, leaving her unsure of what to do next.

Making A Decision

Alana was faced with a difficult decision as she processed Mr. Benjamin’s unsettling words. She couldn’t leave him alone in his current state of distress, but she also didn’t know what to do next. Her instincts told her to seek help, but she needed to be careful not to alarm him further.

The last thing she wanted was to make things worse for him. After a moment of internal debate, she decided to call for assistance, hoping to address the situation without causing panic or making the old man feel even more vulnerable than he already did.

A Call For Help

Alana knew she needed help. In a split-second decision, she told Mr. Benjamin to stay right where he was. Then, she ran out the front door and back across the street. “There’s something wrong with Mr. Benjamin,” she explained when Mrs. Jenkins answered the door, trying to keep her voice calm and steady despite the anxiety gnawing at her insides.

She detailed the old man’s strange behavior and the unsettling confession, hoping his neighbor could provide more support or insight that would help her navigate the increasingly bizarre situation.

A Neighbor’s Concern

Mrs. Jenkins didn’t hesitate to follow Alana back to Mr. Benjamin’s house. Her face was full of concern, and with one look at her neighbor, she knew that something needed to be done—and soon.

The air between Alana and Mrs. Jenkins was filled with unspoken worry as they exchanged a look, both aware that this was no ordinary situation. Mrs. Jenkins didn’t need to be told that Mr. Benjamin’s condition required immediate attention, her instincts kicking in just like Alana’s had earlier.

Professional Help

The two women knew that they were out of their depth—they needed professional help. With Mr. Benjamin in tow, they headed to the only place Alana could think to go: the hospital.

The car ride was filled with an uneasy silence, the only sounds being the hum of the car engine and the old man’s occasional sighs, each one deepening the worry that weighed on Alana’s heart. She glanced at Mrs. Jenkins, seeing her own anxiety mirror in the older woman’s expression. She couldn’t help but wonder what the doctor would find.

A Silent Struggle

Mr. Benjamin remained quiet through the drive, staring blankly out the window as if lost in thoughts he couldn’t bear to share. Alana quickly noticed his silence and the distant look in his eyes.

She could tell that he was struggling with something far more than just physical discomfort, and the weight of his emotional distress was palpable, filling the car with an almost tangible sense of unease. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that whatever Mr. Benjamin was dealing with, it was something deep and complex—something serious.

He Speaks

Then, suddenly, Mr. Benjamin spoke. “Pull over!” he almost-shouted. The abruptness jolted Alana from her thoughts, and she brought the car to a screeching halt. The old man faced her with a look of desperation.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” he said quietly, his voice breaking as he spoke. Alana’s heart raced as she tried to prepare herself for whatever he was about to reveal. His sudden outburst left her on the edge, and she couldn’t even imagine what new revelation was about to emerge.

A Confession Of Fear

“I’m scared,” Mr. Benjamin confessed, his voice barely above a whisper—yet each word was heavy with the weight of his fear. “There’s something in the house… something I don’t understand.” His words were filled with a deep sense of dread and confusion, and Alana’s concern grew as she listened to his distress.

She realized that his struggle was much more than a physical ailment. This was an emotional and psychological crisis, one that he had been trying to face alone. The fear in his eyes was undeniable, only adding to the urgency Alana felt to get him the help he desperately needed.

Responding In Shock

Alana’s breath caught as she tried to comprehend what Mr. Benjamin had just said. “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice quivering as she struggled to keep her composure. Mr. Benjamin’s eyes were wide with fear as he struggled to express himself, his hands shaking as he tried his best to communicate.

The idea of something being wrong in the house, something he couldn’t understand or explain, made Alana feel like she was on the verge of a deeper mystery—one far more troubling than she thought.

Unraveling The Mystery

Alana’s mind raced, trying to piece together Mr. Benjamin’s cryptic confession. She tried her best to comprehend what could be causing all this trouble, but to no avail. She glanced at Mrs. Jenkins, who appeared just as puzzled and equally concerned.

“What is it, Mr. Benjamin? What’s been happening?” Alana asked gently, hoping to coax out more information. He hesitated, his eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. “It’s… It’s like the house is alive,” he murmured, barely audible, as though he was afraid of even speaking the words aloud.

A Haunting Realization

Alana felt a chill run down her spine at Mr. Benjamin’s admission. “Alive? How do you mean?” she pressed, though she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the answer. The old man averted his gaze nervously. “Strange noises… doors opening on their own… and that smell… It feels like something is watching me.”

He looked like he was struggling to maintain his composure. Mrs. Jenkins looked startled. “Have you told anyone else about this?” she asked. Her neighbor shook his head, eyes still downcast, and Alana could see the toll this had taken on him.

Connecting The Dots

The pieces of the puzzle were slowly beginning to come together. The strange smell, Mr. Benjamin’s unusual behavior, and the eerie feeling lingering in his house—it all pointed to something deeper. But what could it be? Was it just the ramblings of an old man, or was there something truly unsettling happening in that unassuming house?

Alana changed another worried glance with Mrs. Jenkins. They both knew that Mr. Benjamin needed help, but they also realized that they were wildly underqualified to deal with such a complex situation.

Seeking Guidance

“Maybe we should talk to someone—someone who can help us understand what’s going on,” Alana suggested gently, feeling out of her depth. Mrs. Jenkins nodded, her face etched with concern. “I know someone, a counselor, who specializes in cases like this. We should talk to her.”

Mr. Benjamin remained silent, looking both relieved and terrified at the prospect of getting help. Alana felt a surge of hope that they might finally be able to resolve the mystery and ease his suffering.

The Counselor’s Office

Later that afternoon, they found themselves in Dr. Emily Carter's offices. She listened attentively as Alana and Mrs. Jenkins recounted the events. Dr. Carter’s expression was one of calm professionalism, but Alana could sense the wheels turning in her mind.

Mr. Benjamin sat quietly, hands still trembling. “It’s not uncommon for older adults to experience heightened anxiety or even hallucinations under stress,” the counselor said gently. “But I’d like to visit the house to better understand what’s happening.”

Return To The Scene

With Dr. Carter in tow, the group returned to Mr. Benjamin’s house. Alana’s nerves were on edge as she stepped inside, the now-familiar pungent smell hitting her once again. Dr. Carter walked through the house, her movements deliberate and her expression thoughtful.

She asked Mr. Benjamin a few questions, her tone reassuring and calm. “Have you noticed any patterns with the strange occurrences?” she asked. He shook his head, looking more uncertain than ever. “No… it just happens. Sometimes it’s quiet for days, then it starts again.”

A Careful Inspection

Dr. Carter continued her meticulous inspection, moving from room to room with the careful precision of someone trained to notice even the smallest details. Alana followed her, her heart racing, while Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Jenkins waited anxiously in the living room.

After what felt like an eternity, Dr. Carter returned to them. “I believe I have a theory,” she said. “It may not be as mysterious as it seems, but it’s no less serious.” Alana’s breath caught in her throat as she waited for the counselor to explain.

A Logical Explanation

Dr. Carter took a deep breath. “Based on what I’ve observed, I believe Mr. Benjamin might be experiencing a combination of anxiety and sensory overload, which is not uncommon in older adults. The strange smells and noises could be related to something as simple as dampness or electrical issues.” 

She paused, letting her words sink in. “However, the psychological effects of living alone and the fear of the unknown can amplify these experiences, making them seem more sinister than they are.” Alana exchanged a glance with Mrs. Jenkins, both women absorbing the counselor’s words.

A Plan Of Action

Understanding the situation was only the first step. Next, Dr. Carter outlined a plan to address both the physical and psychological aspects of Mr. Benjamin’s condition. “We’ll need to have the house inspected for any potential issues—leaks, molds, faulty wiring—that could be contributing to the smell and noises,” she said.

“At the same time, I recommend regular counseling sessions for Mr. Benjamin, as well as increased social interaction.” Relief washed over Alana. They finally had a plan that could help Mr. Benjamin find peace.

Bringing In More Experts

Alana and Mrs. Jenkins arranged to have Mr. Benjamin’s home inspected. Plumbers, electricians, and even a mold specialist combed through the house, searching for any potential problems.

To Alana’s surprise, they discovered a small leak in the basement that had gone unnoticed, contributing to the damp smell that had permeated the house. The electricians also found some old wiring that needed replacing, which could explain the strange noises. It seemed that the house wasn’t haunted after all—just in need of some repairs.


With the repairs underway, Alana and Mrs. Jenkins focused on providing Mr. Benjamin with the emotional support he needed. Sessions with Dr. Carter helped him work through his anxieties and fears.

Over time, the old man began to relax, the tension that had gripped him for so long slowly easing as he came to terms with what had been happening, even if the fear hadn’t entirely disappeared. Alana could see that he was regaining his confidence, starting to believe that he could live in his home without the overwhelming dread that had once consumed him.

A Gradual Recovery

The days soon became weeks, and slowly but surely, Mr. Benjamin began to recover. With the repairs completed and his counseling sessions ongoing, the house felt different—lighter and more welcoming. It was like the dark cloud that had hung over it was finally lifting.

Alana continued to visit him regularly, bringing groceries and spending time with him. Each time she entered the house, the smell had faded a little more. Mr. Benjamin was becoming himself again, the man she had known before all the strangeness began.

Reflecting On The Journey

As Mr. Benjamin’s condition improved, Alana found herself reflecting on the journey they had all been through. What had started as a simple grocery delivery had turned into a complex situation. It tested her patience, her understanding, and her sense of compassion.

She realized how important it was to listen to her instincts and act on them when something didn’t feel right. In helping Mr. Benjamin, she had also learned a lot about herself—about her capacity for empathy and her ability to navigate difficult, unexpected situations with grace.

A New Beginning

Life in Mr. Benjamin’s neighborhood slowly returned to normal. Mrs. Jenkins continued to check in on him, and Alana became a regular visitor, fostering the bond created by their shared experience. The house, once filled with fear and uncertainty, was now a place of comfort and healing.

Mr. Benjamin, too, seemed to have found a new lease on life, his days no longer overshadowed by anxiety. For Alana, the experience was an education in the power of community, care, and the importance of looking out for one another.

Lessons Learned

As the months passed, Alana couldn’t help but smile when she thought about Mr. Benjamin’s recovery. She had started that day expecting just another routine delivery, but it had become so much more. Her instincts had prompted her to take action, and soon, she was helping someone regain their peace of mind.

She now had a much deeper understanding of how small actions can have a profound impact. Alana knew she would carry the lessons she had learned with her long after Mr. Benjamin’s house had returned to being just another stop on her route.