Karens Being Themselves And Wreaking Havoc

Karen is no longer a name; it has become an expression to describe anyone with a weird attitude. These days, Karens appear to be everywhere. However, some go above and beyond. These entitled jerks engage in all manner of pranks, from bothering customer care representatives to throwing full-fledged tantrums over nothing. Of course, as toxic as they are, their foolishness is so absurd that it's impossible to turn away.

Below is the list of the Karens who have gone above and beyond to irritate the people around them. 

At The Tipping Point

A person shared the story of their mother. They described her mother as a person who always looks for restaurant coupons. The coupons were used to determine their eating out place. To everyone’s shock, the family was not even impoverished. 

The person recalled an incident when they were only 15 years old. The person and their mother went to a Tex-Mex restaurant with a buy one, get one free coupon. The whole bill came to roughly $11 and their mother left a $1 tip. 

Nonetheless, the tip was too less and disrespectful. The mother got what she deserved. After looking at the tip, the server ran out to the parking and handed the bill to her. Moreover, the server added that Karen needed the tip more than they did.

All Yolked Up

A person described an incident where a seemingly charming old couple strolled in when they were working at a highly popular breakfast establishment. The woman got the duck hash, while the male ordered two plain poached eggs on toast. Everything was fine until the person brought them their food. When asked what was wrong, the guy started flipping out, and his statement made the person angry.

The guy was apparently irritated because the server didn't bring him a tablespoon for his eggs. Granted, he didn't request it, but everyone knows that poached eggs are supposed to be served with a tablespoon. The server didn’t know about this regulation, so they apologized and brought the spoon.

The person believed that was the end of it but as soon as they came back with a spoon, the old started yelling that his breakfast was now ruined and threw his plate at the server. He then left the restaurant. His wife smiled sympathetically at the server as she slithered out behind him. The server had to work for eight hours while covered in egg yolk streaks.

Clinging To The Vine

A person who worked at a vineyard used to occasionally got limos full of drunk folks. One day, when the manager was away from the door, these people tried to break in. The person approached one of them and calmly inform them that their party had consumed too much alcohol and needed to leave.

However, the person who was approached turned out to be the Karen of all Karens. She was not ready to leave even after knowing that the vineyard staff would not serve her or her friends. She was even informed that she would be escorted out by the police if she didn't leave in five minutes.

The person had no other choice but to call the police when Karen refused to leave. Her friends dragged her out of the place when they heard that the person had already called the police. The cop arrived a minute later. They gave him the license details just to terrify the group of friends. 

Border Brouhaha

The person explained an incident when they were with their mother at the airport in Mexico City. They were bringing home a lot of plates and other items. The man at the check-in desk informed them that they required the gift wrapped when they arrived. That, apparently, really offended the person’s mother and she grew upset.

The mother started yelling at the staff. She started screaming that she always brings kinds of stuff from Mexico and never had to gift-wrap them. She was screaming so loud that some people looked at her with confusion. A very white woman was yelling aggressively at someone in perfect Spanish. That was intriguing enough on its own.

The staff insisted once more that the mother should either go and get the package taped up or it would cost an additional 200 pesos (approximately $10). Instead, she stormed off, leaving a sizable, unidentified box fully unattended. While everything was happening, the person and their father had already checked in and passed through security.

The mother, then, huffed her way over to meet the person at the gate and told them all about the harm to her honor. As soon as she was done, karma struck. With AR-15s by their sides, five security guards approached her and requested her name. They hauled her up and began hauling her away as soon as she did. My father, a lawyer, experienced a "holy cow" moment.

The person sprinted after their mother. She avoided being arrested for making terrorist threats thanks to her husband’s legal work. The family managed to make their trip and also succeeded in returning home with that package of plates.

Getting The Vapors

A cocktail waitress shared one of the stories of her workplace. She was seven months pregnant then. A woman named Karen enters the restaurant asking to be seated for lunch along with her husband, son, and daughter. When she handed them menus, Karen asked if she worked there. To which the waitress replied yes. Then Karen started stressing about the fact that she can’t work there if she is pregnant. The waitress tried to keep the situation and replied politely that she worked there and doesn’t drink there.

Nonetheless, Karen didn’t stop. She started asking questions about the pre-natal care that the waitress is giving to the unborn child and accused her of bringing her unborn child to a place where drinks are served. This was when the waitress lost her cool and yelled that if she is a bad mother for bringing an unborn child to a bar then what kind of mother is she for bringing her children to such a place? 

The waitress then left thinking that it was the end of the discussion. After a few minutes when she saw the family waving for bartenders, so she approached them. Karen then asked her to call the manager. Her husband was also supporting her. The place was too small to have a manager, so it had co-owners.

Instead of bothering the owner, as she was on another call, the waitress decided to let another server handle the issue. However, Karen wanted to talk to the manager. So, she got up and started looking for them on her own. The waitress had no other choice but to disrupt the owner from her call and call her to talk to Karen.

The owner came and asked if she could help Karen with anything. She pointed out that she is pregnant and can’t work at a drinking place. The owner reassured her that their servers don’t drink while working and that she can have another server if she wanted. Then, her husband added that he didn’t want his children to see a pregnant woman around alcohol. 

The waitress kept on stressing the fact that she would never drink alcohol while pregnant. Then she heard the stupidest thing. Karen argued that apparently, vapors from alcohol are absorbed in the person’s blood and the blood can go to the fetus and poison the baby. The owner and the waitress couldn’t believe what they heard. The owner then offered that they couldn’t do anything about it other than assigning another server to them.

The couple then started demanding that the child is being threatened with its life and that the owner should either sanction maternity leave for the waitress or fire her. The owner then informed them that the child is perfectly safe and that if they are having so many issues, they can just leave. The couple then started giving sermons about Jesus and also called the authorities. 

Two officers came and Karen's party told them that the waitress was drinking. Just when the waitress was going to tell them that she was lying, the officer informed Karen that drinking during pregnancy is not a crime. The other officer took the waitress to the side and started informing her about resources for the new mother, parenting classes, etc. Some other customers also came in support of the waitress. 

The officers then went to the owner who informed them she wanted Karen and her family to leave. The officers then took them outside. Karens even got a ticket as they were parked in the handicapped spot. They, then, filed a complaint to the liquor authority, claiming the bar serve minors. Nonetheless, the place came out clean in the end.

DIY Karen

A Karen told a Home Depot employee that she didn't want any Black men to put in her flooring. The person told her that since he was in charge of organizing her order and they don't choose precisely who will install her floor, she would get whatever she would receive. She then started crying about it. She shouted at the person and prompted them to identify their management.

To the dismay of Karen, the manager's name was Dwayne. He was a really huge Black gentleman. The person was really delighted when Karen asked for the manager. In the end, she decided against speaking with the management.

Tossed Out Of Target

A manager at Starbucks shared a story of facing Karen. He started working as a manager right after graduating from college. Mistakenly, they made a lady's iced tea incorrectly. It would have only taken a minute and a half to redo the stupid mistake. Instead, she had the most horrible reaction. She threw it back across the counter, turned to face her daughter, and stated in the most obnoxious soccer mom, trophy wife voice that this is the reason why one needs to complete high school. She had never worked a day in her life.

Considering the person was the manager, he declined to serve her any longer. When she went to get the manager of the Target store, she thought she had him. She was unaware that the Target he had previously worked in was within the Starbucks he was currently working in. The manager’s account was corroborated by a number of other customers, and she was permanently banned from the store.

She Was An Endless Stream Of Problems

A person shared a story of a woman and her two children who came to the window when they were working at an ice stand. There was a huge line and it was crowded. After taking the daughter's order, the woman’s son wanted to go to the bathroom. Despite the fact that there was a perfectly good tree just a few feet away and the place also had a children’s bathroom, she nevertheless took her son to the side of our building and made him pee there. 

The line was circling the building because the woman was taking so long. So, while she let her son run wild all over our facility, the person took the next customer. She then turned around and approached the woman, signaling that she was prepared. The person encouraged her to be patient because they were almost done serving the client who had just moved in front of them. 

The woman then erupted into fiery red anger. She started shouting pretty loudly about the person’s lack of professionalism and poor customer service. The person told her that while she let her son urinate on the building's side, they decided to try to get the next person out of the way. She continued by denying that her son had urinated on the building's side and expressed her need to talk with the boss of the place.

Additionally, the woman became increasingly angrier when the person gave her the boss’s phone number and scribbled down their name for her to tell him. Each of the individuals behind her expressed regret for how she had behaved, and they all complimented the person on my performance.

For Karen And Country

A person shared his story where he signed up for a group called The Old Guard during basic training that is in charge of ceremonies in the Washington, DC, area, and funerals at Arlington National Cemetery, among other things just after graduating college. It consists of organizations like the Sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknowns and the US Army Drill Team. Therefore, there was a large party going on on the 4th of July. 

On the National Mall, where the Capitol is located, the majority of the festivities take place. The person’s battalion, the Presidential Guns Salute Battery, fires the 1812 overture's bass line as part of the festivities. They were given a cordoned-off area in the very front since only the platoon's more experienced soldiers are chosen to perform it.

The battalion has a barbecue during the day with their family and some food, and then they planned to watch the show. It wasn’t too crowded in the morning, but as nightfall approached, the area filled to nearly shoulder-to-shoulder capacity. Fortunately, the person had a separate location at the front that was cordoned off from the general public and provided them with plenty of space for their barbecue.

People would respectfully ask if they might join the person and their group throughout the day; they used to always politely declined. Despite not being in uniform, they were still representing the army with their unit T-shirts. 

The person was enjoying his time when a woman with short hair approached him and asked to take down the rope so that her children can enjoy the show. The person, then, politely informed her that they were part of the ceremonial unit and can’t let her enter the area. The woman got angry and started asking questions. Fortunately, to rescue the person the sergeant came and handled the situation.

The person returned to his chair and continued to watch them converse as soon as the sergeant came. He couldn't hear anything, but Karen left the conversation looking irritated. He didn't give it another thought until about two hours later when they were removing trash and dismantling the chairs, tables, and other furniture. 

Karen was coming their way accompanying two Capitol cops. The sergeant also observed her. There was a conversation between the sergeant and officers about which the person came to know later. Apparently, the woman had filed the complaint that the sergeant and his officers were making inappropriate gestures and remarks toward her family. The officers just wanted to hear the truth.

The sergeant cleared the whole situation. However, the woman was still upset that they had occupied the space and she wanted her children to see the show. The officers cleared that they had permission from the District of Columbia. The sergeant politely informed the woman that they were clearing the area now and she can enter the area after 20 minutes.

Karen gave them a death stare and went away. As the officers thought that everything was over, she came again with four children and her husband. She started barreling her way through the person and his group. 

Another person collapses to the ground in a huff, and steel pylons fly everywhere. He was struck in the face by a couple, breaking his brow and chipping a tooth. One of Karen's kids gets struck in the leg by a pylon that bounces off the ground. The child, who is probably 12 or 13, begins to sob as though he lost a limb. Karen was really losing her mind as the person’s group was assisting another guy in getting to his feet. Red-faced and yelling that she was going to sue all of them for assault for destroying her family's holiday. 

The sergeant was finished with her until that time. If Karen felt she was being loud, she soon discovered that a senior angry NCO is far more audible. He silenced everyone within 50 feet with a single phrase. Karen might have experienced a mini-stroke at that very moment. She was unable to speak as she stood there with her mouth open. 

Thereafter, those two Capitol officers arrive. They were nearby and had witnessed the entire affair. Karen's eyes were about to go even larger as the first cop produced a set of handcuffs and ordered the woman to turn around and place her hands behind her back. She was detained for harassment and assault.

Karen made every possible justification, but the officers were having none of it. After speaking with Another guy, who desired to file a complaint, they carried her away. When the authorities grabbed Karen, the children vanished. It turned out that Karen was carrying two credit cards that weren't hers, along with three medicine bottles that weren't hers, after Another guy returned from the court session.

After everything was said and done, the person and his group watched the 1812 overture while laughing for weeks about Karen. Another guy only suffered from a chipped tooth and minor bruising.

Don’t Mind Me

A college student shared their story of when they saw a student enter the room and sit in their chair with their back straight and expressionless. A woman in her mid-50s entered the room and sat down next to him in the meantime. Since this was a college and everyone may attend at various points in their lives, no one initially paid attention. However, things quickly became bizarre.

It was the first day of a 101 class, so the instructor wanted to make sure everyone who was meant to be present was. Normally, attendance wasn't taken. Although the woman had a notebook open, neither the class roster nor the waitlist listed her as a student. She said, "No, Don't mind me," when the lecturer asked if she had heard about the waitlist.

Undoubtedly, the professor asked her what was she doing there. Her response astounded the whole class. She said that she was there for her son as he has trouble making notes. The professor inquired if her son has an IEP as a separate program is available for that. As it was not the case, the professor instructed her to go out of the class. 

The woman was still not ready to go out. She even threatened to complain about the professor to the department’s head. To which he replied that he is the department head. Obviously, he wasn’t. He just wanted to trick Karen.

A Recipe For Disaster

While the person was still in high school, he had a part-time job as a busboy. A man, his wife, and their two young children would regularly visit his workplace as a family. They appeared to be the most typical family, yet they actually destroyed tables and caused a mess everywhere they went. Fries and other items would be scattered all over the floor. One day, the person sat and observed as one of the children added salt and pepper to the milk glass.

At that moment, the person was already irritated, so when the dad called him over, he nearly lost it. The father wanted her child to have another glass of milk as he has experienced a little accident. The parents would do nothing as they screamed the entire time. Every time they were there, the entire hour was chaotic. Before the hostess instructed them not to return, the person had to clean up after them more than a dozen times. Despite their tantrum, at least they left without returning.

Karen Versus Carl Jr. 

A person shared a story about their mother. They described their mother as Karen as she believes that she should be catered to by the world and that everyone else is wrong. She once placed an order for four burgers for the family at Carl's Jr. What she did next infuriated the person. While the guy was getting our drinks, she took one burger out of the bag and buried it. She pulled out the remaining three burgers one by one and counted them in front of him, complaining that he had forgotten to bring a burger.

The server kept on repeating that he put them all in the bag, but Karen rebuked him, threatening to contact his manager if he didn't bring her another burger. But it happened so quickly that the person was left speechless. She grinned as we sped off after receiving a free hamburger. She opened it to eat it on the drive home while the person just stood there looking at her. She consumed her actual burger as though the fifth had never been made.

Let The Music Play

A person who shared an astonishing and belly-laughing incident. On the bus ride to college, he was listening to “Frei. Wild”, a punk band from Brixen in South Tyrol. He was sitting just where you'd park a stroller or a wheelchair because the bus was rather full. The single open seat on the bus was taken by a woman pushing a stroller, who settled down next to the person. 

As the woman sat down, she started gazing down at the person’s phone. The person couldn’t figure out why was she staring at his phone. She then pulls out one of his earbuds and instructed him to stop listening to the terrible Polish music as he lives in Scotland.

The person then explained that he was born and bred in Scotland and the woman shouldn’t be bothered as it was his choice. She justified her reaction by saying that the song would frighten her child. The person scanned the baby carriage and explained that the youngster was fast asleep and he was wearing headphones. He told her to screw off and give him some space to enjoy his music.

The Joys Of Motherhood

A woman shared the story of her boyfriend's cousin's family. The family has four children and all of them were so bratty. The cousin refused to correct them and frequently apologized for their actions. She also holds their decision to not have children in high regard. She has frequently made the target of snarky remarks that indicate the woman was a greedy jerk robbing her boyfriend of the "joys of parenting children."

The woman’s boyfriend had severed his relationship with his cousin due to her generally entitled conduct. But she was there again when he and the woman went to his parent's house three days ago to celebrate his parents' wedding anniversary. The boyfriend's father had advised him to seize the chance to patch things up with the cousin. So they made an effort to be friendly and struck up a conversation with her.

Her boyfriend told the woman that they were going on vacation to Melbourne in a few days. The cousin's eyes glistened in response. She started expressing her grief and said that she hasn’t been anywhere since her marriage. Additionally, she asked the couple to sponsor her trip with her husband and four children. 

The woman instantly sensed where this was going. Being the nice and kind person that he is, her boyfriend undoubtedly felt bad for her and offered to pay for their weekend stay at a resort in Mt. Abu, a hill town in the Indian state of Rajasthan. But the cousin wanted to go to Melbourne with the couple.

Thereafter, the boyfriend explained that they wanted to have some alone time and they’d run into some of their closest pals there. In addition, Mount Abu is a stunning location and the children will enjoy it. The cousin then accused him of being so self-centered by taking this wonderful vacation while only treating his family to a brief weekend escape.

Even the boyfriend’s mom took his side and said he was extending a very kind offer and she could either take it or leave it. Then the cousin came up with a plan to send her kids with the woman and her boyfriend to Melbourne. This enraged the boyfriend and he said that his previous offer was the final one.

The cousin started creating a scene. She was justifying her offer by saying that her children are very well-mannered. Spending time with them will be extremely enjoyable for the couple. In addition, her husband and she could use some quality alone time. 

The cousin stopped talking when the boyfriend threatened to take his previous offer back. She was thankfully quiet while they were eating dinner together. This was not the end of the situation. The next day, the cousin arrived at the woman’s house.

Naturally, she was surprised to see her and enquired as to whether anything was wrong. Apparently, she came to drop her kids off even after getting an assurance that they wouldn't be bringing their children along. 

The cousin, then, attempted to persuade the woman that her boyfriend had subsequently called her and agreed to accept her kids. She immediately knew that it was a lie and informed her partner about the situation. Her boyfriend then gave the cousin a nasty talk. He took back their weekend gateway offer and even stopped talking to her.

This Karen Comes With A Baggage

A woman shared her story of spending eight years with a male named Karen. She mentioned that he was a semi-successful businessman twice her age. He tried to control every aspect of her life, and that was the main theme of their relationship. He used to place her order at restaurants and always discouraged her from trying something new.

The woman’s boyfriend used to focus on his issues while keeping the woman’s issues on the side. Without knowing any better, she simply assumed he was extremely picky and even began to imitate some of his habits.

The woman figured out her boyfriend’s true colors when they were arriving from Vegas. When we arrived by plane, their luggage was heavier than before. To find out why it weighed more even though it was identical luggage, he demanded an explanation from the check-in agent. She said naively that maybe it was the shoes and clothes. He didn’t say anything else and paid up.

Thereafter, her boyfriend warned the woman against doing that again later. He claimed to be aware of the cause of the heavier luggage and that he was only attempting to avoid paying. She was shocked by his behavior as he was the same man who had previously spent $1,500 on a private dancer for his companion. She got Karen vibes from him and broke up with him just after returning. 

Living Your Best Life

A woman met Brian and Derek, a stunning gay pair while living in Melbourne, Australia. They both identified as bisexual and resided on the floor right above her in the same building. She quickly developed an intimate friendship with both of them. They occasionally had foursomes in addition to three.

Eventually, the woman and the gay couple developed a very close friendship. However, a middle-aged couple with two kids was quick to judge them after observing Brian and Derek leaving their apartment in the early morning on more than one occasion.

In the elevator, Karen the woman questioned the woman about "those two gays" and what she was doing. She kindly informed her that it was none of her concern. However, when Karen persisted, she bluntly said that she was ‘friends with benefits with them. Karen was indeed shocked by her brash response.

Brian and Derek related their own interactions with them when the woman informed about it to them. The property manager was approached by this couple to discuss "gays moving into a building with families and children." The husband used to stand between them and his children while glaring angrily at Brian and/or Derek whenever any or both of these guys were in the elevator with them or ran into them in the parking lot.

The entitled couple continued to give the woman the evil eye whenever they saw her in the weeks that followed. Their teenage daughter once greeted her in the morning and attempted to strike up a conversation before her mother yanked her away by the elbow and chastised her for speaking to "that woman."

Strangely, the Karen couple’s children seemed to be really well-behaved and kind. Later, the woman learned from her next-door neighbors—another couple with children with whom she got along great—that Karen had attempted to get them to lodge a noise complaint against her.

The polite couple assured the woman that they wouldn't bother her as she have never troubled them. Brian, Derek, and the woman decided to form a foursome one evening, including Dean, a buddy of Brian and Derek. Dean asked if he might return to her apartment with her the next morning.

The woman concurred because it was a Sunday morning and Dean was as hot as Hades. Both of them were just exiting Karen's apartment as they made their way down the hall. She noticed Dean and the woman were joking around and grinning while his arm was around her waist. She came up to me and demanded aggressively to know whether she was "selling her body." She informed her that she was crazy and politely requested her to go.

Later on that day, the property manager gave the woman a terrible call. She wanted to inform her that Karen and her husband had complained against her and accused her of being a prostitute. The property manager had a close relationship with Brian and Derek and had a hunch that the woman was "mates" with them.

The woman informed the property manager that the man she was with was their friend. The property manager warned the family against making a fake complaint since it may get them into a lot of trouble. 

Even though Karen and her husband’s obvious harassment had ended, the offensive stares persisted. One time, Karen and the woman were in the elevator together, and she pathetically asked whether she was going to have any males around that night in an attempt to humiliate her. The woman continued by detailing every act I had planned for that evening in great detail for her. Thereafter, they never spoke.

A Big Splash

During their second year of high school, the person had a job at a McDonald's. At around one in the morning, a woman walked through the drive-thru and she was unintentionally given Diet Coke rather than regular. She hurled the drink back out the window in her wrath, but that wasn't what made it memorable.

The beverage immediately splashed into the hot frying oil, where it started to sizzle and splatter before spilling all over one of their coworkers. The manager was able to identify the woman's license plate number from the cameras after she left very quickly. Due to such an incident, she was sued for good.

Queen of the Karens

A person who used to work for one of those bulk warehouse club shops shared a story of meeting the queen of Karens. He was a silver buffalo wrangler who dutifully retrieved the used shopping carts. The work was easy.

The challenging aspect of the person’s job was that their employer had a reputation for being underhanded. As a result, he was frequently by himself in the parking lot. Being by himself was bad because there weren't different kinds of carts in the store. 

In addition, the person was the guy that people contacted anytime they needed assistance loading their cargo into their minivans. It stands to reason that one man cannot be in two places at once, making it extremely challenging to maintain an adequate number of carts in the vestibule on some of our busier days. One of these days is when the tale begins.

The person was straining to keep up with the enormous number of customers coming in to buy cheap bulk things as he trudged along like a good worker drone. Just then, he received a call from the manager who needed his assistance. He informed him that he was busy and couldn’t come. 

The manager ordered the person to leave whatever he was doing and come. Nonetheless, he went and spent 20 minutes loading people's goods. When he returned, his vestibule was almost completely deserted, but for a single line of partially-empty carts and the Karen.

The person was shocked to see a scary look of Karen. She angrily asked about the large, flat carts. He apologized as he missed hearing her demands. She sighed and said ‘Mexicans’ and asked WHERE ARE THE FLAT ONES? Again. The person apologized and informed her that he was assisting a few other team members in loading their goods

The woman didn’t want any justifications. She said that the person has one job and is trained. As the person didn’t want any scene, he apologized and went to fetch one for her from the parking lot. When he returned to the parking lot, he discovered a long row of flatbed trucks obstructing several spaces. He shoved every one of them into the vestibule where she is waiting and whining.

The person gave one of the flatbeds to Karen. She then walks out of the room and into the store, where she became someone else's issue. A few minutes later, while he was returning a line of carts, he noticed a woman pulling her flatbed to her Miata while yelling on her cell phone about "dumb people". 

The shocking fact was Karen wanted a flatbed for a cake. It wasn’t even a large cake. One of those tiny circular numbers. He listened to her ranting about him ruining her lovely baby's birthday celebration when the most glorious thing occurred. She tried to pick up the cake with one hand while still holding her phone in the other hand. Nonetheless, the plastic topper falls off and she spilled the cake all over her unquestionably pricey designer clothing.

Thereafter, Karen looked at the person with eyes blazing with wrath and asked him to bring another cake. He politely answered that these carts won't gather themselves, and he was trained to do just one duty. She screamed and then vanished into the distance behind the person as he walked away with a smile on his face. 

A Wild Ride

A person who had a job at the theme park in his town when she was sixteen shared a story of meeting a Karen. They had a few rides for older kids as well, but the majority of them were geared toward elementary-aged kids. She worked as a ride operator, and on that particular day, she was put in charge of a ride for older children. Their job included measuring the height of the children regardless of whether a parent was present.

One woman and her child wanted to try the ride. However, the child was of short height. Therefore, she informed the mother that her child is too short for the ride and advised that they try the smaller version of it on the opposite side of the park. However, the woman insisted to take her child for the ride and ensured that she’d hold him while pushing him aside.

The person politely informed Karen that they can't let anyone ride the attraction who is under the height restriction and her child could fall off. She then requested a meeting with the manager. She used to frequently get questions from overbearing parents, so he phoned them and asked Karen to wait while he load his ride.

Karen became very irritated and complained that she shouldn't have to wait any longer for her child to ride the ride. Soon after, the person’s team leader arrives, discussed with her, and the ride continued. He apologized profusely but admitted that her child was unable to ride this particular attraction. The brat started acting out by throwing a tantrum.

However, after offering Karen a "skip the line" ticket for the ride her son was permitted, his lead apologized and went away. The mother conversed with the child in an effort to calm him down. He stood up, beaming and delighted, and stood close to the gates, looking at me.

After the incident, the person started loading his ride again. Then, the mother came all of a sudden and thanked the person for assistance. She was surprised by her response and asked her to stop worrying about it and enjoy the rest of her day. 

When the person turned to face her ride, the brat was no longer positioned near the fence. He was nowhere to be found. That's when she realized. When she took another look at the mother, she was taking pictures of the ride with her phone camera.

The person immediately removed his keys from the ride and make his way over there. She was very certain that the child had managed to get aboard. The mother became frantic and queried me as to what he was doing there instead of starting the ride. 

The person noticed the child at the back who was not even properly fastened. He would have flown out as soon as the start of the ride. She was truly furious with everything and instructed the child to exit the ride. 

The child couldn’t even get out on his own and needed assistance. She picked him up and set him down, he ran screaming toward his mother. She realized that she was absolutely and thoroughly screwed when she saw how bloodied his legs and nose were as he stood up.

At the sight of her child, the mother began screaming and slapped the person. She even yelled for security as the person rushed over to the child to check on him and help him up. When the security arrived, she informed them that her child was attacked by the person. Even her child started accusing her of punching him.

Soon the person’s lead arrived at the ride and inquired as to what the heck was going on. She informed him about everything and about 15 persons who observed everything on the ride supported the person’s story. They then explain what happened to the police, security personnel, my lead, and everyone else.

The mother swiftly realized her mistake and immediately began to flee with her child in tow as soon as she noticed guests enquiring about the other guests. The person filed assault charges against her after they promptly caught her. She even submitted her resignation on that day.

Early Morning Karen

A person spent a few months working at Dunkin Donuts. Once, 20 minutes before it opened, a stunning woman pulled up to the drive-thru. Naturally, they didn't pay her any mind since they couldn't hear her without the headset and were setting up the store. The person had no intention of putting that thing on any earlier than necessary.

The woman finally approached the window of her car. She took offense when the person informed her that they were not opened yet. She then began slamming the glass. She started shouting and squeezing her body out of the car when they opened the window to tell her that they couldn't serve her yet.

The woman insulted everyone as she leaned against the window. The workers only stood there in wonder. She only went once they informed her that the police were on their way or whatever.

The Queen’s English

The incident happened five months ago. The person’s stepmother was British, then, Welsh specifically. Despite being of Welsh descent, his stepmom was raised in England. Nevertheless, in order to maintain their history, his Nain and Taid (Welsh for grandma and grandpa) urged that he and his brother learn Welsh. Welsh people take pride in who they are, therefore they wanted to make sure their kids were as integrated as possible. 

The person’s stepmom acquired two languages as a child, attended college, found employment with a well-known computer company, and relocated to the US to assist with staff training. She joined the family after meeting his dad a few years later. She was less than welcome because he was still grieving the loss of his mother at the time.

Despite this, the stepmom never sought to intimidate the person or gain entry. When he was ready, she lavished him with enough love to make up for the time missed by giving him the space he needed to mourn. She has earned his unwavering affection and respect and has taken on the role of the second mother. 

Around the holidays, the person was spending time with her stepmother while on a visit from college with his girlfriend Charlie. In the mall, they were looking for a store that sells plastic modeling glue for his dad. His stepmom was conversing on the phone with her brother, who continued to reside in the UK, about this while they catch up and have a good time.

They were conversing in Welsh, which happened to irritate a person who has since been given the name Karen. The person heard a loud scoff coming from behind them while they were trying to locate the hobby store while standing in front of the mall map. He turned to see a mother leading her children away as though they had just come across a streaker while wearing a fairly nice-looking work suit.

The person was prepared to move on, but Charlie, who can be very protective of the people she likes, finally called her out. She asked Karen about what had offended her. She said that people should speak in English while being in the US not in Muslim. The person was shocked by Karen’s foolishness as she was mistaking Welsh for Arabic.

Karen believed that Los Angeles was the end of the planet and New York was the beginning. The person’s stepmother then hung off the phone. She said in a pronounced British accent that she knew that Americans get a bad rap and everything. However, consciously adhering to the stereotype is ineffective. Karen was pissed at her accent and asked about the origin of it. 

To which the stepmom replied, England. She took a time to understand what she was doing as she stared at the person and his girlfriend and walked away, dragging a group of embarrassed-looking adolescents behind her.

At least, Karen knew when to give up. The person’s stepmother giggled, mumbled something in Welsh that sounded insulting, and then assisted them in looking at the map to find the hobby store. The remainder of the day went smoothly, and when they arrived home, they told his dad a funny story. 

A Giggling Fit

As they got close to closing time, a person’s manager was replenishing the coins and receipt paper as she was cleaning the self-checkout machines. This woman, who was just over 50, approached the register and simply stood there with her largely empty basket. The person was hoping she would approach the actual register to request service, but she just stood there instead.

The person asked if she needed any help. She said no and began laughing aloud to herself in a way that made everyone else uncomfortable. Their manager started loading the machines as the person simply continued cleaning; there were no customers anywhere. Finally, the woman uttered the rudest phrase ever in the loudest voice and asked if someone wanted to work or not. She asked the question in general.

The person took a deep breath out before setting her spray bottle and cloth down. Her manager abruptly yelled that the person had work to do as she was cleaning then. She then signaled for her to continue cleaning. The woman added after laughing once more that she needed help with checkout. The manager informed her that she had her chance as the person has already questioned her desire for assistance. Now, she had to check out on her own. 

The woman began to panic and yelled for the manager. The manager then informed her that she was looking at her. Both the person and the manager watched the woman sheepishly check her own things out. Both of them started laughing aloud, much as the woman did. It was magnificent.

Nope, Nope, And Nope

A person bought his best friend's neighboring home with his partner. Since the person had been living with his friend for almost 10 years when his children were still little, they treated their home as an extension of their own and spent every day coming and going. He used to see them in the mornings, after school, and on days off of school because she had a more accommodating schedule than he and his wife.

Because his friend's children were little, the person built a retractable cover on their pool and made sure it was locked so they couldn't open it. One of those wooden forts with a climbing wall, swing set, and sandbox was in the friend's yard. The majority of the evenings during the year were spent outside while they grilled, drank, and watched the kids play, swim, or do whatever.

One summer day, the person left work a little earlier than usual and immediately began to prepare dinner. His friend's kids seldom knocked on his back door, so it was strange when she heard one. He found a mother and two children, who appeared to be between the ages of 5-7. The mother informed that her children needed to use the restroom and that the person needed to go outside and take the cover off the pool.

The person was surprised by hearing the woman’s words and asked the reasons behind her demands. She became quite witchy and admitted to having moved into the house behind them, where she had observed the person’s friend's children frequently visiting and watching him open the pool for them. She insisted that he should do the same for her kids.

The person explained that he knows his friend since childhood. The woman insisted that he should get to know her kids too. The person refused her and shut the door in her face. She knocked and complained to him through the glass for a while before having her kids urinate in a planter by the patio.

The woman brought her kids back into the friend's yard to use the swings when the person still didn't respond to her. As he was releasing his 300+ pound Newfie dogs out into the yard without spotting the unwanted guests, the person texted him to let him know what was happening. Both children were on the swings when the mother started screaming and ran down to the fort.

The woman started yelling at the neighbor for bringing the dog out in the presence of the kids. The friend asked her to leave and called 911. She mentioned that her kids just wanted to make friends. She even accused the friend of inviting them and releasing the dogs on them. They eventually relocated her back to her land.

The person used to find the woman and her kids in their yards frequently. He had to have a fencing company remove a gate at the back of his property that was intended to let the lawnmower through three times during that year. He, eventually, paid a security company to come to check on the yard whenever they were going to be gone for more than a few hours. They also had to replace the lock over the pool cover controls twice.

When the person’s boyfriend caught her in the water, it put an end to everything. She informed him that she knew the home's owner and that he had advised her that swimming was permissible. He informed her that swimming was not permitted because he was married to the pool's owner. When she realized she was submerging her sons in gay water, she had a negative response. After that, they didn't see her again.

A Watery Chuckle

A person who worked at a modest convenience store in one of the busiest concourses of a big airport shared their Karen story. They used to always get feedback, especially regarding their prices as they aim to keep their margins as low as possible. One day, a senior woman entered the person’s office and laid down a pricey brand of water that cost $5.15 after taxes. The person mentally readied themselves for the woman’s comments that were about to come. 

The woman was comparing their water bottle price with another airport’s prices. Her comments confused the person and they gave her a blank look for at least ten seconds before commenting that they might’ve missed the joke. She then started calling them names. Nonetheless, she had to still pay for the water before storming out. It was the person’s best day in a long time.

Meet Mega Karen

Although MegaKaren badly ruined the person’s day, he found it amusing to share this encounter. Due to the building's peculiar configuration, there were six different parking lots where they worked, which houses around thirty different businesses. The person preferred to park in the "secret" lot that can only be accessed by driving through one of the indoor lots.

The location was close to his office and less crowded than other lots. One day when he got to work, his usual parking area was particularly busy for some reason, but just as he drew up, someone pulled out of a good spot, making the damp walk to the door much shorter. He gave the guy exiting a courteous gesture before pulling up behind him. He heard a distant automobile horn honking as he stepped out of the car.

Since it was nearly on the opposite side of the property, he didn’t give it much thought. However, as soon as he turned around to go inside, Karen pulled up in a large SUV and skidded to a stop in front of the building. She informed him that he took the parking spot she was waiting for after showering him with some puddle water.

The person became enraged as the woman was on the opposite side of the parking lot. She believed that she should get the parking spot as she was standing in the line first. However, there is no written rule mentioning that. Additionally, she was ignoring an entire row of empty spots just to annoy the person. 

Karen informed the person that she wanted that particular spot because she didn’t want her baby to get wet while walking over there as it was a rainy day. Neither her kids were very young nor her car would’ve fit in that compact spot. Additionally, they just had to walk around 50 feet. 

Karen noticed the six-inch-tall lettering designating the location as smaller than typical as the person pointing. However, she argued there was another lot that wasn’t compact spaces if they went around another side of the building. She asked him to move as some exercise would be great for his fat butt. The person was surely not in the mood to move at all. He left cussing her that may lightning hit her.

After 15 minutes, the person started feeling bad for the woman while working. Just as he was feeling miserable, he heard the sound of a car alarm. He was shocked when he saw that the mother had parked someplace, exited her vehicle, and was now frantically trying to unlock his driver's side door while her child was taking a video with his phone. 

The person quickly took a picture of the woman in the act and called security. She was detained for violence and property damage. She also assaulted the security man who went to confront her by spitting on him and scratching him. The security cameras captured her face and license plate. There was no way she was going away with it. Additionally, she might also face charges for the homophobic remark she etched into the door of his car. 

Like Money In Your Pocket

The person who formerly worked for Kohls shared a story of meeting Karen. One client came to the service desk with her receipt while they were there and complained that the cashier had not deducted her 30% coupon. Normally, this was a fairly simple problem to solve, but when the person checked her receipt, the amount was $0. She had previously paid for everything with cash from Kohls. 

The person informed the woman that the system was unable to deduct 30% off the total because her Kohls’s cash covered the balance. That didn't sit well with her. She then began screaming at them and accusing them of robbing her of money. The person even informed her that Kohls’s cash was only a voucher that they provide, not genuine cash. Then, before leaving, she threw her 30% coupon at them and said she wouldn't be shopping at Kohls again.

Mommy’s Little Monster

At the time, the person was playing on a Minecraft server with five pals. A new player joined their Skype call and game. He continued wrecking their creations and requesting things from them. Initially, they intended to banish him, but they kept murdering him out of pure amusement. The Skype call consisted of six males laughing and a young child yelling that they were hackers.

As the person and his friends were having fun, the mother of the young child called while we were on Skype talking and started shouting at them. She wanted them to let her child play on the server and was threatening to sue them. Her behavior enraged the person and he requested her to stop talking in that manner. 

The woman was irritated when one of them developed a Christian Minecraft server meme. They began generating addresses. She became enraged and went away. The person and his friends still make jokes about it.

Listening In

The person was employed by a supermarket during COVID. He discovered a few months back that the illness he suffered in January and February had left him with permanent hearing loss and damage. His company had been supportive while he was in the early stages of an audiology referral. They were ensuring that he could continue to perform the same tasks with the same level of assurance.

One day, a customer came to the register who, for whatever reason, had misunderstood one of the promotions they were running. She essentially wanted the discount but didn't want to buy one of the things needed to make it happen. She was unaware that the person has to scan everything, therefore he had to charge her for the extra item in question for her to receive the discount.

She yelled at the person and tried to wrest the object out of his hands that she didn't want while he completed the deal in this manner. He was rather perplexed at that time as the woman was speaking quite fast. He was unable to comprehend why she was becoming so irate over a bag of frozen peas.

Additionally, the woman accused the employees of knowing nothing and that they should be fired. As the person was unable to interpret her, he requested that a team member come to the cash registers to help the customer. She didn't want to talk to the person and wasn't able to carry on a decent discussion at that moment. 

The woman complained to the person’s colleague about how "useless" and "incompetent" he was. The woman kept on saying that he wasn’t listening to her and it really got under his skin. After going through the wringer with numerous ailments for the previous seven months, the last thing he wanted to hear was that he was losing his hearing. 

Due to the aforementioned hearing loss, he had to work significantly harder on the tills, and despite his best efforts to ignore everything the woman was saying, it was too much for him to manage. During a transaction, he even started crying as the woman severely reprimanded him for something over which he had no control.

When the client finally realized she was mistaken, she hurriedly left the store after realizing she had severely embarrassed herself in front of a packed store. No one in the store apologized to the person. This incident led him to obtain a lanyard declaring that he had a hearing loss.

Regardless of the person’s hearing impairment, the kind of conduct by the woman was wholly wrong and humiliating in an entirely different way. It was the most offensive response he had ever witnessed, and it was all because of a bag of frozen peas.

Age Before Beauty

On the way back from seeing some friends one afternoon, the person was on a train. With a voyage of almost nine hours traveling more than 450 miles north, she was essentially traveling the full length of the route. The seat next to her alternated between being reserved for a portion of the trip for an hour or two, then being vacant. She had a reserved seat for the entire trip.

Around hour six of the person’s trip, the train started to fill up with families returning from day outings. The person sitting next to her left at the next stop, and a woman who appeared to be her age boarded with another woman after she had left the group of scrawny students and families with little children.

Both of them were searching for a seat. When the elder woman and the other woman saw the empty seat next to the person, they immediately moved toward it. The elder woman informed the person that she was sitting in her daughter’s seat. It was quite impossible as the person had her seat reserved. 

The older woman kept on insisting so the person stood up to check her seat again on the screen. The screen said that it was her seat, so she came back and sat down. She informed both the woman that the seat was hers and that they could sit beside her as they were available for a while.

Both the woman wanted the person to move. The older woman even shouted that she couldn’t believe that she didn’t have the decency to let her sit next to her child! Her kid was 23. She definitely didn’t need her mother to sit down with her. The person informed her that it was her designated seat and she won’t move. The woman then threatened by calling the staff. 

Both the woman left the carriage after saying that, and the person didn't hear anything from any staff members or anyone else. However, the lovely little old lady seated across from her claimed that if they had continued speaking to her in that manner after they had left her line of sight, she would have sworn like a sailor at them.

A Short Wick

The incident occurred in a candle shop, where the person used to work. The woman was probably in her 80s, but she appeared to be in good mental health when she entered. She spoke about how she needed a tiny gift for a man who worked in the building where she resided. The person informed her that they had a line of bath and skincare items for males.

The woman found the suggestion strange. The person, therefore, suggested lighting a candle. She got enraged with the suggestion as she considered candles can only be gifted to gay men. The person was making a lot of effort to hold back their remark and assured her that they get a lot of male clients and that even my straight partner enjoys their candles.

The woman was enraged by the person’s suggestions. Just as the person was about to lose their tolerance level, their boss intervened. As she had a lot more tolerance for stupidity than the person, she handled the client. The manager informed them that the woman ended up purchasing a notepad that said, "Slay the day”. Both of them exchanged some angry words about her after she left.

It’s The Little Things

A person shared a story of meeting a Karen in a Coffee Bar. Her husband and she had been planning to visit the Coffee Bar for months. The parking area is crowded when they arrived. They noticed that a mother sitting next to her was having difficulty removing three children from their seats as her husband was just standing by the front of the vehicle.

The person quickly exited and entered the café with her husband after issuing an apology. The woman started venting and talking loudly to her husband after seeing the long line. But he was completely ignoring her. Finally, she motioned for permission to move on because her children were so hungry. 

The people at the back agreed to let the woman get first. However, she asked the person the same thing, she politely said no as they were also waiting for a while and were hungry. The woman called her a witch for saying no to demands.

The person decided to ignore the woman’s comments for the sake of her husband as he didn’t like a disturbance in public. She eventually begins complaining to her husband about how they're always out of the Mediterranean Spinach Breakfast sandwich she wanted and that she needed to have it this time or she'll be so upset. Just then, the person came up with a plan. 

While the person and her husband were giving their orders, she waited till 10:58 to order a Mediterranean Spinach Breakfast Sandwich. She wasn’t even hungry, she just did it to annoy the woman as the place would stop serving breakfast items after 11. Her plan was successful. 

When the woman didn’t get her sandwich, she canceled her entire order and stormed out, ranting the entire way to her car while sporting a crimson face. The person’s husband was trying not to laugh out loud. They grabbed their order and returned to the car. She even attempted to maneuver past her while she was opening the sandwich and biting into it. 

The worst stare that the person had ever received was from the woman when she glared at her. She rolled down her window and slowly unwrapped the remaining sandwich and ate a few more bits before transferring it to her husband. It was a good day today.

Sole Cost

The person used to work at a heavily discounted store, similar to Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. The incident actually took place a few evenings before their departure. As they were preparing to close, a lady approached their register to make a purchase. She asked them the cost of a pair of Michael Kors baby shoes.

The woman flipped when the person told her the price was $27! She argued that the price was inconceivably incorrect. The person informed them that she had to purchase them at that cost only. However, she was seeking some bargain. 

The person, therefore, thought that she no longer wanted to purchase them after observing her hesitation to pay that much and volunteered to return them for her. But she stopped them saying she wanted to buy those. The person again informed her that the price would be the same. 

Nonetheless, the woman challenged the person to recheck after refusing to believe them. The person turned the computer screen around to show her the price after that. She snapped and yelled to contact the manager because she was in a bind at the time due to her error. The asserted manager arrived, verified the fee, and left.

The person mistakenly believed that was the end of it. The woman asked the reason behind the high cost. The person explained that the shoes are from an expensive brand and would cost more outside and she was getting a good deal. But she was not ready to believe them.

The woman even threatened to call her lawyers. The person explained that they were not lying as there was no incentive for them to lie. For scanning products, they were paid $9 per hour and didn’t even get a commission. Even though this was already a good deal, one must pay Michael Kors's pricing if one desired his products.

Sweet And Soured

A person explained an incident that occurred in a Lidl, a grocery store when he was just 17. He went grocery shopping as per her mom’s request and decided to explore the place. He grabbed some Fin Carré chocolate and walked over to the cash register. He was minding his own business, when she noticed an extremely chatty parent and her incredibly hyperactive child, who appeared to be around eight years old, entering the line behind him. 

The child asked the person if he and his mother can go ahead of him. He politely let them go first even though their cart was more crowded than his. The child noticed a chocolate bar in the person’s cart and reminded his mother that he once asked for the same one. The mom, then, asked him if she could just have his chocolate bar. 

The young child has been eager to obtain it. Now, getting a new chocolate bar for himself would have been a hassle because the chocolate was somewhat removed from the cash registers. The person apologized and said that he couldn’t give them the chocolate bar as it was a good distance from the cash registers.

The woman argued that it was in the person’s capability to go and get a new one. This frustrated him and he said that he was not leaving, no matter how strong he was. At this point, a lot was going through his brain, but he could still clearly picture the young child reaching inside his cart to get the chocolate.

The person instantly reached out and took the chocolate in his hands. The little one started shouting that he has stolen the chocolate. The woman really reached out to take the chocolate from his hand, but he was able to react in time and chose to go straight to the cashier and ask him to call a manager instead. The cashier appeared to have seen everything and told the manager what had taken place.

The person was standing awkwardly for more than two minutes before the manager showed up. She approached the mother and softly requested that she leave. However, the mother persisted in finding a way to blame him until she finally paid for her groceries and went. After she departed, the manager, cashier, and person laughed about it. 

On The Edge

A person shared a story of a woman who was asking him for the manager’s number. She wanted to express her displeasure that some things were priced while others were not. She began questioning him regarding pricing protocol, but the person had SCO duty that day. However, he lied and claimed that he had nothing to do with stocking because he had never seen her before in the store.

When the manager entered, Queen Karen went on a full-fledged tirade. She added a very hand-flailing, gesticulated remark about the counter edges being too harsh and rough while she was still at the counter grumbling. She even said that she was fortunate not to have hurt herself since otherwise she would have called the health board.

The manager ensured that the boards were not sharp enough to cut someone. If it were, he would be among the first to voice his concerns. In this insane economic and opportunistic environment, the people where the person worked were quite aware of how something little like a sharp edge on a cart might end up with a potential lawsuit.

Although the manager handled it properly, the coworkers and the person couldn't stop giggling about it the entire shift. They made big declarations about how many factors, primarily unrelated ones like the color scheme, etc., may have been catastrophic but they were just ridiculous.

Too Hot To Handle

The person was waiting in line at the checkout of his neighborhood grocery shop. At this time, there was a severe heatwave that made the outside absolutely sweltering. He believed he had approximately ten items in all, including frozen foods, drinks, and snacks.

There was only one person in front of the person when the entitled mother abruptly came. The way she initially spoke to him was generally sweet and friendly. She wanted to jump forward as she claimed to have a deadline. The person typically doesn't mind if someone nicely asks the same question and if he doesn’t have any urgent business of his own.

The amount of food the person had, however, meant that her delay would only be a few minutes, even though she was pushing a fully laden shopping cart in front of her. The person would have likely spent another 10 to 20 minutes in the store if he had let her skip. The person gently declined and assured her that he'll move as quickly as he can. 

The woman lost it immediately after hearing the person’s words. She yelled and screamed at him, saying she had to get home in time for her programs and that she was in a rush. The cashier ignored her and just continued scanning the person’s items while she was screaming her tongue out. 

The conversation should have ended here, but the woman then said something that almost made the person want to beat her. She yelled at him to tell her son in the parking lot that he was the reason behind his mother’s delay. The person’s brain immediately made certain connections at that particular time.

The person’s epiphany was the woman had left her child in the car in hot weather. He immediately went outside and started looking for the child. Thankfully, he saw a young child sleeping in the back seat of one of the first automobiles he passed. The young man appeared to be only partially conscious, was as pale as a ghost, and was perspiring profusely. 

The person returned inside the store and witnessed that the mother was chatting with the clerk. He had to shout in order to let her know about her child’s condition. She initially regarded him with great bewilderment because she had probably never in her entire life been addressed in such a way. She hurried outdoors as soon as she understood what he had just told her. 

A man tapped the person on the shoulder and inquired as to what had transpired as she headed outside. He described the incident after omitting a few facts. When he arrived outside, the mother rushed and shoved him, accusing him of keeping her inside the store for so long and being to blame for her son's current state. 

The man who earlier approached the person talked before he can even react. It turned out that this individual understood that the actual delay the person "caused" could not have resulted in this. Additionally, he claimed to have previously contacted an ambulance for the child and the police for the woman. He had no idea what transpired to the woman, but she plummeted utterly. She didn't say much other than the occasional "not her fault" or sob as she simply sat down on the street and began shaking her head.

As for the conclusion, most parties were satisfied with how things worked out. There was a court case. The child was unharmed during the incident, and since his mother was jailed, they summoned his father or another male family member to accompany him to the hospital. The mother most probably went on trial for endangering the child.

Peeping Polly

Since it becomes hot in the person’s house in the summer, he used to typically sleep in his underpants. It was obvious that he had curtains on his windows. One morning when he was home alone, he made himself a bowl of cereal. While cooking, he heard a knock on his door. He put on his shorts to open the door and noticed a woman and her daughter. 

The mother angrily asked the person how could he stroll around in his underwear. He replied that he was in his house with closed windows and also pulled the curtain back. The woman informed him that her daughter was inquisitive and peered through his window. The person became irritated after hearing the woman's words and yelled that he was in his house and can be as nude as he wanted to be and then abruptly closed the door in their faces.

Make Way 

Tuesdays used to be called "Specials Day" at the grocery store chain where the person worked. He basically had to replace last week's special with the present week's special. The person, once, volunteered for the project when he got promoted since he enjoyed working on things that other people did not. It was a lengthy and painful task.

On that particular day, the person was working the specials aisle. The process would have taken three times as long if they had just let him work on it after business hours, but for some strange reason, they wanted the customers to talk to him while he was occupied with 10 pallets of miscellaneous items. 

The person was becoming irritated as the customers were passing through his way while he working with the pallets and he had to resent himself every time. But as it turned out, disaster was coming his way as a woman came going down the aisle and came up to him at the end.

When the woman came his way, the person swiftly adjusted his jack and pallet as he raised an eyebrow at the ceiling and questioned God for making clients who were so unaware. That glance up at the ceiling, it seems, really did enrage her. She initially offered a halting apology as she proceeded through the unexpectedly open passageway in the manner of customers only some can pull off.

Instead, the woman yelled at the person for rolling his eyes. The person walked away and continued doing his business. She hadn’t expected him to walk away or make her realize that he had to shift her workstation, just to save her a few steps. She quickly determined that he was a threat and required a talking when he refused her apology.

The woman began by criticizing the person for being a retail slacker and not wearing a phony smile the entire day. She enraged him by saying that if he couldn’t smile then he was not supposed to work at a place like this. However, he remained silent and continued his work. 

The woman made a special effort to scold the person and mentioned that he shouldn't be permitted to work at the store. He knew that he ought to have kept working and grinned instead. However, there was a part of him that wanted her to know that they didn't operate their store by screaming at customers. He thus ordered her to quit making a disturbance as calmly as he could. 

However, the person’s words snapped the woman. Her phone started recording him immediately, and the situation rapidly became serious. She believed that he was stopping her from talking to other customers and started talking about her rights. She even called for the manager.

The person asked her to stop recording. Naturally, it resulted in her yelling even louder and accusing him of being a bad person. She abruptly began threatening him, suggesting that she could dismiss him at any time. The person was merely attempting to persuade her to go at that time as she had started playing the victim card. 

When the woman was asked to leave, she paid for the groceries and left. She then started to wait for the person to depart before leaving by sitting behind the cashiers and between the doors. She was asked to leave the store but she refused. The person had to threaten her to call the police. 

The person didn’t really want to call the people as the woman was just yelling at him and he didn’t want media drama. So, he called his boss and explained the reason behind the woman’s action. His manager told him to return outside and defuse the situation. He genuinely thought that returning to the cash registers and just apologizing was the best course of action. He went and expressed regret for the woman’s experience in the store.

The woman accepted the person’s apology in a way. She continued to complain about how awful he was and how he shouldn't work there, but at least she seemed to have cooled down a bit before she declared herself to be an "investigator". As she was neither wearing a uniform nor had a badge, the person asked her about them.

The woman then started threatening that she would phone corporate and inform them that the person was only harassing her because she was an immigrant and he should prepare to not have a job in the next 24 hours. He simply sat there and accepted everything that she was seeing as he had no other options.

Finally, the woman turned to go, she became aware that the person was observing her. She then came back and threatened to "attack" her outside if he continued to watch her depart. She left while threatening him. When she eventually left, he dialed his boss's number while sobbing uncontrollably from pure frustration and told her how the de-escalation went. My supervisor reassured him that she was simply a crazy woman and that she would’ve supported him if the situation would’ve gotten worse.

An Expensive Mistake

The person had a fully customized Jeep with a lift kit and everything else and was returning home from work one day. Since it was a summer day, the roof was off, and he was enjoying himself in the open air. When he stopped at the red light, he heard a bang. He moved the car a little forward before turning around to look at the damages and noticed that the front of the Mercedes C class—a brand-new one at that-was demolished and his Jeep sustained just minor scratches.

The woman was driving the car and she started yelling at the person for ruining her car. He calmly informed her that she was the one who had struck him. She probably didn't comprehend that hitting her would be difficult. Nonetheless, the person offered to give her his insurance information because he was aware that Mercedes's damage can be expensive, but she declined as she had no insurance. 

The woman demanded $10,000 in cash instead. The person clear;y stated that the figure was barbarian. She continued rambling about how her kids needed the money, how they would now starve because she had to pay to fix her car, how it would all be his fault if they ended up on the streets the next day, etc. She then threatened to contact the police if he didn't pay her. He continued to refuse since this was still very ridiculous.

The woman then phoned the police. Officers arrived, evaluated the damage, and probed them about what transpired. She stated that the person backed into her at full speed at a red light. After he explained what had happened, they asked me again, and he said/she said debate ensued. Fortunately, a business owner was present, observed everything, and even recorded it on a security camera.

The person won. The woman was arrested by the police for driving carelessly and without insurance. She then began yelling at them, telling them to stop letting him escape. They said that he didn't do anything wrong and that they could now prove it with video. They eventually agreed to let him leave the area.

Selective Vision

A person shared the story of two unrelated customers who really got on his nerves. Most of the time, he ignores rude clients. Usually, he listens to their complaints and then says, "Sorry, business policy," or something like, to get them to stop. However, that day was different. The first one was a real doozy, too. An older woman who was the consumer purchased four packages of hot dogs.

Hot dogs were on sale for 99 cents each when purchased in pairs; otherwise, they cost $2.99 each. There was only allowed once, so it's a nice value overall; you save $4. This woman, however, was upset that only two of her hot dogs had been purchased at the bargain price. He received a call and was requested to fix it. The woman asserted that the sale sign made no mention of a restriction.

The person pulled out a sales flyer as a result, and before he could even read it, she said she didn't read the flyers. That immediately got me angry. He went to obtain the on-shelf sale tag after setting up a refund. Even the sticker stated: "Limit offer one per client" in large, bold type. 

The person took the sign and headed toward the front to show the client. The woman turned around as he approached and bolted because the clerk had already run the refund before he had time to collect the tag.

The Turban Towel Heist

About five years ago, when the person was a newly licensed social worker, the incident occurred. She had spit and vomited on herself because the morning had been difficult. She used to have a spare set of court clothes in his car so she would have something to change into, but she was feeling rather filthy and wanted to take a shower. Therefore, she headed to her gym near the office to change and take a shower after eating an early lunch.

The person took a shower, got dressed, wrapped a towel around my hair, and headed for the lockers. There was only one boy who was about eight or nine years old in the changing area. It was odd that he was alone himself, but she figured his mother must have been using the solely occupied stall, so she didn't give it much thought. She just smiled at him and went to get her clothes to change.

The boy asked about the towel turban the person was wearing. She calmly explained that was a towel turban and asked how cool was that. It holds its position longer than a typical towel. He then began grabbing her head as he wanted to see it. The person explained that she was using it and he can’t have it now. 

The boy had an angry expression but returned to his mom. The person immediately got dressed and gathered her belongings before removing the turban and going to the mirror to hair dry her hair. As she turned her hair over to dry it, she noticed a young child approaching the mirror before walking away once more. 

The person didn't give it a second thought. When she was finished with hair drying, she went on to pick up the towel only to notice that it was not there. Knowing what the boy did, she quickly turned to face him. He was starting to go crimson, but he was ignoring the person by fixating on his phone. She was calmly asking for his towel back. However, the boy was constantly ignoring her. 

The person went to the boy’s mother and informed him that her son has taken his towel turban. She was not ready to believe that her son has taken the towel. The person was frustrated till then and asked that the boy won't have any trouble emptying his suitcase if he hasn’t taken his towel. 

The mother refused to let the person search her son’s belongings and accused her of bullying a child. The person explained that she was not requesting access and she could just search his suitcase for the turban. She even informed her that he had to approach security and request them to resolve the situation if the woman refused.

Even though it was only a stinking towel turban, the person was not ready to let anyone take it because it was pink and adorable and theft is theft. The person went to the door, leaned out, and called for someone to come and settle the dispute because she can spot a circular debate then. The gym trainer came and asked about what was happening. The mother has moved in front of the trainer to block the child from the trainer.

The woman informed the trainer that the person was attempting to search her son's backpack and pestering my youngster. The person explained her side of the story and asked the child directly if he had taken the towel. The child accepted that he must’ve misplaced it. The mother was not ready to believe anything, so the person asked her to check his bags. 

The trainer explained that there was just one way to solve the problem and asked to check the child’s backpack. She began cursing as she shoved the child's rucksack in the trainer's face. She asked the person to be expelled from the gym if the towel was not found in the boy’s backpack. The pink, wet turban towel was evidently found in the bag by the trainer. He lifted it up and merely observed it. The child started crying out even louder and reached out to grasp it, but the trainer grabbed it away from him.

The trainer gave the towel to the person. She took the towel and pulled out my car keys and ID lanyard before stuffing the highly sought-after turban towel inside her bag. The mother grabbed her bag after seeing the ID and went away. The person explained to the trainer that she might have merely been ashamed that her son stole her turban because she appeared to be really perplexed. 

Needing An Explanation

A person mentioned a story of her coworker Karen, her manager Bernard, a belligerent customer named Darren, and his little daughter while she was working at a place called Burger Point. At the place, orders are sorted by number. 

At the time of the incident, the person was nearby the giveaway table but not manning it, she was in training for a new position. She saw a man standing in front of the table holding a burger in one hand and a receipt in the other. His name was Darren and he was in some grief.

Obviously, the person was aware of his grievance but she just didn't think things would proceed in this manner. She just questioned him about whether his order had a problem. He claimed to have ordered the incorrect burger. He genuinely seemed to be in a peaceful state at this point, and the only sign of irritation was a minor one. The person expressed her regret and enquired as to what kind of burger he was missing.

Karen, the person taking orders next to them, intervened at that point and said that maybe his daughter got the wrong order. He placed his order in the back. Later, the person informed her that they would be fixing it for the consumers regardless of how they informed them of their errors. Fixing it straight away was quicker than assigning blame.

Furthermore, nobody was going to accuse Karen and launch a witch hunt. All the person wanted to do was work. She stated that she was just interested in knowing which burger he need because the food in the rear was already cold. Darren informed her that his daughter mistakenly picked up the wrong thing to eat. Karen stated that she believed that had occurred.

Darren requested the person to inform his daughter about the wrong daughter. He was refraining from doing so to avoid a quarrel. Karen and the person exchanged awkward and perplexed looks at that time. Then he motioned for his daughter who was just 12. The person offered to order the right burger to avoid the issue. 

The person assigned Karen to sort out the matter as she was not the one distributing orders. But Karen hastily removed herself from the situation. Additionally, Darren suddenly expressed a strong desire for the person to do it. The way he spoke was quite unsettling. Even his daughter began to display significant discomfort. While she was trying to escape the situation, Darren persisted in saying he wanted to speak with her and find out what had transpired.

The person informed Darren that she can’t help him anymore and that she was going to call her manager to handle the issue. Darren started yelling at her while she went off. She called her manager Bernard and everyone stared at him as he fired. When Bernard arrived, Darren resumed speaking calmly. He explained to Bernard that all he needed to know was the status of his order.

Bernard added that Darren wanted to speak to the person while she was still standing there. When he spoke to her, his tone was patronizing. He spoke only somewhat truthfully before enquiring about the incident.

Additionally, the person resisted looking at him since she had a habit of weeping while in anger. She really tried to hold back her tears and wanted to punch him. Her actions even made him feel that she didn’t want to talk to him. He continued to act aggressively until she just lost it. She informed Bernard that she couldn’t do it and went inside. 

The person had about 10 to 15 minutes left on her shift at that point, so she was free to leave for home. Bernard expressed his regret and stated he hadn't anticipated him to address her in such a manner. On the one hand, the person could relate because Darren would appear to be a typical, composed customer. On the other side, the guy was yelling at me nonstop.

Since Darren was not as patronizing with Bernard as he was with the person, she informed him that it felt a little biased. However, Bernard claimed that because he was similarly built and as tall as the customer, he felt that the issue was more related to height. In any case, he claimed that there was something strange about the man, and she even concurred.

Cruising For A Bruising

The person who identified as a femboy, which means they act more femininely and frequently wears women's clothing and other items. Their partner and they decided to take a cruise vacation one day. Since they lived quite a distance from the harbor where they would be sailing from, they left the apartment early in the morning and drove there. The drive took three to four hours.

Although the person was not a morning person, they chose to drive as their partner was so exhausted from work. They parked the car and went outside to smoke when they got there around 30 minutes before departure. The person was so worn out that they were about to pass out. 

But after finishing, they went to get their things and headed over to check-in. Just then, the witch and her brat entered and demanded check-in before them. Since this wasn't their first experience with a woman like her, they moved aside. They returned to the desk and finished up after she had completed checking in both herself and her son.

The person discussed entitled parents with the woman working the counter during the entire conversation. After boarding, both of them looked for their cabin. Nice double bed, large TV mounted on the wall, lovely view, etc. They settled in after unpacking their bags. While they waited for the notification for leaving, they turned on the TV and watched Smokey and the Bandit.

When notification arrived, they headed up to the adult area, which was one of the upper decks close to the bar, and there they were—a mother and her little child. Since the area was intended for those 18 and older, the child couldn't have been more than nine years old. Anyhow, they choose to ignore them and begin kissing, being affectionate, and acting like Jack and Rose from Titanic.

The mother then showed up and informed them that they shouldn't be acting that way since her child was watching them. They simply said "thank you" and walked back inside to take a short nap. When they arrived at an upscale restaurant, the long line was already gone because they had a reservation. Some people objected but kept quiet, but not the woman. 

The woman started shouting at them. The person was sick of running into her everywhere, but they couldn't stay away from her for very long. She was still ranting at the staff when they arrived at the table. They placed a drink and food order, and after that, their partner informed them that he had a question for them. The person was trying to figure out what was occurring when the waiter approached with a small black box and took his chair and pushed it out so he could rise. The person immediately began crying.

The person had been anticipating the development for a while. Their partner proposed and the person accepted. It was a magical moment. As the group began to applaud, they both kissed. After waiting in line, the entitled mother eventually passed and caught them kissing.

The woman asked them to kiss in another location since she was there with her son. The person was completely irritated with her by then. He answered that they just got engaged and they can kiss their boyfriend anywhere. Her face had completely lost all color and she started screaming. 

When the woman finally stopped screaming, the person smelled excrement and couldn't find her little brat anywhere. When they looked down, he was attempting to pull their skirt down. The person immediately seized his hands and yanked him away. Seeing this made the mother furious. She went off after threatening to sue them and even commented on the person’s dressing sense.

The comments on dressing sense made the person’s boyfriend enraged. If they hadn't seen it and intervened, he would have smacked her into the next century even though he never touches anyone. The boss and staff members were staring at her as she pretended to have done what she had seen him about to do.

Both of them had a complimentary supper as she was being hauled out. They went to the bar for live music and tasty drinks after "relaxing" in their cabin. They went inside, placed a drink order, and settled in. They drank a lot and decided to dance as engaged couples only to see the woman again.

The woman shouted to stop the music after spotting the couple and requested to wait till both of the left the bar. It became quiet. She began to point angrily at them as she began sounding like the standard Catholic priest. However, she received the complete opposite of what she had hoped for. The bartender asked her to leave the place.

The woman was furious and asked the reason bartender’s actions. The bartender informed her that she had brought a child under the age of 18. Additionally, she was making hateful remarks. She was shocked by what just happened. In the end, she went away, the music started up again, and the couple left with a generous tip before heading back to their cabin for some more nice time.

Too Good To Be True

A person explained the story of the woman who came to her store with coupons even though the store didn’t take coupons. The woman was looking for furnishings for her new home. The person volunteered to show her the options they had. She continued by saying how thrilled she was to acquire such a great price. She was choosing everything at a 40% discount.

This got the person thinking about the reason behind her actions. She then spent more than an hour choosing everything, which they then placed behind the counter for her. The big red flag was raised when she eventually said that she was thrilled to obtain a voucher for half of everything there.

The person informed the woman that they did not have in-store coupons and asked if she could view them. She continued to search for the alleged coupon for an additional 30 minutes. When the person eventually caught a glimpse of her phone, everything clicked into place. She had opened one of those websites that purported to offer coupon codes but frequently provided invalid ones.

The coupons even stated that the codes were uncertified in large print. Although the woman was always courteous, it took a lot of energy to convince her that she couldn't use any of those items inside the store. Naturally, she required them to return half of it after knowing that she couldn’t use the coupons anymore.

Not-so Empty Threats

A person explained one of the journeys where he was sitting a few rows behind a family of four on a plane. The boarding was almost finished. As more people take their seats and more of them cry, it becomes clear that the daughter was an entitled child. The flight attendant was finally grabbed by the Entitled Mother, who ordered her to ask the captain again whether they might take their dog inside the cabin rather than the pet compartment.

The flight attendant tries to explain that their dog must fly separately because it was too big. The flight attendant tried to explain how it was quite safe for animals to travel in their designated compartment. However, her statements only served to make the entitled kid cry out even louder. Someone near the person’s row announced to the family and the flight attendant their serious allergy to dogs as the commotion begins to draw attention.

The mother shouts at the flight attendant to remove their dog and bags from the aircraft and that they would find another flight that allows the whole family in the cabin. The flight attendant tried to explain how searching through everyone's bags to discover their own would cause a delay. Even though the doors were closed, the aircraft was fully occupied, and it appeared the captain was awaiting authorization from the crew before preparing to roll toward the takeoff area.

The mother started shouting and said that they would’ve done everything if there was a bomb on the plane. The flight attendant requested them to remain seated while they would figure out what to do. Officers showed up in just a minute and lead the family outside. It took another 10 people to fetch their bags and dog, then another 5 people to start the trip. The furious husband and the wailing children watched their mom get into the patrol car. It was the finest start to the person’s holidays. 

Cost Per Spray

Because of COVID, the thrift store where the person worked must have a door greeter who welcomes patrons and sanitizes their hands as they enter. The person was engaged when a senior citizen entered the room. She started coughing loudly as she sprayed her hands, as though that had never been done before.

The woman yelled at the person saying that she sprayed too much and it entered her mouth. When she said that, the person immediately felt awful, but when she added that it had accidentally entered her mouth, she lost her. She was obviously hiding her identity. She even stated that this action will have an impact on how much money she’d spend today. She was unable to understand how that would impact her.

A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

A 28-year-old woman who suddenly became completely blind because of the fungal parasite known as histoplasmosis that she contracted while volunteering with her neighborhood youth group to help rebuild Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina shared a story of meeting a Karen. Over the course of a decade, the parasite spread to her eyes and gradually rendered her blind. Therefore, she has only been completely blind for about a year and wasn’t that experienced.

When the woman first turned blind, she hardly ever left the house because of embarrassment. In all honesty, she didn't really know what she was doing and felt like everyone was looking at her. The adjustment had been challenging as she lacked a support system to guide her. One day, her husband grudgingly asks if she could take an Uber to the bank to deposit a rent check.

The woman’s husband texted her once more while she was out and told her to get a few essential goods as there was a Walmart grocery store right across the street from the bank. Anyway, she would eventually have to learn how to shop alone. At first, everything went smoothly, and she only needed to grab a few things, so she didn't need a cart.

The woman was moving around with her cane and the limited echolocation abilities she had at the time, but kept running into objects since that's what blind people occasionally do. She quickly apologized after realizing that her cane might have accidentally smacked someone in the leg. 

The mother started shouting that the woman had just struck her son. The woman apologized again and informed her that she didn’t see him. This enraged the mother screamed at her and asked how could she not see him. The woman explained that she was completely blind and don’t wear sunglasses as she couldn’t afford a decent pair of UV-blocking glasses. Additionally, she also didn't want sympathy or to "act the part" of a stereotyped blind person.

Since blindness is a continuum, the woman could understand the mother’s bewilderment, yet all she wanted was to be treated like a normal person. Despite her explanation, the mother thought that she was only pretending to be blind. The accusation of lying enraged the woman. She was trying to find the answer when she felt a tug. Her child took her cane.

The woman wasn’t able to move at all without hitting something without her cane. She pleaded with the mother and her child to return her cane. The mother neglected her by saying that as she was lying, she didn’t need it. Her son needed it more for playing. As they went, she was able to hear her cane crashing with metal racks.

The woman broke down and make a spectacle as she crashed into a center aisle display while sobbing and flailing her arms in front of her in an attempt to hold onto anything. She started crying and kind of curled up into a ball. She was in the dark and alone in a public place with no idea what to do. She heard a man's voice and felt a hand on her shoulder all of a sudden.

The man asked whether the woman was all right and told her to keep put. She stood up to pay more attention. His steps sounded like they were made by a giant, and when he took off, she felt a gust of wind, so this man must have been towering and built like a tank. She even heard a tremendous crash and what sounds like an agitated lion screaming from maybe 30 or 40 feet away. Then, without warning, the man returned and assisted her in getting to her feet.

The man helped the woman pick up the things she spilled when she fell into the exhibit and took my hand, placing the cane in my palm. She thanked him while wiping her tears. The man restored her trust in people and even assisted her in completing her purchase and leaving the store.

As the woman was leaving, she heard the mother’s recognizable shrieking. It seemed like the man was clutching the cane and pushing firmly to throw her little devil child into a cart. She was not sure if she was overstating things, but that would certainly account for the crash she heard. Even in the face of the overwhelming dread of losing her cane, at least she got to know that there are people eager to defend her when she’ll need them. It's easy to feel alone in a world without sight.

A Question Of Receiving 

A person explained the story where someone told her that they didn't want their receipt. After she threw the receipt, she raged at her and demanded her receipt. As she was going to print a new one for her, she instantly shouted that she wanted her original receipt. Therefore, the person pulled it out of the trash pail, which was solely filled with receipt paper.

Seeing the person taking the receipt out of the pile, the woman asked how did she know that it was her receipt as every receipt looked similar. She simply explained that those were for a smaller transaction and she received a larger size. She reacted angrily when the person found her. A few days later, she was astonished as she read through the consumer feedback section. 

The person had received a negative review that claimed she was impolite, ignored her request for a receipt, and failed to print her a replacement. It went on to say that she didn't even give her the correct receipt, but took one out of the trash. It was too much for her to handle.

A beautiful thing

One of the person’s closest friends from high school became pregnant and gave birth to the cutest baby boy. She temporarily stopped attending classes in order to care for her child, but she continued doing online coursework to graduate with her class. On Fridays, they used to go to one of the neighborhood restaurants close to the high school. They decided to visit a lovely Chinese restaurant that the person frequently used to go to on a specific day.

The elderly Asian woman recognized the person by name. The front door of this Chinese restaurant has a sticker that reads, roughly, "Breastfeeding will always be allowed," which was excellent since her buddy felt more comfortable doing that for her. They waited in the tiny waiting area after placing their meal order until the baby stopped being fussy.

As the person’s friend began feeding her baby, she pulled out the tiny cover to cover her chest and the baby. They continued to chat until a mother and her son, who must have been around 10, entered. When the person volunteered at a youth facility, the child was one of the children she cared after. He approaches her, engaged her in conversation, and then inquired as to my friend's plans for the infant.

The boy's mother interrupted before the friend had a chance to respond. She said that whatever her friend was horrible and given that she was still a child she shouldn’t be doing it. Sometimes the person’s friend has an attitude, so she tried to step in before her. She said that it was not repulsive, and Mrs. L, the owner, was okay with it. She even pointed at the sticker on the door.

Mrs. L was simply momentarily admiring the infant. She beamed at them while continuing to jot down some information. This made the mother unhappy, and she continued to yell about it. She screamed that the idea of a baby nursing another baby just doesn't sit well with her. She cried out in frustration to make her stop. Mrs. L finally intervened and added that Nursing a baby is a beautiful thing and she should depart if she had a problem.

Mrs. L then apologized to the friend for the other woman's unpleasant behavior and tapped the order on the kitchen window. Then, as the youngster continues to sit next to the person, she turned to him and quipped whether his mother is stupid. The boy laughed and the mother just sighed in her seat, trying to keep as far away from them as possible. Mrs. L even added an extra order of egg rolls for the person’s friend to cheer her up.

An Ill-Fitting Argument

The person shared the story of her workplace when she worked as a sales employee for Zara. Their changing rooms were closed due to COVID since they would be used as shared spaces and would need to be cleaned after each usage, among other things. Simply put, they lacked the personnel to handle that. Therefore, there were no dressing rooms even though the pandemic was beginning to recede.

The majority of customers, however, do not complain and just buy their products, returning or exchanging them the following day if they do not fit. This was because their return policy was very typical. One day when she was stocking the shelves in their dressing room, which served as an additional stock room, the incident occurred.

The person was working quickly to get everything out there because they were in the middle of a major sale. She was arranging knitwear on the racks while also singing along to the music and generally having a great time. Just then, a woman came.

As soon as the person turned around, all of her warning sensors started to sound. She had a very Karen-like appearance. She had thin lips, stringy blonde hair, years of sunburn that had damaged her skin, wasn't wearing a mask but had one pulled down below her chin, and was accompanied by a late-teen girl who appeared to be uncomfortable to be out with her.

The person was trying to digest the situation before greeting her with her best customer service grin and asking how could she help her. She came right up to her and asked if they had any available changing rooms. The person informed her that they didn't have fitting rooms available because of COVID, but their return policy was still in effect, even for products on sale. 

The woman constantly refused the person’s repeated attempts to explain why she couldn't use the dressing room. She stated that she just noticed someone inside. The person informed her that was her manager who handled the item price. She argued that if she can go there, then she should be allowed too. She continued to approach her, but she kept moving away from her. She had her back into a corner.

The woman then launched into a lengthy tirade about how absurd she found the entire circumstance. She apparently felt the need to explain how stores operate to the person. She explained that they couldn’t open the fitting rooms as they didn’t have the people to clean them. She just started raving about how foolish and terrible it was that they couldn't accommodate her after rolling her eyes. The person had had enough at that time.

The person finally attempted to put things into perspective by saying that she was only a sales associate and the policies originates from corporate. This stopped her from criticizing her for things she cannot change. She appeared to be upset by this because she started demanding her to contact corporate immediately to amend the policy, particularly for her.

The person experienced a miraculous self-reflection at the precise time. She noticed that she had been staring down throughout the entire talk until her third eye opened. She didn’t often get to stare down at others because she was only 5'3" (162 cm) tall. She usually felt foolish during disagreements because she was yelling at the other person.

Despite the fact that the person was visibly short, she suddenly felt like an Amazonian goddess. She understood that the Karen would never have the decency to talk down to her, therefore she had nothing to fear from them. She continued to yell and rave at this point, claiming that she needed to be the one to implement the change because her career was in jeopardy.

The person gave her best smile and said that she feel fairly secure at work and wished her a good day. She then left the area. The daughter, who had been silent and unhappy the entire time, mumbled sorry and hurried after her mother as she stormed off. She even protested to her manager in the dressing room, and he made some witty remarks about the Karens who don't take the pandemic seriously.

(Don’t) Just Keep Swimming

A person shared the story of a time when a mother attempted to get a free babysitter/lifeguard from them. They had purchased one of those 14-foot-diameter, 4-foot-deep above-ground pools that one can install by themself. They prepared it, filled it, and let it warm for the better part of two days. When it was finally finished, the person’s daughter requested if she could invite a young girl from across the street whom she was only loosely friendly to come to swim with her.

The person gave the go-ahead because they were eight years old and can hold their heads above water. Well, her little pal brought her younger two-year-old sister, who was a toddler. Without a doubt, she was too little to hold her head above the water. Thus, she sent the buddy home with the word that her younger sister cannot enter the water unless her mother remained present to supervise her. She insisted that she could watch her as they both returned.

The person refused as she didn’t think an eight-year-old was mature enough to supervise a toddler in a swimming pool, and she was not going to be the one doing it either. She informed her that she must let her mother know so that she can decide whether to watch her younger sister or not. Both left for home and returned without their mother.

The next time, the person went to their home with them. She continued to knock for a long time until she suddenly saw a woman backing out of the garage as the door began to open. With all of her children and both of hers with her, the person hurriedly walked and stood at the end of the driveway. She asked her what the issue was as she got out of her car furiously.

The person explained to her that her issue was that she was not her babysitter and that she most certainly would not be held accountable for preventing the drowning of her child in the swimming pool on her property. Her response was terrifying. Instead of accompanying her children, she started talking down to her own children, saying things like the person was a terrible lady as she wasn’t ready to let them swim in her pool.

Naturally, the toddler started crying, and the mother started shouting at her for making her daughter cry. She then grabbed the screaming younger sister, threw her in the car, and shouted for the friend to follow. The friend's face was flushed and she was ashamed. She only mumbled an apology as she got into the car. The mother then drove away from her own driveway, and they continued to walk back to their house.

For the record, the person didn't intend to completely abandon the kids. She was doing yard work right next to the pool and intended to continue once all the kids had entered the water. Simply said, she did not want to supervise a young toddler in the pool since she would need close supervision.

Fishing For Trouble

The person used to oversee the freshwater aquariums at the aquatics supply shop where he worked. When he worked at the store, he used to frequently ask customers about their fish tanks to identify any issues they might be having or to suggest the right fish for them. Most of the time, he can either stop their fish from dying or help them avoid any novice mistakes.

A lady entered the store one day before it was getting closed. The person was quite exhausted because he was running late for closing due to other customers. The woman brought a sample of water and a dead fish. The parameters appeared good, but since he was a hobbyist too, he worried that her fish might have been poisoned by ammonia. However, we didn't test for ammonia.

Additionally, the woman completely changed the water before her fish kicked it. So the person did what he always does. He gave product recommendations in addition to explaining how to change the water properly (25 percent per week). She wanted a quick cure despite his explanations that her cycle was a disaster and that she would have to restart her cycle for her fish to live.

Such a procedure can occasionally take weeks. The woman came up with an explanation as to why she needed to take some fish home because her kids wanted them rather than paying attention. The person continued to make an effort to help her make a wise choice. He even advised her to limit her intake to two fish to avoid overstocking the new cycle. Everything was going smoothly until she recognized something he had failed to notice. The fish sale was expiring soon.

After noticing the sale expiration date, the woman became adamant that she must also take the other fish. The person spoke up and told her that if she didn't be extremely careful with her cycle, there was a strong chance her fish won't survive. After thirty minutes of closure, he ultimately send her on her way because she would not heed any counsel he provided.

Eat My Dust

A person who has gone through an emergency appendectomy had to take a break from physical endeavors. The worse part was that she had to stop coaching in the youth sports league she was part of. The experience forced her to take a step back and realize that she built her entire identity on being active and healthy, so the toll being ill and the healing process took on her physical talents left her feeling adrift.

Therefore, the person was trying to rediscover the joy she used to have from exercising and just enjoying himself no matter the level. Ironically, though, the fear of not being able to perform the tasks he used to have made it challenging to acquire those skills. It even made her uncomfortable working out in public, but she was starting to get over it as friends reassured him that the worries were all in his brain. 

The person knew that she had to start training because there was no other way to get back to it. Therefore, as soon as the doctors gave their OK, she resumed jogging despite his fear. Every morning she went to the nearby track and just performed a few sluggish laps. She was gradually picking up pace. She went ahead to mix in some sprints and bodyweight strength training. 

Although the person’s friends were wrong as some people were evaluating her in addition to observing, she wasn’t letting them get into her head. At this point in her process of regaining strength and speed, her boss called her into the cabin. It was her absolute worst fear on a catastrophe level. 

The boss stated Karen, a mom she didn't know all that well, had particular issues about her. Karen showed her boss a video of her sprinting on the track when she was sitting down in the office. It was flanked by risers in the stadium-style that she filmed from a distance. 

The person was horrified due to several reasons and one among them was why an unknown person was recording her. The woman continued by saying that one of the players on her team, her eight-year-old son, was seen in the video lapping her. In order to prepare the young players for college teams, she insisted that the coaches must hold themselves to greater athletic standards than the young players.

The youngster was still fairly new and the person never noticed him. Her employer gently but firmly explained to Karen that her physical abilities shouldn’t be the parents' concern and that all staff was tightly controlled by the head coaches who understand each particular case and suitable measures. She was reassured that this would not affect her son.

The woman didn't stop there, though. Karen continued by stating that the reason the person had been taking so much time off recently was probably that she was out of shape. She was complaining that the youngsters wouldn't benefit from the staffing change. The manager maintained that she shouldn’t worry about this because the person was still one of the most knowledgeable instructors in the field and that the head coaches had not changed or taken any time off.

The woman enquired as to if there was anyone else she could speak to, but the manager said that since he was the program's owner and creator, there was none. The manager was making vague references to a health issue in order to protect the privacy of the person. However, she reasoned that being open and honest with her might make her see how ridiculous she was being and keep her tuition money in the program.

Karen didn't respond when the person tried to explain, just turned to the manager and insisted that he could furlough her until she was healed and bring on a healthy coach in the meantime since her son needed someone out there who can keep up with him. The manager acknowledged the person’s efforts but made it plain that they would not pursue them further in order to avoid creating a precedent for disclosing the private lives of coaches.

The woman persisted in making a scene, but the coach eventually informed her that he had to return to the field and her son and the other children. She started to physically leave, but she didn't stop complaining that she wasn't happy and wouldn't suggest them to other parents. Instead of turning around and leaving, the coach halted her in her tracks to warn her that she would be permanently barred from the program if she was caught spying on or otherwise bothering any staff members.

The person was glad that the mother’s action didn’t affect her son as he was a decent, average child. Then they went outside and had a wonderful, joyful practice. It was eventually comforting to know that the other staff members have her back, even though this was still a really sad experience for her personally and she’ll never be able to forget the disheartening footage of her running. She just considered it another step on her road to recovery, leaving Karen in the dust.

A Calculated Move

A person who used to work in a coffee shop shared one of the incidents. The regular customers were a dream, and she really appreciated them. When the till malfunctioned once, they had to accept orders from customers using pen and paper. By entering it into the calculator, they appropriately calculated their change as well. The situation was excellent.

Everything was going smoothly until an abomination of a customer arrived. She began reciting her command. The person was quickly jotting them down and examining the menu's prices. She tutted her as if she were dissatisfied when she saw what she was doing. Additionally, she asked why they were not using the broken till as it was simpler to use.

The person tried to be as polite as she could while pointing to the sign next to them and explaining why they were using pen and paper, etc. She then gave her order in a slow, snide tone while rolling her eyes. She asked for a lot, so after taking her order, the person took her time repeating it to her. That must have been too much for them.

The woman shouted rudely and asked the person to move fast. She apologized and said she was only checking to make sure the order was right. She then went ahead and used the calculator to tally up her order, and while she was entering the numbers, she could hear her sighing and huffing.

The woman even had the guts to question the person’s education qualification when she saw her using a calculator to calculate the total bill. That was the deciding factor. She balled up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash. She left after informing her that another staff would assist her in a moment.

The person then went to the staff area and informed her manager of what had occurred. They advised her to unwind and assured her that they would handle everything. Naturally, the person was observing as her manager left the room and made it abundantly apparent that the customer's business was not desired. 

An Unwelcome Visitor

At around three in the morning, a lady was playing some video games in her living room. Since her parents were out of town visiting friends, she chose to stay at home by herself. She was making herself comfortable by wearing only a bra and underwear when the doorbell rang. She quickly put her clothes on before answering the door. 

One of the lady’s family members was at the door. She was pregnant and needed a place to stay with her child as her car has broken down and towing company not coming until the next day. She welcomed them and said that they could sleep in the living room. She even asked if they needed anything before going to retrieve the coffee she had requested. 

The lady could see the little child snatching up her controller as she moved to get it. When she instructed him to put the controller down, the woman asked if he could play the game. The lady strictly said no as he wouldn't know how to play the game, and she was already in the middle of something. He started throwing tantrums for playing the game. 

While throwing the tantrums, the child threw the controller and it broke down the TV screen. Naturally, this made the lady yell at him. The mother became defensive of him and instructed the woman to stop yelling at her child. Then she pointed out that her child has just broken down their TV screen. Instead of accepting the mistake, she started blaming the lady for foreboding him from playing the video game.

The lady pointed out that the mother needed to teach her child some manner as he didn't own anything. The mother then said that she was very rude and will be a terrible mother. The lady said that she didn’t have any children and if she would’ve in the future, they wouldn’t be raised as spoiled brats. The mother said that at the moment, she was acting like a brat. She should stop complaining and just get a new TV.

The lady that she would definitely get a new TV after the mother would give her the cash. She was shocked by hearing her words and said that she started the whole scenario. The lady just reached the threshold and instructed her to leave her house now. The mother then started playing the victim card and started saying that she can't just throw out a pregnant woman who was stuck somewhere with her toddler at three in the morning in the cold.

Nonetheless, the mother’s words didn’t affect the lady. She instructed her to leave before contacting the police. She picked up her brat and walked out the door while threatening her in the name of her mother.

The lady informed her folks about the incident over the phone the following morning. They were pretty understanding because she wasn't brought up to be a spoiled brat, and the mother received a warning from her mother that if she didn't pay them back, they would take her to small claims court. Eventually, she paid $500 for the new TV. Then they stopped speaking to her.

Delivering It In Style

The person was employed as a shipper. One day, he received a request to send something to Iraq for a man whom he assumed to be a military spouse. As is customary for Karen, she pouted and expressed her annoyance over the pricing and other trivial matters. They finally received the $20 of rubbish after a drawn-out process. She went back to the store a few weeks later and insisted on seeing his supervisor.

The woman started berating the boss about how the person delivered the goods to the incorrect location and how they overcharged her. Her issue was that sending it to a military facility, which should have drastically lowered the cost, was what she wanted to do. The employer gave her a quick glance before saying how did his employee know a random street address in Iraq unless someone had directed him to send it there. This silenced her completely.

After being in a state of shock for a while, Karen mumbled back that she would phone the local news. She never carried out either of those threats or the others. She didn't even leave a negative Google comment.

Fun For The Whole Family

The person explained the story of when he was 17 years old and was working at his grandpa's restaurant over the summer. His maternal great-grandparents resided on the upper floor of his family home, which was located in a little settlement of 30 residents, and the restaurant was on the lower floor. His great-grandmother and grandma were in charge of the cooking at the restaurant, and his great-grandpa and granddad were in charge of serving customers.

It had around eight tables of four inside. However, it was somewhat little, the eatery, which doubled as a bar, was crowded with residents. Although it was a modest establishment, it was frequently crowded in the summer because many of them were retired and used to spend the entire day drinking and playing cards. His great-grandparents were well-liked in their neighborhood since they were such admirable individuals. Even though it was a very distant location, they used to have about four or five groups of tourists each week throughout the summer.

The rule was that since the person and his brother were the only ones who knew any other language outside their own tongue, Spanish, they were in charge of serving their tables. The kitchen was only available from 13:00 to 15:00 and from 19:30 to 21:00 during our initial opening hours of 12:00 to 22:30. There was only one menu that included an appetizer, two main courses, a dessert, and either cider or water.

One day, at around 16:00, they hear a car outside suddenly, and the person overheard a woman shouting loudly in English. This occurred as soon as they walk in. someone had recommended her the restaurant and she desired one table. The person informed her that it was late and the Kitchen was closed. The woman started blaming the roads and signals for her being late. She informed him that she had hungry children in the car.

The person was sorry to hear that and went on to see if there was anything he could do to help. He then walked inside and told his grandmother about the problem. She advised him to visit them because everything was ready and would only require heating the food. When he returned, the woman asked if he would set a table for them and inquired about the folks who were eating then. 

The woman then pointed at the person’s grandparents. He assumed she was acting in that way at the time because she was a little hungry. Since most tourists used to be very nice, he wasn't really used to dealing with nasty people. He informed her that since they are the proprietors, they are free to eat whenever they like while letting her know that they were ready to serve her as well. 

The family gave him an odd look when they got to know that they had only one table, but they appeared to be fine with it. He set a bottle of water on the table and served them the bread. They started eating the bread, which seemed to support my theory that they were impolite because they were starving. But he was completely mistaken.

The dad asked for the Wi-Fi password as soon as the person brought the starter. He informed him that the Wi-Fi was only for staff members' private usage. They got offended by it. They believed that they deserved access to the WiFi because they are the paying consumers.

The mother mentioned that their child wanted to see some videos and there was no internet access available at all. The person repeated his previous words. The mom started yelling that it was not right as this was not allowed in the United States. He then informed her that they were not in America. Meanwhile, the child heard something from his mother and began running around the restaurant while shouting and stamping his feet.

When the person’s great-grandpa asked what was going on and he told him everything. He was then asked to translate what his great-grandpa was about to say. He said clearly that if they couldn't keep their youngster under control, they would’ve to leave. His words offended the mother.

The mother started shouting that he can’t tell her how to raise her child. Everyone was obviously staring at these idiots with disbelief at this point. After a little pause, he translated everything they were saying to his great-grandpa, anticipating a less-than-favorable response. Without saying a word, he carefully turned around and requested the two men seated at a table to carry the entire family out of his establishment. 

The person informed the family that the two individuals, who also happened to be police officers, would be killing them if they didn't escape. They didn't want to go till they were served because they didn't seem to think those two men were officers. Finally, both guys stood up, displayed their certificates, and politely requested that they depart. However, as they were leaving, the police noticed that they had blocked our garage by parking in front of it. The family was even fined for obstructing a garage on private property.

Discounting It

A bag of garments was brought into the business a few days ago by a doctor. The person responded that they did not offer any discounts to healthcare professionals when she inquired about them. Only members of the armed forces, educators, or students qualified for the discounts. She became furious upon hearing this and said that doctors had put in much more effort and earned their pay more than teachers.

In the person’s opinion, expecting a doctor who makes a good living to receive a discount over instructors who make a pittance was arrogant and illiterate. He didn’t think that she required a discount if she could visit their business, spend $300 on garments, and leave with other shopping bags on her person. But things got worse. She started claiming that the doctors deserved discounts because they were the ones who were working hard during pandemics. 

Nonetheless, the woman was saying the truth, but she also had a very good salary. On the other hand, teachers work extremely hard to educate the younger generation, including aspiring doctors, but they have not been compensated adequately, which is why they frequently receive discounts. He just couldn’t understand how she could sit there criticizing teachers for receiving a discount as if it were something the staff agreed on.

Adults Only

A person shared the story of meeting a Karen at a coworker's adult-only wedding. The reception was for about 250 people, but the main ceremony was in a very small church, so it was mostly family and close friends. The event took place in a magnificent hotel ballroom. Not in any way kid-friendly. Crystal wine glasses, pricey tablecloths, etc.

A disturbance that had everyone looking started around a half-hour into the event. The spoiled mother was yelling at the wedding coordinator. It turned out that the woman attended the reception with her four young children despite the invites clearly stating that it was for adults only. 

The entitled mother argued that because her children—the youngest appeared less than a year old and the eldest looked like she was eight—were so well-behaved, everything was supposed to be fine. The outburst occurred around 7:30 p.m. The planner was not having it. She maintained that she had to go since kids were not permitted. The mother yelled at the bride in an attempt to get admission.

The bride stated the same thing that the planner was saying in a syrupy sweet voice after walking over and listening to her for a bit. She then scampered back to her new husband after turning on her heel. The mother lost it and started screaming about how she was invited, how she couldn't find a babysitter, etc. She and her children were led to the entrance by three of the groomsmen.

Rules Are For Others

The person worked at a store that didn’t allow in-store purchases and their click-and-collect system wasn't fully operational. Their current method was essentially emailing, and then we call the customer to confirm. Well, on Saturday, just before closing, someone called, and the person managed to fit her order in.

The woman even had the audacity to shout at the manager before hanging up the phone. Within an hour, they responded to her and took her order. She disregarded all of our COVID policy signage stating ‘call the store for pick-ups’ when she came to pick up both on Saturday. She chose to knock on the store's door instead by scaling the barriers. She did this when the person was on the phone with a customer, and his teammate was fully hidden from view.

The woman did the same thing once more on the day of the story. The person motioned for her to contact them. She called, and when he took her order and unlocked the door, she yelled at him for being impolite. He responded back by saying that she was impolite to ignore the COVID signage at the door. She became furious and yelled at him that she was never returning. 

If You Know, You Know

When the girl got home from college, her parents insisted to get a summer job. She was fortunate enough to be able to keep all he would make, and his parents agreed that working can be a good way to learn new skills. Her dad got her a job at one of his buddies’ businesses and was seeking for female employees to work in the office for taking calls and other such tasks. 

The girl was excited about the interview. She put on a dress, printed a copy of the resume, and drove down to the office. She sat down to fill out an application after the lovely woman inside asked her to do so. The office was in the South, they often look for a "beautiful face" for employment like this to sit behind the bar and interact with clients. It was a terrible fact for her but she needed the job. Consequently, an entitled mother walked in with her adolescent daughter while she filling out an application.

The mother made a statement to the effect that her daughter would want to apply and that she had come to inquire about the position. The receptionist provided her with an application and a pen while explaining that she must fill it out. They arrived to sit in the lobby directly next to her, which she found odd but she kept quiet about it. 

The mother then inquired with the lady if she had also come for the job. The lady replied yes. They made an irritating sound after hearing that. She ignored them and went to submit her application. The mother approached the desk to confirm if her daughter needed to fill out the form. The receptionist informed her that it was necessary as the employer will review each application before selecting who gets an interview. 

The mother mentioned that he the employer would see her daughter, he would know whom to call for the interview. The receptionist informed her that he was not seeing any visitors then. The mother kept on stressing the need for the employer to see the person first before calling for the interview. While the receptionist was focusing on the need to view their references and applications. The mother even added that her daughter used to be a model and would be the best choice for client interaction work. 

The receptionist clarified that looks don't really matter because they weren’t hiring for a modeling profession. The mother then pushed in closer and commented that no employer needs a fat person handling their client. The daughter has been sneering at the girl in passing looks while she completed her application the entire time. Both she and the receptionist were shocked after hearing whatever the mother was saying. 

The girl even started crying and sobbing out of anger or the pain of her insult. As she didn’t want the woman to see her crying, she sprung up and gave her application to the first receptionist before attempting to leave. Just then the second receptionist stopped her and confronted the mother. The mother informed her that she attended high school with the employer. 

The second receptionist asked if the woman knew the employer so well that he would not employ a fat girl behind the desk. The woman replied with a yes. The hammer then came crashing down. She informed her that she happens to be the wife of the employer was working as a receptionist for 15 years. Therefore, she’d like her to wait in the car while her daughter was filling out her application.

Both the mother and the daughter rushed away, with the girl carrying her application. The lady was optimistic that she had won the job since the two cashiers told me that the mother was a witch and that they would speak well of her to the employer.

Dog Days

The person used to work as a dog trainer at a well-known pet supply business many years ago. He had to do 100 things outside of his job description while he was a dog trainer since it was still retail. As a result, he was handling cash register duties, stocking, and assisting devoted patrons. 

Karens were a complete nightmare in the store one day while the man was doing his work. They came in droves since the store was surrounded by large, white suburban subdivisions. It was, in fact, vet day on the specific day Karen came to the store. A neighborhood veterinary clinic teamed up with the shop to provide rapid walk-in vet examinations for items like immunizations. Of course, combining "cheap" and "Karens" results in the worst workday of the week.

The shop was crowded the whole week as they were the biggest store in the neighborhood, and the line stretched all the way to the front. Dogs were going outside to relieve themselves, people were asking the man questions left and right, and kids were playing with the dog toys. The entire thing was there. The man was already juggling five tasks while getting ready for a dog training session, so he was feeling like a headless chicken.

However, the man came across Karen as he was leaving the vet station and assisting another client, and she clearly had trouble written all over her. She was dragging a few children down the aisle in his direction while sporting a dark tan, straight shoulder-length hair, and sunglasses. She appeared to be ready for battle and want to transform into the Hulk.

As the man was going to ask her how could he help her, Karen interrupted him mid-sentence by yelling out "Dogs" loudly. Her eyes were flashing with a mad sparkle. He again questioned in an effort to comprehend her coded message. He wanted to know whether she wanted dog toys, dog foods, or d treats. She then inquired about the dogs. Just then, his mind caught up, and realized that she was hoping they sold pets.

Thankfully, big-box retailers like this one don't typically sell pets directly. If not, they would purchase them from puppy farms. Unfortunately, the man had to tell the lady that they weren't that kind of store at this point. She screamed and cursed before turning back in an instant, dragging her children after her the entire time. Then she stomped back out the door. The man had the impression that he was verbally run over. This exchange lasted less than 30 seconds. It became a new record.

Taking A Bow

The person used to work at a little beauty supply shop in the southern US many years ago. They used to sell small clip-in hairpieces among other things. A four-person family had entered, and the mother and father were discussing things in the first aisle while the two little daughters were running throughout the store unattended, generating noise and messes.

Additionally, it was a truck day, and the person had been filling shelves from a shopping cart, which the locals there referred to as a buggy. It was stuffed to the gills. One of the young girls was pulling her cart around the corner to the opposite end of the aisle when she returned after 30 seconds to the stock room.

Even at her highest point, the girl was unable to see over the handle. Her mother instructed her to put it back where she found it when the person overheard her saying something to her. The child had turned the basket around by the time she was almost there. She proudly pushed the cart up to her and asked if she wanted her buggy back.

The person politely said that she shouldn't be tampering with that. Karen, the mother, then emerged at that point. She barged around the corner, telling the person not to address her child directly and that if she had anything to say, she should address her directly. Disregard the fact that the youngster had nearly tipped the basket over on herself on the opposite side of the store from her mother's location, slipped a little on the tile floors, and run into a shelf.

The person decided to skip the debate on safety issues and returned to stacking shelves. Later, the mother asked her to assist her in coordinating the color of her hair with the hairpieces. She assisted her in choosing one, after which she overheard her telling her husband that that was the one she wanted. She gathered her children and proceeded to the cashier.

The hairpiece Karen placed on the counter when she reached the register was different from the one the person had overheard her discussing. When she questioned her about it, she said that the second one was more expensive than she could afford but that she intended to return for it. They then dispersed. When she arrived at work the following day, the opening clerk announced that they got one of her customers that day. 

Customer complaints weren't common, but on that particular week, someone else came in while the person was away and complained about her. As the coworker was confused, she asked her if they have ever witnessed her treating a customer badly. The answer was no.

When the person was discussing the matter with her co-worker, the woman wearing the hairpiece and her children entered shortly after the door opened. It was going to fall. She began berating her about how she had ended up returning the hairpiece she had purchased the day before. 

In the first place, the store didn't accept returns for hair accessories. Karen said, however, that while she and my coworker were attempting to return it, they discovered a disparity between the item she was attempting to return and the one she had rung up. The coworker had therefore requested that she return during the person’s shift so that she could help with the return.

The item the woman was trying to return was not the one she had bought from the person; in fact, it was the item she overheard her telling her husband she wanted, and it was in a different product box. When she informed her as much, she screamed at her, warning her not to call her a liar.

Additionally, Karen began to make veiled physical threats. While the person was waiting, one of her adorable children had returned to the area surrounding the sales counter and she was attempting to gain her attention so that she could join in on the fun. The girl continued touching her when she swung around and sternly yelled.

The person then turned back to the mother and smiled sweetly as she recalled the previous day's event. She politely asked her if she could tell her child not to touch her and take her out from behind the counter. Instead of calling her back, she gave her child an order and then signaled that she would return in an hour to resume her terrorizing ways. 

As soon as the shop manager arrived, they updated her on the events that had occurred. The person was in the stock room when the lady returned. The manager suddenly forbade her to come out of the stock room. She could hear fragments through the door. Since the alternative option was to contact corporate, who would have given her money back, the person got the impression that they could give her some money back as a one-time gesture.

But then, across the store, the person could plainly hear the woman's voice. She was insisting on calling her back. The manager stood on her behalf as she threatened her with the consequences if she would touch her employees. Everyone was shocked to hear the manager’s forceful response. After that, there was general agreement among the staff that they were proud of how tough their manager could be if necessary. 

In The Dog House

The person who worked as a dog groomer when she was 20 years old shared a story of meeting a Karen. In dog grooming, reputation, quality, and time management are key factors. One day, they were anticipating a girl to arrive at 10:00 to interview for a position grooming dogs. She was young, perhaps 25 or 23, and had experience working as a dog groomer in other settings.

However, the gild did not arrive until 4:30. She reportedly had a hair appointment while visiting pals from out of town and had their nails done and she didn’t even bother to call and inform. She wanted to groom when she arrived but the person said no as they wanted responsible people in their store. 

The person then returned to get the final two dogs fixed. The girl on the other hand started sobbing which made her feel bad. Just then the entitled mother appeared. This morning, her mother demanded a chance for her daughter. The groomer informed her that her daughter was six and a half hours late. In dog grooming, that doesn't work at all. The mother explained that she was with her friends and as both the groomer and the girl were of the same age she was expecting her to understand. 

The groomer further explained that she would never come late to an interview. Additionally, the daughter hadn’t even called. She needed to finish five dogs. Well, there was no justification for making her cry, but there was nothing she could do. They kept on insisting to give the girl another chance but the groomer refused. She finally departed, claiming that her kid was too talented for them.

Meet Ugly

A male employee of a Segway tour company who was 17 years old shared a story of meeting a Karen. His job was to ride Segways around the city and interact with people while getting paid to do it, which was actually incredibly fun. There was a tour scheduled, so he arrived about 20 minutes early to respond to emails and prepare things. When the gang arrived, including the mother and daughter, things started to get interesting.

The man met them at the destination and started asking for information about the registration. Everybody needed to sign the waiver. However, as the daughter was just 16, she didn’t need to sign it. As her parents would sign it for her. However, the mother only heard him say the first part and missed the part where he said the girl didn't need to sign a waiver, leading her to believe he was merely inquiring about her age. It was most likely where it all began. 

On the tour, the mother continued interrupting the man as he tried to explain what he do and asked him questions about the daughter to see whether they get along. While he was focusing on giving them a tour, the mother was interested in his personal life. She was asking questions about his college and was giving information about her daughter. 

Throughout the trip, incidents like these continued to occur, and each time the daughter became redder and redder. He was aware of the girl's struggles and can sense her pain because his mother also informs random mall employees about him. Later, he informed the two of them that the trip was over and that they have 15 minutes to explore the town before meeting him back at the Segway place.

When the man reached home, he began preparing for their return. They arrived and he started charging them on his Segways. All of a sudden, the mother asked him what did he think of her daughter. He was taken aback. He explained that he had just recently ended a relationship and not really searching for anything at the moment.

The mother was offended by his words. She thought the man was not considering her daughter good enough for him. He was explaining the real reason behind his actions and just then everything took a really bizarre turn. The mother suddenly said that it was official and he was going on a date with her daughter. The man became irritated and said that she couldn’t direct him as he was not her child. Furthermore, she hadn't even enquired as to whether her daughter wanted to date him.

The daughter got her chance to make it clear that even she was not interested in dating the man. Then the mother threatened to call his employer and complain to him about the poor customer service he provided. She would even get him fired. The man seemed fine with it because he didn’t want to date someone under a threat. 

The mother’s expression changed from utter wrath to a tiny amount of surprise at that point. Probably, she didn’t expect him to be fine with calling his employer and complaining. Then, she refused to call him. The man kept on insisting to call him and even dialed his number for her. The daughter apologized to him before turning to follow her mother out the door as she dashed. Before his boss can answer, he hung up the phone and began cleaning the Segways.

Food Not Picture Perfect 

A man explained the story of one time he went out with a Karen. It all seemed well at first, but when her lunch finally arrived, she demanded that it be returned because it didn't resemble the picture. Being generally nice, the man also postponed eating. Even after demanding a return, they sent the exact same plate back. She snapped and asked to speak with the manager while the man started eating at that point.

When the manager approached, the entire restaurant appeared to be in disarray. Karen simply attacked him. The man put a twenty on the table for himself and gave the waitress a 10 while apologizing in his mouth. After that, he immediately departed without learning what had transpired. After returning from the restaurant, he even blocked her number. 

Surf’s Up

A surf instructor at a beachside surf school shared the story of meeting a Karen at work. She was just finished his last class and it was getting close to the end of the day. She was coated in water and sand after five consecutive hours of sessions and merely wanted to get it off of her and perhaps have a swim before leaving the beach. She was there with three coworkers—Sam, Joe, and Mick—in the surf shack.

Sam has a gender-neutral name in real life despite the name changes. The instructor’s boyfriend was going to be there in five minutes. Since she had already completed her portion of the shutting-up procedure, she left the lads to finish up while Sam hung the closed sign on the door, secured the filing cabinet, organized the wetsuits, and placed the boards back in their holders while she proceeded to the changing area to take off her wetsuit.

When the instructor was halfway through her tankini, she heard a loud voice in an American accent. She wanted to get a service then. As the boys were busy, she headed to the door. This woman didn't have the traditional Karen appearance. She had long hair, was tan, and was wearing a bikini with a sarong around her waist and a big, floppy beach hat. Her kids were like miniature versions of their mother. 

The instructor approached her and asked how could she assist them. The mother said that she could begin by donning some clothing. Except for a little area by her waist, her tankini covered about the same amount of skin as a one-piece would. Although the neckline was low, it was showing less skin than the mother who was in a bikini.

Anyhow, the instructor put on a tank top. The mother asked if she and her child could get a service. She apologized as her coworkers were now quite busy as they were closing up shop. The woman then needed to register her for classes for tomorrow. The instructor began to walk her through the timeslots, the dates they can fit her child in, the costs, and the prerequisites. She was pointing out a few things on the sign-up page while leaning over the counter and gesturing with her hands.

The mother interrupted her and asked her if she had a sweatshirt. The instructor was shocked by her question as they were on a beach in the middle of the summer during a heat wave. She politely refused. Then the mother demanded to talk to the other person as her kid was feeling self-conscious because of her.

The instructor was frustrated till then and she acknowledged that the woman was making her uncomfortable. She said with due respect that everything that needed to be covered was covered, and even pointed out that the woman was wearing less than her. Sam, who was dressed in a t-shirt and denim shorts, overheard this and identified her tone. He joined in as he figured that she was going to snap.

Sam joined and asked to assist the woman. The woman then started asking questions about her gender and requested male assistance. Mick and Joe were also aware of the loudness. They can hear the tone of the conversation even though she hasn't yelled or raised her voice and decided to intervene just in case. Both Mick and Joe were not wearing shirts and are only sporting board shorts and sandals.

Mick asked as he approached from behind the instructor if something was wrong and if the woman needed any assistance. Her eyes enlarged. She looked horrified and shocked at the instructor and the three boys. The instructor explained that she was only telling her to put some clothes on. Mick asked if she was aware that they were on a beach and that she might even be overdressed. 

The woman figured out that she can’t convince the instructor to magically summon extra garments to wear, and even the males won't share her opinion. Then, in her hollow skull, a notion struck her like a brick. She started questions about what she was doing with three males. They informed her that they were wrapping up. She was not even believing that as they were wearing very little clothing and the instructor had answered the door almost completely undressed. 

All four of them were so shocked by the woman’s words that they started making fun of themselves. The woman's daughter has her face in her hands and was now very red with embarrassment. Mick mentioned that they were in the middle of something, so she could either come in or get out. Just then the boyfriend arrived and hugged her. The instructor got an utterly brilliant idea to pull him in for a kiss in front of the woman. The last they ever heard of her was when she screeched a hellish noise that only dogs could hear before stomping off with her unfortunate daughter in tow.

Another Karen Bites The Dust

One daughter shared the story of her mother who was a Karen and has changed. She explained that she was never all that horrible. But when she was younger, her mother would summon the wait staff and berate them if they went to a restaurant and anything was poorly done. She has now switched sides entirely. She has become especially considerate of wait staff. 

The change in her nature started with the daughter being upfront and admitting that her desire to go out to dinner with her was diminished by her actions. Then, she observed a family member doing similarly. It turned out to be a habit she had picked up from her upbringing. Later, she realized he was being disagreeable and had destroyed their evening. After that, she entirely changed her attitude and was much nicer than usual. Now, she even makes a special effort to leave praises when things are going well.

Taking Me For A Ride

A single mother shared a story where she has been arguing with her ex for the past year because she tried to keep their child away from me. Being alone doesn't exactly assist with her finances because lawyers aren't cheap. She finally got to have her child at home again after winning the lawsuit.

The single mom was not able to buy a bicycle for her daughter as she was still paying off the costs associated with the litigation. The summer bonus gave her a much-needed financial boost. Thus, she was able to finally get her young daughter the bike she had been begging for a long time. 

Naturally, the daughter was happy to get the bike and they both enjoyed their time together while riding the bike. They returned home and left the bikes there. While the mom was preparing dinner, she observed a youngster leisurely walking by while riding the brand-new bike she had just acquired. To intercept him before he rode away, she hurried to the front door.

The mother then snatched the bike from his hands and frightened him out, telling him that it belonged to her and that it was wrong for him to just stroll into people's backyards and take things. She forced him off her property believing the situation was resolved. But she was so wrong about it. 

After fifteen minutes, the doorbell rang. It was the youngster and his wicked mother. The mother started demanding to return the bike to her son. She thought that the bike belonged to him as he located it. The mother explained that it was located in her garden. She further said that she should try to teach her child appropriate behavior and that he shouldn't enter other people's properties to steal their belongings.

The mother then started threatening the single mom in the name of the police. The mom was fine with it and closed the door. The whole incident made her daughter sob uncontrollably. The mom soothed her since she was believing she has lost her brand-new bike. After she has stopped sobbing, the mom attempted to finish cooking dinner once more. After she was finished cooking, the doorbell rang again. 

The entitled mother had called the authorities. When the single mom recognized them, she immediately became calm and asked one of the two officers to enter while the other stayed with the horrible woman. She described the circumstance to him and presented the bike's box and the receipt bearing her name. He shrugged, apologized for the trouble, and promised never to bother her again.

The mom smirked smugly as she let him leave and shut the door. She looked out the front window to see what was going on and observed the entitled mother throwing a complete fit. She was placed in the backseat of the patrol cruiser and handcuffed at the conclusion. There was no idea what happened to her but the daughter's bike was still with her. To the mom, that was all that mattered.

Karen And Proud Of It

A Karen is the person’s mother. When she needed something, she always flicked her fingers at the waiters. The daughter used to follow her about apologizing for her awful actions and offering generous tips. Her mother once called her brother's work to let him know that they were taking family portraits and that he needed the time off when his boss wouldn't give him a full week off for Christmas.

Being around her was so frustrating for the whole family because she was always ignorant. The daughter explained that she sees herself as someone who can make things happen and takes great pride in her ideal personality trait.

Here's To You 

A person explained the incident that happened on Holland's Liberation Day. Since the majority of the events on the day offered free admission, they used to frequently push down on attendees who brought their own food and beverages in an effort to boost beverage sales. However, as a friend of the person who resides nearby where the festival was taking place, they typically leave their alcohol there and pick it up in between the events after combining JD in a Coca-Cola Vanilla bottle before entering the festival grounds.

During the event, the person felt a tap on his shoulder as he was carrying the bottle of "coke" around. He moved to the side to let someone pass according to festival protocol and then continued walking. When he turned around, he saw a typical Karen trying to pull him back when he felt a hand quickly grab his shoulder. 

Karen was asking from where the person had gotten the coke bottle. He informed her that he has brought it with him from home. She wanted her child to try it. As he didn't want anyone to know that he had alcohol on him, he instructed her to buy a fresh can for her child. She explained that they were not selling Vanilla coke and her son didn’t like the normal ones.

The mother was giving him a demanding look as the child began squealing that he was thirsty and wanted coke in the man’s hand. The man then explained the truth that he had JD mixed with coke. She assumed that he was making that up to avoid having to share with her child. The youngster grabbed the bottle with both hands, jerked it out of his hand, and pulled it from the crowd as he moved aside to blend in with the crowd.

and fled while carrying his mother.

The man chased the child to stop him but until then, he has taken the sip. He almost immediately began violently puking up after this. The man made the decision to go over to his friend's house to mix a new one after deciding it would be best for him to not pursue the now-vomit-covered bottle of Jack and coke any further. He gave a ‘told you’ look to the mother before blending in with the crowd. She charged at him and tried to swing at him in a matter of seconds.

The woman then called security and started complaining that the man delivered the bottle of poison to her infant while pretending it was coke. She wanted him to be held captive. The guard asked him about the contents of the bottle and he told him the truth. He even explained that they pulled the bottle away from him after thinking it was coke and refusing to believe him when he said it was alcohol. He even tried to stop the child from drinking it. 

A passerby confirmed that he saw the child steal the bottle from the man’s hand at this point. Despite not having heard the dialogue. Security advised the mother to take her still-crying child to the first-aid station and to refrain from pulling such absurd stunts in the future. Then he told him that the next batch he was inevitably about to prepare needed to be handled with extra caution.

This Karen Cleaned Him Out

A husband explained the nature of his wife which was similar to a typical Karen. She would often hold up the line by griping about how they had once neglected to add something to her lengthy McDonald's order. No matter who or where she enjoyed berating underpaid employees with her bellyaching. To be honest, it was really embarrassing.

The man explained that his wife also spoke loudly. There was just one volume on her voice—11. She was ungrateful and an unpleasant person to work with. The man even urgently wanted a reason to break up with her and she ended up providing him with the finest one. She cheated on him. The man ended up divorcing her. All that was left was his dignity.

A Dressing Down

A person shared a story where she underwent student teaching in a sixth-grade class. Although challenging, the semester had been good overall for her. She was always treated equally and like a coworker by her teacher and her grade-level companions. The person had a really baby-faced appearance and didn't often appear to be in her 20s. She was even familiar with the students because she frequently filled in for them last year and the past fall.

Therefore, the children already appreciate the person, and they had a good working connection. They were going camping with four different courses for one week. Her teacher urged her to stay on as a teacher so she could gain experience. They spent most of their time in the hospital and watched out for youngsters' daily medication compliance. After months of teaching, it was like an easy job.

It made the kids delighted to see the person too. Anyways, she got to the camp with her teacher on a bus while some parents and two additional professors drove their cars while hauling student belongings. In preparation for their meeting with the camp director and the counselors, she got off the bus and started walking down to the lodge with the other teachers. Before going down, she stopped to fill her water bottle.

Just when the person finished filling her bottle, a mother approached and commented on her clothes as she considered her outfit very out of place in a school environment. She believed that all the other lads, including her son, would be distracted by her. She was dressed in black underwear, trousers, and a tank top with thick straps that covered her bra.

Only the person’s black undershirt, which prevented her bra from showing through her shirt, was visible to the mother. She handled the situation with a joke that it was hot outside and laughed. The mother considered it rude behavior and accused her of dressing that way to attract the males' attention. She smiled as politely as a teacher dealing with parents and explained that she was an educator and that the camp's dress policy permits tank tops.

The mother didn’t believe her and was persistent in calling her teacher and sending her home. Mrs. A, one of her teacher's colleagues, overheard the screaming and approached—also wearing a tank top. She asked if she needed anything. The person nodded and said she was just getting to know the mother. 

Mrs. A explained that the person has helped them all so much the entire semester and also taught the mother’s kid a few science lessons. She even added that she would be a fantastic educator. The mother's face was blazingly crimson. They gathered all the parents down to their air-conditioned lodge later that afternoon to go over the upcoming week with them.

Mrs. T, who essentially served as the team captain for their grade, presented the person to the parents. All but one person was pleased to meet her, and a few even indicated their children had enjoyed having her as one of their teachers. The moment her son raced up to me at dinner and asked if she could even teach in the seventh grade in front of his mother was the highlight of the week. 

The Karens Battle

Both the person’s mother and mother-in-law went by the name Karen and were Karens in real life. She explained that when her mom is out in public, she is the real Karen. With her, dining out is a headache since she is constantly grumbling about the service. She doesn't even have to ask for the manager; they are already on their way to the table to check on her.

On the other side, the person’s mother-in-law is a thousand times worse than her mother. She's an egotist. She mentioned that she could regale everyone with tales of the horrible things she has said to her and other strangers for days. She even mentioned that she doesn’t communicate with her mother-in-law. Therefore, she keeps wondering whether she should refer her to her boss, her mother, for additional help in resolving her issues with me.

The Gift of Forgiveness

While the father was encouraging the child's conduct, the narrative is primarily about the child. A person was playing basketball with the two neighborhood kids one summer day when he had just turned 14 years old. They were playing in their driveway. They have a fully paved driveway that could easily double as a significant court because their family is rather wealthy.

The kids were all alone by themselves for around thirty minutes when Satan's son himself arrived from across the street. The prototypical little jerk who made the select soccer squad three years ago and still acts like he was in charge. So, after letting him join the game, everything went smoothly for a while.

As they were playing, the young boy was agitated as he watched over the man in the center. He was outclassed since he was weaker and shorter. While explaining the significant event, the person explained that he just picked up a stray ball, and was heading back toward the goal. He was about to back him down again when the other child returned before him and interrupted his drive.

The child must have been quite irritated at not having a chance to play defense because he came up with a scheme. The person was still wearing a hoodie and the child grabbed the hood and pulled as hard as he could. He began to fear because he didn't expect his airflow to be cut off, especially since he was already breathing heavily. He was unable to remove him from his back.

It felt like a full 45 seconds, but the person had no idea how long he has been holding on. Although it may not appear as much time has passed, because he was so terrified, it felt like a very long time. After an eternity, he finally lets go of his hand, and he was able to remove him. At that moment, the boy was enraged, so he punched him square in the nose. It would have hurt a lot, but definitely not as much as he could.

After the attack, the child collapsed like he was dead. The boy was currently on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Being the melodramatic jerk he was, he was rolling around, yelling, and crying his eyes out. At that precise second, when his mother suddenly rushed over, the boy realized that he was in trouble. Between the time he began and the time the boy spanked him, his mother emerged.

Her mother was just like a classic upper-class, white parent who always wants to talk to the manager. She saw her child and started asking the boy why did he attack her child. The boy explained that he almost choked him to death before he punched him. The mom was still blaming the boy for her child’s condition.

It took some time for the neighbors to intervene and tried to protect the boy. The whole thing continued for another five minutes before the young person finally got up and walked back to his residence. The boy also went home since he was tired and sick of everything that happened. The following day, he tried to return, but the child was already there.

The child’s parents' cars were missing, so the boy supposed that he was staying with the neighborhood kids till they return. He decided to leave him alone and returned inside. A few hours later, the youngster arrived at his house with his mother waiting at the fence gate. The kid mentioned that he had come over to apologize for choking him and he won’t do it again. This made the boy apologize for punching him as well. 

The boy’s mother stopped by at the moment to check whom he was speaking to and inquired about the situation. The mother interjected and said the silliest thing. She said that they were here to receive the boy’s gift of pardon. She explained that the gift of forgiveness was customarily provided by the person who apologizes last in their family in order to make amends.

The boy’s mother seemed to get more and more disgusted by the scenario as the boy continued to describe what transpired. While he was telling his mother about the incident, the youngster attempted to "correct" his account by saying things like the boy hit him twice in the face and then kicked him in the nuts while he was crying on the ground. The mother's expression showed that she was aware that everything was a lie.

After completing the explanation, the boy went back to the child. His mother explained that in her family, they don't give gifts of forgiveness. The woman said that in her family, they do and pointed her child to pick something from the boy’s home.

The child pointed out at the boy’s PS4 after having a look around. The mother approached their door and recognized his PS4 and exclaimed that it would be their gift. The boy’s mother slammed the door in their faces and hastily locked it as steam poured out of her ears. It sounded as though they are attempting to break down the door as they began to pound on it with such force. They continued to bang on the door for at least an additional five minutes. 

Tween Confronts Karen

The mother of the tweens was about halfway to Karen when they confronted her. However, their mother used to perform the act at grocery stores. When the tweens were 12 years old, she was acting like a snarky jerk as they were waiting in line. For some reason, they decided to put her in her place right there and then because they had had enough. 

They yelled that if the mom would not stop, they would never come out with her in the future. Their voice was loud enough for the majority of people in their line and the cashier to hear. Since then, she has stopped doing that to them. They will just have to wait and see.

Just A Tip

A man who has already dealt with two entitled parents in just a few months after never having to deal with one in his whole childhood shared his story. He worked as a delivery driver for a well-known food delivery service in a Texas college town where everyone adores the color maroon. While he was admiring the beauty of the place, his phone notified him of a reasonably straightforward but pricey order from a local restaurant. 

The customer specified that the man must phone her once he would arrive because ringing the doorbell would annoy her autistic son in the section for delivery instructions. He had no issues with it. He drove over to the residence after receiving the order and phoned the customer. A younger woman opened the door. He handed over her order to her and asked if he could do any more help.

The woman started blaming the delivery guy for her situation by saying things like people like him don't comprehend how challenging it was to raise an autistic son and this much should not be required of her for meals. She asked if there was any discount available. He informed her that the app determines the order total.

That response disappointed the mother. Her cocky sneer turned into an angry scowl. He didn't realize how absurd it was for folks to buy their own meals. She started demanding the man pay for her order. He informed her that it was against company policy. He would probably get fired if he would pay for her order.

The entitled mother didn’t even care for the man’s job. She mentioned that it would be better as he was a bad and masty driver. The man pointed out that she should tip him because he had to put up with her for so long. He just put down the food and went away. He couldn't understand what she was shouting, despite her best efforts to not disturb her son who has autism. She gave the man a one-star rating. 

The next day, the man talked to support about it. It turned out that two of the previous delivery guy had already complained to her. They ensured him that they will take an effort to disable her account and that her review won't be on file with him. Now that she won't be receiving deliveries from them any longer.

Karen Sees The Light

The person’s mom was a total Karen when he was a child. She was constantly upset about something, and she treated his father like complete scum. To be clear, his father was the most kindhearted person and he structured their life so well that even the person’s grandchildren will benefit from it. She and his sister used to fight all the time, too. The yelling and screaming were commonplace in his home.

The person recalled doing something when he was around 10 or 11 that offended his mother and she punished him most horrifyingly. For months, she blatantly denied he didn't exist. The person was glad that he learned to ride a bike so he wasn't dependent on her for transportation. He even eventually mastered the ability to prepare basic meals on his own.

To her friends, the mother would blatantly make negative remarks about the person, his dad, and his sisters. When he entered the kitchen, she began typing an email to her pals that were solely critical of them. She used to half-close her computer as any of the family members passed by it and used to give them the side-eye before reopening it.

Public outings used to end in a drama of some kind. Whether it was an argument between the person’s sister and mother or just a general issue the mom had with the location or restaurant. One could almost always count on them to have a tragic ending. Since it grew so awful, he and his siblings really suggested to their parents that they get a divorce at one point. But they never did.

Things improved a little bit as the person grew older. His dad was doing well, and his parents were able to purchase their dream home when they were young, so they moved across the country. However, because of his employment, his father continued to spend most of his time in their hometown. So, in essence, it was just he and his mom who relocated there permanently. By this time, both of his sisters had moved out.

As the person entered high school, he had no friends, and since his mother didn't have a job, she also didn't make any new acquaintances. They were essentially made to be each other's rock. Even though they continued to disagree and have disagreements, they grew closer with time. Life with his mom was good, although she still had problems with his dad and a few other things.

Everything started to abruptly alter a year or so after the person left for college. His mother fell ill severely. She was so close to dying at one time. His entire family was terrified, yet it turned out to be one of their greatest blessings. She miraculously survived and totally recovered. She has been a totally different lady ever since.

The person’s parents were happy together and were fully back in love. She stopped screaming, yelling, or actively engaging in arguments. She evolved into the most encouraging person in his life and became his best friend. It has also brought his entire family closer together.

Holidays and family gatherings transformed from being a person’s least favorite events of the year to now being his most anticipated ones. While it's regrettable that it took his mother coming "so near to losing her life" to understand how much better life could be if she would simply change. The person now feels lucky to have a happier and more cohesive family.

Mom’s The Word

Due to an injury, the woman was unable to speak, and the only ways she could express herself were through writing and sign language unless she wanted to feel as though she was pouring half-molten nails down her throat. Moreover, she adored dining out. In order to prevent her from engaging in a game of charades with the waiter or server, her husband usually placed her order.

One day the woman and her husband were eating out, and clearly, this was not right. Due to the restaurant being rather empty, a young child, perhaps eight or nine years old, was observing them as they ordered food. The child can be heard talking to his mother, a woman possibly in her mid-to-late-40s, right after the server walks away.

The kid was curious as to why the man didn’t speak to the woman and placed the order for both of them on his own. Mom agreed that it was not right and come over to investigate the matter. She asked the woman if she was his girlfriend. She asked the husband if he places the order for his wife every time. The husband told her to stop and mind her own business. But she refused. Even the kid was inquiring if the woman can’t speak.

The mother justified her actions by saying that she didn’t want her child to learn these things. The husband then advised her to ignore them. She stormed out in a huff, and that first seemed to be the end of the night. 

However, while the couple was getting their dinner, they started communicating by signing, both of them looking a little perplexed at the weird woman's problem. The woman signed "crazy" using the well-known finger-pointing-to-head sign, which she just so happened to start doing as she re-approached them.

When the mother saw them communicating in sign language, she again approached them. She mentioned that she wouldn’t permit them to teach her child gang signs and they should stop. They just told her to stop talking. She quickly departed, and the couple continued talking while she glared at them angrily and tried to "protect" her child from the horrific gang signs until they went away.

Karen Gets Told

When the person was a youngster, his best friend's mother was a Karen. His father was the nicest person in the world and took a lot of rubbish from her: most of the time. Now and again, he'd say something really venomous, and the look on his face was horrifying. Here's an example of when he spoke back to her.

At one time, the person and his friend’s family were all out to dinner. The mother demanded that a waiter be fired. She was actually demanding for him to be fired right then and there. She was halfway up the table, her face getting redder and redder, and she began summarizing all the reasons why they should have free meals and the waiter should be terminated.

Just then, her husband muttered shut up in a voice that was calm, steady, and as frigid as deep space, and gently put his hand on her shoulder. She instantly stopped talking, and they all ate the rest of their lunch in silence. The person always liked that line, and he liked the way he would occasionally stand up to her. However, when he used that voice, he felt like he was listening to a psychopath talk.

Karen, Meet Kevin

Kevins are more likely to marry Karens. Kevins, although working in offices, drive trucks. They instigate conflicts over parking places because they assume the check-out females are flirting with them. They're the idiots who try to pass you and then slow down. While their spouses are in the restroom, they flirt with the waitress but only tip 10%.

Kevins have "conceal carry" permits for their handguns, but they let everyone know by showing them off at every opportunity—with trigger discipline. They also believe that referring to Black people as "urban youth" implies that they are not racist, and they enjoy unironically wearing T-shirts that frighten their daughter's dates.

Kevins inform random law enforcement personnel that they pay their salary at every opportunity. But their worst trait is that they occasionally strike their wives and children. It's simpler than speaking to them.

Bread And Circus

This occurred over 40 years ago. For the most part, the person’s close family was totally average and dull. They were not susceptible to temper tantrums. It was pretty peaceful and quiet. Everyone got along well, and they were content with their idleness. Thus the person had no prior experience with persons prone to shouting episodes.

The person struggled with incurable morbid curiosity and was also not concerned with pleasing others. The incident occurred while they were in town for his great auntie's funeral. He was 12. One of his aunts insisted on taking them all to her favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. She always said it was the greatest, and she was never incorrect.

The gimmick here was a little Italian flag on the table. When you needed extra dinner rolls, you raised the flag. This was crucial. They were seated, and the waiter took their beverage orders and delivered the bread basket. His poor long-suffering uncle, who has been married to this woman for nearly 20 years, was with them in the restaurant. It all started with the drink order.

The aunt ordered five sweet teas whereas the person’s dad ordered a coke. The problem started when his mom ordered tea without sugar which is a mortal sin in the south. The aunt believed that no one could dislike sweets or enjoy tea without sugar. She winked and ordered some sweet tea for his mom as well.

Emily, their child wanted coke as well. However, the aunt has a problem with it as well, as they used to drink Pepsi and she wanted everyone to drink sweet tea. The waitress gave them the beverages they had asked for. The aunt was becoming upset. She loved to be in charge of everything and everyone. So she instructed them what to have for supper.

The aunt requested that they all eat the veal. As the person didn’t like eating veal, he declined. He knew this might irritate her, but what else could he have done? Even his parents refused to eat veal after he explained to them why he wouldn't eat it years before. Thus, they, too, were unconcerned. They had complete authority to order whatever they desired.

That's exactly what they did. The person ate lasagna. It was excellent. After they ordered what they desired, his uncle became bolder and requested another item as well. His aunt, however, was not getting it. She was forcing her husband to eat the veal. But uncle was persistent on eating something else.

Both aunt and uncle started shouting at each other regarding the food to be ordered. Finally, after creating a huge scene, the aunt finally ordered veal for both of them. The person was glancing from one to the other the entire time like he was watching a tennis match. Back and forth, her voice became shriller with each statement. When they departed, he was very positive that bats would've been summoned. He was simply sitting there watching them while eating a dinner bun. Everyone got everything they desired, even Emily, much to my aunt's chagrin. Then it occurred.

The uncle hoisted the Italian flag and the aunt placed it on the table. He reinstalled it. She lowered it again. This kept on going for a while. The person noticed the bread guy lingering at the table's edge, waiting. The uncle wanted to eat more bread but as the aunt refused, he wasn’t able to have some. 

The uncle explained that he was hungry and needed bread. The aunt sarcastically told him that if he would’ve ordered veal then he wouldn’t be hungry. He then explained that he always remains hungry as his wife won’t ever let him eat anything. The person pointed out that she was looking disturbed. 

The aunt explained that it was because they were not listening to her. He pointed out that they were listening, they just didn’t care. He then offered to raise the flag to order more bread for everyone. Amid the chaos, a sweet lady seated next to Emily touched her on the shoulder and handed her their fresh bread basket. Emily grabbed a roll and handed it to the person. Just like this, the basket was passed on from one person to other. The uncle was quicker. 

When the waitress addressed the table to inquire if the family required anything, the aunt requested she deliver the check. However, the person wanted some dessert. The whole family supported the decision of having dessert. This made the aunt angry. She shouted that they were just having the check now. But the family refused to leave. Just then the aunt stood up and mentioned that she was leaving and was taking the car with her. 

The person’s dad expressed that it was their car. He refused when she asked for the keys. Then they started fighting over the car keys. That continued as they ate desserts and paid the bill. They returned to their hotel room after dropping them off. 

A Coven of Karens

Karens encircled the person. They were all around him. To begin with, his father is the largest Karen of all. He’s simply annoying in public if things don't go his way. He hates to stand in any queue longer than 30 seconds. Everything must be done his way or no way. These were his words only.

The person’s mother-in-law is a full-fledged Karen as well. Simply the worst. Everything revolves around her. If it isn't, she will create a fuss and draw all attention to herself. The person’s blood boils when he observed how she responds afterward—she'll always play the victim. It's insane. Karen in training is his wife. Her timidity prevents her from being a full-fledged Karen, yet everything is gaslighting. He mentioned that everything is his fault behind closed doors.

Karen Magnet

The person explained that he married a Karen whose mother was also a Karen. She was similar to Ray's mother from the show titled Everybody Loves Raymond. When the person’s mother and grandmother took him out to dinner, his mother grumbled that the coffee was just too hot, while his grandmother complained that the dessert was too cold. 

Even the person’s wife also had them kicked out of a minor league game, with the most humiliating reason of all. She was pestering the 15-year-old umpire. Thankfully, he divorced his wife and get rid of the Karen family. He was now alone and Karen-free.

Does Not Compute

A person shared the story of the Entitled Mother who lacked self-control while getting on the bus, which ended in damaging parts of his $55,000 wheelchair and having to contact the cops for assistance. The person was on the bus one night. He was on his way to a workshop that he was quite psyched about. Everything was going swimmingly until two people boarded just before his stop.

One was pushing a stroller while the other was carrying a kid. Most strollers must be folded before being taken onboard the bus, according to corporate policy, but not enough drivers police it, and this was one of the monster Cadillac strollers to boot. The entitled mother carried her unfolded stroller on the bus and, seeing that the front was completely taken by disabled persons, proceeded to force her way to the rear.

As her massive stroller couldn't fit in the allotted area, she began shoving it against the person’s wheelchair to get it through. He even warned them to be careful but she kept on squeezing it. Eventually, she pushed through and pushed back. He fumed for a few blocks, punched the stop button, and switched on his wheelchair.

Then the person received a "left brake disengaged" problem message. He even tried once more. The next few minutes were spent with the bus stopped, passengers yelling at him for "creating" the delay, and him panicking about how to get off the vehicle. Finally, a person repeatedly switched my electric/freewheel release switch on and off, which convinced my chair to operate long enough for me to exit my bus and go approximately 15 feet before it shut down.

When he reactivated it, it began to display a "charger inhibit" message, which is basically the warning you get while you try to move while still connected to the electrical outlet. The following hour was a series of occurrences that had him sitting on the floor with the back of his chair open, attempting to figure out what was going on. He even phoned the police since he wasn't sure how he would get home because his wheelchair repair business doesn't offer after-hours service.

Finally, he realized that two distinct items had been unconnected, and once he replaced them, my chair powered up perfectly. The wonderful officer assisted him in reattaching the cover to his chair and, more significantly, in safely resuming his seat. He missed the workshop, walked home, rinsed off the filthy pavement, and drank a few beers. None of this would have occurred if that Entitled Mom had merely taken a second to fold her stroller. He was just figuring out situations to avoid the scenario.

Gloves Come Off

Karen is the name of the person’s aunt. Karen is precisely what she is advertised to be. Everyone despises her. The person’s mom reportedly just had enough of her aunt and got into a large quarrel with her at a recent family reunion. 

The person wanted to calm the situation down but as soon as she went to break it up, her mother threw the knockout punch and screamed that she was a horrible person before decking her. His mother went away, and she tried not to giggle. The aunt, obviously, began to cry.

Welcome To Karenville

A person met a lady who was the polar opposite of Karen. It was amusing that the person was wishing that she'd be a Karen and take a stand for herself every now and again, but she's got me for that, so it was all fine. She truly lived in a Karen suburb. 

Every lady in the room is the epitome of a Karen. They are soccer mothers in their forties who remain at home with their wealthy husbands. They spend the entire day carting their spoilt brats about on "errands," which include going to the gym—but only a women's gym—with other Karens. This is followed by an hour of sitting at Starbucks in their $200 gym suits. 

The woman sat at Starbucks with other Karen friends, all of whom have children in $1,000 strollers. They come into her store, which is an organic and natural grocery store, only to bitch and moan about the condition of their fruits and veggies, placed a special order, and phoned them when their item arrives. It's all because Karen appeared to be superior to everyone else in the entire friggin globe. The person surely despised living there.

Back Of The Line

A person explained the story of a daughter and her mother duo who were attempting to enter the club late at night. The daughter was plainly young, and she was fairly lovely in an article of great, stylish clothing. The mother was not enormous, but she was definitely overweight, and she had crammed her girth into hot pants and a tank top that would have looked trashy on a supermodel. Stringy hair, cheap heavy jewelry, spray-on orange skin, and all the trailer trimmings. 

The person didn't hear how the conversation started, but these two were plainly trying to go ahead of the others. The bouncer, a massive action figure of a Black guy with an unusually babyish face and Job's patience, had rebuffed this attempt. The result was hilarious.

The daughter fired a few verbal barbs but looked just moderately annoyed. The bloodthirsty mother went insane. She was shrieking bigoted epithets that would curl a bystander's ear-hair, and any terrible name you can conceive. As usual, she wanted to call the owner.

The bouncer merely stood there and gave nice guidance. True heroism. After a few moments of this awful shouting, the daughter was mortified and tried to get the mother away from her. People are gathered to observe, and the event has turned into a spectator sport. The bouncer simply continued stating gently that they will have to go to the end of the queue like everyone else.

By this time, the woman wasn't even trying to defend the argument, simply shrieking the vile, and fairly repetitive, obscenities. Then she yelled that he was a terrible bouncer and that he would be fired that night. She then attempted to smack the bouncer. She wildly missed, and the bouncer took a small step forward as she shrieked and fell back.

The bodyguard handled the situation well. The woman shrieked a few more things before scurrying away, her kid tugging her by the arm. Even though it's been almost a decade, the person still wanted to track down that bodyguard and offer him a drink.

Karen Sufferer Hits The Jackpot

The man had two exes who were borderline Karens. Both were incredibly vexing characters. They couldn't accept any guilt or accountability. He recalled one of them being enraged with him for not returning her calls, despite the reality that her calls weren't getting through since my office had no service at the time.

Another one had addressed the man like a complete moron. He used to take her everywhere, but when his vehicle broke down, she came to his house and insisted on getting petrol money all the time. Since he usually paid for everything and rarely asked for anything in return. He reasoned that paying for her petrol would also serve as a form of payment for her silence.

She also made a big deal out of things that didn't go her way. The man clearly recalled her yelling at her dad over a little matter, and he felt utterly sorry for her. But now he believed that how can a mature adult act and think with such arrogance? 

Nevertheless, the man and his second girlfriend got engaged. He still questions that decision of him. His long-lost ex wanted to attend the occasion. When he revealed this strange email to his then-girlfriend, she freaked out and accused him of having an extramarital affair with his ex. If she was getting in touch with him, he must be dating her. She then left to tell his folks that he had been having an affair with her.

The cleanup was a huge, unsightly disaster. The splits were intriguing. The man and his girlfriend had our 500th disagreement of the week with the first one in his vehicle as he dropped her off at home. She sobbed inconsolably in the vehicle and wouldn't get out. She was spitting up everything from her nostrils and coughing it all over the place.

The man just continued to be silent till she ultimately softly went. But it seemed to last forever. It was probably the most unpleasant time of his life, by far! However, it wasn't quite over. She then went on to say that he took full advantage of her, which was why they broke up, with a couple of my close friends, so there's another terrible mess to fix. He even had to report it to the authorities.

The second girl handled it better, but she still considered it her life's work to humiliate the man whenever they went out with friends since they shared certain friends and she would always be there when he went out with a specific group. It makes me really appreciative of his current wife. 

Giving "Food Fight" A New Meaning

A person’s girlfriend and he were planning to get married. But since neither of their families was close by, they wanted to meet them first before they made the official proposal. Because he was younger and more innocent at the time and his parents were easygoing, he always believed the classic stereotype about meeting the in-laws being a major debacle was a hoax.

The man’s girlfriend spent some time with his folks. He informed them of his intentions while they were alone, just the two of them, and his mother questioned whether she already had children. Did she have reliable employment, his father enquired. They also questioned whether he genuinely loved her. They were completely behind his marriage. 

The man anticipated that meeting her parents would be similar. It was to be expected that he would be interrogated, but as long as he was truthful and polite, everything would be great. In his entire life, he would have never been more mistaken. His girlfriend's parents unexpectedly became pregnant with her while they were teenagers, and they subsequently gave birth to a "do-over daughter" when she was only six years old. 

The man traveled up to their city with his girlfriend and they had supper at a steakhouse where he first met them. He was astonished to find that they had brought the child because it was a rather sophisticated establishment and they had set the supper for 8:00 pm. Once they all sat down, the initial awkwardness subsided as he introduced himself to everyone. 

They were having a nice time chit-chatting when the six-year-old said she was thirsty, Ellen, the mother of my girlfriend, started yelling all of a sudden for water. Without even making eye contact with the unfortunate server, Ellen said that they were there for a long time and no one had even fetched the water. 

It was true that they had been waiting for service for perhaps 15 or 20 minutes, but the staff was clearly running behind, and none of the conditions called for the shouting. The fact that everyone else at the table seemed unconcerned should have made him realize that he should have prepared himself for a long night, but at the time he was unable to foresee what lay ahead.

After apologizing for the delay and explaining that several extremely large parties had arrived at once, the server hurried over carrying water. He reasoned that since the man appeared real and friendly, the water would just be an outlier on a fun night. 

Although there was no special menu for children, he claimed that the chef could make most items simpler. Ellen's response was one of complete skepticism when she got to know that there was no child’s menu as if he had claimed they lacked a fire exit. He explained that since there were enough simple dishes on the menu and not too many children as customers, a separate menu had never been required.

Ellen gave a loud sigh and waved him off. She literally motioned him away from the table without saying a word. The man attempted to apologize to him, but the waiter didn't return the favor, he was relieved that the poor guy had departed and was no longer subjected to her. She began to focus on him in the interim, and he almost wished the waiter would have returned.

The waiter was at least being paid for his attendance. She asked if the man was a scriptwriter. In response, he said, he wanted to be one, but it was difficult to get a job in that profession that will allow him to support himself. He was employed by a non-profit agency but the job included scripting and he was pretty happy there.

Ellen then asked her six-year-old to hear whatever the man was saying as she turned to face him and asked her to seize a man who pursues financial gain as she has some time for this. He thought she was trying to be funny but he couldn’t tell. He decided to just ignore it and turned to his girlfriend to see if she was even considering speaking up for him. But she wasn’t. 

The waiter returned, looking anxious, he was so laid-back and amiable at the beginning of the lunch. Before placing their order, the waiter asked if they would want to hear the specials, and Ellen answered yes. 

Even though Ellen chose a plain rib eye, well done, from the menu, the waiter had to continue to list the specials until he had gone through all seven or ten of them and she even asked him to list another before letting him finish the earlier one. When her daughter refused to accept her attempt to order her the same, Ellen allowed her to have mashed potatoes by herself for dinner. She then told the waiter to leave. The rest of them still hadn't placed their orders!

Everyone else just sat there, as like nothing was wrong. The man waited for someone to speak up since he assumed it was more her husband's or her older daughter's place, but when no one did, he felt powerless to resist. He asked whether the order was for everyone but was interrupted by his girlfriend that her mom always has the waiter put the kid's meal in first, so it can be started right away in the tone someone would use for a tourist breaking a hallowed local taboo.

Since Ellen not only placed an order for her children's food but also for her own dinner, the man assumed she was making fun of him. So he chuckled. Ellen then enquired the reason for his laugh. He stopped talking when he understood she was serious. Her dad tried to lighten the atmosphere by changing the subject, realizing that what was routine for them might not be as routine to him.

However, Ellen started in again just ten minutes after she and her daughter placed their purchase. Before they arrived, a different table received a side order of mashed potatoes with their dinner. Ellen completely lost it. No one of them could initially determine what was happening because she was sputtering so quietly. She finally succeeded in flagging down a busboy who could hardly speak any English, and she started berating him as he had just side-swiped her on the freeway.

Ellen wouldn't hold her breath long enough for him to get someone who could truly assist her, despite his repeated attempts to explain that he wasn't a server and could go get one. The man kept checking on his girlfriend to see whether she was embarrassed, or even annoyed, but she didn’t seem to be aware of what was going on.

When their waiter finally arrived, he managed to maintain a smile while being aware of what he was about to encounter. Ellen asked why another table got mashed potatoes when theirs haven't arrived yet. He informed her that those customers ordered potatoes before her party had placed their order, the waiter said in a pleasant but succinct manner. It doesn't matter when they ordered it, Ellen added as she turned to look the man in the eye. The youngest person present was her daughter and Her meal ought to be served first.

The waiter was struggling mightily now to maintain his composure. He clarified that age was irrelevant and that the policy was first come, first served. Ellen accepted his offer to check on the potatoes or, to be more precise. 

In the following three to five minutes, they were unable to talk about anything other than how awful the restaurant was, how hungry the poor baby was, who for a matter of fact had not made any mention of hunger the entire time and was contently playing her loud iPad game without headphones, disturbing all the other diners around us, and how America has lost all respect for motherhood because it is now a "me, me, me" culture.

The man supported Ellen in her last remark. However, to his complete horror, his girlfriend didn't laugh at his joke but seemed upset with him instead! The waiter then returned a little while later and announced that the potatoes will be served shortly. Ellen then does something that he had previously dismissed as a myth. In plain sight of the waiter, she removed three singles and a five from her wallet and placed them on the table.

Ellen said that for every table that’ll receive mashed potatoes before them, she could cut a part of the bill for it. The man felt utterly ashamed. The waiter simply took a deep breath and said that he didn’t have control over the order in which the kitchen fires tickets, but what he could tell her was that it should be out any minute. He then turned away without saying anything negative.

In the interest of his relationship, the man had been keeping quiet all night as well, but after the tip arrived—an $8 tip on top of a $100+ bill—he reasoned that, if his girlfriend were even half the person he thought she was, she wouldn't mind his speaking out at this point. She would at least offer encouragement. He, therefore, moved his chair back a little.

Then the man remarked, that he gets what Ellen was doing with the money on the table, but that kind of behavior was truly making him uncomfortable and was simply inappropriate, and asked to put the money away otherwise, they can easily do this again later. The father of his girlfriend considered him frugal to think that service providers deserved a tip.

Ellen startled her husband by saying that the man was right and this was not required but he could not decide if they were serious or pulling his chain. He should have anticipated what was coming and then been relieved. 

What she did next blew the man’s mind, when the next plate of mashed potatoes wasn't delivered to them she went right up to a stranger's table and picked it up off their table. She then folded the bills back into her wallet and waited patiently for them to be carried out. As she walked away with the stranger's meal saying that her daughter was starving, the elderly woman from whom she took it immediately followed her to their table and attempted to retrieve it. 

A shoving match between Ellen and an elderly woman using a tennis ball walker started when the man began to look for his coat tag in preparation to leave. The old woman yelled and asked her to give her back the potatoes. The child also said not to take someone else’s potatoes. But none of it was heard. Ellen just went and shouted. How could she sit there and eat these when her daughter hasn't even been served and was still hungry? These things escalated into banter. Finally, the waiter and manager came over to separate them because they had started to shout and create a commotion.

The waiter must have told management about Ellen's "tip on the table" prank since this was the last straw for the staff, who had previously ignored several requests from Ellen to put her daughter's iPad away. The family was informed that they would have to leave the restaurant. But since they haven't even received their meal yet Ellen yelled at the man.

This was not the manager's first experience and he said that everything else has been canceled and they can keep the food that has been already served for free and showed them the door. The man couldn’t believe what his girlfriend said and responded that he was shocked that she didn’t warn him before. To which she replied how could she have known about any of that?

The man asked her girlfriend if she was also like her mother. That was where their relationship came to an end. He was too deeply shaken by the realization that she saw nothing wrong with her mother's actions and that he would be marrying into that environment. 

In more ways than one, they both managed to avoid harm. They weren't the proper fit, regardless of who her family was, in retrospect. Her mother helped him understand in one night what would have likely taken them years to understand otherwise, saving them both a lot of time and sorrow. Within a month, they split up and took a "leave" that ultimately lasted forever. 

Snow White Becomes Evil Karen

A man explained that his wife was breathtakingly lovely when he first met her. As she spoke to the ducks at the lake, he can recall glancing at her. That day he thought that he was going to marry this lovely Snow White. All animals loved her, and she felt the same way about them. She had a clean soul. Whether she was wearing a sundress or jeans, she always looked stunning. 

The man didn’t know when she transformed, but she did so gradually. She started making him feel ashamed, inferior, and depressed. He was never recognized as having a valid argument or perspective, much less as being right after marriage. She frittered away money he had worked hard to obtain. The fact that she planned up their pregnancies to maximize the amount of time of staying home bothered him a lot. She had even acknowledged it.

“Karenasaurus” Rex

A Karen and the man were wed. She could never lose a debate because she was so nasty. She was violent both physically and mentally. The worst thing she would do was physically corner her husband and scream in his face for nearly an hour if she thought he might walk out on her. She would even call 911 on him for assault. 

In her Geo Tracker, Karen hit someone's Karen mobile from behind. She merely had her grille broken by the accident. To check if he could get a replacement grille, he visited a few Pick 'n Pulls. No Geo Tracker grilles were there, but he did discover a Chevy Tracker grille. The man bought it, but he had to get her permission before spending any money, so he pretended that he had purchased a Tracker grille.

Sadly, the man didn't get an opportunity to de-badge the grille and attached it to her Tracker with the Geo emblem before Karen saw it. She suffered as a result for two weeks. The man even promised her that he’d return it and get a Geo Tracker one, and he did return it. But he was still thinking about his cunning scheme. He went looking for the badge he had seen the previous day, mounted it, and then slapped it on the Chevy Tracker grille.

The man escaped as Karen was unaware of his deceit. She did, however, complain for days about how he was a fool for purchasing a Chevy grille even though it was obviously not the same car and that she had to wait an extra day before she could use it to get to work. She continued by saying that even if he did use the original badge, he should have done so to make it less noticeable.

It also became the man’s fault that she hit the man from behind. Her poor brakes were his responsibility. It's his fault that she took the shorter route he discovered to get to work. It was his fault she was still employed there. Basically, everything bad that was happening in her life was his fault. 

If blaming didn't work, she would become physically aggressive until the man gave in. The longer and second-largest battle were when he finally got rid of her, and it was then that he discovered she had cheated on me with every man she went on "business trips" with. She was a nice person on the outside up until the wedding. She turned into Karenasaurus Rex after the wedding.

Karenism Explained

When the person was young, his girlfriend yearned to be a Karen until she started to lose all of her friends. She then started alienating all of his friends, and they had a constructive conversation about how rudeness was bad for her. The worst part is that, in her mind, she believed she had to behave in that way in order to ever be heard.

As a result, she and the man both made an effort to be more mindful. Disagreements were usually well-considered. Their main issue has always been that she acted according to whatever the strongest emotion she was experiencing. They used to instruct her to do, whereas he react by calculating and thinking things through. Both of them have worked on that.

In situations where they weren’t satisfied, soft-spoken women are frequently ignored. One can almost hear the New York deli boy saying, "Listen, lady". So one can start Karen-ing, and it works right away sometimes.

Boss Bride

When the person was a child, he used to frequently work at his father's place of business. He was an off-premise caterer and event planner who frequently assembled opulent wedding parties. Huge feasts, 40-foot-long cheese and fruit tables, copious amounts of alcohol, occasionally numerous pigs for both an afternoon and an evening roast, and a large number of affluent guests who wanted affluent parties, paid a fortune and expected the world to revolve around them.

One particular incident, in particular, struck out because the bride-to-be and her mother got into a furious argument about some really stupid things when they came in to discuss arrangements. Whenever this occurred, the person’s dad would frequently simply observe without interfering and wait patiently for the parties to resolve their disputes. But this discussion reached an intriguing and decisive end.

The bride's mother was debating what color the cake's ornamental ribbons and frosting trim should be. She had previously shown that she was unable to defer to her daughter's final decision over anything, including the menu, plate garnishes, and the start time of the meal. The mother insisted on getting her way in every situation. 

The bride snapped when the daughter's mother began to fuss over the precise shade of off-light green while the daughter was gritting her teeth and simply grinding through it. She wanted her mother to stop taking decisions about her wedding otherwise she threatened to disinvite her. 

After that, the bride turned to face the person’s father and stated that as she will be signing his check, he work for her. Until she says so, nothing would be decided. She instructed him to call her right away if her mother tries to plan or alter anything. She made herself clear and everyone resumed preparing for the wedding.

When A Karen Snaps

The person whose parents are Karens explained how terrible it was to live with them. When he was told he had cancer, several charities sent him gift cards for money. He went shopping and bought some good headphones. They suddenly snapped one day, and his sister witnessed the event. They only needed a small bend to be placed on his head before they broke.

The following day, the person’s father took his wheelchair and returned it to the stores. He forced him to sit in the wheelchair after convincing him to remove his chemo cap. He lost his cool as soon as he wheeled him into the store. He eventually started screaming, ordering a manager and a supervisor to look at him. His sisters eventually left the store and stood outside shaking.

The person’s father refused to let him go or wheel himself out. He was beet red and had his head in his hands the entire time. He threw the shattered headphones into the metal receipt garbage can after they refused to assist him; he recalled hearing it rattle. As he stormed out, he called them filthy names. The person looked up as he was being wheeled out and apologized in his head.

Facebook Is Karen’s Kingdom

The person shared the story of a cousin who is wed to a Karen. Just to avoid her, he spends the entire day and night at the office. The family has some suspicions about his loyalty as well. He was essentially stuck aboard a ship with a "xenomorph" and was unaware of it because Karen hatched slowly. She assumed her ultimate Karen shape when they got married and the first baby was born.

Karen used to whine about everything the entire time, so the person won't go out to dinner with them. She rules Facebook, and the other Karens encourage her in these horrible habits by liking all of her postings. Her favorite pastime is whining about how difficult being a full-time mother is, despite the fact that her children are in school and she had employed a cleaner.

Some Assembly Required

This incident took place a while back. The person was the ICU's midnight charge nurse. At her hospital, he had just concluded a 12-hour shift that had grown into a 14-hour shift. He had to work the fourth shift in nine hours, which left her fatigued. He only needed some ingredients to go into the slow cooker so she would have food when she would wake up later that night.

The nurse made a pit stop at a well-known large box retailer that offers everything from food to clothing to gadgets. She had a large RN name badge, royal blue scrubs, and a stethoscope hanging around her neck because she forgot to take it off. She noticed an older couple straining to carry a heavy package into their SUV that was parked in front of the business as she made her way there.

The older couple was 90+. They were using unsteady hands and moving very slowly while teetering. His hips could not possibly support the weight without snapping. She had worked enough for that night. She instantly approached and offered assistance to the couple's female half. It was gratefully accepted, and she loaded their TV with no effort. It wasn't particularly hefty, but rather bulky.

The woman the nurse was talking to said that her husband didn't want to wait for assistance because it was a gift for their son. That was when the incident took place. The woman started shouting and they each paused in mid-sentence and turned to gaze at the other after being startled. A 50-year-old woman in a tacky beige pantsuit with a "get your manager" hairdo was standing nearby with a hand on her disproportionately large hip.

Karen said in the most Karen voice that if the nurse was done, then she also needed some help. She then gestured to her cart, which had two boxes of bookshelves that needed some construction. She believed that she worked here. The nurse began to apologize and informed her that she doesn’t work there. Instead of understanding, she yelled at her for making her late.

The nurse made another attempt after exchanging surprised stares with the old woman. But she was interrupted again. Karen then started rummaging through her handbag and muttering about "dumb morons" as she moved away from her cart to collect it. One wheel of the cart slid off the curb as it moved farther away.

The cart toppled over as a result of the full unbalanced weight. The nurse leaped forward automatically to try to stop everything from falling. She didn't succeed. The horrible woman turned around to see her particle board bookcases strewn on the concrete. The boxes' corners were crumpled, and one had torn open with some pieces of packaging now showing. 

The awful woman completely lost her mind and began raging. She was swearing at the nurse and yelling at her. She even threaten her that she was going to have her fired and that she owed her new bookshelves. At that point, the nurse was also done. She also started yelling at her and said that she didn’t work there and she could pick up her things on her own. 

The nurse jerked her sleeves out of grip and turned to face her now violently red face. She opened her mouth to start screaming again but she put her finger in her face and instructed her to shut her mouth. Even if she didn’t work here, she assisted her in cleaning up her waste mound. But not anymore. She was done.

Her mouth opened and shut like a bottom-feeding fish. She was absolutely gasping in disbelief that the nurse would dare yell at her. The manager and an employee then emerged. When the horrible woman noticed the manager, she raised her voice. 

Karen started accusing the nurse of damaging her bookshelf in front of the manager. She merely gaped in disbelief. Rather than offering an apology, she chose to escalate the absurdity and was now blaming her for damaging her belongings. The elderly man she had earlier helped entered and informed the manager of the situation before she could object.

The horrible woman continued to complain, but the manager understood the truth and apologized to the couple and the nurse. She was still standing there, furiously observing how the manager handles the woman and looked at the bookcases. They have not been harmed. She declined his offer of two further boxes because she was fed up with the whole thing.

Karen claimed that because of the nurse, she was already late. She just glared at her before telling the manager to load them. The boxes were then raised by the manager and employee and shoved into the woman's car. She shook her head and turned to walk into the store when the elderly woman she had earlier assisted stopped her.

The woman appreciated her assistance with the TV and apologized for Karen’s rude behavior. She then extended her hand to shake hers. She could feel something in her palm as she wrapped both of her flimsy hands around hers. She requested her to look at the note later.

The awful woman then got in her car, pulled out, and drove off without saying sorry or thanking anyone. The nurse finally went inside the supermarket to get her groceries. She was really shocked when she took what she had given her out of her pocket. It was a plastic bag filled with hardware and screws. She quickly understood that the kind little elderly lady used the uproar to remove the hardware from the awful woman's torn box.

Even though the nurse found it hard to believe, she couldn't stop grinning. Moreover, she now had a new petty vengeance hero to admire.

Having Your Chocolate And Eating It Too

The person had a job at a small, independent chocolate business that offered beverages, brownies, and truffles in a variety of flavors. Additionally, they included nut-free, vegan, and non-dairy options. 

One day, a woman came and created a scene. Since, they didn't have a "dairy-free, nut-free, sugar-free, vegan" choice, a woman insisted on speaking to the manager. Fortunately, the proprietor simply laughed and remarked that they have a vegan item and it was water. Never in their life have the person witnessed such entitled rage.

Room Service

The person’s college roommate slept with her boyfriend in secret while she was in class for an entire year. She frequently took more than a full load of classes, and every morning she attended math and science classes or study groups. She entered one day to a startling scene. They had just started acting in full when she returned early from a lesson that had been canceled.

The girl was so hurt by the incident that she quit her job. She was more hurt than she was angry with her. Through the split, she also lost the majority of her friends, who had been close for a long time. Take five years in the future. At the guy's parents' beach property, those two threw an outrageously costly engagement party. Some still-coupled pals who were there told her everything.

The woman discovered her ex-boyfriend in a restroom at the party with a waitress from the catering firm. Nevertheless, they wed. Despite the karma balance, she felt a little sorry for her friend. She believed that being with a cheater was the best she can do.

Greasing The Parts

The person worked as the front desk receptionist at a car dealership with an adjoining service and parts department at the time. Although he worked with a variety of customers, one, in particular, left him speechless. It was after the service and parts department had shut down, around 7 o'clock. He was simply conducting his regular business as the sales department was open till 8 p.m.

A 19-liter gallon of motor oil was slammed onto the counter by a woman as she approached the person’s desk. He was distracted at the time, which alarmed him. She asked me to sell her the oil right away. He just kind of looked at her for a second because he was perplexed. His desk didn't have a checkout counter because they were in a separate area of the building.

The person was thinking about where did she acquire the container as the components section was shut, and a fold-down metal cage was used to secure the storeroom window. When he had collected himself, he informed her that he would not be able to make any sales because the parts department was closed. She made a priceless reaction. She blew up in a fit of rage and motioned to the nearest window, demanding that he give her the oil.

Since they were open till nine o'clock, the person advised her to visit a different store close by. She could undoubtedly find oil there. She scoffed at him since she didn't like his response. She needed Kia brand oil for her Kia brand car. She spoke quite matter-of-factly and looked at me as if he was the most foolish person in the world. He was again taken aback by that.

The woman slammed the bottle down, and because of the person’s severe anxiousness, he was still mentally and physically shaken, making it difficult for him to think clearly. He made an effort to clarify that any brand of oil would suffice and that he would be pleased to assist her in determining which would be most effective so she could purchase it there. But all she did was keep slapping her head at him. She finally yelled out that she would simply return the next day, that he had been of absolutely no assistance, and rushed out. 

Then the person saw that she was accompanied by a child. He was able to deduce that she had removed the oil bottle from a service department display cabinet. He found it especially funny to picture someone removing something from a display shelf that was obviously not for sale out of rage.