Life Hacks That Prove Baby Powder Can Be Used For Many Things: No Baby Needed

Baby powder is one of the most common products you will find in people’s homes. It’s an astringent powder that is often used for diaper rash. Conventionally used until babies stop wearing diapers, not a lot of people know that it has a variety of uses that go beyond protecting a baby’s bum from irritation. Baby powder is super handy, and if you’re not in the know yet, you have come to the right place. We have compiled baby powder life hacks for you to make every day easier when it comes to cleaning, getting rid of odors, soothing irritated skin, making sheets fresher, and getting rid of stains easily. Who knew baby powder could be so versatile? We’re pleasantly surprised, and we’re sure you will be, too.

Polish your stainless steel sink

We clean and wash a variety of things in the sink, from pots and pans to vegetables, fruits, and meat. So, it’s not unusual to stain the sink from all the food and liquid on a daily basis. Fortunately, there is a simple way of making it look immaculately clean again.

Sprinkle some baby powder on the inside of the sink, grab a sponge, and rub it in a circular motion. Rinse the powder away and dry the sink with paper towels. It will look sparkly and fresh as if it hasn’t been used yet.

Soothe the skin before waxing

Any woman or man, for that matter, who has been through a waxing session will tell you that it can be quite painful and uncomfortable. If you have been waxing hair off your face, you ought to have some baby powder on hand.

Putting baby powder on your upper lip before waxing reduces the pain and chances of irritation. Nobody wants to see red bumps or irritated skin on your upper lip, and putting concealer on the area right after waxing is not a very good idea either.

Deodorize with baby powder

Who would have thought that baby powder would make a good deodorizer? It turns out we don’t always have to buy expensive deodorants that contain harsh chemicals. Your baby powder can just as easily do a good job of expelling odors.

If you’re heading out the door and find yourself needing some deodorant for your armpits but have none, you can easily reach for a bottle of baby powder. Just sprinkle some on your palm and directly apply it on your armpits, and you’ll smell good in no time.

Dry shampoo for your pet

Baby powder can be used as a dry shampoo for pets every time your pet needs a pick-me-up. We all know that they can start smelling funky, especially if they haven’t had their bath for some time. If you need something fast to make your pooch smell better, baby powder is your best bet.

Rub some baby powder vigorously into your puppy’s fur and let it settle for a few minutes. Follow through with brushing, and your beloved canine will smell and look better in an instant. This ‘dry shampoo’ hack is not only for dogs; it can be used on humans, too.

Use baby powder after shaving

Aftershaves can be costly, especially if you use them frequently. If you want to cut down on costs but still have something to use on your skin after shaving, baby powder is the best and cheapest alternative. It doesn’t matter if you’re shaving your legs or face.

Baby powder has cooling properties, so it works well when rubbed on an area that is freshly shaven. It will help reduce any irritation and will leave your skin smooth as silk. It also helps prevent painful razor burns.

Make the kitty litter box a little better

Ask any pet parent, and they will tell you that the kitty litter box can start stinking the whole house after some time. One of the most challenging things is how to keep them fresh. You’ve come to the right place if that’s your problem.

Baby powder is here to the rescue. Just sprinkle some baby powder in the litter box, and you’ll notice that it will start smelling different. Add the baby powder to your litter box cleaning routine, and you will definitely see a big difference.

Make lipstick last longer

Wearing your favorite lipstick can boost your confidence, but it can be irritating to have to reapply your favorite shade numerous times because it quickly fades away. This hack is going to help you in that department, and you’ll be glad you found this out.

You can make your lipstick last longer with the help of baby powder. It sets your lipstick and helps it stay on your lips longer, too. Apply a coat of lipstick, place a sheet of tissue over your lips, and lightly dust some baby powder through the tissue with a blush brush. Apply another coat of lipstick, and it will last for hours.

Say goodbye to stinky sneakers

No one likes wearing stinky shoes, and no one likes to be seated next to someone who has them, either. No matter how much you like someone, whether they are friends or family, you should be discreetly honest with them if their shoes stink.

And while you’re at it, help them out by letting them know this easy life hack. They can easily eliminate the dampness and odor from their shoes by pouring a small amount of baby powder into any type of footwear.

Silence that squeaky floor

Don’t you just hate squeaky wood floors? Are you able to sneak into the home when the floor announces every step you take? Now, you don’t have to be caught sneaking into the home after a night out with the help of baby powder.

All you need to do is sprinkle baby powder in between the floorboards, and that will fix all your problems. The floor won’t make any sound after this but remember to do it regularly. Lastly, we just like to remind everyone that we don’t recommend sneaking around.

Get rid of grease stains

Stubborn grease stains in clothes can be such a headache. Frying food is dangerous not only for our skin but also for our clothes. Getting grease splatter on your clothes is not the end of the world with the help of some baby powder straight on the stain.

Make sure that you rub the baby powder in well and then remove any excess powder with a brush. Repeat the steps until all the stain marks are gone. Not only does this work with cooking oil but also with butter and oily makeup.

Untangling jewelry the easy way

Another good use for baby powder is untangling necklaces and other types of jewelry. Putting your necklaces and bracelets together can sometimes result in knots that can be difficult to undo, which can make you lose your mind if your tugging at them for hours.

The baby powder acts as a lubricant, so sprinkle some and gently massage the knot so you can separate the chains and untangle them. Don’t forget to rinse off the baby powder with a mild soap. And next time, don’t forget to store your jewelry correctly, so you avoid this problem.

Remove mold from old books

Well, it seems that bookworms everywhere can rejoice because baby powder can also help them. If you have a massive collection of books, then you want to store them somewhere there won’t be mildew or mold, but sometimes you just can’t avoid it.

What you can do is sprinkle some baby powder between the pages and let the books stand upright for a few hours. Gently brush the remaining powder off the books, and you’ll see that they will be in much better shape than before. 

Clean playing cards

What does baby powder have to do with playing cards? It turns out a lot! Playing cards, when used frequently, can easily turn sticky and grimy. You don’t have to throw your cards away because you can easily address the problem.

Put the cards in a plastic bag with some baby powder. Seal the bag tightly and give it a few shakes. After removing the cards from the pack, you’ll notice that the cards are no longer slimy. They will feel smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Use baby powder to soothe dry skin

Dry skin can be caused by many things such as the weather, harsh detergents, soaps, heat, and other skin conditions. If you have been suffering from dry skin, make sure you have baby powder handy to help you deal with the problem.

Baby powder is excellent for soothing dry skin, so make sure you have a small bottle in your handbag, especially during the dry summer months and cold winter months, so you can keep your skin moisturized and feel refreshed when you need it.

Baby powder makes removing sand easy

First of all, we’d like to mention just how adorable those baby chubby legs and feet are that we could just eat them up. People think that it’s easier to wash away the sand with water when on the beach, but that’s not the best way to go about it.

It’s easier to remove sand from your body by using baby powder. Sprinkle some on your hands back and forth so you can easily dust away the sand. The baby powder will soak up moisture that’s making the sand stick to your skin.

Keep pesky ants away

Keep pesky ants away by pouring baby powder on them and making sure they are entirely covered in it. Baby powder can kill ants because it absorbs moisture which leads to severe dehydration. Moisture is necessary for ants to survive.

Furthermore, ants cannot walk over baby powder because it has a strong fragrance that overwhelms their pheromones. These are some of the reasons why it’s often used as a barrier so ants can’t come indoors. It’s also better than buying a special ant killer that’s laden with chemicals.

For thicker eyelashes

Thicker lashes make you look more beautiful and help to boost your confidence. You can trick people into believing that you have thicker eyelashes by using baby powder. Lightly dust your lashes with baby powder before you apply mascara.

It will make your lashes look thicker and longer and will act as a primer at the same time. Don’t forget to also use mascara that works wonders for your eyelashes, so you’ll be about to truly enjoy the lengthening effect.

Dehumidify your closet

One of these days, you’ll notice your closet smelling a little musty if you haven’t yet. Nobody wants to wear clothes that smell like they have been kept locked inside the wardrobe for decades, so get yourself some baby powder.

No, you don’t have to put the baby powder on your clothes. Pour some in a jar or bowl, and put it inside the closet without a lid. The powder will absorb the moisture in the air and give your closet a lovely scent, too.

Help set your makeup

Aside from being an excellent primer for your eyelashes, baby powder also helps when it comes to putting a full face of makeup on. But rather than putting it on your face first, baby powder will be the last step.

Put all your makeup on and once you’re done, use baby powder to set. Baby powder absorbs oil, so dust a bit over your face to prevent yourself from becoming too shiny after a few hours. We’re sure you don’t want to look like someone can fry an egg on your face.

Make your high heels a pleasure to wear

High heels come in different designs, colors, and heights, but one thing is for sure, they make you look more put-together, and they boost your confidence. Imagine Sarah Jessica Parker in her Jimmy Choos channeling Carrie Bradshaw, and you’ll know what we mean.

However, as great as they look, they can be very uncomfortable, especially if you have to stand on your feet for hours. Make them comfy by sprinkling some baby powder before wearing them. Doing this will prevent swelling and eliminate blisters, too.

Make play-doh for the kiddos

Believe it or not, play-doh was first sold as a wallpaper cleaner. It was originally used to remove dirt and soot from wall coverings by rolling the play-doh across the surface. Since it gained entry into the market, more than 3 billion cans have been sold so far.

If you want a better alternative to play-doh in which you can easily make at home, then this is a project you’ve been searching for. And, the kiddos in the house can easily do it with you. They will have so much fun, especially during rainy days.

Make some fake snow in time for the holiday season

This is a DIY project that you can easily do with the kids, and it’s just in time for the holiday season. Spruce up your home décor by adding fake snow around your Christmas tree, perhaps. This project doesn’t require that many materials.

All you need is some shaving cream and baby powder, and you’re good to go. This snow dough not only looks realistic, but it also smells good, and we guarantee you that the tiny tots in your home will have the time of their lives playing with it.

Crafting made easier

Nowadays, more people are finding out they have more time to do their arts and crafts projects, and one of the most in-demand supplies today in craft stores is modeling paste. Modeling paste, also called molding paste, is used to add relief and texture to paintings.

If you’re already in the middle of your project and find yourself with not enough modeling paste, don’t fret because you can always make some. How? Mix baby powder with a bit of mod podge and a tiny amount of paint, and you’ll produce a DIY modeling paste.

Nobody likes seeing sweat stains

Sweat stains are not nice to look, at and they can easily turn people off. Luckily, there is something you can do to prevent them from popping up. When ironing your shirts, don’t forget to sprinkle some baby powder on the areas where you’re prone to sweating.

Sprinkle some baby powder on the collar area and the armpit area before you start ironing your shirt. Trust us. You’ll be happy you did so. You certainly wouldn’t want your office crush to see you with those unsightly marks.

Loosen tight knots

Earlier, we have seen just how helpful baby powder is in detangling pieces of jewelry. With this hack, you’ll find out just how valuable baby powder is when it comes to loosening tight knots, strings, or shoelaces.

Sprinkle some baby powder on the tight knot before you start gently pulling it apart. You’ll notice that it will make the task a lot easier to do. By now, we should have already convinced you to always have baby powder handy in the household.

Prevent odors caused by spillage

No matter how careful we are, there are times when we drop and spill things. It’s something that happens not only to clumsy people but to everyone. When we spill food on the floor or the carpet, it often leaves a lingering odor.

This is especially true if the mess is not cleaned up properly. You can eliminate the odor by first making sure that the area is clean and then sprinkling some baby powder on it. Let the baby powder sit there for a few hours so that it gets absorbed before you vacuum any excess.

Prevent your plants from rotting

The last thing we think about when someone mentions baby powder or talcum powder are plants, but we just found out that baby powder is valuable when it comes to planting. Sprinkle some baby powder on the roots and bulbs of your plant before you put them in the soil.

This will not only deter pests from wreaking havoc but also prevent them from rotting. We never knew that baby powder can help with gardening! This just proves, even for us, that there is something new to learn every single day.

Prevent your pool inflatables from sticking

Inflatable toys are a necessity when the kids are splashing around in the pool. Their presence just seems to ensure a good time for the little ones. However, after all the fun is done and you deflate them and fold them up for storage, the plastic ends up sticking to itself.

It can be difficult to pry it apart the next time you want to use them. So, in the future, before you store them, you should dust the plastic with some baby powder before you fold them and store them away. This trick is also valuable for inflatable pools and pool covers.

Freshen sheets and cool them in the summer

The hot summer months can result in sticky and hot bedsheets that will make you refrain from snuggling up. Kick the blues away by sprinkling some baby powder in between your sheets before you hop in the sack during warm summer nights.

This will prevent you from getting soaked in sweat, and it will also make your sheets feel fresh, as if they just came out of the laundry. You will have a good night’s sleep when your sheets smell fresh and clean.

Prevent snagging

Silk is a cloth that can get creases, so it needs to be ironed. However, it is a very delicate cloth, and the slightest mishap can end up with snags on your favorite clothes. Yes, that’s a big problem, but you can avoid that from happening.

Sprinkle baby powder on a soft cloth and rub it on the bottom half of a cool iron. Yes, cool iron. After which, you can heat the iron until the residue disappears and iron as you normally would. The powder will leave a slippery and smooth layer over the fabric.

Remedy for damp feet

Never wear your socks and shoes with damp feet because not only is the thought gross, it can result in odors that you don’t want anywhere near you or your friends and family. You certainly don’t want people avoiding you.

If you don’t have time to freshen up in the gym and need to quickly go, you should dust some baby powder on your feet and inside your sneakers so that sweat can be absorbed, as well as odors.

Slip on rubber gloves with no difficulty

Brand new latex or rubber gloves can be a challenge to get into, especially if you have sweaty or oily hands. This is where the baby powder comes to your rescue to ease your way into the gloves. Get some baby powder and dust your hands with it.

Do this before you slip on the gloves, and you’ll notice that it’s a lot easier to get into the gloves. Who doesn’t like that, right? Now, you don’t have to stress about your home cleaning or other stuff that requires you to put gloves on.

Freshen carpets

You easily removed some carpet stains. However, some are so stubborn that you’ll be left with no choice but to replace the carpet. Carpets tend to attract dirt and residue, and that’s why some people don’t want them in their homes.

If you do have a carpet and need some advice on making them fresh again, you have come to the right place. Sprinkle some baby powder on the carpet before you vacuum it, and it will absorb the odors, leaving behind a pleasant smell.

DIY mask to fight acne

At this point, most of us have been wearing masks as a part of our skincare routine, and although it can be uncomfortable and bothersome, we need them for protection. There’s only one problem, though. It causes what people like to call maskne.

Prevent maskne by mixing talcum powder with a few drops of water. Make a paste using the two ingredients and leave it on your face for half an hour. After washing it off, you will get softer and smoother skin.

Fill in sparse brows

Thick, bushy eyebrows are in nowadays. Gone are the times when the standard of beauty included very thin eyebrows. But don’t worry if you’re not blessed with thick brows because you can always fill them in to create that illusion.

After using a nice brow pencil to fill in sparse areas, sprinkle a bit of baby powder onto the brow brush and comb through your eyebrows. This will plump up each hair and give you the illusion of fuller and thicker brows.

Make your own blush with baby powder

Can’t seem to find the perfect shade of blush for your skin tone? You’re not alone. Although there are plenty of makeup products available today, it can be challenging to find the exact shade that fits you, so why not make your own?

Yes, you heard us right. Make your own! This way, you can also ensure that you’re using nothing but natural products that don’t contain harsh chemicals. Just use a tiny bit of beetroot powder and baby powder! You can easily adjust the color of the blush by controlling the amount of coloring.

Mineral veil makeup

If you use makeup, you would have already come across mineral veil makeup. It’s a finishing powder that’s supposed to give skin a soft and translucent finish. It minimizes the appearance of fine lines and helps to absorb oil, too.

Famous brands of mineral veil makeup can cost a lot of money, but lucky you because you can always make one. The only things you will need are cornstarch, cocoa, and baby powder to come up with a cheap but just as effective version of mineral veil makeup.

Fix greasy hair

Do you have an oily scalp? We all know that an oily scalp can lead to greasy and icky hair, but if you don’t have time to wash your hair because you’re in a hurry but need to look your best, you can grab some baby powder.

Baby powder can act as dry shampoo and will absorb all the grease from your scalp, so you look presentable. Nobody wants to see someone make an important presentation at work with hair that looks like it hasn’t been washed for weeks.

Say goodbye to chafing

We all know how uncomfortable chafing is. It makes areas of your body sore and red and, in severe cases. It results in bleeding, swelling, or crusting. Usually, more people develop chafing on parts of the body that rub against each other or on clothing.

To prevent chafing, it’s best to wear clothes that are not too tight. Another prevention method is to use baby powder on the areas of your body that are prone to chafing. Just dust the baby powder over your skin, and you won’t feel any pain throughout the day.

Scroll smoothly on your laptop

The more we use our laptops, the oiler the keyboard and trackpad are going to get. This is normal because our skin secretes oils, and some people use their laptops while snacking at the same time, which is something we don’t recommend.

Make sure your keyboards and trackpad are always a pleasure to use by sprinkling a bit of baby powder on them. This will result in smooth gliding and a better typing and scrolling experience. Your fingers are going to glide on them.

Eczema treatment

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is something that affects about 20% of children and 3% of adults worldwide, and according to experts, people who live in colder climates tend to be more prone to developing eczema. If you’re one of them, you know it can be difficult to deal with at times.

Make sure you prevent irritation by using mildly medicated talcum powder to calm your skin. Make sure you focus on skin folds and the groin areas to prevent flare-ups from getting worse. Medicated baby powder contains allantoin and zinc that can help soothe symptoms.