Tested Beyond Her Limits
As Lorraine Barker got ready for work that day, she had no idea how her day would turn out at Delta Airline 310. Lorraine was used to minor hiccups whenever she was at work.

She was responsible for hundreds of people, which meant complications were always sure to occur. But she had no idea that today would test her beyond her limits.
A Dream
Job Ever since Lorraine was young, she dreamt of going to as many countries as she possibly could. That's when she got the idea of being a flight attendant. It was the perfect job for what she wanted to do.

Lorraine achieved her dream and became a flight attendant right after high school. She got tosee exotic locations, but it was hard work, and she did sometimes miss her family.
A Long Flight
One morning, like any other, passengers piled into the airplane, and Lorraine's shift started. She had to go through all of the procedures before anything else.

Lorraine loved seeing people from all sorts of different places. Today, she would be flying from Salt Lake City all the way to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It was an exciting destination.
Always Looking To Help
The ten hour flight would mean she had a long shift ahead of her, but she didn't mind.

She loved looking out for anyone that needed assistance, especially children. She'd reassure scared children and distract them from the turbulence. Mothers had told her she had natural talent when it came to kids.
A Man
As Lorraine looked around the rows of countless people, one man caught her eye. He was at the back and looked uncomfortable. She tried to catch his attention, but it was clear that he wanted to be alone.

Lorraine had a good intuition when it came to people flying with her. She felt like something was off with the man, even if she couldn't put her finger on it.
A Bad Feeling
Lorraine made a mental note of the man as she continued her shift. Whenever she could, she glanced in his direction and saw him checking his watch. He had no carry-on luggage and looked nervous. What was going on?

Lorraine knew that she had no reason to be suspicious of him, but that didn't calm her nerves. She had a bad feeling about the man, but she had no idea how true that would turn out to be.
Only One Meal
Because it was a long flight, the passengers got their in-flight meal. But when the man ordered food, he only got one meal despite having two young girls with him. She wanted to say something, but the customer was always right.

As Lorraine watched the man and the girls, she noticed another detail. The girls weren't eating anything. They looked distressed, too; were they just afraid of flying?
The Girls Looked Unhappy
She noticed the girls were very quiet and just looked down.

They had nothing to keep themselves occupied like some parents would bring along coloring books and crayons or an iPad. They looked sad and she wondered if their dad had probably scolded them for doing something. Lorraine decided to treat the girls to something special to get their spirits up.
A Look Of Disapproval
She gathered some sandwiches and juice boxes to take to them. She knew that this would have them smiling in no time.

When she approached them, the man gave her a disapproving look and said “no”. Lorraine was taken aback by his defiant behavior. She just wanted to put a smile on the children’s faces but this man was hell-bent on stopping her.
She Wanted To Help
She could see they looked lost and craved attention of some kind. They also looked somewhat untidy and their hair looked like it hadn’t been combed in days.

What kind of parent leaves their children in this state? She always wanted children of her own and she couldn’t imagine not taking care of them and leaving them to fend for themselves.
A Plan In Mind
Lorraine knew she had to do something. She couldn' ignore her gut feeling any longer. She quickly

made a plan to discreetly ask the girls if they needed help and to signal the pilot for assistance if necessary. Lorraine's heart was racing as she approached the man and his daughters. She put on a smile and leaned down to speak to the girls.
A Polite Conversation
"Hi, do you like drawing?"she asked, trying to start a conversation. The girls nodded shyly, and Lorraine handed them the coloring books and crayons.

As they began to color, she asked them if they were okay and if they needed anything. They looked up at her with sad eyes and nodded their heads. But the man gave an angry stare at her that made her blood run cold.
An Uneasy Feeling
As the flight continued, Lorraine couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right. She noticed that the man was becoming increasingly agitated and was pacing back and forth in the aisle.

Lorraine watched him closely, ready to intervene if necessary. She also kept a close eye on the girls, hoping that they would be okay.
No Proof
During the flight, she noticed the man had eventually let them each watch a movie. They had their headphones on and seemed a little more at ease.

But Lorraine knew that something wasn’t right. She hadn’t seen this kind of behavior from children before and she was worried that they might be in danger. But there was one problem, she couldn’t prove it.
Finding A Way To Talk To Them
She needed to find a way to communicate with the girls alone. None of them were getting up to go to the bathroom so Lorraine found it difficult to work on her plan.

She continued to watch them as she wheeled the food along the aisles. They looked somewhat happy but she could see fear in their eyes.
Trying To Send A Message
She wanted to send a secret message to them that they could only read. How was she going to do that without getting caught by their father?

Lorraine was good with kids so she tried to come up with a fun way to distract them to get the message out to them. It was not going to be easy.
Asking For Help
She asked one of the other flight attendants for advice and help. It was a difficult situation indeed but her long-time friend, Ava, came up with a possible solution.

They just needed to execute it perfectly so as to not arouse any suspicion from their father. Lorraine’s nerves were shot. This was her only chance to see if these girls needed her help.
The Plan
Ava suggested that Lorraine offer the girls a game of tic-tac-toe, with the winner receiving a special prize. The prize would be a note that Lorraine would secretly slip to the winner with a message to meether in the bathroom.

Lorraine thought it was a good plan and began to put it into action.
The Game
Lorraine approached the girls with a smile and asked if they wanted to play tic-tac-toe. They eagerly agreed, and Lorraine gave them each a piece of paper and a pen.

As they played the game, Lorraine made sure to keep an eye on the man. He was busy watching a movie and didn't seem to notice what was happening.
A Tense Situation
It was a tense situation. She was really trying to do something without the man noticing and it was becoming very difficult.

At one point, the man glared at her and the girls to see what exactly was happening. But he figured that it was innocent and went back to watching his movie. It was a close call for Lorraine and the girls.
The Secret Message
When the game was over, Lorraine gave the girls their special prize. She whispered to the winner to meet her in the bathroom in five minutes. The girls nodded, and Lorraine went back to her duties.

She watched them closely. She could see they were finding it difficult to get up and go to the bathroom without the man getting suspicious. But five minutes later, the winner knocked on the bathroom door, and Lorraine let her in.
The Conversation
The Conversation Lorraine asked the girl if she was okay and if she needed help. The girl nodded and told her that her father was not her birth father.

Her lips started trembling, her eyes growing glossy. She looked behind her as if the man was listening in. "It's okay,&" Lorraine said. If only she knew what she was getting herself into.
The Truth
What Lorraine had feared throughout the flight was seemingly coming true. The man and the two girls were not related.

Lorraine swallowed a hard lump of air as she considered the implications of what she' just gotten herself into. Wouldn't it be wise for her to pull the plug on her operation before it was too late?
Going To Ava
The worried flight attendant thought about reporting the matter to Ava first.

Her friend had always helped her keep a clear head during such difficult moments. Lorraine also wasn't sure if the girls were in actual trouble just because the man wasn't their dad. What if she caused a stir only to end up being sued for defamation or something along those lines?
Are You Okay?
Lorraine's mind raced so much that the girl asked if she was okay. Lorraine nodded, her lips curling.

That the girl had asked her if she was okay was enough to tell her what she needed to do.She'd always helped people, whether it was dangerous. She wasn't about to stop now. But before shecould do anything here, she'd have to help the girl back to her seat. It would be wise if the man she was with didn't suspect anything.
More Questions
Lorraine considered asking the girl a few more questions. She needed more context for what was happening. But the girl had already been away for long enough. The man would be looking for her soon.

Unlocking the bathroom door, Lorraine asked the girl if their mom was alright with the man taking her and her sister away. The girl's answer would make her freeze in place.
A Shocking Answer
"Mommy wasn't home,"the girl whispered, sadness lacing her voice. Lorraine had to shake herself back to reality. "It's going to be okay,"she whispered, even though fear had petrified her.

Men capable of doing the things this man was doing weren't the kind to play around. The same way she did while inside the bathroom, Lorraine wondered if getting involved here was a wise choice.
Going Back To Her Seat
She led the girl back to her seat. After strapping her in, she walked over to Ava, using everything within her to remain calm.

Ava saw her face, devoid of emotion, and stopped everything she was doing, accompanying her to the flight attendants"seats. "So?"she asked, and Lorraine nodded. "We were right. Something's verywrong."
Sharing The News
Lorraine explained everything that the girl had said.

But she also shared that the information deserved more context. What if the girls' father needed them flown out? What if their mom had arranged the whole thing? Interfering in private matters was never a good thing. But what if the girls truly needed help?
Making A Choice
"What do you want to do, Lorraine?"Ava asked. " Help," answered Lorraine with a straight face. She was realizing that getting in trouble for meddling in someone's personal issues wouldn't be as bad as regretting not having helped.

Ava smiled and said, "We need a clear plan, then. We have one shot at this. We cannot afford to mess up. What's on your mind?"
Assessing Everything
"We need to assess what we know and don"t,"said Lorraine. She checked her watch. "We have two hours before the plane touches down." "Two hours isn"t enough," Ava answered.

"What do we know?" "The man has taken the girl and her sister from their mother,"said Lorraine. "He's flying them to a different country, which isn't a good"
Remaining Objective
"We know there isn't much we can do here," she continued. "But we can continue acting like we don't know what's happening. We don't want to spook him."She suggested asking the captain for help, seeing as he was the one who had access to the plane's communication systems.

He was the only one who could convince the authorities to arrive on time.
At The Cockpit
With the two hours counting down, Lorraine and Ava hurried to the captain and explained the situation. The captain was astounded and couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Although he agreed that this case might not be something huge, he couldn't take any chances. He had heard about cases like this, and he knew what he had to do.
Explaining Everything That's Happened
The captain contacted the authorities, explaining the situation at hand. He went over everything Lorraine and Ava had shared, from how scared the girls looked to how apprehensive and on edge the man was.

He explained that Lorraine had made contact with one of the girls and ascertained that the man wasn't their dad. But that wasn't all.
An Hour From Rio
The captain shared that the girls were taken when their mom wasn't home, which made the situation even more serious.

Since the plane was about an hour from touching down in Rio, the captain requested the authorities send a few squad cars and an ambulance and wait at the runway. He wouldn't be taking any chances.
The Waiting Game
After the call, he thanked Lorraine for her initiative, asking her and Ava to remain calm and carry on their duties as usual. "We do,'t want to spook him," he said.

As far as Lorraine saw it, she'd done her part well. Now she only needed to hold on for sixty minutes, and the girls would be safe.
Remaining Calm
The man looked at Lorraine suspiciously as she passed them. He looked at the girls, and they just continued watching their movies as per Lorraine's instructions.

They just had to endure it for another half hour before they finally landed in Brazil. It was important for them all to remain calm as if nothing was going on for them to execute the next steps in the plan.
It's Coming To An End
As the final minutes of the flight came, a serene quietness took the plane. But in the silence, emotions were charged.

On one end, Lorraine's heart thumped in her ears as she wondered whether her plan would work. On the other end was the man, nervously craning his neck so he could catch a glimpse of what was happening outside the plane.
The Descent
As the flight was coming to an end, the captain made the necessary announcements. Everyone sat back as the plane slowly made its descent.

Lorraine watched one last time as the man began talking to the girls. He was probably giving them instructions on what to do once they landed. It seemed like even he couldn't afford to mess this up.
Wanted To Make A Swift Exit
As the plane touched down, Lorraine knew it was now or never. She needed to spring into action and save the girls before it was too late.

She saw the man get up and the girls had desperate looks on their faces. He wanted to quickly exit the plane from the back but the girls were resisting. Lorraine knew they were panicking.
It was Now Or Never
He grabbed their hands and one of the girls shouted. Lorraine made her way to the girls. The other passengers were looking as they could see the commotion.

Luckily the captain also came to help. Lorraine separated the girls from the man and the captain apprehended him as authorities made their way onto the plane.
The Arrest
The man was immediately arrested. Lorraine and the girls were escorted off the plane and taken to a safe location in the airport.

The girls were visibly shaken but relieved that they were finally safe. Lorraine stayed with them until the authorities came to take their statements. It was then that Lorraine discovered something even more shocking.
A Cold Case
The two girls were eventually taken into protective custody. It seems that Lorraine had helped break open a cold case that had been going on for years.

The man had been on the run for a long time, and thanks to Lorraine's quick thinking and actions, he was finally caught. The girls had been missing for two years. Lorraine was baffled by the revelation.
The Aftermath
After the incident, Lorraine was hailed as a hero by the authorities and her colleagues. She had saved two young girls from a life of misery and had helped bring a dangerous criminal to justice. The cops were able to bust open the whole operation and arrest everyone involved.

Lorraine knew she had to do more to fight human trafficking. She volunteered with organizations that helped victims of trafficking.
What If She
also made it her mission to educate others on the dangers of trafficking and how to identify and report suspicious activity.

She later learned that the girls were reunited with their mom and were doing well. She was so relieved that she listened to her instincts and acted when she did. Who knows what would've happened if she didn't?