Mom Clicks A Picture Of Her Daughter But Screams In Terror After Looking At The Close-Up

The magic of photography is indeed an incredible thing, we not only capture the special moments of our lives in photographs but also cherish it for a lifetime. But in the case of an Arizona family, the picture they captured of a happy and precious moment, happened to be not only a remarkable remembrance but actually a petrified emergency that could turn into a tragedy. Read on to discover the incredible real story behind this picture that is filled with secrets.

A Special Day

It was a pretty special day for this loving family in Auburn, Arizona. The family was elated and excited and had not at all anticipated any type of disaster or danger. The reason behind their happiness and excitement was their 13-year-old girl Brooke, it was her first day of the seventh grade, and she was obviously very excited about it. And it is no surprise that her mother was excited for her too. But they had not imagined that their excitement would soon turn into dread and panic.

Cheer Up

As it was such a big and cheerful day for Brooke because she was about to set forth on her first day of the new school year, her mother decided to capture this precious moment for her on camera. So, before heading for the school, Brooke posed for the camera. But they had no clue that the picture would be the beginning of a horrific trouble.

A Family Ritual

It is quite popular for people to take pictures of their children on their first day of school. But it wasn’t Brooke’s first day of school at all. It was just the beginning of a new school year for her. For her mother, she still clicked pictures of her because it was a family ritual to capture a new picture every time she began a new school year. But little did they know that the picture which they just captured would soon turn out to be a source of terror and hitting headlines around the world.

Incredible Memories

For Brooke and her mother, they had an adorable picture from every year savouring memories of Brooke’s first day of school in each grade. As a marvellous tradition, it was also a remarkable way to capture Brooke’s growth as a person, as it let them compare each picture with the ones from the previous years. But this adorable picture turned out to be a lot more than just a fascinating comparison to previous pictures- it in fact became a life-or-death situation.

New Achievements

As Brooke and her parents prepared for their yearly ritual, there were other new achievements to celebrate besides a new school year. It was not only a picture of her new school year but also in the new house, in which they had just moved. The family had previously lived in an apartment in the middle of the city, but now they had shifted to a quiet suburb with a large front lawn. They did not have a slightest hint that their celebrations would turn into sudden horror.

Preparing The Scene

Previously they had a beautiful luxury apartment in the middle of the city. All the previous pictures of Brooke were generally indoors, with their luxurious interior as background. But now that they had shifted in a suburban house with a ravishing front lawn, Brooke decided she wanted to be clicked in the garden this year. But once she saw the picture, she immediately regretted her decision.

Sunshine Of Her Class

Brook was a well-admired girl and sunshine of her class at school. Everyone recognised her as a hardworking and talented student, and she had a great bond with her other classmates. So, her absence on the first day of school was quickly noticed by her friends and teachers. While everyone wondered what had happened to her, the answer to all the questions resided in that one epic picture that turned her fate.

Horror Stricken

As Brooke was quite popular in her school, everybody at school including her teachers were waiting to see her on the first day of seventh grade. So, when she didn’t turn up at the school her absence was felt by everyone. And when Brooke’s best friend appeared panic-stricken, everybody made a guess that something terrible had happened.

An Astonishing Picture

As Brooke’s best friend approached with shock and horror to everyone, they just knew that something was seriously wrong. Brooke had never skipped her first day of school which indicated to everyone that she was in trouble. Brooke’s friend shouted to everyone to immediately check Instagram- as Brooke had just shared something that would stun everyone. And the moment they saw the picture, everyone realized what a shocking thing had happened to her.

Dreadful Moment

As the news of Brooke’s trouble spread throughout the school, everyone hurried to open their phones and look at the picture on Instagram that revealed what actually had happened to her. As everyone scrolled through the Instagram feed, their jaws dropped in horror and surprise. Brooke was fortunate to be alive- let alone attend the school. What unfateful thing had happened to her that shocked everyone?

Moment Of Terror

While Brooke revealed the incident to her classmates, she and her mother were still at home digesting the shock of the unpredictable incident. So what had actually happened to her? Actually, at the time when they clicked the picture they did not realize anything strange. But the moment after they took the photo, Brooke’s mother observed a slight movement in the background behind her. And after taking a closer look at it, she was horror-stricken by looking at what it actually was.

Enormous Snake

Finally the truth was right in front of Brooke and her mother. The spot where they took Brooke’s picture had a lovely tree behind it. But when they looked closely at the bark pattern of the tree, they saw something totally unexpected and horrific. An enormous snake was hidden right in the bark of the tree. None of them had realized that the horrified creature was there, but they still had no idea about the true extent of the danger that was approaching them.

Maternal Willpower

Despite being terrified, Brooke’s mother could not panic at any cost. In this situation, her daughter’s safety and well being was at stake, and she had to maintain her calm and take action quickly to get her daughter out of danger. If her mother would not have remain calm, Brooke would panic as well and done something stupid, like touch the snake or make a quick movement. With all the calmness in her voice and willpower, Brooke’s mother asked Brooke to walk towards her. But was her mother able to get her out of danger?

Rescuing Brooke From Snake

Brooke’s mother did everything in her power to stay as calm as she could and get Brooke away safely, she quietly hoped that Brooke would listen to her and get back to safety without getting harmed in any way. Luckily, she listened to her mother’s screaming warnings, and got away from the snake without accidentally touching it. Later they had a closer look at the snake properly- and they both started screaming in horror.

Extent Of Danger

When they were at a safe distance from the snake, Brooke’s mother knew that the danger was still not over. The chances were that the slippery serpent may uncoil itself from the tree and throw itself at them. So, they quickly got away from the tree and approached back inside. And when they both safely got inside and locked the door, the true extent of danger revealed itself in front of them and they both burst into tears.

Extent Of Danger

When they were at a safe distance from the snake, Brooke’s mother knew that the danger was still not over. The chances were that the slippery serpent may uncoil itself from the tree and throw itself at them. So, they quickly got away from the tree and approached back inside. And when they both safely got inside and locked the door, the true extent of danger revealed itself in front of them and they both burst into tears.

Shaken And Horrified

As Brooke and her mother were trying to get over from the shock and fear of being so close to such a terrifying snake, the truth was scarier than they had imagined. The reason behind was that the snake that they were so close to was a rattlesnake. The mother daughter duo was shaken and horrified at this realization of a shocking animal encounter- but it was actually no less than a near death experience.

A Dangerous Species

A person having little knowledge of snakes would have an idea that Brooke and her mother were really close to death that day- as they were so close to a rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes are one of the most dangerous species of snake, and one bite from it can kill a person in no time. If you ever get bitten by a rattlesnake, you must get to the hospital as soon as possible. The antidote to poison must be administered right at the moment, to have a chance at surviving the snake attack.

Animal Photobomb

So it then turned out that Brooke was just not photobombed by a deadly animal in her picture- but was very close to death and this picture could have been turned into a perturbing tragedy. If you take a closer look at the picture, you would notice that even though Brooke while posing did not notice the snake but the snake certainly had noticed her. If they would have noticed it even seconds later, the poisonous snake would have struck out at her.

Not The First Time

The story had much more to it, as it was not Brooke’s first encounter with a slippery serpent. Brooke's history with snakes dated back to her childhood. As a child, Brooke was bitten by a snake. Even though she survived it, she was still left with a true terror of snakes and anything near to them. And this explains what she did next…

Completely Locked Up

Brooke was totally horrified when she realised that she was standing so close to a rattlesnake which is considered the deadliest snake species. Being panic-stricken because of the danger that she just escaped, she locked herself up and refused to step out of the house until the snake was gone for good from the area. But how could one guarantee that?

Asking For Help

Brooke’s mother could understand the effect that this terrible incident had on Brooke’s mind. And she was totally reasonable in wanting to leave the house until the snake was gone from outside. So, she realised that it was time for her to take some serious action but it was impossible to do it on her own. So, she called Animal Control to try and deal with the snake, as they stayed inside. But were they truly helpful in this situation?

One Big Problem

Both Brooke and her mother were petrified with the experience that they were too afraid to leave the house knowing that the snake was outside. So, they patiently waited indoors for Animal Control to come to their rescue. Even though they turned up at their house soon, there was one big problem. The big dangerous snake was no longer on the tree-and no one had any clue where it had vanished.

Aggravated Fear And Panic

Upon getting to know this, the fear and panic of Brooke and her mother escalated at the moment. They had just escaped a near death experience, and now the snake was no longer to be found anywhere and they had no idea where it actually was! Brooke’s anxiety and panic aggravated so much that she refused to leave the house until the snake had been safely caught and no longer presented any danger to anyone.

Terrifying Picture

As Brooke remained safe inside her house, the men from Animal Control were doing everything in their power to look for the dangerous snake. While she was in her house, she started looking at her phone and was able to see the picture without the terror. After her shock had subsided, she saw that the picture was a pretty amazing snap. So, she decided to hit the phone’s button and share the terrifying yet amazing picture to her Instagram page.

Viral Image

When Brooke’s friends and classmates came across the picture and incident related to it, they were shocked. This was the reason why her friend had exclaimed so dramatically when she first saw the picture on Instagram. Within a few minutes, the picture went viral and gathered a good amount of likes and comments on the post. It was not surprising keeping in mind the amazing and shocking photo it was. But the excitement of the picture could not distract her from her fear. Where exactly was the snake?

Find And Capture

While Brooke and her mother locked themselves inside their house, the courageous men from Animal Control were trying everything they could to find and capture the snake. And if truth be told, it is extremely difficult to find and catch, as it is quite dangerous. The men from Animal Control worked for long hours to find and capture the snake, but everyone wondered- were they ever going to find it?

Caught And Captured

The fear that Brooke and her mother were feeling locked inside their homes was unimaginable. While they hid inside their home, there was a dangerous snake that was roaming outside their house, capable of killing them both at any moment. The responsibility of their safety resided in the hands of the men outside who were trying to hunt down the snake and bring safety to their home. After long hours of searching in the entire yard, the snake was finally caught and captured.

Head Off To School

Finally, Brooke and her mother breathe a sigh of relief. The snake had been caught and the mother daughter duo was safe- and for Brooke it was time for her to head off to school. After the day was full of dramatic events, Brooke finally arrived at school significantly later than anyone had imagined, Brooke headed off to start seventh grade. One can only imagine the heroic welcome she must have received at school.

A Dangerous Saga

It was an incredible, scary and dramatic saga that Brooke and her mother had to go through. They were so close to a dangerous snake and did not even realize its presence around them. But after the terror of the snake subsided, Brooke and everyone around her could enjoy the amazingness of the picture in spite of it being photobombed by a deadly snake.