Delivery Room
As Lauren stared at the room around her, she realized that she didn’t recognize it. Her body was still reeling from the difficult birth.

A man called out to her. As her mind pieced together where she was, she realized that he was her husband. He asked her to check on her newborn, who was still in her arms. What was wrong?
A Special Day
Lauren Kirkson was about to undertake one of the most incredible things a woman can do. She had been carrying her child for months, and it was nearly time for them to be delivered.

She felt like her life was shaping up to be perfect. Tommy, her 37-year-old husband, provided for her as a freelance financial consultant. They thought they had everything laid out.
Lauren was thirty-three and a grade school teacher. She stared at her belly in the mirror and could barely contain her growing excitement. She was going to be a mother for the first time.

Tommy stood by her side and couldn’t have been any happier. He put his hand reassuringly on her belly. They were in it together, and they imagined what wonderful parents they were going to be.
A Surprise
Despite Lauren’s excitement, there was one detail about her birth that she wanted to keep a surprise. They had planned everything out ahead of time and even had a list of baby names.

The one thing that Lauren didn’t want to know was the gender of her baby. Despite being curious, she knew that finding out when they were born would be something truly special. The mystery stayed with them for months.
Closer And Closer
As the days got closer and closer, Lauren’s anticipation only grew. She felt the baby softly kick and whispered sweet words to the life that she was busy cultivating inside of her.

Just like any couple, Lauren and Tommy prayed for everything to go on without a hitch. They just wanted to welcome their wonderful child into this world.
Keeping The Mystery Alive
The months went by, and Tommy started to falter. He was so curious about the baby’s gender, but Lauren was adamant that they would both have to wait. One thing that she didn’t tell Tommy was that she had a feeling it would be a girl.

Tommy was going to find out whether or not Lauren approved, and he secretly decided to go to the doctor behind Lauren’s back. Once he got there, even the doctors wouldn’t tell him. They were under orders directly from Lauren.
Pretty In Pink
Lauren decided to follow her intuition. She started to window shop for things that she thought her baby would good in. She had a feeling that the baby would look pretty in pink.

The feeling was undeniable, and Lauren was pivoting toward pink clothing and pony toys. She even started craving strawberries and ice cream - an old indicator that she was carrying a girl.
Tommy Tries To Find Out
Lauren's intuition whispered to her that they were having a girl. She felt it in every flutter and kick, in every dream she had about their baby. So, she went ahead and adorned the nursery with all things pink, imagining tea parties and princess dresses.

One day, when Lauren was busy preparing for their upcoming baby shower, Tommy vanished without explanation. She didn't think much of it at first, assuming he had errands to run or needed some time to himself. Little did she know, Tommy had a secret mission of his own.
Finding Out Together
As they attended the scans, Lauren held onto the belief that the baby's sex should remain a mystery until birth. She cherished the idea of the surprise, the suspense, and the sheer joy of discovering their baby's gender together.

But Tommy, ever the curious one, couldn't resist the temptation to find out. He wanted to know if they were having a boy or a girl. He would have to come back without Lauren.
Every Man Has His Price
He slipped into the doctor's office, his heart pounding with anticipation and nerves. He had wrestled with the decision to find out the baby's sex without Lauren, but curiosity had ultimately won out.

As the doctor revealed the long-awaited secret, Tommy's jaw dropped in disbelief. It was not what he had expected, but the news filled him with an overwhelming sense of happiness.
Hiding From Lauren
Despite Lauren's protests, Tommy made a secret visit to the doctor, where he learned the truth. He was shocked at first but soon filled with happiness knowing they were going to have a healthy baby

Tommy returned home, unable to contain his excitement, and resumed helping Lauren prepare for their little one's arrival. It took him everything to keep his mouth shut.
On His Own Mission
Meanwhile, Lauren went about her day, completely unaware of the bombshell awaiting her. She hummed tunes to the baby, carefully arranging tiny onesies and arranging flowers for the shower.

But as the hours passed and Tommy remained absent, a flicker of concern gnawed at her. Where had he gone? He knew that she couldn’t walk up the stairs without him.
She Suspects Something
When he finally returned home, Tommy was greeted with a flurry of questions from Lauren. “It took me a whole extra twenty minutes to get up the stairs,” she complained.

But he deflected her inquiries with a nervous laugh, claiming he had lost track of time while running errands. Yet, his mind raced with the weight of the secret he now bore alone.
It’s A Big Secret
That night, as they lay in bed, Tommy struggled to find sleep, his thoughts consumed by the knowledge he held. How could he keep such a monumental secret from Lauren, the woman he loved more than anything in the world? The weight of his silence pressed heavily on his chest, leaving him torn between the joy of knowing and the guilt of keeping it from her.

As the moon cast its soft glow through the window, Tommy vowed to find a way to navigate the delicate balance between his desire to share the news with Lauren and his promise to respect her wishes.
For now, though, the secret remained his burden to bear, a silent bond between father and child, waiting to be revealed in its own time. But that night, something terrible happened.
A Slight Smile
Tommy lay beside his wife as she read through a parenting book. She had the slightest smile on her face, clearly excited for what was to come.

Lauren had been waiting to become a mother for so long. But beside her, Tommy was anything but happy. His face was twisted in concern.
He couldn’t help but regret what he had done. He felt like a terrible husband, but nothing would be as bad as what would happen a few days later.
She Was Ready
Before they knew it, Lauren was in her final few days of pregnancy. At this point, she had ensured that she was ready to become a mother.

But in recent days, something changed. She had this strange gut feeling that something was wrong. But she couldn’t quite explain it.
Her husband had been distant and quiet for days, and she couldn’t understand why. He was supposed to be excited. But that night, something terrible would happen.
A Normal Day
That day started like any other. Lauren awoke at 7 am and took a long, cool shower. At nine months pregnant, she always felt hot.

But by the time she left the bathroom, Tommy was nowhere to be seen. This was strange. Usually, he would still be in bed.
Lauren didn’t think much of it at first. She dried her hair and got dressed, but when she went downstairs, she found something concerning.
Not There
When she walked into the kitchen, she expected to find her husband by the coffee machine, preparing himself a latte, but the house was quiet.

“Honey?” she called through the quieter-than-usual house, but there was no response. She walked toward the front.
That same terrible gut feeling crept its way into her heart once again. But then, she saw something by the front door.
The Note
Right underneath the key rack stood a small table beside the front door. That was where she saw the small piece of folded paper.

Her heart sank. That wasn’t there the night before. Slowly, she approached the folded note, wondering what her husband had written down.
With slightly sweaty palms, she grabbed the small piece of paper and unfolded it. But she was not prepared for what she would find.
She instantly noticed her husband’s handwriting. While she was in the shower, he decided to write a note to his wife.

She frowned when she read what it said. “I need some time to myself. I’m going out. Call me if you need anything. Love you,” it read.
This concerned Lauren. Her husband had been acting strange for a while now. Was it possible that he was dreading the birth of the baby? But that day would soon turn tragic. Where had Tommy gone?
Where Was Tommy?
Why the sudden need to be alone? They were on the brink of having their first baby. He needed to be on standby at all times in case Lauren went into labor.

And that could be at any time. She was alone and she was worried that if the time came, she wouldn’t be able to do anything without his help.
Cold Feet?
What had gotten into him? He had been very quiet and withdrawn lately. Was this the pregnancy version of getting cold feet? Was Tommy not ready to be a father?

Lauren thought that he was so excited. They had both wanted this, and it was either a surprise or a mistake that they had fallen pregnant.
Was He Leaving Her?
Lauren dreaded the thought. She couldn’t imagine him leaving her and their newborn baby to fend for themselves. She had read so many terrible stories about single mothers.

Was she going to be one too? How could Tommy do this to her? To them? Or was she reading too much into the note? Maybe he would be back soon. Or would he?
Not Pleased
Lauren instinctively rubbed her belly. She could feel that their baby was ready to come out soon. All kinds of thoughts were running through her mind. Would her husband even be here to help her get to the hospital?

She needed him now more than ever, and he decided to make a run for it. She wasn’t pleased with his behavior.
She looked at her watch. It had been an hour already. Maybe he went for a walk or a jog to clear his head. Becoming a parent was a big step in anyone’s life.

Maybe he was just thinking about how his life was about to change. But wasn’t that something that they could reflect on together as a married couple? Lauren just couldn’t understand how selfish Tommy was being.
Not Himself
Lauren sighed to herself. Tommy hadn’t been himself in a long time, and she was starting to think that it was her fault.

She placed the note where she had found it and walked toward the living room. She didn’t want to call Tommy, thinking that he needed his space.
But as she sat down on the couch, she felt a strange stinging pain in her abdomen. But it was only for a moment. If only she knew what was going on.
A Weird Feeling
Lauren winced when the strange feeling first appeared. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Luckily, the pain vanished a second later.

Initially freaked out, Lauren tried to convince herself that it was nothing to worry about. Perhaps it was just some kind of cramp, she thought.
As her day continued, she forgot all about the strange feeling. It wasn’t until that evening that she got a terrible reminder.
Home Alone
It was 6 pm, and Tommy still hadn’t come home. Lauren was starting to wonder where he was and if he was okay. He usually never stayed out this late.

She was sitting in front of the television, chewing her nails as she waited to hear his keys in the door. But she never did.
It was just after six that the same weird feeling as before popped up. But this time, it was a thousand times worse.
Calling An Ambulance
Lauren curled in pain as she sat on the couch, a terrible sound leaving her mouth. She had never felt anything quite so painful before.

But this time, the pain didn’t go away. Suddenly, she was beyond terrified. What was happening to her baby?
She was all alone, but she knew she had to do something. It took all of her strength to crawl across the floor and call an ambulance.
They Came To Help
The ambulance was there in no time, but Lauren was still all alone at home, curled up on the living room floor.

As soon as the paramedics found Lauren, they strapped her up to all kinds of machines and asked her a hundred different questions. She was scared.
Lauren was crying for her husband as they rushed her to the hospital. What if something was happening to their baby?
The Call
Tommy was having a heart-to-heart conversation with his brother-in-law about the gender of the baby and what he’d done.

For weeks, he’d felt terrible about going to the doctor without Lauren’s consent. He’d felt so guilty that he could hardly look his wife in the face.
He was in the middle of a conversation when he got the call from the hospital. That was when he got into his car and rushed right over.
Angry At Himself
He could have kicked himself. How could he be so selfish? Here he was, pouring his heart out about something that he had done, and he had completely forgotten that Lauren might need him at this point in time.

Why did he just leave her like that? He was so angry at himself. He wished that he could have been there when she went into labor.
Blaming Himself
All kinds of horrible thoughts were going through his mind at this point as she was rushing to the hospital. What if something bad happened to Lauren and the baby?

It would be all his fault, he thought to himself. If anything happened to either of them, he only had himself to blame. He was not being a good husband or father, for that matter.
What Could Have Happened
Tears streamed down his face as he thought about what could have happened. He vowed to always be there for his wife and baby.

He hoped that he wasn’t too late now. He wanted to be there to witness the birth of his baby, even though he already knew the gender. He just wanted to be there for Lauren.
The Last Thing That He Wanted To Do
He wished that he hadn’t gone to see the doctor. He could have just waited with Lauren. But it was gnawing at him. He wanted to know so badly that it led him to keep secrets from his wife.

It was the last thing that he wanted to do. And now, because of this, he might just miss the birth of his first baby.
Did He Make It?
He put his foot on the accelerator, determined not to miss out on one of the most important events of his life.

When he eventually got to the hospital, he rushed to the reception area. He was in a state of panic. He looked all around. Was he in time for the birth of his baby, or did he miss the delivery?
The Doctor
That was the most terrifying night of Lauren and Tommy’s lives. When he arrived at the hospital, Lauren was in a private room, crying to herself.

“Honey, are you okay?” he asked as he rushed through the door. He sat beside his wife and held her. She was so glad he was there, she didn’t even think about the note.
“The nurse said the doctor would be in to speak to me soon.” But as those words left her mouth, the doctor walked in.
The Results
The man was holding Lauren’s folder in his hand as he walked into the room. He could see the fear in her eyes.

He smiled in an attempt to ease her nerves. “Ma’am, have you ever heard of Braxton Hicks? It’s these contractions you get when your body is preparing for childbirth,” he explained.
“It’s also known as false labor. You and your baby are okay. I suggest you get some rest before the big day. It will be soon,” the doctor said.
It Did Him Well
Lauren let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She and Tommy were beyond relieved. They went home, grateful that everything was okay.

That night, they held onto each other in bed, happy to be by their side. Lauren could tell that a day to himself had helped Tommy.
He was more affectionate than in the last few weeks. She was grateful. But just a few days later, the unexpected happened.
The Baby Is Coming
Then came the day when Lauren's water broke, and labor swept over her like a tidal wave of sensation. With Tommy's steady support, they left home, nerves tingling with anticipation and anxiety.

When Lauren's water broke, the thrill of anticipation turned into the urgency of action. They rushed to the hospital, Lauren grimacing through contractions, Tommy holding her hand tightly.
A Difficult Labor
Lauren shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed, clutching Tommy's hand tightly as another contraction rippled through her body. Sweat glistened on her forehead, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as the pain surged and ebbed.

"Tommy, it hurts," she whispered, her voice strained with effort. "I know, babe, I know," Tommy murmured, his eyes filled with concern as he brushed a stray lock of hair from Lauren's forehead. "You're doing great. Just hang in there."
Expecting Their Baby Girl
Despite the pain, a wave of excitement surged through Lauren's heart. After months of anticipation and preparation, their baby was finally on the way. She couldn't wait to hold their little one in her arms, to marvel at the tiny fingers and toes, to experience the overwhelming rush of love that every parent talked about.

But amidst the excitement, there lingered a flicker of apprehension. Lauren had chosen not to find out the sex of the baby during her scans, preferring the surprise when the moment arrived. However, Tommy had been curious, unable to resist the temptation to know.
She’s Almost Out
As the contractions intensified, Lauren's thoughts drifted to the pink clothes and decorations she had meticulously chosen for their nursery. Every detail had been planned with the assumption that they were having a girl. And deep down, Lauren couldn't shake the feeling that she was right.

Hours passed in a blur of pain and anticipation until finally, with a final push, their baby entered the world. Lauren's heart soared with joy as she heard the tiny cries, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks.
Meeting The Baby
Hours stretched into eternity as Lauren labored, each contraction bringing her closer to meeting their precious baby. Her husband was right by her side, recording the whole birth.

The exhausted mother tried to shove the camera out of her face as she blamed her husband for what he did to her. And then, finally, the moment arrived—a cry echoed through the room, a chorus of new life.
The Resemblance
Hours passed like a blur, filled with pain and anticipation. And finally, the moment arrived. The nurses placed their newborn in Lauren's arms, swaddled snugly in a receiving blanket. Tommy encouraged Lauren to unwrap the bundle so she could get a good look at their baby.

Exhausted but elated, Lauren reached out for her baby as the nurses swaddled the tiny bundle in soft blankets. Tommy's voice was a beacon of reassurance as he urged her to take a closer look.
Neatly Wrapped And Folded
The nurses carefully wrapped the baby in a receiving blanket before placing him in Lauren's arms. She gazed down at the bundle, her heart overflowing with love. But as she began to unwrap the blanket, confusion flickered across her features.

With trembling hands, Lauren peeled back the layers of blankets, her heart pounding with anticipation. But as she uncovered the final layer, confusion flickered across her features. Another blanket lay beneath, shrouding their baby in mystery.
Hospital Games
She glanced up at Tommy, searching for answers in his eyes, but all she found was a mischievous smile playing on his lips. How could he play games on a day like this, she wondered, her heart a whirlwind of emotions.

"Tommy, why is there another blanket underneath?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty. She was in no mood for his childish antics.
Blanket After Blanket
Tommy's smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he exchanged a knowing look with the nurses. "Just keep unwrapping, babe," he said, his voice filled with excitement.

With trembling hands, Lauren continued to peel away the layers until, finally, she reached the bottom of the pile. And there, nestled in the center, was a white jumper adorned with a simple message.
Who Do I Look Like, Mom?
Confusion flickered in Lauren's eyes as she peeled back the layers of blankets. Tommy's smile was enigmatic as he watched her, anticipation evident in his eyes. With each layer removed, Lauren's heart raced faster. "Do I look like a boy?"

Beneath the layers of blankets, Lauren uncovered a white jumper with a cryptic message embroidered on it. "Do I look like a boy?" it read, and Lauren's breath caught in her throat. She looked up at Tommy, her mind reeling with disbelief. The room seemed to hold its breath as the realization dawned on her. Tommy had known all along—they were having a boy.
They Were In On It
Lauren's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the words, her mind struggling to comprehend. And then, as realization dawned, a mix of emotions flooded her heart. "Tommy, what... what is this?" she stammered, her eyes wide with shock.

But before Tommy could respond, the door burst open, and their family members flooded into the room, their faces alight with excitement. "Surprise!" they exclaimed in unison, their laughter filling the air.
A Different Baby
And suddenly, it all made sense. Tommy had known all along, sneaking off to the doctor to satisfy his curiosity while keeping the secret from Lauren. And now, surrounded by their loved ones, they reveled in the joyous revelation.

Lauren couldn't help but laugh through her tears, her heart overflowing with love for the man who had orchestrated such a memorable moment. And as she looked down at their precious baby boy, she knew that their journey was only just beginning.
As the room filled with laughter and joy, Lauren couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love for her husband and their new baby boy. Despite the initial shock and confusion, she knew that this moment would be one they would cherish forever.

Tommy's mischievous grin spoke volumes as he wrapped his arm around Lauren, pulling her close as they admired their son together.
Luckiest Parents In The World
At that moment, surrounded by their loved ones, they felt like the luckiest parents in the world.

As they gazed down at their newborn son, Lauren and Tommy knew that their journey as parents was just beginning. And with each passing moment, they embraced the challenges and joys that parenthood would bring, grateful for the love and support that surrounded them.
A Proud Father
The baby boy had most of his father’s features. Tommy was proud that he now had a son. He couldn't wait to teach him so many things that his father had taught him.

He got excited just thinking about it. They were going to be a great father-son duo. He was going to take him fishing and to football and baseball games. The list was endless.
A Grateful Mother
Lauren gazed at her husband and newborn son with a heart full of gratitude. Despite the unexpected twists and turns of the day, she couldn't help but feel blessed beyond measure.

As she cradled their son in her arms, she marveled at the miracle of life and the strength of their love. At that moment, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a family. And for that, she was endlessly thankful.
The Pink Clothes
Lauren then thought of all the pink clothing she bought for the baby. She laughed to herself. She was so sure that they were having a little girl.

All they could do now was donate the pink clothes and buy new ones. She knew that someone less fortunate would be very grateful for those clothes.
A Baby Boy
"Looks like we have some redecorating to do," she said with a grin, already envisioning the nursery transformed with shades of blue and splashes of adventure.

And as they held their son close, Lauren knew that no matter what surprises awaited them, they would face them together, a family bound by love, laughter, and the occasional unexpected twist.
The Strangest Gender Reveal
Tears welled up in Lauren's eyes, a mixture of shock, joy, and disbelief flooding her senses. She turned to see her family members, who had been in on the secret, smiling knowingly.

Through her tears, Lauren managed a laugh, a mix of emotions bubbling within her. "You knew?" she exclaimed, looking at Tommy incredulously. She immediately saw the similarities on her son’s face.
That’s Us
Tommy nodded sheepishly, revealing he had captured the entire moment on video, intending to submit it to America's Funniest Home Videos. His mischievous grin softened Lauren's initial shock, and soon they were both laughing through tears.

In that moment, as they gazed upon their newborn, Lauren realized that the true joy of parenthood lay not in the certainty of gender or the perfection of plans, but in the endless surprises and mysteries that awaited them on this journey of love and discovery. And as she held their precious baby close, she knew that their family was complete, no matter the twists and turns that lay ahead.
It’s The Character That Counts
As reality sank in, Lauren realized the nursery filled with pink décor would need a makeover. Most of their friends had bought gifts and toys for girls too.

But she didn’t mind, because her son would learn the best from both worlds.