Natural Ways To Kill Weeds Using 9 Ingredients Available In Your Kitchen

Everybody loves to have a clean and green garden but we can’t deny the fact that weeds tend to seize our scenic view. Fortunately, you can get back your beautiful garden back by removing the weeds. There are a lot of chemicals available in the market but it is not suggested to use excessive chemicals in your garden as it can alter your plants’ health. But the good part is that there are several natural ways to get rid of those unwanted plants in your garden.

Before You Begin

Before you move forward with the process, it is essential to prepare your plants for the same. Plants have a natural layer that protects them from negative outside attacks. This is the reason why you need to prepare your plant to break through this layer.    In order to do so, mix two cups of water and a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle and spray the solution on the weeds. This will make the tricks work more effectively on the weeds.

The Dry Out Technique

One of the simplest ways is to let the weeds dry out. For this, mix two cups of water and one tablespoon of pure alcohol (96%) and put the solution in a spray bottle. Spray this solution on the weeds which will cause the plants to dry out and then you can easily remove them.

Burn Them Out

Now, you don’t literally have to put the weeds on fire, you have to burn them using a kettle. You just need to boil some water and put it in a kettle and pour this water all over the weeds. This will burn the weeds and their roots will die too. However, you have to be very cautious while doing so. You must check that there are no other plants around the weeds as the hot water might spread and kill your other lovely plants too.

Acid To Your Rescue

Acid is the weeds’ enemy, this is the reason why chemicals available in the market have a heavy amount of acid. Now, you don’t have to spray those harmful chemicals just because of the acids that come with them. Rather, you can use vinegar for the purpose. Just add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on unwanted plants in order to kill them. The positive thing is that it won’t affect the soil, so your other plants and flowers are safe.

Sprinkle The Baking Soda

Baking soda is not only to be used in the kitchen but garden as well. Sprinkle a handful of baking soda on the unwanted plant you wish to remove, especially on the roots. This will not only kill the existing weeds but also prevent any other weeds from growing there in the future.

Go The Traditional Way

You can go the traditional way as well by pulling out the weeds by hand. But you need to be vigilant and wear gardening gloves while doing so. When you pull out weeds with hands you take them out completely from the roots.

However, you can use gardening tools like a claw or a sharp trowel to loosen the roots of the weed first and then pull them out by hand.

Defend Your Plant Using Cornmeal

Let us tell you a secret that corn gluten is birth control for your seeds. So, in order to stop the weed seeds from germinating and growing into plants, you can sprinkle cornmeal on them. Keep this thing in mind that gluten meal stops any seed from germinating, so you should not sprinkle it in your vegetable garden until your plants are established.

Cover Them With Mulch

An effective way to protect your weed seeds from coming in contact with the soil is to cover your planting areas with mulch. It will also keep sunlight from reaching seeds that are already underground, so they won’t get a chance to sprout. Moreover, it helps to retain moisture and enrich your soil.

Pinch Salt At Those Unwanted Plants

Another effective technique to kill those weeds is to use regular table salt. Just put a pinch of salt on the base of each plant. But you need to be cautious while doing so as salt leaves soil uninhabitable for several months, so you need to apply just a small amount and only where needed. Make sure it doesn’t get on your grass or other plants.