People Actually Came Up With These Outstanding Life Hacks You’ll Be Thankful For

The unbelievable has happened with the existence of these life hacks! Take a sigh of relief, life is easier now. From discovering a new way to seal the packet of bread to keeping your toilet pot stench-free, there are several DIY hacks that will surely leave you surprised. We are also sure you will end up learning more about living an easy and stress-free life with these hacks. Let's check out what are some of our favorite DIY hacks that make us go OMG!

Vanilla extract on lights?

This hack is one of our favorites! All you need to do is rub just a couple of drops of vanilla extract on all your lightbulbs, and your whole house will end up smelling like a delicious cookie! This hack is tried and tested by our team, so make sure you give it a go!

Cotton ball and peppermint oil

Tired of insects terrorizing and taking over your house? Well, you don't have to worry anymore, because we have come up with a solution just for you! Get a cotton ball and soak it in peppermint oil. Now, stick the peppermint cotton balls in the nooks and crannies of your beautiful home. It will surely keep the mice, spiders, and ants at bay.

Toothpaste to bring the shine back

Your silvers will definitely get their shine back with this hack. Just get toothpaste, squirt some on your silver plate, and keep scrubbing for at least a couple of minutes. You can also scrub your dish for a little bit longer to see some shine. And Voila! Your new, shiny, and fresh silver plate is ready!

Use your fridge as a grocery list

We know at times we all tend to forget to buy multiple things while grocery shopping. There are several reasons behind it like making the grocery list just before shopping, or thinking you already have it. You can use your refrigerator door as a list where you can keep adding things that you need as soon as you see that's finished.

No Iron? No Worries!

When the students are not given access to some “luxuries” in their dorms or they don’t have all items of use with them, that’s when such hacks are born!

So, when the iron is not available, switch to a pan with boiling water and watch the wrinkles vanish from your clothes. You can’t have a better option in this case. All your worries and creases will disappear with hot water in a pot.

No More Sticky Fingers

Every individual who has ever indulged in the cheesy Cheetos knows that your hands cannot be spared from all the cheese-filled experience. What’s the trick here? Grab chopsticks from your kitchen and do the unconventional with these snacks. 

Your fingers would thank you for following this hack and you will be able to resume your work after a short snack break!

Dust-Free Drilling

The ceiling can be really tricky while drilling as the direction of dust is haywire and it gets hard to control all the mess created. But there’s a way to lessen this chaos to a large extent. A plastic cup joined to the drilling machine will catch most of the dust and the hassle will reduce!

We would recommend you to give this hack a try to have a better drilling experience.

How To Carry Grocery Bags 101

When you have bought enough groceries for a month and your car trunk is full of bags, the next step is carrying all those inside the house. That’s a task and this guy right here is nailing it. Who would have ever thought that a broom can save you from such trouble? 

Hats off to this genius! He has spread a useful trick around the world.

DIY Sprinkler

You don’t have to look for a good sprinkler in the market and spend a few dollars on it. You just need to gulp down the soda and retain the bottle. Jab it to make some holes and insert the water pipe in its mouth. Use tape to hold it in. Your sprinkler is ready!

This hack will make your summers cooler and simpler (cheaper, too!). Gather all your friends for a quick sprinkler run.

Book Won’t Drown!

This is for all the avid readers who take their books to the washrooms and read while relaxing in a hot tub. If you are constantly bothered about the book getting dropped in the water, then here’s what you need to do. Just take a hook and connect a retractable string to it that has its other end in the book. You won’t have to stress any further. 

The book will be safe this way and you can relax in the bath!

Life-Changing Discovery

Your hoodie is more than just a warm friend to you. It can hold your popcorns too while you are busy working or watching a movie. Ditch those bowls and use the hood on your sweatshirts for popcorn. We are happy that someone came up with this as we were tired of holding the bowls all the time. 

This discovery is what most of us wanted for a comfortable movie night!

Your Wardrobe Needs To Breathe…

Girls need to see this for sure! Your wardrobe issues will be resolved with this simple trick and you will be able to find an outfit to wear in the morning without fighting with the things inside. 

The small pieces of clothing tend to get lost or sometimes take too much space when in a hanger individually. This is what you need to do – use shower curtain hooks to separate them on just one hanger. You and your wardrobe will be able to breathe!

Bucket and Sink Challenge

You all will agree that this is a real challenge! No one seems to get around this with ease and you end up being annoyed with the bucket being so “uptight” and not fitting in the sink. Okay, it’s time you stop blaming the bucket and put this hack to work. 

All you need is a dustpan and you are good to go!

A Relaxed Charging

Finding a charging point for your phone when you are out at a new place is a real struggle. Either the point would be so far from where you are sitting or there won’t be a table to keep it on while it charges. 

Here is the solution to the problem. Just use the wire of the charger as a tiny swing for the phone and let it rest for a while. Don’t forget to switch it on!

Curtains Get Clipped

Staying in a hotel room or any other room for that matter except your home, there is always some issue with the curtains as they always are distantly placed with a slit that allows light to enter. We all want to get rid of that tiny space and here is a solution. 

Pick some pant hangers from the wardrobe in the hotel room and clip both the curtains together. Your sleep would never be disturbed again!

Relishing Real Cereal

When you reach the end of the cereal box, the leftover “cereal dust” accompanies the actual cereal pieces and that is not desired. We wish to get rid of that extra stuff to savor our breakfast! A strainer will help you here as you can put the remaining cereal in it and watch as it filters out all the unrequired pieces. 

Now, you will not make that weird face while eating a bowl of cereal that was left last in the box.

Perfect Air-Drying

The laundry gets piled up for weeks and then one final day, you decide to wash them all in one go. However, the trouble begins when you have to put them to dry outside. 

This is how you can save space and conveniently adjust all the clothes on the rope with the clothes pegs. You would not have to put your clothes in weird places to dry due to a lack of space. This hack will save you!

AAA batteries to the rescue!

The one problem we all can relate to is the unavailability of AA batteries at home when you need them the most. No matter how much you search, there is no trace of them in any corner. So, here is a trick to help you skip all that effort and just use what’s available. 

AAA batteries are definitely lying around and they will be the savior. Just get some aluminum foil from the kitchen and let it fill the empty space. Easy!

The Magical Koozie

The koozie you own is not just for keeping your drinks cold, there is another advantage of that insulating sleeve. It can ripen your avocado in almost 24 hours or even less. We know you just ran to check if there is any hard avocado at home that would be ready to eat in a day with the “koozie” treatment. 

Someone came up with this hack and shared it with the world. All avocado lovers can unite here!

Hole in the sock

If you are throwing away your pair of socks just because of a tiny hole in the toe area, then stop! You cannot let them go to waste for that little reason. Learn the hack from here and paint your toe in that region with a marker pen and you can go ahead. 

We know this looks funny but it is helpful as you will be able to keep that pair of socks for much longer!

Hack From The Loo

Okay, this seems hilarious but we are sure it is convenient. This man had his dinner served on a part of the toilet seat and it is an innovation of some another level. Now, the snack tables sound so old to us! 

The toilet seats are entering your drawing rooms, so, be prepared for a revolution! We wonder what’s next on the list of this creative mind!

Supportive Crutches!

We hope that you never have to get a pair of crutches to help you walk around. However, if you have ever had someone use them temporarily, they might be lying around somewhere and we have a hack for you to put them to use. It’s interior designing, people!

You can create this beautiful shelf case for your home with a pair of crutches. It is as simple as it looks. The further designing part is all your choice.

All In The Frame!

A family picture is mandatory when all the members are present. It is already hard to gather everyone in one place and above that, the problem arises when the picture needs to be clicked. Who will click it? The one who will be behind the camera would miss being a part of the photo. So, this family brought in a mirror and included everyone in the frame (and mirror!). 

Next time, try taking a selfie too! It might be worth an upload too.

What a view!

Watching your favorite game in the ground with the players playing right in front of you is fascinating. There can be a few challenges too while you are sitting, one being the distance that constrains your fun. 

This guy came up with an idea that would give him a nice view from very close. Binoculars with your phone placed in your eye view is a good trick but we can’t say if you can hold it for long. It might get tiring.