Wherever we go, our phones go with us, and taking them out to capture is a reflex action when we spot anything unusual (maybe our friend tripping!). Sometimes, we fail miserably at clicking at the right moment while at times, the pictures turn out to be unexpectedly amazing or hilarious. The timings need to be brilliant to be able to seize the moment that’s right in front of you. But no one can know when perfection would approach and that’s the tricky part. So, we have compiled the awe-inspiring perfectly-timed pictures with a balance of hilarity and breathtaking.
Delicate Yet Raging
The sun has the power to make a fiery appearance whether it’s rising or setting. This photo proves its power. That’s a dandelion blazing as the sun forms a beautiful backdrop covering the delicate flower. The photographer could not have captured this at a better moment. This is how you define perfectly-timed pictures. To get hold of such a moment, one needs a lot of patience, love for the art, and a brilliant grasp of the timing. Even a fragile thing can reveal its raging side!

Peanut For Lunch
When hunger strikes and your favorite food item is somewhere in your view, your reflex actions become stronger. This squirrel catching a nut is just a perfect example of that. This is such a beautiful click of nature and its fauna. Of course, we have seen many pictures of these tree-dwelling rodents savoring a few seeds and nuts after finding them but this image of one jumping for it is new and unique!

Inked Versus Real
Mostly, tattoos are inspired by nature and carry a certain significance for the individual. This person must have given a good thought before getting a tattoo of a dragonfly and maybe that’s why a real dragonfly came looking for a friend! That shot is so incredible with the real and tattooed insects in such sync. We are just thankful for the moment and the way it was clicked.

Surprise Selfie Partner
This man definitely knows how to get an animal into his picture and make it look amazing! That’s Kea, a species of parrot found in New Zealand, enjoying the view from the top of the selfie stick. We wonder how that parrot landed on his stick. Maybe, the bird thought it to be a branch of a tree and found a spot to relax. Next time, try using your selfie stick for birds and you may be lucky with a special selfie partner!

Going Strong… Sort Of!
That’s the thumbs up you give when a disaster is in process in the background. This kid knows it all. That smirk on his face is reflecting all that he had planned and how well it turned out to be. Well, maybe that’s just our perception of this photo. Things might have been different here. What if the man performing the stunt had terrible luck that day and failed at the task? That kid just didn’t notice the accident as he was too busy looking happy for the camera. This can be another story.

Coming Your Way, Sir!
The stadiums are amusing too as the people are able to unveil their humorous side, mostly unintentionally. This picture is a sneak peek into an unexplored side of baseball matches. The audience experiences some hilarious instances and not all make it to the camera. We are glad this one did! It is interesting to see the defense mechanisms of each person in an attack like this especially the expressions. Of course, the man in green could not be spared and the baseball bat came directly for him.

Feline Love language
Cats can do much more than just sit around waiting to be pampered. These smart creatures can show love, maybe not with their behavior but with their tails. It’s a good thing someone had a camera right when these two kittens had their tails tangled. Spreading love is better than spreading a mess around the house. We hope all pet cats are listening. Felines are here to put an end to all the “fake” rumors calling them manipulative. This is how innocent they are (or are they?)

Ant Witnesses A Flight
The huge helicopter and a tiny ant decided to meet and this is how it looked. It’s unbelievable how such perfectly-timed pictures give wings to our imagination and we can visualize something that is far from reality! The helicopter looks as little as that ant as it flies by. It is just a matter of a nanosecond when the helicopter moves ahead but the camera just captured the perfect moment before it flies away.

A Fall To Remember
This little kid had an unexpected fall (like all of us!) on defrosted sludge and this is just a few seconds before he touched the ground. That’s just him in mid-air ready to hit the cold water. This is something that takes us to those winter days when we headed out for a walk but ended up sliding on freezing water. It would be interesting to know who took this photo instead of rushing to hold him. Some crazy friends or siblings, we guess!

Too Much Champagne
This couple definitely had the best wedding story to tell with this photo. Judging by everyone’s expressions, we can tell that the photographer had a crazy fall right after this picture was clicked. You know what a lot of booze at a wedding can do. What happened behind the lens stayed there! But it could not be hidden for too long as the ones in front of the camera gave a hint with their reactions.

Never Alone For A Selfie
Just stop whatever you are doing right now and take this selfie. It is probably tough to get your dog to make an appearance in your picture unless he wants to. This girl was all set to take a perfect selfie but her pup had other plans - he wanted to photobomb and now, this needs to go trending on the internet. Let your dogs be a part of your selfie. That girl definitely has a cute nose and a furry neck that we want to caress.

Nature Drops Another Miracle
The presence of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow may or may not be true but there is definitely something stunning about this phenomenon of nature. Who would not stop and stare at such a view for as long as they can! At least, we get to see it in a picture if not in person. This moment was worth seizing. This road might never end as we keep chasing the rainbow. Go ahead, find your rainbow and hold onto it for a while.

Let Me Taste It
On a hot summer day, we are not the only ones craving a scoop of delicious ice cream, animals are equally fond of that dessert. This chicken had to take a bite or maybe the full ice-cream cone from the woman who seemed to be holding it too close to the little creature. That frightened expression on her face will stay with her forever as someone clicked the hilarious even happening.

Snow Hair Day
Snow fights are always fun and when such pictures come out of that, they get even better. That is just an incredible shot of the snowball hitting the guy’s head and exploding! This is some sort of a Halloween look that you can try to recreate. All you need is lots of snow, a talent for making good snowballs, and targeting them at the right spot. Clicking such a picture depends on one’s luck as not everyone is fortunate enough to capture the moment at a perfect time.

Just Dad Things
The kids wanted to have a picture with their dad and so, he held each one of them for a perfect photo that would be framed and put in their room. However, it did turn out perfect rather perfectly hilarious. Look closely and you’ll see who’s missing in the second picture. Dad decided to go with an unconventional yet fun pose but he could not handle it for long. The one kid sitting on his back had a fall and yes, it was captured. So, behind-the-scenes are always hysterical to watch.

Sleeping And Sipping
Usually, parents wake up their lazy kids in the morning by throwing a glass of water on their face or just threatening to do so. But this kid had a cocktail spilled on his face and it doesn’t look planned at all. The woman had no intention of spilling her drink but some things are just out of our control. She was definitely more fixated on the camera rather than her cocktail or the kid and this was the outcome of her divided attention.

A Diving Bird
This photo is a beautiful example of spectacle views created unexpectedly through photography. Such shots are a treat for our eyes and take us into a deep imagination. A bird diving into the water is not something that we come across frequently. That exact second when the bird hit the water looks so surreal and calm. To seize such a beautiful moment, one needs a lot of skills and a good hold over the camera to hit the click button at the perfect time.

Catching The Flight
This guy had to bring some literal sense to “catch the flight” and did it with photography at the right place and the right time. This puddle of water just gave him the perfect opportunity to capture the plane’s shadow and place his fingers just to create a stunning effect. This image deserves to be recreated but we all know it’s hard to keep a track of every plane over every puddle. But we can always give it a try.

Leap Out Of The Bubble
Dogs never wish to be trapped in a “cage”, no one wants that! However, a huge bubble can be a good place for a few seconds. This pup can tell how it feels to be inside one. If we dive into the technical side, this picture is a result of the freeze-frame technique. No worries, the pooch can fly without the walls around him. That’s just an illusion as a result of clicking at the right time and it is actually making us believe that the dog is trapped.

The View For Flight Passengers
Maybe the giraffe was too tall or maybe the plane was flying close to the ground! There can be a third option too – maybe the one behind the camera had a stroke of good luck with the timings and captured this unreal photo. “Hey Mr. Long neck, you won’t get a good meal from that flight! Hold onto your greens.” The baby giraffe seems curious to know what’s going on up there but it will take time for the little one to reach those heights.

One Wrong Move
Jenga has its ways of giving you the score based on your play. This photo just captures one of those ways. The little girl might have not seen this coming as she made her last move in the game. That was the best time to click the photo as everything is caught naturally as the moment progresses. Next time, if the blocks of your Jenga are larger and heavier, try wearing a helmet before you make your moves or you might end up under those blocks.

A Coffee Fountain?
The woman has no idea that her coffee cup is sprinkling some magic in the surroundings. Someone had good photography skills and they decided to play with them right there. We just hope no coffee was wasted in the making of this picture. All we see is a water fountain with the cup as its origin. That woman must have been really surprised to see what happened while she was engaged in her assignment. Her coffee cup proved to be a good subject for photography.

The Feline Power
This cat is showing its superhero powers as it tosses a squirrel out of its way. When are they making an action movie with animals as the main characters saving the world or having a fun fighting sequence just like this one? Believe us, there are no special effects put here, it’s all that a camera captured at that instant. The rest is left for the viewer’s imagination. Call it a “Superkitty” or an evil one – it’s up to you! It’s funny how pictures reveal the most unexpected things and actions.

Bitten By A Duck
That little duck seems least interested in a selfie. It is more focused on the girl’s finger and might have a bite later. This was clearly not what the girl imagined when she wanted to snap a selfie with the beautiful creature playing around. One… Two… Three and smile! The duck heard “bite” and that’s what the camera captured. Well, we could not witness the actual action but at least, now we know that it won’t be a good idea to take a selfie with ducks or probably other animals too.

How Rainbow Emerges
Whenever a rainbow is spotted, the first instincts are to seize those pretty colors in the camera. However, that stunning natural phenomenon can surprise us with an unimaginable element that makes us ponder reality. Who knew that rainbows can have huge trash cans as the starting point? There is probably a pot of gold hidden somewhere too. This was a perfect angle to click the rainbow as it gave us an unpredictable view in the most random combination ever.

It Smells Like Fire
Her birthday proved to be really happening and “lit” that year as her hair received special treatment with the burning candles on the cake. Those smiles turned to screams the very next second as the fire reached her hair. All they wanted was a good picture as the birthday girl blows the candles and cuts the cake but this is what the camera captured – a happy moment right before it became a tragic event. We hope someone brought a few bottles of water with the cake!

Hair Got Wings
The man has no idea that he has been given a new hairstyle by a bird in his backdrop. It’s just hilarious to watch someone’s picture being ruined by such an unexpected appearance. The person behind the camera happened to click at the right time just when the bird’s position added a fun element to the photo. Everyone with him on that trip definitely had a good laugh after seeing his picture. Thanks to that bird!

A Quick Long Jump
That chameleon seems to be in quite a rush to hop onto the opposite wall as it didn’t even notice the camera. The woman seems quite relaxed to be on a vacation and finally, get a picture worth posting on social media with a serene landscape but that’s not how the final one turned out. She had a guest in her photo and not the one she would hope for. That green huge lizard was just clicked in its “flying zone” and now, the entire focus is on it.

A Fizzy View
If you ever forget your sunglasses at home as you head out to attend a music festival, don’t worry as you might just get a nice pair of glasses similar to what this kid owns. There will always be someone blowing bubbles and another, taking pictures of people walking by. That’s how these moments come to life. The little one seems completely awestruck by the environment as his expression reveals. The two bubbles just acted as the right accessory as they fit his eyes and give us an illusion of safety goggles.

Booze For Face And Hair
All she wanted to do was pose with her friend and take one sip from the bottle of beer while the camera pointed right at her and her friend. That didn’t happen as the drink was all over her face. Of course, it was a lot of embarrassment as such pictures make it to social media quite fast. The lesson here is that It is better to have your drinks in peace when there are no people around who can bump into you and result in this.

A Terrible Snack
Even animals and birds can have an awful experience with food. Recall the last time you had to spit out something as your taste buds rejected it. This owl must have choked on that spherical piece coming out of its mouth as its face tells. The person behind the lens was definitely not planning to capture a weird state of an owl but that’s what he clicked. Sometimes, this is how nature, flora, and fauna surprise us!

Roller Coaster Took Off
Contrails have many weird theories associated with them but science facts don’t change no matter how interesting the theory is. This one shot of the vapor trail right next to a roller coaster track is creating an image of the roller coaster being launched into space. It takes us to some sci-fi movie with more fiction than science. Whenever you head for the next roller coaster ride, this photo will remind you to fasten your seatbelt and keep it tight as the ride might take you far up in space.

Princess Of The Sky
All the birds are expected to bow down in front of this princess birdie who has been crowned by nature itself. We guess it doesn’t happen every day that a little flower lands on a bird’s head making it look like a part of royalty. The birdie’s expressions just add to the cuteness of the snap. When we step outside, engage ourselves in the beautiful sights and soothing sounds of nature, we will come across something rare and extraordinary even if it’s momentary just like this one.

Warning: Keep Away From Kids
That reaction to the book deserves an award as it could not be more appropriate. Firstly, that’s not what the little kids are supposed to read and it comes with a warning. Secondly, if they somehow find it, this is bound to happen. The Exorcist for a three-year-old? NO! There are better bedtime stories to tell your kid instead of taking them into the world of ghosts and horrifying tales. Her parent captured the right picture justifying the title of the book and of course, the content too.

Head Held High
When we say that dogs are better posers than humans, we bring proof along. This shot of a handsome dog is proving our point perfectly. The canine knows how to make his portrait look amazing. Take cues from this “good boy” on how to make your pictures unique and stand out from the crowd. He is such a pro at posing. That stunning painting deserves appreciation too as it does justice to the dog and his looks. We think it is safe to say that this is our favorite perfectly-timed dog!

Beer Bath On Field
Perfectly-timed photos have existed for a long time now and we could go as far as 1959 to pick one that is hilarious and still carries relevance. This one is a scene from the baseball match when a player tasted the beer in an unrealistic way. An audience member was too excited about the point that he dropped his cup that landed straight on a player’s head. He would have needed more beer to get over this embarrassment.

Award-Winning Beach Outfit
It is time to upgrade your beach outfits and keep them according to the theme. Take inspiration from this woman on how to show up for a beach day. She has incorporated all the essential colors of the sea and the sand in her attire just amazingly. But what if this wasn’t planned? That would be surprising! She blends perfectly with the surroundings just matching with the colors of seawater and the shade of sand. Now, we have another excuse for a visit to the beach – to click such a photograph!

That’s A Big Head
Since face swap has been a really popular trend, here is a natural version of that. Look closely, this is not as complicated as it looks at first glance. A man is carrying a baby and had his head placed such that it hides the little one’s face. The presence of that blue hat on his head makes it really funny. That tiny hat and a huge face! While they just wanted to capture the little one having some fun in the park, they got this photo instead and we can’t complain.

Mysteries In The Air
This photo seems straight out of a mysterious Hollywood movie with mystifying objects in the air making the story even more intriguing. Unfortunately or fortunately, that’s not what happened here. It’s no movie but just an outcome of capturing things at the best time. That is the Sutro Tower in San Francisco which seems like the top part of the legendary ghost ship, The Flying Dutchman. The clouds had a role to play here too. They helped in creating this stunning and unreal scene.

An Elegant Slide
Ducks can swim, ducks can fly and ducks can slip. That’s right! This duck too had an embarrassing moment when it slipped on the water on the road. It might be awkward for that bird but we find it really cute. We don’t look this adorable while tripping in public. This is a great shot as the exact moment of its fall is recorded - the stumbling of its feet, the water droplets in the air, and the duck’s expression that steals the show entirely.