Questions You Shouldn’t Ask Men On The First Date

Talking about cheese on the first date is definitely romantic and it indicates that you had the best first date ever. However, some questions are off the table when you are going on the first date.

Men are easily put off by weird questions. Don’t ever ask these questions on your first date or you might lose your chance with the man you have been eyeing on.

Warning: These questions make sure there is no second date for you guys!

Why Are You Still Single?

We know you consider him too good to be single and he seems like a package to you. However, asking why he is still single can be insulting for him and awkward for you. There are reasons behind someone not choosing to commit and you can’t be asking about someone’s issues on the first time. 

No one is comfortable in telling their flaws, not at the first go at least. So, give it some time and you are going to find out everything when you are supposed to. Rushing into such conversations can make things bad. REAL BAD.

Who Are You Texting?

“Why do we tell you?” Exactly, why would he tell you? Meeting for the first time and talking like his mother or his girlfriend won’t make you look concerned but psycho. It is bad manners to use phone in the middle of the date but asking them who are they texting is totally inappropriate. 

A decent guy would apologize immediately after using his phone and would tell you about the situation he was handling through the texts. Moreover, even a girlfriend should respect a guy’s personal space. So, the first date is not supposed to ask this.

Does This Outfit Suit Me?

As if he cares to answer that! You just met him and you shouldn’t be seeking for his validation. Moreover, if he has decided to go on a date with you, he probably likes how you look or maybe looks don’t even matter to him. 

Men are uncomfortable talking about the looks of women. The body image issues are tons and maybe he doesn’t want to get involved in another brawl of words just because he said you should have worn a different outfit. If he is there having a conversation with you, that is a sign that he likes what is in front of him, isn’t it?

What Are We?

We are on our first date and let’s just keep it there? “What are we?” this question can make men run away at a pace of a cheetah. See him turning into the fastest running animal in a minute. No guy would want to have “relationship talk” on the first day he meets you. So, know that if this question pops up from your side, things are not going to go well. 

If you end up asking this question, there is a huge possibility that the guy wouldn’t have any good answer for this one. You might find him with a dumb look on his face.

Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?

When you are asking him this question, he is probably thinking, “Where should we head after this lunch?”. He has no intention of planning a future with you on the first date. So, why not just skip this question completely? He might think that future planning in your head is a bit more prematurely.

Moreover, it is not an interview for his next job. If it were he wouldn’t be planning to get laid with you. It just scares off men. Hence, we suggest you to find some other creative ways to know the man sitting in front of you.

Am I Your Type?

Is he yours? Can you answer that question on the first date? If not, then how can you expect him to answer the same? And if you’re your answer is yes, we assume you don’t know anything about the “type” we are talking about.

People have a type and it takes a few dates to figure out if you fit in the mold of their type or not. Also, if he manages to say a ‘yes’ to this, he is just comparing you to the girls in his past and you are somewhat like them.

Do You Think Your Friends/Family Will Like Me?


Is that what you want to ask the first time you guys go out? 

Even though you have been friends for a while, asking him if his friends slash family would like you or not is a bit off track. Even though they answer “yes”, know that their answer was forceful. Nobody would want to disappoint you on the first day they take you out.

However, you might have disappointed him with this question. If you have asked this question in your past ‘first dates’, avoid it when you meet a cute guy next time.

What Are You Thinking?

We all are aware of the fact that men don’t really have anything swirling in their heads. Moreover, if they have anything going on, they can’t share it with the world. In short, men hate being asked this question, “what are you thinking?”

If they were to share their thoughts with you, they would have. Asking them won’t make a difference, except the fact that it may irritate the hell outta him. Such questions put them in the center stage and that in turn creates pressure on him.

Can I Have A Bite?


You want a bite from my plate?

Why don’t you order it for yourself?

Yes, the moment you ask this question this is what they think. Men turn into 5-year-olds when it comes to sharing their food. You don’t ask them to share their food on the first date. NEVER!

It’s the rule you have to follow. We don’t know if your man will be comfortable with sharing his food even when you guys have been together for 5 years. For now, don’t expect him to do it on the first date unless you want him to hate you for the rest of your life. Remember Joey?

Are You Listening To Me?

Even if he is not, what are you gonna do? Walk away? 

Probably that’s what he wants and that is the exact reason he isn’t listening to you, right?

We get it, it is infuriating when you are talking and the man doesn’t even bother to listen. However, the way that maddens you, men get upset on asking he was listening or not?

Hello? Anyone there? You gotta unlearn these questions to have a smooth date. Also, if he isn’t listening, you know what to do, don’t pick his call the next time he wants to take you out. It’s just like duck soup!

Why Did You Breakup Last?

When did you take a dump last time?

Gross? Inappropriate?

This question is equally gross and inappropriate to ask on a first date. If you see him being interested in you, isn’t that enough for now? Most men are private about their personal lives and don’t really share stuff the first time you are out on a date. They take time to open up and everyone should!

You can’t trust anyone or everyone you meet, right? 

Women are curious creatures but keep your curiosity in control for now. You will get numerous dates to go down his past unless you ask him this in the first go.

Body Count?

Do you want us to mock you or do you want him to look at you with a disgusted look?

You can get both with this question. We are already judging you if you have mentioned it on your first date. 

Well, you shouldn’t be inquiring about this one even if you have been on 50 dates. It is inappropriate and shows that you judge people on the basis of their past relationships. No one wants to be judged on the basis of what they have done while being immature.

Moreover, it’s none of your business.

How Much Do You Make?

And it’s a major red flag. You can see the guy leave in next 10 minutes after you have exploded this bomb at his face. 

Why do you care about this on the first date?

Don’t invade someone’s personal space unless they have asked you to. You have different ways to know a person better. Someone’s income doesn’t define their character. A millionaire could be a Casanova and a banker could be the best boyfriend in the world. 

Choosing your partner on the basis of their income shows how shallow you are.

Do You See This Working Out?

Do you see him walking out after you have popped this question?

No one can say what will work out and what won’t even when they have known you for years. How can you expect him to know it even after the end of the first date? You can assume the answer on your own, depending on the conversations you had.

Such questions can tag you as needy and desperate for a relationship. Men hate both! So, you can save yourself some pain by not asking this terrible question.

Do You Want Kids?

You will have to avoid this in-your-face kind of approach towards men. The male creature in Homo sapiens is not someone who believes in devotion in the first go. They dodge their own feelings before they can actually be in love with you. So, discussing kids is not the best topic to talk about.

We understand that you don’t want to waste time on men who can’t commit but the first date is not the apt time to put this question across. So, how about entirely skipping this question?

Are You Attracted To Me?

Do you want him to put an adjective to your face? His presence says it all. He definitely is attracted to you and that is why he is sitting next to you listening about your pets. 

Simply asking this question can put him off. 

This can give him signs that you are seeking validation and reassurance from external factors. Men love confident women and the ones who know their own value. No man wants a woman with a perfect body but a smile with confidence can do the work.

Who’s That Hot Friend?

Stalking someone’s online profiles is okay. Finding someone attractive in the set of his friends is cool. Asking about that hot friend on your first date is not the best thing to do. It is a way to make the person feel that they are less desirable, lesser than their friend. That is not what you want to do, right?

You just went out with him and this is what you want to tell him? Would you like if he compliments one of your friends over you? No, right? So, it is no different for men.

Do You Still Use Dating Apps?

We don’t understand what is the matter with you girls. How is this question even relevant on your first date? You wanna know if they are trying to get other fish in their net? Well, you need to realize that it is your first date. He didn’t commit to you for life by asking you out. 

So, you better relax. If I were your date, I would consider you and your question strange, weird, and downright stupid. This question is valid only when you are in a committed relationship and not otherwise.

You’re Not Crazy, Are You?

After all, we make all the important decisions of our life while we are immature. So, if those immature deeds decide the level of craziness then most people are crazy, even you. Moreover, aren’t you crazy for asking this question?

Which crazy person would acknowledge their craziness in front of you on the first date? And if someone does, what difference would it make? You are no different than him except that he agrees to the fact that he is a bit cuckoo.

So, don’t let him know that you are crazy but not asking this question.

Are You Seeing Someone Else?

As if he is going to tell you that! We understand your concern. Today everyone is dating someone or the other and you don’t want to complicate things in your life.

However, this is not the right question to ask. If a person is in an open relationship he would tell you on his own about his previous equation.

Just give it some time and see if things are working out and asking this question at a later stage seems more appropriate. 

After going through the list, you should be able to figure out what questions you need to avoid on the first date.