She Dips A Tea Bag In A Sink Of Dirty Dishes. You’ll Do The Same When You See Why!

Adding a tea bag to a sink full of dirty dishes is such a simple trick!

Who doesn’t like a good cup of tea? We sure do and it looks like the rest of the world also agrees: tea is the second most popular beverage in the world. Most people would have some tea in their kitchen even when they don’t drink it themselves. But did you know that apart from making a cup of your favorite beverage, there are some more things a tea bag can do? For instance, you can use tea bags to clean your dirty dishes. We’ll tell you how!


It is always a good time to have a cup of tea: at breakfast, with lunch or even at night when you are watching TV on the couch. Did you know Turkey consumes the most tea per capita? Ireland and the United Kingdom make it to the second and third place respectively. In most other countries people consume more coffee than tea. But UK is different because its tea consumption is significantly higher than its coffee consumption. While the standard English tea is their go to, other types of teas are gaining popularity. More people are choosing green tea not only because of the taste but also because green tea contains less caffeine.


Tea has been used for ages as a remedy against multiple ailments. Many types of teas have healing qualities. Like green tea for example, can eliminate toxins from your body since it contains many antioxidants. Tea has been known to lower cholesterol, battle obesity and even lower the risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Other Uses

Aside from being a tasty drink, tea has some other uses as well. Did you know that plants also like tea? Prepare your usual cup of tea and let it cool down. Then pour it into the soil of your plant and watch as it keeps fungi at bay. Tea also comes in handy for soothing sunburn. Did you spend a lot of time in the sun? Prepare two cups of tea and transfer them into a big bowl. Allow it to cool completely and then grab a clean towel to soak it in tea. Now put this tea soaked towel on the afflicted area to feel a soothing sensation. Plus your red skin will turn brown! But the best use of tea is for doing dishes! Turn to the next page to learn how you can do this.

Greasy Dishes

Most of us are in the habit of throwing away our used tea bags but you wouldn’t do that after reading this! People who don’t have a dishwasher will love this trick the most. Tea is ideal to fight grease, so tea bags are perfect when you are trying to clean off your dirty dishes. The tea will dissolve grease which will then help to clean the pots and pans.

Dirty Dishes

The best way to clean dirty dishes is to rinse them right after use. But we all know that this doesn’t always happen. Who really has the energy and time to do that? People try to soak their dishes in a sink full of water to dissolve the food scraps, but there is a smarter way: tea.


Are your dishes extra greasy? Just put your dishes in a sink with hot water. Place three tea bags in the sink with hot water and leave it overnight. The next day your dishes will be a lot easier to clean. Tea breaks down grease, so adding tea bags to your dirty dishes will ensure that they are clean in no time. That’s a simple trick, right?