She's Known As The World's Hottest Grandma - Here's Why

Gina Stewart is the WHG, and if you didn’t know what that abbreviation meant, here’s your chance to add it to your vocabulary – it refers to the World’s Hottest Grandma. If you expected to see an old, wrinkly lady- think again. It is likely that you won’t believe that she is a grandma because of her having such youthful looks. However, once you do accept the fact that she is a grandmother, it will be easy to understand why she was deemed the World’s Hottest Grandma. Let’s see how she rose to fame and learn more about the secret to her youthful looks.

She’s a grandma?

Let’s clarify the elephant in the room – how could she be a grandma? Well, Gina Stewart was born in New Zealand in 1970, and she is the mother of four- two daughters and two sons, James (28), Casey (26), Cody (24) and Summer (5). She is also the grandmother of a one-year old granddaughter, which goes to prove that you can be a grandmother and look stunning at the same time. Is there a secret to her youthful looks- there must be one, right?

Gina’s rise to fame

It all started when her modelling photos attracted a lot of attention. At the time, no one knew her age, and she hadn’t even thought of becoming the World’s Hottest Grandma. Modelling was something she liked to do, and it helped her to make a living. With that said, once her photos became viral, it helped her realize her potential and she started thinking about taking it to the next level by making herself a brand.

Rise to fame

In order to do so, she needed a bit more publicity. In 2018, she joined Maxim Australia’s “Maxim’s Finest” competition and not only was she competing against them, but she was also knocking out girls half her age. It is a shame that she did not win, since she wanted to donate the $10,000 prize to her friend who had a stroke while trying to raise awareness about the health issue at the same time. In spite of not winning, her appearance certainly drew attention and helped her increase her following on social media.

In November 2018, Gina Stewart took part in the Maxim USA “Maxim Cover Girl” competition, again beating over 30,000 girls way younger than her all the way to the finals. A noteworthy achievement! One month later, in December 2018, she was named on the 2018 Maxim Hot 100 list of Australia's most talented, beautiful, and newsworthy woman of the year. She was especially proud to share the list with Olivia Newton John.

World’s Hottest Grandma

After all the media exposure, she became well known online, with many articles featured in various portals such as the Daily Mail, Fox News, The Daily Star, USA Today, Yahoo! News, as well as on various TV stations in Australia, Germany, Russia, and the United States. The exposure that she got in the media after taking apart in those competitions led to her being dubbed the World’s Hottest Grandmother and Miss Maxim. Well done Gina!

What inspires her?

Gina says she is best known for her sense of humor, how much she cares about people such as her friends and family, as well as her laugh and Instagram videos. She is motivated by people who do what they say they are going to do, and she finds that the most inspirational people are those who still have the strength to keep going and be positive even after going through hard times. Of course, the biggest driving force in her life are her children and now that she is the WHG, her grandchild.

Is there a secret to being the World’s Hottest Grandma?

It is hard to deny that Gina Stewart, the World’s Hottest Grandma, possesses a youthful appearance that helped her rise to fame. So, is there a secret to the age-defying grandma’s looks? If you asked her, she’d tell you that there’s no secret. There isn’t anything unusual or strange that she uses, or does, to help her look younger. Also, there weren’t any cosmetic surgeries done to enhance her looks, apart from the breast augmentation that she did quite a while ago- before she became famous.

Empowering women

There is a reason why she refuses to do any corrective surgery or use botox and fillers – she believes in ageing gracefully. In a world where women are mostly judged by their looks, she is trying to empower them to make a difference. She thinks everyone is beautiful and she’s trying to influence women to make a difference and inspire them not to rip each other apart: “Life is too short for judgement. Embrace your age and your curves, it never killed anyone.”

Macro Organics coconut oil

Although there is no special secret to her youthful looks, there are some products that the World’s Hottest Grandma uses daily and swears by. One of them is Macro Organics coconut oil. It seems to be her multitool – she uses it as her hair product, product that she cooks with and her moisturizer. Not only is it inexpensive, but more importantly all organic, with no artificial chemicals, which is rather important to her.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is another of her ‘secret’ weapons. She does swear by this as her anti-aging potion and it is rather simple to use – her daily routine is to cleanse and put this on her face afterwards – that’s all. It is hard to believe that such a thing exists, but judging by her looks, it could very well be a fountain of youth.

Organic underarm deodorant

Gina has even discovered an all-natural solution for her underarms: an unprocessed and organic underarm deodorant that provides all day protection and freshness and it is ideal for everyday use. It is free from irritating chemical bactericides and leaves the skin feeling restored and hydrated. Perhaps that’s her secret – there are no magic potions that work for everyone, but you have to find the ones that actually work for you. Judging by the millions of people that are still searching, seems like it is easier said than done.

A chemical-free lifestyle, organic diet and no coffee!

“Healthy body and mind,” she says, “Drink water, eat as natural as possible, think positive, exercise daily, sleep well.” Gina claims she never drinks water from packaged water bottles and encourages others to drink water from BPA-free bottles. She drinks only alkaline water that’s got a lot of minerals in it. Also, she does not drink coffee at all, since it messes with the stress hormone which controls the skin's oil production and makes it dry. She doesn’t drink alcohol either, “there's a massive difference in the way I look and feel,” she claims.

Breast augmentation

After she proclaimed that she started leading a healthy life, especially the claims about plastic water bottles, many followers thought it was rather hypocritical, since she had a lot of ‘plastic’ in her breasts. Followers can be mean, especially if you don’t put your money where your mouth is. Well, it is easy to judge, but let’s hear the whole story, since she got those implants way back, more than 10 years before she rose to fame and decided to change her lifestyle.

Gina says that in her youth she was judged and bullied for having B-cup breasts. Being young and hoping for acceptance and recognition, she decided to make a change. So, she pulled the trigger and spent $10,000 on her breast augmentation. “Once I got the implants, I thought that it was going to make me the happiest girl in the whole world. Now that I've got breasts, I still get judged.” Obviously, it is hard to please everybody.

She admitted that she fears her double-E cup implants are making her sick and might be to blame for a series of ongoing health issues: “It's not about the size of my breasts anymore. It's about my health”. So, she is thinking about removing them. When asked how thousands of her followers will react to the news, she said: “They will probably delete me, unfollow me and probably be disappointed.” Many just might do that, but there are many who support her in that decision. Self-awareness is important, especially when you’re trying to empower others to do the same.

Tired of Instagram?

Since Instagram deleted many of her posts, she become a bit angry. Perhaps she got tired of Instagram, since in the Attention People podcast she also claimed that Instagram girls spend all day getting dressed up, take 300 photos to end up with just one that they like. “Some girls look exactly like they do in real life, but the majority don't, because they are very edited and airbrushed”, the WHG said. Can it be that there are retouched photos in the online media? Shocking!

She has previously denied accusations that her Instagram photos are retouched. “Some of my pics are smoothed and some aren’t. You definitely can’t airbrush a video, so that’s why I put them up frequently.” The WHG also provided Daily Mail Australia with an unedited video of herself to prove that her spectacular beauty is the real deal. In the end, it is hard to say what is real – do layers of makeup count for retouching?

Reality shows

While her Instagram career may or may not take a hit, the future's still bright for the World’s Hottest Grandma, who has been approached to star in several reality shows. She said for Daily Mail Australia: “Yes, I have had a few shows approach me, including ‘Married at First Sight’. I'm still considering some of the offers.” Once you become a public figure, not to say a celebrity, various business opportunities keep coming your way. It is up to her to find her place in the crowd.


World’s Hottest Grandma rarely endorses products, so there’s just a couple of them. First one was ‘DealerStrip’, an online car buying and selling app that allowed users from all over the world to trade with each other. She was a virtual sales girl for the app: “I'm here to strip it down at DealerStrip and give you an unforgettable experience every single day,” she claimed in a promotional video for the company.

Perhaps because she claims “I don’t usually endorse products unless I wholeheartedly believe in them,” there’s just one more. It is a microdermabrasion kit by Perfecta skin. “I don’t use filler or Botox, so I need all the help I can get,” she says. This product reduces acne and pore size, smooths lines and you get complete skin rejuvenation. Apparently, after using it for 6 weeks, she was completely sold on it. Now, it’s a game changer for her and a product she cannot live without. Judging by her looks, it does the trick.

Like mother like daughter

An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so no wonder that Gina’s elder daughter Casey is a stunner. She works in construction at the moment, but models, as well. When you look at them together, it is more likely to think they are friends, rather than that she is actually her mother. They do not pose often together, which is a shame, but who hangs out with their mother, especially when she is so good looking?

Getting older and wiser

Even after having beauty titles and gaining popularity on social media, WHG says she still has body confidence issues: “I look in the mirror and see so many faults, but I’m trying not to focus on that and just be grateful that I’m still breathing on this beautiful planet.” That seems to be the right attitude, but sometimes it is easier said than done. Also, being in the social media all the time requires constant efforts and you don’t always feel like it.

Apparently, she might be suffering from Breast Implant Illness, since she has panic attacks and feels depressed. “I'm very fatigued. I get anxiety. I get sick a lot. I get the flu, coughs and colds, just feel lethargic all the time,” she told Sunday Night. “If I'd known the chemicals in them could affect our health, I never would have gone ahead with the surgery. At the time, I was led to believe they were safe,” she said. She’s planning to remove the implants in the near future.

In order to improve her health, both physical and mental, Gina focused on her diet and exercising and has noticed a big difference in the way she looks and feels. “When I was younger, I could eat as much as I wanted and never gained a pound. Much harder at this age for sure,” Gina admits. Her friends say she looks the best she’s ever looked in years, but she revealed that’s because she looks after herself, something she learned on the way and not the knowledge she had before.

Guilty pleasure

We all have guilty pleasures and the World’s Hottest Grandma is no different. And her guilty pleasure is also rather common – chocolate. “'I have a small piece of chocolate every day. Chocolate is my weakness. '' It might be sugar-free chocolate, but oddly, it still tastes rather sweet. “I don't really have that many guilty pleasures, but I do indulge when I feel like it.” So do we, Gina, so do we.

Turning over a new leaf

“Some might say what a boring life I must have with no alcohol or coffee and eating healthy – and that's fine.” It's essential for her to look after herself, especially since she has to take care of her youngest daughter, who’s only 5. For women who are keen to lead a healthier life, Gina says it's never too late to change their lifestyles. She hopes by sharing her story about the Breast Implant Illness, she will help women make better choices when it comes to plastic surgery. She hopes to remove her implants soon, too. Seems like her life is going in the right direction. Go Gina, the World’s Hottest Grandma!