Social Media Liars Who Got Called Out In The Most Hilarious Ways

Social media might not be the right gateway into someone’s life while trying to know them as people may choose to share what’s trending instead of the reality. Sometimes, we just click that “upload” button to keep pace with the world. There are people who tried really hard to sneak a lie or two into their posts but they could not get away with it. Those social media storytellers were not fooling anyone with their absurd posts that had “lie” written all over them. Thankfully, they were caught and there were more reasons to laugh out loud on social media!

Dogs Need Their Own Profile

Your pets can garner many more likes and with those puppy eyes, they will take over your profile. However, if someone is being a little too greedy for those likes and setting up a scene with the adorable nuisance created by their pooch, it won’t end nicely. Take lessons from this post where the cushion was unzipped creating a mess and it was all done by a human but guess who was blamed. That little innocent pup!

An Exhausting Run

The activity tracker on our wrists makes our daily running even more exciting. But what are our achievements if they are never told on social media, right? So, when Rob completed his daily run in 10 minutes and updated his status about running 5k, someone wasn’t convinced. Well, Cal found it better to be indirect while catching Rob in a lie and gave him some general knowledge about the world record. Go, burn some calories but don’t brag about it, or else, it might go terribly wrong.

Time To Refill Common Sense

A refill bottle and a bottle with a pump are two different things and it is expected that people understand the purpose of each one. Despite the names and the instructions written on these bottles, someone had to be “creative” and fit the pump on the refill bottle. No, that wasn’t the end as they decided to tell the world about the poor job done by the manufacturers. As we can tell, that didn’t go as planned. They could have saved themselves from being the joke by reading the instructions.

Vegetarian Meat?

When someone claims to be vegan but deep down, they can’t resist that aroma of pepperoni pizza and the cheese dripping off the crust, they tend to come up with the lamest excuses to savor that pizza. The person who asked this question is not the one who deserves an attack of comments but the friend who used “loses its meatness” as an excuse needs to step ahead and explain what “how to be a vegan” book they have been reading.

The Cake Calls

Whenever this person would be unable to find that last slice of the delicious self-baked cake, they would just call it and the sound would take them directly towards it. Okay, jokes apart – this is a crazy post and whoever tried to fool the social media with this failed at it. The innocent lie they baked did not come out with a flavorful aroma but was ruined. It seems like this person was watching some half-baked videos at 3 a.m. and posted this when they could barely keep their eyes open.

Spot The Cat

Selling a couch on the internet and contradicting your own claims about the “slightly used couch” through the pictures can turn out to be quite amusing for all those who landed on that advertisement. When someone tried to sell their couch and be specific about the details about it, it blew up in their face as the mention of “no pets” was instantly caught as a lie. An actual cat was chilling on the top of that sofa in the picture attached to the ad.

That’s Some Tip… Or Not!

We think this person wanted to make Christmas merrier for their server by leaving a great tip for them but maybe it was all a set-up for their social media. That $100 tip was written on the guest copy as someone pointed it out in the comments. That would not even reach the waiter but go home with this customer and later, in the trash in pieces. Maybe a lesser tip but pure intentions would have been better here.

And The Truth Is Out

It might have been kept under wraps for long until this person posted a status about the way they feel about liars and it turned out to be a bombshell. So, this person had a past (like all of us!) and well, one of the members from that past showed up in the comments revealing what happened once. The dirty laundry was aired on social media and it wasn’t fun for the other one.

Missed His Science Classes

This is what happens when you skip your science classes in school and have the audacity to put a picture with a caption that’s breaking all the rules of science. That’s not all. This guy went ahead and told one of the friends who commented the fact on his picture to “stay at school”! Wow, that needs some guts. This guy needs another excuse for putting a picture with closed eyes.

Beach Day In A Garden

Imagine it's vacation time and everyone is heading to Miami or Hawaii to soak up the sun on the spectacular beaches around the cities but your leave isn’t approved! Heartbreaking, right? This guy was not having it and he decided to be a part of that flood online and post a fake beach picture but unfortunately, someone noticed him and revealed his made-up story. His attempt was convincing if no one had found him there!

Stating It Clear And Direct

When we are not on the inside of the film world, everything that pops up on our Twitter seems to attract our attention. The question is: Do we trust all that’s stated in the “news” instantly? When a media channel posted something about Chris O’Dowd (received it from their hidden sources, maybe?), he made sure to leave a comment and reveal the truth without twisting any information. That’s a lesson right there! People would be more careful next time while uploading things about celebrities that they just “heard”.

When You Love Your Hair A Little Too Much

This post was supposed to look like an appreciation coming from a stranger who opened someone’s account at the library. Apparently, that did not go well as Facebook is smart enough to mention the device used to update that status. It was a mobile device and he was too obsessed with his own hair that he didn’t realize this feature exists. “Busted!!!” That’s the best way to describe the embarrassing situation.

Not His Shape, Not His Day

He just wanted to sell those pair of sunglasses that did not appeal to him as much as he would like. “Not my shape”, he mentioned in the post. The truth was something else. He might want some cash or he wanted to get rid of that pair for some hidden reason as he wrote a lie in that post about the sunglasses being brand new while wearing them in his profile picture. Someone caught him red-handed and there was no going back from that one.

A Truck-Sized Lie

This guy had to flaunt his car on social media and tell everyone how he bought it on his own without his parent’s help. His mom was not going to sit there in silence as she saw this post by her son and knew how big of a lie that was. Oh, son, you will have to struggle before you are let inside your home after this mess. It is better to connect with your parents on a personal level rather than on social media.

Didn’t Plant That Well

How can someone be so imbecile while posting a picture on social media? It is tough to wrap our heads around this gaffe that cannot even be ignored by calling it a rookie mistake. Everyone can spot a logo on a picture! Rick never took this photo as he claimed. Nick captured this blooming flower as mentioned in the photo and anyone who would decide to post it would check for any logos before giving themselves a pat on the back for their “hidden” photography skills.

That’s Not Clever

Who are these “genius” people kidding while posting such hilarious things that become a joke as soon as they are on the internet? Let’s see what’s wrong here – wait, everything is wrong and makes no sense. Someone with an IQ score of 125 would never allow this on their timeline. Even a person with an average score can tell how ludicrous this is! We wonder if this person’s 85 is a genuine one now considering the blunder they created with this post.

An Award-Winning Comment

Drumrolls and there you go – dad shows up on Facebook with a savage comment under his son’s Facebook post! This son shared a post that stated all about the childhood that once existed when cell phones were not a thing. Apart from this, it even said that he always ate what his mom cooked comparing it with what happens today. That’s when his dad stepped in and brought some dinner table facts to light.

Craving Some Real Love

When it’s been long since you have dated someone, such ideas creep in to make yourself feel a little lonely or maybe just to show it to the world. This guy chose a tricky backdrop for telling his friends that he still has a girlfriend and it turned out to be a disaster. It was just him taking a selfie with an expression that could have worked if the reflection in the car window did not give his pretty little lie away.

Flight Of Fancy

Everyone is allowed to dream but some tend to go a little too far just to realize it. Moreover, they are doing it for some random people they barely know on social media. This girl is surely living in a fantasy land where her boyfriend leaves an adorable note on a coffee mug for her to read in the morning. She never thought this through before uploading it and so, it blew up in her face. Instead of caffeine, one comment opened her eyes that morning.

A Bookish Lie

When everyone around you is talking about that one book but you haven’t made it past the first page, that’s when a lie is born. This person was trying to spread an important message that no one is better or worse based on the books they have read and their status made it clear that they have read the book in question. However, it backfired and they were left with an awkward memory.

Where Am I?

This person seems to be allergic to the use of “am” or has some rough memories associated with this tiny verb as they are completely against its existence. Having said that, this person is also writing “i am = i’m” which we all know is the same and which also means that “am” is a part of English grammar. This might have called for a war on the internet because the ones majoring in English could not stay silent when someone can’t spell correctly even in a sentence that’s 11-words-long.

Real Vacation, Fake Picture

This guy might have enjoyed a great vacation in Colorado but when he posted some pictures of the trip, he forgot to upload the original ones that he may have actually clicked there. He wasn’t letting his friends know about the failed Egg Flips and so, posted a random picture he found on the internet and thought he would get away with that fake photo. Everything was fine until someone commented with a screenshot revealing that picture to be stolen from a promotional calendar shoot. Oops!

A Long Journey

This rapper could not hold himself back from posting the picture of a jet that he claimed to own and found himself landing in a lot of embarrassment later. He made his way to New York City on a normal commercial flight like any other person but he might have thought that uploading something more lavish on his social media would be good for his fans. Turns out, one of his fans was sitting right across him on that plane and clicked him. You’ll get there, Bow Wow!

Termination Or Resignation?

This guy chose to post about his lay-off on social media with a twisted tale and expected some donations. He thought he executed the plan well but forgot that there was someone from his work connected to him on social media who pointed out the reality. This guy was never let go. He chose to leave and just told a fabricated story on the social media platform to receive some money. After that truth in his comments, we bet he was looking for the delete button in a haste!

Magic Of Double Yolks

When did the eggs become the new trend on social media? People are believing them to be the “like-generating” items. This person bought 4 dozen eggs and then decided to crack them in a muffin case with two eggs in one muffin mold. This plan was executed to tell people how amazing it is to find double yolks in the entire tray of eggs bought! No one is believing that muffin case story as everything is so obvious. Not a single person was fooled!

A Double Loss

This person told quite a believable story to their friend to avoid having dinner with them but it didn’t hold for long due to the extent of social media. After canceling the dinner plan, she went out for a round of drinks with hubby and didn’t forget to tell the Facebook world about it. Now, that friend would avoid all her calls and the boss would call her in his office for handing over the termination letter that even states that their “dad is very much alive”.

Caught And How!

If she didn’t want her boyfriend around while gulping down a few drinks at the club, she could have told him that instead of dressing all up and heading out for the night. It would have saved her a lot of trouble. We don’t think they would go home together that night or the following nights as she had no escape from that situation. Poor little thing!

Better To Be Stuck In Traffic Than This

Looks like, someone wanted to protest against the increase in fuel prices in Germany but instead of executing it in a proper systematic way, this person made a half-witted choice. They put up a random picture with some fabricated story of how people abandoned their cars and turned to walk to express opposition to the rise in fuel prices. One comment was enough to bust the fake scene created. It was just a traffic jam in China. We guess this person would prefer being stuck in traffic than in embarrassing circumstances like this one.

Don’t Mess With The Celebs

If you are hanging around some famous people at a horror night, don’t ever try to reach them by running through the crowd and pushing kids away for just one picture. It would be more horrifying than the haunted house you were in. This woman got her lesson when she described that failed moment of getting a picture with Terry Crews as the “spookiest thing”. The actor replied to her putting forward the facts and no, they were not pleasant!

The World Won’t End Before The Exams

This student had to tell their fellow classmates about the world ending in two weeks that they heard on the grapevine and how they are just relying on this instead of picking up the notes to study. This genius mind should have confirmed from his roommate before clicking on the “upload” button as that one instantly left a comment telling the truth. We guess that student took no pride in studying and so, had to “misguide” the classmates but what a waste!

A Gaming Scam

This frustrated person decided to upload a status sending a harsh message along. He wanted people to quit sending him game invites on Facebook as he was “tired” of them. He was safe for a while until someone commented under his status with a screenshot that clearly showed that he was also one of the senders of such invites. Be right back, off to the next level of our ongoing game!

Such A Visible Disaster

People think it’s easier to lie on texts and honestly, they might get away with a few sometimes but one dumb mistake, and there can be a heavy price to pay. Look at this guy wearing his favorite pair of sunglasses and sending a selfie to his girlfriend (maybe) who was smart enough to look closely at those glasses. No, his co-worker, Patrick was not driving the car unless he just wore a blonde wig and looked a lot like a girl. Have a nice trip to The Habit, young man!

Standing Up For Oneself

When did social media become a place to gain some sympathy likes by faking some scenarios? This old woman decided to use her social media account to “reveal” the insensitive behavior of the youth. She clicked a selfie that was meant to focus on the kids sitting in the seats reserved for the disabled in the train while she was standing. The focus shifted as someone pointed out the vacant seats right behind the old woman in the comments below this photo. Caught!

A Negative Energy

Here, the trouble began with the electrons in an atomic nucleus. It was all smooth with the integrated calculus until the electrons entered the conversation and went straight to the atomic nucleus. The “really high IQ” must have been calculated with a highly flawed test as this person has his basic concepts all wrong in that head where integrated calculus is done. We wonder what all this 15-year-old gifted kid knows about quantum physics.

Apologies Followed By Wishes

It looks like these people are not checking the facts before publishing a story. They need better sources for the information as the ones they are trusting are far from reality. This piece of news is telling us exactly why they need to verify the facts especially when they are referring to an alive person in the past tense on his birthday. John Carpenter was not expecting to see this on his birthday when he was just scrolling through the wishes sent over to him by his fans.

Ordered Online In The 70s

We understand that people were passionate about fitness and health during the 70s, but those activity trackers were on our wrists only in the late 2000s. This person claimed this picture to be taken in the 70s and the woman is a friend’s mom when she moved to Bristol from Italy during those years. For once, we can trust it but on a closer look, it seems like a whole trumped-up story. The woman in the picture has a Fitbit on her wrist and the argument ends right there.

A Dream Gift

There are liars all over social media who are confidently publishing those fables involving celebrities. We guess everything on social media should now be taken with a grain of salt as fake tales are everywhere. Celebrities might exchange really expensive gifts but a custom silver Tesla sounds too good to be true. Elon Musk jumped in at the right time and his three words were enough to let the world know that no wheels were sent over to the Kanye and Kardashian abode from his side.

Tacos Aren’t Coming Your Way

When decisions are made while starving, they are usually bad ones and land you in an embarrassing situation. Ask this guy about it who created his own story about Taco Bell delivering at his location if his post is retweeted 10k times. It was a horrible idea and he realized it when Taco Bell spilled the truth and the guy had to sit there as embarrassment enveloped him and maybe he just had to gulp down a pizza from 3 days ago that was lying in his fridge.

Pretending To Be On A Talk Show

Celebrities have fun conversations during various interviews and at times, they are quite witty with their replies. People are so influenced by those humorous questions and answers on the talk show that they try to incorporate those lines in their life but it doesn’t work like that. You should know that everyone watches these talk shows and if you try to create a scenario with the same conversation between you and your hairdresser, a screenshot from that episode would give the lie to your post.

Practice What You Preach

This is the perfect example of what happens when you turn into a “motivational speaker” (just for social media) without taking a good look at your own actions from the past. It seems like someone made a harsh statement about this person who decided to tell the Facebook world about it. But there was someone else who dropped a truth bomb in the comments section. The lesson here is to apologize to everyone you have been rude to before posting any such words of wisdom.