Something Going On
As the teacher got closer, Corey's pulse quickened, and his brow started to sweat. He had no idea what was going to happen next.

He couldn't understand what she was saying, nor could anyone else in the classroom. They all looked on in dead silence, and then the smell appeared.
The Start Of The Lesson
Corey didn't understand what was going on. Their lesson started out like any other, but halfway through, the teacher started acting weird.

Corey was sitting next to his best friend, Brian. The two made inside jokes and giggled when Mrs. Young wasn't looking. They'd even share lunch when no one was looking.
Drinking Something
The duo barely listened to the lesson that Mrs. Young was giving. They enjoyed rocking on their chairs and eating apple slices.

One thing Corey did notice how his teacher stopped halfway through their lesson and walked to her desk to drink from her water bottle.
Stopping In Her Tracks
Mrs. Young continued her lesson without missing a beat. She was showing how to solve some of the math homework when suddenly, things changed.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks. She hesitated, then looked over at her desk before trying to continue the lesson. She seemed suddenly unfocused.
The Smell
The teacher looked around and tried continuing the lesson, but not long after having her first sip, she returned to the desk to grab another. He looked at the math book, something she didn't often rely on.

That's when Corey first noticed the smell. It was when she opened the latch on the water bottle. What was really going on?
Struggling To Keep Her Balance
Brian didn't seem to notice the smell; Corey did. He watched Mrs. Young walk to the whiteboard, but she had a different stride now. It was as if it was hard for her to keep her balance.

Mrs. Young had to clutch her desk to stop herself from falling over. Had she just tripped? Corey was invested in finding out the truth.
She walked towards the children now, moving side to side like she was on a boat in a storm. Then she looked back to the whiteboard and tried to write on it.

This time, she took a tumble and didn't manage to keep her balance. She tried speaking, but nobody understood what she was trying to say. Was she okay?
A Good Life
Corey Poole was a simple twelve-year-old boy living in Seattle, Washington, with his loving parents, Austin and Yvonne. Growing up, life had been good for the young boy.

He lived in a lovely neighborhood with his parents, and he got to attend one of the best schools in town. His parents had made sure that the boy had everything he needed to succeed.
Safe And Sound
Austin and Yvonne loved their son more than anything else on earth. They worked hard to ensure that he would always be safe and sound.

That’s why, on Corey’s 12th birthday, Austin decided to buy him his first phone. This way, he could stay in contact with his parents whenever he was at a friend's house or school. Little did they know that he would need it one Tuesday morning.
That day began like any other. Corey woke up and ate a large bowl of cereal while his mother packed him a nice lunch. Once he was ready for his day, his father gave him a ride to school.

This had become the usual morning routine in the Poole household. It seemed like a completely normal day, but Corey had no idea what awaited him in one of his classrooms.
Going To Class
The first two periods of the day went well. He went from English to Biology, and then it was time for math. Corey was an intelligent boy, especially when it came to math.

Although his math teacher, Mrs. Young, was rude and sometimes a bit incompetent, Corey always looked forward to her class. He got to sit next to his best friend, Brian.
Taking A Seat
As soon as the bell rang, Corey packed up his books and headed straight for Mrs. Young’s class. Before long, he stepped through the door to her classroom.

He took a seat beside his best friend, Brian, and pulled his books from his backpack. Brian grabbed a container from his bag and placed it on the desk between them, offering his friend some apple slices.
She Picked On Them
“How’s your day been?” Brain asked, opening his book and paging through it. Unlike Corey, he hated math, and he despised Mrs. Young. She often picked on the kids who didn’t perform too well in her classes.

Unfortunately, Brian was one of them. “It's been fine, but I’m excited for it to end so I can go home and play video games,” Corey responded. Little did he know that he wouldn’t be home anytime soon.
The Water Bottle
They sat back in their seats, eating their apple slices as they waited for their teacher to start the lesson. Mrs. Young was sitting behind her desk, gathering papers, when she reached for the bottle before her.

Corey watched as she chugged what appeared to be water. She nearly drank half the bottle before standing from behind her desk.
The first few minutes of the lesson passed smoothly. Mrs. Young was explaining a math problem on the board when suddenly, she stalled on one of the steps.

She stood frozen before the class as she stared at the problem before her. “Hm,” She said quietly to herself. Corey reached for another apple slice, waiting for her to continue.
Another Sip
“Now, what is the next step?” She mumbled to herself before approaching her desk. She wanted to look at her book and check on the steps. As she paged through the book, she grabbed the bottle once again.

When she took another large gulp from the bottle, a sudden strong smell reached Corey’s nose. “What is that smell?” He asked his friend.
Tumbling Forward
Brian shrugged. The smell was burning Corey’s nose, but soon, his attention was diverted back to his teacher. Mrs. Young was approaching the blackboard once again when she suddenly tumbled forward.

Grabbing onto the wall, she managed to keep her balance. At first, Corey thought she had just tripped, but he was wrong.
Something Strange
But then, as she took another step forward, the young boy noticed something strange. She was swaying slightly as she grabbed a piece of chalk. But as soon as she tried to write on the board, she stumbled backward.

Corey’s eyes grew wide as he watched his teacher try to regain her balance and fail. When she spoke, all that came out of her mouth was gibberish. What was going on?
She Fell
That’s when the woman fell to the floor. She writhed around before her students, slurring over her words. No one could hear what she was trying to say. Corey turned to Brian, “We have to help her,” He said.

The two boys shot up from their seats as the rest of the children watched the events unfold with wide eyes.
Helping Her
Together, the boys each grabbed one of the teacher’s arms and managed to help her up from the floor. They then helped her to her chair and placed her in it.

But that was just the beginning of their problems. What happened next had them leaping into action. And it wasn’t long after that when the police arrived.
What To Do?
She went limp in the boys' arms as they placed her in her chair. Corey turned to Brian, a concerned look on his face. “We need to do something. I don’t know what’s going on,” Corey said in a panicked voice.

They looked down at the woman who sat before them. She was passed out in her seat as a tiny bit of white foam poured from her mouth.
Wake Her Up
Brian was beyond terrified. He’d heard of this happening to people before, and he knew that it wasn’t a good sign. “We have to wake her up,” Was all he could think to say.

Corey placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder and began shaking it lightly, but they got no response. “Is she…” Brain trailed off, thinking that the worst had already happened. .
A Pulse
Corey was terrified, but he grabbed the woman’s arm and checked for a pulse. It took a little time, but eventually, he could feel a slow rhythmic beat below her skin.

“No, she’s not. But her heartbeat is slower than usual, I think,” Corey said in a shaky voice. “What if she’d had a stroke?” He suddenly thought of it.
A Stroke?
She can’t speak or walk, my mom said that’s what happens when you have a stroke,” Brian suggested. The classroom fell silent as the rest of the students watched the two boys.

Corey decided to try one more time. But this time, he shook her hard, and finally, her eyes cracked open. He checked to see if the left side of her face was sagging to the side, but he couldn’t. Her entire face looked different
Inaudible Words
Mrs. Young tried to speak to the boys, but they couldn’t understand a word she was saying. She was still a slurring mess. Corey didn’t know what to do.

Should he call for the school’s principal? Or should he make sure his teacher is okay before taking the next step? He couldn't tell what the right move was.
But the tension in the room was unbearable, the two boys were terrified and anxious. They had never been trained to deal with something like this.

They knew they had to call for an adult, but neither of them wanted to leave the poor woman by herself. The situation was becoming sweaty and overbearing.
As Corey was considering his options, Brian spoke up. He was yelling at his friend, telling him to get an adult before things took a turn for the worse.

But Corey was wrapped up in his thoughts, and it took him quite a while to snap out of it. What would the young boy do?
Fight Or Flight
He was frozen in fear. He knew that if he made a wrong move, something terrible would happen to Mrs. Young. Anger beamed behind Brian’s eyes as he stared at his friend.

He couldn’t understand why Corey wasn’t doing anything. Why was he just standing there? Did he not care about Mrs. Young? He was completely frozen in place like he would break if he moved.
Inside His Head
But he had no idea what was going on inside the young boy’s head. He was screaming and begging for his legs to move him out of the classroom, but he just couldn’t do it.

He had never been placed in a scarier situation before. He never had to deal with any serious illnesses or tragedies. He knew that this moment would haunt him forever.
What If?
Tears began spilling down Corey’s face. Although he’d never been particularly fond of Mrs. Young, he didn’t want anything bad to happen.

He knew her son, Tim, who was a year younger than him, and he didn’t deserve to grow up without a mother. Would everyone blame him if something happened to Mrs. Young? He couldn’t stop the tears once they fell.
Do Something!
A sheen of sweat painted Brian’s forehead. He was too young to understand what was happening to his friend, and it was frustrating him. Why was he unresponsive all of a sudden?

“Corey, do something!” He yelled over his teacher's gurgling. But Corey wasn’t snapping out of it, he was staring into space as tears streamed down his cheeks. He was in a whole different world in his head.
Brian’s Idea
Brian was in full-blown panic mode. He wanted an adult to take over the situation because he had no idea what to do.

He was screaming at his friend, but none of his words seemed to register. From his perspective, it looked like Corey didn’t care. But that wasn’t the case at all.
Snapping Out Of It
But as Corey was staring out ahead of him, he felt something on his wrist. When he looked down to see what was touching him, Mrs. Young had a weak grasp on his arm.

His eyes trailed to her face, she looked terrified, and it was clear that she was begging for help. That finally snapped him back to reality. He had to stop panicking and start thinking up a plan.
Corey’s Idea
He wanted to stabilize his teacher before leaving the room. He just wanted to make sure she was responsive before leaving her in the hands of his panicking friend.

But was that a wise idea? Or should he follow Brian’s advice and get someone with experience to deal with the situation?
A Simple Question
“Will you be okay to look after her while I go to the principal’s office?” Corey asked, Brain nodded, but his hands were shaking. It was clear that he was afraid to be left alone with Mrs. Young.

“I- I think so,” He stuttered over his words. But Corey didn’t feel right about leaving him alone with her.
Up To Him
“I think it’s best if we stick together, that way if something happens, we can help each other,” Corey said, trying to comfort his best friend.

Although hesitant, Brian nodded at that. But what else could they do? The rest of the class was too terrified to move from their seats. Corey knew that it was up to him.
Corey was still freaking out on the inside, but he kept reminding himself to stay calm. She was in bad shape, but at least it hadn’t gotten any worse in the last ten minutes.

He thought he still had time to think, but every time he tried, his mind turned into a blurred mess. It was impossible to think when he was this nervous. But then, something happened.
Before They Could Decide
Before the boys could make up their minds about what to do regarding their teacher’s situation, Mrs. Young’s condition took a turn for the worse.

They were drawn from their discussion when they heard a thud. The teacher had passed out once again, and her head had slammed into the desk. What were they going to do now?
What Next?
Without any communication, the boys acted together. They each grabbed one of her shoulders and pulled her upright, her head was dangling to the side.

Brian could see a bright, red bump on the side of her head. There was no doubt in his mind that it would leave a gigantic bruise. “What do we do next?” Brian asked.
The Jacket
Corey acted fast as he pulled his jacket from his body. He then balled it up in his hands, “Just hold her up,” He instructed.

He placed the jacket against the back of her neck and helped his friend lower her against the back of the seat. It was important to keep her comfortable, which the jacket seemed to do as her neck sank into it.
The Smell
“Pass me her water bottle. I think she needs some,” Corey instructed Brian. He nodded as he grabbed the clear bottle and unscrewed the top, but as he did, he smelled the strange smell from earlier.

Puzzled, Brian looked into the bottle. It was a clear liquid, like water, but it smelled sharp and chemical. His eyes widened.
When he turned to Corey, Corey noticed the strange look on his face. “What’s wrong?” He questioned, puzzled by Brian’s wide eyes.

“I- I think Mrs. Young has been poisoned. There’s something in her water,” Brian said, passing the bottle to Corey. When Corey grabbed it, he, too, could smell the scent from earlier.
His Duty
Shivers shot down Corey’s spine as he stared down at the bottle. It was an unfamiliar scent, which made him wonder if his friend might’ve been right.

Corey, being raised the way he was, thought it was his duty to help his teacher. So, he decided to do the first thing that came to mind.
In Case Of Emergency
“Stay here. I’m calling the police,” Corey told Brian before running back to their table. He dug around in his bag, hoping he would find the phone his parents had gotten him in case of an emergency.

But to his great astonishment, he couldn’t find the phone anywhere in his bag. Did he lose it? Or had he just missed it in his panic?
Where Was It?
Corey began to panic even more. He shoved his hand back into his backpack, frantically searching for the slim casing that seemed to escape his desperate grasp.

He searched every single pocket, but it seemed like his phone wanted to remain elusive. And that didn’t help the situation at all. If he couldn’t find his phone, they would need to do something else.
Did He Forget It?
Corey sank next to his chair, his mind whirling as he tried to piece together the memories he had of that day. Did he forget his phone at home? Was that why he couldn’t find it?

That would’ve been a logical explanation for anyone but Corey. His parents forced him to take the phone wherever he went. But that wasn’t the only reason why he knew he had it.
It Couldn’t Be
Corey knew he couldn’t have forgotten his phone because he remembered grabbing it that morning. It was in charge when he left the house, and his dad sent him back in to get it.

So it had to be there somewhere in his bag. With that thought in mind, Corey started digging once more. Would he find it this time?
His fingers grazed the metal that encased his phone, and he let out a sigh of relief. “Finally,” he mumbled to himself as he pulled out the phone.

With trembling hands, he dialed the three-digit number that he knew all too well. But it didn’t calm his nerves in the least. His heart was still drumming in his chest. It was now or never.
The Call
As soon as the operator answered the phone, Corey began explaining the situation. “I think my teacher has been poisoned. There’s something in her water, and she’s falling around. She can’t speak.”

Corey had begun panicking. What if the police didn’t get there in time? He was terrified for her. He thought those were just his thoughts, but he actually said them aloud, and the operator heard everything.
The operator gave a few words of encouragement with the hope of calming the youngsters down enough so she could get full details from them.

As soon as she thought she had Corey in a stable space where he wasn’t just ranting, she started asking him the important questions. But was she right about his state of mind?
A Few Checks
The operator started by getting as much information about the situation as possible. How long was the teacher unconscious? What happened before she passed out?

Do they know what caused her symptoms? Corey tried to answer the questions to the best of his ability and made sure to mention the strange smell coming from her water for a second time.
Vital Signs?
The operator then asked Corey to try and get her vital signs. She helped him through it step by step. They started by checking if she was breathing.

Then, they went on to check if any of her extremities were turning blue. And then they tried to see if her heart was beating regularly. While doing the checks, the operator realized that something was very wrong
A Few Irregularities
The operator noted that Mrs. Young’s heart was beating much faster than it should have been. Her breathing was also irregular.

And that was just the beginning of the lists of things that weren’t as they should’ve been. It was time for the operator to make a call, and she knew exactly what she needed to do.
It's Serious
The operator determined that this situation was just as serious as the boys thought it was. The teacher needed medical attention right away. And if it was, in fact, poisoning, the police would need to get involved as well.

With her mind made up, the dispatcher sent the appropriate officials to the school and turned her attention back to Corey.
Sending Help
“We’re sending some officers and an ambulance, alright? Stay calm, help will be right there,” She told the boy. He thanked her before hanging up.
Joining Brian’s side, he helped his teacher in whatever way he could. One kid in their class had handed them her water bottle, and they were trying to get Mrs. Young to drink it.
Corey was a worried mess. He couldn’t believe what was unfolding before his eyes. When he first entered Mrs. Young’s class, everything seemed normal. Who could’ve done this to her?

It took about ten minutes before a bunch of adults came bursting through the door. Their principal had led police and paramedics to the classroom.
Step Away
The boys were asked to step away from their teacher as the paramedics got to work. They checked her vitals and tried to speak to her, but she was having trouble responding.

“Where is the water you told the operator about?” The principal asked Corey. They pointed at the bottle, and he quickly grabbed it. But as he sniffed it, his eyebrows tucked firmly together.
“Is this what I think it is?” He asked before handing the bottle over to an officer. The officer took a sniff, his eyes going wide as he stared down at the bottle. “It’s vodka, pure vodka,” He confirmed.

Corey was confused as he listened to the conversation. He knew what vodka was, but why on earth was his teacher drinking it at school?
Sent Home
Mrs. Young was drunk. She was sent home to sober up, and the next day, when she returned, she was forced to apologize to her students and their parents.

Corey sat by his furious parents as Mrs. Young stood before them, apologizing for what she had done. However, the principal no longer felt comfortable having her around the children, and she was fired.
Corey and Brian were congratulated before the entire class for their bravery. They thought their teacher was in trouble, and they did everything in their power to help her.

The next day, they already had a new teacher in Mrs. Young’s place. She was far kinder and better at her job, and all the children loved her.