The Doctors Couldn't Believe Their Eyes When They Saw The Pregnant Woman's Scan

The news of pregnancy is no less than moonlight for a couple looking forward to taking their relationship to another level. It brings cheers to the soon-to-be parents. The pregnancy period also celebrates its case as the glue binding the two souls stronger. It lets the couple discover and cherish a fresh connection brewing between them. The soon-to-be mother gets to have more of this blossoming period. She breathes with the privilege of feeling the nascent life thriving inside her. She can tune in to its heartbeat and sense its growth.

Well, the bouts of joy also bring in some rough patches for her to endure. Her body undergoes significant changes. Not just the physical transformation, but she also has to keep pace with the emotional and mental strains. Therefore, this period demands utmost care and medical observation. Thanks to technology, parents can now track every bit of the growth of their little nugget. A couple (Bethani and Tim Webb) was also harnessing its potential. However, they and their doctors stumbled across a bewildering discovery during one of the regular pregnancy scans. Let us check out the story of their way to parenthood.   

The Happy-go-lucky Couple

Love was the magic that brought Bethani and Tim Webb together. They lost their hearts and managed to find their life partners in each other. The bells of love chimed for them in their fancy young years. Cherishing the realization of their love, they went on to seal their relationship with the stamp of marriage. The heartening journey of togetherness, thus, began for them in their twenties.

Their case is also subtle in the domain of love marriages. They did not have the fear and thrill of unwanted villains and evil eyes in their love story. They turned on their marital life on easy-going notes. Finally, it was their turn to decide on the future of their relationship. They were all set to take it to a higher level. Taking on that note, they began to discourse on the possibility of falling into the family line. However, they were unbeknownst of the moments lurking around to send a chill down their spine.

Family Planning On Its Way

Bethani and Tim Webb were living the best of their marital life. They had settled down themselves domestically. Not just that, their love was seeing a refreshing transformation. The couple was cherishing their relationship’s translation to a more formal note. Everything was seemingly at its best. And, they were taking the bliss of moments to stay the same in the coming days. Building with that sanguine spirits, the thoughts of having a family started knocking their hearts and minds on a regular note. 

Their emotions and desires were seeing a new high. Taking on that part, they decided to look ahead for family planning. They had their hearts beating for them to embrace parenthood. Like other couples, they also wanted to add to their marital joy by welcoming their child. Their dreams for their child began to gather pace and momentum. But there was a lot more than that in store for them. 

Parenthood Consensus

Every individual in a marital bond indeed has the desire to become a parent at some point in life. However, very few couples manage to come to terms with parenthood at the same time. On that note, Bethani and Tim were lucky enough to be with each other. They both had the same feeling and longing to become parents. They wanted to start their family life soon after getting married. Therefore, their relationship was resting not only on their love but also on their compatibility.

To their delight, the good news came soon. Bethani discovered her pregnancy a few months after their marriage. Therefore, things were falling in place without hassles for them. What else could one desire in one’s marital life? They were surprised and happy at the same time. The wedding celebrations gave way to the celebrations of parenthood in their lives. They were over the moon with the whirls of happiness for sure. However, the pregnancy scan, waiting for them only a few miles away, was all set to offer blot from blues.  

The Surprising Arrival

Although Bethani and Tim wanted to have a baby soon after their marriage, they did not expect it to happen that early. Jotting their family planning calculations, they were expecting their conception to come up after a year. Therefore, the overwhelming news came as a surprise to them. Nevertheless, they were cherishing that feeling to its best. The thought and happiness of welcoming their baby a few months away were pampering them to the full. 

They did not want to miss out on any bit of it. It evolved as the jewel of their marital life. Bethani was also stunned at her quick pregnancy. But she was looking forward to making the best of the waiting period and embracing motherhood in the best way. To them, its sudden timing did not matter. They celebrated it as the new phase of their marital life. With that, the pregnancy scan also got a bit up on the list to leave the couple in a tizzy.       

The Scan Thrill

Nothing stands equal to the moment when soon-to-be parents see the first glimpse of their baby. Therefore, the thrill and exhilaration of the much-awaited pregnancy scan are not rare among prospective parents. The same was the case with Bethani and Tim. They had finally managed to come to terms with their quick conception. They were then bracing themselves up to welcome their little shadow. With that, the wait for the pregnancy scan was also adding to it. They could not wait to see their baby on the scan screen.

They were wishing the best for their baby. They poured in their prayers for the healthy growth and development of their baby. Not just that, but they were also trying their best to keep all the evil things at bay. Bethani was basking in the joy of feeling their baby growing in her womb. Therefore, the pregnancy scan pushed their thrill to another level. But destiny wanted to add something to their bliss with that pregnancy scan.     

The Strange Interrogation

Their wait came to end with their visit to the hospital for the pregnancy scan. The couple could feel their hearts beating heavily at the thought of seeing their baby on the screen. They could not hold on to their nerves and emotions. Bethani laid herself back, and the nurse began to take the scanning charge. Tim also got by Bethani for the iconic moment of their marital life. The nurse began to carry out the procedure for the pregnancy scan. They were on cloud nine with the thought of seeing their baby. Bethani wanted to see if her baby was doing well.

However, the scan took a different turn. To their surprise, the nurse began to shoot strange questions at them. She began to quiz them with questions related to multiple births. Not just that, she also inquired if any of them had them in their family history. They denied having any case of multiple births in their family history. The whirls of angst began to build up in their minds with those questions. They began wondering: why did the nurse ask them those questions? Was everything alright with their baby?

Time To Look At Screen

The stunning questions left the couple puzzled. They could not make sense of all that. As far as they knew, they had no case of multiple births in their family history. But what that had got to do with those questions? Were they relevant to their case in any way? They were still struggling to find an answer to their doubts when the nurse asked them to look at the screen.

Finally, they could see something on the screen. The nurse braced herself up to explain the matter to them. She wanted them to get to the length and breadth of the view that they were seeing on the screen. Will they get an answer to rest their worries? Or will it accelerate their worries to another? Everything then impinged on the explanation by the nurse. Meanwhile, the couple was trying their best to draw favorable inferences from the view on the screen. After all, what was waiting for the couple on the other end?

The Quadrupled Delight

The couple somehow held on to their nerves. They turned their focus to the screen. The nurse finally got ahead to unveil the chilling fact. Pointing to the view on the screen, she began to unearth the surprising moments for the couple. It was all in contrast to the expectations of the lovebirds. They were not having one but four babies in one go! Bringing that to the fore, the nurse began to point out that there were not one, not two, not three but four babies.  

The soon-to-be parents thus could sense the downpour of surprises for them. They could not sense their nerves for a few moments. Bethani was stunned to see her four babies together on the screen. She was about to have the joy of motherhood in abundance. On the other hand, Tim pushed his reaction to another extreme. The pregnancy scan had indeed brought a quadrupled surprise for the couple. And, that too when they had no case of multiple births in their families. The quick conception in addition to the news of four babies, therefore, came as a big bundle of surprise for the couple. 

A Silence Of Surprise

The view of four babies on the screen ended up making the couple speechless. The surprise came with such a force that Tim could not sense himself for a few moments. Not just that, according to him, he was about to fall over at that moment. After all, he was to welcome four kids at the same time. Therefore, there was a silence of surprise for a few moments in the room. The couple was trying to absorb the surprising news and reality of their parenthood.

The discovery was no less than a miracle for them. How could they conceive four babies in one go? But the heavenly Gods were all up to shower that bliss on them. The stunning moment left them dumbfounded. They must have been experiencing a rush of emotions and shock in their veins. However, they were not alone in cornering the surprising news. Its destiny was to reach more people and serve the surprise bouts. The four babies were all set to have surprise elements on their feet with the news of their arrival.   

The Tremors Of Surprise

After seeing a glimpse of their four babies, it was time for the couple to share their happiness with their loved ones. They took their family members and friends back by first announcing their pregnancy. Then, they added to their surprise and thrill by breaking the news that they were about to welcome not one but four babies into their life. The arrival of four babies at the same time would have left them stunned. That must have catalyzed their delight by four times.

Not just that, it would have also taken some time for them to come to terms with the possibility of the conception of four babies. Therefore, the news of Bethani’s multiple pregnancies must have stirred the tremors of surprise for friends and family members. Not just this news, but the numbers and figures associated with multiple pregnancies also hold the power to stun and surprise their readers. Therefore, one can take this news in conjunction with the statistics of multiple pregnancies to cherish the best of the surprise element.

The Rare Delight

The couple would have sensed the rarity of their conception when they got to know about the multiple pregnancies. However, it is even rarer than one can perceive it to be. Therefore, Tim and Bethani have registered their names among a few people with the case of multiple pregnancies. Not just that, the statistics also manage to push that to another level. They go a long way in throwing light on the unique and stunning facets of multiple pregnancies.      

Taking on that note, one can check out the findings on the matter. According to Dr. James Bofill from the University of Mississippi, one can peg the chances of this case happening to around one in 729,000. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to club Tim and Bethani in the brackets of the rare parents across the world. Tim and Bethani would also have felt the same bliss after coming across the statistics on multiple pregnancies. However, that is not all. There is something more to add to that note and delight.

Rarity Addition

Just having four babies at one go is not all about the surprise element in Tim and Bethani’s case. Although conceiving four babies at one time is rare, their case is rarer for one more reason. One can attribute the rarity of their case to the fact that they did not undergo any fertility treatment. In other words, the chances of experiencing multiple pregnancies are higher in couples undergoing fertility treatment. In fertility treatment, the experts can use more than one embryo for conception. Therefore, there are chances of multiple pregnancies in fertility treatment cases.     

But Bethani and her husband did not have any fertility treatment. Therefore, it is more surprising to have them conceiving four babies at one time. One can thus push their case a notch up in the domain of multiple pregnancies. Their doctors would also have got surprised after discovering their four babies during the pregnancy scan. Not just that, their family members and friends would have found themselves on the same footing after getting the good news.

Preparation Time

After celebrating the news, it was then time for the couple to set the stage for the arrival of their four babies. They had no moment to waste in that regard. After all, they were to welcome four babies at the same time. It takes a lot of effort and preparation on the part of parents expecting only one baby. Bethani and Tim were expecting four babies. Therefore, four babies not only implied quadrupled joy but also quadrupled efforts by the couple.

Thus, it is not surprising for one to find them nervous about it. They were looking forward to a testing period with their babies. Easing the matter to some extent, they wanted to make as many preparations as possible. They don’t want to leave any stone unturned to ensure the best for their babies. Their love and understanding also came to their aid for them to withstand the test of time. Not just that, the streak of surprise is far from over for the couple. The doctors had another surprising news for them.

Angels On Their Way

The months of wait gradually passed. Bethani could see and sense her babies growing inside her. Their thrill and excitement for their babies also matched Bethani’s growing baby bump. They cherished their days with the preparations for their babies. Finally, they had another hospital visit on the list as a part of the regular pregnancy check-ups. And, that visit brought in another special hospital moment for the couple. The check-up blew them with another stunning discovery.         

After the check-up, their doctors revealed the couple was expecting four baby girls. Therefore, four angels were lining in heaven to grace their life with their wails. Tim would soon be going to constitute the minority in their house. Girl power would rule his world with their iconic feats. Bethani was soon going to get four companions in her four little daughters. Thus, the Webbs etched their case as a special one not only for their four babies but also for the unending streak of surprise. But it seems like the surprise elements are in no mood to leave the couple. 

The Delivery Call

Bethani spent the remaining months struggling with her exceptionally growing baby bump. It was an arduous task for her to carry her four babies at the same time. But the growing baby bump was also a sign of the shortening of the time left in the arrival of her four angels. Finally, the time to welcome their babies came. Tim and Bethani rushed to the hospital to answer the delivery call. They were excited and nervous to see their family growing from two to six at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton (Alberta).

However, it was not a usual case of delivery for the doctors. They were to assist the birth of four babies at the same time. Therefore, they needed to make some special arrangements for the delivery. Not just that, the soon-to-be parents also needed to heed some indispensable things for the delivery. Thus, the delivery demanded preparations on the part of both doctors and doctors. And in a few moments, the four babies would arrive and put an end to their parents’ waiting period.     

C-section Way

The preparations kicked off the moment the couple reached the hospital. The focus of the doctors was to put up all arrangements to ensure the safety of both the mother and babies during the delivery. Taking into consideration the peculiarity of her case, they decided to undertake C-section for delivery. According to them, that would have been the safest way to welcome babies into the world. They took it to be the best way to handle the case of multiple pregnancies.  

Not just that, they also decided to conduct the delivery process with Bethani completing 33 weeks of her pregnancy. Therefore, they did not wait for her to complete nine months of pregnancy. The full-term pregnancy would have made the matter complicated for Bethani, her four babies, and the doctors handling her case. Adding to that, it would also have made it very tough to carry her babies around for the remaining time to nine months. Therefore, some special arrangements got on the board to welcome her special babies.

Magical’ Delivery

Bethani and Tim’s case was not an ordinary case. Therefore, the arrival of their babies would not also take the normal route. The doctors were also up with their best to ensure the best for the mother and her babies. For Tim, it was no less than witnessing a magic show. He could see the doctors bringing his babies into this world one after the other. It was like they were pulling out one, two, three, and four babies. Therefore, it was a wonderful experience for him to witness the iconic birth of his baby girls.

The experience of birth is in itself magical. But in Tim’s case, it managed to touch unique and thrilling notes. It was indeed a magic show for him. After all, he was becoming a father to the bundles of cuteness and joy one after the other. And the doctors, as magicians on the other end, were adding to his thrill with their medical forte. That would have been an unforgettable moment for Tim to witness at the hospital.    

A Surprising Realization

The magical birth of the four girls managed to win hearts beating around. The entire hospital stood up with its services to welcome the four Webb angles. The successful delivery of babies rang the bells of joy and happiness. Therefore, Tim was not alone in his bliss and celebrations. Not just that, the people around were also eager to catch a glimpse of the newborns. They were hanging around to seize upon the chance to catch up with the baby sisters.

The little cuties lined up next to each other to woo people around them. To the delight of everyone around, they were hale and hearty and supported a mesmerizing charm. Tim and Bethani were thus relieved and happy with their arrival. But then another surprising element came to light. Their admirers noticed something unique about them. They highlighted another enticing facet that no one had expected. That went a long way in adding to the amusement of the people around them. Their parents also could not believe their eyes.  

Copy Sisters

Till now, the news of the couple having conceived four babies (without any fertility treatment) was doing rounds in the Webb family. But that was not all for the proud parents. They had another rare thing about their babies to cherish throughout their life. Bethani had delivered not only four baby girls. But they were also identical quadruplets! People around them pointed to the similarities in their characteristics. They were exact copies of each other. Lying next to each other, they looked like mirror images of each other.

Their identical faces created another pull for the people around them. Therefore, the couple had touched upon another milestone of the rarity with the birth of their identical baby girls. The chances of something like to happen are one in more than fifteen million. Thus, their parents had not one, two, or three reasons to celebrate. The Almighty had blessed them with a plethora of delights to celebrate throughout their life with the birth of their daughters. The baby sisters share not only their birth dates but also their characters.  

Deciding Names

Doctors struck the mark of completion of their endeavor with the successful delivery. But for Tim and Bethani, it was just the beginning. With four baby girls around them, they could not celebrate the shower of back-to-back surprises for long. They had to take up their parental duties soon. The first task that they had at hand was to give their beautiful daughters beautiful names. Naming is one thing that leaves parents perplexed. None of the parents want to give their babies names that would draw ridicule and tease from the people around them.

Bethani and Tim also did not want the same to happen with their daughters. After working hard on the matter, they end up naming them Emily, Grace, McKayla, and Abigail. These names are graceful like their daughters. Not just the names, but the way the couple decided on these names also hold a surprising tone for others. The girls would be proud of their parents and the efforts they put in for their names. Other parents with multiple babies can also find relief from their way of deciding the names.

Ease Of Numbers

One may end up taking the task of naming multiple babies at the same time as an uphill task. It may take people hours and days to draw up a list of names and sort out the best among them. But Bethani and Tim found it easier than others may think. According to Bethani, the multiplicity of their babies eased the matter to a great extent for them. The number did not bridle them with the constraint of picking their favorite only. Parents with one baby face the problem of choosing the best name for their little nugget.  

Bethani and Tim had the liberty of picking four names for their beautiful girls. They could look around for the four best names and celebrate their time to the full. Adding to that, they were very happy about the privilege of numbers they had. Cherishing their liberty, they ended up naming their daughters: Emily, Grace, McKayla, and Abigail. Their daughters, therefore, came as a blessing from heaven for them on that note. They would also love their names when they would grow up.

Sense Of Relief

The couple had multiple besets creeping their minds when they came to know about their quadruplets. One can attribute that to the risks that accompany multiple pregnancies. They were worried about the success of the delivery. Not just that, the health of their babies formed another element of worry for them. The successful delivery of their healthy daughters thus came as a huge relief for them. They were happy about the healthy state of their quadruplets. Their identical features added to their delight.

However, the joy of numbers brought its worries and apprehensions for them. After the birth of their babies, it was time for them to deliver on their parental duties. They were a little nervous and worried about handling four babies at the same time. Not just that, the high chances of infants contracting diseases and infections brought another note of worry for them. But they were relieved that their babies were sound. Tim was over the moon after welcoming his four daughters into his world.  

The Similarity Hurdles

The privilege of having four identical baby girls bestowed their parents with the feeling of being on top of the world. They were cherishing the best of the heavenly blessing. The healthy and sound state of their babies went a long way to add to their delight. But the similarities of quadruplets had put up some problems for the people handling them. The biggest hurdle was to tell them apart. It was an arduous task for the people around them to distinguish them from each other. Their parents found it difficult to ensure if they had fed each one of them.

Not just that, but the hospital staff also struggled to tell them apart. That nudged them to keep and handle them in separate incubators. Taking on that note, they could manage to keep note of their individual growth and problems. But Tim and Bethani had to put in their best to ensure the best for them individually. Therefore, their similarities ended up cropping significant problems and hurdles for their handlers.      

Identical Looks

One may not be able to digest the fact that even parents could not tell their children apart. But Bethani and Tim faced that as a major issue in the initial days after the delivery. Over time, they somewhat learned to tell their children apart. However, they achieved that feat with a lot of difficulties. They also do not shy away from accepting their inability to tell their children apart. Not just that, Bethani also expressed her happiness of having her daughters growing up separately, and she could tell them apart.

However, she admitted to her failure to distinguish between them if they held two of them side by side. Thankfully, the girls had a sufficiently long stay at the hospital. That went a long way in helping their parents with time to build on their skill and ability to tell them apart. During that time, they could observe the difference between their kids. Ultimately, the girls can only solve the problem by drawing upon their differences when they would grow up.   

Coloring Identities

Taking the problem of their inability to tell their children apart on a serious note, Tim and Bethani decided to come up with an efficient plan. They put their brainy nerves to work. Finally, they managed to come up with a mind-boggling idea on the board. They decided to fix a color for each of their daughters. After getting home from the hospital, they put their plan into effect. They started dressing their daughters in different colors. Not just that, they also added to their look by pairing their clothes with accessories like bracelets.

Apart from that, they also resorted to painting their toenails in different colors.Therefore, the couple tried to overcome their difficulty by not only assigning their daughters names. But they also assigned them identities colors to deliver the best on that note. To their delight, their idea of color-coding also went a long way in easing the matter to a great extent. Adding to that, their difficulty in distinguishing their girls would also pare down with time.   

Personality Signals

As the time flew, the couple started finding it easier to distinguish their girls. The girls started to grow with their personalities and choices. That has made it easier for their parents to tell them apart. According to Bethani, her daughters had different temperaments and vibes. They had their likes and dislikes. Not just that, they also exercised their discretion to different levels to shape their different personalities. Therefore, Tim and Bethani could breathe free to tell their daughter them. And they could also catch them red-handed for their mischief.

Apart from that, they have also taken note of their different growing personalities. Taking on their personalities, Bethani found Emily and McKayla to support a relaxed temperament. They were more calm and patient. On the other hand, Abigail managed to stand out with her unmatchable energy. She would go around deciding her way. Grace also took on the unique line with her character-like temperament. Therefore, although the girls had similar physical traits, their personality shades helped them secure a unique identity in the world.   

Parent Support

It is no cakewalk to handle four infants at a time. Bethani and Tim knew it very well that their daughters would demand very once of their time. Not just that, but they were also aware that they would have to spend their entire energy and efforts to take care of their babies in the best way. Therefore, it would no exaggeration to call it a herculean task for them to handle their babies while managing their house and life. There were lucky enough to have the support of their parents. The grandparents stood by them to keep the worst at bay.

In the initial weeks and months after the delivery, the couple decided to move in with Tim’s mother. She got around with all the help and care that the little nuggets needed from their grandmother. After all, she was then a proud grandmother to not only one but four cute girls. Adding to their delight, they also received help and support from many other people around them. The support of their parents and others, therefore, came as a blessing for them in those testing times.

Financial Aid

Raising four kids in the present time demand not only time and effort but also a considerable amount of money. That constituted another constraint for the couple. However, their worries did not last long as their community poured in their help. Their community in Hythe (Alberta) came up to help the couple in every possible way with the upbringing of their cute little daughters. Their friends set up a GoFundMe page to raise sufficient funds for the new parents. Not just that, the community fundraiser proved a big success by gathering around $50000 for the couple.

Well, the generosity gestures did not end with the fundraiser. The couple also received many gifts for their daughters. The count of the gifts increased to such an extent that they had to store them in a nearby church. The girls are lucky to have the blessings and wishes of so many people around them. The community support and help also came as a significant relief for the couple. Therefore, not only the girls but their parents are also lucky in all regards.

Parental Lessons

The couple has stood out with the way they handled their kids from the day they got to know about their conception. Bethani deserves a distinguished acknowledgment for carrying and delivering four babies at the same time. Her struggle and patience during the pregnancy period are unbeatable. The way she handled the situation and multiple pregnancies are also remarkable. Tim has also played his part by standing by Bethani with his love and support during the testing time. His care and affection also went a long way in bracing Bethani for the larger role she had to support. Not only the pregnancy period, but the way they handled the situation after the delivery of their babies is also commendable.

The couple did not let their love and support peter out against the rough patch of their life. Not just that, but they also did not fall apart when they welcomed their identical quadruplets. They stood together with their unconditional love and support. Their heart-winning parental journey is an inspiration for the expecting and other couples across the world. Well, they are not done yet with their parental learning prospects. They look forward to having thrilling and fulfilling initial years with their cute toddlers. It seems like their daughters have got some more lessons for their parents to learn during their growing years.