The Ex Files: Absurd Stories That Redefine Crazy!

All of us have had experiences in our relationships which did not workout and resulted in being ex-partners we might harbor intense dislike for. However, there are definitely some exes who are completely insane because they take things to another level showcasing behavior which is absolutely outrageous. 

1. You Have Received A Mail

When my ex learnt that I was going to break up with her, she had mail sent to my house and later, would not leave when I did break up with her. I ended up calling the authorities and because she received mail at my home, they said it was officially her home too. 

Facing such a situation, I came up with a plan and decided to call my landlord and have him leave me to get her to leave. As soon as she left, he revoked the eviction notice and I moved back again.

2. Three Is A Company 

When my ex found out about my girlfriend, she tried her best to get into a three-way with her friend and me in order to break us up so I declined. Later, she had the same friend to hook up with my friend and convince him to invite my ex to a party at his house that I was going to attend. Once I entered the washroom there, I opened the door and my blood ran cold. 

She stood there and it was freaking me out and I said, "Hi, excuse me, I am out to leave this house." She immediately pushed me as hard as she could back into the bathroom and came in and locked the door. After a point, I yelled for help and my friend and others came to help to unlock the door and pulled her out and lastly, I could get out of the bathroom.

I walked upstairs to leave but the nightmare did not end. She went out the door and ran towards my truck. She stayed there while I was standing there in disbelief. That particular moment, we had been broken up for months. I walked back inside, and one of her friends approached me and told me if I told her that I never wanted to see or talk to my ex again, she would let me leave. I respected that.

I said, I don't want anything to do with my ex again and that it was over. I also waited and peeked out later and saw the coast was clear and started heading to my truck. I heard a loud sound and looked over, my ex ran towards me at full speed. Another woman out of nowhere attacked my ex and asked her to leave.

When I left, I received a call from the party saying she locked herself in the bathroom, 

intimidating of herself. I called her parents and all this occurred when she called me 100 times from dozens of numbers which I had to block. Apart from that she also egg-ed my girlfriend's car asking a very desperate friend of mine to prom hoping to get in our group, and followed me to and from work.

After two years, when I was in college and had a new number I received a call and when I answered, it was her and I have no idea how she found it. She asked if I went to the local university, to which I replied yes. I did not actually go there; I went to a state college. That and another time was when I knew or heard from her, hoping it was the end of it.

3. Queen Who Screamed

The girlfriend I had that time was staying over at my place and was working late the night before, so I wanted to sleep in. She tried to wake me up but I did not work on me so I went back to sleep. I was in a state of deep sleep and a good time had passed. She apparently lost her patience and put her mouth directly against my ear and screamed as loud as she could.

The movie was a high-pitched horror movie scream and the pain was caused immediately. Even after fifteen years, if I am in a loud place, my left ear still buzzes like I have a wasp in it. The sound was so sharp as if it were like a blown-out speaker. And that was only one of the crazy things she did.

4. Atlast, DUMPED!

When I was doubtful about my boyfriend for 2 months and discussed the same with a guy-friend over texts. Then my boyfriend checked my phone and accused me of sleeping with my friend. He went nuts and made a huge production  out of packing up his stuff and leaving. After leaving, he stood on my porch for sometime, thinking...

He then decided not to leave and was begging to let him back in and I refused to do that. He then started sobbing and scratched at my door for the next two hours. After a few days, he wanted my microwave which he gave me as a surprise gift when I went out of town. 

To avoid any confrontation, I left it on my porch for him and watched him take it and toss it in my dumpster. I went against my instinct and sent a message about what he did was immature but it was entirely wasteful. If we might take that, maybe he can use it or give it to someone. To that I said, he can drive back over and fished it out of the dumpster and left it again back at my porch. 

Later, I disinfected it, and I took it back to the kitchen. Later I received another message asking for the microwave on behalf of his 'friend'. This time again, I left it on the porch and later saw him dump it in the dumpster, yet again but this time, I went to Walmart and purchased a new microwave. 

5. Partner's Ex Pulled a Prank By Putting Me Behind The Bars

Me and my ex-friend went for a party and I drank more than I should have, and he was the designated driver. He dropped me 'just over a block' from my house. When I stepped out from the back of the car, I did not recognize anything but when I looked out for the phone and realized that I did not have it. I kept walking across and looking for a familiar street I knew but did not find one. I also picked a way to walk in when I searched for a major street.

Unbeknownst to me, my so-called friend thought it would be funny to drop me off in the wrong neighborhood instead of at my house. To make matters worse, he had taken my phone, making sure I could not reach anyone for help. He planned to let me be lost and then find me and finally drive me home. Unfortunately for him, he never managed to locate me. After several hours of aimlessly walking around, I had sobered up and was feeling thirsty.

I finally came across a larger street, but by that time it was around 2 AM, and the area was completely deserted, leaving me unable to ask anyone for assistance. Eventually, I spotted a police cruiser making its rounds and decided to flag it down for help. What they told me next was unbelievable: I had wandered over ten miles away from my home and ended up in a very dangerous neighborhood. They were skeptical of my story and seemed unsure about my situation.

After the conversation, they offered me help by giving me a ride back home and asked me to put my hands behind my back while they searched me. I complied, and they immediately cuffed me and told me that they were arresting me for public intoxication. Because I did not have any money on me then, I decided not to call anybody to post bail for me.

The officers assured me that I would be released once I was already sober. There were no windows in the holding cell, no clock, and they never dimmed the light, so I and the others had no concept of time. I was fed twice and had access to water and a toilet. I managed to fall asleep a few times, but I kept waking up shivering.

Finally, after a long night, I was released at 9 AM — an entire day after my arrest. Meanwhile, my roommate had reported me missing and was informed that I was in custody. I managed to call him from a payphone, and he came to pick me up. A few weeks later, I learned that the charges against me had been dropped, so thankfully, I avoided any fines or mandatory classes. However, I decided it was best to distance myself from the friend who had pulled such a cruel prank.

6. She Went MIA Upstairs

When I was in the army, my ex called the base and told me that I was revealing and passing on secrets which they took VERY seriously. I was also pulled out of formation and cuffed without having known what was happening. It took me two weeks before they could believe me and released me to my unit.

Later my mother came and said that I was a goner but the army did not tell her. She ended up calling my landlord and told him the same so that they could release my apartment. It was a nightmare and by then the landlord was boxing my stuff to sell it and we had dated for maybe three months. I couldn’t believe it. She was seriously crazy!

7. Getting Catfished By My Ex

My ex tried to catfish me by using a picture she manually snapped from a magazine as her profile picture. It was clearly seen that the seam below the center of the photo. I knew it was her because she had a feeble grasp of grammar, and she would make specific mistakes that no one made. When me 'met' on the site before I could realize, it was her and I asked her why she was single.

She stated that her ex passed 2 years before having considered the fact that she pulled a gun on me in a prior instance…that may well have ended up being true.

8. Are Uke-idding Me?

We were in a heated discussion and she went to the next room. I assumed that she wanted some space and cool things off. After some time, she came running from the room, screaming and swinging a ukulele at me. We did not break up that time but we eventually did. That incident was the main reason why we parted ways because I could not be calm if she was in another room.

9. Tattoo You!

This ex of mine had a tattoo of me on his back when he dumped me two days later. After two months, he wanted to get back together and when I rejected, he cut himself in my driveway. I drove him to the hospital and had his blood all over my car. 

He got through the experience and if I had to do the same things all over again, I would have called the EMTs and gotten ready for the date I had that night. I just realized that I should not be alone with someone who is unstable.

10. It Was A Bad Timing

Me and my husband were high school sweethearts and after having four kids and 16 years of marriage, he cheated on me. He did not tell me about it for a year but when he did decide to tell me, it was the worst timing ever. He told me about his affair when I was in the middle of chemo for cancer. That time I was bald, sick, and had only one breast.

After 10 days, my mother had passed away and it was my birthday. I never saw that coming and we got a divorce.

11. I Dodged That One 

My ex-fiancée and I ended our eight-year relationship and called off our wedding five months before with a typed note that was less than 300 words long. She was not excited about getting married so decided she won't marry anymore. After a few weeks, I found out that she cheated on me with a mutual friend.

I called her and she told me that she "had to do it" and "please stop fixating on it". So, I confronted the dude and ruined her prospects with him. After 9 months, she got married to a different man who was 20 years older and was pregnant with his child, on what would have been our anniversary.

I watched her ceremony that was recorded and circulated. Her vows were about how the new guy was better than me. That is when I thought to myself, "I successfully dodged that one".

12. I Got Away From Her Twisted Plot

My ex-best friend of forty years married early and relocated shortly after we graduated from high school. Her husband worked as a defense contractor, which meant they moved around frequently. Despite the distance, we maintained our friendship through phone calls and made it a point to meet for a mini-vacation at least once a year. There was a challenging time in life when I was going through a bitter divorce. And, she generously invited my 14-year-old daughter and me to live with her until everything was settled.

After traveling over 1,800 miles to reach her home, I was shocked to find out that nearly everything she had shared with me over the past 32 years was nothing but a façade. Her supposed job, her marriage, and even her living situation were all fake. I was confronted by the harsh reality that she was a hoarder, with about 80% of her house completely inaccessible due to piles of clutter. The areas that were accessible were in a shocking state of filth. She had many pets, and there was poop everywhere!

Above all,  she was in the process of being removed, and she wanted me to give her $8K to lease a new home, in addition to cleaning up her hoard. Her two daughters, who were 21 and 19 at the time, began sharing the deeper truths about their mother’s life. They revealed that she was drowning in debt and had every intention of using me to finance her escape from her current situation.

What was bad was that they told me about what they had been through. She had mentally/emotionally/physically harmed both of them throughout their childhood. This unsettling information was corroborated by her common-law husband. It felt like I had to compel to address the situation. I confronted my ex-best friend, expressing my intent to leave and making it clear that I wouldn’t be giving her any money. In retaliation, she called the authorities and falsely accused me of selling illegal substances.

I was nearly taken into custody until the officers realized I had a clean record, no large amounts of cash, and no drugs on my person. Unfortunately, the chaos did not stop there. She reached out to child protective services, alleging that I was harming my daughter. However, because there was no evidence to support her claims and her own daughters testified that she was lying, I was cleared of any misconduct. In a zone of desperation, my ex-friend reached out to my unstable ex-husband, opening up about my location to him. However, it took me two days to sort through the mess and prepare to leave.

She continued to call CPS and reported me three more times and attempted to take my car. Additionally, she was harassing my elderly, terminally ill mother who had a barrage of distressing claims. I won’t even get into the terrific messages she sent to my daughter. Ultimately, I made the decision to leave and sever all ties with her.

13. Burning The House Down 

I ran a DIY punk venue that was small and my ex was angry with me at the time and came to a  Halloween show we put together on a huge scale. We went to the washroom, lit fire on the trash and locked the door behind her, and left. I broke open the door and extinguished the fire before the building caught ablaze. I had approx. 250 kids in the venue that night. It was unbelievable.  

14. Cross-Country Craze

We had parted ways for about 10 months and didn't speak in 7 years. For unreasonable reasons after our break up, I moved across the country. She figured out where I was living, flew there, rented a car and parked it on my block, and looked for my house. 

There was a pair of binoculars in the car along with a book on birdwatching, so she could explain why passersby were staring around a neighborhood with binoculars, and a cat carrier.

She did not have a cat but I did and she did not plan to break up into my house and took away my cat. She also purchased a return flight ticket back to the East Coast with the pet fee paid.

15. Bad-Blood Over Bed-Linen 

After ending my relationship with a guy, I decided to move in with a friend for some support. Every day, she would check in with me, asking if I wanted to discuss my ex, seemingly taken aback by my lack of sadness. Honestly, I felt relieved rather than upset. I was covering more than half of our bills, taking care of all the groceries, and cooking meals for both of us. To help personalize my space, I opted to purchase some new bedding and returned the linens she had lent me.

A few days later, I began feeling unwell. Before I knew it, I was experiencing intense nausea and had to rush to the bathroom every ten minutes. I could barely keep myself upright and was suffering from severe dehydration. After enduring this for about ten hours, I asked her to drive me to the hospital. She dropped me off at the entrance, and while she went back home, I stumbled inside. At the hospital, they discovered my blood pressure was dangerously low, and I was admitted for further care.

Once settled, I quickly sent her a text asking if she could bring my phone charger. I soon lost consciousness and woke up hours later in a hospital room, but my phone was dead. The only contact I could think of was my cousin, so I used a landline to call her, and she kindly brought me a charger. As soon as I powered my phone back on, I was greeted by an unexpectedly long Facebook message from my friend.

In her message, she expressed frustration that I hadn’t opened up about my ex and criticized my decision to buy new bedding. She mentioned that I could have simply asked if it was alright to make such a purchase, especially since I was contributing to the bills. Underneath her words, it seemed clear she was hurt by my refusal to talk about my past relationship. The following day, I received an alarming call from the authorities. They informed me that my ex-boyfriend had filed a report claiming I threatened to take his dog earlier that day.

This was shocking to me since I hadn’t spoken to him since the breakup, and I had clearly told him he could keep the dog. I informed the authorities that they could verify my whereabouts with the hospital staff, as I had been admitted and unable to charge my phone. That’s when a troubling realization struck me: I had a sinking feeling that my “friend” was somehow stirring up trouble with my ex. The next day, once I was discharged, I made the decision to move out while she was at work.

16. Surprise Revelation

We let our friend rent our apartment for over 2 months when we were out for a vacation. He did not pay the rent and never cleaned anything including his leftovers, so there were maggots and rotting food everywhere when we got home.

There was spaghetti with tomato sauce on our white walls that had been left on for so long it was permanently soiled. The worst part was that when we were cleaning, we found that he had taken individually wrapped stock cubes, punctured them with a fork, and thrown a few under all of our furniture.

From what I could gather and understand, it felt that it was all intentional and on purpose. I had no idea why since we had a fairly normal friendship before that. 

17. I Gave Him My Notice

Me and my boyfriend decided to move in and I gave the notice to my landlord. Because I lived in a college town, my landlord called the next person on the waiting list, and they signed a lease that day. My ex boyfriend was living in a rented room and had not given his landlord his notice. 

When I spoke to him that night, he told me that he would call his landlord in the morning as it was the last day he could give notice without having to pay the rent for the coming month.

We needed his part of the rent with mine to get the new apartment. We went into an argument that night and I decided to head home so I could cool down. However, I could not reach out to him the next day and it did not bother me as I had a full day. So I called him up the next day when he sounded better. 

He waited almost a week—and then told me something that made my heart stop. He offhandedly mentioned that he did not call the landlord, so he could not move in with me. He knew I did not have the amount of money to move into the new apartment, all by myself. On asking him why he did not call and give his notice that day, he said it was because I did not seem too worried about it when I argued with him that night.

I decided to break up with him then and there. What is funny is that he was SHOCKED! After two weeks, I was living on the other side of the state and ignoring his letters.

18. My Pillow Talk

Once I fell asleep at my ex's place on his pullout couch, while he went out with his friends. I woke up at 1am and started unpacking my things to head home as I had work the next morning. Just before I was leaving, he came and said, "Baby you are still here?" I asked in a politely sweet tone, "Where were you?" and he yelled at me by calling me every name in the book.

I started sobbing and he asked me to shut up but I could not do that and kept crying. He then pushed me towards the pullout and put one hand around my neck and placed a pillow on my face. I could not breathe. A voice in my head asked me to be calm instead of struggling, I kept my calm. Additionally, instead of struggling, I calmly lied down. After 30 seconds, he picked up the pillow, and I got out of there.

19. We Sang Different Tunes

During my high school years, I found myself in a relationship with a guy who turned out to be a narcissist. Our breakup was incredibly tumultuous, and after graduating, I moved away for college. When I returned a year later, we were attempting to be friends. However, in that time apart, he had convinced himself that we were destined to get back together. Meanwhile, I had gained enough perspective to recognize just how manipulative and cruel he had been during our time together, so I had no intention of rekindling anything.

Despite my clear stance, he kept insisting that he wouldn’t accept my refusal and that he would eventually change my mind. I chose to ignore him and focused on my own life. I ended up hooking up with a mutual friend, someone I had known for much longer than my ex. It had nothing to do with him, but he took it very personally. When he found out, he channeled his anger into a song that expressed his disdain for me, complete with my full name mentioned in the lyrics.

In an effort to assert control, he managed to turn nearly all of my friends against me, regardless of their personal feelings about the situation. To make matters worse, he stalked me relentlessly for three years. He would show up at my mom's house, oblivious to the fact that I no longer lived there, followed my current boyfriend, appeared at my workplace, and created multiple social media accounts to try and reach me.

This behavior drove me to the brink of insanity. It was surreal and terrifying, and I often found myself plagued by nightmares of him invading my home. The most distressing aspect of this ordeal was that his mother was a lawyer. When I finally mustered the courage to contact her about his actions, I was met with a harsh response. She dismissed my concerns, claiming it wasn’t her issue, while expressing a desire for us to resolve our differences because she missed the way we had been together.

20. A Roller Coaster Ride

Back when I was in high school, I dated a narcissistic guy, and our breakup was intense. After moving away for college, I returned a year later and tried to maintain a friendship, but he had convinced himself we would get back together. Later, I realized how manipulative he was and he had no interest in getting back together. 

He insisted he wouldn't take no for an answer, so I ignored him and hooked up with a mutual friend. He took it personally, wrote a song expressing his hatred for me, and turned all my friends against me. For three years, he stalked me, showing up at my mom's house, following my current boyfriend, appearing at my jobs, and creating fake social media accounts to contact me. 

This kind of behavior was overwhelming for me, and I often had nightmares about him invading my space. The situation worsened when I contacted his mother, a lawyer, who dismissed my concerns and suggested we should work things out because she missed our relationship.

21. Got Saved Because Of My Couch 

After a year of dating, I moved in with my girlfriend, leaving my lovely apartment. We had shared many experiences together, like meeting each other's families and attending weddings, but soon realized things were not working out. She constantly wanted to argue, and I discovered she was hoarding in an extra room. I decided to break up and told her I would leave by the end of the day, planning to stay with a platonic friend while searching for a new place. 

While at the phone store getting my SIM replaced, I found out she had been snooping on my phone. In a panic, she threatened my friend, who then refused to let me move in. My ex rallied her family and friends to ambush me as I tried to collect my things. I parked outside and called for help; just as my friend and I started moving my couch, the authorities arrived due to a "domestic violence" complaint. 

If we hadn’t been holding that couch, we might have been taken in. My ex and her family then emerged, making allegations and threats, but I simply said I was leaving. Despite her fake tears and pleas to work it out, I refused and thanked the officers for protecting me. I realized I was lucky; without their intervention, I could have ended up in serious trouble.

22. She Was Not Nice And I Was 

During my 20s I was living with a woman with whom things were not working out well and it was about time to break up. The place was leased by me, and she had no intention of staying there permanently. So, as a way of being nice, I told her I would stay at a friend's house for the rest of the month while she found a new place. That gave her about three weeks.

I had sudden plans of a road trip with my buddy for two weeks and when I was back, she told me that she had moved out when I was away so a week before that when I went back to my apartment, I was surprised by looking at the center of the living room. 

The apartment looked ready to rent to new tenants, except for the massive pile of furniture, collectibles, clothing, medicine, and food from the fridge and pantry. By then it was almost mid-year, June and there were maggots in the food. Although it took us a few weeks to sort out, I found out that my childhood teddy bear, ripped at his neck, with its head just dangling there, and its 25-year-old stuffing, bleeding out.

I kept imagining her dragging heavy stuff around, carrying on with this for days. A year later, I ran into her at a show. She acted like she was happy to see me "after all this time" and as if nothing messed up had happened.

23. Savage Till The End

My crazy ex, once smashed a salt lamp across my shin, pushed me downstairs and kicked me with full power in the jaw—causing it to pop ever since, cheated, lied, and used me for a few grand under false act and left me stuck with nowhere to out in the freezing rain for the next 8 hours.

24. Friends Without Benefit

A friend of mine was a loner and I be-friended her thinking I would be doing good and she was chill, additionally we also had a lot in common. Later on she hit me in a weird way through texts. Being as respectful as possible, I told her that I did not have any feelings for her and she blackmailed me that she would tell people that I forced myself on her if I didn’t give her "a chance".

I saved the conversation which was the only thing that saved me when I decided to ghost her and she faced her threat.

25. Break Up Processing, Unable To Happen…

My ex had switched my laptop from Windows to Linux when we were dating and claimed that Linux was superior, despite my lack of coding experience. He also set up admin restrictions, requiring a password to revert to Windows or download anything. After we broke up, I discovered I needed that password to restore my laptop, but he never provided it.

26. This Relationship Was Out The Window

After I had an argument with my ex, I went to another room to cool off, but then I heard her opening the window on our fourth floor, where it was -10°C outside. I was concerned that she might have jumped, so I immediately rushed in only to find her missing. I panicked until she emerged from under the bed, saying, "I just wanted to see if you still love me."

27. She Did Not Even Have A Chance 

Three years back, when I moved my dad in with me and my then-wife due to his congestive heart failure and stage 4 cancer. I cared for him until the end. At his memorial, my now ex-wife was incredibly disrespectful, sitting apart from the group and sarcastically clapping during my sister's speech.

After confronting her in the yard about her behavior, she responded by putting her thumbnail on my throat. She also claimed that my father's ghost had come to her, saying he regretted not raising me better, that I wasn't good enough for her, and she should marry a "real man." I didn’t believe her, but I regretted not divorcing her sooner, as she twisted my father’s death to make it about her own grievances.

28. Horrors That We Live In 

My ex was chasing me when I locked myself in the bathroom. He banged a hole in the door with his fist, stuck his face through, and said, “Here’s Johnny,” like in *The Shining*. Our relationship was mentally and sometimes physically destructive, and I'm grateful I got out of it, safely.

29. What Was In Pieces Was The Relationship 

My ex destroyed the teddy bear my mom gave me as a newborn, and cut it into a hundred pieces. She offered to repair it, which I refused, but she went ahead and had it fixed anyway. After I finally ended things, she cut it up again and sent the remains in a box, along with a note claiming she was pregnant, which she wasn’t.

30. Where The Identity Was Mistaken 

My ex's actions were backfired the week we broke up. She mistakenly believed I still had my old truck and vandalized my neighbor's similar-looking vehicle, smashing it, painting on it, and even defecating on it. Authorities were called in, and she ended up in jail.