While we don’t mind our dogs barking at strangers and warning us of any trouble in the surroundings, the continuous woofing is not what our ears would be pleased with all day. The ones who are looking to bring home a four-legged furry friend but can’t afford even occasional pandemonium caused by the baying of the canine around the house are often discouraged from adopting a pup. Dogs enliven our living space with their mere presence but not everyone can deal with an unexpected bark at 3 a.m. If that is the case with you then you need one (or more) of these peaceful canines.
If you want a companion dog and the toy group of the pooches has always enthralled you, the Bolognese breed would be a perfect choice for you. Their soft fluff makes them super cuddly and even though this is not a common breed in the United States, you can always call for one. One big advantage of this breed is that you won’t have to hear shrill noises from another corner as this dog would stay calm for most part of the day.

English Toy Spaniel
Just imagine a toy dog with a silky furry coat sitting on your lap as you vent your feelings. You can turn this imagination into reality by bringing an English Toy Spaniel to your home as this breed is friendly and is named among the quietest toy breeds. So, you’ll have the adorable pooch to caress and no woofing to endure. You just need to be gentle with them and they will shower you with hugs and all the love you’ve been craving in your life.

Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu translates to a little lion but these little pooches have no “lion” behavior attached to them. So, that part is sorted. They are dedicated to their owners and one would always find their company soothing and joyful. They will follow their owners everywhere and that’s their way of expressing the love they are filled with for them. They are the house dogs that the people are the happiest to be around. Their stunning hair makes them stand out and they charm through their locks.

This breed is unbelievably stable when it comes to their temperament. Although they are outgoing, they won’t ever be fussy about staying indoors and relaxing with their owners. It’s always fun to have a pug around as they are expressive and delightful. These little dogs don’t ask from much from their owners except unconditional love and they would always give the same back. There’s another advantage of keeping this quirky yet endearing pooch with you – they will amuse you with some tricks too.

Sussex Spaniel
One of the most adaptive breeds of dogs is Sussex Spaniel as they can adjust in any space, big or small without grumbling. The Spaniels are usually associated with mercurial behavior but this particular breed doesn’t possess that energy despite belonging to the family of excited canines. They might bark and woof in certain situations but the internal placidity of this breed is commendable. They would happily follow their owners anywhere and acquaint themselves with all the surroundings they are kept in.

Japanese Chin
With a weight of four to seven pounds, this breed called the Japanese Chin or Japanese Spaniel is the tiny pooch who would be chasing cheerfully around the place. That’s how the title of being the “velcro dog” was bestowed upon them. These pups are quite affable and lively leading to a convivial atmosphere. They are counted among amazing watchdogs but they are unexpectedly silent and would form a strong bond with all the family members.

Clumber Spaniel
Clumber Spaniel are very easy-going and gallant by nature. These dogs are quite slothful but are smart and can be trained as the owner wishes. These canines don’t bark unless they have something to convey. They communicate in a sensible way without creating chaos by constant baying. They are passable watchdogs but mostly, they are extremely friendly and would just wag their tails when someone breaks into the house. Well, you have to choose if that’s the thing you can live with!

Basset Hound
You can’t take your eyes off that adorable face of a Basset Hound. This is why you might have seen them in various TV advertisements as they have the power to captivate the viewers with their puppy eyes and appealing face. All you need to do is keep them active and feed them properly even if they pull back from a healthy lifestyle. Take them out for a stroll and they will be cheerful all day. They will befriend everyone in the house especially the little ones.

English Bulldogs
When you take a look at their face, you would believe them to be fierce and loud but that’s not the reality of this breed. English Bulldogs are lively and have a beaming personality as opposed to the common perception. They love to spend time at their favorite spot around the house and would be the happiest when in that zone. English Bulldogs love making new friends and would be thrilled to see people gathered around them. Oh, and these dogs have a soft corner for kids.

Bergamasco Shepherd
Bergamasco Shepherd is a herding dog that has minimum demands because beneath that long furry coat lies independence. This breed was given the responsibility of taking care of goats and sheep while farmers shepherded them. This is the reason why the breed has unfettered and self-reliant behavior that astonishes people once they bring home this dog. They would impress anyone with their cuteness and fine and unique locks. When they stick their tongue out on spotting you from a distance, you’ll know you chose the right companion.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavaliers are one of the largest toy breeds and while their precious little face can enthrall even the unrelenting one, they are quite the athletes. They would indulge in any physical activity with pure excitement. Their calmness will relax you even on the toughest of days. They are comfortable in a family and would be gentle with babies and toddlers. Agility, flyball, and rally are some of the games that this breed would participate in with enthusiasm. The composure that this breed reflects lands them in the category of therapy dogs.

Greyhounds are known to be the racing dogs as they were originally bred to accomplish chasing deer, hares, and foxes. However, that’s just one part of their personality. They love to stay at home and refill themselves with the power they lost during rigorous exercises. They can be couch potatoes but once you take them outdoors and give them some freedom, they would jump and race for really long but always come back to you. They expect a few cuddles to assure them that they are valued.

The Great Pyrenees
All your dreams of a calm and peaceful dog would be fulfilled with the Great Pyrenees. These dogs are amicable and have been known to impress kids in their own incredible way. Their pacific gestures might be unmatched but when it comes to taking action to cope with any approaching danger, they would rise and stay alert. That white fur is quite attractive but it needs a lot of care. So, when you decide to bring this good boy home, make sure you are prepared to tend to the shedding of that dense fur.

Scottish Deerhound
If you are someone who wants a big dog hug, then Scottish Deerhound is a perfect choice. This breed might be huge but its needs are minimal. They don’t ask for much and don’t create any disorder. They are spectacular indoor dogs that stay peaceful. This breed is elated when they are outside and they have the ability to make everyone around them comfortable. Their huge build may give you an impression of an aggressive dog but that’s not true. These pooches are affectionate and bond with humans and other dogs quite easily.

The dog breed with a lush coat and unbelievably strong protective instincts is bound to grab a spot on this list. Leonbergers are one of the warmest and cordial canines. The poise exhibited by these dogs is extraordinary. These pooches with bushy tails and triangular ears make incredible watchdogs. You would find yourself comfortable and calm when a Leonberger is around you. They are whip-smart and can judge a situation from afar. Just take them out for a regular walk and they will express their love in the cutest way.

Here’s a majestic enormous pooch for you to hug and spend time with – Newfoundland! These dogs are giant and have an even bigger heart brimming with love and compassion. This breed has a frolicsome attitude and loves to hang around their owners. They steal everyone’s heart in a minute with their composure and affection and can even be trusted around kids. They are one of the world’s largest dogs and so, you might have to be completely prepared for taking care of an enormous creature in your house.

Dogue de Bordeaux
You can dive deep into the dreamy eyes of a Dogue de Bordeaux as they speak a lot through those little windows. If you are looking for a loyal breed of dogs, then this pooch will fit your needs. These canines accompany their owners everywhere and can’t stand a moment of separation from them. Usually, they maintain their composure and there’s no excessive barking until a stranger steps in the house unannounced. They will fluster for a bit as they need time to feel secure with new humans in their surroundings.

These “silent watchdogs” live for some surprise adventures with their owners. These canines are fearless but at the same time, they possess phlegm and you can’t judge them through their ferocious appearance. They like to be pampered and have been chosen as one of the best breeds to bring into an apartment. As much as they like to be a part of something thrilling and brisk, they would always be attracted to their favorite indoor relaxing spot after an exhausting day outdoors. They are a perfect blend of calm and sprightly.

Neapolitan Mastiff
There is no denying that Neapolitan Mastiffs perform the task of guarding their families competently. But if you think that they are fierce and would attack anyone with thunderous woofing, then you’re wrong. These pooches know how to behave around the ones they are familiar with and would be playful and tender around kids. Their appearance can deceive a person at first glance with folds and numerous wrinkles on their face but when you keep one at your home and interact with it, you will be connected to them.

Great Dane
This towering breed has amazing abilities to guard your home and spread smiles all around. These pooches are really courteous and big-hearted. You need to arrange a spacious area to accommodate a Great Dane. If someone ever tries to break into your home, they would definitely think twice before confronting this giant. Great Danes are smart and know how to react in every situation. If a person is warm with them, they would be really generous and sweet. A Great Dane will be your best buddy!

St. Bernard
St. Bernard is a massive breed but their immense equanimity is admirable. They are impressively obedient and never disappoint their owners. While these canines would be a dream for the people who want a dog that maintains its sangfroid in the toughest moments, the others who are looking for agility and zest in their pet may have to skip this one as St. Bernard is not an active breed. This breed would be content with an hour of walking outside. Beneath that giant built is a heart filled with compassion and warmth.

Bernese Mountain Dog
One of the most peaceful dog breeds, Bernese is a whip-smart canine that accomplishes all its tasks in a commendable way. They are amazing family dogs and would be considerate to every member of the family. Their unruffled nature is what makes them one of the favorite pooches to spend every day with. These genius dogs exhibit meekness and are extremely tender when around little kids. They would the happiest when in an open field playing the games they are fond of with the ones they adore. They become a crucial part of any family.

The tiny dog, Chihuahua has a lot of energy stored in that little body. They are quick while grasping new tricks while being trained. They would always be there for you and stare at you lovingly and you’ll be captivated. Even if they tend to bark a little more than one could endure, they can be trained well to control themselves. This breed is agile and is bound to win a few rounds in the dog events. You would be glad to have such a loyal pet who would act responsibly in the majority of cases.

Chinese Crested Dog
You can never get over their unique and quirky “hair-do” that they flaunt with utmost confidence. Some may find it weird and hysterical but this is what makes a Chinese Crested Dog special and different from all other breeds. Wait, you can’t miss those furry socks covering their legs! These pooches know how to strike a balance between physical activities and rejuvenation. They would cuddle with you on the sofa and will also have a play date and reveal their happy-go-lucky behavior.

French Bulldog
The French Bulldog is the companion dog breed that has always made humans feel comfortable and relaxed around them. They have a fun personality that keeps everyone amused and entertained. They are brilliant family pets that you would be thrilled to hang out with and wander around. That wrinkled face appeals to every human and when they lock eyes with you, you would be forever in love with this pooch. They blend in well with the families as they are super friendly and maintain a cool temper.

Glen of Imaal Terrier
The Glen of Imaal Terrier is a bold dog breed that would be your real fluffy teddy bear. This cute puppy has calmness infused in it but that doesn’t mean it would spend the day indoors being lazy. They might not be the most agile dogs but they definitely like to be involved in certain exciting activities such as exploring and digging. One can instantly fall in love with this canine because of its marvelous beauty and nature.

Irish Wolfhound
With their talent of sprinting at an outstanding pace, the Irish Wolfhound has grabbed a lot of attention from dog lovers. These dogs have something attracting them towards the outdoors on most occasions but you won’t have trouble shielding them as they are smart enough to know their boundaries. Moreover, once they are inside, they cherish that time. For the people who have a field job and need to be on the road every day, this pooch will be an ideal company for them.

The Pekingese have proved to be perfect companions and support for centuries. These dogs have continued to send positivity to the environment and carry an uplifting charm. They know how to turn frowns into smiles in a minute! This is why you will find these pooches in therapy sessions, hospitals, nursing homes, and other places where a little sprinkle of magic is essential. They can banish stress and will make you feel relieved with just their presence. Imagine what their smile can do! Hug them tight and all your worries will fade away in the air.

On one end there is a dog breed named “Pug” and then there is another called “Xoloitzcuintli”. But we can’t judge a pooch by its breed name. There’s always a valid explanation for the monikers of their breeds. Xoloitzcuintli aka Xolo is a breed that can be either a toy puppy, a mini canine, or one standard-sized dog. These pooches are hairless and are not commonly spotted. They are peaceful and have a healing effect on people suffering from arthritis and other illnesses. Cuddling with them can be therapeutic and relaxing.

Labrador Retriever
You won’t ever have second thoughts before bringing a Labrador Retriever home. These canines are the epitome of cuteness and will blend in with the family in no time. This breed has an athletic connection and so, their tails wag with excitement when they see a ball being thrown at them for a fetching game. They are soft from both outside and inside. There’s never a dull moment with a Labrador Retriever!

Beagle is a polite breed that will be circling around their favorite humans and feel victorious when they become the reason for their smile and joy. These pups are loyal and true companions. They love their play sessions and possess a curious mind – they are keen on everything that happens around them. Beagles are excellent family pets and their kind nature spreads brightness among the people. Who can resist that innocent face? Well, we are craving a cuddle from a beagle now.

Russian Borzoi
Russian Borzoi has peace written all over it. They are one of the calmest breeds to exist. A Russian Borzoi is humble and really gracious. They adjust in a family and even though they might be bulky, these canines would be comfortable in a small apartment. You just need to make sure that they don’t feel lonely and always have a reliable company. They can be couch potatoes with you and you will feel light when you are sitting beside this dog. Being friends with a Russian Borzoi will be the best decision you’ll ever make.

This dog breed is constantly on a quest for attention and physical activity and would give back abundant love to its owner. If you can fulfill those two demands easily, Vizsla would be a great dog for you. These canines are the companions we all dream about. They will be thrilled to spend all their time with you. Vizsla is known for its obedience and respectful nature. The process of training these dogs would be quite smooth considering their confident personality.

Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever has become people’s favorite dog breed and it’s all because of the affection that these pups spread and share. When you stare into those sparkling puppy eyes, you would be enchanted and under a “Golden Retriever spell”! With these pooches, training is plain sailing as they exhibit easy-going and playful behavior. Well, how can we skip mentioning the adorable face that can melt any heart? They are the loyal canines who would shield their humans from any attack and undesirable circumstances.

Shiba Inu
This famous breed is filled with enthusiasm and reflects an enlivening charm. They may be little but the amount of energy that they have hidden inside is quite striking. A Shiba Inu will make your place vibrant with its presence in it. These Japanese canines are quite attentive creatures and tend to notice the slightest change in their environment or in their favorite humans. They are determined and would give their best when involved in a task. You’ll be attracted to their warm heart and calm temperament.

Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
The soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is known for the “wheaten greeting” that involves a soft loving bark whenever they see humans. It’s one of the most beautiful traits that the pooches possess. They are truly family dogs that will be tied to their humans with the strongest string and would be ready to do anything for them. This Irish breed is hypoallergenic and so, for those who are troubled with allergies, this furry friend will come to your rescue. They are sharp and friendly creatures who will become an adorable member of any family.

Australian Shepherd
Their name may have an Aussie touch to it but the truth is that this breed was developed in the United States. These pooches are whip-smart and really amiable. They can create a pleasant environment wherever they go. They are extremely protective of their humans and can be trusted to be gentle around kids. One can conduct training sessions for this intelligent breed and they would respond to those lessons very effectively. You just need to take care that they are never lonely as they cannot stand the separation from their humans for long.

The dogs belonging to the Collie family are one of the sweetest and forbearing creatures you’ll ever meet. They have a soft and peaceful temperament that puts them in the easy-to-train category of canines. They bear a headstrong personality and stay alert and can foretell the needs of its owner. That special talent makes them unique and reliable watchdogs. They show immense emotions and declare their love for their humans with pride. You would have a forever furry friend with a Collie by your side.

You can’t help but salute a Saluki for its unbelievable speed and illuminating grace that they own. They are calm and composed creatures with just the right amount of cleverness sprinkled in their personality. These canines like to stay independent making training a little difficult for them. But that’s alright as long as an elegant skinny dog is there to support us peacefully. They are devoted pets and are pleasingly quiet. This is the major reason to make them a part of your family. They’ll always stay loyal to the ones who appreciate them.

Rhodesian Ridgeback
The athletic breed, Rhodesian Ridgeback is stubborn and highly independent. They exhibit incredible self-assurance and that might come in their way of being friendly with new people. Having said that, these dogs are peaceful and don’t woof as much as one would anticipate from a powerful dog breed. They are sharp and smart canines that will have a solution for every trouble they are faced with. They can take their time to build a connection with humans but once they do, they will be standing firm to save them from anything inconvenient.

Irish Setter
An Irish Setter has excellent control over themselves and seldom bark. So, they won’t be convincing as guard dogs but are ideal for those who want a serene trustworthy furry companion. They throw love around like confetti! Families can welcome these pooches home and be prepared to receive lots of hugs and cuddles. They show eagerness in everything they do and can draw away from their “good boi” personality for a minute. But that’s acceptable for such an affable creature.

This breed is a peaceful but energetic package that will impress any human who wished for a furry friend. These canines may not woof but their whining and yodeling sounds can distract a person who has zero experience with pets. But the novice owners would soon become habitual of that natural noise made by their pooch. They will demand some exercise sessions to utilize the energy they are filled with. If you choose to keep Basenji as your pet, just ensure that you can cope with that agility.

Here’s an impeccable combination of an obedient, agile, loving, and calm pooch – A whippet! They would never interrupt your sleep or work by unnecessary barking. They have proved to be smart and competent in various canine games including flyball, lure coursing, and rally. They are affectionate and social which implies that these dogs will befriend the strangers who enter your home unannounced. You can’t expect this stunning canine breed to be a watchdog but it will be your true supportive buddy.

We all can agree that Disney’s 101 Dalmatians gave us a sneak peek into that dog world and its adventures. But if you are still unaware of its characteristics, we’ll give you an insight. A Dalmation has a few tanks full of energy inside its sleek body. But they never use that power to woof continuously. However, these genius dogs demand training from the very beginning. Raise them in a strict environment as they have the tendency to be their own leaders making things tough for you.

Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound has always attracted people with its unique physical features like the silky coat, stunning face, and a build that’s made for modeling. These canines have no trouble adjusting in a new place and that what makes them a dream pet. This is one of the oldest breeds and requires them to channel their energy in the right way. Daily walks and a few exercises would do the trick! The owners need to be careful while dealing with their magnificent coat as it demands effective grooming. The best news- they bark rarely.

Chinook is a people-pleaser breed that has earned a reputation for being smart and even-tempered over the years. Apart from being a diligent working canine, this dog loves to be a member of a family. They would respect their humans and be loyal to them. These adorable pooches know how to maintain composure and stay quiet. You will be awestruck by their agility and obedience. Keep them active with regular exercises and they will be fit and full of love always.