The Naughty Secrets of Jayne Mansfield: Oops, She Did It Again

1. Born with a silver spoon

Jayne Mansfield, whose real name was Vera Jane Palmer, was born on April 19, 1933 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. She was the only child of her parents, Herbert and Vera Palmer, who were rich and had a lot of influence. 

They loved her very much and gave her everything she wanted. They always told her that she could have anything she desired in the world. However, something really sad and terrible happened before she got the chance to have it all.

2. Her life changed in a split moment

When Mansfield was only three years old, her father Herbert had a heart attack and passed away. This sudden event completely altered the young girl's life. Her mother quickly remarried and they moved to Texas. 

However, as Mansfield grew up and made poor choices in her love life, it became clear that losing her biological father had a significant impact on her.

3. She was always the “ IT GIRL ”

As Mansfield got older, everyone could easily see that she was extremely attractive. She developed early and had a curvy figure that she was becoming known for. 

Not surprisingly, she was very popular in high school, and both men and women were obsessed with her. However, this popularity and obsession were not necessarily positive.

4. She had a preference for older men

On Christmas Eve in 1949, a 16-year-old girl named Jayne met a slightly older boy named Paul Mansfield at a party hosted by their high school. They were both well-liked and attractive, and they felt an instant connection. 

They quickly became involved in a passionate relationship, but they were also young and inexperienced.

5. Married at 17

Jayne Mansfield was always in a hurry. She and Paul got married less than a year after meeting each other, in May 1950. Jayne was just 17 years old at the time. However, there was something she kept hidden on their wedding day. 

Jayne was already three months pregnant with their daughter, little Jayne Marie. Six months after their wedding, Jayne gave birth. Starting a marriage this way was difficult for Jayne, and she learned that the hard way.

6. She dreamt of being a star

Now that they were married, Paul thought Jayne would focus on taking care of the home and family. However, Jayne had different plans. She had always loved performing and dreamed of becoming a star. 

Surprisingly, she convinced Paul to move to Los Angeles in 1954 so she could pursue her career. And her career got off to a great start.

7. She was too beautiful for jobs

Mansfield had a very curvy figure, but it became a problem for her. When she began working in Hollywood, she got a job in a General Electric commercial where women in swimsuits were relaxing by a pool. 

However, she faced a humiliating setback. The producers removed her from the job because her chest was considered to be too big and inappropriate. Unfortunately, there were even more difficult times ahead for her.

8. She couldn’t crack her way into studios

Mansfield had a stunning face and an amazing body, which helped her gain access to many studios in her early years. However, most of her initial meetings didn't go well, leaving her feeling very disappointed. 

Despite one producer acknowledging her talent, both Paramount and Warner Brothers rejected her and she couldn't secure any film roles. But then, Jayne came up with a brilliant plan.

9. Not a true blonde you see

Today, Mansfield is well-known as a major blonde bombshell in Hollywood. However, many people who aren't big fans might not know the real story. Believe it or not, she was actually born with brown hair. 

Yeah, it's true! After facing some tough times in Hollywood, Mansfield decided to dye her hair blonde because she believed that blondes have more fun. And you know what? It actually worked, but maybe not exactly how Mansfield had hoped.

10. Playgirl of the month

In February 1955, something scandalous happened to Mansfield that made her really famous. She became the playgirl of the month in Playboy magazine, which made lots of teenagers have fantasies about her. 

Everyone started talking about her and the people who didn't believe in her before changed their minds. With a story like this, it's not surprising that Mansfield's life became very crazy.

11. Tasteless promotions and rivalry

In 1956, Mansfield appeared in a musical comedy called The Girl Can’t Help It. However, her opportunity for success came with a troubling intention. People were constantly searching for the next big star to rival Marilyn Monroe, and Mansfield was just another blonde bombshell in a long list of contenders. 

Sadly, Mansfield's studio, Twentieth-Century Fox, even promoted her in a tasteless way, calling her the "king-sized Marilyn Monroe." This is just one example of how things got even more disturbing.

12. She was just a pawn to studios

Fox had Marilyn Monroe under contract, but they weren't just using Jayne Mansfield as a mere opposite attraction. No, they were using her as a way to lure Monroe back to them. 

You see, Monroe was causing some trouble and the bigwigs at the studio thought that promoting Mansfield as her rival would make Monroe realize what she was missing. Kind of gross, right? So, professionally, Mansfield was in a bit of trouble and things were about to get worse in her personal life.

13. Her husband couldn’t handle it

As Jayne became more famous, her relationship with Paul Mansfield started to go downhill. Paul was always jealous and controlling. 

For instance, when Jayne entered a beauty contest without telling him, Paul discovered it and made her quit. He didn't want others to admire her beauty. And unfortunately, things didn't improve after that.

14. Monogamy is not for everyone

Paul and Jayne had a difficult relationship. Jayne wasn't the easiest wife to be around and she wasn't always faithful to Paul. With her good looks, Jayne couldn't resist the attention of other men, which caused a lot of arguments between the couple. 

On top of that, Paul didn't like that Jayne had ambitions and wanted her to stay at home all the time. It's clear that their relationship was headed for trouble.

15. Her ex husband played dirty

In 1956, Jayne's marriage wasn't going well, and she decided to end it by filing for divorce. Unfortunately, her husband didn't handle it well and sought revenge by trying to take custody of their daughter, Jayne Marie. 

He even argued that Jayne wasn't a good mother because she had appeared in Playboy magazine. Come on, Paul, let it go - your ex-wife is attractive. Thankfully, Paul didn't win the custody battle. But it didn't take long for Jayne to get her own revenge.

16. Mr. Universe: Her true love

Jayne was going through a divorce with Paul when she met Mickey Hargitay, a bodybuilder, at a nightclub. But Hargitay wasn't just an ordinary bodybuilder - he had recently won the prestigious Mr. Universe title. 

He was also part of Mae West's chorus line when Mansfield noticed him at the club. The moment they saw each other, it was filled with intense and dramatic emotions.

17. Mae West V/S Jayne Mansfield

Mansfield instantly fell head over heels for Hargitay, but there was someone who didn't approve of her crush: Mae West. The famous actress was furious that Mansfield was showing interest in her attractive employee, which led to a memorable fight between the two. 

On that same night, the two blondes argued, and it ended with another member of their group, Mr. California, physically attacking Hargitay. Yes, it's hard to believe, but that's how they had their first encounter. And the story of Jayne and Mickey doesn't end there.

18. The big shot wedding

Mansfield really wanted to be famous, so when Hargitay asked her to marry him with a huge 10-carat ring in 1957, she wanted everyone in Hollywood to know about their wedding. 

She didn't waste any time and got married to the bodybuilder just a few days after her divorce from Paul was done. And not only that, she wore the same fancy wedding dress she had worn in her movie The Girl Can't Help It. Oh, Jayne.

19. Rich girl attitude issues

In the late 1950s, Jayne Mansfield caused trouble for herself. Her husband, Mickey Hargitay, was running out of money, and Mansfield started complaining to the press that she was a rich girl with financial problems. 

She made a big fuss about not being able to buy new furniture and even claimed that she had to sleep on the floor of her mansion. The tabloids criticized Mansfield for being out of touch with reality, and although she briefly seemed sorry, her behavior didn't change for long.

20. Wardrobe Malfunctions for publicity

Honestly, Mansfield was becoming quite obsessed with fame. She was one of the earliest people in Hollywood to use publicity to her advantage, always finding ways to have her picture taken on purpose. 

One of her big tricks was the infamous "wardrobe malfunction." But these weren't just minor slips, oh no, they were way more scandalous than that.

21. Too small of a bikini

In 1955, there was a famous incident involving Mansfield's attention-grabbing antics. She decided to wear a very tiny red bikini to a pool party, even though it was two sizes too small for her. 

As she jumped into the pool, with photographers watching, her bikini top came off and the cameras went crazy with flashes. It's clear that Mansfield was well aware of the effect she would have.

22. She imitated Marilyn Monroe

In 1957, Jayne Mansfield became a big star with the popular movie Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?. This is the movie she is still most famous for today. In the movie, Mansfield played a character named Rita Marlowe who was a famous and demanding actress. 

However, this role had a hidden meaning. Mansfield was actually imitating her main rival, Marilyn Monroe. Mansfield was at the peak of her fame, but sadly, this meant that there was no way for her career to go but down.

23. Being a good wife wasn’t easy

Mansfield had found her ideal man in Mickey Hargitay, who was strong and muscular. However, their relationship was not all sunshine and rainbows. Despite being a popular couple and having three children together, Jayne started repeating her past mistakes. 

She thoughtlessly engaged in a number of well-known affairs right in front of Mickey, and they were quite scandalous.

24. The president swooned over her

Mansfield's small notebook was very popular in town. Many people say that Mansfield had romantic relationships with men like Robert Kennedy and even his brother John F. Kennedy, who clearly had a preference for curvy blondes. 

However, what really ended Mansfield's relationship with Hargitay was her short romantic involvement with the Las Vegas singer Nelson Sardelli. All of this ultimately led to a divorce that was even more bitter and dramatic than her previous one.

25.  Another divorce

In May 1963, Jayne Mansfield was really eager to divorce Hargitay. She decided to go to Juarez, Mexico to get a quick divorce. 

To make matters worse, Mansfield brought her new lover, Sardelli, along. It was a pretty mean thing to do and it hurt Hargitay even more. And believe it or not, there's even more to the story.

26. She came up with an awful plot

Jayne Mansfield was really clever when she wanted to be. After breaking up with Hargitay, the actress wanted to take everything he had. Her plan was incredibly mean. 

To get more money in the divorce, Mansfield falsely accused Hargitay of kidnapping one of her children. It's just shocking to think about.But she actually did it.

27. She let herself go

During this time, something really strange and scary started happening to Jayne Mansfield. She had always loved attention and being in the spotlight, but now she was taking it to a whole new level. Instead of just "accidentally" showing off her shoulders without a bra, she started taking off her entire dress in nightclubs. 

This behavior made her wardrobe designer stop working with her, and even her own agent said she had become a weirdo. Little did they know, things were about to get even crazier.

28. Jayne Mansfield and a few sequins

In the late 1950s, Jayne Mansfield transitioned from making movies to performing in nightclubs. She was incredibly successful in this new venture. Her captivating late-night shows brought her lots of money, and it's easy to understand why. 

She often wore very revealing and shiny outfits, which earned her the nickname "Jayne Mansfield and a few sequins." However, sometimes too much of a good thing can be overwhelming.

29. Damage to Mansfield career

In 1964, Mansfield got married to Italian director Matt Cimber. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a very sad and difficult marriage for her. At that time, Hollywood was not as interested in actresses with a curvy figure and blonde hair like Mansfield. 

So, Cimber started directing her in movies that were considered low-quality and not very respectable. This damaged Mansfield's reputation in the film industry. Moreover, these movies were filled with intense and dramatic situations.

30. She got banned

In 1963, a man named Cimber and some not-so-great male producers convinced Mansfield to be in a movie called Promises! Promises! It's a movie that showed a lot of skin. 

Mansfield probably ended up regretting it because there was a scene where she showed everything and it was the first time a big Hollywood star did that. Because of that scene, the movie got banned everywhere. So, my advice is, don't listen to your husband, girl!

31. Her one true love-Sardelli

Soon after it started, Mansfield's third marriage to Matt Cimber fell apart. However, not many people are aware of the terrible details of their separation. Mansfield had been unfaithful, as usual, but this time her problems went beyond cheating. She was feeling very sad and started drinking excessively to distract herself. 

She sadly admitted to Cimber that she had only been truly happy with her previous partner, Nelson Sardelli. Mansfield and Cimber's marriage officially ended in 1966. To those observing from the outside, it appeared that her life was spinning out of control and getting worse.

32. She went against her own daughter

After Mansfield left Cimber, she started living with her attorney, Sam Brody. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse. She became caught up in a life of alcohol and frequent fights, and was earning most of her income from inappropriate burlesque performances. 

It's really sad to say, but during this period, her daughter Jayne Marie even accused Brody of hurting her physically while her mother supported him. It's hard to believe, isn't it? *nervous laughter*

33. The unfortunate lion attack

On November 26, 1966, something really terrible happened to Mansfield. She and her children were at Jungleland USA in California when a lion attacked her young son Zoltan and bit him in the neck. It was a very serious attack, and Zoltan had to have surgery on his brain. 

To make matters worse, he also got meningitis after the surgery. Luckily, he was able to recover from all of this, but Mansfield didn't have much time left with her son.

34. Her last film

In December 1966, something really scary happened to Mansfield's son Zoltan - he was attacked by a lion and it was all over the news. 

But even during this tough time, Mansfield managed to film a short and exciting scene in a funny movie called A Guide for the Married Man. This turned out to be her final acting role in a movie.

35. She had a rival on set

While filming The Loves of Hercules, Mansfield found herself caught up in a heated feud. Her Italian co-star, Moira Orfei, believed she deserved the main role instead of Mansfield and planned a vindictive revenge. 

Orfei didn't stop at being mean to Mansfield during filming; she even went as far as having Mansfield's name removed from all Italian promotional materials.

36. She thought her biggest rival was Mamie Van Doren

Marilyn Monroe and Mansfield were both actresses who were known for their sexy image. However, Mansfield saw Mamie Van Doren as her biggest rival in Hollywood. When Mansfield had to work with Van Doren in a low-budget movie called The Las Vegas Hillbillys, she didn't hold back her feelings. 

Mansfield refused to be in any scenes with Van Doren and even made a mean comment, saying that Van Doren was only popular at drive-in theaters because people thought she looked like Marilyn Monroe.

37. Her love for pink

Mansfield really loved the color pink! She was so into it that she even dyed her poodle pink and drove a pink Cadillac. She even enjoyed drinking pink champagne. But you know what? She actually did this as a smart business move. She wanted to have her own "signature color" to stand out and be easily recognized. 

At first, she wanted purple, but then she realized that actress Kim Novak already had lavender as her trademark color. Mansfield thought it was a good idea to go with pink instead, and she was right! She got a lot more attention and publicity from pink than Kim Novak ever did from lavender.

38. The infamous “ Peek “ Pictuure

In a famous picture, a young Sophia Loren can be seen giving a disapproving look to actress Mansfield, who is smiling and posing in a revealing dress. People have always wondered what Loren's expression meant, and she has finally revealed the truth. The story is actually quite simple and amusing. 

That night, there was a party to welcome Loren to Hollywood, but Mansfield arrived late and tried to steal the attention with her revealing outfit. Loren was worried that something might go wrong with Mansfield's dress and cause a big embarrassment.

39. Loren always respected her

Even though Loren may not have been happy about Mansfield stealing her spotlight during her big debut, she insists that there was never any lasting grudge between them. 

In fact, even after Mansfield passed away, many people approached Loren with a famous photo of the two of them and asked her to sign it. However, out of respect, she politely declined every single time.

40. The girl in the leopard-print bikini

When Mansfield was with Mickey Hargitay, they traveled together as a famous couple and gained fame for their memorable leopard print bathing suits and their performance as "Tarzan and Jane". 

The media even referred to Mansfield as "the girl in the leopard-print bikini," and she always sought to create controversy. Being a performer at heart, she enjoyed going shopping, attending parties, and even walking down Hollywood Boulevard in her revealing outfit.

41. She loved animals and it showed

Mansfield always looked great, but she also didn't mind getting a little messy. She really loved animals and had a whole bunch of pets. 

She especially liked Chihuahuas and always had a few of them. But at one time, she also had a big Great Dane, three cats, a rabbit, and a poodle.

42. She was pretty and not dumb

Did you know that despite her reputation, Mansfield was actually really smart? She had a high IQ and could speak five different languages. People even called her "the smartest dumb blonde." 

But she felt frustrated because she thought the public only cared about her looks and body measurements. She once said, "They're more interested in 40-21-35" referring to her chest, waist, and hips.

43. She was a Satan worshiper

Mansfield appeared to be innocent, but she had some unusual interests. In 1966, she had a meeting with Anton LaVey, who was well-known as the leader of the Church of Satan. 

This meeting attracted a lot of attention from the media, and soon people started saying that Mansfield was a Satanist. LaVey even gave her the special title of "High Priestess of San Francisco's Church of Satan." And believe it or not, the story gets even stranger...

44. She loved the devil and slept with him

A lot of people were curious back then if Mansfield's fascination with LaVey and his church was just for attention. But her daughter went even further and made a shocking claim. 

Karla LaVey not only said that Mansfield was a real, devoted Satanist, but she also admitted that Anton LaVey and Mansfield had a romantic relationship. Wow, that's pretty wild!

45. The shocking and heartbreaking accident

On June 29, 1967, early in the morning, something very sad happened to Mansfield. She was traveling to New Orleans with her driver, attorney, and her children Miklos, Zoltan, and little Mariska. 

Unfortunately, at 2:25 am, their car crashed into the back of a tractor-trailer that was covered in insecticide fog. It was a terrible accident.

46. She met a tragic end

When the Buick crashed into the trailer, all three adults in the front seat died instantly. It was a terrible tragedy that Jayne Mansfield, who was only 34 years old, lost her life. 

The accident was so severe that it took a long time for officers and first responders to fully comprehend what had occurred and the terrifying experience Mansfield had gone through. Sadly, the answer is that her final moments were extremely frightening.

47.  People had their stories

When people heard about Mansfield's tragic death, there were lots of exaggerated stories going around. One rumor that spread was that the crash had actually caused her head to be separated from her body. 

Some people even claimed to have seen a photo that seemed to show her blonde hair stuck on the windshield of the wrecked car, which made the rumor seem more believable. But the reality of what happened was quite different.

48. The actual reason

When Mansfield's autopsy report was released, it revealed that she had died from a "crushed skull" rather than decapitation. So, why was there blonde hair on the car's windshield? 

Surprisingly, it was actually part of Mansfield's wig, which had been thrown out during the chaotic collision. Despite this clarification, the urban legend of her decapitation continues to circulate, adding to the already tragic nature of her unfortunate demise.

49. Her children were blessed with life

Maybe the only good thing in this sad story is that all of Mansfield's children miraculously survived the terrible crash. However, they did get hurt. Mariska Hargitay, who is now famous for playing Olivia Benson on Law and Order: 

SVU, has a zig-zag scar on her head from the accident. But she doesn't remember anything about her mother's last moments or the crash.

50. People loved her even after she passed

After Mansfield passed away, her Buick became a strange and eerie attraction. A devoted fan of hers bought the car and carefully stored it in his garage for a long time. Surprisingly, the car even had bloodstains on the seats from the tragic accident. 

Although it's hard to imagine Jayne, who loved the spotlight, appreciating this tribute, it seems some people are interested in such things. Eventually, the car was sold at an auction in 1999 for $8,000.

51. She was the true curve diva

Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe had curvy hourglass figures that played a big role in sparking a fascination with breasts in America. Before them, people preferred women with slimmer and less curvy bodies.