The Uncommon Rules That Hells Angels Have To Follow

The Hells Angels club is among the most popular motorcycle clubs and many mysteries surround this biker gang. After various motorcycle clubs decided to unite, Hells Angels was established in Fontana, California on March 17, 1948. Now, they own hundreds of international charters and continue to spread their wings. The membership process for the Hells Angels is highly confidential. But this motorcycle club has a few stern rules that are no longer shrouded by the crowd of bikes. All the members have to abide by them once they enter this world. Well, they may break a few laws but can’t escape if they violate their code of conduct.

You Need Votes To Get In

Becoming a part of Hells Angels is quite a long process. According to their website, if a person has to ask about joining the club, they “probably won’t understand the answer.” Once you are in, you are in there for life. This is why it can take years to approve one application. The major factor to decide if the interested person is qualified is the votes they receive from the group. The votes decide your fate with the Hells Angels. But it doesn’t end there!

Everyone Starts As A “Prospect”

There have been many speculations around the procedure of becoming a member of this group. Besides the voting, there is another thing that the interested candidates have to go through before they are named as permanent members of the club. An investigative journalist found that a person is “hang around” initially. They attend a few events organized by Hells Angels to become accustomed to that life. One starts as a “prospect” and that’s the word inscribed on their vest. The journalist called the tasks performed by these provisional members “gopher work”.

Vests Are Precious

The insignia on the vests of the members of the Hells Angels is enough to recognize them from afar. This vest is only handed to permanent members. This vest has its famous logo stitched into it with the member’s name on the back. In case of any arrest, the biker will give that vest to another group member to keep it safe. Also, if any biker is injured and has to undergo a medical procedure, they’ll ensure that the vest isn’t cut off if there’s even a slight chance to save it.

Dress Code To Be Followed

Every charter has its own dress code but the variations are not too noticeable. There are just tiny modifications in every charter. One member explained about the dress code and revealed that he wore shirts, black jeans, and vests upon his joining. Nothing else was permitted. There are a few groups that have restrictions on wearing shorts. Wearing all black is a statement in some charters and others may allow the members to flaunt blue jeans and camouflage designs.

The Order Of Riding

Since the Hells Angels biker groups are huge, they cover one whole street while riding. One thing that’s not public is that these groups have to maintain order while riding. The entire club is led by the charter president and the road captain. These leaders are followed by the bikers and they have to position themselves in the order of their rank and seniority in the group. The members who have been in the group for a longer time are ahead of the newer ones and finally, the prospects follow them all.

One Pulls Over, Everyone Stops

If one member of the club is pulled over by a police officer, they all bring their bikes to a halt. Apart from ensuring the order, this conduct announces the brotherhood that exists within the club. They take pride in their strong bonds. You’ll call trouble if you intrude in their business or meddle in one member’s life. This is why people who are not a part of this club prefer to keep their distance from them.

Restricted From Working For Prisons

Considering the relationship between law enforcement and Hell Angels, it is quite clear that the members of this one-percenter biker club are forbidden to work for a prison once they have entered the gang. For similar reasons, they cannot be cops as it would definitely be a conflict of interest. 

There have been reports of members of Hells Angels involved in illegal activities a few times. This club only believes in its own rules. Hence, prison guards, police officers, or being in other law enforcement bodies doesn’t go well with their beliefs.

Disclosing Members’ Information Is Condemned

Hells Angels have laid out a discretionary policy that every member has to follow and any violations would result in the guilty being chastised. If any member drops a dime on their fellow brother, they would be forced out of the club. The website of Hells Angels says, “We do not answer questions about members.” They don’t even reveal any information about the missing ones from their gang. They are quite secretive in this way and that keeps them loyal to their fellow members.

No Turning Back From Hells Angels

Being an official Hells Angel is a permanent thing. You cannot just step back from this name. Retirement doesn’t exist in this group and a person only departs the gang when they are expelled for violating the rules. The charter that a person belongs to is considered as their second home. The members share a strong connection. Before any person joins the club, they have enough time to know every member. During the unfortunate death of any member, all the brothers come together and remember the brother they lost.

Limited Conversations With The Media

Hells Angels like to keep their matters and activities confidential and so, they stay away from media. The members are not allowed to talk to any media channels. This is their way to safeguard their group and with this rule in place, the members never come across the opportunity to spill about their fellow brothers. An investigator shared that the members of Hells Angels are vetoed from speaking about their rules and codes as it has a lot to do with their security. They keep every detail under wraps.

Tradition Of Riding Harley-Davidson

The prospects become members after years of performing “gopher work” in the club. They only allow those who become family and treat their fellow Hells Angels are brothers.

You can’t be just a random biker and dream about entering their world. They want special motorcyclists to join the gang and one condition is that you should have a Harley Davidson. It’s a tradition followed by Hells Angels and has an equal significance as their vest. Harley Davison is a part of their identity. Can you guess the miles they ride in one year?

Striking Miles Every Year

The website of Hells Angels reveals their journeys and the miles they travel every year. It states that they ride almost 20,000 kilometers together every year. Yes, that is over 12,000 miles! If you wish to join this club, you need to be a zealot when it comes to bikes. All the members share one common interest - love, and passion for bikes. They can be on-road for hours and won’t be exhausted even a bit.

Attending Meetings And Events

For the members of Hells Angels, turning up at the events and meetings of the club is extremely important and a thrilling part of their day. Every biker of Hells Angels is expected to attend these events and hangouts and if someone doesn’t show up, it reflects their inability to understand the essence of the club. Attendance at such activities and meetings is mandatory. Anyone who makes no effort to indulge in such events with their brothers might ever reach the final goal of becoming permanent in the gang.

Connected Through One Tough String

After a while of being in the group, no one feels like an outsider. They all become family and this is why the events and meetings become a highlight for all the members. They feel fortunate to be able to pursue their passion in a free environment. It is not just an enthusiasm to be on the bike and ride miles on it, Hells Angels have made it a belief system and all the members resonate with those ideas. Ever wondered how women enter this club? You’ll know now!

Staying True To Your Bikers’ Crew

Stepping into Hells Angels means that you pledge to be a part of the group with all your heart and would never betray the club and your brothers. The connection needs to be deeply rooted. This implies that they can never join another motorcycle gang or even think about that possibility. Also, the members should ponder about their associations. According to their website, “Never combine your support to Hells Angels with other clubs, street gangs, or others if you are unaware of the relationship between those others and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.”

Brotherhood Over Everything

Hells Angels have brotherhood written all over their gang and so, death head insignias are only present on the men’s back. Women are not a part of this group but they still have an important contribution to make to the club. Most members of the Hells Angels have families and wives. When a man decides to join this club, his partner is expected to acknowledge the dedication and understand the lifestyle that comes as a package deal with this crew.

Establishing A Charter

Joining a carter and becoming a member of Hells Angels is not the only challenging task that exists within these clubs. Establishing and starting a charter is equally demanding. “Motorcycle Clubs consist of people who have ridden together for years, live in the same area, are known by the community, have runs and parties, and are a brotherhood,” the website states. One has to go through a series of steps to finally transform your group into a Hells Angels charter. You must know the reason behind the members obeying the rules so fervently.

You Can’t Ever Break Those Rules

Flouting the rules of the Hells Angels has harsh consequences and the members would definitely rue their choices. Due to their confidential nature, the punishment is never disclosed to outsiders. According to an investigator, the members who once disobeyed the rules and deceived the brotherhood had their tattoos burned off. Apart from this, there is another severe punishment. The member who breaks any rule is thrown out of the club and no one from the inside contacts that person ever again.

Grammar Doesn’t Fit In With Them

If you are one of those people who spot a grammatical error from a distance, you might have already questioned the missing apostrophe in the name - Hells Angels. Logically, there needs to be a possessive apostrophe between “Hell” and “s” if they want to convey that these angels are associated with hell. However, breaking such rules is something that defines this crew. Their website explains, “Yes, we know there is an apostrophe missing but it is you who miss it. We don’t.” Also, Hells Angels was a war movie released in 1930 when this motorcycle club emerged.

Merchandise For The Non-Members

The Hells Angels insignia is sacred to the members of the club and they detest if they ever see non-members flaunting it. But there is special merchandise representing Hells Angels that the fans can buy and support the club. This would be a way for the non-members who follow the club to express their love. The members appreciate this support and all the proceeds from the sales are directly received by the charters. This helps them organize more events for the passionate bikers in the club.

Stay Clean, Stay In

Although the build of the Hells Angels gives a hint that they might be open about using substances. But the reality is something else. The club has strict rules regarding the intake of such illicit substances. The Toronto based charter of the club once shared, “All ‘contact or use of [substances] is strictly forbidden’ as is the use of needles ‘for pleasure.’” They urge their members to stay clean and not indulge in such things and if anyone fails to control themselves in this matter, the club would banish them permanently.

Linking To Their Website Isn’t Allowed

Out of all the rules, one which is quite evident is related to their website. No one is allowed to link to the Hells Angels’ website unless they have written consent for the same. The club wants to protect its members and secure everything they own. Their website offers a crystal clear view on this rule by writing, “You may not establish and/ or operate links to this website without the prior written consent of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time at the Hells Angels MCs own discretion.”

No Counterattacks While Hazing

The true biking fanatics cannot afford to blow up the opportunity of becoming a prospect in the Hells Angels. However, if they ever decide to fight back the hazing process during their recruitment due to the violence that may happen, it might lead to their exit from the gang. The bylaws of the club mention that the practice of hazing is not intended to disparage the prospects. In fact, it is done to take a test of their personality. If a person counterattacks, they are not considered for the further initiation phase of the recruitment.

Official Merchandise For The Members

There is merchandise designed for the fans of Hells Angels and they buy it to show their support for the club. However, the official merchandise is only for the club members. This rule carries a lot of weight in the club as the members sew patches on their vests to announce their identity proudly. If any person who doesn’t belong to the Hells Angels is seen wearing the official merchandise, the club can retaliate. People who wish to support the group should always do it authentically without disobeying their guidelines.

Worshipping Those Patches

The members of Hells Angels experience stepwise growth within the club. They achieve their ranks based on the time they have spent with the crew and their dedication to the rules. As their ranks rise, they receive patches and the members are expected to guard those sacred symbols with their lives. The story goes that when any member suffers from an injury and is taken to the hospital, they have to tell the doctors to not cut their clothes on the region where the patches are stitched.

No Moving Forward Without Consent

Even though there might be some perceptions about this club and its toughness, there are a few things that are way different than one’s judgments. The members must be highly respectful and need to have self-control. This is definitely applicable when the members have conversations with women. All the Hells Angels must take consent before moving even one step ahead in their interaction with women. The club has a zero-tolerance policy towards any insolent behavior including taking advantage of women. Transgressing these rules would only land the guilty members in a punishment zone.

Keeping Their Lips Sealed

For the sake of its members and protecting them against any shamming, the club has a strict rule that says that no members are allowed to speak to the media and never mention any missing member at a public level. They would protect their brothers at any cost and even if a member goes missing, they would always shield them from unwanted attention and false claims. They stay secretive about almost everything and never allow anyone from the outside to invade their private space. This rule also helps them in the case of law enforcement.

Looking Beyond Harley Davidson But…

We all are now quite aware of the fact that Hells Angels club is quite stern about the members riding only Harley Davidsons. They don’t allow any other bikes as a part of their group. It’s a rule! But there is one such possibility where certain charters would accept non-Harleys with a condition that their motorcycles should be made in America. Buell Motorcycles is one such brand of bikes that a few charters allow to enter their club. This particular brand was built in Wisconsin in 1983.

Club Is The Number One Priority

The members who step into the club as permanent ones are treated like family and they are expected to reciprocate that emotion. The club has to be prioritized over anything else in the members’ lives. Once you are a member, you have voting rights and you have to actively participate in all the activities and meetings of the club. The group stays with you throughout your life and the partners of the members have to recognize the value of this group and espouse the lifestyle that arrives with it.

Cultural Inclusivity Is Still In Progress

Ever since the Hells Angels club was founded, it has followed some rules and regulations to keep everything private and protect its members. But there are a few guidelines that witnessed a change eventually. Cultural inclusivity is one such factor. Hells Angels have now started diversifying their club. They have come a long way since the group only had Caucasian members and a few from Hispanic backgrounds. Some charters have become culturally inclusive while others haven’t let go of those historical beliefs.

Robert’s Rules For The Hells Angels

The members have to comply with Robert’s Rules of Order in every meeting and maintain decorum. Although these set of rules were initially presented for the business meetings, they have made their way inside the Hells Angels charters. These Robert’s Rules explain the concepts of organizing a democratic meeting. The members have to fix their focus on the main agenda of the conference and can only intervene when it is imperative. They can ask questions to the assembly. Any violation of these rules would lead to a $100 fine.

“Dirty Work” Assigned To Prospects

The ones who want to be a part of Hells Angels need to hang around the club and wait for the members to catch sight of them. Then, they have to perform certain tasks to earn that sacred vest. However, only the members receive the “Hells Angels” logo on their vests. The dirty work pushed aside by the members is assigned to the prospects such as arranging the meeting room before the conference. When this “trial period” ends, prospects are presented with the Hells Angels logo sewed on their vests making them complete members.

Every Group Has A Specific Area

According to this rule, most groups in Hells Angels can only ride in particular areas. When a group “claim” an area, it is allotted to them completely and no other group (even if they are a part of Hells Angels club) is allowed to enter that zone unless it comes in their way to some other place. An area that is claimed by any group of Hells Angels is named as theirs. This area designation is quite a serious thing and the members belonging to various groups choose different hospitals in order to avoid encountering each other.

Charity Work Done By Hells Angels

Hells Angels may have a reputation of being thunderous but the truth is something truly kind. The club organizes a toy drive every year for Toys for Tots. On one occasion, the riders of Hells Angels camped out at a hypermarket waiting for the Black Friday sale. As soon as the store opened, the members bought more than 200 bicycles. The Hells Angels donated all those bikes to a nonprofit organization helping the homeless - Poverello House. Their motto states, “When we do right, nobody remembers. When we do wrong, nobody forgets.”

Respect Is A Two-Way Street

There is nothing to be threatened about with Hells Angels. The club members have a stern code of respect. If you talk to them respectfully, they will always treat you with the same regard. A few journalists who have received the opportunity to interview the members of this group called them “inviting” and “incredibly welcoming.” The Hells Angels have lent a helping hand to their neighbors and even assisted strangers. The key here is to give them respect. But if you ever overstep the mark, don’t expect the members to be good to you. 

Ensuring Security At Concerts

While you may have come across a few members of Hells Angels standing at concerts and ensuring full security around the venue. You might not know this but for Hells Angels, working as concert security started in 1961. George Harrison called a few members of the motorcycle club to London from San Francisco to be present at the Beatles concert and maintain security. After that one gig, the Hells Angels were hired by many concert organizers to work as local security. The riders could enjoy the concert as they perform their duty and make a few dollars.

Honoring The Departed Members

When the club loses a young member to an unfortunate accident, the members do everything to keep the memories of the deceased biker alive. Hanging their posters, narrating their story, and riding with the person’s photos are a few gestures to honor them. One such tragedy happened when Clay Hubbard killed himself in 2018. One year later, Clay’s mom, Christy Hubbard connected with the Hells Angels. The members prayed with her in a parking space. Christy gifted a bracelet to those club members as a memory of Clay so that he could “ride along with them on their rides.”

Dedicated Involvement In The Community

Hells Angels are dedicated to community involvement and several members contribute to local charities and participate in such events that give back to society. You will see Hells Angels extending their support to the shops and bars located in their vicinity. When a Hells Angels group found out that one of the local bars was working towards raising funds for a nonprofit called SELF School that made various educational essentials and resources available to disabled children and cancer patients. The group jumped in and helped in raising a good amount for the organization.

Being A Shield For Their Brand

You might be already aware of the importance that their brand holds for all the members of Hells Angels. They will do anything to protect it and keep it safe. Can you imagine the extent to which the bikers would go to shield their brand? Violence is not always the answer in such cases. So, the members of Hells Angels follow the law and keep it entirely legitimate while fighting disrespect. They sued Disney after the release of the movie “Wild Hogs” and that’s not all – they have proceeded against many big brands.

Creating And Following Their Own Rules

For Hells Angels, everything boils down to following their own rules. The rules that society has declared have little or no significance in their world. One of the publications revealed, “They, of course, didn’t have jobs. They despised everything that most Americans pursue – stability, security. They rode their bikes, hung out in bars for days at a time, fought with anyone who messed with them. They were self-contained, with their own set of rules, their own code of behavior. It was extraordinary.”

How It All Began

The history of Hells Angels may be a mystery but it is known that the club emerged on March 17, 1948, in Fontana, California. The credit for forming this club goes to a World War II veteran and a few others including the Bishop family. The stories about their criminal activities make rounds but the Hells Angels reveal that the club began when the bikes were made economical by the military surplus and various youngsters felt sluggish during the post-war phase. Apart from this, the club’s name has an intriguing reason behind it.

An Interesting Thought Behind Their Name

The website of Hells Angels explains how the name was derived and who inspired it. It states that Arvid Olson who was an associate of the founding members brought this name to the table as he had served in the “Hell's Angels” squadron of the Flying Tigers in China during World War II. The American soldiers gave powerful and raging nicknames to their squadron and Hells Angels became a favorite choice in that case. So, that’s the inspiration behind the bikers choosing this fierce title as their brand name.

Multiplying Charters

For some years after the club was founded, it grew across California at an impressive speed. Ralph “Sonny” Barger who was the founder of the Oakland charter shared that the first few charters that started in California originated in San Francisco, Fontana, Gardena, Oakland, and other regions. During those days, the charters that were formed had no distractions. They were even not familiar with other clubs around them. In the 1950s, things changed and the biker groups that were operating separately merged, and one huge organization was established. Later, they devised their rules and code of conduct.

Hells Angels Had A Lot To Do With Counterculture

When the counterculture movement emerged in the early 1960s, it didn’t take long for the Hells Angels to step ahead and become a linchpin of this huge movement in California. In the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, they were quite eminent. They even attended local social events and music festivals very often. In addition to this, many members of the club formed connections with the major leaders in music and expression of the counterculture including Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey, the Rolling Stones, the Merry Pranksters, Jerry Garcia, and the Grateful Dead, etc.

A Reputation To Uphold

This club and some other biker gangs tag themselves as a one-percenter biker club. A 50-year-old title gave rise to this phrase and it takes inspiration from an ancient saying that states that 1% of rabble-rousers or outlaws can lead to a bad reputation for the other 99% of motorcyclists. This club wishes to break all the strings that attach them to negativity and ignominy and this name helps them keep a distance from the stereotypes that surround the motorcycle clubs. However, some members have been charged with certain crimes including selling narcotics and murders.

Spreading Around The Globe

Initially, the Hells Angels only existed in California. However, in 1961, they decided to go international. The first international charter started in Auckland, New Zealand in the same year. Soon, the biker gang started spreading all around the globe. The news reached Europe and the first charter was established in London. Presently, Europe alone has over 275 charters! Since the 1970s, the Hells Angels have only expanded and the charters have been opened in South Africa, Australia, Eastern Europe, Brazil, and many more. The club is still considering more places to establish its charters.

A Typical Hells Angels’ Outfit

You will always see the members of Hells Angels donning a leather or denim “cut” (slang for motorcycle vest). One can notice some patches with their insignia on the cut and the name of the charter at the bottom. A full member has some further additions on their attire that include a red and white-winged “death head” logo, the number 81, and the letters HAMC (Hells Angels Motorcycle Club). The theory behind number 81 is not complicated. It just represents the position of letters “H” and “A” in the alphabet.

Entering The World Of Hells Angels

Receiving an inside ticket to Hells Angels is not a walk in the park. One cannot just become a member in the blink of an eye. Firstly, you must be a licensed motorcycle rider and then, you should be riding a Harley Davidson bike over 750 CC. Also, your personality should easily blend in with the rest of the gang. You must never have been arraigned for child molestation. Apart from this, you should have no record of applying for a position as a police officer or a prison guard.

Stages Of A Hang-Around

After the interested candidates pass the eligibility criteria of Hells Angels, they are then called “hang-around”. After they enter set foot in this first stage, the prospective members are given the invitation to attend club meetings and receive the opportunity to interact with the club members at the gatherings and events. The prospective candidates need to take this stage seriously as the bonds that they build during this time form the base for the next stages. They become accustomed to the club’s lifestyle and that marks the commencement of a new journey for any “hang-around”.

From An Associate To A Prospect

When the hang-around shows curiosity in the club, they are given the title of being an associate. The associates have to continue attending meetings and events. After being an associate for a while, they can finally be a prospect. The prospects can now be present in closed meetings of the group but they can’t vote on club business. The big decision of whether the prospect can be made a fully-patched member is in the hands of the members. Prospects can wear a cut that has a patch revealing the state or territory of their charter.

Conditions For Being Voted In

After the prospect stage, the final phase of this process is having a fully-patched membership by being voted in. For this, the votes need to be unanimous. Before the voting, the prospect takes a tour of every charter and introduces himself as a way to show his respect to the club. Once he is voted in by his own charter, the member is presented with a winged death head logo and his top Hells Angels rocker at an initiation ceremony. This final step wherein the person is awarded the “full member” title is called “being patched”.

Some Hidden And Mysterious Patches

There are quite a few secret patches worn by the members. Tony Thompson described this fact in the book “Gangs” and revealed that the members earn various patches for different deeds. One patch has “Filthy Few” written on it and is a Nazi-style SS lightning bolt. Apparently, it is awarded to the member who is willing to commit a crime like murder for the sake of the club or has already done. Another one is called the “Dequiallo” patch for the members who have met law enforcement violently while arrested. That’s not all! The secret patches are plenty.

Tale of Hunter S. Thompson

One astonishing story linked to Hells Angels is related to Hunter S. Thompson, the “Gonzo” journalist whose career kick-started through Hells Angels when his book titled “Hells Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs” was published. For completing this book, the writer spent one whole year living with the biker gang. But things didn’t end well. On one occasion, when his wife was being beaten by a man, he interrupted but was attacked too. Moreover, the Hells Angels claimed that they never received any percentage of the profit that he made with his book’s success.

A Concert Disaster

One shocking incident happened at the Altamont Speedway in 1969. No one really knows who called the club for security backup at the event but the crowd wasn’t pleased with their presence. The uncontrollable concertgoers were beaten but the situation worsened with Merideth Hunter pulling out a gun. One member of the club attacked this guy immediately and Passaro, one club member stabbed him and Hunter died there and then. The cops arrested Passaro but he was released after the footage proved that Hunter had a gun and Passaro took that action to save himself.

Sons Of Anarchy Is A Loose Depiction Of Hells Angels

The TV show “Sons of Anarchy” might be categorized as a fictional series but the creator Kurt Sutter has given this show a few real-life elements of Hells Angels. So, it can be referred to as a loose representation of the motorcycle club. This TV show stars some of the real members of the Hells Angels including Chuck Zito, Sonny Barger, David Labrava, and Rusty Coones. Surprisingly, Labrava was also hired as a technical advisor by Kurt Sutter as he could serve the show with accuracy. He portrayed the character “Happy” throughout the show.

Sonny Barger Almost Runs Hells Angels

If there’s one member of the club who has stayed on top for the longest time, it’s Sonny Barger. He is the president of the Oakland charter and is its original founder. He has earned great respect. This 82-year-old has the longest membership of Hells Angels and has stayed out of legal trouble (mostly). He was in prison for 4 years after his attempt at detonating a clubhouse owned by a rival group in 1988. Apart from this one instance, he has stayed clean. He has even written books describing his life and Hells Angels?

Maurice “Mom” Boucher Gained Notoriety

Maurice “Mom” Boucher gained notoriety because of his actions despite being the president of the Montreal chapter of the Hells Angels during the Quebec Biker War that went on for 8 years. He is among the most ill-famed ex-presidents of the club. He is imprisoned after being charged with murder and trafficking of illegal substances. This guy started his biker gang experience with SS, a white supremacist club. He was responsible for the Lennoxville Massacre. This is why he is named among the most vicious leaders in the history of the club.

Firing Lawsuits Like Bullets

Hells Angels was involved in quite a few legal matters. The one that grabbed a lot of attention was in 2007 when Hells Angels brought an action against Disney as the company used the Hells Angels’ logo in “Wild Hogs” and never took permission. Then, in 2010 they sued Alexander McQueen for adding a winged death head symbol to their designs which is a trademark of the club. They even brought a suit against Toys “R” Us in 2012 as the company was selling yo-yos with the “Death Head” logo inscribed on them.

Puzzling History Of George Christie

George Christie is one of the longest-serving presidents in the club’s history and some mysterious instances revolve around him. He exited the gang in 2001 suspiciously. There were rumors that he was shaking hands with the cops and so, the club boycotted him. He was the president of the Ventura, California charter of the club. Unexpectedly, George Christie was put in prison for firebombing and shakedown on a tattoo shop in Ventura. Later, he connected with the History Channel and worked with them on a show called “Outlaw Chronicles” and authored some books too.

An Outrageous Rejection

The incident that occurred in 2002 where George Christie Jr. was denied entry into the Ventura County Fair as he rebelled against the policy stating that club attire and tattoos were banned repeated again in 2003. “This is a constitutional thing for one, but it goes far beyond that. This is not something I take lightly or something I just do on weekends. I’m a Hells Angel 24 hours a day. I’ve dedicated my life to it, and I equate that to religion,” Christie shared.