These 20 Towns With The Weirdest Names Actually Exist In America

We are here to enlighten you about some quirky names given to the towns in America. Once you know them, you would wish to explore and find if they justify their “eccentric” name! You might have heard about Hancock town in Maryland but there is one more place that exists in the same state. That’s called Accident! Yes, that’s a town name. Let’s see how you react to more of these!

Boring, Maryland

Why would a place be named “Boring”? No, it’s not because of the lack of excitement there! There is a better reason than that. The town got its name after a person who lived there. That’s all! It is no different from the other places when it comes to the lifestyle or the people. 

We guess we all are in a “monotonous” state of mind and this town is just addressing that publicly without intending to do so! Boring might just be pretty cool.

Hell, Michigan

Wondering who thought about naming it Hell? Let’s answer this before you come up with your assumptions about this town that may sound negative and there is no point going down that road. 

So, according to one of the theories behind its moniker, two German tourists said, "So schön hell!” as soon as they stepped in the town, (Translated as, "So beautifully bright!") and these words had a strong impact on the residents and we can see what happened next!

Whenever you find yourself in Michigan, don’t forget to drop round to see Hell!

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Say the truth or bear the consequences! No, that’s not a tagline for this city but it is definitely what we get reminded of on hearing the name. In fact, it is called so after the radio quiz show by the same name. It all started with a challenge. 

Initially, this city in New Mexico was called Hot Springs before it was changed to Truth or Consequences in 1950, all for being in the news for a while. That radio show must be inspiring!

This town is awaiting you and while you are there, do get a picture that proves you chose dare and landed in Truth or Consequences.

Ding Dong, Texas

Now, there is a town dedicated to the sound of the doorbells. Okay, don’t get serious, doorbell sound was not given a tribute here. The reason for this unique moniker is something different. Ding Dong got its name after a store sign that had two bells drawn with the words “ding” and “dong” written under the bells. 

Naming a city or a town seems easy this way. But people need to get a little more creative with this process. It might be even more entertaining. 

Heading to Texas? Do ring a doorbell at Ding Dong!

Why, Arizona

As if there were not enough mysteries in the world, this township has a question in its name! We want to know “Why”? 

This small town, Why in Pima County, Arizona has two State Routes 85 and 86 that have a Y-intersection that inspired the residents to name it after this. Now, city names needed to have at least three letters according to the state law, so, “Why” happened!

This is hilarious and the origination of such thoughts deserves recognition. Leave all other interrogations for a visit to the town Why.

Two Egg, Florida

An incorporated community in Florida is called Two Egg that is humorous and intriguing at the same time. There is always a story to explain the existence of weird stuff. 

Let’s see the “Two Egg” tale that is dubious but being carried on! It is believed that two eggs fell accidentally leading to the name while others take it back to the Great Depression time when people exchanged eggs for goods at a store in the neighborhood. We wonder what’s true! In either case, we want to have an omelet for breakfast in this town.

Monkey’s Eyebrow, Kentucky

Whatever you do, just don’t raise your eyebrows at this outlandish town name as it too has a story to tell. Located in Ballard County, Kentucky, Monkey’s Eyebrow got this name as the aerial view of this town makes one think of a monkey’s head. There are more theories as well but let’s just keep this with us!

A quick fact: Monkeys don’t have eyebrows! Don’t be disappointed, you can still imagine them with this feature especially when you are around Kentucky in the United States. 

Now, go monkey around for a while in this town!

Cut and Shoot, Texas

A little boy inspired this city in Texas to be called, Cut and Shoot. We bet he turned out to be a leader in the future. However, we are more concerned about the history in this case. The instances that led to the little boy screaming, “I’m scared! I’m going to cut around the corner and shoot through those bushes in a minute” were complicated as there was violence involved. 

The issue is obscure but it is assumed to be related to the ownership of land. We hear that scream now and the puzzle is solved. Cut and Shoot is justified!

Accident, Maryland

What were all the accidents that happened here? Probably not many as it is only spread over 0.49 square miles. What can happen in such a tiny area when the total population is not more than 500 people? Just one accident happened and the outcome is here in front of you!

This happened in 1786 when a survey was being carried out in that area by Brooke Beall and coincidentally, William Deakins, Jr. conducted the survey for the same land. This turned out to be the “accident” and the name came into existence.

No Name, Colorado

It seems like someone ran out of options for monikers of places. As a result, No Name got a spot on the map. No Name is situated in Garfield County, Colorado and the two areas surrounding it are called No Name Canyon and No Name Creek. How convenient is this!

The Colorado Department of Transportation can take the credit for this naming as one of the officials while working on the construction of the interstate highway could not find what that area was called. He put up a signboard stating “No Name” and there has been no looking back since then. The town got a “perfect” name that passers-by can get a glimpse of while traveling through the state!

What Cheer, Iowa

“What cheer with you?” 

For all the millennials who are greeting each other in their latest “language”, this phrase written above has been used since the 15th century in England for greeting. So, we don’t think you are aware of any such term being real! Cheers to learning a new way of saying “hello”!

Peter Britton, the founder of this city in Keokuk County, Iowa dreamed of it being known as Petersburg but the Post Office was not fond of his idea and we all know what it changed to and one of the theories is clear relating to that phrase. Of course, this is not the only explanation behind this unconventional moniker.

Jot Em Down, Texas

One’s obsession with radio shows can turn out to be quite amusing for other people. Take this for example where a town in Texas was named Jot Em Down after the hypothetical store’s name in Lum and Abner radio show. You need to be a diehard fan to be able to accomplish such a thing. 

People who come across this unincorporated community would never forget it. It will stay noted in their memory for a long time. Do you see what we did there? Jot Em Down sounds bizarre but it is cool to talk about!

Okay, Oklahoma

The word “unusual” is not enough to describe this town name. It is weirdly strange and we need to process this in our heads before we start judging it, rather stay away from making some judgments. Okay? Okay. 

This town did not get this name in the beginning. Before its present name, it was called Coretta, Falls City, Rex, and North Muskogee before Okay was finalized. This leads us to imagine what was wrong with the earlier names!

Whenever someone asks about your experience at this town, just shake your head and say it was “Okay”!

Embarrass, Minnesota

While teenagers are embarrassed to be stuck at uneventful places in many parts of the country, there are people residing in a town named Embarrass and we don’t know what’s worse! 

This town located in Saint Louis County, Minnesota has nothing to be embarrassed about, not even with its name as there is a meaningful story behind its origin. The French fur traders visited this area a long time ago and discovered a river that was really hard to cross and called it “Embarras” because the French translation of this term is “to hinder with obstacles or difficulties”.

You get it now? It’s all relevant!

Satan’s Kingdom, Massachusetts

A small part of the state of Massachusetts, Satan’s Kingdom is located near the Vermont border. This name is definitely thought-provoking which makes everyone curious about the reason for its wacky labeling.

This place suffered many attacks in the past and also, there are harsh surrounding conditions including rough terrain that makes the survival tough. Hence, it got its name!

Go ahead, you can pay a visit to Satan’s Kingdom and “brag” about you being a tourist there.

Nothing, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is not the only thing that makes Arizona special. Some weird towns make Arizona famous too! One is called “Why” and the other is “Nothing”. Yes, these are actual names given to the towns in that state. Nothing stays true to its name and is as empty as it sounds!

There are no attractions, no people and no shops that any town is supposed to have. It is declared as a ghost town. You can just take a ride to Nothing and do nothing but stare into hollowness. Of course, you need to have time on your hands to experience this.

Bacon Level, Alabama

We found a place for all the bacon lovers! Although we are not sure if there is any bacon available there, the name is enough to give us “bacon” dreams. 

The bubble did not take long to burst as we could not find any information about this town in Randolph County, Alabama. Not a good for bacon, guys! We’ll have to grab some snacks on our way home today as the incorporation of food in town names has us starving. 

Let’s hope that the future of Bacon Level is full of what it says in its title!

Mexican Hat, Utah

Hold on to your hats! There is a town in Utah that flaunts its hat and is named after that. That does not happen every day, right?

Mexican Hat gets this moniker as there is a rock resembling a type of wide-brimmed hat in the town. Rock climbing is made convenient in this hat-shaped rock too. However, we wonder who gets there for an adventure! The population has been witnessing a decline if the census report is considered. 

Let’s see if the hat attracts more people (at least for rock climbing!).

Forks of Salmon, California

There are quite a few places with food items in their names that make us want to savor that dish instantly more than anything else. Right now, we would devour a salmon cuisine and then plan a trip to Forks of Salmon in northern California. 

However, this small community takes its name after the location. The north and south forks of the Salmon River merge and that’s where this town is situated. As simple as that! This weird name is based on facts. 

It’s funny how our minds run in the direction of food just by the mention of one dish. This needs to change, right?

Fiddletown, California

“Fiddling around” is the first thought that comes to our minds as we read this title and that’s exactly how this moniker came into existence! Some miners were considered to be “fiddling around” during the months of hot weather when water wasn’t available and later, it became the way of how the town would be known to the world. We won’t deny it, it sounds fun to be there!

This town has managed to be one of the California Historical Landmarks and we are not fooling around with the facts! Okay, we just got so intrigued by the name and this needs to stop. 

Go visit Fiddletown and know the “history”.