These Are Probably the Funniest Airport Welcome Signs Ever

Airport signs don’t have to be simple and boring. Most people just write the name on cardboard, but some do it interestingly and creatively. Some of these signs are super cute and some of them are just plain crazy. We are sure that you will be inspired by a few of these signs and you will certainly be entertained.

Here are 50 of the best signs people spotted at the airport.

Welcome Home, Mom

This mom just got home from a trip. Maybe she was really in prison, or maybe they just wanted to be sarcastic and test their mom’s patience after a long and exhausting flight. Either way, they definitely stirred things up at the airport with their sign. We wonder how the mom reacted to this.

I’m Your Baby

The soldier dad just landed. His little girl - whom he had never met - was waiting for him with this sign. One sacrifice is not being able to be there when your wife goes into labor or to see your baby as soon as he or she is born. She's probably the most beautiful thing he's ever seen!

May The Farce Be With Her.

The girl flew alone for the first time and this is how dad greeted her at the airport. In the 1980s The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader reveals to the young Luke Skywalker that he is his father. The revelation stunned audiences and helped cement Star Wars' place in film history. This Rebecca person is also a daughter of the Sith Lord - or, you know, of an extremely geeky dad. Nice job, dad

On Christmas Eve

When your family has finally agreed to come to visit you for the holidays, there’s only one way to make them regret that decision before they even leave the airport. Everyone in this family is known for being a holiday Grinch, so this young man decided to throw it in their faces by putting on an entire suit dedicated to the holiday season. Despite rolling their eyes, they had to admit it was a jolly sight to see.

Welcome Grandparents

There is something incredibly special about the bond between grandparents and grandchildren, and it's so much deeper than fresh cookies and free babysitting.

This kid made a sign for grandma and grandpa's arrival. It's getting a lot of smiles at the airport while we wait to see the grandparent’s reaction.

Military Lingo

This woman is waiting to meet her military partner - and has chosen to use military lingo to let him know he has a lot of questions to answer as soon as he gets home. This is a wonderful way to show that she knows the language of the world he's been living in, and also a playful way to make him realize that his work is far from over, even though he's home.

Getting Right to It

Matt may have spent a long time away from home, but he thought he was pretty up to date about family matters. Well, he was in for a pretty big shock when his two brothers greeted him at the airport. Still, if this was the news they've been putting off telling him for some reason, there's no better way to spill the beans. It's like a band-aid - you just have to rip it off!

Embarrassing Parents

Oh well - embarrassing parents will be embarrassing parents. They are waiting for their son, holding up a huge sign of his face, with the most hilarious expression imaginable plastered on it. Another sign letting everyone know what his embarrassing pet name is.

Orphans in Need of Parents

We're pretty sure these "orphans” aren't bereft of parents. In fact we think that they have amazing parents if their kids all come to greet them at the airport, especially when they're all clearly past 25. They clearly missed their parents and all the accompanied benefits of having great parents a lot.

Showing Love

Picking up his mother from a long break abroad, this boy thought that the best way to show his love was by humiliation. We sincerely hope that his mom has a great sense of humor and a whole lot of love for this brave boy.

Laundry Time

The sign is pretty interesting and cute, and the kids' drawings are pretty impressive… unless their dad had something to do with it. We're pretty sure their dad was the one who added the P.S., at least. This mom got the message loud and clear that no laundry was done whilst she was away.


Mom, dad, this boy needs his sugary start to the day - and cereal ain't going to buy itself. The fact that he's over 30 and decided to tell them about this in a very public place is entirely beside the point. He even dressed in his onesie to convey the message that he is still their one and only baby.

Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock

If you haven't watched Friends, you might not immediately get the reference - but in the show, Phoebe changed her name, following her marriage, to "Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock." But the real inside joke here, of course, is what Phoebe's newlywed husband changed his name to in return: "Crap Bag" - so the joke is on the guy carrying this sign!

Report for Booty Sign

When you have a significant other who’s in the military, you may have to endure long months away from one another. This woman had an interesting way of welcoming her husband home after deployment. We are sure that he is more than happy to report for duty.

Welcome Home, Baby

This woman had a unique way of breaking up with her significant other when he arrived home, presumably after a military deployment of some kind. Poor guy had to do all that reading just to find out in the end that she dumped him. Most probably a case of “good riddance”for him.

Potty Humor

This sign seems pretty suspicious, especially if you don't know what Imodium is.

If you do know what it is, it quickly turns from being suspicious to hilariously embarrassing.

Imodium, you see, is a brand of medicine that's used to treat people with chronic diarrhoea. Does Sarah suffer from chronic diarrhoea? We doubt it. What she does suffer from, though, is friends or family with a pretty vicious sense of humor.

Michael Jordan Sign

This father caused a stir with his sign when he went to pick up his son at the airport. Passersby were pretty unhappy to see who turned up. That’s a genius way to let everyone hate you without saying a word.

Who Would Do This?

It's always nice when your kids wait for you at the airport and greet you as soon as you land. If they make a sign - well, that's even more heartwarming. But when the sign is made out of what looks like a giant roll of toilet paper, and when it carries an ominous message like "Only We Would Do This"… well. That may be cause for concern.

All We Want For Christmas

This reminds us of the classic Christmas song, “All I Want For Christmas Is You." It’s very tongue in cheek, and extremely cute. There's nothing like meeting a family that's coming home after a long time apart and so much better if it includes a family Christmas.

Meet Mini Me

Well, we know this person has been away for at least nine months… and judging

by the soldiers in the background, it looks like dad’s been away with the army.

What a great way to break the news of imminent (or rather, immediate) parenthood! Not something that could have ever been conveyed over the telephone during the long gestation period.

Blunt Lady

There are many ways of referring to the people you love. Calling someone a “noisy, pale-faced lady” is probably not the first thing that would come to mind, but perhaps that is this girl’s nickname toward her best friend. There is a reason they call them inside jokes – but that doesn’t stop those on the outside from guessing!

Finally Arrived

This woman has been waiting forever for her man to come home from Afghanistan.

She certainly kept busy by counting down the days to his arrival. We hope that the feeling is mutual, otherwise there are still more lonely days ahead for her.

Relationship Goals

You and your partner have been celebrating National Margarita Day for a while now. Many years counting. But this year, your flight was delayed, well, fear not. Your husband is an incredibly sweet and thoughtful man, so he brought the margarita stand to you. What can we say? Relationship goals.

It’s Okay To Be Gay

When it comes to matters of orientation, it is sometimes hard to say the right thing or be politically correct. Especially for those who are from a different generation and were not brought up as accepting of those who are different as we are today. This dad however handled the situation excellently.

The Dogs Missed You So Much

Dogs aren’t always well-behaved when their owners are away from home. They might act out in many ways, such as eating furniture. Just take it as a compliment. This sign softened the news of the destroyed couch at least a bit.

Hot Gravy

We've called our partners all sorts of names and used all sorts of terms of endearment.

"Honey," "sugar" and "babe" are all quite common, but some couples have their standards - and this couple uses "Hot Gravy”. We wonder what the motivation was for this nickname, or do we?

Cousins Love

There’s nothing like the love between cousins. When this girl arrived at the airport, she found her cousin waiting for her with a custom sign. Thankfully, she was all too happy to strike a pose with it, and she obviously understood the logic behind the sign.

Not Just Spouses

It isn't just spouses who miss their loved ones. Kids can get pretty impatient about seeing their parents again too, and this girl's sign is a perfect example of that. It's not just her sign, though - take a look at her posture and the devilish look in her eye: this is one girl that's ready to pounce on her dad and hug him enough to make up for all the time they spent apart!

Welcome, Modern Family

Eric Stonestreet is one of the most popular cast members of Modern Family, the hugely successful sitcom. So it would make sense that he'd have fans waiting to greet him at the airport as soon as he landed. Despite the long flight, Eric is a good sport and doesn't mind taking a few photos with his fans and the tongue in cheek sign they made to greet him with!

Chocolate Johnny

Would we be embarrassed for Johnny's sake? Sure, maybe a little - bit if there was chocolate in it for us, we'd get over it pretty quickly. This guy went through a lot of trouble to greet his “person” at the airport though.

Waiting a Lifetime

This little girl hasn't yet had the chance to meet her veteran dad. And when you're a parent to a newborn baby, every day spent away can feel like a lifetime as well. It's difficult not to tear up when you see this sign - but we choose to take comfort in the fact that they've finally been united, and we hope they won't have to say goodbye again for many years to come.


Looks like this baby mama hasn’t lost her sense of humor throughout the challenges of pregnancy – and why shouldn’t she have a bit of fun with it all? Hopefully the daddy will see the humor in this sign.

Don't Forget Your Thumbs

It's nice to feel excited about people coming home - and this guy made a sign to share his feelings. Unfortunately, he left out an important part of the joke. The sign should have read "Who has two thumbs and is excited Taylor and Steven are home? This guy."

As things currently stand, the two thumbs up under his face aren't explained in full!

Dinosaur At The Airport

But what did his sign say? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Dinosaurs can't write. This Dinosaur might be meeting a fellow dinosaur, which is fine, because dinosaurs can’t read either. Sometimes words aren’t necessary.


Well, it takes all sorts, we guess. And while we're sure this couple is loving and respectful of each other, their little joke of him being her sugar daddy probably confused quite a few people. It's a little awkward - especially considering they asked someone to take a photo of them - but ultimately, it's quite cute.

A Simple Welcome Sign

When you request a simple welcome sign at the airport and this is what greets you. This person doesn’t like drama at all and wanted to slip through the cracks unseen, but that obviously wasn’t the case with such a welcoming sign.

Another Simple Sign

This is how one girl picked up her boyfriend from the airport. Hilarious, isn’t it? Looks like she was a little bit afraid of his reaction though, because the sign was quite small and not too obvious.

Welcome Nemo

After a bazillion hours, Nemo made It home. The sibling these two are greeting at the airport definitely has a great love for the lovable little character, Nemo.

The Tradition Continues

That face is great. It's the face of a dear friend who realized he had it coming by being friends with degenerates. He probably started the tradition.

Clan Matters

Some people don’t value family. However, this guy certainly doesn’t fall into that category as he patiently awaits the arrival of “Douglas of the clan MacGregor.” This is a family that never forgets where they came from and are bound by certain traditions and beliefs. We wouldn’t be surprised if these two McGregors reunite in kilts and play the bagpipes all the way home.

Oh, That Kids

"You did your best." So... did she not make it all the way through? I have so many questions. Weirdly it does seem as if the kids thought this sign was genuine rather than a horrifyingly funny airport sign.

The FORCE Is Waiting

Nothing compares to dressing up as legendary Star Wars baddie Darth Vader and greeting a whole platoon of imperial StormTroopers. These guys pulled out all of the stops for their reunion at the airport. We are sure that they attracted a lot of attention from bystanders as well.

You’ve Got Some Explaining To Do

Selfie sticks are a polarizing craze, to say the least. And although we don’t want to say that they’ve revolutionized the way we take photos, they have certainly made it easier to take selfies. However, some individuals are completely against this tool. Britney is a classic example of this. After catching her partner Simon using the device on his travels, she realized that this relationship couldn’t go any further.

Secret Agents

It’s fun to fool everyone into thinking you’re an elite politician or celebrity. And that’s exactly what these two friends did when they picked up their pal, Miss Wilson. We bet they drew a lot of attention, which was the main goal.

Simply The Best

Some signs can be very confusing and over the top, but you don't need anything more than this. Straightforward and self explanatory is all you need when you can’t wait for that long overdue kiss.

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online games in the world. If you don't play the game, this sign might be difficult to understand. We can tell though that this person is meeting a friend he's met online for the first time in person, and is holding up a playfully nerdy sign to greet him with!

Alice From Wonderland

This pickup was for someone who goes by their social media name Random Citizen but it does look pretty funny written on a sign. It puts a new meaning on your mom’s warning not to give rides to strangers.

Try Not To Smile

This girl wasn’t calling someone out specifically with the sign but she was pranking everyone who walked by. That’s one way to get yourself noticed (and kill some time at the airport)! We wonder how many people were able to hide their smiles.


This one is pretty awkward… and from the look on this guy’s face, we are not too sure if this is in jest or if he’s calling someone out here. The sunglasses don’t help, either. Is there mirth or murder in this guy’s eyes? Who knows! If we were the recipient of this sign and had done the dirty on holiday, we’d look for an alternative exit.

Not Falling Far

This mother-daughter reunion is truly heartwarming. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," the saying goes - and while the apple may have travelled very far indeed in this case, she eventually ended up right back with the tree that gave birth to her, overcoming distance and other obstacles.

Can't Contain His Excitement

When people hold up signs and wait for their loved ones to return, it's usually accompanied by some dimension of excitement and happiness. This is what this sign ironically plays off. We are sure though that these two grasp the meaning of the sign and are very happy to be reunited.

Mum And Son

This mum made her son walk through the airport like this. Bet he's glad he came back from that gap year in Europe nevertheless and is very lucky to have such a doting, funny mom.