Summers are all about hitting the beach and working on your tan. There is nothing better on a hot summer day than lounging in your beachwear with a cool drink in your hand. But thanks to social media, these beach visits have another important element now- clicking a gazillion photos to prove how much fun you are having! That was probably the plan for these people but they ended up with some of the most hilarious photos ever. If you want some nostalgia on days when the beach is out of reach, these photos will perk up your mood!
Photo-Bomber On The Loose
Who exactly was taking this selfie- the girls or the dog? The dog doesn’t look happy to have the girls in the frame. Perhaps he wanted a picture of just himself and these girls threw themselves in the picture, such fan girls! No matter how much we want to believe this version, this doesn’t seem real. The girls were taking a picture when the dog suddenly jumped in front of the camera. We are not mad at him because the photo turned out funny and because he’s a good boy!

A Family Photo Gone Wrong
When you your own family, taking pictures of all happy days becomes important. Going to the beach with the family is one such day and we totally understand the appeal. A family smiling their widest against a scenic backdrop is a must in a photo album. This family decided to take photos of their beach day with their two kids. It could have been a lovely photo of the couple swinging their kids but they forgot 2 kids are too much to handle sometime!

Sunning And Boozing
Who doesn’t want to get on with their tan while relaxing on the beach with a little drink? That would be anyone’s ideal summer weekend but looks like this man’s sunning attempt misfired hilariously! It seems like he fell asleep on the beach while holding a beer bottle. It would have given him hilarious tan lines anyhow but we believe that applying some sunscreen would have prevented the burn. We can almost feel the pain through the picture, ouch!

You Have Been Warned
We have never seen a sign like this before! It isn’t a secret that sometimes people destroy beaches with such bad behavior and authorities often try to control these incidents but how often are they successful? While people might not be scared of being sent away from the beach, they’ll be trembling just at the thought of ending up on a YouTube video doing their business out in the open. Taken on a beach in Lithuania, this sign is a brilliant move by the beach authorizes.

Sand For Comfort
People build sandcastles at the beach all the time, it is one of the most entertaining activities to indulge in. But sadly, you can’t actually stay in that castle! This man came up with a solution to build a sand castle and also lounge in it. Instead of a castle, he built a sand-couch! This is the first time we’ve seen one but we can’t say it doesn’t look comfortable. Plus he’s covered it beautifully, he sure has an eye for design!

A Flying Donut Thief
When you are at the beach and trying to have a snack, you should just have it. If you wait too long, you are just asking for trouble. So much can happen at the beach, a ball can come flying in your face or a bird can steal it from you! We don’t know if this person was trying to click a picture of their donut before eating it or they whipped out their phone when the bird clutched their treat in its sharp beak. Either way, it was timed perfectly!

Attack Of The Seagulls
Hobbies are a great way to take your mind off the daily stress and monotony. From collecting stamps to cooking to bird watching, people indulge in different hobbies. But have you ever thought about the hobbies of animals? The tables turned when a couple of seagulls decided to do some people-watching at the beach. A group of people at a table having their meal tried to run away when these seagulls came too close. In their defense, they wanted to make some friends over lunch!

Clinton In A Football Accident
It isn’t everyday that we come across the US President on the beach. Even if he did want to hit the waves, there will be armed security guards around him. But what happened when Bill Clinton wound up in an unfortunate accident at the beach? He was playing touch football at the beach when he missed it and the ball ended up colliding with his face! We can’t blame the security for this because they are trained to cover him for bullets not footballs!

A Dripping Model
We’ve all seen those photos of women on the beach who dip their hair in the water and then flip them up to create a photogenic moment. Who wouldn’t have wanted to recreate that? But nobody expected a dog to win that race against thousands of professional models! We don’t know if this doggo was trained to do this or if it is a natural but the ‘hair flip’ is on point with the powerful stance. Someone enter this dog in a beauty pageant!

Can You Take Our Picture?
A couple at the beach wanted their picture taken and they did just what anyone else would do, they asked a nice person to click a photo of them. Only in this case they found an elderly person who made a funny mistake while taking the photo. They accidentally flipped the camera of the phone and instead of clicking a picture of the lovely couple, they ended up with a up-nostril shot of themselves! We’d have called them a little self obsessed but this accident was adorable.

A Conversational Signboard
When some activity is banned in a certain area, signboards are put up to let people know what they can’t do in that vicinity. These signboards are usually very straightforward with words like “…is prohibited” or “Do not…” but what happens when someone wants to get creative with signboards? They come up with a whole conversation on it! This signboard has left us confused if we can fly a kite here or not. But perhaps it’ll be better to just ‘find something else to do’!

In Case Of A Tidal Wave
Someone clicked a picture of this board propped near a beachside resort and we totally understand why! The board tries to explain what the tourists should do in case a tidal wave hits. We’d expect a list of safety protocols but the resort’s priorities were different. The board asks the tourists to first pay the bill before they ‘run like hell’ to save their life. We are assuming that this was meant to be funny but just in case, is the resort’s check-out speed more than the wave’s?

The Perfect Beach Illusion
Tourists love aligning the camera angle from a distance such that the thing or person in the foreground looks like a giant in contrast to the background. We’ve seen this for the Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa and now the beach! While everyone in the world is following this trend, not many can actually nail it like this! The sand bucket looks like it is ready to trap the girl. We know it’s a mere illusion but the camera work is flawless and we can’t get enough of that!

The Beachy Piggy
Pigs have a bad rap for always getting dirty in puddles of mud and grease. We have somehow just assumed that if a pig is ever let out of its sty, it will automatically look for a filthy spot and dive right in. Humans are so judgmental! What if a pig wants to take a stroll by the beach on the weekend? We don’t know how but this pig ended up on a beach and is changing our perception about its kind. It is hard to tell if it actually likes the clean water or if it is disappointed!

The Pied Piper Of Beach
Beach authorities often warn people against feeding seagulls but where are the signboards warning tourists about the raccoons? So perhaps it is okay to turn into the Pied Piper and get all the raccoons to follow you into the water for snack time! There is no danger, right? They are a regular at the beach. They practically belong with the beach goers. There is no rabies here, not at all!

Curled Up Cows
For any other country it would be a shock to see cows wandering on the streets but in India, this is a common sight. Stray cows are everywhere, from roads to parking lots to even the beach! To the locals this photo isn’t anything they would give a second look to but the tourists were startled. One of the tourists clicked a picture of two cows curled up near the lounging beach goers! This incident surely ended up in their journal and perhaps they ended up asking themselves, “Why can’t cow have some fun?”

Rolling In The Sand
Beach photos don’t get cuter than this. Someone happened to actually see this live and thought of the rest of us and clicked a picture to bring smile to the world. This photo is so adorable, we just…can’t! It isn’t often that we come across an elephant on the beach and even if by some divine intervention we do, what are the odds that it’ll be rolling in the sand like a happy puppy? This is special. We want to pet it and call it a good boy!

The Queen Of Sand
What would be your reaction if you found this at the beach? We don’t know about you but our first thought would be if there really is something like a mermaid but it actually is a sand-maid! Jokes aside, anyone would freak out if they stumbled upon this sand structure. It looks so real that anyone would believe it was a real woman covered in sand. But that’s just a sculpture with some seaweed hair. But what if that was a woman playing a prank? Yikes!

Nailing The Photo-Bomb
We’ve all had our photographs photo-bombed by random people and that is inevitable when you are at the beach with hundreds of others! But how often do we see a picture that got 10 times better because of a perfect photo-bomb? Some girls totally nailed their pose for a group photo at the beach. But the picture turned out to be even better because of a guy in the background who not only nailed the exact pose but someone maneuvered himself in the perfect spot where he wasn’t blocked!

A Headrest Is Must
Is there anyone on this planet who hasn’t at least once in their life fallen asleep on the beach while soaking in the sun? We’ve all been there and woke up with stiff neck because our head and neck didn’t get any support. Well, nobody wants to bring pillows to the beach for fear of sand creeping into it. But what happens when someone just needs some headrest? They bring along a tiny stool just like this man. That might have been his best nap ever!

Hiding Under The Umbrella
With the sun becoming too harsh to bear for some people, umbrellas often make an appearance at the beach. We’ve seen people sipping on chilled beverages or even reading a book while sitting in the shade of an umbrella but this group of guys took it too far! They dug up a hole in the sand, propped up a giant umbrella and sat down to a secret meeting. Let’s just hope they weren’t during anything less than legal but who knows what was happening at this secret sand convention!

Neck Deep In Sand
Who hasn’t seen funny pictures of people buried in sand up to their neck? We’ve all laughed at those photos but never stopped to take a second look. That is about to change when you set eyes on this dog who seems to be sprouting from the sand! It is hard to understand how this doggo stayed still for its owner to pour buckets of sand over it. We are already in awe of his patience but to top it all, it looks so cute!

Indulging In Beach Ballet
What even is happening in this photo? That is a ballet dancer for sure. She is at the beach, okay. She is posing with utmost grace, we can get behind that. She has a cat in her arms and now this scene is all over the place! The photo is super confusing but the original poster revealed on Reddit that they took their cat to the beach and met with a ballet dancer who was having a photo-shoot. That explains this cat’s rise to stardom!

Intruder From The Beach
Can you imagine how someone who feel if you closed the doors on them after befriending them at the beach? Thank god this is a seal and knows how to sneak into someone’s house otherwise it would have be sadly sitting outside the closed door! This house must have been pretty close to the beach that a cute little baby seal made its way up here. We don’t have the heart to send it away, we’d rather keep our doors open all the time in case this little friend wants to drop by!

Not On My Watch
We’ve all been annoyed at our slippers after they went missing from the beach while we were taking a little dip in the water. That is why most people wear cheap flip-flops to the beach. But what do you do when they are your favorite pair? Do what this person did! To secure their $2 slippers, they hooked them up to this metal structure with a $20 bike lock. But that’s just the price you have to pay if you are playing favorites with your flip-flops!

Living The Life Of 1995
We want to know who these people are who are looking for Wi-Fi at the beach! Why would you want internet when you can be building a sandcastle or playing volleyball on the beach? We are glad the beach authorities took matters into their own hands! Somebody had to tell these beach goers to keep their gadgets away and enjoy the moment. This sign that reads, “We do not have Wi-Fi. Talk to each other, pretend it’s 1995” is the perfect answer to all the internet slaves!

Every Instagram Boyfriend On The Beach
That is a gorgeous beach and when one guy was taking a picture of his girlfriend in the sea he realized that was exactly what all the other guys were doing! Is that what it feels like to be dating an Instagram influencer? We don’t know if all these women are influencers if they all just happen to make their boyfriends click pro level photos of them. But this picture almost seems gimmicky and we hope it was a set-up because how can someone ignore this beautiful nature for a posed photo?

A Beachside Sprite Advertisement
The marketing team for Sprite deserves a raise! This is the best advertisement they could have come up with for the beachgoers. The giant soda dispenser is sure to catch a lot of glances! It is amazing how someone thought of setting up showers on the beach to advertise a soda! There are creative geniuses out there and they need to be applauded. While we totally love the concept here, how did they miss the opportunity to have sprite vending machines here?

Homemade Bottle Floatie
If there could be one picture that represented why women live longer than men, it had to be this! What do you do when you don’t know how to swim but want to hit the beach? So what if he couldn’t swim, he still had the situation under control. That homemade ring made of empty soda bottles will keep him afloat, right? If those bottles were full and he had a pack of mentos, he’d have no problem turning this ‘life jacket’ into a jet pack!

Claiming The Cap
Should you get too friendly with seagulls? No. Is it okay to think of them as enemies? No. If you have any more such questions, you’ll probably get all the answers from this photo. It isn’t clear what this man had done to deserve this treatment from the seagull but we’ll assume that he got too close to the bird. If you try to get chummy with a seagull you’ll pay the price with your cap! This old man will not be getting anywhere near seagulls anytime soon (or wear a cap to the beach)!

A Glamorous Gator
There are so many questions about this picture that need answers. Why is this woman holding a baby alligator if she is so scared? Why was someone busy clicking pictures when this woman was clearly screaming with fear? Also, why is this alligator wearing a pearl necklace? Is that baby gator trying to impress someone with its string of pearls? Let’s be clear about one thing- no matter which species you belong to, nobody wears pearls to the beach!

Not A Good Boy
Have you ever experienced that when you are having a good time with your significant other, nature suddenly turns against you? It is one of the most frustrating things. If you’ve ever gone to the beach to sun yourself but met thunderstorms, you would understand it! But nothing can beat what this couple experienced. They were lounging at the beach, enjoying each other’s company when out of nowhere, a dog decided to relieve itself on the man’s arm. Imagine walking around the beach smelling like pee!

A Breezy Beach Moment
This woman wanted a picture taken of herself while she was posing in the water. In the right lighting this picture would have been phenomenal but somebody ruined her chance of turning into an Instagram model! Behind her back someone wrote the words, ‘she farted’ in the sand and clicked a photo. Perhaps this was a friend and just wanted to mess with her. Or she actually farted and the photographer took their revenge by pointing out the odor she subjected him to!

Some Swimming Lessons
The best way to learn how to swim is by jumping right into the water. Some people who didn’t learn swimming as children might have been thrown into a pool by peers as a prank or in some cases, to teach them how to swim. This dad decided to do the same with his kid when he went to the beach. But sadly he didn’t realize that the ocean might not be the perfect place to just thrown their kid in!

Splashing In The Pool
One of the main reasons people head to the beach is to take a dip in the ocean. The ocean is vast and yet so inviting. But if there is so much space to enjoy the water, why did these children end up in a paddling pool, just meters from the waves? Perhaps they are worried what the salty water would do to their hair! Or maybe they don’t know how to swim. Regardless of the reason, if the three kids want to continue doing this they may need a bigger pool!

A Show Of Strength
A trip to the beach is all about having fun in the water, getting a tan and making funny memories with friends. But to these girls it was also a chance to prove to their boyfriends that they are much stronger! It seems like the girls were tired of hearing about muscles and strength from the men and decided to show them that they were not behind them. They managed to carry their boyfriends on their backs and clicked a picture for proof. They don’t even look strained, so who’s stronger?

Tying The Knot
So many beaches around the world are dog friendly and that has made going to the beach even more fun. Taking your dog along to the beach to let it sun or paddle in the water with you is just awesome. But sometimes dogs get bored of lazing around in the sand. They just want to play! This pup’s idea of playing is a bit different though. Instead of running after a beach ball, it is pulling at the strings of its owner’s bikini. Talk about pets making your social life awkward!

Sun Protection To The Max
Imagine you are geared up to hit the beach. You have your bathing suit, your beach towel and chair, a book to read and your sunscreen. But then all of a sudden you realize that you are extremely afraid of the sun! A hat just won’t do and sunscreen has its limits. Then what do you do? If you are living in the coastal Shandong province of China, it is already sorted for you- just wear a face-kini. It is exactly what it sounds like, a bikini for your face!

Getting His Giraffe Game On
We see all kinds of animals on the beach. From fish to crabs to seagulls and sometimes if you are extremely unlucky, you might even end up meeting a jellyfish! Even though this list is long, you’d never expect to see a giraffe on the beach. This guy went to the beach dressed as a giraffe. He decked up in a full blown giraffe costume, painted his face and headed to the beach to meet a gorgeous woman. Going by their expressions, his little stunt seems to have fallen flat!

A Friend For Lunch
Such photos are all the rage these days, thanks to social media. We wonder how much trial and error went behind this photo. From the camera angle to the timing, so much needs to be adjusted for pictures like these. Here we have a girl acting like a giant cannibal trying to wolf down her friend! These two girls must have spent a lot of their precious beach time to get this picture right. But since they got it so perfectly, we can’t complain about it.